

as the old man has been dead for some yean, horses, the racing, and generally the events • that a meeting of the breeders of horses in THE SPARK OF HOPE. and will pom yon in the near future. John Ball of the season. AH three of the gentlemen Minnesota will' be held on " the fifth day of was a dark bay or brown, no white; about 10 Vj I next, at hands hiu'h when matured, weigh j were greatly pleased with the success of the November the ofllce of Norman W. and would in to 1 good flesh, 1,300 ; big bone, Kittson, on Third street, St. Paul, for. the It Actuates Lloyd Porter Cling to STOffIUM in lbs. ; stable. The was commenced with season a Horse ; Breeder's as- large bead, rough hips, good disposition, square four horses, Johnston, Minnie R Fannie purpose of organizing the Chances for a New sociation. N. W. Kittsox, • {railed and could tiot at best (in Mich hands a* he ! Witherspoon and Revenue. The latter hart Trial. was kept one ever handling him but the old \u25a0 Charles A. De Graff, TUB GLOBE ATSTILLWATER in ii:so to 2 55. Was the founder of fam- himself and became so lame that be was any way yon OMJH in.in) — : a I \u0084 Geo. W. Sherwood, "Itis a hard verdict may ily of more than ordinary horses, and once in a I sent it < • ' home, being Mr. Splan'a .and also H. G. FINKLE. consider It," said Lloyd Porter, convicted The ha* established a permanent office AMONG THE HORSES. while a trotter or a pacer. Never was known to see's - a Globe himself, but it was natural his Mr. Wood man idea that Revenue is too Some ofthe breeders have expressed de- on the charge of killing young Neary, aud in the cityof Stillwater, in charge of Mr. Peter pace almost as for a for holding colts to pace, single foot or be mixed or double valuable an animal to take any risks sire for later date the meeting, whose sentence will be for lfe, in reply to Beg?, who takes the management of the business gaitcd. Nothing with. It was but this couid not be as some of the gentle- paper, city circulation, as to trot. was ever known as therefore deemed ( best the query of a Globe reporter yesterday interests of the its cor- to his breeding, farther than that the old men named could not be present. The *•s* I to let him lay over the remainder of the sea- above young man respondence, etc. Communications of local news \u25a0 afternoon, and with that the The Great Pacers and Trot- man called him John Bull and said to me many stb of November was therefore selected as son. This was a great disappointment to all held down his bead as if in deep medita- and all matter for publication may be left at the j times he was from a family in Kentucky known the time that was thought would be more Stillwater office, 110 Main street, Excel- to Midway as John Bull stock. He never sired any trotters including Commodore Kittson, as the horse tion. The conversation took place in the Globb ters Return convenient all things considered. . sior block, up stairs, or may be addressed to or pacers of note that Iknow of. He was kept had shown to them in private some remark- county jail and conltnuing in the same iitil Trotting Stock— Peter Begs, P. O. box 1034, anil will receive Last Week. here 1862 or 1863; stood at a nominal price, ably good work, and all accordingly expected SALE— l have strain, said: $5 to §10; was shown at our fairs in small inte- FOR-I- . several one and two-year-old colts, tne get Porter prompt attention. rior towns and driven on the road by his owner. him to mark bis mark this season. There is of Baymont, 1.0.17, eon of AMen Goldsmith, 337 •'I don't think the jury knew just what Then, Id 186.' or 18G3. he was taken to a German no doubt he would have done this but for out of standard mares. . Colts alllarge and rangy, they were doing, my opinion being that 3 Appears to settlement in our county (Lee) known as Frank- the misfortune referred The fine looking, and unmistakably showing the . were a couple men on the Stilheater Notes. P^ •BESTTOHIC. Commodore Kittson lin where to. other horses promise G. W. there of smart Centre, he was kept as a country stal- on of speed. Sherwood. 420 The Ben Hersey arrived in port yesterday, This medicine, combining Iron with pure Well Satisfied with Their lion, and on big coarse mares of our country pro- continued around the circuit and have jurywho led all the rest and who ized up Vegetable tonic*, quickly and completely be duced many large horses of good action, sought returned to St. Paul for n'er quarters. T FARM—Ihave for sale, I think but soon went down the lake again. Cured Dy*pcp>.'. \u0084 Indigestion, WealtneMt •« AXE COMO STOCK the verdict to suit themselves. I Impure Blood, jI and levers, Season's Work. for by shippers and dealers for coach and express All are in excellent health and will have \u25a0m-J a nice lot of colts and fillies, one, two and was given a very fair trial and I have noth- Dr. Marshall has just returned from a pro- oinria.CLUU horses. For some time he was still the property three year olds, standard bred, got byDeG raff's and Neuralgia. their shoes pulled off: and will be allowed to all to in fessional call way up in the northern part of It is an unfailing remedy forDiseases ofth« of Kay and farmed out on chares to a German Alexander, and by Theseus, by Administrator, ing complain of particular, except that Kidney* mid liver. named Michael Sire, and later, I think, was run out at least a part of the day. -The drm by Almont, ton of Alexander's Abdallah. Ithink Mr. Egan was a little rough In giving the state. • It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to John Splan Confident that Johnston owned by Sife until pome twenty years ago. work of the season has improved them all Also for sale, Oakwood, four years old, by Alex- abuse that had no connection with the trial. Dr. and Mrs. Came left yesterday on a Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. When this horse must have been twenty or ander, standard, 1833. W. L. McGrath. Itdoes not injurethe teeth, cause headache,©! Bring Record Down and they appear more like playful colts than am newspapers trip to Chicago. The doctor will jbe away coiistipi i.th-r Can His twenty-two jears old he was taken to California, I satisfied that the have produce ion— Iran tncdicives do. me a fair show; see was a a few Itenriches and purifies blood, to or where he died two or three yearn ago. His like trained animals. T)BESTO2* STOCK FARM, Preston, Fillmore given you I only days. appetite, the stimulates ,'i£i 2:00 Lower. here, the the aids the assimilation of food, re- daughters and granddaughters have nicked well JOHNSTON'S SHOES. -L County, Minn. For public service, . stranger and I consider that papers The Hiirb School library has been having lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength- ioi . (2:244), King Morgans, Trample, kindly. . with sons of Mambrino Chief, Green's Bashaw, During the talk Mr. Woodmansee in- of the have treated me very I also want to many additions oflate, and many of the ens the muscles and nerves. Edwin Forrest, etc. the most successful trotting sire of his age in the thanks to Sheriff O'Gorman ; he For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude. Lack oi The Minnesota Breeders to Meet November 5 formed express my are highly interesting youth. Enercy, has do equal. "Should it please you to send me such infor- the Commodore that Johnston had northwest; Cotnus, a .first-class draft stallion. has treated me in the most considerate man- works to the &c, it you (o on the same shoes that he wore when be For pedigrees and terms,' address M, T. Grattan. 