WWW.BIATHLON-POKLJUKA.COM Karl Erjavec Minister za obrambo Republike Slovenije in predsednik Organizacijskega odbora Pokljuka Minister of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia MY WAY OF and President of the Organizing Committee Pokljuka Spoštovane tekmovalke in tekmovalci, prireditelji ter obiskovalci tekem svetovnega pokala v biatlonu, BEING ACTIVE. tekme svetovnega pokala v biatlonu na eni izmed naših najlepših gorskih planot so za našo državo izrednega pomena. Pokljuka je postala tradicionalno prizorišče svetovnega biatlona, dobro obiskane tekme pa sodijo med najodmevnejše športne prireditve v Republiki Sloveniji. Ministrstvo za obrambo in Slovenska vojska sta s Get lost on your favourite trail, climb towering svojim dolgoletnim sodelovanjem postala del tega vrhunskega slovenskega in svetovnega projekta. Veseli me, da lahko k uspehu slovenskega biatlona prispevamo peaks, dive into crystal clear waters or have tudi z zaposlitvami naših biatloncev in biatlonk v Slovenski vojski. a one-on-one with pristine nature. Discover Verjamem, da ste organizatorji tekem svojo nalogo ob pomoči lokalne skupnosti in s exhilarating Slovenian experiences in your own podporo tukajšnjega prebivalstva tudi tokrat odlično opravili. To bo za vas dober special way. preizkus pred biatlonskim svetovnim prvenstvom, ki bo na Pokljuki že naslednje leto. Zadovoljen sem, da smo podpisali Dogovor o sodelovanju in podporo pri izvedbi svetovnih prvenstev v smučarskih športih v letih 2020, 2021 in 2023 med Ministrstvom za obrambo in Smučarsko zvezo Slovenije. Priprave na ta veliki športni dogodek so tako že v polnem teku. #ifeelsLOVEnia Spoštovani biatlonke in biatlonci, #myway verjamem, da se bomo tudi letos veselili vaših odličnih športnih predstav. Želim vam, da boste uspeli s točnimi streli in v boju s časom v zahtevni konkurenci pokazali vse, kar zmorete in za kar ste se zavzeto pripravljali. Naj bo tudi športna sreča na vaši strani. Dobrodošli na Pokljuki.

Dear competitors, organizers and visitors to the BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon! The BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon competitions on one of our most beautiful mountain plateaus are of significant importance to our country. Pokljuka has become a traditional venue of the , and well attended competitions are one of the most recognised sporting events in the Republic of Slovenia. Through the long- time participation in the organisation, the Ministry of Defence and the Slovenian Armed Forces have become a part of this top-level project on the national and global level. We are happy that we can contribute to the success of the Slovenian biathlon through the employment of our biathletes in the Slovenian Armed Forces. I am confident that you have once again done an excellent job, with the help and support of the local community and people. The competitions will also be a good test for you before the World Championships Biathlon, which will take place in Pokljuka next year. Furthermore, I am pleased that the Agreement on Cooperation and Support in the Organisation of World Championships in Ski Sports in 2020, 2021 and 2023 has been signed between the Ministry of Defence and the Ski Association of Slovenia. Preparations for this major sporting event are already well underway. Dear biathletes! I believe we will once again enjoy in excellent performances. I wish you accurate shots and every success in your race against time; may you demonstrate all you can do and achieve, and all you have been eagerly preparing for. Good luck! www.slovenia.info Welcome to Pokljuka! 2 BMW IBU SVETOVNI POKAL V BIATLONU 2020 pokljuka BMW IBU WORLD CUP BIATHLON 2020 pokljuka 3 Dvakratni svetovni prvak in Na Pokljuki ste pred leti dosegli tudi As a Slovene, do you have an advantage nosilec olimpijske kolajne iz eno od svojih osmih zmag v svetovnem at the home race because you know the Pyeongchanga 2018 je pokalu. Ima med vašimi zmagami course? najboljši slovenski biatlonec. posebno mesto? “It’s true that we’re competing on terrain Zase pravi, da ima visoke cilje “Zmag ne delim na take in drugačne. where we train most of the year. But it prav na vsaki tekmi, vseeno pa je Vse imam v lepem spominu, tudi to na should be noted that in the summer we za 32-letnega šampiona tega Pokljuki. Za sam nastop pa to ne pomeni train on the skateboarding track which športa prav tekma na Pokljuki, nič. Ko pridem na tekmo, nikoli nisem follows another route than the winter kjer je zmagal decembra 2012, fokusiran na nekaj, kar je bilo. Vedno biathlon course. So, we don’t have much prav poseben izziv. samo na tisto, kar me čaka.” of an advantage. If the course would run along the same route all year round, Jakov, kako se tekma na Pokljuki Pokljuka bo imela letos tudi dva then things would be different. So, we JAKOV razlikuje od drugih? dodatna momenta. Je zadnja tekma definitely can’t say that the Pokljuka “Razlogov je veliko. Predvsem pa so to pred svetovnim prvenstvom v Italiji in course gives us the same advantage as navijači, saj je tukaj veliko slovenskih, ki generalka za svetovno prvenstvo that of competitors training in so glasni, zato je povsem drugače kot prihodnje leto, ki bo tukaj na Rudnem Hochfilzen, Anterselva and Ruhpolding.” FAK sicer. Za njih se še posebej potrudiš, polju. Je zaradi tega za tekmovalce kaj bolj si v središču pozornosti in zato je drugačna? In the past, the Pokljuka courses were vedno lepo nastopiti doma.” “S stališča svetovnega prvenstva ne often accused of being too easy. pomeni veliko. Je zadnja tekma pred Changes are in store for the World So navijači spodbuda ali pritisk? Jih prvenstvom, a ni nujno da se tukaj Championships. What’s your opinion med tekmo, ko ste skoncentrirani na pokaže, kako bo šlo na prvenstvu. Na on the matter? svoj nastop, sploh slišite? svetovnem prvenstvu se na novo “I don’t know where people got the idea “Navijači so tako spodbuda kot pritisk. premešajo karte in vsak štart je nova that the Pokljuka courses are too easy. Pomembno je, da navijanje obrneš sebi priložnost. Je pa seveda lažje nastopiti, Of course, everyone is entitled to their v prid. Potem lahko domače občinstvo če v sezoni veš, da ti gre dobro in to opinion. I’ve never heard that before, veliko pomaga. Če so dovolj glasni in če potrdiš še enkrat tik pred tekmo.” though. I can’t say I find any World Cup Gledalci te v zadnjem ti gre dobro, te lahko v zadnjem krogu course easy. I don’t even know who rates dvignejo in lahko iztisneš maksimum. Na them. But I always say that those who krogu lahko dvignejo strelišču je lahko tudi obratno. Vse to je The two-time World Champion find the course too easy can always run del biatlona, a vedno dam vse od sebe and Olympic Medal Winner from faster. If they feel that way, then they in skušam sprejeti vse tisto, kar mi PyeongChang 2018, Jakov Fak, is should run faster on the course.” pomaga k boljšemu dosežku.” the best Slovenian biathlete. He says that he aims high at each Years ago, you achieved one of your In the Final Lap, Imate Slovenci na domači tekmi zaradi race; yet, the 32-year-old eight World Cup victories on Pokljuka. poznavanja proge že na štartu biathlon champion says that the Does it hold a special place among your the Spectators prednost? race on Pokljuka, where he won victories? “Res je, da nastopamo na terenu, kjer in December 2012, is a special “I don’t categorise my victories in any večino leta treniramo. Vedeti pa je challenge. way. I remember all of them fondly, Can Lift You Up treba, da poleti treniramo na rolkarski including the one on Pokljuka. But it stezi, ki je speljana po drugi trasi, kot je Jakov, how does the race on Pokljuka doesn’t have an impact on my pozimi na tekmi. Zato kakšne velike differ from the others? performance. When I arrive at a race, I prednosti nimamo. Če bi proga celo “There are many reasons. It’s mostly the never focus on what happened in the leto tekla po isti trasi, bi bilo drugače. fans, because many Slovenian fans are past. But only on what lies ahead.” Torej nikakor ne moremo reči, da there, who are loud and create a pokljuška proga pomeni prednost, completely different atmosphere. You This year, two additional factors will be kakršno imajo lahko tekmovalci, ki make an extra effort for them, you at play on Pokljuka. It is the final race vadijo v Hochfilznu, Anterselvi in receive more attention, and that’s why before the World Championships in Ruhpoldingu.” it’s always nice to compete at home.” Italy and a dress rehearsal for next Dvakratni svetovni prvak in year’s World Championships here in dobitNiK dveh olimpijskih KOLAJN V preteklosti je večkrat padel tudi Are fans encouragement or pressure? Rudno polje. Does that change “Za navijače se posebno potrudiš. kakšen očitek na pokljuške proge, češ Do you even hear them during the race anything for the competitors? Vedno je lepo nastopiti doma.” da so prelahke. Za svetovno prvenstvo when you are concentrating on your “From the aspect of the World se obetajo spremembe. Kako vi vidite performance? Championships it doesn’t mean much. It zadevo? “The fans are both encouragement and is the final race before the World Two times World Champion “Ne vem, od kje misel, da so proge na pressure. It’s important that you turn Championships but it won’t necessarily and Olympic medalist Pokljuki prelahke. Vsak pa ima seveda their cheering to your advantage. In that show how we will perform at the “You make an extra effort for the spectators. lahko svoje mnenje. Sam to prvič slišim. case, a home crowd is very helpful. If Championships. The cards are It is always nice to compete at home.” Zase ne morem reči, da bi se mi zdela they’re loud enough and you’re doing reshuffled at the World Championships katerakoli proga v svetovnem pokalu well, they can lift you up in the final lap and each start is a new opportunity. But lahka. Ne vem niti, kdo to ocenjuje. A and you can give it your all. But it can be it does make it easier if you know you’re vedno pravim, da lahko tisti, ki mu je the other way around at the shooting doing well that season and if you confirm proga prelahka, pač teče hitreje. Če se range. It’s all a part of biathlon, but I it again just before the Championships.” komu tako zdi, naj bo torej na progi always give it my all and I try to welcome hitrejši.” anything that helps me to do better.”

