' « t u ■ \' PAG& TBk S A l'U R D A y DECEMBER 28, 196t ilmtrl;pBtfr lEu?ntUQ l|prali!i ATtraRi! Daily Net Prem Run For tl^ W e e k Ended The Westhcr December 28, 1957 M erry Christmas," as he handed PorM M t et D. 8. Weetbar Bareae us several packages. Engaged About Town It was a pleasant surprise, but Heard Along Main Street he didn't fool us. He W’as only the -Mostly cloudy, tonight.' St. John'! (!%urch on Golway deliveryman from a departrhent Member nf Audit l/ow In 20s. Tuesday chance of td-. 8 t will hold m New Year'* eve And on Some of Manchester'a Sifle Streets, Too store. Business Bodies Bureau nf 'Illation termittent snmv. High in 80*. / •ervlce at 7 p.m. Tuesday. Masse* Manchester— A City of Village Charm Naw Tear'a Day. Wednesday, will Takes Two to Tango be at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. story Without Ending cat beejatne a member of the We have heard o f two instances The Central Connecticut Cooper-<^wlnter catalogue has b ^ n mailed This is the season of the year household or not, for the haircut during this holiday season where atlve Farmers Assn., located at to the firm's customers. According VOL. LX X V II, NO. 76 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1957 (Classified Advertlelng qn Page 13) The Nursery School which meets' when deliverymen and newspaper that we were getting ended and people received Christmas gifts Apel P l„ had Ita annual dinner to Montgomery Ward officials PRICE FIVE CENTS •ach Sunday at 0:30 a.m. at the boys look forward in anticipation we have to wait for the result at only to find that neither was sold meeting recently - at the Hotel there 1* an average price cut o f ' Oiurch of the Assisi. South Wind- PINE of a small token of appreciation the next clipping. in workable condition--with the Garde, Hartford. Nathan Mil­ 19 per cent on 4,000 items. The ; eor. will omit Its session tomorrow from many of their customers. The needed extras. ler, president, and William Zuck- catalogue. 268 pages, has 20 per PHARMACY morning'. I token is usually In the form of erman, general manager, gave cent more p a g ^ and 33 per cent I I'rlvate Ban The first concerned an expen­ ■ I monetary reimbursement. hut Last S nday a eali came in to their annual reports. Guest more mark-down Items than It did ' 664 Center St— Tel. MI 9-9814 sive camera. The purchase was speaker was Dr. Edwin Singsen. In 1957. ' I Second Lt. Robert Fischer Kel-1 sometimes it may assume other the 8th District Fire Department made by a man for his wife. He Afro-Asians m Dispute ley, who with his wife and baby | proportions-. ■from the University of Connecti­ York from it North End resident who bought a camera, plus film and daughter are visiting his parents. Such was the ca.se la.st weyk cut. The association presented PINE LENOX wanted to know. "How long i* the Hash bulbs. On Christmas morn Sale* ot major electrical appli- I Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kelley, lf>2 when one of The Herald carrier.* Its employes with cash bonuses ances alijiped this year, says Elec­ water going to be shut off in this ing. when the gift was opened, the PHARMACY O • • • TTTVTTBI Lenox St., was honored with ap­ collected for. the week's deliveries. end of own?" and Christmas baskets, complete trical Merchandising, a McGraw- f\ \^f'onsport Ask woman found that she couldn't pointment as aircraft Investi­ As he w:as about to leave the lady's with turkeys. $99 E. Center St__ M l 9-0896 The firemen replied that he did­ i use the camera Indoors because Hill plfbllcatlon. But when you con- gator at graduation exercises. house, she called to him and asked Nearly all of the group’s mem­ n't know the water had been sliut I there were no flash batteries in­ sid^ the appliance-radio-televi- U n F e ip in g in UiN Plea's#riA;e S et Nov. 26 at Ellington A ir P'orcc him to wait for this Christmas gift. bers and many of their patrons. oA, but he would look into the mat­ cluded. A check showed the sion Industry a.s a whole, 1957 was Base, Houston. Tex. Lt. Kelley was TTie bo.v waited for a short time with their wives, attended. Ray-1 the third best year In history, ter right away. Jlen were immedi- New York, Dec. 30 (/P )— an honor graduate of Manchester and thi woman of the house reap­ at.H. 1 . ,1. ■ ■ salesman neglected to mention mond Kristolt. mill foreman, and . In dollars the industry's business