83S~ The genuine has above trade mark and to Orzanize-'-Miscellaneons mation as have his breeding, and ner possible, and I am glad that Ihave not Yesterday was the most disagreeable day lines on wrapper. through Mica I may 98* crossed red Take no other. Horse Notes. information be able to made 2:10, and 2:6^; that the front shoes paraded public, being treated we have had thi3 season, it raining almost by BROWS lIiESIKAL the breeding of the grandshirc Johnston, been before the Hide only CO- BALTIXOEE. Ma trace of weigh twelve ounces and . the hind ones A handsome and well bred Gurn- the same as any other prisoner. constantly from morning until late in I will take pleasure in bo doing, and will forward SALE— early may seven ounces, and asked the Commodore FORsey bull, 2 years old in November. In- He then referred to the visit to this city of the afternoon the Globe every any other information 1 be able to procure. quire Midway . [This column will appear in Sample. of B. D. Woodmansee at Park. the chief of police, of Clinton, lowa, saying correspondence will SV. B. how many ofthem he wanted. In this con- Notwithstanding the fact that the bridge in the fourth lecture on amusements wai Monday morning. Pertinent ( 237-84 the had circu- wnder date of February 18, 1834, Mr. Sample nection be remarked that he did not know that he understood that latter was teams given, the subject, "The Caress of Death," thankfullyreceived aud should be addressed wrote;) about In useless for crossing, owing to the be that they would be able to get home with THE OF lated bad reports in St. Paul him. the most powerlul plea in all this series tc TurfEditorof the Globe.] 1 find that ' John Bull wasbredby one of two the CAUSE TEMPERANCE. this conuectiou he said that the latter official fire forseveral days last week, the tollreceipts shoes on the horses, especially Johnston, as some of$108.55. young men, showing the wickedness, th< men. Judge James Buckner or Judge Alexander could say nothing illof his character, for the amounted to the handsome picture of an impure life, and burning i' Roger*, both formeriy of Hopkinsville, Chris- everybody wanted them, and were trying to Meeting of the Father Matthew Society reason about Mattie Vickers Comedy company at the tian, Co., Ky. He was foaled in 1855, and said that he knew nothing on the conscience with the lightnings ol get them . The result of the talk on this sub- him, and that any derogatory Grand Wednesday evenings. Johnso n, 2:00 1-4. to have been tired by a eon of imp. John Bull, —Addresses by Peter O'Leary, to-morrow and divine authority. ject was that Commodore Kittson circulated by him has proven himself to be the Win. Kay, bought this colt at two years of age, will have reports . The box office opens to-morrow at 9 o'clock. Since Johust-u two the London, and Bishop Ireland. not fastest piece of horseflesh on the face of the and showed him at the Christian county fair in of shoes, Mr. Woodmansee one, and were actuated by personal enmity and They are well known on the road and draw PAIXTING— given at the fall of 1657, and tock first premium, a silver The hall of the Father Mathew society, at on official information. In referring -L' Mrs. Lobbs', opposite the Pitman honte, in earth, we now give wide publicity to his antece- ! the fourth will go to the stable. They will based big houses. ; DECORATIVE cup. He then brought him tuKeokuk, Nov. 24, j be silver he a to his chances for a new trial, iuc-tra, crystal and kcnsiugtoii painting, by Mi.-s dents, and particulars, tome of which have ap- plated and stamped upon them will Cathedral, contained good sized audi- prospective The lake for a considerable distance below L. the 1857, and placed said cup in bank for safe keep- be the record of 2 ence Porte r said that he considered them very O'Brien. 297-301 peared iv the Breeders' Gazette and Spirit of ing. The bank afterwards failed, and nothing :06 yesterday afternoon to hear the temper- the bridge is clear of logs and very few are GOING good and he lived in hopes of a mitiga- time*. "Johnston, bay gelding, foaled June 20, more was ever known of the premium cup. I FAST. ance address of Mr. Peter O'Leary, the dis- that leftabove. Agoodly number will betaken Bribery In Polities. Aurora, Wis- tion of his punishment 1877, on the farm of Cary Bros., in got this information from Mrs. Henry Qebo, a Splan told in his interesting way, some- tinguished London orator. out this year yet if the weather keeps open, Itis evident that the only effectual remedy of Berlin, got by daughter of Kay, and one Orange Fields, consin, about six miles north thing of his experience in fast driving. He The meeting was called to order by Mr. AMUSEMENTS. as a number ofrafts have been s«.ld that are is the improvement of public sentiment and Basil aw Goldduft (now called Joe Bassett, and (colored), now drivinghere. Fields showed a two- the class with claims that traveling around with horses is James Dillon, president of the society, and not delivered. the enlightenment ofthe public mind as to owned by H. S. Woodruff, of Berlin, Wisconsin,) year-old colt in same John Bull at the above, and took second premium.'11 not calculated to bring out their speed and prayer was offered by the Rev. Father Shan- every one could the evils that bribery produces. . but then owned by Joseph Bastett, of Berlin, Engagement of Salsbury's Trouba- On Saturday last that get by BillyBa- W. S. Sample. keep them in good health so that they can be ley. Among those present was the Rt. Rev. a gun was on the alert to go goose hunting. The improvement of public, sentimenion Wisconsin. Bashaw Golddust was "Inreferring to Frank Forrester's work on dours -Margaret Mather. Cameron, of Oshko»h, ready for work at all times. He. 'prefers Bishop Ireland and several prominent mem- a went lake, this subject must necessarily a of shaw, owned by lieorge the horse. 