iiè,pub1c Ubr 696Oktn . Wilàa, cu. 6o6 .- .. r- ...... T 3. i t..'.RY

:. Blase sets service to residents Carbon fliOflOXi(IiP leak as topcampaign goal at Ballard rink A number of ar.a youngsters-youths reqoired' -edicai atten- by BobBsúer nd the candtdatesoftheMayor B1asedurthg a F riday, .. - complstthd, of nauneh and din- -tihn. ------March 20 Interview with the - --:- Maintaining the high levels ofAchievemeat with Economy Par- diiens after an ice making According,to- Niles--Park service provided to resideato ofty. Bugle. machiné released lethal carbonDistrictDiÑctnrWilliam Haghm Nites aadcreating anat- Theoumherpneisauefornow Inflation, said Blase, will monoxide gas thrsughdutthe Ice -approniinately 15 hockey players mosphere In which young and and the years áhead will be the have an effect" on all aervlèes - - rinkon Snndñy, March 22 at thewère preparing toteave the rink older families can live togelherahility oflhe community to mam- offered to Niles reoidenta.Ser- . Ballard - Sports . Complex, 8435Sia)day night when theyfett itt - are the campaign goalo ex-tain the high level of services..." vices offered by the village in- -- Ballard rd. However, ndne of the --- ContinuedonPagelt pressed tí Mayor Nicholas Blasewhich it currently has, said Continued on Page 36 Board apjoves -dismissäl - nasb Winno,g ta.ie of3Otèachers- ¡strict 63 's salef vw 24, tsi School . uiuUii.uhiInIHIIIJJjuIIUUhIII . - -$25,000 fire byEiI Hirs hi Id FÑñthe at CallerotS . -, Board uisembers nf Schdol -Men'oJewish Council ¿nd Maine- Dis(rict 63 took the first move-Niles. -Townohip- Special . . tswardoate.of Oak Schont, 7fMRecreation district (M-NASE). LEFT HA Catino office -Main Street, Nifes, at a regalar - Philip Deckowitz,('qaestinned - - : -- Fire dthtroyed one¿,ffice and hoardmeeting March24 in Apolloabost..the sale, said- he did- sot .byD'id(Bad)Besser caused extensive dnmage early.School, Des Plaines. think a- schooibaildisg wit) sell Sonday morning to Cultero &- Superintendentofschools-qoickly. - Ifsold, howêneiythe - The Committee toElect Elaine ieinen as Mayorsenl out a . letter T The Polish P pIe of NilesIt tat s lt o t m - Catisse Realtorsand Contractoro, Donald Bond was aothorized totenastomayhave to he relocated, fora change..Twenty yeoro-ago. you had aPolish-Mayor, 7800 Milwaukee -ave., Niles. - obtain two appraisnis of the .said -Deckowitn.During- the

now.yoo cañlsàve 000therene NOW yes-have the best chan- - White the canne of theÎIrwas school at a cost not t0 -exceedmeeting, Dechowitz said,'I - mtlsewo ldt do sometbuig h nl it stllr undetermined on Monday, $2,000------don't think we should try -to damage was estimated in excess - Oak School closed in June, lOftdispose of more than one knit ding - - - : Elaine H s 100% Pol h d scent he m dsame of$25,ME- - and is the district's -only sch'oolat a time." - -

- - reported .at-4 - - woo Wenserski, her hosbànd John is ofGerman descent." - The fire was first sosthofDempster. -The building Richard. Smith, hoard -a.m. on Smsday. Assisting Nileo--is now leüed- by two tenants; apresident, was contacted later

- .. Ättheeodoftheletteiitsotes. ifyO.iárenptPolishdon't - firemen atthe scene Were day ca e ter cnn hy 1h Y ong Ct d p g 38 beoffended,thenames were loben from-the PollingSheets firemen and equipment from - by canoas peoplehul give ber a vole ao3'way, you Won't be - Contlrniedoii Page 36-

