

ALEX. H. STEPHENS, the big little thing on 1's, at- —We find tho following personal in the New York iog, instead of inadvertent"ybecomIngro?ponslble for THE CAPITAL, THE INVESTIGATION. tracts more attention from the galleries than any mem- Herald ot Wednesday : " John: Your family aro a preliminary report without a formal hearing; with- PUBLISHED "WEEKLY BY This highly intellectual body has about arrived, ¿s- ber. His strange, emaciated figure, boyish faoe topped about crazy; for God's sake let them hear from you out notice to those who hold legal title to a portion of far as the prosecution goes, at the end of Its rope. by a tall hat, seated in his push-cart before the in some way at once." This must refer to our finan- the lands In controversy; without receiving one Pretty much all of the witnesses for tho prosecution, THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY Speaker's stand, the nervous twitching of his hands, cial Cheap John of the Treasury. > syllable of testimony or hearing one word of argument. aforesaid have been done and gone for. The defense 927 D street, Washington, D. C. his legs crossed, and as thin and flat as straps of —The appointment of a Greek christian as first, We regret that men of high character, suoh as com- will next be tho pointed paragraphs on the standi leather, makes a peculiar picture among the body of and a Prussian as second, , is some- pose that oommlttee, should have suffered themselves Two special characteristics, and of most worthy note, Congress. Stephens is a peculiar man. He is in bet- thing unprecedented in Turkey, and is regarded as a to be drawn into an actwhlch, while it may work no have been evolved during this investigation: The DONN PIATT, EDITOB. ter health and more active intellectually at present clever move on the part of the Turks to show the permanent injury, will serve to afford temporary eclat brutal, overbearing, criminal-lawyer style of Butler than for twenty years past, and will make it lively for equality of all Ottoman subjects. to a claim which has again and again been denounced as contrasted with the genteel manner of Mr. Potter. his opponents for years to come. The great secret of —Mary Walker says that tho Venus de Medici never by the courts of the land, and which will only result TERMS: Per year, (lnoluding postage,) 82.50; six Potter, " the back-pay cock of the Dlmocracy," is a months, $1.50; three months, 75 cents—in advance Stephens' lasting power is in his stomach. He has wore corsets. It is certain that the beautirul goddess in aiding McGarrahan and his adherents to further gentleman. Whatever he may be lacking in as ai 'Single copies, 5 cents. an almost perfect stomach and a healthy digestion, has no corset as she appears In marble, and certainly dupe innocent parties into a purchase oi his worthless statesman, he has finely evinced this at all times, and which is more than most people would have after plod- the master who put her In plastic art should have In- stock. After the complete exposition of rascality and CLUBS: Ten copies to one address, $30 in advance more especially In his emphasized position as chair- ding through o he of his brief letters. quired into her habits of morals and toilet. venality, as shown in the letters of McGarrahan, we with one copy free. Twenty copies to one address, $35' man of a committee whose character alone attributes in advance, with one copy free. —Several newly-married couples arrived in wonder that any man, or any body ot men, can be GENERAL HOOKER of Mississippi is one of the it with strong importance. He has, however, shown a and applied ior dlvoroe on the ground of sea-sickness, found who will give the convicted schemer a moment's strongly lnvlduallzed men in Congress. The same considerable, and a gravely considerable, wanting which recalls the beautiful lines— time or the least trivial favor. ' Contributors will please remember sternness of character that impelled him to dash reck- quality in turning over the committee so thoroughly The man's an ass that's sick at sea, that we do not undertake to return rejected lessly in many a battle-field, and leave upon ono of into thehands ot the great criminal lawyer and states- And him I do deride; manuscripts. And no contribution will be them a portion of himself, as his empty left sleeve man from Massachusetts. But woman Is a tender flower, and delicate inside. A PACK-HORSE FOR REPUBLICAN testifies, exhibits itself in his political lire. Hooker paid for unless on a bargain made in ad- —As it is the custom to send poets abroad as con- SCANDALS. The Democracy have evidenced a disorganized ig- is a brave man, but not of sufficient brain power to noranoe in giving to a squeezed-in, selfish partisan, vance. By bearing these facts in mind much suls, won't the President be kind enough to honorably The world rejoices more in the dotection of one good achieve what he achieves unless lurthered by indom- the opportunity to scoop in all the sensational popu- annoyance will be saved. banish some of our moonlight bards to Kamskatcha ? man in error than In tho punishment or ninefy-and- itable and emphatic will. When ho wishes to speak larity arising from this political sensationalism. Envoy extraordinary to the court of Sitting Bull nlne who have always gone astray. It is sad, but it is he can quell all the wild turmoil and vooiferation of As the constellation called the Grab gains notice would be good for one whom we shall nominate. true. Stanley Mattthews has stood throughout his a troublous House quicker than any man save Ran- from gnawing close at the heels or Hercules | and as a CONGRESSIONAL PEN-POINTS. —Paul de Cassagnac is engaged to the niece of life at home, where he was better known, as the dall. Too many bouquets irom ladies may have some- bawd delights to assail tho character of a virtuous Cardinal Antonelli. But how can Paul, being ex- peer of the oourt in honor, probity, generosity, gen- How. JOHN T. HARRIS oi Virginia is a—well, Har- what spoiled Hooker, but their platonlsm is ioinod by woman, so Benjamin, the belligerent In peace and communicated by the church on account of dueling, tleness, liberality and manliness. There has never ris is a good sort ot fellow in his way, but hardly the masculine regard for his ability. the havoc-avolder in war—he who desired his tonguo- be given Catholic marriage ? and how can a niece ot been anything pretentious or hypocritical about him. worth a paragraph. to wither and his right hand to cling to the roof of his- Antonelli marry otherwise than in the church ? Ho has rarely made an effort to be consistent. His HON. MARTIN 1. TOWNSEND of New York is the mouth if he ever forgot the gallantry of the "cullerd —Lafotra was knocked down and robbed in a car lite has illustrated the ideal of one who cared more PROMETHEUS chained to the rock occupied an e® rare old war-horse radish of the Republican party. troops" at Big Bethel—tho dagger-eyed Ben. has viable position; when compared with the congressman full of people, and some gallant soldiers who were In lor the ireedom of his convictions than for appear- Townsend is a square set, shortish, ehopped-oif look- sooopedinthe voloeof this committee, and as Its ex- who is compelled to remain in Washington while the car did not interfere with the business. These ances ; at the same time, being sufficiently genial, he ing old gentleman, with a rasping, incisive voice and istent representative, turns the entire tide of Its in- some rival is stealing his district away from him. are the military heroes who are to exterminate the has led a godly and Eober life, respected universally flne lungs to drive it out. His matter-of-fact old face, fluence to besmcaroh tho fair name of Stanley Mat- rioters. A rioter would run to them for protection ror his proiessional talents and his private worth. No MR. RF.AGAN is a member of Congress from Texas matter-of-iact voice, matter-of-fact manner of elocu- thews. tion and frequent funny business would make Martin —Pastoral: The weather is fragrant and gay, sooner, however, Is he set upon than he is made the ormerly postmaster general of the Confeierr oy. Notr The investigation eilected very little yesterd ay. Tho a power on his side of the House if the old man ever All covered with new-mown hay; target ior a rattling Are of ridicule and abuse, not withstanding his black-bearded, black-eyed, swarthy demands of the House on tobacco, &o., ca lied away emitted anything irom the depths of his broad-clotb And down on the lea merely from his political adversaries—who, to say Captain Kyd appearance, Reagan is a pleasant mem- tho commltteo from their investigation into the true suit worth remembering. But he never does. Town- The musical bee the truth, have it in iheir hearts to spare him—but ber, but he objects to newspaper personalities on ac- inward ness of the electoral count, and what witnesses send's political ideas and views are as thin ot sense Sings, Whack-fol-de-riddle-de-day. i rom those of whom he had the right to expect better count of his State. were called and examined panned out Very little. as his head is of hair, and his speeches not at all as —Mr. E. G. Davis and G. W. Thorn sail for Europe things. For the rest of hfs life, we take It, the sena- on the steamer City of Berlin July 13. We wish these As Congress will shortly adjourn, it is to be hoped HON. JOHN M. THOMPSON of Butler, , read as his face. tor, when perusing the unhappy story of poor Tray, is one of the large men of the House. Thompson is a gentlemen a pleasant voyage, and during their ab- will read between the lines, as it were. It was the that the committee will have more and extensive time handsome man, bearded like a pard—whatever that sence they will carry with them the best wishes of a artless cat, vie believe, not the dexterous monkey, that to attend to its business. The witnesses for the prose- is—and has just passed through the fine achievement host of friends. If their trip was not a business one pulled the chestnuts out of the fire. cution will be oalled next—after Mrs. Jenks. What we should endeavor to engage their services as corre- Mrs. Jenks knows is unknown. What she does not of being renominated, despite the antagonism of the PERSONAL. This case furnishes a melancholy examplo of the spondents. know is more apparent Camerons and the other devils of Pennsylvania poll, Ingratitude which mny bo ascribed as often to parties tics. A Republican, Mr. Thompson is a gentleman —A chopping sea is good for a cutter. —We are in receipt from Homer, Lee & Co., or West God is good to the Irish—so Billy Florence says —Pappenheim gave herself and creditors a good as to republics. It is not pretended that Mr. Mat- popular by reason of his agreeable manners, largeness Point, TIc-Tacs, a oomp anion volume to Annapolis thews hod anything to do with the corrupt transac- and Divine Providence—with a capital D. P.—Is good of heart and Intelligence. send off." Fag-Ends. It Is elegantly published and illustrated, to the newspapers. This investigation business will —Bertha Von Hillern is sojourning in Vermont tions of which the Seoretary of the Treasury, not he, and contains one or Bret Harte's most ambitious Is popularly believed to be the author; and yet thus fill up the summer solstice or interstice—even as the HON. ARCHIE BLISS, from Now York, enjoys the learning to sketch. poems, "Cadet Grey," written especially for this lar, the burden of everything has fallen upon the Beecher matter did of old. reputation oi being one of the swell members of the —It is better to sleep than to wake to study the volume. The portrait of Benny Haven and the confessedly least guilty among the persons charged Buttermilk Smith, ex-appointment clerk of the House. Hon. Archie is not noted for any very bril- faults of our brethren.—Talmud. entire song to date, with all its other attributes, make with guilt, and, from all appearances, the Republi- Treasury, says incidentally that Ben. Butler isn't a liant achievement during the session, but he attends to —Bob Ingersoll Deing asked where the next world's it a pronounced necessity for every West Pointer, lady cans, leaders, organs, rank and file, seem very well gentleman—a fact worth recording, on acoountof the his business, and lilis his seat regularly with his fair would be*said there was no next world. riend and all associated with the army. latter's bull-dozing of the former on Friday . This item handsomely attired, welMrailt figure. Bliss is a tall, •This is tho leafy month of June.—Ex.. Is it so satisfied to let it rest where it is. Nay, worse still, —Advertisement: "To clergymen.—A University ought to bo telegraphed to Great Britain. shapely man, with a fine head, a clean-shaved upper called because so many politicians are treed? there are evidences of an organized scheme to consolf graduate will be glad to iurnish sermons on reasona- Kellogg and his side testified yesterday to face, longish brown beard and well-set aqullinenose. —Th e Murpbylte Alls his glass with pure water, and date public odium in advance upon the Ohio senator; ble terms. Theological views as may be desired. erry B me Somewhat horsey in -his style, but highly esteemed to put him before the party and the people; to make a enough to trouble fFerry somewhat° . Kellogg's side dreamily blows off the froth before drinking. Warranted Original, and never previously supplied. for his pleasant manners. tub of him and throw him to the whale of popular SE SeQtthe —Keely still Insists that his "motor" Is a practical Evangelical, Ritualistic or Latitudinarlan. Always suspicionsmsnfrtlon. ITnn mattermotfavos nof fKlthiso n/sor, ..t. grave importancf e i.s | uupiiLuio returns, inis was already known thing, and complains that men of science don't see it. on hand a choice selection of effective quotations, suit, THE rising man from Pennsylvania is adjudged to attached, and ptrhaps justly attached, to the first fire. We aro led to bellevo that the money ex pended in •Beecher will sport his uniform in Canada to help able either for the pulpit or the platiorm. Terms ex- be Levi Maish of York. As a man M-aish carries his This is directed upon a prominent figure; he is sup- paying these witnesses would be better and more his regiment to celebrate the glorious Fourth. ceedingly moderate. Strictest confidence observed. manhood in his face and magnificént figure. As a posed to be wounded ; there is confusion; there Is out- wisely employed in defraying the funeral expenses of —Soul of tho much-abused King , oome and For further particulars apply," etc.—London Times. soldier he was marked for his bravery and luck in ory. The smoke clears away. The real culprits are the wretched poor, who, under a cruel and criminally in being wonnded on every oocasion. His career in take away the baby who is crying umlertiur window. —Miss Florence Richmond, the well-known actress, gone. The birds have flown. He alone, who was unwise legislation, will starve this summer. How- political litis evidences-close study and a careful" atten- —The Yellowstone ,®untry is said to bet a great is in this city as a guest of William H. Boyd, Esq. brave enough and honest enough to stand his ground' I MnewsPaP" ™ the re- tion to the principies and philosophy of politics. place to raise' sumach.—Ex. Do our soldiers wear She has generously volunteered her services for the Is left to tell the tale tfr selfishness, mwnrriino I Though a very young man, Mr. Maish was one ot the sumach for hair? benefit or the attaches of the National Theater, which duplicity. candidates for the governorship of Pennsylvania at —Shi rley Dare contributes a letter to last Sunday's takes place Monday, June 24, and will appear as the The very worst that can be alleged against Senator I OUR MAGISTRATES the Democratic convention of last month. World which Is a very gem of a lesson in taste and Countess Armande Ohandoce, in Led Astray. She interior decoration. will be supported by the brilliant young actor, Mr. Matthews is an effort on his part to save his friends. A We call the attention of our citizens and of our HON. RANDOLPH TUCKER of Virginia is regarded —Senator Hoar wants the women to have votes, Walter L. Dennis, as Rodolph Ohandoce, Messrs! stranger, to all appearances friendless and deserving, Congress to the wonderful oversight in the annoinvt turns liupn Iin KH.ntinnaWCincinnatil. 11He« .«11tells« a« plaintive story. . i ... ° I.I l.?"