2-14-18 Full Paper
The Diocese of Ogdensburg Volume 72, Number 37 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Rites held for Sister Victorine Brenon, SSJ Feb.? I PAG E3 NORTH COUNTRY Governor's 'gift' is no good for women or children I PAGE 12 CATHOLIC FEB. 14, 2018 MAKING Papal homily hints PEACE VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Catholic need to do their part, too, the homilist, especially if the ser those gathered in the Paul VI priests must deliver good pope said at his weekly gen mon is boring, meandering audience hall. homilies so the "good news" eral audience Feb . 7. or hard to understand, he A homily must be prepared Through lives of the Gospel can take root in Catholics need to read the said. "How many times do we well with prayer and study, people's hearts and help Bible more regularly so they see some people asleep, and be delivered clearly and of justice them live holier lives, Pope can better understand the chatting or going out to briefly -- "it must not go Francis said. Mass readings, and they smoke a cigarette during the longer than 10 minutes, Lord, . But the faithful in the pews need to be patient with the homily," the pope asked please," the pope said. mtl~ me tin. imtrument ofyour peace; where there is hatred, . '. Jet me SOlI> love,'.'i. where there is injury, p'ardon; Three REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE DUST. •• where there is doubt, faith; schools, one where the~e .' is despair, hope; where there is dar~ess,'" lii't; .~ special day and where there is sadness; jqy, r~~ - St.
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