26. Januar 2020 Pokljuka Bmw Ibu Svetovni Pokal V Biatlonu

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26. Januar 2020 Pokljuka Bmw Ibu Svetovni Pokal V Biatlonu 22.−26. JANUAR 2020 POKLJUKA BMW IBU SVETOVNI POKAL V BIATLONU WWW.BIATHLON-POKLJUKA.COM For Our actions are guided medalwinners. by sustainability As a family company that is transitioning from the third to the fourth generation, Viessmann can trace its origins back a long way. Our company is characterised by entrepreneurial thinking and a culture of innovation that continues to produce new milestones of heating technology, and that has made us the technological pacemaker in the industry to this day. The complete Viessmann product portfolio as well as our comprehensive range of services can be found at viessmann.com Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co. KG D-35107 Allendorf (Eder) · Phone +49 6452 70-0 BMW IBU WORLD CUPOfficial BIATHLON Main 2020 PO KSponsorLJUKA of the BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon 3 Image-NHK_SV-Baithlon_A5_Eng.indd 1 12.11.19 09:52 KARL ERJAVEC Minister za obrambo Republike Slovenije in predsednik Organizacijskega odbora Pokljuka Minister of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia MY WAY OF and President of the Organizing Committee Pokljuka Spoštovane tekmovalke in tekmovalci, prireditelji ter obiskovalci tekem svetovnega pokala v biatlonu, BEING ACTIVE. tekme svetovnega pokala v biatlonu na eni izmed naših najlepših gorskih planot so za našo državo izrednega pomena. Pokljuka je postala tradicionalno prizorišče svetovnega biatlona, dobro obiskane tekme pa sodijo med najodmevnejše športne prireditve v Republiki Sloveniji. Ministrstvo za obrambo in Slovenska vojska sta s Get lost on your favourite trail, climb towering svojim dolgoletnim sodelovanjem postala del tega vrhunskega slovenskega in svetovnega projekta. Veseli me, da lahko k uspehu slovenskega biatlona prispevamo peaks, dive into crystal clear waters or have tudi z zaposlitvami naših biatloncev in biatlonk v Slovenski vojski. a one-on-one with pristine nature. Discover Verjamem, da ste organizatorji tekem svojo nalogo ob pomoči lokalne skupnosti in s exhilarating Slovenian experiences in your own podporo tukajšnjega prebivalstva tudi tokrat odlično opravili. To bo za vas dober special way. preizkus pred biatlonskim svetovnim prvenstvom, ki bo na Pokljuki že naslednje leto. Zadovoljen sem, da smo podpisali Dogovor o sodelovanju in podporo pri izvedbi svetovnih prvenstev v smučarskih športih v letih 2020, 2021 in 2023 med Ministrstvom za obrambo in Smučarsko zvezo Slovenije. Priprave na ta veliki športni dogodek so tako že v polnem teku. #ifeelsLOVEnia Spoštovani biatlonke in biatlonci, #myway verjamem, da se bomo tudi letos veselili vaših odličnih športnih predstav. Želim vam, da boste uspeli s točnimi streli in v boju s časom v zahtevni konkurenci pokazali vse, kar zmorete in za kar ste se zavzeto pripravljali. Naj bo tudi športna sreča na vaši strani. Dobrodošli na Pokljuki. Dear competitors, organizers and visitors to the BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon! The BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon competitions on one of our most beautiful mountain plateaus are of significant importance to our country. Pokljuka has become a traditional venue of the Biathlon World Cup, and well attended competitions are one of the most recognised sporting events