— as one of the strongest in tho Virginia delegation. Certainly the fair enfranchised wouldn't take that Hay, Joyce, Randolph, Leaoh, Mallard and the Misses ment of the magistrates under the new bill. The fol- In brief he is a Republican; a carpetbagger from As there is little strength in the same, Tucker is one senator for their representative. Annie Ware, Mamie Wallace, Oedella Levy, Gabrilla lowing are the names: Louisiana. He is in a sad dilemma. He has fallen of its strongest. He badgered Blaine «n one occasion, —Bismarck Dever achieved any greatness until Randolph. This beautirul play was produced last Charles Wall, William Hellmlck, E. C. Weaver A which is honor enough for one man, and we are pleased under the ban of the Kellogg faction. Already pro. S. Taylor, Charles M. Thomas, John P. Lothrop, O. after forty years of age. Just mark the difference season with great sucoess by this same east to advertise the fact Tucker is, as most Southern scribed by the Democrats, he knows not where to S. B Wall George E. Harris, A. O. Richards, C S. between him and James E. Anderson. Bundy, B[, T. Taggart, William Gordon, A. S. Osborn, members, a polished gontieman, and, as is not the —Miss Clementina Smedley says that Max Stra- turn. He has done service. The senator listens, sym —Adolph Bolsmeeder Jack Shepardized ¡himself by kosch promised to marry her and broke his word and | Joslah Shoemaker, John Mass. case with most Southern members, rather a handsome reading dime novels, graduated at fourteen, and at pathizes. His credulity, which with us all is largely While many of these are very worthy men, the list man. The Virginia delegation Is most noted for one her heart, ror which latter she claims ten thousand fifteen has gotten eight years in Sing-Sing. affected by questions of predilection and interest has taken together shows a rare and remarkable case of characteristic—it« individual shrinking from conve- dollars. She olaims that Max behaved to her more —The Grand Army of the Republic is showing its already accepted the genuineness of the vote recorded oversight or Ignorance on the part of tho appointing nlenclng constituents. like a successful tenor going for the perquisites of by the returning board. He believes in Anderson true inwardness. Their treasurer In his voice than like an impressnodo in the legitimate power. There is, tor Instance, such a ma n as O. S. B, •THE handsomest man in the House is the ranting has been arrested for robbing his post of $864. exeroise of his authority as teacher tmiJlancS. He made story, and he says promptly and frankly, "You (Wall. He is unable to spell,' read, orTrite"co"rire"ctl7 shan t suffer my good fellow; I will see that you are He has been proved .n many occasions tobeutteriv old dyspeptic Conger-oo from Michigan, at is true —The Dean of Chichester says: " Ye men of Science, insulting proposals to her, and represented that lyric provided ror." He means what he says, and he more unfit for the ouioe. that Conger is small and slab-sided and unwholesome leave me my ancestors in paradise, and I will not success did not walk hand in hand with virtue, and U than fulfills his promise. Thus introduced to a bad There axe others also as utterly ignorant of law or looking; it is true that he never rises except to.insult grudge you yours in the zoological gardens."" she wanted to be a great singer she must cease to be job for a good purpose, and from a good motive, events judicial capacity as is a cow of conic sections We in his small way some other member; it is true that —When Disraeli was called a dreamer be said.: " It modest as a preliminary to rame, or ill-lame, as the his face is eternally disfigured by a gangrene grin is true, I have always dreamed, and some ot my young eantatrice thought. Much more or the same pass on-we are surmising the worst tho reader will bear had fondly hoped that under this new bill we weuld dreams have come true; the rest will come time." 'Eort crescendo and forte until the illustrious Max has In mind-and presently the philanthropist thus unwlt- have a wise magistracy. We are deceived It is and ill-advised eyes and a hernshaw expression and a tlngly caught finds his protege the custodian of dan- —Grant, through his son Jesse, characterizes the been hauied up. ragged gray beard; nevertheless heis a handsome man. gerou¡¡¡I s mknowledgl e ; knowledge affecting the hono-r - of 'more than cff% that the President has permitted electoral investigation as arrant nonsense. This Is himself to be mfsled fnto turning over these appoint- For it is said that handsome is that hand ome does, —At Madrid an attempt was recently made to imi- his colleagues and his party. What does he do ? The sad. Jesse is to Grant what our "Si" Is to Patterson. ments to some Indiscreet party wh03e prejudices warp and we understand that Conger proposes io.-snarl him- tate the famous iair ot Seville. The Prado was lined most natural thing in the world. Self-preservation is —California's wheat crop this season is valued at his judgment. So utterly inconsistent with the senti- self into suicide alter the adjournment. with tents and booths. Pavilions were erected for the first law of politics, no less than ot nature. The $70,000,000. Her national air Is "This wheat buy and banquets on a large soale. Everybody who was not oheapest thing to do, the least scandalous thing to do, ment of the people are many of these appointments EUGENE HALE, or " Blaine's pup," as he is cynically buy."—Pittsburg Leader. By faith we can see it a loan. playing a guitar was perpetually dancing, and the Is to give the poor devil the petty place he asks for, that we trust the entire list will be withdrawn ; or if called, is a man of large ambition, of a weak nature —We have not heard yet whether Aleck MoOlure excursion trains brought 40,000 people into the town. not, it would be better that all should be rejected and thoroughly spoiled. What he knows of anything and which he will probably fill as well as another, and has succeeded in demoralizing Philadelphia or mak- For the bull fight, the chier attraction, as much as rather than that some named should serve. is objective wisdom, and what political wisdom he pos- be quit of him. It Is not a nice or an agreeable tiling ing it more moral. The Timet would be valuable in 2,500 reals were paid ior a box and 200 for an ordinary In the interest of Washington as a city, we caHS sesses has beon achieved by sitting at the ieet.of Jim to do; this, doubtless, the Senator has found out by either respect stall. There are amateur as well as professional bull- especial executive attention to this matter. Blaine and hearing and listening to tho latter's toes this time, that public life is not very full of niceties. —Words by Watts, music and rendition by John fighters in Madrid, and 260 ladies assembled to see Well, the evidence which is now brought forward to crack. He is the walking gentleman of the Republi- Sherman: dukes and marquises play the part of banderilleros oonvlothimis conclusive as to his innocence. Mr. ADJOURNMENT OF CONGRESS. can party, as well dressed as a pall-bearer and as " I'm farther oif from heaven now against two-year-old bulls, the chief box being occu- Matthews has the papers in his possession, Congress will adjourn on Tuesday. The Senate proper looking as a divinity student The best that Than when I was a boy 1" pied by a daughter of Marshal Sertano, by Senorlta and he does not destroy them. He preserves them can be said of Eugene is that he shows a keen intelH- —Sothem is advised by his friends to come back to wished to postp one It "until Thursday. Why Congfess he produoes them on demand, and he refuses to lie gence occasionally in sometimes lowering his massive America and play the Mashed Undertaker just-onoe Lorlng, and by the daughters of the Marquis Porre- wishes to prolong its session until Tuesday God only jaw and keeping it closed. more and then die for his country, «. «., to relieve it of about them. knows, and He only because his omniscience gives him an intelligence of the ignoranoe of humanity and such a bore. —Mr. Robert Hayden, editor of the Yeoman's Guard Throughout this dismal story it will be seen that the the vanity of human affairs. HIESTER CLYMER is tho standing nominee ibr gov- —A girl In the country being asked by a town beam or Hagerstown, one or the most active and enterpris- Ohio senator is in nowise serving himself. His re THE CAPITAL offers a chromo to any one who will ernor in the Pennsylvania Democratic convention. 11 she had any buttermilk, replied that "they kept it ing journals in Maryland, was in Washington yester- fusal to go betore the Potter commltteo is a part or the inform the public or anything dono by this congres- This he has been practically ior many years, but with- for their own calves," which was considered an exeel- day. Mr. Hayden has succeeded in giving the people seir-sacriflce which he has made from the first. His sional session that in any extent will compensate ror out result; so he is merely theoretically so at present lent sell on the smart young man. ®rhis section a first-class newspaper in all respects. silence Is obviously derived from no personal appre- The prime attributes of General Clymer that attract the expense of running the same. —There Is a weak, but noisy little dog in this city, —Whatever members of either House may feel left hension. He was not a part or the Louisiana business. attention and benefit hlrrj with notice are that his who actually knocks himself over with his own bark, tn our Congressional -Pen-Points will be satisfied in His entire stay in New Orleans was limited to a few grandfather signed the Declaration of Independence, and still he gets up and tries it again. Moral—calcu- our next or subsequent Issues, days. His subsequent proceeding against Packard his own personal appearance, his uprightness as a Richard T. Merrick. late your strength well before barking. was open and above board. It is^his party, not him- •Mr. Merrick is a native of Maryland, and after man and his political ignorance as a politician. —Secretary Schurz says that it is not lawful lor self, he would shield and is shielding; and it Is his graduating at Georgetown College (which en passant Clymer very rarely does a wise thing, and only »un- EXIT MCGARRAHAN. party, and we fear his colleagues, who are basely be- ranks with Harvard, and Is. after it, the oldest institu- clerks to be assessed for party contributions; but yet tion or learning in the United States,! settled in wise things from acting impulsively for what he re- Ail honor to the Senate committee on public lands 1 traying him gards as right. Clymer is not a great man, but he is the clerks all do it because they are quite certain that For many weary months they have patiently had Chicago, practicing his profession there with great their places will be vaoant if they do not. success. Soonatter the war commenced Mr. Merrick a gentleman. under consideration the notorious claim of Wm. Mo- Immediately on the appearance of the letter which wooed and won the fair daughter of J. O. Megulre one —At the Paris exposition they exhibit opera cloaks Garrahan. With a liberality seldom shown to a the Seoretary or the Treasury did not and dare not or our wealthiest citizens, and took up his resid ence COLONEL ALFRED M. WADDELL, the polished orator shawls and other female toggery made of glass, and' memorialist in a congressional inquest they have al- deny the whole Republloan press rushed to the rescue. here. His great genius, talent and industry soon ttiey look like the finest silk. The beauty of the carried him to the very foremost place among our of North Carolina, returned recently from his State lowed the introduction of every variety of testimony Reasons were as plentirul as blackberries why he did lawyers. He has been retained as counsel in many a after a complete walk-over his opponents tor renoml- thfng is evident, so Is the young lady within them. which in the remotest degree would tend to prove not write it, and could not have writlen it. The whole cause oelebre, and of them his defense of John H natlon. Waddell has struck a clear chord to popu —Bucolic : The mild-eyed cow is grazing now the alleged rights, legal or equitable, of the memorial- force of the party rallied to the support of thfs cold Surratt, charged with being accessory to the murder Iarity by his remarkably beautiful oration, " The On pastures fair and green; of Mr. Lincoln, resulting in his acquittal, stands nre- ist He was represented by an array of counsol possess- calculating, nerveless veteran In political intrigue emlnent Southern Soldier," delivered reoently by request to And now we eat grass butter sweet, ing net only great legal ability, but strong personal and chicane. He is secure in his seat He does not Mr. Merrick is below the medium height, has clear one of New York's most intellectual audiences, and re- Oh, Leah Margerlne. and political influence. Ample time was given for go out of power on the fourth of Maroh. But no blue, flashing eyes, clear-cut features and a high In- published entire or in extensive portions throughout —There Is a speoles ot humming bird with a bilj the arguments, and they were listened to with tellectual forehead; wears full whiskers, now plenti- sooner Is a man of real character brought to question fully sprinkled with gray. His head is remarkably the Northern and Western press. Waddell is a very longer than any other ornithological wonder In the patience. We wish we oould, ror the honor of onr in- a man whose greatest folly has been his kindness of well shaped and poised, and in general contour and handsome man, young, brown-bearded, clear-eyed, world, and he is properly called tho " milliner bird," stitutions, say that this was all that was brought to heart, and whose chief offense is his approaching re- expression strongly resembles VeFa's renowned statue compact and elegantly built His personal attire is beoause of the effect of beauty he produces and the bear on the case. But true to his instincts, and fol- of the first Napoleon, now owned by the Corcoran Art tirement from the Senate—no sooner fs he accused, Gallery; a resemblance so marked as to be noticeable of a faultless golden hue, surmounted by a Rosser hat means. lowing out the corrupt custom which has marked his than these very same oraoles, hardly rested from their by all familiar with the one and acquainted with the so named in honor of the gallant ex Confederate cav- —Mr. James Freeman, ex-speaker of the South invariable course from beginning to end, the memori- lndeoent haste to assume the virtue of Sherman, are other. .ftlry chief. Carolina house of delegates, has been engaged by alist has crowded the corridors of the Capitol with his ready to join the outcry against Matthews, and, with Mr. Merrick has eight children, all under fifteen years of age. He is a devoted husband and father, Jarrett to appear in Uncle Tom's Cabin. Mr. F. is a army of interested adherents, while the floors of both the yawp of the snob and the sniffle of the toady, the DURING last week two faces, noted in the era of and, "they say," as a friend is invaluable. To pre- natural burnt-cork artist; that is, nature supplied the House and Senate have swarmed with persons who, New York Tribune exclaims: "He has been the serve the health or his "little people," ho has a farm filibustering against the electoral count, were on the by swearing they had no interest in any measure black. Jonah of this Administration." near Elllcott's City, Maryland, whither the family floor. One wafc Beebe from New York, re-elected and pending before Congress, are afforded access to the went to-day for the season. Mr. Merrick's friends —Bishop MoUeskey, after a long and honorable, It is Indeed base and most abominable; and basest think that he will at some time, and not far in the as a member; the other Aleck Cochrane from Penn- floors of Congress, and who have persistently button- life, slipped up at seventy, and is pronounced guilty and meanest of all, the sniggle of smug-faced luture, represent his native State in the Senate -Rav- sylvania, as a visitor and looker-on in the congres- holed and Importuned every member they thought manie in Cincinnati Enquirer. by the verdict or the country and his own voice rogues, who are mightily pleased to see the garments sional Vienna. Beebe will be remembered always, his could be persuaded, lorced or purchased into a sup- It is a lamentable evidence of the weakness of of a gentleman, though he be one of the few whom white, quivering face and blonde imperial, electric port of this scheme. human nature. they can claim as " one of us," speaking in a party IT SEEMS from a recently-published blue book on with excitement, as on the last night of the Forty- drunkenness in Scotland that the permission granted —A stylish American lady has married Worth, the fourth Congress he skipped over six desks, leaped on In spite of all this pressure the Senate committee sense, smeared by pellets from their mud-pile. Jsome years back to grocers to sell liquors has been top of a seventh, and shaking his flst at Randall, cried man mantua-maker of Paris. Beauty known as have, with a degree ot judicial pride and Integrity It is the way of the world, particularly the way of I attended with very bad effects so far as women are Worth is good, and the girl must be happy who can this world in which we are the local denizens; the concerned. Whisky is frequently put down in the out in hot words of " treachery and fraud." Coch- seldom seen in political bodies, shut their ears alike bill, which their husbands pay under other other have all the dresses she wants and be measured by rane was one of the youngest members. A handsome to tho importunities and threats of the great army of world of; Washington, the world of political shams, heads. In 1860 126 women were arrested li* Kilmar- her own Worth. man with a strong face and English mutton-chop lobbyists, the purchased comments or oertain news- hypocrites, humbugs, in which— nock for drunkenness; In 1876 no fewer than 270. whiskers. His characteristic fight against the oount —"Verex," tho author of tho magnificent artlole, "As the mud sticks to one's coatifhe fall, ln papers, and the hypooritioal tears or the memorialist, GEORGIA farmer smeared his hogs with tar to rid did not please the ultramontanists of his section, but " Crown and Cabinet" the Quarterly Review, was and have considered and decided the case as judges The wisest among us keep olose to the wall." them of flees, and turned them loose In the woods. it won for him a reputation that is strengthened by offered $22,000 a year by two different papers, and at having a sworn duty to perform. At night they did not return to the pen as usual, and last accepted an equal partnership in the Examiner, in the morning he found them stuck together, the fir the future results. We regret that the same committee of the House making them adhere in a mass. They might have which pays $30,000 a year. could not have given the case the same patient hear- THE Jersey fisherman, when he gets to be senti- gone home, nevertheless, by concert of action, but It mental, sings of the "shad sea waves." Isn't in a hog to harmonize. o THE CAPITAL.—JUNE 16,1878.

