22.−26. JANUAR 2020 POKLJUKA BMW IBU SVETOVNI POKAL V BIATLONU WWW.BIATHLON-POKLJUKA.COM KARL ERJAVEC Minister za obrambo Republike Slovenije in predsednik Organizacijskega odbora Pokljuka Minister of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia MY WAY OF and President of the Organizing Committee Pokljuka Spoštovane tekmovalke in tekmovalci, prireditelji ter obiskovalci tekem svetovnega pokala v biatlonu, BEING ACTIVE. tekme svetovnega pokala v biatlonu na eni izmed naših najlepših gorskih planot so za našo državo izrednega pomena. Pokljuka je postala tradicionalno prizorišče svetovnega biatlona, dobro obiskane tekme pa sodijo med najodmevnejše športne prireditve v Republiki Sloveniji. Ministrstvo za obrambo in Slovenska vojska sta s Get lost on your favourite trail, climb towering svojim dolgoletnim sodelovanjem postala del tega vrhunskega slovenskega in svetovnega projekta. Veseli me, da lahko k uspehu slovenskega biatlona prispevamo peaks, dive into crystal clear waters or have tudi z zaposlitvami naših biatloncev in biatlonk v Slovenski vojski. a one-on-one with pristine nature. Discover Verjamem, da ste organizatorji tekem svojo nalogo ob pomoči lokalne skupnosti in s exhilarating Slovenian experiences in your own podporo tukajšnjega prebivalstva tudi tokrat odlično opravili. To bo za vas dober special way. preizkus pred biatlonskim svetovnim prvenstvom, ki bo na Pokljuki že naslednje leto. Zadovoljen sem, da smo podpisali Dogovor o sodelovanju in podporo pri izvedbi svetovnih prvenstev v smučarskih športih v letih 2020, 2021 in 2023 med Ministrstvom za obrambo in Smučarsko zvezo Slovenije. Priprave na ta veliki športni dogodek so tako že v polnem teku. #ifeelsLOVEnia Spoštovani biatlonke in biatlonci, #myway verjamem, da se bomo tudi letos veselili vaših odličnih športnih predstav. Želim vam, da boste uspeli s točnimi streli in v boju s časom v zahtevni konkurenci pokazali vse, kar zmorete in za kar ste se zavzeto pripravljali. Naj bo tudi športna sreča na vaši strani. Dobrodošli na Pokljuki. Dear competitors, organizers and visitors to the BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon! The BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon competitions on one of our most beautiful mountain plateaus are of significant importance to our country. Pokljuka has become a traditional venue of the Biathlon World Cup, and well attended competitions are one of the most recognised sporting events in the Republic of Slovenia. Through the long- time participation in the organisation, the Ministry of Defence and the Slovenian Armed Forces have become a part of this top-level project on the national and global level. We are happy that we can contribute to the success of the Slovenian biathlon through the employment of our biathletes in the Slovenian Armed Forces. I am confident that you have once again done an excellent job, with the help and support of the local community and people. The competitions will also be a good test for you before the World Championships Biathlon, which will take place in Pokljuka next year. Furthermore, I am pleased that the Agreement on Cooperation and Support in the Organisation of World Championships in Ski Sports in 2020, 2021 and 2023 has been signed between the Ministry of Defence and the Ski Association of Slovenia. Preparations for this major sporting event are already well underway. Dear biathletes! I believe we will once again enjoy in excellent performances. I wish you accurate shots and every success in your race against time; may you demonstrate all you can do and achieve, and all you have been eagerly preparing for. Good luck! www.slovenia.info Welcome to Pokljuka! 2 BMW IBU SVETOVNI POKAL V BIATLONU 2020 POKLJuka BMW IBU WORLD CUP BIATHLON 2020 POKLJUKA 3 DVakRatni sveTovni prvak iN Na Pokljuki ste pred leti dosegli tudi As a Slovene, do you have an advantage NoSilec olimpijSke kolajNe iz eno od svojih osmih zmag v svetovnem at the home race because you know the PyeoNgchaNga 2018 jakoV Fak je pokalu. Ima med vašimi zmagami course? Najboljši SloVenski biaTloNec. posebno mesto? “It’s true that we’re competing on terrain zaSe praVi, Da iMa ViSoke cilje “zmag ne delim na take in drugačne. where we train most of the year. But it praV Na vsaki TekMi, vseeNo Pa je Vse imam v lepem spominu, tudi to na should be noted that in the summer we za 32-letnega šampioNa Tega Pokljuki. za sam nastop pa to ne pomeni train on the skateboarding track which šPorta praV TekMa Na Pokljuki, nič. ko pridem na tekmo, nikoli nisem follows another route than the winter kjeR je zMagal DeceMbRa 2012, fokusiran na nekaj, kar je bilo. Vedno biathlon course. So, we don’t have much praV PoSebeN izziV. samo na tisto, kar me čaka.” of an advantage. If the course would run along the same route all year