We te1ephondfier-cainpaign masager, Pete Lencioni, whq Finance Reporting Award - notonly admittedhio groupoent ontthisletter butsaid, "You -j- On thsurtany si d have to y this is ptty dumb - politiekiog. To ask someone to vote for a candidate because - ot-Lseréthnic'bockgrooisdis oomethisg ostatthe iStb century. - -- - Itdegrades the candidate. It patronizes theperson receiving. theletter. Audit should óffendthe entire community. As had as the Heinen galle is,-theris nne from the Blase forces which is eves more reprehensible. Is an ad rooniog io - - - Cenlinad onpage 39 - - - u Mairíe East. studént- charged witharson by-Bob Besser

A -16 -year old Maine Eaot- terCourtBuildingátap. -

- . studesthas been charged with proximately l2:2fp.m. on Mon- setting the March 16 fire at the. day, March16. An antnmatic fire - Park Ridge highochool alarm was- activated by the fire - of Des and all 2,7t stsdents were safety ., .--- The student, a resident s Plaiiieawns deséribedao having-evacuated from-the schont------..-sad serious hebavorial frablems Fire mvestigato slt ge that vinagef Nil s Fm ncc Chairm Trost e A Trastee Bart Murphy, Figosce Assistant Jeff Bell, in -the past and -id currently the blanewasstarted when. the- setnan (second frOm right) proodly shbinsthe Village Manager Kenneth Scheel ond Director-of- -student-noeda hutane lighterto- - - enrolled iii a program at-Maine oveted Certificateof Conformance inFiiianèial_ Finance Charles Kohterman.- Out nf 2510 eligible - -Eastfoúiscb otodents.. - set boxes of paper forms on lire7--Reporting awardgivenbytheMufliclPal-Flnance communities only 19 received-thIs recognitinn cnr-

- . Flames spread lo other hones nf Can- - . - The fire began in-a basement Officero AssociatiOn of the United States àiid tificateiid award - _ ------itare ruhm in Maine-East's Ceo- C et d i' g 38 ada to Niles Finance Committeememhe s fleBiigi., Thursday, March 16,1881 Page2 The Bugle, ThursdayMrcb 26, 1981

- -. --,-.. ù.S.D.A.CHOICE - ' U.S.D.A. GRADE A New program for seniörcitizens BUFFET FANCY - L i I $ 69'FRESH A new program designed for l______. .. -, ROAST.. LB. senior citizens, 'handicapped FRYERS and/or thosé living atone will be Cutizens - - U.S.D.A. CHOICE 9, Initiated this Spriog in Nues. The ISenior programwill be funded and spon- EYEOFROUND 9 RICH'S FRESH sorest by the Wnman's Club of NEWS ANDVIE ROAST LB Io LB. NUes with the cooperation of our lì - AVG. local post office. EXTRA LEAN Interested participants may - - register for the program begin- GROUND - - $1 98 TURKEYS w-LB. nissg next month by listing phone V seniors ag 62and over) OUND LB. News for ailNiles I LEAN TENDER - numbern of persons to contact in . Center case of emergency. Thelistingof fromthe Nues Senior CUBE emergency numbers will be kept 60648967.6100 ext. 76 SIRLOIN' $919 at the Miles Sentar Center.In- 8060 Oakton, Nil, STEAKS LB. dividoals will he given a sticker . -- LB. BOOK REVIEW IN PLANNINGSTAGES-- PAllIES' to place inside their mailbo I Thursday, March 26, at tt3O um., Merlettosenblott trum This sticker will alert the pootL will be - Ike OutreaclServices uf the Nibs Publie Library . . . I DELI man to contact the Senior Center available lo introduce plans for a newbook review.All with if mail is not collected. If staff at dropping by to chat with Ms. the Senior Cenler are unable to literary interests should plan oe IMPORTED Roseahlatt about this uew bokreview.Ms. ttosenbtatt ha& CALIFORNIA reach the resident, they will Wsmas's Club of Niles, - Dorothy Rebertsss President of the some tremoudous plansfor this kook review, such as incoe- POLISH s 29 notify those per0055 listed os the Niiez Mayor Nicholas Blase and Mary KayMorrissey, Director of and hooks. NAVEL - C FULL cmergeacyltst. IIOuporatisig movies, slides, poetry readings, HAM Postal Alert has proven to be Senior Citizen Services. ORANGES....00z MARCHBUSTEIP - s succesaful in other comsnsnities far Niiez residents, parttcutarlythe program and registration - WEAVER'S Our March bus trip will take ptace os Friday,March 27 from 9 in saving lives.The Woman's seniors and handicapped personssiteo and dates will be publishedI JONATHON -- until 4 p.m. Featuredare a guidedtourol theMelrose Park 3 LB-QCCHEF'S GOURMET Club feels this program will'who livealose . 'Lxthe paper later this month. Amlingu, a pot roast luucbesn at Nielsen'oRestaurant in Elm- BEEFEATER APPLES BAG provide secority and reassorance Additionat information about Esperlence at Triton $ 99 TURKEY wood Park, and the filen The Chicago $189-