IFor THE CAPITAL. other amusement than that afforded by a our puritanical training, turn our backs on Lamp-posts and the strong limbs of great trees bear DEMOCRATIC DANGEB. rude meeting-house in the midst of graves, one of the most powerful educators of civil- strange fruit. There is a hurricane of death in the SUMMEK EESOETS. where the heavy-lunged but empty-headed ized communities, the theater. land, and, after that, peace. IIY ^IRHYBACK. divine roars out "tidings o' damnation," In Europe the control of the towns over This is revolution, and revolutions are serious busi- as Burns expresses it, is a community not the rural population, thei r great superiority ness. When revolution comes scheming traitors and THE RAWLEY SPRINGS There was a blood-thirsty old bummer Ben. Butler, plotting scoundrels will disappear. Parties will dis- Who in war was a sort of a sutler; helped much on the road tb bodily and in intellect and culture, come from this one appear, and the people will sit in judgment and con- NEAR HARRISONBURG, VA. That is to say, mutual health, if the relaxation of the source, the theater. It teaches senti- demn. If plotters like the picture let them go on. This popular and fashionable summer resoit offers He gave little for pay ; amusement is necessary to such health. ments, stimulates high endeavor, refines The people care nothing for you. They will not stop rare attractions in fine mountain air and scenery Bid this Leucophlegmatlc, Ben. Butler. to decide between bullying robbers and cheating superior hotel accommodations, a variety of ear I have spoken of the confined, in-door the manners, opens to the ignorant art in amusements, and its lamous Chalybeate Serin irs well thieves. They will save the nation. They will pull He first made a bulge at Big Bethel, life of our country women—indeed our wo- nearly all its branches, and at the same known as the BEST TONIC WATERS of Virginia you all down, and set up men who respect the Consti- Where, in wrath, he doomed to dread death all time affords the highest amusement known In all diseases of debility, and especially in men of all classes—and I remember the tution, the laws and the rights of the people ; and, if MALADIES PECULIAR TO FEMALES, The rebs; but a kiting disgust with which I regarded women to humanity. But as the church teaches it they do not hang you all, you will be reserved for a their effects are almost magical They sent him from fighting, working in the fields on the continent of is our duty to be dull, that we may be un- weightier punishment—the contempt of mankind. This pestiferous old popinjay, Butler. $4^0°«?' $2'60i W60k' ®l2'60 < 1 ffi°Dth' Europe. I have learned since to regard my happy and even insane here, to escape the SPECIAL RATES to parties or families of five or Straightway ho changed his queer war scenes, disgust as so much stupidity. It were far wrath of a terrible God hereafter. more who remain one month. And in abscence of men from New Orleans, better for our women if they had their toil IN VIEW of the alarming increase of the Telegraph and post offices at the springs. THE CIRCUS. HOTEL NOW OPEN. He spent all his vim in in the sun and air of the open fields than free-thinking portion of the universe, and of infidelity Making war upon women; , Well, I had' no thought when taking up as directly prejudiced against religions of all sorts For pamphlet write to Bid this horrible old blackguard, " Beast" Butler the same toil in the hot room of a house. my "facile pen" to write an amusing letter, altogether, a movement is on foot in England, and • ™ RAWLEY SPRINGS COMPANY, j eia-413 Harrisonburg, Virginia. It is labor all the same. And give a man if that were possible; the very subject under vigorous prosecution, to concentrate the re- Next he tried tysprou d power on Tort Fisher, his choice between standing over a fire in a ligious sects of that country for their defense. But the rebs, most unkind, didn't wish her would make me so somber. It was sug- stifling atmosphere, washing, cooking, The plan proposed originates in Oxford, and is de- JORDAN ROCKBRIDGE ALUM SPRINGS Taken; gave him a trouncing gested by the throng that all morning has signed to cathollcisc—in both senses of the word—the And sent him a bouncing ironing or scrubbing, and his own work in been pouring along our unhappy pike. English and the Roman churches. That is to say, Rockbridge County, Va. Back to his Bermuda " bottle," Baum Butler. the fields and woods, and he will prefer the There is a circus in town, and the valley, that the high and low church shall both come under last. These delightful Springs are eight miles from Soon he raked up of strikers a few sets showing its keen appreciation of amuse- and acknowledge the power of the . Experience Goshen Depot, on the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad To make him 44 G-uvner " of old Massachusetts; There is another popular superstition, to ment, is emptying itself into the village. has taught that the governorship of religion placed In from which point elegant coaches run regularly over a good read through a beautiful and picturesque coun- Nary newspaper puffed him; the effect that this farm life is a healthy From almost dawn I suspeet—for I was not temporal powers has been either destructively arbitary try. The improvements are entirely new, and em- The good people blufled him, life, as well as one that tends to preserve out at that awful hour—the people have or useless for good, by being merely normal. The brace all the modern conveniences for the most com- And sat down on disappointed dupe, Butler. present ministers are to be accepted and ordained as fortable accommodations. The principal hotel, in ad- our innocence and strengthen our honesty. been passing on foot, on horseback and in dition to Parlors, Dining-room, Ball-room, &c„ con- priests by the Catholic hierarchy; those who are tains upwards of one hundred chambers, all newly In great rage he looked round for a victim, This, to use a popular phrase, is " all rot." all sorts of vehicles. married are to continue so; those unmarried are to be iurnished, with gas and electric bells in each, (the Saying, "people will laugh when I've kicked him.' There is less health and a shorter duration And I too am going, and in another subjected to the celibate vows in common with all only summer resort in Virginia which has.) There Black burn gave him a "thrashin' " are also superb cottage accommodations. Post and of life in the country than in our towns; epistle to Samuel I intend to tell all I heard others of the Roman Catholic church. telegraph offices in the hotel. Two daily mails from In approved Kentuck fashion, and as for honesty, I regard the agricul- Whether this proposition will succeed is very uncer- all points. In addition to tho Alum wafers, whose And demoralized the old duller, Butler. and saw at the circus, if in the meantime medicinal qualities are too well known to specially re- tural class as the most dishonest of any in I do not turn up in Washington, as my re tain. It is very uncertain that the Episcopalian re- fer to, there is on thé grounds one of the strongest and So he said, in great pain, by my life, sir! ligion will agree to it; it is equally uncertain that the best Chalybeate Springs in the country, which is a the land. Their hard life of small, uncer- turning health encourages me to do. direct and powerful tonic. For further particulars, see at Rome will accept it; ii it savor at all of com- "I'll sit on that young man called Kiefer;" tain profits makes cheating the rule and D. p. terms, &c., address by letter, i But Kieier did poke him promise of any character, it will be rejected by the fair dealing the exception. Circulars to be found at Drew's and Bischoi's 'drug- latter, as the utter and complete strength and stand- And twist him and choke him, WHO THEY AltE. stores and at the hotels. Have you ever noticed that the crimes of ing of the Catholic church is due to its staunch wis 'And trim down the little bill of our Butler. Three classes of men are interested in the Potter in- JOS. Ï. WOODWARD, the rural districts are of the most horrible dom ol non compromise. je2-tf4 Manager at the Springs. Q,ulck a thought brought him joy most ecstatic— vestigation. The first are the seekers for political That It would be wiser for all christian religions to "'I'll join with those men democratic, sort ? Jones has told me the philosophy of capital, who would pull all men down that they might combine and concentrate is manifest from a strictly And straightway destroy this is to be found in the superior standard lift themselves up, who assume the virtue which they BERKELEY SPRINGS, temporal and matter-of-fact point of view. For as All their hope, peace and joy of virtue recognized by the rural popula- have not, who are dealers in false pretenses and the WEST VIRGINIA, splits in political parties, just as splits in faro, weaken In a strange way and new," quoth sharp Butler. makers of false statements, who cover up and hide tion, that is so high that when one breaks the main body, so with religion, in its two-fold nature over he is certain to be, indeed has to be, a the crimes of their own party, while they paint black 100 Miles West of Washington. Then up rose a howl that was horrid the crimes oi the opposition; who cry " iraud, fraud," of spiritual and militant, all disintegrations are dead- As the beasts in the zone that is torrid, hardened criminal, and his crime is there-] while they fold up and put away the pall 'that has ly to suocess. TWO AND A HALF MILES FROM SIR JOHN'S As the Democrats yell, fore startling. It is not improbable that the church of England RUN STATION, BALTIMORE AND covered the victims of Intimidation and murder. OHIO RAILROAD. Git out, go to—Lowell, This is rot too—a refined sort one reco These are the place men of the Democratic party, may come into union with that of Rome ; but it is you vile, squirming old serpent, 'Beast Butler.'" whose equals in unscrupulous scoundrellsm are only very improbable that the non-orthordox sects will This Celebrated Resort Open for Guests nizes, but rot all the same. Crime, if not a June 1st. to be found among the cunning, cheating, swindling follow suit or join in the same. matter of cultivation, is one of consent or These waters are celebrated for their curative prop- henchmen who swarm around the party in power erties in Skin Diseases, and in Rheumatism wonder- EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. recognition. Get your standard elevated like carrion flies about a decaying carcass. These two ful cures are effected every year. The Baths are un- and your crime will correspondingly be gangs of soamps are alike. To such scamps, who care THERE is still considerable of the raw rivaled, including Spout, Shower, Plunge and Swim- ming Pools. Hotel accommodates 500 guests. Board MAC-A-CHEEK, June 11,1878. elevated. No man breaks over uiltil he has for nothing save success, perj ury, iniquity, robbery, meat and sack brutality among the landed proprietors of Great Britain. Their encouragement of a recent $3 per day; $17.50 per week; $50 per month. Round- INSANITY. been trained or accustomed to leaping. And villainy of all sorts are trifles. They want money; trip tickets, including coach fare and baggage, $6.75. The spread of this fearful disease among they would steal it. They want power; they would invention, by a Derby mechanio, for effectual preven- Last year being the first of the present management, the proof of this lies in the tact that our experience has suggested many reforms and improve- seize it. Their ambition is the ambition of the thieves tion of pouching shows that a poor man's life is not as the rural population of our country is ex rural people, as a class, have no such stan-| respected as a pheasants or a hare. This machine is ments, which will be fully carried out this season. citing much comment among those who dard as Jones attributes to them. of the second French empire; the ambition of glutons, The cuisine shall not be surpasse^ by any watering gamblers and liars. They number two hundred thou- internally ingenious and death-bearing to a cer place of like charges in the country. Write for De- have noted the fact. Why this should bel scriptive Pamphlet. I have some little experience in that line. sand among forty-five millions of people. They are a tainty. It is constructed atlntervals along the hedges, and fastened by fine wires, which are arranged to For descriptive circulars inquire at this office. the truth remains a mystery. The Social ioul ulcer, a plague spot, a horrible cancer. They my26-4t7 JJTO. T. TRËGO .V SON. Science Association lately in session at Cin- As we have Alderney cows and a superb spread about in all directions, and the unsuspected dairy; as we have a patent hen-house, with oorrupt the blood of the nation. They should be cinnati would do well to take up and report burned out with the fire of public scorn; they should prowler or trespasser strikes against one of the slen- Sweet Chalybeate Springs, upon the fact, and the reason for it, if such three acres of a chicken yard, we some- be cut out with the sharp knife of reform. The Demo- der ramifications, the vibration is conveyed to the times fall short in butter and eggs, and I cratic bully and the Republican sneak thief should body of the machine, and an explosion follows, per- ,Also known a« 44 THE RED SWEET," reason can be found. forating the incautious man with sWan shot. It is de- am sent up the valley to forage for the same. •fare alike—both are cowards, both a disease-breeding -A-lIegliany County, "Virginia., I attribute much of this unfortunate result I always return the worst cheated man you nuisance. signed to protect not only the game of the rich, but to to the absence of amusement. That recreaj reduco the number of the poor. Nine miles from Alleghany Station, C. and O. R. R., ever saw disgraced since traded for The second class are honest men, men who respect sixteen miles from Greenbrier White Sulphur, ana tion is necessary to a healthy condition of his green goggles. the truth, men who would lay bare the sore that it one mile from Old Sweet Springs, West Virginia, the mind no one doubts. To laugh and Famed for their Nervine, Tonic and Alterative bow- One day I came upon a farm-house from may be cleansed and healed, men who would examine ers as a Beverage and a Bath. Open for reception of grow fat is a popular saying, founded in the disease that a remedy may be applied. These LITERARY NOTES. visitors June 1, 1878. which, as usual, all shade had been care- men would not injure the innocent, nor attack any Finest Tonic Baths in America. Ladies' Plunge observation, that adipose generally accom- Baths. Gentlemen's Plunge Baths. fully excluded—a frame affair, ugly as sin one unjustly. They would not unsettle or disturb the THEKE is to be published shortly in London a new panies a cheerful disposition, and if this is and complete edition of Coventry Patmore's poems. Also establishment for Hot and Warm Baths supplied the result to the body, some such conse- and fearfully suggestive of warm sour milk country; they would scearch out the facts and say to by Mineral Water from the Springs. and bed-bugs; and to my surprise quite a the people,44 This^is the truth; here was intimidation THE publishing house of Charles Scribner's Sons, All amusements to be had at a first-class watering- quence must come to the mind. New York, was founded by Mr. Charles Scribner in place. Telegraph, Express and Post-office in Hotel. pretty, rosy-cheeked dame answered my here was violation of law, whippings, scourgings, mur. 1846. Board $2.50 per day, $15 per week, $35 to $45 per We need not speculate, however, upon ders. Here, on the other hand, was lying, cheating, month. Descriptive pamphlets to be had of J. L. summons. She had the brightest of eyes, CASON FAEKAR has in press the lectures on MORROW, Agent of C. and O. R. R., 601 Pennsyl- conceded fact. Of late years physicians in] swindling, forgery, perjury. There is a pack of bullying 44 and that rare charm of white, even teeth, Saintly Workers," delivered by him during Lent vania avenue, Washington, D. O., or on application to charge of asylums for the insane have found villains—there, confronting them, a gang of thieves— this year. the Proprietor, and we had a most charming time negotia- that music, dancing, little parties, in which and there is the great avenger of