1 find there was au imported horse The engagement ofSalsbury's Troubadours Dr. Caiue and party down the | be work and be was said to be by Green's Bashaw. Ba- keeping them in one place where they will bers of. the laity. Hospes went west by time, and it cannot begin to soon. We may called John Bull. 1 don't see as there can be in the new varcical comedy by E. E. Kidder, E. L. rah, whilst oth- shaw Golddust's dam was by Gold- any doubt : ha: the above chain of evidence is have the 6ame kind of water feed. When •The speaker was introduced to the audi- ers in directions, i It say, indeed, that it has already begun with . and a commences went different dust, bred by Dorsey, of Kentucky, and a half perfect, and that BillyBashaw was a great-grand | a at a point very slight change ence by in a neat speech. entitled '"Three of Kind," as outnumber the geese. the discussions of this year's canvass; but Bali, horse is fine a Thos. D. O'Brien looks if the hunters brother of Dorsey's Golddust, and her dam was a son of imp. John although it is claimed in or In commencing at the Grand Opera house this evenins. Opera much more must be done in order to produce thut he sired by Green's Bashaw. Now water diet willthrow him offand then his address he a said the The "Bunch ofKeys" at the Grand running mare, pedigree unknown. Johnston's was if The company has won golden opiuious from Ihe desired effect on the public mind. It is BilyBashaw was out of a Olomed and there is an end to all fast work. * A sick Earl of Beaconsfleld had described a public to-night. Those who want to hear a dam is a dark chestnni mare, weighing about 900 Bartrand eastern press public a rare house especially incumbent on those who profess to mare, as tunned by Mr. Anderson, and bis horse can't trot. When Johnston made his speaker as a man who required great force of both the and and play that they will enjoy had better attend. pounds; she was sirci: >y N'ni Forrest, the prop- sire was imp.John Bull, Johnston, 2:o6}* Splain a entertainment is announced. lead and counsel the people on political sub great-grand said In-had splendid day. character more ordinary and erty of J. V. Swoting tltis city. Her dam Ml tne pacer in the world must have a was and than attain- It is really laugh grow fat to -hear and jects, whether in officialstation, in the press, fastest strong The weather warm and the air was good In referring to the play a recent issue of see was by Steel's Kctii Hunter, owned by Ne- infusion of thorough blood in his veins. Now, 'j but the track was so ments; he should have personal magnetism, the laughable situations, and will partic- or elsewhere, to lead the public aright in this pcuskin, SVinnebu'j Wisconsin. Ned not good. Had" the the New York Hun has the following: put -uny, allow me to guess lighthere that he who matches track been all right the figures would have an unlimited vocabulary and a knowledge and ularly strike those who have had to up matter. By exposing cases of bribery that Forrest wuh eired 1/y ... tier's Edwin Forrest, this flying horse, thinking that he will quit if "Three of a Kind," a farcical comedy, was at hotels. may come Barker, marked something lower, for Johnston is a belief in his subject that should enforce to their knowledge, by showing while he .... property of Henry L. pinched, will be doomed to disappointment. played for the first time in this city at Mc- evils Kmj., Clinton, county, New York, and great pacer. He goes so easy conviction on his hearers.. The speaker ex- The police force made several arrests on what result from it. by denouncing it or Oneida BillyBashaw has left more speed in this vicinity Kce Runkiu's theatre last evening. It has especially in their by an ex- unil iii.-i dam vvaa aired by Young Sir Henry, than any other horse livingor dead. Ithink the ! and never breaks. He has broken but pressed regret that he could not fill the bill, Saturday night. One was arrested for fast ownparty, setting Young all the dash and sparkle that made "Green in owned by ilhrop Bcockwsy, of Clinton. ajove statements will explain where I once this season and that was, in Minne- would endeavor to give some driving across bridge and firing a gun ample of Perfect.honesty their own public Henry, Johnston but he inci- Room Fun" and "The Brook" so enjoyable. the life, Sir Henry was tin- grandson of the fa- \u25a0jets his pacing gait, M John Bull's colts were! apolis. Wherever the track is rough it seems another was up and. above all, by scorning to use pub- of . Edwin dents from his experience. lie then spoke Tbe songs are witty and original. Nellie inside the city limits, for lic station to mous running competitor often pacers or doable gaited; also his thorough- \u25a0 to scare Johnston. When a horse trots or his room mate at the advance their own private and Forrest was .sired by Bay Kentucky Hunter, he bred characteristics-, that every of his recent visit to Graceville and he gave IfcHeory displays her usual witchery, and robbing Farmers hotel pecuniary much to one notices paces as fast as he paces Splan said be ought of his tanglef jot cause interests, they may do by old Kentucky Hunter, all of Oneida county, when they behold this grand horse, who as yet aii interesting description of this flourishing tralsbury himseif is as quaint as ever. Tie purse, while was the to have a track as smooth as a steel rail. If of arrests. check the abuse even now, and perhaps re- New York. has never mot his equal. Commodore Kittson colony. He had concluded that there was no play details the ad ventures of three New York other move italmost at some 'i is the statement of Mr. Joseph Bassett, the track is rough it creates an uncertainty entirely future day. bin may justly feel proud of ibis king of the influence outride ofreligion that had such a clerks and Doily Dashwood (Miss McHenry) The concert given by the choir of the The trouble is that men who and sworn to before Mr. J. T. Whitcomb. The turf. And now, in taking leave of subject, on the part of the horse, and he docs not house. would not this tendency to elevate the man socially, mor- at a country boarding One of the Swedish Lutheran church on Saturday even- themselves descend to bribery are criminal- facts H.iout the brecdiug of Johnston's tire are ailow me to pay a flight tribute to Mr. Joe Baa- have confidence. Mr. Woodmansee agreed in love who turns out as follows: "Several years ago 1 tempted to ally, and physically as temper- cierks fails with Dolly, ins was a success. The different parts were ly complaisant with regard to the use oi s-en, of Berlin, the gentleman who, with untiring with Mr. Splan in regard to the 2:o6}£ being intellectually to be the flame of the employer of the three ]ook up the pedigree of the graniisire of the perseverance, "-kill and gentle treatment, made i a great surprise to everybody, and Mr. perance. He then narrated an episode that rendered in an excellent manner, all being foul means, when these are to advance their