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Nas Olimp T2 NAØI OLIMPIJCI CIP - Kataloæni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjiænica, Ljubljana 796.032.2(100=163.6)(091) in NAØI olimpijci = Slovene olympians : 1912-2008 / [gradivo zbrali in uredili Marko Raœiœ, Tomo Levovnik, Marko Levovnik ; fotografije Aleø Fevæer in arhiv]. - Ljubljana : Klub slovenskih olimpijcev, 2009 ISBN 978-961-269-032-8 1. Vzp. stv. nasl. 2. Raœiœ, Marko 244380416 NAØI OLIMPIJCI Bogata zgodovina in œastitljiva tradicija Publikacija Naøi olimpijci od leta 1912 do 2010 je æe øesti dopolnjeni ponatis prvotne izdaje. V njej so zbrani podatki o nastopih vseh slovenskih øportnikov v tem obdobju. Po osamosvojitvi Slovenije je bilo treba prvo izdajo iz leta 1986 na novo metodoloøko urediti, da bi kar najbolj korektno predstavili podatke o sloven- skih øportnikih. V knjiæici so zdaj zajeti vsi nastopi slovenskih øportnikov v obdobju po osamosvojitvi Slovenije 25. junija 1991. V celotnem obravnavanem obdobju publikacija zajema olimpijce z obmoœja Slovenije, ki so bili dræavljani in œlani olimpijskih zastopstev avstroogrske monarhije, Kraljevine Jugoslavije med obema vojnama ter FLRJ oz. SFRJ po drugi svetovni vojni, po osamosvojitvi pa Republike Slovenije. Slovenski øport ima bogato zgodovino in œastitljivo tradicijo. Korenine orga- niziranega øporta v slovenskem prostoru segajo æe v davno leto 1863, ko s(m)o Slovenci ustanovili prvo øportno druøtvo Juæni Sokol. Prav tako bogata in pisana je tudi zgodovina nastopov Slovencev na olimpijskih igrah. Æe leta 1912 je Rudolf Cvetko v Stockholmu s sabljaøkim moøtvom Avstrije osvojil ekip- no srebrno kolajno. Pod slovensko zastavo smo Slovenci prviœ samostojno nastopili leta 1992 na XVI. zimskih olimpijskih igrah v Albertvillu in poletnih igrah XXV. olimpijade v Barceloni. Do osamosvojitve Slovenije so slovenski øportniki torej zastopali barve treh dræav. Od leta 1912 do 2010 je na poletnih olimpijskih igrah nastopilo 351 slovenskih øportnikov in øportnic, na zimskih - od leta 1924 naprej - pa 301. Izmed skupno 652 olimpijcev, jih je 51 osvojilo 69 kolajn. Po letu 1991, oziro- ma po osamosvojitvi Slovenije, pa je v individualni konkurenci in ekipnih tek- movanjih (skakalci na smuœeh in veslaœi) 30 øportnikov osvojilo 22 kolajn. OI 1912 v Stockholmu veljajo, po doslej dosegljivih in zbranih podatkih, za prve igre s slovensko udeleæbo in obenem tudi s prvo slovensko olimpijsko lovoriko. V teh igrah je v avstrijski ekipi v moøtvenem tekmovanj s sabljo nastopil tudi Richard Verderber, v Koœevju rojeni œastnik koœevsko nemøkega rodu. Tako kot Cvetko je osvojil srebrno kolajno z ekipo, s floretom pa povrhu øe bronasto med posamezniki. Na poletnih OI 1928 v Amsterdamu so veslaœi œetverca veslaøkega kluba Pullina iz Izole – V. Perentin, G. Deste, N. Vittori, G. Delise in krmar R. Petronia iz Pirana – kot reprezentantje Italije osvojili zlato kolajno. Tudi na OI 1932 v Los Angelesu je œetverec s krmarjem veslaøkega kluba Libertas iz Kopra – Bruno Vattovaz, Giovanni Plazzer, Riccardo Divora, Bruno Parovel in Giorgio Scher – v dresih Italije poæel srebrno olimpijsko kolajno. Publikacija pa ne zajema tistih Slovencev, ki so na OI po letu 1920 nastopili v olimpijskih zastopstvih kot dræavljani katere izmed drugih dræav, prav tako tudi ne øportnikov z zdajønjega obmoœja Republike Slovenije, ki so nastopili na OI do leta 1936 in se niso opredelili za Slovence. Tomo Levovnik NAØI OLIMPIJCI Rich Sports History and Long Tradition In the