outraged American 44 HALF AN HOUR IN HADES" Is the title of anew my26-7t5 J. B. TINSLEY. Jr. ting for some beautiful looking butter. She the patients are gathered in rooms pleasl justice—the remedy for all political wrongs—the bal- London publication, referring to the future punish- laughed so charmingly whiletellingmethe lot-box." These would appeal to the people. They ment controversy. antly lighted and adorned with pictures,] DEY GOODS. price in West Liberty, and assuring me of would stand above party, and let parties and party GEORGE ELIOT has written a poem entitled 44 A add greatly to the restoration of reason. the quantity, that I accepted both state- henchmen take care of themselves. They would see College Breakfast," which will appear in Maxlmil- JUST RECEIVED There is no f6rm that madness assumes that lian's Magazine for July. ments and paid for the golden glory of the to it that an among the sugar plantations ol so disheartens the physicians as that of ex- Louisiana, the cotton fields of Carolina, the orange 44 DR. JOHNSON : His Friends and His critics," is a A New Invoice of farm. groves of Florida, or the purlieus of New York, or the new English work reterrlng to the great Idler and treme melancholy. The hopeless cases are Rambler, written by George Blrbeck Hill. French and American Chip Leghorn nearly all of this sort. When I returned and told my little story bummer-ridden wards of Philadelphia, was as fair and square, as honest and peaceful, as in the quiet THE forthcoming number of the Nineteenth Cen Flats, American country life is the most somber of a lovely farm wife I was met with those tury will contain an Important article by Mldhat irrefutable scales, and learned to my disgust towns of New England, or among the hills and val- Pasha, on the past, present and future of Turkey of all existence. From it amusement of all leys of Indiana, Tennessee or Wisconsin. And Other Styles, Decidedly Keiv. kinds is carefully excluded. Day in and that the butter was as much short as its price THE London Alhenamm thinks that no poet since ALSO, was above the market. The fair dame had These men respect the Constitution; they obey the Burns—none perhaps since Shakspeare—has known day out the men, women and children find laws; they love the republic, and though slow to and felt so deeply as Robert Browning the pathos of THIRTY BOXES OF FRENCH FLOWERS, human life. bartered me two lies in one transaction. wrath, they will not quietly see the peace and pros- Which will be sold at very LOW PRICES, being only so many dreary hours devoted to labor. bought so. perity of the nation jeopardized by intriguing parti- AN important enterprise of the house is the publi- This sort of existence is harder upon the This disgraceful transaction on my part cation of Bryant's 44 Popular History of the United Examine Our Prices and Goods Before Purchasing women than the men. The female part of did not, however, prevent my returning to sans and unscrupulous placemen. These men num- States," by William Cullen Bryant and Sydney Elsewhere. the same pretty female granger lor more ber millions; they are soattered all over the country; Howard Gay. this animal creation is imprisoned in rude they are In the workshops and in the fields, In the walls that go to make the country home. butter, also eggs, and she laughed as mer- REPRINTS ot English authors Include the works of roaring cities and the quiet villages. They are all James Anthony Froude, Dean Stanley, Max Muller, Mrs1107 F Street. , Jbetwee. 3?n Elevent. Palmeh and Twellth Sts. r From this she escapes at intervals with but- rily in every subsequent transaction as in over the land, from the Gulf to the Canadian bord-er, Archbishop Trench, Professor John Stuart Blackie, Professor B. Jowett and George Smith. sep30-ly2 ter, eggs and other farm products, to barter the first. from Boston to San Francisco. They are the people. They are the sleeping lion, and aroused, with one IN THEIR school text-book department, Messrs. juB-r RECEIVED them for store goods at the village, and on] I did this because I have learned from ob- Charles Scribner's Sons publish the widely circulated Sunday she goes to the meeting-house. servation another popular surperstition, bound and one blow, sneak thieves, robbers and dis- Maps and Geographies of Professor Arnold Guyot, A CASE OP turbers of the peace will be crushed into a quivering Felter's Arithmetics, Tenney's Text-books in Natural Sunday is to all the only day of recreation, which attributes a certain sort of healthy mass and scattered to the winds. History and Prolessor Cooley's Physics, etc., etc. FRENCH CHIP HATS, and this is given over to hearing a cheerful beauty to country girls. Bless your inno- Let conspirators remember '61 and tread softly. AMONG the many works published by Messrs. WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT $3. a ccount of hell from the mouth of a preacher cent soul, there is more beauty in one de- There is another class: These are the daring plot- Charles Scribner's Sons will be found tho writings of All our Stock of Chip and Straw HATS marked such American authors as President Noah Porter, D. not enough cultivated to get above the partment of Washington than in all the ters, the would-be revolutionists. They declare " we down to. correspondingly low prices. During this D., Rev. Drs. T. D. Woolsey, Archibald Alexander, month we oiler bargains in capacity of his hearers. It speaks well for rural districts of this great State. Farm life have no desire to unseat Mr. Hayes," or they look Mark Hopkins, Henry M. Field and Horace Bush- wise and say "We will see," "Suppose itls ascertained nell; Hon. George P. Marsh, Dr. J. G. Holland, (edi- M3LLINERY GOODS, the good, hard common sense—called by does not develop personal charms in man 44 tor Scribner's Monthly,) Donald G. Mitchell, (Ik To reduce Stock. Full line of Jouvin and Monogram that he has no title," or The Congress may ignore the country people " horse sense," not that nor woman. The tendency to bone is fear- Marvel,) Dr. Henry Schliemann; Professors William KID GLOVES. him." All this means that these men, If they thought D. Whitney, Francis Bowen, J. T. Headley, Clarence they attribute especial intelligence to that ful. Adipose in the human family is the success possible, would dare revolution. If they did Cook; Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, Marion Har- land, Saxe Holm, &c. MRS. M. J. HUNT, animal, but meaning to say that common rarest article when you hit the fields andno t it would be because the cold hand of fear was on oc7-ly5 No. 631 and 623 D street. woods. It is reserved to the animals. The their hearts; and these men are not cowards. They W. D. HOWELL begun last year to edit a series sense strong as a horse—it speaks well, I 44 are bold, bad, daring men. They are not many in of Choice Autobiographies," ol which several vol- say, for this good sense, even among these girls have quaint faces, high cheek-bones, umes have already been published in the popular Md'me De Courcey White, uneducated masses, that the hell treatment pointed chins and thin lips. Undisguised numbers, but it should be remembered that ten thou- 44 Little Classic" form, by Houghton, Osgood & Co. sand men in a State carried the South into a rebellion These have included the remarkable memoirs oi has in great measure lost its influence. It as they are by dress, one is forced to observe Frederika, Wilhelmina, the Margravine of Beyrouth, (LATE OF LORD & TAYLOR'S, NEW YORK,) and brought on a fearful war. We do not fear revolu- lias come to be such an old story, and was "the slab-sided" appearance of the figure, and sister of , the Great of Prussia; those tions. We have said this. The people do not fear of Lord Herbert of Cherburg and Thomas Elwood always so removed from human knowledge while that part of the bust painters, sculp- revolutions. The howling of the wolves has no terrors the Quaker; and those of Goldonl and Alfierl, the Italian dramatic poets. Each one of the series has FASHIONABLE and experience, that it has faded into .a tors and poets are so fond of dwelling upon— for the sleeping lion. Eevolutions are heal thy. They been prefaced with such charming introductory and Nos. 621 and 023 D Street N. IV., over Mrs. Hunt's. remote past, along with other superstitions. in their work, I mean—resembles a lemon may be bad for tricksters, schemers and for traitors, supplementary essays as few besides Mr. Howells sepl6-ly7 but for that the people will not weep. know the secret of writing. The "Memoirs of Jean Time was when a farmer feared to be halved in two. The prettiest country girl— Francois Marmontel," recently issued, makes a new caught out after night lest he be startled by no, I won't say that—but take them as they To this last class—the revolutionists—we have Installment of this attractive and Valuable little library. something to say: Your protestations are nothing. Jeanneret - come, and any one would scare car horses 44 44 the appearance of the devil or some of his You deny, but you mean mischief. When Louis THE FALL OF DAMASCUS " Is the title of an his- Has closed her branch store in Washington. She has imps. The tiller of the American soil is on the Avenue. torical novel," written by Charles Wells Russell of received two cases of Bonaparte made ready to destroy the French repub- this city, just published by Leo & Shepard of Boston. IMPORTED BONNETS. All this has taken me from my subject— 44 not, as the same class in Scotland or Ireland lic he said : Representatives of the people, deliberate It is located in the reign of Heracllus, and attempts, ' RIDING and SEASIDE HATS, the increase of insanity in the rural dis- in peace;" and he filled the boulevards with dead but with no very marked success, to picture the con- is, of a fanciful turn, and therefore full of temporary life and manners in Damascus and the east. which she will open Tusesday and Wednesday, at superstition. Our agriculturist took the tricts. This case of Inskeep, the crazy man men, women and children, and the gutters ran blood. Fierce war and faithlul love are mingled in the story, 83 NORTH CHARLES STREET, BALTIMORE, MP. who killed a deputy sheriff, has called at- You say (and by you we mean the desperate plot- the heroine, or one of the heroines—for there are two- tales from others as solid facts, and when being (though this fact Is not made known iintil the Dressmaking in all its branches. marl7-tfB these disappear no quick imagination re- tention to this fact. There seems no end of ters in both parties) we will not disturb the peace of very close) a daughter of the Emperor, named Eudo- cia, who, for reasons sufficient to her parents doubt- RS.S. J. MESSER, places the old story. He therefore sits and lunatics at large, ready to kill any sort of a the country and you plot treason. Do you hope for peaceful revolution 1 Remember '61. There can bo less, is made to pass a secluded life in Damascus, ig- M listens to a detailed statement of Satan and sheriff, while the numbers in the asylums norant of her birth, as of the adopted daughter of an Dressmaking from Latest Parisian Styles. no peace when the Constitution is violated and the humble family; the hero is a Damascus blade, named CUTTING AND FITTING A SPECIALTY. his kingdom of fire and brimstone with the distress the State. law outraged. Jonas, who wins the favor of Heraclius by military S. T. Taylor's Patterns, System of Cutting, and conduct presumedly heroic—by which, however, we Journals, (Lo Bon Ton, Le Mode Elegante and Revue same calm indifference he listens to an As I said in the beginning of this letter, I Suppose it were possible for your schemes to succeed are not greatly impressed—after previously securing de la Mode,) for sale. 44 account of Isaac, Abraham and Jacob as attribute much of this to the absence of so far that you begin your peaceful revolution." the daughter's love. Several chapters in the book mh!7-ti3 1213 Pennsylvania avenue. Suppose in one way or other you make a commence- have what may be called a subterranean atmosphere something in a remote past, nowise touch- amusement. Living isolated , in families, and interest. The style of the work is reasonably MIS0ELLANE0US, ing his life here or hereafter. ment? good and graphic, here and there, but It is too often the life is a sad, dreary sort of thing, that Suppose your Congress, or a part of it, decrees that marred by modern free-and-easy expressions, and JR. C. M. BURTON, The spread of spiritualism through the must benumb the unused faculties and lead there are passages in the second chapter which, to Mr. Hayes has no title, or you set Mr. Tilden up and say the least, are by no means models of good taste or rural districts has done much towards to madness. Ignore Mr. Hayes ? The President has been inaugu- skill in approaching and walking upon forbidden rated. In due form he has taken the . He pro- ground. Mr. Russell, we dare say, would do better to .i Flagiiu&.¡ Tent and Sail Mer honey-combing the old theology of fear. How much betwr it would be if these content himself with life nearer home. There is scarcely a neighborhood but has a farmers were gathered in villages, as on the ceeds to defend the Constitution. He enforces the No. 434 Ninth Street, Washington, D. C. medium and some knowledge of the continent of Europe, where at least "s\$eet laws. He Is true to his oath ot office. He issues his proclamation. He raises the old flag. Who answers Decoration and Reception Tonts furnished for •claimed intercourse with that other world human gossip," as Carlyle calls it, could To Miss Annie Thompson, on Cradnatlng. Balls, Parties, &c. his call ? We shall see. All Work Guaranteed First Class. je9-3t2* beyond the grave. From this source these take the place of this solitude qf the family. Of the Union veteran Eoldiers there are twelve hun- White rose, wither! you're robbed of your whiteness; unimaginative matter-of-fact people learn And with Americans there would be an im- dred thousand yet alive; of the Confederate veterans There's nothing so fair as our Annie to-night. fTTANTED—To purchase COPPER CENTS 1793. Red rose, lade j you're robbed of your brightness; three quarters of a million. The former fought for YV 1795, 1796, 1799, 1804, 1809, 1811. 1813. HALF that life hereafter is a very mild sort of a provement on the European farm life. Youth's blushes are dearer far, in our sight. CENTS 1793,1794,1795.1796, 1802. NICKEL CENT continuance of this. They were prepared Each village would have its newspaper, or and love the colors; the latter fought against the 1856. Will make the highest offer possible on ex- colors, but they are men ol honor. They will stand Fair rival of roses, thy life cannot be amining the pieces. Address, with stamp, Old Curi- to believe such revelations. They are not a reading-room and a lecture hall—perhaps Always as now, full of joy and of love;— osity Shop, 811 D street N. W., Washington D. C. by the men in blue. In three days they rise all over mucl^ given to reasoning; but-the picture a theater. Then, when sorrow shall come, think how God only tf " iyf> the land. In three days they are in motion. The lent thee of a God in an eternal state of wrath and The great superiority in. mental health dome of the Capitol is their objective point. Who To blossom and bloom for His garden above I disgust over his own works—for which, if and activity manifested in towns over the shall stand in their way? Nobody. Who joins and JHEIL, And when sharp thorns of life prick the blood from thy H. »» •• * ITntlov. imperfect, he alone was to blame—struck country comes from this contact of mind marches with them? Their sons, their younger heart, NO. 322 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. 'them as unreasonable, and therefore proba- with mind, and the resources for amuse- brothers, their kinsmen. Who goes down before And cause thee to falter, to droop, to despair, ap28-ly3 them ? Traitors tricksters, demagogues, stirrers up Turn from earth unto heaven, and take up thy cross;— bly false. ment open to all. WeVho place such store Like to-night, thou mpst win the prized crown that ffigg a week in your own town. Terms and$5outfi. of stiife, scamps crazy ior office, politicians greedy for thou'dst wear. Address H. HALLETT & Co., Portland, Me Nevertheless, a community that has no by popular education very stupidly, through spoil. June 15, 1878. ECILA. api21-ly6 o THE CAPITAL.—JUNE 16,1878.