4 BMW IBU SVETOVNI POKAL V BIATLONU 2020 pokljuka BMW IBU WORLD CUP BIATHLON 2020 pokljuka 5 ALEX ... letošnji nagrajenec CISAR za fair play Pravila in priporočila ravnanja v zavarovanem območju Triglavskega narodnega parka ... This Year’s Fair The rules of conduct and recommendations on how to behave in a protected area of Play Award Winner Triglav National Park

Vaša pot v Triglavskem narodnem parku naj bo pot, ki se je boste z veseljem spominjali. Naj bo razlog, da se boste v TNP vedno znova Poštenost je pomembna na vračali in domov odhajali z novo zgodbo. vseh področjih življenja Le-ta naj bo enkratna in neponovljiva. We hope that the paths you take in Triglav National Park will leave you with Fairness Is Important in lasting memories and encourage you to come back again, All Areas of Life for another story, just as exciting and unique as this one. Svoje vozilo pustite na označenih parkiriščih. Na območju parka jih je dovolj. Please leave your vehicle in one of the many designated car parks. Priporočamo, da hodite po označenih poteh. Alex Cisar je eden najboljših tudi na sotekmovalce,” je o fair playu (Society of Slovenian Sports Journalists) Ne povzročajte hrupa. Živali vam bodo hvaležne. slovenskih mladih biatloncev, ki povedal Cisar. presented him with its own Fair Play Stay on the trails. Keep your noise level down je lani osvojil kar dva naslova Award at its annual selection of the best Zato je bil nad vrvežem, ki ga je izzvalo and avoid disturbing the animals. mladinskega svetovnega prvaka athletes in the country. njegovo dejanje, tudi malce presenečen: – v sprintu in zasledovanju. S Spoštujte življenjski prostor rastlin in živali. Občudujte jih tako, “To sem storil povsem spontano, At the Slovenian Biathlon Cup race on svojim načinom življenja in da s svojo prisotnostjo ne boste motili njihovih zgodb, nagonsko. Nič posebnega se mi ni zdelo, Pokljuka, while overtaking his rival Tilen razmišljanja pa izstopa tudi izven ki so prav tako edinstvene kot vaša. niti potem, ko sem prispel v cilj. Gregorka, Cisar accidentally stepped on smučine. V letu 2019 je zato prejel Respect the habitats of plants and animals. Presenečen sem bil, kako velik odmev je his pole, which he had lost. He gave his kar dve nagradi za fair play. Admire them, but make sure your presence sprožila ta moja zelo majhna poteza.” own pole to Tilen, went back for Tilen’s does not disturb their lives, as unique and magical asyours. pole and continued the race, which he Že aprila mu jo je na Olimpijskem O 19-letnem Cisarju velja dodati, da se did not win precisely because of this Jasne noči, posute z zvezdami, doživljajte na klopeh planinskih koč, komiteju Slovenije izročil eden najboljših že spogleduje s člansko konkurenco, v move. zavetišč in bivakov. Taborjenje in bivakiranje zunaj za to določenih slovenskih športnikov vseh časov in kateri je letos v Östersundu dobil tudi mest ni dovoljeno. podpredsednik Evropskega združenja za priložnost premiernega nastopa v Here is what Cisar had to say about fair Enjoy clear starry nights from a bench outside a mountain hut, fair play Miro Cerar, najstarejši živeči svetovnem pokalu. play: “Fair play is a very important lodge, shelter or bivouac. Camping or bivouacking outside slovenski olimpionik. Dogodek je bil ingredient in sport; without it, it loses its designated areas is not permitted. opažen širše in decembra ga je z basic nature. Fairness isn’t important only nagrado za fair play nagradilo tudi Alex Cisar is one of the best young in sport but also in other areas. We, Bodimo nemoteči obiskovalci, ki v prostor ničesar ne prinašamo Društvo športnih novinarjev Slovenije ob Slovenian biathletes; last year, he young biathletes, also talk about it, and in iz njega ničesar ne odnašamo. Ničesar, kar ni shranjeno v nas samih svojem vsakoletnem izboru najboljših won as many as two titles of during competitions we are focused not ali na spominski kartici. športnikov v državi. junior world champion – in sprint only on ourselves but also bear our Be considerate visitors who take nothing except for memories and pursuit. With his way of life fellow competitors in mind.” Cisar je na tekmi slovenskega pokala na and data stored on memory sticks. and his outlook, he stands out Pokljuki med prehitevanjem po nesreči That is why he was a bit surprised that his even when not on the track. That Raba motornih sani v naravnem okolju zavarovanega območja pohodil palico tekmeca Tilna Gregorke, action caused such a stir: “I did it is why he received as many as two ni dovoljena. Pojdite raje peš, nadihajte se svežega zraka. ki jo je izgubil. Tilnu je dal svojo palico, completely spontaneously, instinctively. I Snowmobiles are not permitted in the natural environment. Fair Play Awards in 2019. sam pa se je vrnil po njegovo in didn’t consider it a big deal, not even Decide to walk instead and breathe in the fresh air. nadaljeval tekmo, na kateri nato zaradi after I had arrived at the finish area. I was In April, he was presented with an award te poteze ni zmagal. surprised that this insignificant move Droni so moteči – ne samo za mimoidoče - predvsem za živalski svet, at the Olympic Committee of Slovenia by triggered such a response.” ki v zimskem času varčuje z energijo. “Fair play je zelo pomembna sestavina one of the best Slovenian athletes of all V zavarovanem območju so zaradi navedenega prepovedani. športa, saj brez tega izgubi svojo times and the Vice-President of the As regards the 19-year-old Cisar, it Drones are a disturbance for the passers-by and, in particular, prvinskost. Poštenost je tista stvar, ki ni European Fair Play Movement, Miro should be added that he is already for the animals as they have to preserve their energy in order to survive pomembna le v športu, ampak tudi na Cerar, the oldest living Slovenian flirting with the rank of team member, the winter. For this reason, the flying of drones is prohibited ostalih področjih. O tem se Olympic champion. This attracted having been given the opportunity to in the natural environment. pogovarjamo tudi mladi in na tekmah broader attention and in December make his debut at this year’s World Cup nismo usmerjeni le nase, ampak mislimo Društvo športnih novinarjev Slovenije in Östersund. 6 BMW IBU SVETOVNI POKAL V BIATLONU BMW IBU WORLD CUP BIATHLON 2020 pokljuka 7 OTROCI TRIGLAVA NA POKLJUKI CHILDREN OF TRIGLAV AT POKLJUKA

V nagradnem natečaju Naj navijaški transparent otroci s svojo kreativnostjo tekmujejo, kdo bo izdelal najkreativnejši navijaški transparent.

In the Best Fan Banner prize contest, the children will use their creativity and compete to see who will make the most creative fan banner.

V četrtek, 23. 1. 2020, si bo v sklopu projekta Otroci Triglava On Thursday, 23 January 2020, more than 2,000 children na Pokljuki moško posamično preizkušnjo BMW IBU will be watching the men’s individual competition at the BMW svetovnega pokala v biatlonu ogledalo več kot 2.000 IBU World Cup Biathlon as part of the project Children of otrok. Akcija Otroci Triglava na Pokljuki v sodelovanju z Triglav at Pokljuka. The campaign Children of Triglav at Pokljuka Zavarovalnico Triglav bo potekala že sedmič. will be taking place for the seventh time, in cooperation with the insurance company Zavarovalnica Triglav. Cilj akcije Otroci Triglava na Pokljuki je otrokom čim bolj približati šport in spoznavanje biatlona kot načina preživljanja The goals of the campaign Children of Triglav at Pokljuka are časa v naravi. Namen akcije je, da se otroci združijo, s to bring sport closer to children and to familiarize them with skupnimi močmi navijajo za vrhunske športnike in se ob biathlon as a way of spending time in nature. The purpose of spremljanju tekme kar se da najbolje zabavajo. the campaign is for children to come together, to root for the top athletes as one, and to have as much fun as possible while Poleg tega bodo imeli otroci tudi možnost spoznati slovenske watching the race. vrhnunske biatlonce in uživati ob spremljevalnem programu z glasbenimi gosti. Moreover, the children will also get the chance to meet the top Slovenian biathletes and enjoy the side programme with Otroci iz šol širom Slovenije se bodo na Pokljuko odpravili z musical guests. organiziranimi prevozi Nomago, na Pokljuki pa jim bo presenečenja pripravila tudi Zavarovalnica Triglav. Children from schools all over Slovenia will travel to the Pokljuka Plateau with organized transport provided by Nomago; in addition, Zavarovalnica Triglav will prepare surprises for them on Pokljuka.