round, Jakov, kako se tekma na Pokljuki Pokljuka bo imela letos tudi dva then things would be different. So, we JAKOV razlikuje od drugih? dodatna momenta. Je zadnja tekma definitely can’t say that the Pokljuka “Razlogov je veliko. Predvsem pa so to pred svetovnim prvenstvom v Italiji in course gives us the same advantage as navijači, saj je tukaj veliko slovenskih, ki generalka za svetovno prvenstvo that of competitors training in so glasni, zato je povsem drugače kot prihodnje leto, ki bo tukaj na Rudnem Hochfilzen, Anterselva and Ruhpolding.” FAK sicer. za njih se še posebej potrudiš, polju. Je zaradi tega za tekmovalce kaj bolj si v središču pozornosti in zato je drugačna? In the past, the Pokljuka courses were vedno lepo nastopiti doma.” “S stališča svetovnega prvenstva ne often accused of being too easy. pomeni veliko. je zadnja tekma pred Changes are in store for the World So navijači spodbuda ali pritisk? Jih prvenstvom, a ni nujno da se tukaj Championships. What’s your opinion med tekmo, ko ste skoncentrirani na pokaže, kako bo šlo na prvenstvu. Na on the matter? svoj nastop, sploh slišite? svetovnem prvenstvu se na novo “I don’t know where people got the idea “Navijači so tako spodbuda kot pritisk. premešajo karte in vsak štart je nova that the Pokljuka courses are too easy. Pomembno je, da navijanje obrneš sebi priložnost. je pa seveda lažje nastopiti, Of course, everyone is entitled to their v prid. Potem lahko domače občinstvo če v sezoni veš, da ti gre dobro in to opinion. I’ve never heard that before, veliko pomaga. Če so dovolj glasni in če potrdiš še enkrat tik pred tekmo.” though. I can’t say I find any World Cup Gledalci te v zadnjem ti gre dobro, te lahko v zadnjem krogu course easy. I don’t even know who rates dvignejo in lahko iztisneš maksimum. Na them. But I always say that those who krogu lahko dvignejo strelišču je lahko tudi obratno. Vse to je THE two-timE WorLD CHampioN find the course too easy can always run del biatlona, a vedno dam vse od sebe AND OLYmpic MEdaL WINNER from faster. If they feel that way, then they in skušam sprejeti vse tisto, kar mi PYEONGCHANG 2018, JAKOV FAK, is should run faster on the course.” pomaga k boljšemu dosežku.” THE BEst SLOVENIAN biatHLETE. HE saYS THat HE aims HigH at EacH Years ago, you achieved one of your In the Final Lap, Imate Slovenci na domači tekmi zaradi racE; YET, THE 32-YEar-OLD eight World Cup victories on Pokljuka. poznavanja proge že na štartu biatHLON CHampioN saYS THat THE Does it hold a special place among your the Spectators prednost? racE ON POKLjuKA, WHERE HE woN victories? “Res je, da nastopamo na terenu, kjer IN DECEmbER 2012, is A spEciaL “I don’t categorise my victories in any večino leta treniramo. Vedeti pa je CHALLENGE. way. I remember all of them fondly, Can Lift You Up treba, da poleti treniramo na rolkarski including the one on Pokljuka. But it stezi, ki je speljana po drugi trasi, kot je Jakov, how does the race on Pokljuka doesn’t have an impact on my pozimi na tekmi. zato kakšne velike differ from the others? performance. When I arrive at a race, I prednosti nimamo. Če bi proga celo “There are many reasons. It’s mostly the never focus on what happened in the leto tekla po isti trasi, bi bilo drugače. fans, because many Slovenian fans are past. But only on what lies ahead.” Torej nikakor ne moremo reči, da there, who are loud and create a pokljuška proga pomeni prednost, completely different atmosphere. You This year, two additional factors will be kakršno imajo lahko tekmovalci, ki make an extra effort for them, you at play on Pokljuka. It is the final race vadijo v hochfilznu, anterselvi in receive more attention, and that’s why before the World Championships in Ruhpoldingu.” it’s always nice to compete at home.” Italy and a dress rehearsal for next DVakRaTNi sveToVNi prvak iN year’s World Championships here in DobiTNik dveh oliMPijSkih KOLAJN V preteklosti je večkrat padel tudi Are fans encouragement or pressure? Rudno polje. Does that change “za navijače se posebno potrudiš. kakšen očitek na pokljuške proge, češ Do you even hear them during the race anything for the competitors? Vedno je lepo nastopiti doma.” da so prelahke. Za svetovno prvenstvo when you are concentrating on your “From the aspect of the World se obetajo spremembe. Kako vi vidite performance? Championships it doesn’t mean much. It zadevo? “The fans are both encouragement and is the final race before the World TWO TIMES WORLD CHAMPION “Ne vem, od kje misel, da so proge na pressure. It’s important that you turn Championships but it won’t necessarily AND OLYMPIC MEdaList Pokljuki prelahke. Vsak pa ima seveda their cheering to your advantage. In that show how we will perform at the “You make an extra effort for the spectators.
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