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February 2014 02 February 2014 The latest from Slovenia ON THE POLITICAL AGENDA: Captured in ice and snow IN FOCUS: Sochi 2014 - The most important Winter Event CULTURE INTERVIEW: Katarina Čas E-book . Read it anywhere. 01 ISSN 1854-0805 January 2014 The latest from Slovenia In 2014 also available in .iBooks format IN FOCUS INTERVIEW: Petra Majdič - Coaches and competitors must have the best conditions IN FOCUS: Prehistoric skiing at Bloke BUSINESS: Elan - The most innovative brand You can enjoy reading Sinfo on an Apple computer, iPad or iPhone FOR FREE. An electronic edition of Sinfo in the .iBooks format is now accessible in 51 Apple iBookstores worldwide, including the United States, Japan, Brazil, Australia and the European Union. Sinfo in PDF is available on Android and Windows computers, tablets, and also on Android and Windows phones via the Sinfo webpage. Sinfo will be available simultaneously with the publication of the printed version. CONTENTS EDITORIAL ON THE POLITICAL AGENDA 6 Captured in ice and snow Many Slovenians lent a helping hand in these hard times Photo: Bruno Toič A T S ijavec/ R osana R Photo: Photo: IN FOCUS 10 Sochi 2014 The most important Winter Event A T S Tanja Glogovčan, editor Photo: Tamino Petelinšek/ Tamino Photo: CULTURE INTERVIEW 44 Katarina Čas She - Wolf of Wall Street A land of many brave images ukežič L Slovenia this month was really like a block of ice. It seemed like some kind of innovative artistic installation. Everything was trapped in ice – cars, road signs, leaves- damaged trees and broken electric Photo: Primož Primož Photo: installations lay shattered all around. The tourists that visited Slovenia in those days came to know a side which even the people living there had never seen before. People’s distress could be felt everywhere, but fortunately, there was not a single Slovenian who was not ready to help. Once again, it turned out that the Slovenia public services such as the civil protection service, fire-fighters and armed forces are well organised. Therefore, we have prepared for you a collage of these images: fieldwork, damaged countryside, visits by politicians to the affected areas, mutual assistance between SINFO – SLOVENIAN INFORMATION Executive Editor and Editior – in - Chief: citizens. Tanja Glogovčan, [email protected] Editorial Board: Vesna Žarkovič, Irena Kogoj, Anja Polajnar, Danila Golob, Andreja Križ, Polona Prešeren, MSc Of course, we were also happy about the success of our athletes at Photo Editor: Bojan Pernek the Olympic Games. As Petra Majdič said before leaving for Sochi, Production: Irena Kogoj Translation: Secretariat-General of the Government of the Republic of “I am convinced that the expectations of our athletes and their Slovenia, Translation and Interpretation Division Language editing: PSD Translation fans will come true.” And indeed, we Slovenians have once again Printed by: Collegium Graphicum d.o.o., Slovenia, Number of copies: 4000 demonstrated that we are a nation of brave and sports-loving Photo on the front page: Mostphotos/Anže Petkovšek In the photo: Damaged electricity distribution system in Notranjska individuals. In Sinfo, we present the giants of Slovenian sport, summarising their greatest achievements, and presenting the Government Communication Office:www.slovenia.si Government Communication Office:www.ukom.gov.si historic Sarajevo Olympics, along with other Olympic games related Government of the Republic of Slovenia: www.vlada.si interesting stories. SPIRIT: www.slovenia.info Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry: www.gzs.si Slovenian Chamber of Craft: www.ozs.si This year, the month of February was really in the spirit of Japti: www.japti.si Ljubljana Stock Exchange: www.ljse.si France Prešeren’s ‘Zdravljica’. ‘Zdravljica’ is a toast to goodness, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia:www.stat.si State Portal of the Republic of Slovenia: http://e-uprava.gov.si understanding, companionship and courage. Sinfo – Slovenian information 3 UNDERLINED Boštjan Lajovic, Director of the Government Communication Office Photo: G Photo: CO Go, Slovenia, go! In the first days of February, Slovenia was hit by the worst natural di- new owner; the sales of other companies under the first privatisation saster in living memory. Over a period of several days, rain with tem- package are proceeding according to plan and the second package is peratures oscillating around freezing caused the formation of a thick being prepared. glaze of ice on trees, power lines and other energy infrastructure. The consequences are catastrophic, with many places facing power out- A particularly burning issue is youth unemployment, which current- ages, some cut off from the world with disrupted communication ly stands at 23.3 per cent, affecting slightly less than 34,000 young channels, and forests suffering devastation. people. The Government has devised the Youth Guarantee, a special youth employment programme, which will ensure that young peo- As I write this, around 200 thousand people are still off-grid; the relief ple up to 29 years of age will be offered a job, job-related training or teams in the storm-hit areas consist of a large number of fire-fighters, further education opportunities within four months of registering as members of the civil protection service, Slovenian Armed Forces and unemployed. police, and employees of electricity companies, providing unselfish help in restoring more or less normal conditions. People in the affect- This involves the commitment of the European Union to allocate Slo- ed areas are most in need of power generators, which have also been venia some 157 million euros to implement the Youth Guarantee in brought to Slovenia from neighbouring countries and other European 2014 and 2015; in this context, Slovenia has taken a step further com- countries as a gesture of solidarity in the face of the natural