ŠTAFETA MEŠANIH DVOJIC Mešana dvojica je dinamično in zanimivo tekmovanje, ki mu tempo narekuje dvojica sestavljena iz ženske in moškega tekmovalca. Krog je pri obeh dolg 1,5 km, medtem ko morata v morebitnem kazenskem odteči le 75 metrov. Prvi, moški, SINGLE MIXED RELAY mora preteči 6 km, druga, ženska, pa 7,5 km. Oba se morata An exciting novelty. This fast-paced new format has teams of mixed relay na strelišče podati štirikrat. Tako kot pri navadnih štafetah imata one woman and one man per country competing over a total It´s All About the Mix. As the name says, the mixed relay is a biatlonca na voljo tri dodatne naboje, ki jih morata v primeru distance of 6 km for men and 7.5 km for women with four MEŠANA ŠTAFETA mixed-gender competition, formed with teams of two women zgrešenega strela naložiti ročno. Na tekmovalno stezo se shooting stages each. The lap is 1.5 km for both women and Mešana štafeta, kot že ime narekuje, je tekmovanje, kjer za and two men. The competition specifics are, in principle najprej poda moški tekmovalec, ki štafeto po dveh streljanih men, while the penalty loop is 75 m long. Just as in the regular eno ekipo tekmujeta dve ženski in dva moška tekmovalca. the same as in the regular relays, but with a man starting preda ženski sotekmovalki. Slednja mu prav tako po dveh relays, athletes have three spares to load manually in case of Najprej se na 7,5 km progo podata biatlonca, tekmo pa the competition and handing over to his male colleague streljanih (leže in stoje) vrne štafeto in jo znova prevzame, ko missed shots. The male starts the competition and tags the zaključita biatlonki, ki morata prav tako preteči 7,5 km razdaljo afterwards, before the two women conclude this relay. Both sotekmovalec opravi z dvema strelskima nastopoma. Biatlonka female after the first two shooting stages (prone and standing). in se dvakrat, tako kot njuna sotekmovalca, podati na strelišče compete 7.5 km. po opravljenih dveh streljanjih tekmo zaključi, ko odteče še The handover is done directly after the range/penalty loop exit. (leže in stoje). Vsak tekmovalec ima na strelskem postanku na zadnji krog po opravljenem zadnjem strelskem nastopu. The same man returns to the track after the woman finishes. The voljo tri poprave. Če je neuspešen, mora za vsako zgrešeno woman returns second time and skis an additional lap after the tarčo preteči 150 m dolg kazenski krog. Štafete tekmo začnejo last shooting stage before crossing the finish line. The first team s skupinskim štartom. at the finish is the winner.

10 BMW IBU SVETOVNI POKAL V BIATLONU 2020 pokljuka BMW IBU WORLD CUP BIATHLON 2020 pokljuka 11 INDIVIDUAL Biathlon classic. This competition is the longest in the biathlon program, as well as the oldest, with women skiing 15 POSAMIČNO km and men 20 km. The start interval Posamično tekmovanje je najstarejše is generally 30 seconds, but particular in obenem tudi najdaljše biatlonsko conditions allow the jury to opt for shorter tekmovanje oz. biatlonska klasika. Ženske or longer intervals. Contrary to all the morajo preteči 15 km, medtem ko other formats, there is no penalty loop: moški tečejo na 20 km razdalji. Običajno each missed target in the individual startajo v razmaku 30-ih sekund, a adds a minute to the final time. Another specifične razmere omogočajo žiriji da peculiarity of this format is that the startni interval podaljša ali skrajša. V athletes shoot first in prone position, nasprotju z ostalimi disciplinami tukaj then standing, then prone again and biatlonci ne tečejo kazenskega kroga. finally standing for a second time in Za vsako zgrešeno tarčo se namreč the four shooting stages. The winner is končnemu času tekmovalca pribije determined by the best time including dodatna minuta. Med tekmovanjem the added penalty minutes. opravijo štiri strelske nastope in sicer leže, stoje, leže in na koncu še enkrat stoje.

SKUPINSKI ŠTART Vsi tekmovalci pričnejo tekmovati istočasno, zato je ta tekma najbolj zanimiva za gledalce. Tekmovanje je podobno posamičnemu, le razdalje so krajše (za moške 15 km in ženske 12,5 km) in strelja se z različnih položajev (leže, leže, stoje, stoje). Število tekmovalcev je omejeno na 30, kar je tudi minimalno število strelskih mest na strelišču, ki jih mora zagotoviti organizator tekme za svetovni pokal, saj se zaradi istočasnega štarta lahko na strelišču pojavi vseh 30 THE MASS START COMPETITION tekmovalcev hkrati. With a simultaneous start by all of the competitors, the Pravico do udeležbe na tekmi ima najboljših 25 tekmovalcev Mass Start offers the ultimate in excitement and suspense v trenutni skupni razvrstitvi svetovnega pokala in 5 najboljših for spectators. The format of the Mass Start is similar to the (izven omenjenih), ki so dosegli najboljše rezultate na individual except the distance are shorter (for men 15 km and preostalih tekmah, ki so potekale na istem prizorišču kot bo women 12,5 km) and shooting follows the sequence of prone, skupinski štart. Tekmovalec, ki ga nasprotniki prehitijo za en prone, standing, standing. Normal participation is limited to krog, mora nemudoma odstopiti. 30, which is the minimum number of targets required for a World Cup event, because each competitor requires a target of approximately the same time due to the simultaneous start. Participation in the Mass Start is based on the top 25 ranked competitors of the current World Cup total score, and 5 best competitors (which are not ranked in 25 above mentioned) from the previous competitions at the same venue. If competitors are lapped in the competition, they must withdraw immediately.