- I FaLB. College's Ceroan Space Center. The cost is $9.The trip is -GIN.. . CALIFORNIA - Ernployment I BREAST - currently filled, so please call to check it therehave been any BEAMS BLENDED a" Ice Show tootmisilte cancellations. NAVEL 4LB.$1 39PISA GENOA "American IIam. 8STAR - $169 for Nues teens ORANGES...BAG I - I The Nues Park District wifl - Youths 13 through 19 interested SALAMI WHISKEY - present 'ito spectacular ice show is employment can register with The Nitro Senior Center will sponsor poi luckluiseheosi on 175L1ter WESTERNGROWN 'Amerieana" on AprU 3, 4, and b, the Nues Youth Service for full Monday, Murch 30 al 12:30 p.m. The cost is $2.50 for (hosewho C those who are brmg- MARTINI b ROSSI 1981. "Americana" apano this time, part-time or tempOrary are unt bringing a dishtn share, asdfree to SPINACH... .BUNCH country's geofraphic arena ' the work.1f and older youths ore ing a dish to share. Reservations are being handled eu aticket SWEETorDRY j . forstores,otfices, basis, soplesse call 907-5100 ext. 70 to make your arrangements; wild west, the deep south, the eligible IIPOTLUCKLUNCHEON FOR CALIFORNIA MAZOLA urban areas - exploring the hasineoses, restaurants, etc.15 VERMOUTH people andthe mxaic. and under youths cas be hired to CANDLELIGHT TRIP ARTICHOKES.3 FOR-1MARGARINE.. 69c Niteb SALIGNAC The ahow features over 200 of cut grass, bahysit, housework, Ou Wednesday, April 15 from lt am. until 530 p.m. the s 99 the areas fiyestskaters as well-as mother's summer helper, outside Senior Center will spossor u trip to Candlelight T)ieatre for a CALIFORNIA - - - IMPERIAL window luncheon matinee performance of Showboat. The cost is $21.05. COGNAC ThOML 4LB.$ 69ç protessional tighting, music and maintenance work, CARROTS - ' MARGARINE. choreography. washing and most odds and esdu Please eallthe contorto make reservations. GORDON'S BAG The "Americana" productins related work for this age.The $799 ' will be presented at the Niles service also provides job cam- I QUILTING I CALIFORNIA ' PILLSBURY VODKA , . . 1.7BUSI, Sports Complex, 8435 Ballard rd., selbig; how tu apply tor a joh, Ourquilting classwill meet nu Wednesday, April 1 at t p.m AVOCADOES FOR CRESCENT Nues.Times are 73O p.m. on -how to retate to pu omploymeut PASSPÓRT - 5 - APRIL REGISTRATIONS - ' ' - i Friday, 73O p.m. on Satsrday persondel, dress codes, properi $ RflIIQ ww8o and tIse matinee show 2:30 p.m. -attitode ndmuch more. April 1, at ts30 am. our April events regiotration SCOTCHimut., Sunday. 