" Du bist verrfickt, mein kind, vague way. Mr. Kaymond (Colonel Sellers^ Is also impossible for a student to find time to read all the MISCELLANEOUS. " SAPHIR'S » NEW YORK LETTEE, Du must nach Berlin!" works of the eminent writers who have commented on tho point of departure for the other side. Last upon and criticised Shakspeare's plays, he gives us When Almee nearly bursted into tears during her Saturday he was entertained at dinner at the Lotos an Abstract of Critical Comment. These selections The GrowthofBapld Transit—Sundry Pros and Cons— little farewell speech at Booth's Theater the other Club, of which he is a member, and which gave him indicate care, refined taste and good judgment. From A Station tike Aladdin's Palace—The Late Mr. a memorable feast at the little house on Irving Place " Dowden's Shakspeare," for instance, " Upon the AUCTION ! night it was a caution to see the tears down rail all whole, As You Ltke It Is the sweetest and happiest Bryant—Anecdotes of the Dead Poet—How He Ap- over the house. The ladles in the boxes were visibly shortly after he had achieved hi9 very great sucoess as of all Shakspeare's comedies. No one suffers; no one moved at the little opera boufier's emotion. There Colonel Sellers. I remember that among the guests lives an and Intense life; there is no tragic In- peared at blie Cushman Benefit—Miss Oelrlchs' Wed- terest in it as there is in the Merchant of Venice, as was one bolle dame that made one think of one of and speakers on that occasion was General Custer. ding—Fettlvities at the Garden—Aimee Dolorosa— there Is in Much Ado About Nothing. It is mirthful, those high-bred dames that Owen Meredith describes Who would have foretold on that night of good cheer but the mirth Is sprightly, graceful, exquisite; there The Seeds at Her Farewell—A Petit Sonper with so well, whose sensitive face showed a gracious sympa- and fellowship in the heart of the great city the hor- is none of the rollicking fun of a Sir Toby here ; the songs are not Cozler's catches shouted in the night the Diva-tHer Now Acquisition In Dogs—The Succes- thy. The tear which she brushed away half furtively rible death of the gallant hero far out in the plains, at Auction! Auction! time without any mitigation or remorse of voice, but the cruel hands of savages I The dinner of farewell sor to Dili—Miss Leona Moss' Debut—The Count a low moments after Almee had finished her neat the solos and duets of pages in the wild-wood or the phrase about the " bienveitlante sympathie" of the New to Baymond was a "send-off" prior to a professional noisier chorus of foresters," &c., &c. This abstract Bozcnta—John T. Baymond Dined at the Lotos appearance in London, which will certainly be made, is followed by the text of the play (preceded by an In- York public, surely did her no discredit, but without troduction.) and then come a hundred pages of Club—"Oir Boys" at the Park Theater—About doubt she shortly found herself wondering why she although it Is not settled what theater it will take "notes" and an " index of words explained." Henry Watterson. had melted over the audacious songstress who, having place at. In Canada Sellers found a hearty constitu- It is a lovely little volume beautifully printed. 1 will sell Irom MONDAY, the 10th of JUNE,, my regained her poise with the lines of the role she had ency, and In London, where he has acted AsaTrench- stock of goods contained in store (Regular Correspondence of THE CAPITAL.) THE SETTLEMENT OP THE CONSTITUTION, 1689-1T84. temporarily abandoned, was what the Western humor- ard, in Our American Cousin, he should be equally for- By James Rowley, M. A. From Harper Brothers. NEW '¿'ORK, Jane 13, 1878. ist would call " cavorting" in the Can-Can. Aimee tunate. Mr. Henry Watterson, Mr. B. B. Roosevelt For sale by Mohuns. We are blglrt with growing rapid transit, and, not The writer proceeds In this essay (one of the Half 435 SEVENTH STREET, is, however, a privileged character. She is so ad- and others made speeches on this Lotos occasion. Hour Series) to show first how the House of Commons unlike othe« boons, it has its disadvantages. Every mired and petted that " shocking things" are con- Our Boys, the comedy which is* such an institution became the strongest thing In England—a subject other morning or so we hear of some casualty on the sidered to lose half their pruriency under her treat- in London, has started out quite bravely at the Park very Interesting to Americans who take sufficient in- AT AUCTION, consisting of a large and elegant elevated roaps, and, although as a geneYal thing they terest In our country's welfare to watch our HouBe of stock of ment, and, indeed, you know full well that little Theater, a little house which is adapted to this style Representatives, wherein lies not only the safety of are the result oi either negligence or foolhardiness, Frenoh woman has a way with her that disarms criti- of entertainment. The "boys" here are Mr. F. B. the nation, but the greatest danger to our Institu- they are not! calculated to reassure timid souls. We cism. It is as natural for her to do those subtle things Warde and Mr. Robert Hill, and the fathers aro as- tions, popular representation and partisan dema- must take thl bitter with the sweet, however; and oer- goglsm side by side. Second, how England won great as It Is for Lotta to kick or for Samuel Tilden to harp sumed by Mr. Charles Leclercq, the clever brother of fame by war with France, brought on by the latter SILVER-PLATED WARE, tainly one id inclined to wax enthusiastic over the on the presidency. She was viewed by a very large Carlotta, and by ,Mr. Lingard, who is happier as kingdom intermeddling with the affatrs of her neigh- comtorts thahthe erst " Gilbert" road supply. What house on this her " last farewell." Seats sold in the Perkyn Mlddlerick than in any role which I have bors. Third, how the groat families of England Consisting of Salvers ot all Sizes, Toilet Sets, took the foremost place and ruled the nation—a Tureens, Ice Pitchers, Goblets, Slop Bowls, Berry a luxury for the drones of down-town to be whirled second and third circles at orchestra stall prices, and known him to assume. He is not a thorough dramatic swiftly along, distancing the creeping street cars, and thing which great families in all times, and among and Fruit Dishes, Napkin Rings, &c., &c. Table and so great was the anxiety to be present that no less a artist, but his manner is well suited in this instance. all peoples, have had a great predilection for doing. Pocket Cutlery, Roger's Knives, Spoons and Forks, arriving at Washington Square, which is now the be- person than Mme. Modjeska, Countess Bozenta, con- Mrs. Lingard is much too emphatic as Mary Melrose, Fourth, how the great families broke down in the Satchels, Valises and Trunks, Jewelry, Opora Glasses, hour oi trial and danger, and how one man of sur- &c &c ginning, as it Was formerly the center, of "uptown" tented herself, faute de mieux, with purchasing seats but is as handsome as a goddess. Mrs. Baker is the residences, belore one begins to get through glancing passing genius raised the kingdom to a height of SALES EVERY DAY, COMMENCING AT 10 A. in the very last row of the balcony. The receipts Miss Champneys, and Miss Laura Wallace, an at- greatness it had never reached before. M. AND 7:30 P. M. until the end of the month. at one's evenltg paper. The stations, too, instead of must have been considerable over $3,000. Aimee was, tractive woman, but a crude actress, is the heiress. The book is Illustrated with four maps, and con- Fixtures for Sale Very Cheap. being unsightly structures, have a coquettish air, and tains a vast deal of good reading for twenty-five as might have been expected, in exceptionally good The gem of the performance is decidedly the cents. from the piatWrm a tine view of such broad thorough- spirits, and the programme allowed her to be fairly Belinda of Miss Dickie Lingard, who shows that she fares as Fourtlenth and Twenty-third streets are ob- KATE WEATHERS, OR SCATTERED BY THE TEMPEST. prodigal of her accomplishments. We saw her as the retains her fel lcity in soubrette assumption. Noth- THE ABOVE STOCK WAS PURCHASED WITH tained. The firmer, with its bustling business activ- By Frank Vaughan. From J. B. Lippincott & Co., demure Graziella, with her "petit paquet," in the sec- ing could be better In its way than her picture of the Philadelphia. For sale by Ballantyne & Son. A VIEW OF RE-ESTABLISHING MYSELF ity in the matter oi " shopping," retains something ond act of La Petite Mariee, singing the nightingale faithful and disheveled lodging house—"Slavery "— The scene of this story Is laid on the part of the ONCE MORE IN BUSINESS, AND NOT FOR of vernal freslness in the shape of green trees and North Carolina coast where on a desolate, barren duo, In which the reader has the dangerous task ot and before she had finished the mock heroic repetition reef of sand, the Metropolis was broken to fragments, AUCTION PURPOSES; BUT UNFORTU- plenteous ivy cteepers, and the block from Sixth ave- perusing one of the tales of Boccacio, thejolly rondo, of "Henceforth we are utter strangers," the house and the Huron, with her gallant crew, went down. NATELY THE DULLNESS OF TIMES COM- nue to the comer, on which the resldenoe of Mrs. The time is long before the day of itght-houses, life- ( in which she declares that the eloping couple are no shouted with laughter. PELS ME TO GIVE UP THE IDEA, AND Hicks-Lord neighbors, is a wide and smiling spectacle saving stations and signal service, when the only hu- "lovers," but man and wife, and the spirited drink- man beings who waited and watched for wrecks were MUST AWAIT THE LONGED FOR IMPROVE- on a sunny afternoon as one pauses a moment on the Henry Watterson dined the other night with ing song which proposes In jocund, blithely tripping the wild, half savage " bankers," who watched only MENT. THE STOCK WILL BE SOLD WITH- platform before! descending to the sidewalk. The Charles O'Conor, Samuel J. Tilden being one of the lor plunder, and, knowing no such feeling as pity, did fashion, the health of LaPetlte Mariee herself. Then, OUT RESERVE, AND THOSE ATTENDING other evening, no, 1 remarked that the Twenty-third party, and is otherwise improving the shining hours not scruple at murder. In the charming Bohemian costume of LaMarjolaine, THE SALES AND PURCHASING WILL HAVE street station, iistead of being a blot, was a positive during his soj ourn In the East. Much of his time he As far as the account of this coast and the brutal she sang the "Cuckoo" in elody and the "Pet Son" aria, wreckers go the story is all very well, and there Is a OCCASION TO CONGRATULATE THEM- ornament, as it lose, brilliant with colored lights, be- spends with the ex candidate for the Presidency, who and, Anally,' as Gabrielle, "autrefois innocente," description of the launching of a boat through the SELVES FOR HAVING EMBRACED THE tween those statlly white structures, Booth's Theater stirs out a great deal, by no means confining himself breakers in the midst of a howling storm to resoue a joined in that most felicitous of finales, with its ex- OPPORTUNITY. and the Masonil Temple. As we came along from to the house in Grammercy square, which is supposed ship (an act entirely out of the common order of uberant Can-Can, and gave, in herSpanish costume o f to have been the focus of more wire-pulling than was things among the bankers,) which is well written and Broadway, whlld there was a flush of sunset still in blue and white and silver, with castinets in hand, a life-like, but the general style of the book is crude, the sky, the illuminated station looked like Aladdin's dreamt of In the philosophy of the opposite camp. and the attempts at " fine writing," as is often the bolero, and, as an added treat, " La Paloma," "She's M. H. PRINCE Palace suspend«! in mid-air. It is not easy to ro- Sundry attempts have been made to Interview Wat- case, are failures. Just a Sweet Bouquet" and " Pretty as a Picture," terson of late, but they always fall. And yet he has This novel might be vastly Improved by a very mance over such & practical affair as rapid transit, but 435 SEVENTH STREET, earning, recalls, floral devices, including a beautilul a chalk-mark on his back, as far as the New York simple process; The four hundred and odd pages such was the faci No rose without a thorn, however. harp irom the orchestra, inscribed "Marie Aimee, should be cut down to less than half that number. The residents aimg the route are grumbling about Interviewers are concerned. They have not forgotten The story will be found Interesting chiefly by those Next door to Linsburgh's Cheap Carpet Store. Memoire," and those cheers which are dear to the ap21-lyS the noise, the odlr, a hundred little annoyances, and that ho sold one of the tribe beautifully on one occa- who aro fond of tales of life in the wilderness, and heart of an artiste. The culmination oi the popular sion by allowing himself to be taken for Murat Hal- who care little or nothing about the probabilities. The landlords express some discontent at being obliged to furore was, however, at the point where the superb author has not been a student, or has studied to little ESTABLISHED IN 1844. make a reduotiorl in their rents. The other day the stead, and expressing views which astounded the gen- purpose; is no judge of human nature, and relies set of silver, designed by Tiffany, at a cost of >S00, by tleman from Cincinnati very much when they ap- mainly on his imagination to interest his readers. janitor of the aplrtment house in which I live called order of Mr. Maurice Grau, her manager, was formally my attention to Ae fact that the rent for a sufte on a peared duly credited to him in print.. If H. W. would THE HISTORY OP A CRIME. By Victor Hugo. Har- presented to her. M. Duplan read a very apprecia- only get up a lark of that kind with S. J. T. now! per Brothers. For sale by Mohuns. lower floor wouldjhave to be reduoed in consequence tive letter written by that gentleman, and here it was " This work," said Hugo, on October 1, 1877, " is ANDREW J. JOYCE, of the approach!» opening of the rapid transit road that Mile. Aimee, advancing to reply, became so SAPHIR. more than opportune; it is Imperative." And he put on the East sid J the track passing in iront of the in print his story ot the four days, beginning Decem- strongly moved that she seemed almost hysterical. ber 1,1851, In which he describes the coup d'etat of windows of this »articular apartment; whereupon 1 This sincerity communicated itself to the house—"one SEW BOOKS. Louis Bonaparte. THE CLIFTON PICTURE ; a novel. By the author of congratulated m Jself upon being perched higher up touch of nature." The prima donna said afterwards The publication of. this book by the Harpers now is In the world, so td speak, at least two floors removed " The Odd Trump." From J. B. Lippincott & Co., "more than opportune "—it is fortunate. It contains CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER ! that it was a very different thing to express one's own Philadelphia.