in the Republic of Slovenia. Through the long- time participation in the organisation, the Ministry of Defence and the Slovenian Armed Forces have become a part of this top-level project on the national and global level. We are happy that we can contribute to the success of the Slovenian biathlon through the employment of our biathletes in the Slovenian Armed Forces. I am confident that you have once again done an excellent job, with the help and support of the local community and people. The competitions will also be a good test for you before the World Championships Biathlon, which will take place in Pokljuka next year. Furthermore, I am pleased that the Agreement on Cooperation and Support in the Organisation of World Championships in Ski Sports in 2020, 2021 and 2023 has been signed between the Ministry of Defence and the Ski Association of Slovenia. Preparations for this major sporting event are already well underway. Dear biathletes! I believe we will once again enjoy in excellent performances. I wish you accurate shots and every success in your race against time; may you demonstrate all you can do and achieve, and all you have been eagerly preparing for. Good luck! www.slovenia.info Welcome to Pokljuka! 4 BMW IBU SVETOVNI POKAL V BIATLONU 2020 POKLJuka BMW IBU WORLD CUP BIATHLON 2020 POKLJUKA 5 PROGRAM // PROGRAMME POSTANI ŠTIPENDIST MORS SPREMLJEVALNI PROGRAM // ACCOMPANYING PROGRAMME TEKMOVANJA SPREMLJEVALNI PROGRAM COMPETITION ACCOMPANYING PROGRAMME 13.30—15.30 TOR / TUE 21. 1. URADNI TRENING MOŠKI OFFICIAL TRAINING MEN 10.30—12.30 SRE / WED 22. 1. URADNI TRENING ŽENSKE OFFICIAL TRAINING WOMEN 14.15 ČET / THU 23. 1. POSAMIČNO MOŠKI 20 km CHALLE SALLE & NIPKE INDIVIDUAL MEN 20 KM 14.15 PET / FRI 24. 1. POSAMIČNO ŽENSKE 15 km SMOOTH BAND INDIVIDUAL WOMEN 15 KM 13.15 ŠTAFETA MEŠANIH DVOJIC SINGLE MIXED RELAY SOB / SAT 25. 1. COVERLOVER 15.00 MEŠANA ŠTAFETA MIXED RELAY 12.15 SKUPINSKI ŠTART MOŠKI 15 km MASS START MEN 15 KM DRUŽINSKA POKLJUKA NED / SUN 26. 1. 15.00 S ČUKI SKUPINSKI ŠTART ŽENSKE 12,5 km MASS START WOMEN 12,5 KM Vse dni bo z vami navijala Slovenska nacionalna Chearleader reprezentanca. The Slovenian National Cheerleading Team will be cheering with you every day. Za kandidate in kandidatke Za kandidate in kandidatke v za vojake srednješolskih in za castnike in višje vojaške v v Delite utrip svetovnega pokala V ŽIVO poklicnih izobrazevalnih programov usluzbence razlicnih višješolskih Share the beat of the World Cup LIVE za poklicno delo v Slovenski vojski od programov od vkljucnov drugega v Rezultati, slike, videi, uporabne informacije, zanimivosti in vkljucno drugega letnika dalje. letnika dalje. ekskluzivne novice – delite vaše doživetje z nami! Results, pictures, videos, useful information, points of interest and exclusive news - share your experience with us! Prijavnico najdete na: www.postanivojak.si #POK20 www.biathlon-pokljuka.com 6 BMW IBU SVETOVNI POKAL V BIATLONU BMW IBU WORLD CUP BIATHLON 7 INFORMACIJE ZA OBISKOVALCE INFORMATION FOR SPECTATORS PRIHOD NA BLED SMER Pokljuka ARRIVAL TO BLED Direction Pokljuka INFO CENTER BLED // BLED INFO CENTRE Vse na enem mestu: informacije, akreditacije, prevozi, namestitve in gostoljubje. All at one place: Information, Accreditation office, LIP Bled Transportation office, Accommodation and Hospitality. NOVA LOKACIJA // NEW LOCATION Naslov // Address Ljubljanska cesta 27, 4260 Bled Kontakt // Contact [email protected] +386 41 