Spoštovani prijatelji biatlona! Dear friends of the biathlon! Največji uspehi // Best Results Vedno je zanimivo in napeto spremljati najboljše svetovne It is always interesting and intense to follow the world’s best MOŠKA A EKIPA biatlonke in biatlonce na tekmah, kjer se merijo, kdo bo ob biathletes trying to maintain the calmest hand for a successful MEN a TEAM hitrem teku uspel ohraniti tudi najbolj mirno roko za uspešno shoot while running fast. It is especially nice, and we should streljanje. Še posebej pa je lepo, da slovensko prizorišče be proud of it, that the Slovenian venue for biathlon JAKOV FAK // ŠD POKLJUKA // 1987 biatlonskih tekem leži v tako čudovitem okolju, ki je povrhu competitions lies in such a beautiful environment, even in a WC naj / Top 3 WCH celo v narodnem parku, na kar moramo biti ponosni. S tem national park. It proves that we can successfully combine the 1. MS hanti Mansijsk 14/15 3. SP hochfilzen 17/18 2009 Pjong Čang 14. SP, 25. P, dokazujemo, da znamo uspešno združevati odlično excellent organization of top-level sports competitions, and P nove Mesto 14/15 SP Antholz-Anterselva 14/15 3. I, 19. MS organizacijo vrhunskih športnih tekmovanj in pravila vedenja rules of conduct in a protected area. SP nove Mesto 14/15 P hochfilzen 14/15 2012 Ruhpolding 11. SP, 8. P, 1. I, MS kontiolahti 14/15 SP Östersund 14/15 2. mešana štafeta na zaščitenem območju. There is probably no better combination than elite sports SP Holmenkollen 13/14 MS Oslo Holmenkollen 13/14 2013 nove Mesto 3. SP, 6. P, 20. I, SP Pokljuka 12/13 SP Antholz-Anterselva 13/14 19. MS, 5. mešana štafeta, Verjetno ni boljše kombinacije kot vrhunski šport in and pristine nature. P hochfilzen 12/13 SP hochfilzen 12/13 13. štafeta vrhunska narava. I wish, and I have no doubt that this year’s Biathlon World Cup I Ruhpolding 11/12 SP Antholz-Anterselva 12/13 2015 kontiolahti 14. SP, 8. P, 10. I, 2. P hochfilzen 17/18 P Östersund 10/11 1. MS,15. mešana štafeta, Želim si in niti najmanj ne dvomim, da bo organizacija will be carried out at an enviable level. This year’s P Östersund 17/18 OWG naj / Top 3 8. štafeta svetovnega pokala v biatlonu tudi letos izvedena na competition is a dress rehearsal for the World Cup, and it P Ruhpolding 13/14 2016 Oslo Holmenkollen 39. SP, 2018 Pjong Čang 2. I zavidanja vredni ravni. Letošnje tekmovanje kot generalka should endorse the efforts of the organizer and anyone who P Antholz-Anterselva 12/13 5.P, 6. I, 7. MS, MS Pokljuka 12/13 13. mešana štafeta pred svetovnim prvenstvom v biatlonu naj potrdi is in any way connected with it. We are worthy of the trust 2019 Oestersund: 5. RL, 14. MS, prizadevanja organizatorja in tudi vseh nas, ki smo na expressed to us by having our candidacy for the 2021 World 17.SP, 26. P kakršen koli način povezani s tem tekmovanjem, da smo Cup confirmed. vredni zaupanja, ki nam je bilo izkazano s potrditvijo As the president of the Biathlon Association at the SAS, I am KLEMEN BAUER // SK IHAN // 1986 kandidature za svetovno prvenstvo 2021. extremely proud that our competitors, from the youngest to WC naj / Top 10 WCH Kot predsednik Zbora za biatlon pri SZS sem izredno the most elite biathletes, have the opportunity to train in 5. P kontiolahti 13/14 2006 Pokljuka 5. mešana štafeta 2013 nove Mesto, 21. SP, 24. P, 6. I Östersund 10/11 2007 Antholz-Anterselva 31. SP, 26. MS, 5.mešana štafeta, ponosen, da imajo naši tekmovalci, od najmlajših pa vse do such a beautiful and modern venue, which also includes a 7. P Pokljuka 09/10 45. P, 4. mešana štafeta, 19. 13. štafeta elitnih biatloncev, možnost trenirati na tako lepem, hotel. 8. SP Pjong Čang 07/08 štafeta 2015 kontiolahti 47. SP, 39. P, sodobno urejenem prizorišču, v sklopu katerega deluje tudi 9. I Oestersund 13/14 2008 Östersund, 44. P, 9. mešana 23. I, 15. mešana štafeta, The biathlon, the hotel and the organization of top P Oberhof 12/13 štafeta, 19. štafeta 8. štafeta hotel. competitions are complementary and mutually reinforcing, 10. I Östersund 17/18 2009 Pjong Čang 13. SP, 11. P, 2016 Oslo Holmenkollen 50. SP, Panoge biatlon, hotel in organizacija vrhunskih biatlonskih and they can only exist and advance together. I believe that SP Oberhof 11/12 53. I, 14. MS,12. mešana 56. P, 13. mešana štafeta, 17. štafeta tekmovanj se medsebojno dopolnjujejo in druga drugo such good cooperation will only intensify in the future, P Fort Kent 10/11 štafeta, 15. štafeta OWG naj / Top 3 2011 hanti Mansijsk 15. SP, 34. P, 2017 hochfilzen 18. mešana krepijo, po drugi strani pa lahko obstanejo in napredujejo making us happy and proud of the results in all three areas. 40. I, 19. MS, 16. mešana štafeta, 33. SP, 16. P, 88. I, 2010 4. SP, 9. P štafeta, 8. štafeta 17. MS, 18. štafeta samo skupaj. Verjamem, da se bo že tako dobro sodelovanje I wish all the contestants great performances, and the fans v prihodnosti samo še krepilo, tako da bomo z rezultati na 2012 Ruhpolding 44. SP, 32. P, 2019 Oestersund: 5. RL, 17. SP, the enjoyment in the spectacle and nature. I thank the 5. I, 21. MS, 2. mešana 36. P vseh treh področjih lahko zadovoljni in nanje ponosni. organizers and their associates in advance for all the effort štafeta, 14. štafeta Vsem tekmovalcem želim odlične nastope, gledalcem, da they put into organizing and executing the competition. bodo uživali ob predstavah športnikov in v naravi, All of that will help to popularize this interesting sport and I MIHA DOVŽAN // ŠD GORJE // 1994 WC naj / Top 60 organizatorjem in njihovim požrtvovalnim sodelavcem pa hope that we will be able to excite as many children, youth se že vnaprej zahvaljujem za ves trud, ki ga vlagajo v 17. I Ruhpolding 17/18 45. P hochfilzen 17/18 53. P nove Mesto 16/17 and adults as possible. I also hope the results will make the 25. SP Soldier Hollow Utah SP Pokljuka 18/19 55. SP nnecy 17/18 organizacijo in izvedbo tekmovanja. invested funds of our sponsors worthwhile. 34. SP Oslo Holmenkollen 16/17 SI Canmore 18/19 56. SP Presque Isle 15/16 Vse to bo pripomoglo k popularizaciji tega zanimivega SP Tyumen 17/18 46. I Östersund 17/18 59. P Pokljuka 15/16 BLAŽ REPINC 37. P Tyumen 17/18 47. I Östersund 15/16 WCH športa in nadejam se, da bomo lahko tako za ta šport 38. P nove Mesto 18/19 48. SP Pokljuka 15/16 navdušili čim več otrok, mladine in odrasle populacije, Predsednik Zbora za biatlon 40. SP hochfilzen 17/18 49. P Pokljuka 18/19 2016 Oslo Holmenkollen 43. I, 17. štafeta sponzorjem pa se z rezultati zahvalili za vsa vložena sredstva. President of the Biathlon Assembly 41. SP Oslo Holmenkollen 17/18 50. P Presque Isle 15/16 P Soldier Hollow Utah SP nove Mesto 18/19 2017 hochfilzen 18. mešana 42. SP kontiolahti 17/18 51. SP nove Mesto 16/17 štafeta, 50. I, 18. štafeta 2019 Oestersund 5. RL, 11. I, Blaž Repinc Predsednik Zbora za biatlon // President of theBiathlon Assembly 44. P Oslo Holmenkollen 17/18 52. P Oslo Holmenkollen 16/17 P Annecy 17/18 25. MRL, 62. SP Janez Ožbolt Vodja panoge za biatlon // Director of Biathlon Matej Oblak Vodja biatlonskih reprezentanc // Head of Biathlon Teams ROK TRŠAN // tsk LOGATEC // 1992 WC naj / Top 60 Uroš Velepec Glavni trener A reprezentance // Head Coach A Team 39. P kontiolahti 16/17 54. P Oslo Holmenkollen 16/17 Ljubo Tomažič Strelski trener // Shooting Coach 41 SP Presque Isle 15/16 55. P Östersund 16/17 P Presque Isle 15/16 56. I Pokljuka 18/19 Andreja Mali Glavni trener ženske reprezentance // Head Coach of Women Team 42. P Pokljuka 18/19 WCH 46. SP kontiolahti 16/17 2015 kontiolahti 8. štafeta Lenart Oblak Trener ženske reprezentance // Coach of Women Team 48. SP Östersund 16/17 50. I Ruhpolding 15/16 2016 Oslo Holmenkollen 33. I, 17. štafeta Janez Marič Glavni trener mladinske reprezentance // Head Coach of Junior Team SP Oslo Holmenkollen 16/17 52. SP Oberhof 18/19 2017 hochfilzen 18. štafeta 2019 Oestersund: 5. RL, 55. I Jure Ožbolt Trener mladinske reprezentance // Coach of Junior Team 53. SP Antholz-Anterselva 14/15 SP Soldier Hollow Utah 18/19 Ula Hafner Fizioterapevtka // Physiotherapist 14 BMW IBU SVETOVNI POKAL V BIATLONU 2020 pokljuka BMW IBU WORLD CUP BIATHLON 2020 pokljuka 15 SLOVENSKA BIATLONSKA REPREZENTANCA SLOVENSKA BIATLONSKA REPREZENTANCA SLOVENIAN BIATHLON TEAM SLOVENIAN BIATHLON TEAM

ALEX CISAR // TSK TRIGLAV KRANJ // 2000 LEA EINFALT // tsk triglav kranj // 1994 YJWCH WC naj / Top 1. SP Brezno 18/19 13. PU Cheile G. 15/16 19. RL Oberhof 2018/19 1. PU Brezno 18/19 14. SP Cheile G. 15/16 20. RL Ruhpolding 2018/19 2. RL Brezno 18/19 15. PU Brezno 16/17 4. SP Otepaeae 17/18 21. SP Brezno 16/17 WCH 5. RL Otepaeae 17/18 35. I Cheile G. 15/16 7. PU Otepaeae 17/18 23. RL Oestersund 2018/19 8. I Brezno 18/19 25. MR Oestersund 2018/19 9. I Brezno 16/17 11. RL Brezno 16/17 11. I Otepaeae 17/18 12. RL Cheile G. 15/16