-. For sale by Ballantyne & Son. very interesting reading for Americans. There is not from the publicity, clatter and cinders of the trains feelings and pronounce the words of others—she was A style that Is natural and easy, a half score of to-day a scoundrel who Is plotting political mischief lady-like and gentlemanly characters, a rapid shitt- 412, 414 and 416 Fourteenth St. which are better tt ride In than be encompassed by. no orator, as Brutus was. in this country but who will find his prototype In this ing ot" the scenes lrow an English country homo on history; and patriotic men will find glorious examples The flags aro aj half-mast everywhere to-day out of the Avon to a bungalow in India, thence to tho pine for their emulation. There is a graphic description On this night of adleux Mile. Almee gave a supper forests of Carolina and back again to Clifton Downs, respect to the mlmory of Mr. Bryant, whose illness ot a terrible villainy, called a "revolution," and a Particular Attention Called to Stock of Carriages oi party at Delmonico's, which was attended by Mr. altogether make up a pleasant story that goes on lu description ot magnificent men who rose above resulted as mlghtlave been expected. A green old an easy, quiet sort of a way, without the interest flag- party in an effort to save thefr country. His Own Manufacturé. Maurico Grau and a number of others, entrepreneurs, Repairing a Specialty. age his; but that le will be sorely missed there is no ging for a moment. There is no attempt at fine writ- Men who stir up strife, saving, " we will harm no journalists, etc. As it was midnight before the cur- ing, no words wasted In glowing descriptions, but a Agent tor Brewster & Co. of Broome Street, New reason to doubt. IBryant was certainly not a great one," should read. These will say we are not French- York. ap21-Sm2 tain fell at Booth's Theater on the spectacle of the sentence here and there, a hint or suggestion, as it 11 men. poet. Scholarly, lollshed and reflective of nature's were, bring all the beauty of the scene before you prima donna, in her blonde wig and coquettish dress, Fools, you disturb the peace ot tho land, and you moods as his productions are, they bear no evidence, with a brightness and clearness which would not ap- make Grant possible. Decorated save in perhaps oiae instance, of the sacred lire; but bowing before the final plaudits of the hourse, It was pear from the most labored word painting. In fact, When Grant is possible then the end of constitu- what Is called " word painting " is usually a tedious he was a remarkaqie man, and his example of a wise- quite one o'clock before the company sat down to a tional liberty Is possible. English and French repast in one of those luxurious rooms on the upper failure. We read: " As to a conspiracy against the repub- ly-directed and will-spent life, which enriched lite- Every book ought to have a moral; anyway, this lic and against the people, how could any one pre- rature and gave diknity to the profession of journal- floor of the famed restaurant. A supper with an opera one has, and it grows out of the statement that an meditate such a plot, and where was the man capable Dinner Sets, ism, is valuable. He might stand as a monument of bouife diva is popularly supposed, I presume, to be a honest man cannot marry for money. Our author of entertaining such a dream? For a tragedy there scene of revelry, but the reverse is the tact. Mile. analyzes the subjeot In this way: "Marrying for must be an actor; and here, assuredly, the actor was simplicity. He utterly abhorred all affectation in money Involves both falsehood and dishonesty. No wanting. To outrage right, to suppress the assembly, Decorated writing, and ho was not only a master of plain Saxon Almee alone represented the fair sex, and it was very man tells the heiress that he wants her money; no to abolish the constitution, to strangle the republic, to English and French himself, but enforcoi adherence to its laws in others. hard to believe that this quiet, not to say plain, little such case of courting Is on record. The suitor ad- overthrow the nation, to sully the flag, to dishonor woman, dressed in brawn, with a little brown bonnet dresses charms, mental endownments, moral beauties. the army, to suborn the clergy, to succeed, to* triumph, Unhappy the budded sophomore under his control 1 to govern, to administer, to exile, to banish, to trans- Toilet Sets,. on her smooth, dark hair, was the brilliant and fasci- If Frank told tho truth he would say: You have who sought to give a scholarly tinge to his production twenty thousand pounds, and I desire to possess it; port, to ruin, to reign with such complicities that the law at least resembles a foul bed of corruption. What! by quotation of phrases in foreign tongues! Many nating creature who had held tho Immense audience therefore marry me.' It Is not probable he will make New Designs and Very Handsome, captive not long before. Mile. Aimee's satisfaction his approaches in this fashion. And if he does not all these enormities were to be committed I And by IMPORTED DIRECT. years ago a now welfrknown editor, then fresh from he will lie. No English gentleman can lie. Conclu- whom? By a oollossus? No, by a dwarf. People the halls of learning! was employed in the Evening with the evening was great—"une belle soiree," she laughed at the notion. They no longer said what a sion : No English gentleman can marry for money." orime, but what a farce." M. W. BEYERIDGE, Post office, and on one occasion made use of a Latin declared It—but her conversation ran principally on By the bye, this Frank Daltman (tho man who (Late Webb & BeYcridge,) term. Summoning the young journalist to him, Mr. Paris restaurants and poker, a game of which she is a would marry for money) reminds us of a certain So they laugh here and say: "No danger; what a modest votary. She has also become sufficiently sprig of the military aristocracy, who exclaimed: faroe." No. 1009 Pennsylvania, Avenue ». Bryant pointed to an English dictionary and called his " Yaas, I am accustomed to silk stockings and ap21-2m4» Americanized to speak English quite well in conver- diamond studs, and I must marry a rich girl to pro- "THE COMING MAN." By Charles Reade. From attention to the fact that it contained many words. Harper Brothers. For sale by Mohuns. "I can find plenty W words there to express my sation, and likes to discourse in it. The presence of vide them;" and he did. But then he was, we must bear in mind, an American, and perhaps had not The coming man, when the world is reformed on ideas." spake the author of "Thanitopsis," "and I her pet. dog, the successor of Dldi, was a feature of Mr. Reade's plan, will be either handed. Treasury been educated up to this high English standard. thieves will steal with both hands. Politicians will think you can do tlit same." In his publio offices the entertainment. You should see the successor of Speaking of education, it occurs to us that this " I0RIARTY," take bribes left and right with equal facility. States- Bryant always struck\me as either being uncompro- Didi, which cherished black-and-tan died of advanced novel would be an exoellent text, book to Introduce men will write' letters on both sides at once; rasoals Into a certain high-toned educational institution in mising in his convictions or deficient in tact. Thus, years—eight—after having had greatness thrust upon will forge agreements and Indite plots faster than Merchant Tailor, America. True, the maxim, " marry a rich girl what- ever. Bank officers will take in securities with the on the occasion of Charlotte Cushman's memorable him through the extensive advertising consequent ever you do," is not taught in just the same way that 612 D street northwest, near corner of left hand and hypothecate them with the right. Sav- Seventh, farewell appearance omthe stage of Booth's theater, upon his loss and recovery. The successor is a rather the higher mathematics are taught, but the lesson ings Banks' presidents will do double the business large white animal, called a " Monton " In France, of sinks a deal deeper, and Is remembered when calcu- they have accomplished heretofore. Sea captains will Where is displayed a neat stock of FRENOH, ENG- his remark in the presence of so many dramatic ar- lus Is a lost science. excessive amiability, and rejoicing in the pet name hold on to the wheel with one hand and scuttle the LISH and AMERICAN goods, ALL NEW, selected tists and lovers of the stage, "that he knew little of Lying Is bad, stealing is worse; but there are things ship with the other. with great care from the best wholesale houses In the theatrical people," was*scarcely gracious under the of " Bo-ba," a contractor of Alba. His thick white more mean and despicable and utterly larther be- country, and will be sold at low prloes comparative neath the standard of true manhood than these; and On the other side, justice will drop her scales and circumstances. There ale words that should not be coat, which Is as white as driven snow, is cut after use a sword with each hand. She will be no longer to his light expense, together with being saved the- one of those thfngs is deceiving a loving, confiding anoyance of returing garments te be altered. Gene- spoken as well a's "those which oughtto be pronounced the lion pattern, and what with this, the white lop-sided. Honest men will knock down ballot-box girl and marrying her for lier money. stutters with the right and vote with the left. A man ral satisfaction is guaranteed. mh!7-ly4 and although Mr. Bryant probably meant nothing by moustache and the red mouth and red-rimmed eyes, What bos this, you say, to do with the book T Noth- ing, only the book portrays one of these poor, weak will be able to embrace two women, and a woman to the remark, It suggested tlo much to be exactly deli- " Ba-ba " looks not unlike a Pantaloon In a panto- broomstick two men. After all, things will be much wretches, and Ehows up his meanness In brilliant as tbey are now, only people will be healthier, handier Dr. James B. Hodgkin,, cate with Charlotte Cushman standing beside him. mime. He is greatly admired and petted by Mile. colors. Aimee, who may not have found the equal of" Dldi" and more graceful. Who will ever forget the manner In which Bhe swept SATAN AS A PHILOSOPHER. By Caleb S. Henry, late SX1VXIBT, upon the stage, with her wlitened hair softening her in beauty, but has the superior of the late lamented Professor in the University of New York, From T. face, and her ample gray silk robes rustling? Since in amiability. "Dldi" is currently reported to have Whlttaker, No. 2 Bible House, New York (sent free had a temper of his own. on receipt of price, $1.50.) No. 935 Pa. ave., Washington, D. C. Bryant's death yesterday reminiscences have of course Professor Henry has a pleasant way of putting BRADY'S been In order, and, according to a custom that has be- The debutante of the week—1 look forward to the things, oven when he discourses about the cloven- footod gentleman invented, so to speak, in Persia. We come traditional, Tliurlow Wpd was called upon to re- time when we shall have one every other night—Is Professor of Dental Mechanism and Metallurgy, Baltl- have a Pagan philosopher and why not a Satanic phil- more Oollege of Dental Surgery. marl7-lyl late some anecdotes of the dead poet. And that is where named Leona Moss. She is of a race which has con- osopher, especially when he, ae Mr. Froude says, " is they had Mr. Weed for the irst time, to my knowl- not a lallen archangel, Impudently intruding into the tributed some fine artists to the stage, but her per- the divine presence, but the Angel of Judgment, NATIONAL PORTRAIT edge, in his career! He not only had nothing to offer formance of Pauline was, so to speak, very much the the accusing spirit, whose mission was to walk to and JOHN BAERY, in the shape of personal aneolote, but he had never same old (clo') thing. It moved in the same channels lro over the earth, and carry up to heaven the sins of mankind." laid eyes, to his knowledge! oh his venerable co_ as have the efforts of debutantes gone before, and, Plnmher, Gas & Steam Fitter worker in journalism. This jpr itself was, however^ In this essay Satan's accusation against Job, "the GALLERY, although she sustained her task well, her treatment magnificent princely chief," is discussed, and notable, and one oi the mornisg; papers got quite an had In it more discretion than ardor; it all seemed to " Satan," Professor Henry says, " herein appears as a 1319 Seventh Street, bet. X and O N. W. interview out ot the simple fact that these two re- have been taught her by a patient master who knew sounder moral philosopher than Hobbes, Locke, Hel- vitlvs or Paley." 625 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, 49-ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. markable men had lived so long in the same "trade" my«-ta all the traditions of the stage. For that reason Miss This, however, Is only one of twenty-six essays con- and the same town without evelscraplng an acquaint- Leona Moss made no mistakes; she preserved con- tained in the volume. These are all written In the Between Sixth and Seventh streets, ance. One wonders what Horate Greeley would have ventionality according to the time-honored receipts, Professor's usual graceful style and abound in lnlor- LiVEBY SXAULE8. said about William Cullen Bifant had he survived mfttlon. The paper on dreams, presentiments and WASHINGTON, D. O. and strutted her brief hour on the stage of the Union visions Is, perhaps, the most entertaining,' and the him; and will these two bitter antagonists be recon- Square Theater—remember this is the summer sea- one entitled "A Rational Vindication ot God, the This Gallery contains a collection of A. B. KEYÏÏR. J. L. SMITH, ciled, I "want to know," beyond the grave ? They son—with a regularity truly suggestive of clockwork. Destroyer," the ablest. We commend the latter to the "Pagan philosopher," though he would probably American and European Celebrities, waged a hand-to-hand combat fti this cold world of Her "business" had been patiently taught her, empty the pitchers of his ridicule upon It, as he does ours. It was Horace who spake to William Cullen, doubtless; at all events she went through it with an upon the account of the creation and fall of poor old Unrivaled on this continent. K.EYES cfe CO. you remember, those famous woris, "You lie, you vil- artifice that was not ripe enough to conceal art. Tho father Adam. lain; you lie I" pencil-marks and uplifted finger of the master ap- ANNUAL RECORD OP SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. By Portraits of Eminent Men anfl f omen, peared through It all. Oh, yes! Leona Moss, as the Professor Spencer F. Baird of Smithsonian Institute. The marriage bells are still raging, June being a From Harper and Brothers. For sale by Mohuns. On exhibition and for sale. COACHES, man says in the comedy, " two tea-trays and a para- proverbially lavored month foriHymen heigh-ho! This seventh volume of the series, which began in Mr. BRADY, aided by a corps of the best artists, sol, I know 'em." " We are like the insects [cross] 1871,1s somewhat changed in plan from the numbers There were three weddings yesterday, the " prettiest," which have preceded It. The original plan was to will give his personal supervision. so to speak, being Miss Lucie Oelnchs and Mr. Wil- caught by the poor glitter ot a garish flame, [fondle give, first, a summary ot scientific progress for the OLD PICTURES RESTORED AND COPIED TO liam Jay's nuptials.?, The bride and groom belong to with flowers,] but, ah! the wings once scorched, the year, and second, an abstract of proceedings of learned ANY DESIRED SIZE. febl7-tf8 OPEN BRETTS, brightest star [lift head] lures us no more, and societies and articles appearing in scientific journals. those fashionable circles which hale lately been dis- These papers have Increased so rapidly that it has tinguishing themselves in the addition and success- by that fatal light [raise hand] we cling till been found impossible to Include even an abstract of ful pursuit of English sport, sucls as coaching and death," [crosss. ] The automaton Pauline is not par- them within the