pacer, not men. The employer's discovery of what is Wonderful Johnston, but did meet it possible with Mr. Johnston, with his naine- a story in regard had had delighted own interests and those of their own party. gave up, Johnston Woodmansee told little to occurred in London, of a man who going on ends in their dismissal. They with the rendition of the music. with kuccebs and it but since duke, to mark 2:10 on the blackboard. Don't J. I. Case, owner the of were They are severe on the subject of buying has met wi;b such notoriety I have renewed he the of Phallas and Jay Eye been kicked out of a saloon after his money stirve for twelve weeks in a garret, wheu Good coffee and finest cake dis- forget Basgett, for had been a preacher, in- See. When Johnston made 2:10 Mr. Case tributed with a liberal hand. The proceeds votes only whan the purchases are made in my former efforts, and have met with better sue- \u25a0lead ofa "Knight ot the Ribbons," Johnston was gone; he described his wretched home through the kindness of an uncle they go the interest of the other Bide. Their oess. Thinkingthat your many readers would might hauling milk wagon remarked that he "had shot his last wad." Dolly amounted to $6s. stand- have been a or butch- ana the poverty and destitution of bis family into business for themselves, marrying ard of political morality is high as applied tc be Interested in knowing the pedigree of the er's curt to-day. So when Johnston scored 2:0(i?4. a gentle- man of her and Jack (;Suls- Chairman J. S. Moulton, of Lakeland, fastest pacer in the world, 1 will give you ail the man to that while drinking, and then contrasted it with the choice, i'otts candidates whom they are trying to defeat!— A. C. Acstin, Oahkosh, Wi.«., telegraphed Mr. Case Johnston bury) country girl won at of county conven particulars as 1 find them. It is rather a long Agricultural the happy domestic circle alter he bad re- the who his love chairman the Democratic The Century for Novemoer. Secretary of the Northern and Me- "had shot another wad." While the 2:oG*i farm The farce is well set, and following: story, hat I don't see ho.v any ofit can be chanical Ae-ocuiiou. ' was a was formed. the bouse. tion, has appointed the as the of Johnston great record it not as well acted. Itwill last the Salsbury troupe omitted without creating doubt in the minds of Joe Baasett'a dam was by Champion Golddnst, ouc Democratic county committee for the ensu- Goto "The Shades," IS, East Seventh street. no doubt that Johnston that surprised Splan for the reason that The speaker then spoke of the benefits of for more than one season. the credulous. 'Ihere is bred by JJortcy. of Kentucky, and a half brother he says he has seen something a good deal ing year: John McCarthy, chairman; Matt, was sired by Baabuw (JcLldutt , and there i- also Golddast, education which lie described as the applica- The sale of seats for the engagement of m Hi.i sired by to Dorsoy"e and her dam was a run- better. Mr. Splan thinks that under certain Clark and M. W. Murray, Stillwater; John Nancy Choic*. no ciouot that La.'haw Ooiddnst was ning in.ire, pedigree tion of mechanical principles; he illustrated the young what Billy unknown. conditions he can pace in 2:00. He lu.-s talented actress, Merguet Mather, Murphy, Wood bury; Win. Fowler,] Cottage DanielS. Dickinson, when in the senate, BillyLSabhaw, but Bashaw's breeding such .i g.'jad horse as Joe Basset could part subject by comparing at officjc was this vicinity has :i tie to llow this of the the opens the box of the Grand to-mor- Grove; Ferdinand Dornfeldt, Lakeland, and was requested by Postmaster-General do one in been Bud have escaped observation so long is a mystery to gone quarters in less than 80 seconds which the tc Some foarteen years auo A. W. is growth of knowledge to the . growth of a row morning. Stark, out. Brown .r.i- Hi: is nearly sixteen bauds high, a beautiful at the rate of less than two minutes to the W. H. Oakdale. call at the department, and give an opinion brought Billy to Qahkosh, claiming that . once grain was sown Bavbaw jay brown and shows -_'ry Ursen's Bashaw, Ilearned that The Mission Work in Utah. large intelligent eye, with a c-leau cut ear, slop- from most others as his speed lasts through it was sure to fructify and bear fruit. bear on Mr. Hugh Campbell, who has been for as postmaster an Brown bought the horse in sparta, this state. ing shoulders, an arm which looks like iron, Mrs. Bailey spoke at Plymouth church appointment of office wrote Lee, of the mile and stays up through the last quar- ' No man could tell how large the grain of county 1 Mr. W. W. treasurer Monroe l| C* one rareiy sees; night on progress commissioner from the Marine dis- near .home residence. The request was such and feet be is remark- ter. Mr. Splan expressed the belief that if a seed \\\u until the proper appliances of edu- last the of school and county,, asking him if he could give me any in- ably deep through the heart and very largely trict, to allow himself to be put in nomina- promptly complied with, documents in regard to running horse could hi got that could stay cation had en -own: itremained with each church work among the Mormons in Utah. and the formation a bone called Brown muscled over the loin, which gives him the ap- Mr. Campbell says he had were duly inspected, not some per- Dick, us I bud learned that Billy B«i h;uv ni at hi? work through the whole mi!c that man whether lie cowed the grain of seed in Four years ago bhe was sent there as a mis- tion again. has without pearance of being slightly roach backed; in years now, wishes some one plexity in the mind ol the senator; for two formerly called Uro.vu Dick, and received the dtauaing behind him are struck with his Johnston can pace a mile inside of two the saloon or groggery, to bear discord, ... n.,.,11,-" .,{||,.,. urdav for commissioner for \u0084...„ ,1. A V. B. Matteraon ii<-istoil him In the iwtw.r Minnie R. would double team bore trr.itv it remained with them even in couutv \u25a0 v. it.io n ...... 1.. trade tor Brown Dick. ilmteihon has a sister : and that they could probably show together ivbetber they became good and honored citi- Many or our citizens will rcraemoer .Mrs. As it tins been asserted by some "ignorant or the Second and Third ward district, is one a lady's handwriting came to view, livinghero now, and I will get his address. lie something better than any single horse has 2*'.< n.