NIKA VINDIŠAR // ŠD GORJE 1999 YJWCH Največji uspehi // Best Results 6. RL Brezno 16/17 ŽENSKA EKIPA 7. RL Otepaeae 17/18 WOMEN TEAM 7. RL Brezno 18/19 8. PU Brezno 18/19 16. I Brezno 16/17 URŠKA POJE // sk loška dolina // 1997 23. I Otepaeae 17/18 WC naj / Top 60 YJWCH 26. PU Otepaeae 17/18 31. PU Brezno 16/17 45. I Ruhpolding 17/18 4. P Minsk 14/15 23. SP Presque Isle 13/14 35. SP Brezno 16/17 50. P Östersund 17/18 P Otepää 16/17 24. I Osrblie 16/17 40. SP Otepaeae 17/18 57. I Östersund 17/18 5. SP Otepää 16/17 29. SP Obertilliach 12/13 40. I Brezno 18/19 SP Östersund 17/18 7. SP Cheile Gradistei 15/16 I Cheile Gradistei 15/16 46. SP Brezno 18/19 OWG SP Osrblie 16/17 34. P Obertilliach 12/13 9. P Presque Isle 13/14 I Otepää 17/18 2018 Pjong Čang 12. I 11. SP Minsk 14/15 WCH P Osrblie 16/17 TAIS VOZELJ // tsk triglav kranj // 1999 ŽIVA KLEMENČIČ // tsk triglav kranj // 2001 2015 kontiolahti 22. štafeta 17. P Cheile Gradistei 15/16 YOG YJWCH 2016 Oslo Holmenkollen 9. štafeta 19. I Minsk 14/15 18. PU lillehammer 2015/16 12. I Brezno 2016/17 5. RL Brezno 2018/19 38. SP Brezno 2018/19 2017 hochfilzen 17. štafeta 21. I Presque Isle 13/14 21. SP lillehammer 2015/16 13. PU Cheile G. 2015/16 7. RL Otepaeae 2017/18 40. PU Brezno 2016/17 2019 Oestersund: 23. RL, 83. I 22. I Obertilliach 12/13 24. SR lillehammer 2015/16 13. PU Brezno 2016/17 18. PU Otepaeae 2017/18 49. PU Brezno 2018/19 YWCH 15. SP Cheile G. 2015/16 22. SP Otepaeae 2017/18 21. I Otepaeae 2017/18 27. I Brezno 2018/19 POLONA KLEMENČIČ // tsk triglav kranj // 1997 4. SP Brezno 2016/17 33. PU Minsko 2014/15 29. SP Brezno 2016/17 WC naj / Top 60 WCH 6. RL Minsk 2014/15 42. I Cheile G. 2015/16 33. I Otepaeae 2017/18 6. RL Cheile G. 2015/16 48. SP Cheile Gradistei 15/16 48. SP Minsk 2014/15 47. P nove Mesto 18/19 2017 hochfilzen 17. štafeta 6. RL Brezno 2016/17 59. I Minsk 14/15 SP Ruhpolding 18/19 2019 Oestersund: 77. SP, 81. I 7. RL Otepaeae 2017/18 55. SP nove Mesto 18/19 YJWCH 60. I Osrblie 16/17 75. SP Tyumen 17/18 91. SP kontiolahti 17/18 7. RL Brezno 18/19 95. SP Oslo Holmenkollen 17/18 22. SP Osrblie 16/17 96. I Ruhpolding 17/18 23. P Otepää 17/18 97. SP Antholz-Anterselva 17/18 27. P Cheile Gradistei 15/16 27. I Brezno 18/19 31. P Osrblie 16/17 41. SP Otepää 17/18 46. I Otepää 17/18

NINA ZADRAVEC // tsk triglav kranj // 1998 WC naj / Top YJWCH 19. RL Oberhof 18/19 6. RL Minsk 14/15 37. PU Otepaeae 17/18 20. RL Ruhpolding 18/19 6. RL Cheile G. 14/15 39. I Minsk 14/15 21. MR kontiolahti 17/18 6. RL Brezno 16/17 47. PU Brezno 18/19 7. RL Brezno 18/19 52. I Brezno 18/19 WCH 12. RL Otepaeae 17/18 20. SP Brezno 16/17 2019 Oestersund 23. štafeta 24. SP Cheile G. 15/16 26. SP Otepaeae 17/18 36. PU Cheile G. 15/16

16 BMW IBU SVETOVNI POKAL V BIATLONU 2020 pokljuka BMW IBU WORLD CUP BIATHLON 2020 pokljuka 17 Potrebujemo predvsem čas


“Gre za veliko željo in voljo, za boj na Cup and are testing their skills at treningu. Tekmovalka, ki ima vse to, various competitions – also because Le vztrajati bo treba bo to pokazala tudi na tekmi.” Le tako Slovenia wants to preserve the quota town of Hochfilzen, the competitors Slovenski ženski biatlon išče Večji del ekipe je po kakovosti trenutno bomo dobili novo Andrejo Grašič, Tejo for competing at the highest level. “The proved for the first time in this season basic conditions. This is a very difficult pot, da se vrne v zlato obdobje, nekje med IBU pokalom in svetovnim Gregorin ... ali pa Andrejo Mali. fact is that we are making progress. that successes are possible with good sport and we will have to invest more in ki ga je s prvimi velikimi uspehi pokalom ter se preizkuša v različnih Especially in cross-country skiing. shooting. “There, Lea Einfalt and Polona the girls.” zaznamovala Andreja Grašič, tekmovanjih – tudi zato, ker si Slovenija But more will have to be done in the Klemenčič proved that we are capable Mali also points out that the competitor kasneje pa so za pravi razcvet želi ohraniti kvoto za nastop na najvišji Slovenian women’s biathlon is shooting department. Einfalt is again an of much more than was demonstrated at must be determined enough to continue poskrbele , Tadeja ravni. “Dejstvo je, da napredujemo. searching for a way to return exception, having made great progress some of the other competitions. All we regardless of the conditions, and that Brankovič, Dijana Grudiček in Predvsem v teku. Še več pa bo treba to its golden days, which began as a shooter after her first year in have to do is persevere.” these conditions will improve with each Andreja Mali. Slednja je pred storiti v streljanju. Tudi tukaj je izjema with the first great successes biathlon, but she will nevertheless have success. “It’s about a great desire and časom prevzela vodenje ženske Einfaltova, ki je po prvem letu v biatlonu of Andreja Grašič, and later to pay even more attention to it,” says IT IS ALL ABOUT THE WILL willpower; a battle during training. The reprezentance. seveda strelsko napredovala, a temu prospered owing to Teja Mali. In recent years, the Slovenian women’s competitor who possesses all of that will elementu bo treba dati tudi pri njej še Gregorin, Tadeja Brankovič, She also mentioned that she is working ranks have unfortunately thinned. “Some also show it at the race.” Only this way Nosilka štafetne kolajne s svetovnega večjo pozornost,” pravi Malijeva. Dijana Grudiček and Andreja well with the shooting coach Lenart quit too soon. The transition from juniors will we get a new Andreja Grašič, Teja prvenstva 2012 v Ruhpoldinu o Dodaja, da s strelskim trenerjem Mali. The latter has recently Oblak, but pointed out that there is to team members is difficult. However, Gregorin, or Andreja Mali. vrnitvi deklet med najboljše pravi: Lenartom Oblakom dobro sodelujeta, taken over the management of still much room for improvement. In it’s also true that if we want to hold on to “Potrebujemo predvsem čas.” predvsem pa želi poudariti, da je the women’s national team. December, at a race in the Austrian them, we will have to work on the social 42-letna Kamničanka, ki je trikrat prostora za napredek še veliko. A da aspect and improve the competitors’ nastopila na olimpijskih igrah, so uspehi ob dobrem streljanju možni, When asked about making it back to izpostavlja, da mora za večje uspehe so tekmovalke prvič v sezoni dokazale the top, the winner of the relay medal ekipa predvsem dozoreti. “Potrebujemo že na decembrski tekmi v avstrijskem from the 2012 World Championship še leto ali dve. Dekleta so izredno Hochfilznu. “Lea Einfalt in Polona in Ruhpolding had this to say: “Time is mlada in težko se je prebiti v ospredje Klemenčič sta tam dokazali, da je what we mostly need.” v svetovnem pokalu. Izjema je Lea možno precej več, kot smo prikazali na The forty-two-year-old from Kamnik, Einfalt, ki pa je šele pred lansko sezono nekaterih drugih tekmah. Le vztrajati bo who competed at the Olympic Games prestopila v biatlon in še nabira izkušnje treba.” three times, points out that the team v kombinaciji smučarskega teka in must mature in order to achieve greater streljanja ter prav tako potrebuje čas.” GRE ZA VELIKO ŽELJO IN VOLJO successes. “We need another year V zadnjih letih je bilo v slovenski ženski or two. The girls are very young and vrsti žal tudi precej osipa. “Nekatere res it’s hard to make it to the forefront in prekmalu nehajo. Prehod iz mladinske v the World Cup. One exception is Lea DEJSTVO JE, DA člansko vrsto je težak. Res pa je tudi, da Einfalt, who switched to biathlon before NAPREDUJEMO, bomo morali, če jih hočemo obdržati, last year’s season and is still gaining PREDVSEM V TEKU. kaj postoriti tudi na socialni plati in experience in the combination of cross- tekmovalkam izboljšati osnovne pogoje. country skiing and rifle shooting; she, THE FACT IS THAT Ta šport je res težak in tudi v dekleta bo too, needs more time.” WE ARE MAKING treba vložiti več.” A Malijeva poudarja tudi, da mora biti All we have to do is persevere PROGRESS. lastna želja tekmovalke tako velika, da As regards quality, most of the team especially in gre ne glede na dane pogoje naprej members are currently somewhere cross-country skiing ter da se bodo ti urejali z uspehi. between the IBU Cup and the World