limits of the "Annual Record." The LIGHT WAGONS, summaries have therefore been extended so as to give riding after the hounds. Miss Oelrfchs, who Is a sister ticularly enjoyable at any time, and Miss Leona Moss, such full and complete information under each head of Messrs. Hermann and Harry Oelschs, conspicuous gracefully as she went through her task, speaking in as Is possible under all the circumstances. THE PARKE RGUN. devotees of polo and other games,« a daring horse- a good contralto voice, forgetting no bit of business, The work contains articles as iollows: Astronomy, SADDLE HOUSES, woman and has more than once wonithe brush in the and wearing much valuable material in the shape of by Professor E. S. Holden, U. S. Naval Observatory; dark blue velvet and bullion, and tllleul satin and Physics of the Globe, by Cleveland Abbe of the Wea- meets of the Queen's county hounds over the mead- ther Bureau; Physics, by Professor G. F. Barker, ows of Long Island. The groom is president of the lace, was only interesting as the latest moth who had University of Pennsylvania; Chemistry, by Professor Coaching Clnb, and would have led uio recent parade rushed to immolation in the footlights. It is not Barker; Mineralogy, by Professor E. S- Dana of Yale DOUBLEand SINGLE BUGGIES College; Geology, by Professor T. Sterry Hunt, Insti- but for a death in the lamily, an went which also pleasant to croak, but the Hebrews and Christians tute of TAchnology, Boston; Hydrography, by Lieu- dictated a quieter wedding than had been Intended. who applauded Miss Leona Moss' debut might much tenant Comwander F. M. Green, U. S. Navy; Geog- better have preserved a judicial silence. She doubt- raphy, by same writer; Geography of North America, Still the occasion was brilliant—the bride and maids by Samuel H. Scudder of Cambridge, Massachusetts; SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR and all other vehicles promptly furnished. were pronounced charming, and the ladles and cheva- less thinks herself brilliantly launched—alas! she is Mlcrosc»py, by Professor H. L. Smith, Hobart Col- liers, which' included Mr. Fred. May, who is a relative mistaken. It Is possible that she may become an ac- lege, N. Y.; Anthropology, by Professor O. T. Mason, tress some day, but it really does not soem likely. Mr. Columbian University, Washington, D. C.; Zoology, PARKER BfltfS of the Oelrlchs, formed a brave array. by Dr. A. S. Packard, jr., Feabody Academy of Sel- People seem averse to quitting town as long as this Joseph Wheelock played Claude with genuine pas- enoe, Salem, Mass.; Botany, by Protessor W. G. Far- WEST MERIDEN,CT. 49- Orders left at the Arlington Hotel or at the sion and in a far more natural and unaffected style low, Harvard College; Agriculture and Rural Econ- uncertain weather lasts, and the Garden!? the nightiy omy, by Professor W. C. Atwater, Wesleyan Univer- rendezvous of all the fashionable set, making due than is his wont. sity, Conn.; Engineering, by Wm. H. Wahl, Ph. D., sep23-tt7 allowance for the by no means few departures for Philadelphia; Technology and Industrial Statistics, Stable, day or.night, will receive prompt attention. Mme. Modjeska has been spending a fortnight In by same author. Europe. Some of the newspapers rail at Thomas for town prior to sailing for Europe on Saturday next, A.. T. WHITING'S, being " too classic," but the public seem to like the Eaoh article is clear, concise, complete in Itself, and and her dark eyes and slim figure have been seen al- all are filled with Interesting information. programme, and applaud, no matter how severe a most every evening at the Garden or opera bouffe. The 934 PMNITSTZVAiriA AVENUE, Close Carriages for wedding calls and reception!. composition. Last night the Garden WBB tenanted husband of the ¡actress, Modjeska Count Bo- SHAKSPEARE'S AS YOU LIKE IT, edited by Wm. J. mart. Rolfe. From Harper Brothers. For sale by Mo- by an unusually brilliant orowd. Thursday is usually zenta, is scarcely handsome. He is a thin and rather huns. the fashionable night, but this week the Llederkranz cadaverous person, with a rather stubby black beard, Somebody has said that " he who understands and STRAW HAT BLEACHERY have appropriated It lor their midsummer festival—a appreciates Shakspeare has a good English educa- Boarding and Livery Stable« and a gaunt, not to say hungry face. Moreover, he tion," and this, doubtless, is true, for to thoroughly very comprehensive affair, which Includes singing by wears almost as shookingly bad a hat as Edison, and understand the great master • one must have a NOW BEADY FOB BEFDfI8IHX6 IN AIL THE that society, musio by the Thomas Orchestra and seems rather careless about his personal appearance thoroughly trained and educated mind. Si"KING STYLES. mar25-tf AT WILLARD'S HOTEL STABLES, dancing on the won't-go-home-till-morning principle, for a nobleman. Theso may be, however, the eccen- The plan of Mr. Rolle's edition Is based on com- mon sense. He first gives us a brief history of the T AT It Any worker can make $12 a day at home. Costly largely due, doubtless, to the strains of the favored tricities of Polish genius, for of ceurse Bozenta Is a play «and the sources of the plot, and then, recogniz- UVlJlF outfit tree. Address TRUE & Co., Augusta, Me refrain, dear to the German soul: genius. 1 believe he runs to the artistic line in some ing that in these telegraphic telephonic days it is apr21-lyS Corner Fourteenth and D streets, Washington, D. O

» o THE CAPITAL.—JUNE 16,1878.

loud in their denunciations will discover STRATEGY. THERE is complaint that the Smithsonian THE CAPITAL. after a time that they were reading his cor- THE question of the tobacco tax reduction Pending appropriations for the army are grounds are neglected and in bad condition. It is Is one of the legislative episodes of the torth-fifth respondence by the light of red-handed accompanied invariably with threats of even hinted that Colonel Casey is notoverly attentive Congress which demonstrates the little chance a just WASHINGTON CITT. and red-headed villain Anderson, who Indian outbreaks and renewed troubles on and effloient. measure stands when it has to go through jhe mill of seems to have studied the code of crime to the Mexjean frontier. The school board has resoluted against the " Brevet political expediency. In the first place tlte just de- see how completely he could put himself to Lieutenant Colonel."' They howl because they were mand of the working classes, agricultural ttad manu- •SEJSDAÏ »OBNLNG JCKE 16, 1878 This is an old game. It is so old and well refused the loan of flowers lor the school exhibition, iacturlng, backed by the mercatftile interriste of the record as an unmitigated scoundrel, of so known that it has lost most of its force; and deep a dye that his infamy is actually illus- yet they say the plants were loaned to decorate for a whole country, as fairly understood, must be formu- during the late discussion upon that article private wedding. This they consider abominable. lated to suit the log-rolling ideas of congressmen THE CAPITAL has a Larger trious. of luxury called the regular army it was We are reminded of the old saying,11 Blessings whose paramount motive Is to trim Ibr the Inext elec- Circulation, both Local and by Mail, Stanley Matthews could not have known found necessary to supplement this with a brighten as they take their flight." We remember tion, and dove-tail one bill Into another nstead of than all the Other Sunday Papers of what, even now, we find a difficulty in be- new scare; and so communism was in- when all the public grounds were In beautiful order, forcing the right one in the right way. Thi first idea lieving, when he recommended the fellow and there was no complaint about plants. But there was to tack the tobbacco tax reduction bn to the Washington Combined. vented ; and our journals teemed with whisky reduction, a thing fantastically foiish, since to a place such as Badeau and Bridgeland was a yell, " Down with Babcock! he is a rlngster!'' startling intelligence of organized bands of But now they say a blessing was the ring—the style one is a product in agriculture and manufacture, and J6®-NOTICE.—Mr. L. H. Laudcnslager, 116 West fill. armed communists drilling steadily, that of Babcock was a glorious thing. a great element in commerce, and not bylven senti- mental philanthropy to be dossed as a liiury in its Baltimore'strect, Is our only agent for the He committed a grave error in not kicking in the hour of strikes they could kill as It does seem as if people who. look a gilt horse in consumption; and the otheris, in all its phasls of manu- • e lty of Baltimore. All orders left with him will be Anderson out of his office when he surren- readily as the legalized butchers. the mouth are hard to satisiy. Babcock was free, ac- facture, trade and consumption, fairly opejn to taxa- ..•promptly attended to. comodating and . Casey is strict, and chiefly dered that infamous agreement. But the The average congressman is not remark- tion upon the acknowledged principles ot political looks out for Casey. He is responsible for these gera- same boot would have kicked Sherman and able for his intelligence; but it does seem economy. SCON. STANLEY MATTHEWS. niums, lilies and such. Well, gentlemen, you can as- Noyes, and other eminent statesmen the strange that he should be influenced by This eminent jurist, who shot into public semble peaoeably and petition lor B.'s return. By country delights to honor, into the same stories that were not only lies, but absurdi- It would be as old fogytsh to call tobacci) a luxury •notice as a politician like a sky-rocket or an the bye, we have some statistics touchlngthe economy aB It would be absurd to call whisky a necessity. The scorn and contempt. ties on their surface. He should have asked of these two sorts of administration which are rather Edison, is undergoing the terrible ordeal of conclusions arrived at and noted upon by the German And what consolation it is to those who himself how it was possible that men unable Interesting, but we refrain. When people get re- trial by newspaper. government may be fairly cited to prove this position. moved this investigation, that Hayestnight to buy bread were able to purchase muskets form they ought to be satisfied If the whole city runs The mistake was to acknowledge therightof the Gov- . Trial by newspaper means to convict on be unseated and the timid Tilden realize on if out of employ, and if employed, when to weeds. ernment to tax an article so unmistakably belongirg the charges, and forget all about the case his heavy expenditures, that the present to the laboring classes as a fair and honest element of save and except that the defendant Is a they found time for the school of the sol- incumbent not only had no lot or part in the dier. A man is accused of some crime—some industry, and especially should the alleged right be scoundrel before the defense can be heard. denied when It is championed by the very arch spirits alleged corrupt practices in Louisiana and glaring political wrong. It is heralded over the We knew a physician who • made Asiatic Again: the most careful inquiry at our country. Some fall to denouncing him; some set of capitalistic tyranny, these portly millionaires, like Florida, but refused even to countenance great commercial centers, where this dread- themselves to inventing excuses; some look on in Loriilard and others, who, by the operatin of a'high •cholera a specialty. His remedy was in the tools these eminent politicians used. heavy doses of calomel. Life depended, he ful preparation was said to be going on, open-mouthed wonder; some don't care—these roll tax, which poorer men cannot pay, can fnjoy a royal Hence these tears. over and go to sleep—the countrj may go to the devil ; grant of monopoly in manufacture. Thè! higher the said, on reaching the liver. But as the failed to discover armed bodies. "But then," cried the alarmists, "they are drill- they have no interest in it. tax the fewer the manufacturers, and henko the fewer cholera killed in seven hours, and it took the buyers and the smaller the compéti tldn in the mar- ing in secret." It would bean extremely Charles the Second said to his courtiers: "You put his calomel eight to move the liver, the THE MODERN DEMOCRACY. a fish into a bucket lull of water, why does it not over- kets. A few princes can wield the sceiter of a most chances were in favor of the disease. Our There is a story common to the stump out small body of men able to do this under despotic tyranny for their own enrlohment right in cover. The number would be so small that flow?" The courtiers set themselves to work. One friend, however, never lost a case through West which tells of an old toper who wa- offered this solution, another that. Then the king the face of the spirit of free republicanism, which the dread soourge. His patients all died gered that his taste was so keen from long the police would find no difficulty in arrest- sent for the bucket of water, put the fish in, and it declares an equal chance for all, withk premium to industry and enterprise. of inflammation. He began two hours in practice that he could give the name of any ing such armed communists and carrying did overflow. These courtiers now-a-days are the them before the nearest magistrate for fine editors who never think ; they do not Inquire, " but At the last, a numerous delegation of gentlemen advance of the enemy, and had his patient liquor from the taste only. His wager was or imprisonment under charge of provoking is it true?" No; It is party capital; and they say interested in this matter, among whom were General dying before the cholera could overtake the accepted by some members of the Bald- a breach of the peace. "it Is no matter, the truth or a lie; it hurts the Joseph B. Johnston, General Peyton Wise and others inflammation. headed Young Men's Christian Association. other side." If they looked into it they would find from Virginia, came to Washington to urge the pro- Trial by newspaper and our doctor's prac- The aged toper having his eyes carefully The fact is the whole story was manufac- that the watef did overflow. posed reduction of the tobacco tax upon its own merits, "tice being something alike, there is not bandaged, was put to the test by divers tured, with malice aforethought, to fright- We are told that some wag tried the fish-gag on the untrammeled by other measures. They were content,' - much use in bothering about the defense drinks, running from old rye to ordinary en our representatives into heavy appro- old philosopher, Paley, " but the old Cantab fixed a sooner than leave the principal industry of their seo- tion entirely paralyzed, to petition for a reduction 'There is but one course for the party of the] kerosene, and rapidly as he tasted the rosy priations for a body of idlers who are not glittering eye on him and said, ' Problem, sir.' It Is a lie, and that's the solution ;" and that's the way from twenty-four cents to sixteen ; and ìliow this mod- •second part, and that is to refuse to be cgn nose, with unerring accuracy, cried out only of no manner of use to the country, but on the contrary an aggravation in times philosophical statesmen should meet false accusa- est request can be denied, except upon the falso demned. As the late Mr. Lincoln once] whisky, gin, brandy, port, claret, sherry grounds wherein such noble aristocrats as Messrs. of trouble and a standing menace to our tions ; and that's the way philosophical editors should, said, using a granger illustration, "So long] and so on through the wine and liquor list, solve such problems. Loriilard & Co. stand, with