- or outcasts of society. | Bailey, before. She applying malicious persons that Bashaw Golddnst is not outlaws and The she having been here approval ofall parties, as for office in own behalf,and giving la living in Chicago. Brown Dick came here ttiL- sire of Johnston, the has been i:i- ' -'now Johnston has never lost a race and 1 him her in that meets with the the her I have the and story modern brewer, he said, reminded of came this time to tell of experience that but a single name as and from Vernon county. met man in ibe public i it proper to but one heat, was lost Kicbball men ' he is a practical man, and one would reference, that the within fixyears to Brown, wrted prints, deem which to at t the historical heron; these held out Utah, of the work that is being done ami the live or be traded him insert the following affidavit to set tin- matter at Minneapolis, consequence t to the the make a first-class county officersif elected. name of honorable senator himself. He and with Li mi about tie horse. 1 think In of Johnston their hand take money from what they talked .-i : hope to do. The New West Com- He is a careful man arid will watch the ex- had known her deceased husband intimately hi; i.i He here at our .-. losing a boot. . , 1poor working man, from the father, and got him lowa. trotted State or Wisconsin, i mission now have twenty-nine schools penditure of the peoples' money. and most favorably for many years, and was county lHir and he was big waited and traveled .Mr. has great admiration for Minnie t iilaekli'ir and outcast alike, and too often \u0084'iii-M v or Gbeu Lake. \ Ifdaa in Utah, ami Mrs. Bailey put no stranger to the young widow herself. very wide behind, i bad achaace to trade for pli of Berlin, in said county, be- R. She won every race she paced in single 1they sought to propitiate by erecting some Among the many improvements in .lost- Bssrtt. 1 After a moment's reflection he carefully re- him, and have been sorry a good many times that duly sworn, nays that be hail harness, and made a record of tiMf', SUe, t .em pin to the adoration of the Almighty. says that give them 200 schools and the prison, are eighteen district call clocks, Miiitli, i:i^ course turned the delk-ale missive to its place, and 1 did not. Ifyou write to \iutnius Vim >f the stallion, bashaw Qolddsat, and like Johnston, Is one of those hordes that 'The speaker did not believe in raising a lire years' time ami they will wipe out Mor- on will thus be qua, 1 la he will bo able to give you the na:u« and the watchmen duty de- made the following laconic up- ink stood nun for mares, in the city of llrrlin. in the never breaks. She has shown in private i:burcti on the gains of (\u25a0rime, and misery I raoni&m mere effectually and completely indorsement 11ml in-., of the man the. tected should they at any time not be. regular on who owned bone. year A. 1). 1870. that achestnut inure owned by tiials a degree of speed no doubt the papers: "Igo for Nancy." Nancy knew the name, but hate forgotten it. ' that leaves 1ui'l poverty. In this connection. than all the legislation that can be brought in clock having to rung I Some Messrs'. James and Kichard Cary was that year i on Splan's mind that aha will have no < fore me Not. 5, erspoon, Splan driven t times actuated men not to driuk. saying that recent events in Tennessee, where two of putting in electric bells and push buttons in Afterall, what the American people like I talked with hliu ID re .'.mi to the bone. They said he would have 1883. her out at Chicago, when she finished up in 1be believed in the selfish motive; he their missionaries were Killed, only served to he reside nee of Mr. Matt Clark. These are best in their public men is rugged honesty, (Matien-oc and Brown) bought him of a man hi ,L. s.| J. VoLNEV SwETTIXfi, VernoD county by the name ol Baker. Matter . 2:16.V/, in a good deal less time but for the < did not drink because drink did not strengthen their faith. Itis a tact, said Mrs. so arranged that the servants can be called and when a citizen yesterday shook hands Hunk Judge of the City un.l Town of Carey. running down i it Bon h&jit be thmk« be was a Busbavr. 1 think (':uy. fact that Woodmansee came improve bis inteltoctuni'capacity, because their whole faith lies in the be- with the very least trouble, and the barn is with Governor and said, to Smith, Viroqua, Jame* Cury anil Kichard owners of the Bailey, that Cleveland, him, Kd Uoe or Air. can give you Be- man-, nuke affidavit; the home stretch with both hands up for him < did not improve his mental force, because it not the kfir't W. L." a corroborative Your.-, liefthat they are sacrificing themselves to connected only with house but also "Iam a Blame Republican, but I am glad addrciß. F. •I. T. WIIITCOMB. to stop her so as to keep her in the '2:17 1 did not build up bis physical energies or In- the District telegraph office, so "1 wrote Atlanta* Smith, and as fol- the Lord. Even the women believe that the with that Mr. to pay my personal tribute to your north and he replied Johnston, while a colt following the mare, was class. Mr. Woodinansee, who was holding < crease the strength ofhis muscles, aud be- Clark's coachman can be aroused at any lows under dale of Viroqua, Oct. 18, 1883: tin- in cause it not to or sufferings and trials they pass through in a honesty," he spoke as a true American. reiunrkublv! for bandy way in v/liii-hbe would his watch the grand stand, said he saw the < did Induce bis happiness hour. This i3very requisite, as Matt is oh •I imvi lil-cii wallins to learn rometbing re- change from pacing to trotting, or from trolling mare was coming too and that prosperity. Alcohol waa a poison ; it was the ! polygamous life only purifies them The manner in which New York's honest . breeding of Baker horse, fast the would i the wing at almost any hour, and now he liable odi the the but to pacing, lie aiw»;> ."•\u25a0iiM.-ini the latter gait record left imo.-l of all * | for the life to come, accepting their governor was yesterday received here must hnve found aoibtng. Mr. Baker's address in cut down her unnecessarily, bo he volatile poisons. A discription will be insured against losing trains. when requiring hi* greatest speed, and at which seat and ran to stop It was was here given of the pernicious fate as necessary and essential to their future have surprised as well ac pleased him. No Albion. Splnk county, Dak. 1 have seen the gait lie ability disposition to bis down her. ' showed the mid i This morning there willbe a big attend- man in this home trot In Sparta, LaCro*se and Viroqua. lie fortunate that be did, for she was coming at effects of alcohol on the brain and nervous welfare. The masses of the people are true, public generation certainly, has keep up with other colts m the same pasture ance at the municipal court, the goose been BO meanly and atrociously traveled very wide behind, j Was a dark brown. they were a fearful rate and would have cnt her record system. earnest workers, willing to undergo any hunt- persecuted when running. in of be- ers cause of much and maligned as Governor aud Mr. Baker let a man by the name of Matterson The fall after he was two