VOLUME VIH WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., JUNE 16, 1878. NUMBER 16. ALEX. H. STEPHENS, the big little thing on 1's, at- —We find tho following personal in the New York iog, instead of inadvertent"ybecomIngro?ponslble for THE CAPITAL, THE INVESTIGATION. tracts more attention from the galleries than any mem- Herald ot Wednesday : " John: Your family aro a preliminary report without a formal hearing; with- PUBLISHED "WEEKLY BY This highly intellectual body has about arrived, ¿s- ber. His strange, emaciated figure, boyish faoe topped about crazy; for God's sake let them hear from you out notice to those who hold legal title to a portion of far as the prosecution goes, at the end of Its rope. by a tall hat, seated in his push-cart before the in some way at once." This must refer to our finan- the lands In controversy; without receiving one Pretty much all of the witnesses for tho prosecution, THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY Speaker's stand, the nervous twitching of his hands, cial Cheap John of the Treasury. > syllable of testimony or hearing one word of argument. aforesaid have been done and gone for. The defense 927 D street, Washington, D. C. his legs crossed, and as thin and flat as straps of —The appointment of a Greek christian as first, We regret that men of high character, suoh as com- will next be tho pointed paragraphs on the standi leather, makes a peculiar picture among the body of and a Prussian as second, plenipotentiary, is some- pose that oommlttee, should have suffered themselves Two special characteristics, and of most worthy note, Congress. Stephens is a peculiar man. He is in bet- thing unprecedented in Turkey, and is regarded as a to be drawn into an actwhlch, while it may work no have been evolved during this investigation: The DONN PIATT, EDITOB. ter health and more active intellectually at present clever move on the part of the Turks to show the permanent injury, will serve to afford temporary eclat brutal, overbearing, criminal-lawyer style of Butler than for twenty years past, and will make it lively for equality of all Ottoman subjects. to a claim which has again and again been denounced as contrasted with the genteel manner of Mr. Potter. his opponents for years to come. The great secret of —Mary Walker says that tho Venus de Medici never by the courts of the land, and which will only result TERMS: Per year, (lnoluding postage,) 82.50; six Potter, " the back-pay cock of the Dlmocracy," is a months, $1.50; three months, 75 cents—in advance Stephens' lasting power is in his stomach. He has wore corsets. It is certain that the beautirul goddess in aiding McGarrahan and his adherents to further gentleman. Whatever he may be lacking in as ai 'Single copies, 5 cents. an almost perfect stomach and a healthy digestion, has no corset as she appears In marble, and certainly dupe innocent parties into a purchase oi his worthless statesman, he has finely evinced this at all times, and which is more than most people would have after plod- the master who put her In plastic art should have In- stock. After the complete exposition of rascality and CLUBS: Ten copies to one address, $30 in advance more especially In his emphasized position as chair- ding through o he of his brief letters. quired into her habits of morals and toilet. venality, as shown in the letters of McGarrahan, we with one copy free. Twenty copies to one address, $35' man of a committee whose character alone attributes in advance, with one copy free. —Several newly-married couples arrived in Paris wonder that any man, or any body ot men, can be GENERAL HOOKER of Mississippi is one of the it with strong importance. He has, however, shown a and applied ior dlvoroe on the ground of sea-sickness, found who will give the convicted schemer a moment's strongly lnvlduallzed men in Congress. The same considerable, and a gravely considerable, wanting which recalls the beautiful lines— time or the least trivial favor. ' Contributors will please remember sternness of character that impelled him to dash reck- quality in turning over the committee so thoroughly The man's an ass that's sick at sea, that we do not undertake to return rejected lessly in many a battle-field, and leave upon ono of into thehands ot the great criminal lawyer and states- And him I do deride; manuscripts. And no contribution will be them a portion of himself, as his empty left sleeve man from Massachusetts. But woman Is a tender flower, and delicate inside. A PACK-HORSE FOR REPUBLICAN testifies, exhibits itself in his political lire. Hooker paid for unless on a