disaster. pared to other EU Member States by expanding the group of young We take this opportunity to thank them all for their assistance. people included in the programme. Other Member States have set an age limit of 25 years, while Slovenia is also including people who are Nature unleashed its power and reminded us of our vulnerability, up to four years older. Youth organisations in Slovenia have welcomed while again putting some fundamental human values, especially sol- the programme, with all agreeing that a real breakthrough will occur idarity, to the test. And in particular, the fire-fighters and members when the economy shows real organic growth and creates jobs itself. of the civil protection service passed it with flying colours. If asked which group of workers they appreciate most, fire-fighters would The attention of the Slovenian public has this month shifted to the undoubtedly be the reply of the people of Slovenia. I am not refer- Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Expectations are high, since the ring only to professional fire-fighters, but rather to members of the success achieved by our athletes this winter has spoiled us. This is voluntary fire-fighting brigades, who number over 130 thousand in especially true for the ski jumpers who have been winning competi- Slovenia. In Slovenia, fire-fighting is not only a voluntary activity, but tions one after another. Just ahead of the Olympic Games in Sochi, the plays a very important social role, sometimes being almost a way of Slovenian jumpers won the podium at the World Cup event in Japan, life, which is especially true in small places. celebrating a triple victory; some joked that this was an open national competition between Slovenians in Japan. In addition, we still have The current situation has rather eclipsed the still lively political devel- some aces up the sleeve to win a medal: the world’s best Alpine skier opments in Slovenia. The parties in the ruling coalition are discussing last year, Tina Maze, is reaching her best skiing form; biathlete Jakov a new coalition agreement which will set the priorities of the gov- Fak, snowboarder Žan Košir and jumper Maja Vtič, with some others ernment programme until the end of the term of office, i.e. until the that might just surprise us. end of 2015. There are no major disagreements over fundamental pri- orities; all parties agree that it is of primary importance to kick-start Special attention should also be devoted to the Slovenian ice-hockey economic growth while creating new jobs and focusing attention on players who come from the smallest country ever to qualify for the youth unemployment and consolidating public finances. It is worth Olympic tournament in this sport: almost a thousand people in Slo- noting the pledge of the coalition partners that the population and venia are registered to play ice hockey, of whom 155 are club mem- economy would not be encumbered with a heavier tax burden. The bers and 700 hundred are younger players. The population of two economic situation is improving slightly; interest rates on Slovenian million has only seven indoor hockey rinks. And this little ‘dwarf’ will government bonds are decreasing, and Slovenia’s credit rating has not be playing its opening match with Russia. been further downgraded. However, this is far from enough. The big- gest mistake would be if the momentum for reform and readiness to We are justly proud of our athletes, and my prediction is that a Slove- change were brought to a halt. The Government is aware of this and, nian athlete will be in the spotlight on the front page of the next issue therefore, will continue to pursue its objectives: the privatisation of of this magazine, with an Olympic medal around his or her neck. Go, state-run enterprises is underway; Telekom Slovenia will be getting a Slovenia, go! 4 Government Communication Office Tanja Glogovčan WHAT’S UP? Photo: Tamino Petelinšek/ Tamino Photo: New Coalition Agreement Signed The leaders of Positive Slovenia (PS), Social Democrats (SD), Citi- S zens’ List (DL) and Pensioners’ Party (DeSUS) signed a coalition T A agreement for 2014-2015, pledging to raise the quality of life for everyone and pave the way for a sustainable economic recovery by the next regular election.
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    (Periodicals postage paid in Seattle, WA) TIME-DATED MATERIAL — DO NOT DELAY Barneblad Heritage Help Nils Anders A fishy explore the world « Enig og tro til Dovre faller. » lunch club? Read more on page 10 – Eidsvolleden Read more on page 14 Norwegian American Weekly Vol. 126 No. 8 February 27, 2015 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $2.00 per copy The heart of Norwegian consciousness Photos: (left) Carl S Bjurstedt / Dovrefjellrådet / Wikimedia Commons, (background) Bjoertvedt / Wikimedia Commons Left: The national park monument at Hjerkinn, near National Route E6, with the mountain Snøhetta in Dovrefjell-Sunndalsfjella National Park in the background. Background: The view from atop Snøhetta. FINN ROED palities, with a population of about 70,000 in Dovre, in the Gudbrandsdalen valley from to a king or to God. If you belong West Bloomfield, Mich. people. Lillehammer is probably the most which many fjords have their beginnings, to Sons of Norway, you too uttered famous city within it. Dovre Mountain was that the Norwegian consciousness is rooted. the phrase, “Enig og tro til Dovre Dovre is a huge area in the cen- earlier thought to be the highest mountain “Enig og tro til Dovre faller” (United faller.” tral part of Norway. Dovre in Gud- in the area, but it is the second highest after and loyal until Dovre falls) is how the Con- According to NRK and Arne brandsdalen is an area in Oppland, Jotunheimen. Snøhetta is the highest moun- stitutional fathers of 1814 ended their work. Norway, consisting of 12 munici- tain in the Dovrefjell range.
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