231 441 PRIPOROČENA pot vozil // VEHICLES FLOW storitve // SERVICES Astoria Bled URADNI LOKAL IBU SVETOVNEGA PRVENSTVA V Rose BIATLONU 2021 POKLJUKA // OFFICIAL BAR OF THE IBU WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS BIATHLON 2021 POKLJUKA Naslov // Address Špica (ob Blejskem jezeru // by Lake Bled) Blejski grad Bled Castle INFO CENTER BLED Cesta svobode 9, 4260 Bled BLED INFO CENTRE Blejska promenada Union ŠPORTNA DVORANA // SPORTS HALL Bled Promenade Krim TURISTIČNE INFORMACIJE // TOURIST OFFICE Pension Park Zaka Veslaški center Rowing Centre Toplice Lovec ZDRAVSTVENI DOM // HEALTH CENTRE SMER Ljubljana / Avstrija LEKARNA // PHARMACY Blejsko jezero Lake Bled Direction Ljubljana / AUSTRIA Rikli NAKUPOVALNI CENTER // SHOPPING CENTRE Balance Savica Šobec H hotel // hotel pešpot // walking path Straža Bled // PARKINGS PARKIRIŠČA Blejski otok Bled Island ODPIRALNI ČAS INFO CENTRA BLED VIP Velika Zaka OPENING HOURS BLED INFO CENTRE PREVOZI OBISKOVALCI // SPECTATORS ODPIRALNI ČAS AKREDITACIJE TRANSPORTATION NAMESTITVE GOSTOLJUBJE OPENING HOURS ACCREDITATION OFFICE OFFICE ACCOMMODATION HOSPITALITY POSTAJALIŠČE ZA AVTODOME // CAMPER STOP PON / MON 20. 1. 8:00 – 19:00 9:00 – 19:00 8:00 – 19:00 9:00 – 15:00 TOR / TUE 21. 1. 8:00 – 19:00 9:00 – 18:00 8:00 – 19:00 9:00 – 15:00 SHUTTLE BUS POSTAJALIŠČA // STOPS SRE / WEN 22. 1. 8:00 – 19:00 9:00 – 17:00 8:00 – 19:00 9:00 – 15:00 VIP SHUTTLE BUS ČET / THU 23. 1. 8:00 – 19:00 9:00 – 17:00 8:00 – 19:00 8:00 – 17:00 SHUTTLE BUS DAILY VISITORS PET / FRI 24. 1. 8:00 – 19:00 9:00 – 16:00 8:00 – 19:00 8:00 – 17:00 SHUTTLE BUS ACCOMMODATED VISITORS SOB / SAT 25. 1. 8:00 – 19:00 9:00 – 16:00 8:00 – 19:00 8:00 – 17:00 NED / SUN MEDIA SHUTTLE SMER BOHINJ 26. 1. 8:00 – 15:00 9:00 – 15:00 8:00 – 15:00 8:00 – 15:00 Direction BOHINJ 8 9 Pravila IN PRIPOROČILA ravnanja V zavarovanem OBMOČJU Triglavskega NARODNEGA parka THE RULES OF condact AND recommendations ON how to behave IN A protected AREA OF Triglav National PARK Vaša pot v Triglavskem narodnem parku naj bo pot, ki se je boste z veseljem spominjali. Naj bo razlog, da se boste v TNP vedno znova vračali in domov odhajali z novo zgodbo. Le-ta naj bo enkratna in neponovljiva. We hope that the paths you take in Triglav National Park will leave you with lasting memories and encourage you to come back again, for another story, just as exciting and unique as this one. Svoje vozilo pustite na označenih parkiriščih. Na območju parka jih je dovolj. Please leave your vehicle in one of the many designated car parks. Priporočamo, da hodite po označenih poteh. Ne povzročajte hrupa. Živali vam bodo hvaležne. Stay on the trails. Keep your noise level down and avoid disturbing the animals. Spoštujte življenjski prostor rastlin in živali. Občudujte jih tako, da s svojo prisotnostjo ne boste motili njihovih zgodb, ki so prav tako edinstvene kot vaša. Respect the habitats of plants and animals. Admire them, but make sure your presence does not disturb their lives, as unique and magical asyours. Jasne noči, posute z zvezdami, doživljajte na klopeh planinskih koč, zavetišč in bivakov. Taborjenje in bivakiranje zunaj za to določenih mest ni dovoljeno. Enjoy clear starry nights from a bench outside a mountain hut, lodge, shelter or bivouac. Camping or bivouacking outside Športni center Triglav Pokljuka bo gostil IBU svetovno prvenstvo designated areas is not permitted.
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