their lobbyists and min- free Government at all hours. as the fighting bulls keep their horns locked! and bid fair to win his wager. At last a ions, is more than one can tell. On Friday last it was there is no harm done. It is when one bull glass of pure spring water was put to his A disturbance that passes beyond the con- shrewdly suspected by some that the smooth and trol of a constable among a free people has THE city" registrar of Boston has lately plausible gentleman who presides over the House turns to run that the other bull rips his be-1 lips. The old Red-eye made a mouth, published a statistical report from which we gather its remedy in a removal of the cause, and with such stately affectation was not byanynieans hind open." tasted two or three times, and with each many curious facts concerning births,deaths, marriages fair in his rulings pending the consideration of this not in attempted force, which will only ag- That is a little coarse, as all of Mr. Lin-] effort exhibited more and more disgust, and the like. From these, among a great many other question. gravate the evil. There is no government things, it appears that there was a decrease of 243 in •coin's admirable illustrations were, but it is] until at last he put down the glass and said: the number of births''laet year, as compared with the in Europe that does not require an army of IN THE bonanza of summer oratory, which •very true, and means that pluck wins in the 'Gentilmen, you've got me. I've no dis- preceding year, and of 1,187 as compared with lsri- a million bayonets to keep under labor, that now makes Its annual eruption over the land, our • -end. No man lives by the consent of other tinct recollection of having ever tasted this At the same time there was an increase of some 10,000 for centuries has been born and bred to ser- friend Gen. Fitz Lee, by nature ef his great popular- men, unless he commit murder, and then fiat sort of beverage before, and I never in the population last year. This leads the moralizing vitude. With this fact before us we may ity, is often heard from, and we hail his advent always twelve men can hang him unless he have want to again." registrar to remark on the ills that befall the land— estimate how many millions would be ne- with the assurance that the audience will be delighted. money enough to purchase them. There is " Where wealth accumulates and men decay," We thought of this when the Democracy cessary of men recruited fr6m the masses The reporter shall not drag his weary styles over worn- nothing in newspaper attacks—if one thinks or rather where there Is not a constant and vigorous out platitudes, and the reader, shall find something of the House failed to sustain the Hon. Fer- to be kept under in this country, where so. It is a Chinese fight of gongs and stink- Increase of numbers. But if it is a duty of good citi- new and good. Such orators as Fitz do not speak in nando Wood's bill and the Democracy of men have been educated to a full knowl- pots. If one stands firm, using only a smell-] zens to increase and multlply.it would appear that vain, for they carry the character and sound sense the Senate voted to pay John Roach, a cor- edge of their rights and trained to habits the foreign population is exceptionally patriotic. In ing bottle to quiet his stomach, the assail-l which command respect and herald the views cf rupt ship-builder of Philadelphia, a heavy that insure their protection. wards where native Americans preponderate 35.24 per thoughtful, honest men, and not the windy and fanci- ants tire of their assaults and end by cheer- subsidy. cent, of the population furnished only 29.60 per cent, ful nothings of tricky oifice-seekers. Virginia, like The fact is our regular army is not only an ing the man they tried to frighten. Were the pure doctrine of Jeffersonian of births, while in wards inhabited chiefly by foreign- some other Southern States, has cause to deplore the useless expense, but it is a monstrous ab- ers 40.30 per cent, of the population furnished 46.33 The devil must have grinned to hear our Democracy given a modern Democrat he delusive "jaw" of the stumpy politician, and it will surdity. It has no military existence, and per cent, of the births. There was also a decrease-of be well and wise for her to take counsel from broken "belligerent Ben. Butler assail Stanley Mat- would say, like the old toper, that it was a stands among us either as a police or a 108 in the number of marriages, for which the " hard promises and general Incapacity, and hereafter select thews, with the consent of the committee strange drink to him—something with social organization, and in either capacity it times " may be accountable. But to make the reco rd such men as Fitz Lee to send to Congress. None will and the approbation of the press. If one which he was not familiar. harmonious, there was a considerable diminution in is utterly useless. It is an army of officers deny him the sense, boldness and honqsty which make places any store by newspaper comment, It seems J,o have been the task of the De- the number of deaths, and the rate was only 20.23 in the model tribune in this needful tflue. without men, and an army of officers is no Ben. Butler is a moral monster. Ben., mocracy of the House to wipe out all ves- the thousand, against 22.35 in the preceding year. army at all. This was demonstrated in the whether he thinks so or not, never admits tige of a dividing line between their own late civil war, when the regular army BLESS US, how virtuous the New York it. He stood steadily indifferent until the organization and that of their opponents. disappeared, and volunteers or the militia THE TRADE OF BISMARCK is not likely to Try-beune, as the rural Yankee cal!)s it, is. She no- gongs and stink-pots were exhausted, and Principles have long since disappeared, and languish from lack of adepts, if the story told of one fought out the conflict to the end. It is tifies Senator Matthews that she cannot tolerate the now he is the chosen of public there is no measure that shows where Re- of his little nephews Is true. This awlully bad 1 lttle demonstrated every day that finds a hand- doing of evil that good may come. She ought to have virtue and the pet of the press. publicanism ends and Democracy begins. boy was sitting on his great uncle's knee, when he sud- thought of that when she advocated a villainous finan- ful of ignorant savages holding our military And what is the philosophy of this ? Sim- The cry that the Republicans are extra va- denly cried out: "I hope I shall be great like you cial policy, to the ruin of business, for the benefit o f at bay being conquered at a cost of some- when I grow up." " Why, my ohild ?" inquired the ply that newspaper opinion is not popular ent and dishonest is too silly to be enter- Wall-street . However, it is good and pleasant thing like a million dollars to each Indian. prince. "Beoause every one fears you." "Wouldn't opinion. The press is discovering, in the tained for a moment. The man who runs to see brethren dwelling together in amity, and it is you like It betterif every one should love you?" " Oh lovely to see the Ghoul organs, regardless of politics, language of the Hard-shell Baptist preacher, line through the masses, dividing them in The labor trouble will end this affair be- no," alter a few moments'reflection, "for when peo- fore the year is out. sex or previous or present condition, rallying to screen who told his little congregation in the Lord, half, and asserts that one half is honest and ple lore you, uncle, they cheat you. But when they and -defend, at the expense of an honest man, the that was praying for rain, to stop, when he economical and the other silly and dishonest, fear you they let you cheat them." The eminent high priest of the Wall-street golden calf. saw, in his anguish, his hay-staeks being is an ass or a knave counting on the stupid- MINOR NOTES. chanoellor laughed, and kissed the boy, as he said : swept away by the flood, for they were ity of his hearers. "My child, you are likely to have your wish." We will wager a year's subscription to an Agricultural ROBESON, the rotund, is to be indicted. •"overdoing the damned thing." The press THE altitude of monumental cheek is for It is hard to comprehend how the South, Report that if that boy escapes hanging he will be Whitthorne of Tennessee has never forgiven him for a congressman to deliver a speeoh that clears the gal- has "overdone " the personal denunciation that gave birth to Democracy, and for so greater than his uncle. He is too clever. hfs corrupt management of the Navy Department, leries, and then burden the mails with franked copies business, and so it has ceaSed to have any and stfll lets for the endeavor of his friends to put up many years kept the party to its clear line of the same to his constituents. effect. If a man run away under it—as the of principle, should to-day be the author of a blackmail case on Whitthorne. And so we will SOME of the Southern papers take the wretched Colfax did, and Garfield would its utter demoralization. Such, however, have the sublimely interesting spectacle of ;the boiled OUR WONDERFUL boarcl of health is dead romance out of the Kate Southern case, and urge of the Navy under indictment here at Wash- have done, had not his friends clung to his is the fact. All the old pride of party, all through act of Congress. This is hard on us and on Governor Colquitt to be careful before he allows him- ington, and a trial for malfeasance in oflleo. coat-tails with the tenacity of the grim the time-honored belief in self-government self to be moved out of his cool judgment by sensa- «nemy to an American citizen of African our readers. No more entertainment from that pro- founded on Democratic theory, have given lific source. Cox and Bliss, Verdi and all, at one fell tional stories. The poor woman is passing from the THEKE was a bold general, John Beattle; -descent, regardless of a previous condition way to the lust for office and the greed for swoop. No more discussions on night-soil and odor- stage of heroism to the narrow arena of the convict's In battle his sword was quite weighty; •of servitude—why that is another thing, less excavations; no more trismus nascentium; no oell, where, after awhile, sensational reporters will appropriations. They, the representatives But in politics Suicide in that case is not only startling, more cream puffs. Gone, all gone, glimmering amid leave her to oblivion, and the governor, missing the from the South, made . Randall—a man He went all to sticks; j •but it is confession. of things that were. W hat is to become of outside pressure, will pigeon-hole the petitions. Never- an old-time Democrat of the South would theless the moral of the story will live, for, whatever Did this anti-Hayes-clvll-8«rvice man, Beattie. Stanley Matthews, then, to follow out Mr. us ? Chandler taken from us; Newman heard no not have accepted as a -door-mat—their more; the Smller Schuyler, who burst his " biler " on the real facts, the public understand that a jury will Lincoln's illustration, has only to stand Speaker, and then went in for indiscrimi- " Credit Mobller," smiles not for us—all gone, Grants condemn a woman for slaying her husband's seducer, McGARRjiHAN. firm, horns down and head to the foe, bel- nate plunder under the name of appropria- and Bents and Caseys and all. We are mournful. though the husband would be applauded for a similar Unfortunate Billy MoGarjfahan—we call sweet Wil- low at intervals and paw up some earth, The sad realities of life follow the wild absurdities. act. tions. liam unfortunate in the same sense that we would until" the affair blows over, and he will find The fun is outand reason enters to brood over distress. That which was uttered in sardasm by the designate a burglar who is shot in attempting to break SOMEBODY has said that when a witness himself not only all right, but a lion. immortal Sellers has come to be a sad re- open the windows of a house in plying his nefarious This, even had he been guilty of any great' comes into the box and makes two statements, and trade—failed yesterday In his essay through D. C. For- ality. Democracy at the South means " the WE PEAR that the jolly jack-tar of the one turns out to be a falsehood, wo do not Bwallow the -crime, will be the result. We do not ex- old flag and an appropriation," and the old Wah-bosh is a doomed man. The Grant men are ney and Hon. D. W. Voorhees, misguided into this other half of his apple blindfold. The whole credi- matter, we are well assured. aggerate. Let us fix our eyes on our bel- flag is precious only so far as it covers the circulating the charge that he Inveigled his inebriated bility of the witness is shaken by himself, and we, en- ligerent Ben., prosecutor for the State, or eminence into a vessel of the navy with malice afore- Voorhees' motion was, In line, to be permitted to appropriation. A solid South means solid llghtened.by the detected falsehood, mistrust his other spring the already well-adjudged corpse of McGarra- remember Dan. Sickles and Belknap, Oakes plunder. thought. It seems the modern Caesar, like the laurel- assertion. We believe that Is a rule of evidence. It crowned Roman, boldly enterod this rotten vessel, han's fraud on the Senate at anytime. It fell short Ames, and even the venerable Gummy Said an eminent Southern senato'r to us may be added that when the statement of this witness of its mark, and upon mature reflection the tall syca- and if he did not cry out, " Go on, you carry Oa!3ar is met by the counter statement, "It is false," from a , Blair, convicted, by his own indorsed friend not long since, in response to our remon- and his fortune," It was probably because he never more of the Wabash can congratulate himself that : and client and the public records, of having heard of witness who has never been known to tell a He, the he failed In the business ¡¡f the embalming of the dead. strance, " What you say is quite true; but I Cajsar and the Incident, Badeau having ne- business Is ended. The discredited witness goes out | • sold himself and high office fora little stock, you forget that war legislates, and the same gleoted t0 mention either in Ms history. However, as In the name of all that is holy, let Congress em- ru nin of court like a whipped ;cur, and scuds off Into that phasize its own actions by settling determinately once -and see how the thick skins conquer the conflict that wiped out State rights and gave MP ° s away from his creditors the fortune and torever, and In common, this attempted fraud of g at obscurity BO grateful to dirty dogs. us in its Ss a t , ° \ stake could not have been much; while our Ciesar McGarrahan. It has adjudged it a fraud; the coun- wsrid. try demands a definite and pointed action upon this us in its place a consolidated Government, carries considerable, as the Dents and Caseys, brothers- judgment. If any Democrat is disposed to take com- aestroyed with them our old doctrines as to in-law, and awful Grant, the brother, can testify, fort in the fact that nearly all these patriotic the aid the Government may extend to cer- "AMERICAN CLUB LIST AND SPORTSMAN'S malefactors are Republicans, let him re- tain localities. And we return to Washing- i nw, <•,„, , ,, GLOSSABT" is the title of a volume by Charles Hal- lock, the well-known author and present editor of the Political Compulsory Contributions. member our "Gentleman George," now of ton, after sixteen years' absence tofind thft L H P 1 g™dually creeping through The Republican party Is on the beg again. It Is is- 010 female min Forest and Stream. It is a valuable book of reference, RflM «¿35 u u ,