year* old he was put all to pieces all for nothing. The speaker refuted the idea that the Irish j hardship the promotion what they being the talk. One of Cleveland; lwi\. him. ll«;is -slid that he went to New Into th« hands of Mr. Joseph Bass* it. the owner COMMODORE SHOOS AM> BPLAW. ' were a mercurial Ifthey had been lieve to be the true faith, and once gain their the party is charged with beinsr a nuisance, it was lit ami proper that the people of this Jurcey. Ananias . people; of SMtTH' of bis sire, to break, and rsty soon began to cx- During the convocation of Splan and ' they would not have'fonghfc their oppressors confidence, get tnem to understand you are and the others will be called to prove it. Mac, city, tolerably regardless party, should Baker, K "l wrote J. W. and received the follow- \u25a0iloii h W evidence <>> speed, both in trot- I maintained per- \u25a0 for their own good, and that only in give him the hearty welcome which he has ing Athlon, Dak., marlrs Woodraansee in Commodore KitUon ? office, aud their principle* with the working and the wasp will argue the case, and no letter dated Oct. 3, 1883: ting and pacing, goingat eiihor gate a* desired Christianity will they received welcome SO much heartier aud by the sistency they bad; he believed that if the true find will out all —a Brown k was sired a horse John 1 while they told their experiences on doubt justice be meted to parties. Dii called "V Ills driver, but always cuHtiging.to lii' pace 0%-r from for peace . and happiness . and more spontaneous than that given Bull, owned in K.eokuk, In. II was of the urged to greatest commo- Irish people abstained drink ten ! Iti- all very well to feel elated over a suc- to Mr. when his jTpeea! Mr. Bas-ett different tracks in the circuit, the would be at an end. : you will have as earnest workers' in the cau?c Blame his visit here, that it is fair notice EnglUh hunter stock. 1 bought him of a man to drive, train develop years English rule will cessful goose hunt, but it is no reason that on continued and him until dore ocassioually put in a few words, but for \u25a0 1 was Christianity as the Mormons now have in to the riainc dirt fingers that their mud named Anderson, who brought him from Keo- tt»e fall of lubJ, after the Ii" was five years , . An eloquent description hen given of of the peace of a city should be disturbed by the does la., to i- --' he great people kuk, onsin, whaa be was two years old. When three years old itbegan to be whig- most of the time listened with in- the eufferiug* of Ireland and a just eulogy their faith. Nowhere and among no unearthly tooting a steam not stick. old. Arc you euro the i let Brown to said. ha-* among this of whistle, even man that horse pcred Mi.it Berlin that Barney was a tery swift terest what was He evidently was paid to the illustrious men of the race is there such organization as when blown by a heavily laden goose shoot- Honest Cleveland deserves the. have Is the onu he brought to Ushkosh? Thai traveling colt, and in his fuar-year-oM form he the highest estimate of Mr. Splan's ability as who bad left their impress both on th- pases people. This is what makes the work ho bard splendid reception which New York has giv- horas had a white mark or spol of abont two Berliu half ' \u25a0st. thoulders, often showed on mi track's quarter a driver, and values highly his temperate of American. French an.l Irish history. The for the true Christianity to gain a footing in en him Inches on one of his abont half way in thirty-twoseconds, and the half mile in 1:10. ' Yesterday morning the Rev. Dr. Carroll down, six eight hack motive power of money was then described; ' their inid*t. Of the leaders, Mr.-. and or Inches ofthe collar. Tue same year he showed on the Ookfcoeh mile habits and pleasant, gentlemanly ways. The too assist dat the dedication of. tbe new and Sew Courage for Cleveland Men. I think itwan his WftshO iider. Ills tire had a ha- and it was hard to accomplish much unless a men Bailey said nothing vile could be track, » half ruile in 1:06. At the same time be Beaaoa closed Mr. Spian mom cast. in his of as handsome prison chapel. Addresses were (Tew York Times. | record of 8:41. Ifyuo want more particularc l would trot a qnartarof a mile in, on the Mr. had Mofthe root of ail evil pocket, said . them, and emmissaries think 1can by writing Berlin The writer asked Splan why he severed to of they were certainly doing their delivered Rev. W. W. Harrington, Dr. the canvass, as we help you to the man 1 track, in forty scrouds." bis connection with the commodore's stable but if a man gave it the saloon keeper and satan by Above all, have said, bought of. Let me hear what you do. brewer the real and benefit of. work in a manner to well please their master. Carroll and Warden Reed. The With thi- evidence before us we see no reason end lie replied that bis wife was east and all the power prisoner^ has been most desperately contested on the Josf.ru W. \u25a0 Bakek. for doubting that Jo B isaetl will be recognized ! her Boney was cone and it became a terrible She told of her success there as a teacher, , were apparently most devout listeners and Republican side. They have not only invad- Imnde inquiries about the while mark referred nil and interests were In the • as the greatest sire of see •; in the world. por.tr for \u25a0 and of the success others are having. She by ! east. we evil. : .: are well pleased to get into' the comfortable ed with legions to Mr Baker, and tod. that ha had the Iden- We n!-o say that it is fortunate for the Furthermore, he remarked, concluded, a vote was a pleasant work, all the state of speakers and white wrote will Afterthe speaker had of \u25a0aid it not sunshine new of It tical apot. 1 tin' Mr. Baker an west that Joe Basiett (Bashaw ha* , all have to look out for our own enough place worship. la well lighted and workers, but they have taken their candi- a-kiui: for Mr. Anderson's address, and (JoUdnat) thank.- «... extended bim for the eloquent and roses, but just clouds to make heated an 1 finished so as to be pleasant to received lieen baaed by one of the very wealthy interest. He regards Commodore Kittson work Interesting. She told bow BOOM dates there bodily with an imposing retinue, the followingreply, dated Aahton, Dak., Dec. rt, ; and able address. . . the eye. have just enough slope stock breeders of the m si Mr. H. S. Woodruff, i with the kindest feelings, but thinks with his churches were adopting a teacher and bearing tbe The seats and they have paraded them up and down 1889: proprietor of Bnckleton faro at Janesville. \\ .