18 BMW IBU SVETOVNI POKAL V BIATLONU 2020 pokljuka 19 Če bodo vztrajali, bomo dobili močno naslednjo generacijo If They’ll Persevere, We’ll Get a Strong Next Generation Trener mladih slovenskih iz tekov. Tega je zdaj manj. Vzgajamo and patience. “The competitors are reprezentanc Janez Marič, svoje tekmovalce. Imamo tudi odlične slowly acquiring these qualities; patience štirikratni olimpijec, je prepričan, pogoje, saj se programi, za katere se is perhaps the only one we sometimes da je prihodnost slovenskega dogovorimo z vodstvom zveze, have problems with. They are sometimes biatlona svetla. realizirajo.” impatient, but there are very few competitors such as Johannes Thingnes Generacija mladih tekmovalcev je Nekdanji reprezentant zahteva postopen Boe, who are able to make it to the Glavni trener mladinske biatlonske reprezentance Head Coach of junior biathlon team konkurenčna najboljšim na svetu. razvoj in to pričakuje tudi od vodilnih na national team at the young age of 20. Nenazadnje so Alex Cisar, Lovro Planko zvezi. “Pomembno je, da gredo naprej s That happens only every few years. Of in Anton Vidmar blesteli na lanskem svojo generacijo, kjer so zelo uspešni. course, the juniors watch his janez marič mladinskem svetovnem prvenstvu do 19 Svetovni pokal je za večino še premočan, performances.” let. Cisar se je domov vrnil kar z dvema saj imajo tekmeci tam leta treningov naslovoma prvaka. prednosti, zato so pritiski preveliki. V That is why Marič prioritises gradual “Če bodo tekmovalci vztrajali, imajo pred takih razmerah tekmovalca lahko development. “Our main goal this year is sabo lepo prihodnost. Tukaj so še Matic prekuriš in potrebuješ kar nekaj časa, da the Junior World Championships in Repnik, Jernej Goropečnik, Blaž se spet sestavi. Drugače je, če mladi Lenzerheide. We’re training for the medal Debeljak, Tilen Gregorka, nekaj je vedo, da gre za eno tekmo, en nastop, but I don’t like to talk about it because it odličnih deklet ... Vsako leto je kdo nov. kjer bodo dobili le nove izkušnje, sicer pa puts pressure on the competitors. Če bomo delali sistematično, lahko naj se naučijo zmagovati v svoji Predictions can backfire, especially in ustvarimo novo generacijo, ki bo zelo kategoriji. Počakajmo, da bodo biathlon where one shot can change uspešna,” je prepričan Marič, leta 2006 pripravljeni.” everything. That’s why I’ll be satisfied prvi slovenski tekmovalec z zmago v with each good performance.” svetovnem pokalu v moški konkurenci. The coach of the Slovenian When drawing comparisons with his Pomemben je postopEN razvoj national junior teams Janez beginnings in biathlon, he points out that Zdaj 44-letni trener ve povedati, da je Marič, four-time Olympian in Slovenia the regional centres took a eno trening, predvsem pa je pomembno, athlete, believes that Slovenian giant step forward; the clubs in Ihan, da se tekmovalci naučijo skromnosti, biathlon has a bright future. Kranj, Bohinj and elsewhere are doing vztrajnosti delavnosti in potrpežljivosti. great work. “In my days, we switched to “Vse lastnosti ti tekmovalci počasi že This generation of junior competitors can biathlon from cross-country skiing. imajo, morda je kdaj potrpežljivost tista, s rival the best in the world. After all, Alex There’s less of that now. We’re raising our katero imamo težave. Včasih so nestrpni, Cisar, Lovro Planko and Anton Vidmar own competitors. We also have great a tekmovalcev, kot je to zdaj Johannes excelled at last year’s Junior World conditions, because the programmes we Thingnes Boe, ki pri dobrih 20 letih Championships under 19. Cisar came arrange with the Association’s leadership zmorejo prestop v člansko konkurenco, home with two champion titles. are indeed carried out.” je zelo malo. To se zgodi le vsakih nekaj “If the competitors will persevere, they’ll let. Seveda pa ga mladi gledajo.” have a nice future ahead of them. Then This former member of the national team there are Matic Repnik, Jernej demands gradual development and Marič zato poudarja, da daje prednost Goropečnik, Blaž Debeljak, Tilen expects the same from the leadership of postopnemu razvoju. “Naš glavni cilj Gregorka; there are also a few the Association. “It’s important that they “Če bomo delali letos je mladinsko svetovno prvenstvo v outstanding girls ... Someone new comes advance with their generation in which Lenzerheideju. Treniramo za kolajno, a o along every year. If we work they are very successful. For most of sistematično, lahko tem nerad govorim, saj to za tekmovalce systematically, we can create a new, them, the World Cup is too demanding, ustvarimo novo pomeni določen pritisk. Posebej highly successful generation,” believes since the competitors there have had generacijo, ki bo zelo nehvaležne pa so napovedi v biatlonu, Marič, who was the first Slovenian many years of training and the pressure is uspešna.” kjer en strel lahko spremeni vse. Prav competitor in 2006 to win the World Cup simply too high. Under such conditions, zato bom zadovoljen z vsakim dobrim in the men’s competition. you can exhaust competitors and it takes “If we work nastopom.” them quite a while to put themselves V primerjavi z lastnimi začetki v biatlonu Gradual development back together. It’s different if the juniors systematically, we can poudarja, da je bil v Sloveniji z regijskimi The now 44-year-old coach can tell you know it’s just one race, one performance, create a new, highly centri storjen velik korak naprej, odlično that training is one thing, but that what where they’ll gain new experience; but successful generation.” delajo klubi v Ihanu, Kranju, Bohinju in še matters the most is that the competitors they should learn how to win in their kje. “V mojih letih smo v biatlon prihajali learn humility, perseverance, diligence category. Let’s wait till they’re ready.”

20 BMW IBU SVETOVNI POKAL V BIATLONU 2020 pokljuka BMW IBU WORLD CUP BIATHLON 2020 pokljuka 21 VABLJENI NA IBU SVETOVNO WELCOME TO THE IBU WORLD PRVENSTVO V BIATLONU POKLJUKA 2021 CHAMPIONCHIPS BIATHLON POKLJUKA 2021 v sodelovanju z BMW presented by BMW Prizorišče v osrčju narave Venue in the heart of the nature NOVO! Področje ob progi za navijače NEW! Course area for fans Dodatne tribune Additional grandstands NOVO! Navijaška vas NEW! Spectators village Brezplačen shuttle bus prevoz Free Shuttle bus Številne možnosti namestitve Plenty accommodation opportunities Bogat spremljevalni program Rich accompanying programme 9.—21. 2. 2021 Družinam prijazno Family friendly Idilična Bled in Bohinj Idyllic Bled and Bohinj Podelitve na Blejski promenadi ob jezeru Ceremonies at Bled Promenade by the Lake Bled Zelena in trajnostna Green and sustainable

PROGRAM // PROGRAMME sreda / Wednesday 10. 2. 2021 Mešana štafeta / Mixed Relay četrtek / Thursday 11. 2. 2021 Uradni trening / Official training petek / Friday 12. 2. 2021 Šprint moški / Sprint Men sobota / Saturday 13. 2. 2021 Šprint ženske / Sprint Women nedelja / Sunday 14. 2. 2021 Zasledovalno moški / Pursuit Men Zasledovalno ženske / Pursuit Women ponedeljek / Monday 15. 2. 2021 Uradni trening / Official training torek / Tuesday 16. 2. 2021 Posamično moški / Individual Men sreda / Wednesday 17. 2. 2021 Posamično ženske / Individual Women četrtek / Thursday 18. 2. 2021 Mešane dvojice / Single Mix Relay petek / Friday 19. 2. 2021 Uradni trening / Official training sobota / Saturday 20. 2. 2021 Štafeta moški / Relay Men Štafeta ženske / Relay Women nedelja / Sunday 21. 2. 2021 Skupinski štart moški / Mass Start Men Skupinski štart ženske / Mass Start Women

NAMESTITEV IN TURISTIČNI PAKETI // ACCOMMODATION AND TOURIST PACKAGES Večina namestitvenih kapacitet je na voljo na Bledu in okolici ter Bohinju in okolici. THE BIATHLON FAMILY Prosim pošljite povpraševanje na [email protected] Most of the accommodation facilities are available in Bled and its surroundings and Bohinj and its sur- roundings. Please send your enquiry to [email protected]

Ekskluzivni začetek prodaje vstopnic je 24. 1. 2020 na Pokljuki! Exclusive launch of tickets sale on 24 January 2020 at Pokljuka.