bargain made in ad- —As it is the custom to send poets abroad as con- SCANDALS. The Democracy have evidenced a disorganized ig- is a brave man, but not of sufficient brain power to noranoe in giving to a squeezed-in, selfish partisan, vance. By bearing these facts in mind much suls, won't the President be kind enough to honorably The world rejoices more in the dotection of one good achieve what he achieves unless lurthered by indom- the opportunity to scoop in all the sensational popu- annoyance will be saved. banish some of our moonlight bards to Kamskatcha ? man in error than In tho punishment or ninefy-and- itable and emphatic will. When ho wishes to speak larity arising from this political sensationalism. Envoy extraordinary to the court of Sitting Bull nlne who have always gone astray. It is sad, but it is he can quell all the wild turmoil and vooiferation of As the constellation called the Grab gains notice would be good for one whom we shall nominate. true. Stanley Mattthews has stood throughout his a troublous House quicker than any man save Ran- from gnawing close at the heels or Hercules | and as a CONGRESSIONAL PEN-POINTS. —Paul de Cassagnac is engaged to the niece of life at home, where he was better known, as the dall. Too many bouquets irom ladies may have some- bawd delights to assail tho character of a virtuous Cardinal Antonelli. But how can Paul, being ex- peer of the oourt in honor, probity, generosity, gen- How. JOHN T. HARRIS oi Virginia is a—well, Har- what spoiled Hooker, but their platonlsm is ioinod by woman, so Benjamin, the belligerent In peace and communicated by the church on account of dueling, tleness, liberality and manliness. There has never ris is a good sort ot fellow in his way, but hardly the masculine regard for his ability. the havoc-avolder in war—he who desired his tonguo- be given Catholic marriage ? and how can a niece ot been anything pretentious or hypocritical about him. worth a paragraph. to wither and his right hand to cling to the roof of his- Antonelli marry otherwise than in the church ? Ho has rarely made an effort to be consistent. His HON. MARTIN 1. TOWNSEND of New York is the mouth if he ever forgot the gallantry of the "cullerd —Lafotra was knocked down and robbed in a car lite has illustrated the ideal of one who cared more PROMETHEUS chained to the rock occupied an e® rare old war-horse radish of the Republican party. troops" at Big Bethel—tho dagger-eyed Ben. has viable position; when compared with the congressman full of people, and some gallant soldiers who were In lor the ireedom of his convictions than for appear- Townsend is a square set, shortish, ehopped-oif look- sooopedinthe voloeof this committee, and as Its ex- who is compelled to remain in Washington while the car did not interfere with the business. These ances ; at the same time, being sufficiently genial, he ing old gentleman, with a rasping, incisive voice and istent representative, turns the entire tide of Its in- some rival is stealing his district away from him. are the military heroes who are to exterminate the has led a godly and Eober life, respected universally flne lungs to drive it out. His matter-of-fact old face, fluence to besmcaroh tho fair name of Stanley Mat- rioters. A rioter would run to them for protection ror his proiessional talents and his private worth. No MR. RF.AGAN is a member of Congress from Texas matter-of-iact voice, matter-of-fact manner of elocu- thews. tion and frequent funny business would make Martin —Pastoral: The weather is fragrant and gay, sooner, however, Is he set upon than he is made the ormerly postmaster general of the Confeierr oy. Notr The investigation eilected very little yesterd ay. Tho a power on his side of the House if the old man ever All covered with new-mown hay; target ior a rattling Are of ridicule and abuse, not withstanding his black-bearded, black-eyed, swarthy demands of the House on tobacco, &o., ca lied away emitted anything irom the depths of his broad-clotb And down on the lea merely from his political adversaries—who, to say Captain Kyd appearance, Reagan is a pleasant mem- tho commltteo from their investigation into the true suit worth remembering. But he never does. Town- The musical bee the truth, have it in iheir hearts to spare him—but ber, but he objects to newspaper personalities on ac- inward ness of the electoral count, and what witnesses send's political ideas and views are as thin ot sense Sings, Whack-fol-de-riddle-de-day. i rom those of whom he had the right to expect better count of his State.
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