ately dispatched to the street and these as musts for taking Indoor Cairn, Dec. .30 (/P)— The po-^promlsM another round of anti-•'African and A-sian countries. This High School. claz;s of 1952. He was peared. with gift in hand I the water lines were checked. Ipictuies Richard Tucker, assiatant m ilt;w as 37,885.100,000 a drop of 6.5 The Transport Worker.s Union foreman, were presented litical committee o f the A f r o - ' on® 'or the major develop- graduated in 1956 from the Uni- time that pa.ssed Was probably But before the men ietiirne<l to The other case concerned a gold per cent from the record 1956 total went ahead with plans totlay versity of Connecticut, receiving spent by the woman in catching the wrist watches for 10 years' serv- of $8,434,492,000. Aaian rnnferntii'-o li r. o- ir o d 'delegates from 42 nations , ments at the cotifcience and the for a va,st .strike at midnight the fire hou.se, the resident 1 ailed , father and his daughter. The J * J " e R P '! and colonics. None represent.* his one ron.*idered by many obseivers hi* BA and commission under the gift t. a small cat. Ice. Radlo-TV led the field with I latter had tglked about a portable Dorothy Ann Hein Save After nown today on the wornmjf of, government officially, and many to present the biggest (■hallenge to tomorrow that would paralyze Air Force ROTC program. There have been many ways in 16.300.000 units sold for a cash .hat last call ] made 1 just went | radio for month*. Christmas a (il'a fl come fiom lefti.st groups either the West if the Soviet government ! which people with unwanted kit­ The W ally Fields quartet. In­ volume of $1 ..’557,700.0^. resolution demanding I New York's entire bti.s and mv I Hiorning she awoke and. after Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Hein. S u n s e t Circle, Past Noble tens pawn them off on unsuspci t- strumentalists and singer*, enter­ Red China’s admission to the frowned on or outlawed * l home. follows it through. ' .subway .system.*. htllc boy had shut, off the water opening her presents, found that 235 W. High St., announce the en­ Here are some categories in Grands, will meet Monday night ing neighbors and friends, hut this tain each Thursday, Friday, and T n ite d \ a tio n s ' 'I'he question of nationalization j In the disarmament eommittee. A t an overflow meeting ye.aler- here in the house. „ beautiful portable radio was gagement of their daughter. .Mi.ss which records were Set phono­ * 1 . ■ 'J ' . .. first ain.se during the conference, Chairman Kaoni Yasiil of Japan at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. qualifies as a new twist. .Satiirdaiv at the Oak Ocill Restau­ Work day. neaily f t . 000 ahouting mem- graphs. electric bed coverings, au­ The re.solulion drawn up by the ^ ^ .Soviet -said that his group's resolutions Eldith Smith, 136 Pine St., for a . among her treasures. She tried Dorothy Ann Hein, to C. Wesley rant at ^30 Oak St. The musicians bera of the union roared unani- This isn't the end of the story, Elementary, Son to play it hut it didn't work be- Hayes, son of Charles W. Haye.s. tomatic toastei-s, electric shavers, SAVINGS & LOAN conferences (’ommi tee on I m p e l - ^ h e economic commit- "'"uld call for withdrawal of all Christmas party. Members are re­ either. have a background of radio and magnetic recorders, power lawn iahsm demanded «" n g h lfu l place „p moii.s approval of the walkout and 40,000 Scholarships The customer was examining the ' cau.se there were no batteries. Hingham, .Mas.* , and Mrs, George foreign troop.s, general diaarma- minded to bring gifts. Refresh­ The newsboy stuffed the pre­ recording appcarariCes and all play barred any delay unicaa an accept­ Christmas trees - at a roadside Once again a check showed that T. Bisbee, Rockland. Maine. mowers, floor polishers, built-in and wa.s rpporlpd ready to adopt ment and probably a ban On nu­ ments will be served. cious kitten into his hag, finished , more than one musical instrument. ranges and washer-dryer combina- Chinrt and Naid no iniporlanl inter­ able wage agreement ia reached .stand when the proprietor a lad the clerk in the particular store Muss Hein an honor graduate of i The gimip includes Bobbv War- lions _ P.M. a i csolulinn. approving?: povermrien- clear teata and on export of nu- before the deadline.
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