BMW IBU WORLD CUP BIATHLON 2020 pokljuka 23 BIATHLON TOUR MOBIL BIATHLON TOUR MOBIL Kako veliko zgodbo lahko poveš, če jo poneseš Can you imagine what a great story you could 11.000 kilometrov naokoli, če jo pripoveduješ tell if you carried it over a distance of 11,000 kar 45 dni hkrati in če jo sliši, doživi in občuti na kilometres, if you told it for 45 days in a row, and stotisoče ljudi? Zares veliko in zares svetovno if it were heard, experienced and felt by hundreds zgodbo. Zgodbo o biatlonu na Pokljuki. of thousands of people? A truly great and a truly Za pripoved bo skrbela predana ekipa, ki je global story. The story of biathlon on Pokljuka. Biatlon je šport izjemnih zgodb, šampionov, srčnosti in atraktivnih bojev do zadnjih avtodom Adria Mobil spremenila v Biathlon Tour The story will be told by a dedicated team that has atomov moči. Hkrati pa je biatlon neposredno povezan z naravo, Mobil in z njim prečesala velik del Evrope, svojo converted an Adria Mobil camper into a Biathlon ki je na Pokljuki še posebej čudovita. pot pa zaključila v Sloveniji, ki bo kraj svetovnega Tour Mobil and toured with it across much of In kaj je lepšega, kot v neokrnjeni naravi spremljati napet športni spektakel biatlonskega spektakla na Pokljuki. Europe, ending its route in Slovenia, the location of svetovnega kova? Z eno besedo lahko rečemo le “svetovno”. #BiathlonTourMobil lahko spremljate tudi na the world-class biathlon spectacle on Pokljuka. Bodite del svetovne zgodbe tudi vi. Sami, s partnerjem, prijatelji, sodelavci ali druži- spletnih platformah, če pa ga ujamete v živo, You can follow the #BiathlonTourMobil on online no. Zagotavljamo vam svetovno doživetje na Pokljuki. uživajte v aktivnostih, ki jih ponuja in v dobrotah, za platforms; if you happen to catch it in the real katere bo poskrbela Argeta. world, enjoy the activities it has to offer and the delicacies provided by Argeta.

Biathlon is a sport of extraordinary stories, champions, boldness and attractive battles to the last atom of strength. At the same time, biathlon is directly connected with nature, which is particularly beautiful on Pokljuka. Is there anything better than watching a world-class thrilling sporting spectacle in pristine nature? There is only one word for it: “world-class”. Be a part of the global story, too. By yourself, with your partner, friends, co-workers or family. We guarantee you a world-class experience on Pokljuka.

24 BMW IBU SVETOVNI POKAL V BIATLONU 2020 pokljuka BMW IBU WORLD CUP BIATHLON 2020 pokljuka 25 Letošnja Pokljuka tudi preizkus prog za svetovno prvenstvo This Year’s Pokljuka COMPETITIONS to Test the Courses for the World Championships

Pokljuka za svetovno prven- Seveda pa so po preizkusih potrebni the adjusted courses are much more stvo v biatlonu 2021 dobiva tudi manjši popravki. Zadevo je treba attractive, as they show that Pokljuka tudi posamezne PRILAGODITVE malce preizkusiti, kar velja za večino is embedded in the Julian Alps. But NA progAH. Vodja projekta je zadev v življenju. Tudi na Triglav se ne that is not the only advantage. Among VODJA TEKMOVANJA Matej Kordež, ki ne skriva, da so gre v novih čevljih,” meni Kordež. other things, the layout of the course CHIEF OF COMPETITION mu pri tem pomagali tudi nekat- has been changed at the Biathlon eri izkušeni kolegi, da bi Rudno Da gre za res zahtevne nove odseke, pa Centre itself, leaving more room for MATEJ KORDEŽ polje dobilo še bolj atraktivne potrjuje podatek, da bodo najnevarnejši other activities. “We’ve now gained a smučine in se še lepše predstavi- deli zaščiteni z blazinami. Delno bodo spectator area along the courses; there lo biatlonski karavani. Proge proge zaradi varnosti tudi zaprte za will also be more room at the grand- bodo preizkusili že na letošnjem javnost. “Nikogar ne podimo, a blazine stand. I am pleased that the solutions svetovnem pokalu. tam ne bodo ves čas in takrat bomo are coach-friendly. The courses are now proge zaprli. Seveda pa tega območ- more concentrated in the central area, “Novega na samem terenu je malo, a ja ni mogoče nadzirati v celoti, saj ne so the coaches will be able to move gre za najpomembnejše detajle. Z no- gre za prostor, ki bi ga zaklenili in tako between sections more easily. Simulta- vostmi smo povečali višinsko razliko ozi- preprečili vstop,” o zahtevnosti novih neously, we’ve also solved the problem roma seštevke višinske razlike v vzponih odsekov še pripoveduje Kordež. with the warm-up course,” said Kordež. in spustih. Tehnično so proge zdaj veliko zahtevnejše. Spremeniti smo morali tudi ADJUSTED COURSES were already nekatere smeri in iz obstoječih gozdnih tested vlak zgraditi povezave, da so proge s For the Biathlon World Cham- The innovations were tested for the first kratkimi odseki lepo povezane, kar je bil pionships 2021, Pokljuka is being time at the IBU Junior Cup; new tests eden večjih izzivov,” je bistvene novosti given individual sections of AD- will follow, including this year’s World predstavil nekdanji smučarski tekač. JUSTMENTS ON COURSES. The proj- Cup. “There was some criticism, but the ect manager is Matej Kordež, majority has accepted the innovations Po mnenju poznavalcev Pokljuke so who has admitted to getting well. Of course, minor corrections are prilagoditve na progah veliko bolj help from a few experienced col- needed after the tests. It must be tested atraktivne, saj razkrivajo umeščenost leagues, so Rudno polje would first, which is true of most things in life. Pokljuke v Julijske Alpe. Prednosti pa gain even more attractive ski You wouldn’t ascend Mount Triglav in je še več. Med drugim se je spremenil trails and make an even bet- new shoes,” according to Kordež. potek proge v samem biatlonskem ter impression on the biathlon centru, kjer bo več prostora za druge ranks. They will test the courses That the new sections are indeed de- aktivnosti. “Ob progah smo zdaj dobili at this year’s World Cup. manding has been corroborated by the prostor za gledalce, tega bo več tudi v information that the most dangerous območju glavne tribune. Veseli me, da “We’ve made few changes to the terrain areas will be protected with padding. so rešitve prijazne do trenerjev. Proge itself, but they are the most important For safety reasons, the courses will be so namreč bolj skoncentrirane v central- details. Through these innovations, partially closed to the public. “We’re not nem območju, kar za trenerje pomeni we’ve increased the height difference or trying to chase anyone away, but the prilagojene PROGE so bolj lažje premike med posameznimi odseki. the sums of the height difference of the padding won’t be there the entire time, atraktivne in razkrivajo umeščenost Obenem smo rešili tudi težavo ascents and descents. Technically speak- and that’s when we’ll close the cours- Pokljuke v Julijske Alpe z ogrevalno progo,” pravi Kordež. ing, the courses are now much more es. Of course, the entire area can’t be demanding. We’ve also had to change supervised; it’s not a room we can lock prilagoditve na progah so že certain directions and from forest roads up and prevent entry,” said Kordež about adjusted COURSES are much more PReiZKUSILI build connections, so the courses are the demanding new sections. attractive, as they show that Novosti so prvič preizkusili že na IBU now well connected with the short Pokljuka is embedded pokalu v biatlonu za mlajše člane, sledili sections, which was one of the major in the Julian Alps bodo novi preizkusi, kamor sodi tudi le- challenges,” said the former cross-coun- tošnji svetovni pokal. “Nekaj je bilo tudi try skier about the main innovations. kritik, a večina je novost dobro sprejela. According to connoisseurs of Pokljuka,