fifths, completed reprint of the publication “Our Olympians”, all the information about the participation of the Slovene athletes at the Olympic Games from 1912 through- out 2010 have been gathered and edited. After the proclamation of the independent Republic of Slovenia, the methodology of the data published in the first publication pub- lished in 1986, needed to be properly rearranged in order to objectively present the Slovene sports results. The publication now lists all the competitions of the Slovene ath- letes, from the Summer Olympic Games in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1912, to the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada, in 2010. Throughout the above mentioned period, the publication shows all the participating Slovene athletes who represented Slovenia As members of the Olympic Teams of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia during the two World Wars and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia after the second World War, and, of course, all the participating Slovene athletes who represented Slovenia after the procla- mation of the independent Republic of Slovenia. Slovenia has a rich sports history and a long sports tradition. The beginnings of organ- ized sports movement in Slovenia go far back in history. Already in 1863, the first Slovene sports club “Juæni Sokol” (The South Falcon) was founded. As rich and diverse is also the history of the Slovene athletes who have been competing at the Olympic Games so far. Rudolf Cvetko was the first Slovene ever to receive an Olympic medal as a member of the Austrian sabre team in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1912. The Slovenes appeared for the first time independently and under the Slovene flag in 1992 at the XVI. Winter Olympic Games in Albertville, France, and at the XXV. Summer Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain. Until the proclamation of the independent Republic of Slovenia, Slovene athletes have been competing under the flags of three different countries. During the period from 1912 to 2010, 351 Slovene sportsmen and sportswomen participated in Summer Olympic Games and, since 1924, 301 Slovene Olympians competed at the Winter Olympic Games. Of totally 652 Olympians as many as 51 athletes won 69 Olympic medals. After the proclamation of the indipendent Republic of Slovenia in 1991, 30 sportsmen and sportswomen won 22 olympic medals either in individual or team sport disciplines. At the Games of the V. Olympiad, in 1912, in Stockholm, Sweden, a member of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Officer Richard Verderber from Slovenia, a native from the Koèevje Germans, won two Olympic medals, a silver medal in fencing, team, like Rudolf Cvetko, and a bronze Olympic medal in floret, individual. At the 1928 Olympic Games in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the rowing team/four with coxswain, of the Rowing Club Pullina from Izola, Slovenia, men, consisting of Valerio Perentin, Giliante D’Este, Nicolo Vittori, Giovanni Delise and a coxswain Renato Petronio from Piran, Slovenia, won a gold member as members of the Italian Olympic Team. Moreover, at the Olympic Games in Los Angeles, the USA, in 1932, the rowing team/four with coxswain, namely, Bruno Vattovaz, Giovanni Plazzer, Riccardo Divora, Bruno Parovel, Giorgio Scher, of the Rowing Club Libertas from Koper, Slovenia, won a silver Olympic medal competing as members of the Italian Olympic Team. However, the