- ' as driver that he can open a BISHOP IRELAND. to make a comfortable resting place. The of I, was . reputation a the expenses of that particular school? the and into its Your* November received some time where he will in the future be found in the ' A brief address was then delivered by Rev. Mr. ITirrinzton, who is chaplain, is' i, state remotest corners, leav- .;;;ii stable of bis own and drive horses entrusted ago. I was on my way to Wisconsin the time, perpetuate \u25a0 abd teacher, and BU£gestcd that it would be ing no accessible ear unreached tin st to his name and family, to care. Bishop Ireland. He congratulated those move away and intends to go to the Pacific. by so 1 have neglected to write. Anderson's ad- and !><;-'•: other Johnston-'. We will eay.funher, : his The fact of the whole matter a good Idea for Plymouth church to do the clamorous exhortation, and no seeing eye Mr. Splan wants to do bnsinc-%; on hit own the encouraging report* from the slope. dress* is J. K. Anderson, Merrill, Lincoln county, thai it i- to Joe Basse tt, and not to Johnt*on*s is present on same thing. Mrs. Bailey i3here attending unblessed by the inspiring sight of their \\ .- When you get through please let me dam, tli.it the breeder of ppeed must most j hook, and yet at the same time he has no Oil World; he believed with the great patriot the missionary meetings which . occur in Those who attended the Republican rally at standard bearer. In comparison the can- know what success met with. i " you • rfiiit. Joe l»a-'.-i i» msde up Of several cro??os definite plans formed for the future. He Alex. Sullivan, now deceased, that temper- Minneapolis during this Week, and spoke Hudson on Saturday evening report that they vass make by the Democrats seems nerveless Jos&Pii W. Bakek. known to be -;>\u25a0 d Joe l':i--. to drive well prodaeing. a has not engaged for anyone else and ance solved' the national question. This before the people of Plymouth church lost had a grand time. They had what the Demo- and impotent. No such tremendous pres- Iwrote Mr. Anderson and rceived the follow- n«- cot by Billie BaVhaw (Brown Dick) sn:l he ; not intend to any engagement Dana, letter, does make a jrreat country: Ireland tree and sober night at the request of Dr. \u25a0 -\u0084.\u25a0 ;,. \u0084 . crats not on evening of their sure was ever before inhuman history ap- lna dated '.Merrill, Wis., December If, by .lo. in Bull and be by iujH>rit <\ Job j>dli. The for the present, but will look around for the was did have the ! is 1$4. was Ireland free, and in this country ' "'\u25a0' beautiful plied to an . dam of Billie sa>haw (Brown Dick) taust have - thing can take (Join mo lore An Actual Harvest ! demonstration, a evening, and not I Yours of the 10th mat. at hand. I did been well bred mare, as re 'best he bold of. Ireland sober was Ireland prosperous. And what is the result? A Republican lose sell the a know she was a man of bargain* offered every hoar at C. M.' MeLain* a downpour of rain. It was estimated that! horye you speak of to Mr. Baker in the tall of great roadster. What the dam of John Bull was KitUon is too much of a business and The reverend s-peaker hoped thai those pres- of 6,000 in majority as com pored with the May has had too large an experience to stand in 384 wabaahaw street. nearly 300 went from this city. New Rich- 1888. He was two yeas old the before I vn ore not able to prove, bat as John Bull wa? eatwoaJd persevere in the good work ; he vote of 1830. Ijfotra such 0 icsult the sup sold him. I owned his dam four years. She bred in Ketitiickyand got by imported John Hull ! The way of any man. If Mr. Splan can present to unite wit!; the mond turned out in fullforce, and many of was a black. becccd all cense ~~Y. M. C. A. porters of Mr. Cleveland will draw no dis- lark bmw. almost l bought her we thall expect to Irani that she was a. pacer, j do a more satisfactory business that they might hoirin tte crusade, the be- the citizens had illuminations with lot* of but new courage. and her half >i-ter from Orrin Freeman, \in The dam of Joe Ba«>»-tt Baahaw Golddu!>t) wns out The 4 o'clock song service at the Y. M. C. hearten tnent, Ohio was by branching for himself lievers in temperance had s thousand rea- ! fireworks. They also bad a cannon in but an outpost which the enemy car- ct-n os Lee county. lowa. If my xnrraur\ nerve* by ChalUt>iou »;oldiiu»t. yon of Vermont Morgan, be will do so with Commodore A. yesterday wa!s one of deep interest, con- requisition and made lots of noise. They hud have \u25a0 U'.-ht, he the was Dorsey, alfo bred sons to feel encouraged .It was the boast of ried at a fearful cost. They have well-nigh told ma dam a cross be- \u25a0md Ued by Mr. 1.. 1.. who wishes, if with by F. Williams, state secretary were uniformed tween the and of Lor-i-s, (lolddus:, and like was most likely Kittson's best and need be Irishmen . in St. P.iul that they owned their ducted H. of a big time. There thirty exhausted themselves before the Dioined Bertmnd stock him highly and club, beginning The sire uf the horse ( i.illyBashaw). brought bred: There U little doubt also, that there are his assistance? The commodore is eminently own homes, and this -result Y. M. C. A. for Minnesota and Dakota. Ten members of the Blame Logan with of the actual .fight. New York is now the from Kentucky to Keokuk, la., by a colored man] Other fast i>pced lines' in Joe Bas»ett. and , pleased with Mr. S',]an"s work, and docs not by shunning the saloons; or twelve v.nng men rose for prayer. The torches, from this city, and the band was out field assur- Kay. had been achieve! got battleground, and on that the man named Win. Tho horse was called we hope our readers will take it upon themselves instate to so express himself. The interview whenever a man passed the saloon he should , singing was frequent and good, with excel- j in full force. All home safe and sound ance of victory is already complete. Join: Bn 1. aud was sa'.dto huvu b«cn aifed .>y the to probe thi« matter aud all as all they know on Saturday at the commodore's officewas of sorrowful horrified; the saloon was i j after midnight. old feel and lent piano and violin accompaniment. Two 1 imported JUihu BuQ. The Keokah John Cull about it. becanee there are at Ifa-t a hundred a verypleasant character. hopes of man .White Hnivi r r«m-.:Ji Cream. wo* a ilark b-y and i be bred to the cjave where the souls and effectiuc solos by Mr. end Mrs. "Williams j Dr. Carroll occupied hi* pulpit yesterday woaid «-'i. It about 1,3(1) men who will scad matoete Joe whence had A poothin compound of Inns he«line. plan jHiuuds. anu coalu trot a mile in S:-!0. The dam BasMtt iv I>S5, with fair prospect of getting MISCELUXEOC3. . bad been buried, and from issued were listened to with marked attention. morning and evening. In tbe morning he ' D»ck, B:Ky The noose located at Fargo Fair plagued to vex • fret-and ruin mankind. j juices anil wild honey, price 50c. Druggist*. of or i>?shaw, was a good road>ter. other Johnstons. . i. » ; road