26 BMW IBU SVETOVNI POKAL V BIATLONU 2020 pokljuka BMW IBU WORLD CUP BIATHLON 2020 pokljuka 27 Ko tekma uspe, minejo vse težave Sekretariat za tehnične zadeve Secretariat for Technical Affairs When the competition is successful, BRANKO GOMILAR all the troubles disappear

podobo in so na Pokljuki zamenjali razvažajo po progah. “Spali smo po štiri 20 years have passed since Letos bo minilo 20 let, odkar je Each year, the first snowy day is a special day for Brane Gomilar prevzel urejanje takratne kontejnerje z novim objektom. ure na dan”. Tako je reševal napako na Brane Gomilar took over the centra na Pokljuki. Številne “Takrat so me po prenovi potrebovali.” električnem omrežju, dela z ratrakom, management of the center on Branko Gomilar and his team. The director of izkušnje so botrovale k temu, Letos pa je dočakal 10-letnico novega upravlja motorne sani, s katerimi zna biti Pokljuka. Numerous the center personally gives him his lunch packed da je njegov telefon prvi, ki centra v zdajšnji obliki. v snežnih razmerah tudi naporno. experiences have contributed with homemade delicacies and, fortunately, a zazvoni, ko pride do težave. In leta 2000 je začel postajati, kar je Delo pa ima tudi svojo romantično plat. to the fact that when a bottle of wine. danes. Človek, ki ve največ podrobnosti Pred kakšnimi petimi leti je na Pokljuki problem arises, his phone is the first one to ring. Pot na Pokljuko se pri njem zdi nekaj o objektih, orodju, progah in delu na srečal volka samotarja. “To je izredno There are currently six snow cannons on naravnega. S snegom je bil povezan Rudnem polju. “Najprej sem skrbel za težko, saj gre za zelo plašno žival. A Pokljuka. A team of 6 to 8 people has 10 days to celo življenje. Najprej kot uslužbenec Going to Pokljuka seems natural with strelišče in objekt. Za vsak dogodek sem očitno sem ga zmotil z ratrakom, hodil transport and reinforce 15,000 cubic meters slovenskega proizvajalca smuči Elan, vse pripravil in na koncu tudi pospravil. je za mano in pri enem od manevrov se him. He has been living with snow all sicer v programu jadrnic, kasneje je Veliko sem bil sam in takrat se me je mi je približal na 30 metrov. Tudi zdaj his life. First, as an employee of the of snow on the pistes. Natural snow sometimes delal z udarnimi biatlonci iz bližnjih prijelo ime Pokljuški Jeti,” v smehu pove imamo na Pokljuki trop volkov. Rad bi Slovenian ski manufacturer Elan, helps, but large quantities cause troubles Gorij Matjažem in Jožetom Poklukarjem, Gomilar. videl tudi medveda.” although he worked in the sailing at the shooting range, where removing and Tomažem Žemvo ter Mihom in Lucijo program. Then, he worked with A v spominih so to lepi časi. Veliko A trenutki za tovrstne zgodbe so redki. impressive biathletes from the nearby transporting snow to other parts of the snow Larisi. Nato je skupaj z Borutom stadium may be laborious. Nunarjem deloval tudi v mladinski in dela, pa vendarle tudi kaj časa zase na “V ospredju je center, ki je dobro village of Gorje: Matjaž and Jože članski reprezentanci. V biatlonu je bil planoti v osrčju Triglavskega narodnega obiskan, in dela je res veliko, malce pa Poklukar, Tomaž Žemva, Miha and wolves on Pokljuka. I would love to celo desetletje. parka. je vse skupaj odvisno od vremenskih Lucija Larisi. After that, he the moniker Yeti of Pokljuka,” Gomilar razmer. A center mora biti vzdrževan in see a bear.” In dela mu ne zmanjka. “Po 20 letih collaborated with Borut Nunar in the says laughing. Those are beautiful A resnica je drugačna. “Na Pokljuki se stalno razvijati. Z novostmi pa se nove dela tukaj je tako, da poznam vse youth and member national teams. memories. There was plenty of work, Moments for stories like that are rare. sem bolj po naključju. Ko so se v Elanu težave in naloge najdejo tudi zame.” He was involved in biathlon for a but also some alone time on the “The center is in the foreground. It is pojavile prve težave, sem bil na spisku podrobnosti. Če so težave, ki jih kdo ne zna rešiti, sem prvi, ki se ga pokliče. “ Prav nove naloge so tudi nekakšen whole decade. plateau in the heart of the Triglav well attended and there is a lot of tistih, ki so izgubili službo, in takrat se National Park. He never runs out of izziv. “Učiš se sproti. Z elektriko sva But the truth is different. “I’m on work. It all depends on the weather je ponudila priložnost.” Svojo zdajšnjo Njegovo delo morda najbolje opisujejo work. “I know every detail after 20 že skoraj na ti, saj pogosto skušamo Pokljuka purely by chance. When conditions. The center needs to be vlogo na Pokljuki je prevzel točno v letu, decembrski dnevi, ko ponoči skrbi za years of working here. If there are po nasvetih strokovnjakov reševati troubles first arose in Elan, I was on maintained and in constant evolution. ko je center prvič dobil prenovljeno izdelavo umetnega snega, ki ga podnevi unsolvable problems, I am the first zadeve na daljavo, počasi se spoznam the list of those who lost their jobs, With new additions come new one to be called.” na vodovodarska dela, pojavijo se and that’s when the opportunity problems and tasks for me.” Vsako leto je za Branka Gomilarja in ekipo prvi težave z ogrevanjem ... Naučil sem se called.” He assumed his current role His work is perhaps best described The new tasks are also a challenge in uporabljati ratrak, prav zdaj pa smo za dan zasneževanja tudi poseben dan. Na ta dan on Pokljuka the very same year when by the December days when he takes a way. “You learn as you go. I’m quite sneg dobili dva nova topova, kjer so the center got renovated and the care of making artificial snow at night, relaxed with electricity since we often vsakič od direktorja centra osebno dobi malico, zadeve v osnovi sicer znane, a se vsaka new structure replaced the which is then transported to the try to solve problems remotely. I’m v kateri ne manjka domačih dobrot in za srečo naprava od druge razlikuje in treba containers. “They needed me after tracks by day. “We slept for four learning about plumbing, heating tudi steklenica vina. se jo je naučiti upravljati. Potem pa they finished the renovation.”T his hours a day.” He also fixes power grid issues, etc. I learned how to use the pozimi velikokrat čakam na sneg, ko ob year, he celebrated the 10th faults, works with a snowcat and snowcat, and we just acquired two no Na Pokljuki je trenutno šest topov za umetno padavinah zjutraj začnemo z urejanjem anniversary of the new center in its snowmobile, which can be tricky in snow cannons. The basics are clear, centra že ob 5. uri.” zasneževanje. Ekipa 6 do 8 ljudi v DESETIH dneh current form. snow conditions. but devices differ from one another, A služba ga na koncu zelo veseli. “Vse In 2000, he turned into what he is The work also has its romantic side. and one needs to learn how to poskrbi za 15.000 kubičnih metrov snega, ga manage it. During the winter, I wait razvozi in utrdi na progah. Včasih pomaga težave minejo. Zadovoljstvo, ko tekma today. The man who knows the most About five years ago, he met a lone uspe, pa je vsakič izjemno.” details about facilities, tools, lines wolf on Pokljuka. “It is quite difficult for the snow when we start working naravni sneg, ki pa ob večjih količinah povzroča and work on Rudno polje. “First, I since it is a timid animal. I obviously around the center at 5 AM.” preglavice na strelišču, kjer je lahko veliko dela took care of the shooting range and disturbed him with my snowcat. He The job does make him happy. “All z odstranjevanjem in prevozom tega materiala the facility. I prepared everything for followed me and approached me at the problems disappear. It’s na druge dele snežnega stadiona. each event and also cleaned it up. I 30 meters during one of the exceptional when the competition is was alone a lot, and at that time, I got maneuvers. There is still a pack of a success.”

28 BMW IBU SVETOVNI POKAL V BIATLONU 2020 pokljuka BMW IBU WORLD CUP BIATHLON 2020 pokljuka 29 Winter 2019-20

THE BLED WINTER FAIRY TALE SURROUNDED BY TOP SKI RESORTS BLED WINTER SHUTTLE TO POKLJUKA Bled is particularly magical in winter, when Bled is surrounded by some of Slovenia’s top The snow-covered Pokljuka plateau, famous the bustle of the warm months slows down ski resorts. Kranjska Gora and Krvavec are among biathlon enthusiasts as a regular and the landscape turns white. The image of connected into a single ‘Julian Alps Regional Biathlon World Cup venue, is a paradise the mountain lake with the island and castle, Ski Pass’. The ski pass includes free ski bus for cross-country skiers, who can use a set against the backdrop of mighty mountain from Bled. The Vogel mountain ski resort network of more than 50 kilometres of well- summits, charms visitors with peace and is located nearby. Bled’s central location groomed trails. Pokljuka’s range of sport tranquillity. In winter we can take some time provides skiers and snowboarders with a infrastructure is in perfect harmony with the for ourselves and enjoy precious moments possibility to choose the resort with the best natural setting. At only a short ride from the spent with our loved ones. The pristine natural snow and weather conditions and enjoy a hustle and bustle of Bled, Pokljuka welcomes environment and clear mountain air invite different ski slope every day. sport enthusiasts who enjoy outdoor sports visitors to take a walk hand in hand, enjoy a in close contact with nature and is an romantic horse carriage ride or spend some increasingly popular starting point for ski time outdoors, with wellness and spa centres touring, winter hikes, Nordic walking, and and the exquisite culinary completing the snowshoeing. Get on the Bled winter shuttle perfect experience of Bled. to Pokljuka!

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