Slovenes who had competed at the Olympic Games after 1920 as mem- bers of the Olympic Teams of some other countries as well as those athletes from the area of today’s Slovenia who had participated in the Olympic Games until 1936 and had not declared themselves for the Slovenes, have not been included in our publication. Tomo Levovnik STOCKHOLM PARIZ TOKIO 1912 1924 1964 CIUDAD DE MEXICO LOS ANGELES SEUL 1968 1984 1988 SARAJEVO CALGARY 1984 1988 NAØI OLIMPIJCI Kazalo/Contents Poletne olimpijske igre/Summer Olympic Games . 8 Zimske olimpijske igre/Winter Olympic Games . 8 Slovenski nosilci olimpijskih kolajn od 1912 do 2010/Slovenian winners of Olympic medals 1912 - 2010 . 9 Igre V. Olimpijade/Games of the V. Olympiad - Stockholm 1912 . 16 Igre VII. Olimpijade/Games of the VII. Olympiad - Antwerpen 1920 . 16 Igre VIII. Olimpijade/Games of the VIII. Olympiad - Pariz/Paris 1924 . 16 Igre IX. Olimpijade/Games of the IX. Olympiad - Amsterdam 1928 . 20 Igre XI. Olimpijade/Games of the XI. Olympiad - Berlin 1936 . 22 Igre XIV. Olimpijade/Games of the XIV. Olympiad - London 1948 . 28 Igre XV. Olimpijade/Games of the XV. Olympiad - Helsinki 1952 . 29 Igre XVI. Olimpijade/Games of the XVI. Olympiad - Melbourne 1956 . 30 Igre XVII. Olimpijade/Games of the XVII. Olympiad - Rim/Rome 1960 . 30 Igre XVIII. Olimpijade/Games of the XVIII. Olympiad - Tokio 1964 . 34 Igre XIX. Olimpijade/Games of the XIX. Olympiad - Ciudad de Mexico 1968 . 38 Igre XX. Olimpijade/Games of the XX. Olympiad - München/Munich 1972 . 40 Igre XXI. Olimpijade/Games of the XXI. Olympiad - Montreal 1976 . 42 Igre XXII. Olimpijade/Games of the XXII. Olympiad - Moskva/Moscow 1980 . 44 Igre XXIII. Olimpijade/Games of the XXIII. Olympiad - Los Angeles 1984 . 46 Igre XXIV. Olimpijade/Games of the XXIV. Olympiad - Seul/Seoul 1988 . 48 I. Zimske olimpijske igre/I. Olympic Winter Games - Chamonix 1924 . 55 II. Zimske olimpijske igre/II. Olympic Winter Games - St. Moritz 1928 . 55 IV. Zimske olimpijske igre/IV. Olympic Winter Games - Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1936 . 56 V. Zimske olimpijske igre/V. Olympic Winter Games - St. Moritz 1948 . 57 VI. Zimske olimpijske igre/VI. Olympic Winter Games - Oslo 1952 . 58 VII. Zimske olimpijske igre/VII. Olympic Winter Games - Cortina d'Ampezzo 1956 . 59 IX. Zimske olimpijske igre/IX. Olympic Winter Games - Innsbruck 1964 . 61 X. Zimske olimpijske igre/X. Olympic Winter Games - Grenoble 1968 . 63 XI. Zimske olimpijske igre/XI. Olympic Winter Games - Saporo 1972 . 65 XII. Zimske olimpijske igre/XII. Olympic Winter Games - Innsbruck 1976 . 66 XIII. Zimske olimpijske igre/XIII. Olympic Winter Games - Lake Placid 1980 . 67 XIV. Zimske olimpijske igre/XIV. Olympic Winter Games - Sarajevo 1984 . 70 XV. Zimske olimpijske igre/XV. Olympic Winter Games - Calgary 1988 . 76 Igre XXV. Olimpijade/Games of the XXV. Olympiad - Barcelona 1992 . 81 Igre XXVI. Olimpijade/Games of the XXVI. Olympiad - Atlanta 1996 . 86 Igre XXVII. Olimpijade/Games of the XXVII. Olympiad - Sydney 2000 . 92 Igre XXVIII. Olimpijade/Games of the XXVIII. Olympiad - Atene/Athens 2004 . 100 Igre XXIX. Olimpijade/Games of the XXIX. Olympiad - Peking/Beijing 2008 . 112 XVI. Zimske olimpijske igre/XVI. Winter Olympic Games - AIbertville 1992 . 127 XVII. Zimske olimpijske igre/XVII. Winter Olympic Games - Lillehammer 1994 . 130 XVIII. Zimske olimpijske igre/XVIII. Winter Olympic Games - Nagano 1998 . 137 XIX. Zimske olimpijske igre/XIX.
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