Ground and ; seat was taken. One hundred and a sermon of a \u25a0 Irelind was Every . preached great power, revival IIthere there are any other \u25a0-\u25a0^ti-lis that you i- for sale orrent. Addrcsa J. 54. Morrison or The address of Bishop very seventy were present, mostly young men, i taking his wish to ask, de so, ° sermon, for text Gen. 19:26. He and 1 will answer them to the Kitt*un'* Horse-* What •ful.n i George Marelies, Fargo, D. T. earnest and eloquent. . room v liL ki_u..;r.i\ my CSeawaodtaeo and more la greatly needed. The history ofLot his family, OULnI bgat Of ability J. 11. AKnoaox. has to About Them amt Him- Little Brown Jug. or Erdenheim, was traced the and Lot any Splan >ay — is free Chinese class attendance at 5:30 forty- Not K\o\\iiii: one la Keoktik. i wrote the How Is This?' exemplifying bow scarcely the righteous are REMEDY j from all lameness and is looking fine. Classes in stenography and pen man- I po tu'.ast»T lUerc. aJfktfig bim to send ms the *rlf. Turkey 'red- Damask mrked down from 50 five. saved; his sons-in-law showing how a world nainv n." uorrouian reyuie.l :i; ship willbe formed this week. A class In ; wholtad Keokuk < Commodore Kittsoo's trotters and pacers Splan says that So So's colt by Blackwood, rents to 84 cents per yard. Call and see it at j twenty Svi- j^jvr>or more. He t*ntme the name j vocal musto music will be begun next Thurs- ; that lies in wickedness receives the gospel j that have occupied the «ttcntion of th. sport- Jr., is one of the finest colts be ever saw. He C. M. 3£clain**, 3*4 W»! «--haw street wife showing haw one may j -"^ PAIN. proved to Lot's FOR cf Mr W. S. Saaiuif, who be just the | day evening, under, the instruction of Mrs. oiler: and cures . p&»t was po May • '^5^ Relieves and Centl: man 1 val loi-kiuyfor. I wrote Mr. Sara- in; world so much during the season '\ foaled the 26th of last. .\ , J. teacher in the Baldwin be convinced but never converted. The ! ! Athletif Exhibition Market HalL 8. Bailey, of music . *' pie. a>kin^ for such information a* he cou'.d fur- are now safely housed nt Midway, having re- j Otto Kickbusb, Wausau, Wis., has sold bis .at to all men and ladies. preacher's appeals *to those- who RHEUMATISM, Bui!, •Local sporting circle* are excited over the ! school. Open young ' n&ft in rt'iranl to Johu and received the on Friday, stateed. Mr. half colt Yon ! society and young were the subjects of the spirit's operation ! Neuralgia, XoUi'*.vlas:, tinted Keokuk, la.. January turned as previously \ interest in the two-year-old entertainment to given ! Debating Friday eucning, 10. 1S8J: ; ; athletic be at Mar not to crave the Holy Spirit were j Your <»»•.* of 19 jn>t to band, hay- John Splsn, who has driven the string in all A.uitn. Jr., by Yon Arnim, dam Belie' of the i men's -ocisl religious meetings Tuesday and e llnil. kuow- Commodore Kittson, accompanied Mr.Wood- s-bowed a half mile to road cart in 1:31. number excitin's ! simple membership fee of $2, and those '* ir.4 2.s i tio how much iufatraation is sppreiuteJ place, and among those who are an need offered in this city and invite all to join. troop of long— neglected fears, had bestirred SORE THROAT, J. j Sj\ one iv ."earvh. you are, and having b.-cu :u ; mansce and the horses a* far a- Hasting?, ! B. Trcacy pays jßobert Prewitt $1,000 Smith, themselves those roused from lethargy, j QUITO? , SWELLINGS, ;to appear are C.A- C the beaTy Brain and the Bottle. "3w^ '.he same boat many times myself. You have i trbere be left the train and went toStiilwater I for c bay colt five months old by Dictitor. j j McHenry -John son, .The startled from eupineness, were fleeing from j sr rains. welztit champion, the \u25a0 boo a tightlyiuforincd as to such a hone having purpose looking at Lulu , dam by Tattler, second dam by Mamsrino j Nobody can stand protracted indulgence to come— those over whose ! Soreness, Cuts. Bruises, b^en brought Ut soaaa foe the of Judd.witb. i "Black "Star," Harry and Tom McAJpine, the wrath soul Km kak twenty-five >c»rs In ! of Boston, instrong drink. The topers who seek con- minister bad reserved its authority and j FROSTBITES, ago, a by a colored man by the name of Wm. a view of purchasing her for & ntleraan Chief. ED. Wiggins, pays Thomas* Jefferson, Loots Liverpool, Wm. the . ' ' tinued in they "bit- and by of Kay. Have made Keokuk my home since IM9. J the east, who accompanied Mr. 5; lan on I $1,030 to Isaac smith for a brown colt four Taylor and others. ' - stimulus wbat call their courtship, quickened the spirit j BITEN*. St.ll.DH, Han taken much interest in horses, particularly trip Stiliwater. subsequently months old b; Dictator, dam by Allie West, -: The sum of$100 has been put up in prizes ter?," have muddled brains, bloodshot eyes, God, with strength of hand and thunder of j Awl all other bodily actaM 1 jthe to and both in •»j'ii JuLii Bull, * the boys a>ed to call dam * j unsteady ; gait, ruined digestion. Just have alarmed the town of Mansoul. ! ? And pains. so as came here to St. Paul, arriving Friday night. second bj Old Mambrino Chief, and and some Terr exciting contests are antici- and voice - him, as he »s? one of the fret horses that ever having first class crosses back to Among tbe events will : remember that the stuff they call "bitters," Alar, how have such halted in the race. FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. ms as . 1 CALL OX THK COMMODORE. five other !' pated: tnt^restice: interested a trotter. It was as far back as imported Bedford. These are considered the be the sparring match between C. • A. C. !is not Brown's Iron Bitters. No toper want* looked back, and from that boar have not m».* — Sold by allDroughts *.\u25a0j, that Kay brought him her«, Drillers. Direction* :a li or 18M Mr a Saturday moraine: Mr. Woodmansee and best bred Dictators and the Irish It. Itcontain* nothing that suit-? him for advanced a step toward Zoar. He closed \u25a0 tno car old, so I think from near Fraukfort. liriuf. : . - Smith and Louis Liverpool languages. Mr. Splan called upon Commodore KiUson two latter having accepted stimulus. It is a pure tonic, and the best with portrait* of Ephraim and Saul, and The Ky.. as ta« old man used to talk a £t?at deal Giant.tbe Smith's pa Charles A. Voaeier Co. ; of iron in existence. Cares in- E?aa, and Ahab, and Agrip aud Felix, (Mum.;, it. Co.) about Frankfort. I can and will tram more &s at the office of the latter on Third street, and Breeders Take Xotir*. challenge of $50 for any person who stand* preparation A. T'Xiri.r.R. making a most solemn climax. Id JU., L.S.A. to date and »here ftv:a. through relatives hen, regained all th« forenoon talking over the The breeders of horses are hereby notified up with him six round*. | digestion, malaria, kidney and liver diseases. the even- v llkWau-., *