'Americana" will prove -, Bssisess and residents are will begin. Phone io or drnp is reservations will be accepted tor I I CORNKING- the April 17 Luau (Cost $4.50) and the Aprit 291k Men's Club Bar- $119 to he one nfthc Sports Complexes urged to call this service when Wednesday, KAHLUA - - BUMBLEBEE- mot memorahle ice shows - they seed help. Hiring withis the (C0SL $2.50). Beginuing atl-30 am. mtil ti am. soaSo in COFFEE - OIL or WATER ILB. don't miss it. Adult $3, at the door 92.5e. tsr community can help reduce registration witt ko taken on a first mme first served basis for usemployment rotcu among TUNA - 6550,.CAN -- Tickets are on sole now ut the Children and $4 for adults. Alter the April 24 trip to the Field Museum and L)ocnlu Párk Cosser- UQUEUR.. . ML - 89ORE IDA Sports Complen...call 297-8011 or April 1, t9tl NO advance tickets young penpie.Unemployment votsry (ConI $3.55). After li am. phone in registyations will be tends In create- a lut of us- accepted for this trip. WISKLAUNDRY - FRENCH l97i101O.Tickets bought in ad- will be sold. MARTELL - . necessary time that may not he $ I 99 DETERGENT - ½ Osi. vanee will be Children $1.50 and L - IIbOlue TRAVEL COMMSTFEE FRIES 2 Lb.. - - put to gond use.Remsving or I COGNACmoML U - - reducing factors that contribute Travel Committee will meet ou Thursday, April.2 at 2 CONTADINA - C pin. All with an interest in helping toplan our one day bus trips TOMATO PUREE 25 Oz. VANDeKAMP5 - to delinquency is a good preveo- HAMMS - $1-19 lion.Far further, information, aroOur most eagerly welcomed. - 12L159 WELCH'S - ' - FISH 'n' CHIPS Food Values For You! Carol Chaconas, Youth , n -BEER 'CANS I ' costad 809 WE USE YOUNG PORK WHtCH MEANS - BL000PIOESSUREREADINGS - GRAPEJUICE ' Coordinator, 7601 N. Milwaukee . 6 Stoal. '. BIRD'S EYE LESS FATAND MORETENDERNESS Ave., W76itO, eut. 59. Blood pressurè Sadings are taken free nf charge ou mur- AUGSBURGER sday, April 2 from 4 pm. to 0 p.m. at the Vitlagn Administration 120Z. - GREEN GIANT BOTTLES - BROCCOLI CENTER CUT The good driver, says the Offices, 7001 N. Milwaukee ave. BEER C OCANS - WHOLE0rSLICED $59 Chicago Motor Club, remembers C - MUSHROOMS 4'd O,. Ja, SPEARS ' I - PORKCHOPS i LB. tkalhiujudgmcntshouldbe better TAXASSISTANCE - I thon the judgment of a child Stale and Federal iocome tau forms ore filled out by oar CONTADINA BIRD'S EYE BONELESS ' ' crossisgtkestreet. Give Volsateer brome Tau Ausistants un each Wed.and Friday C TOMATO PASTE. . 12:2r. Cnn s 09 ynungoters Ike benefit of the Iduring April from S am. mtil noon. Please call for as appuie- 'VIVA - A- -$ LITILE EARS 49C LB douhttake il easy. ' - -PORKROAST Imeat asttieyare necessary. PAPER TOWELS-.... Roli iLLMN MUCK - I $ 89OFCORN....,COfl, PINKSALMON...15liO,.cns I LOW COST AND LOW CALORIES THE BUGLE I - TAX QUESTIONS BRILLo queutions on LENDER'S (USPSO&9-7f0) - Our isesme tax consultant is available tu amwer SOAP PADS PASTORELLI - - SOPad, BABY - C s 59C David Besser Friday April 3 and Friday April tOfrom 10 am. orth noon. - PIZZA SAUCE-... BAGELS 12 Oa. Pkg. BEEF LIVER Editurosd Pnblishcr IQuestions canbeoddrossed tohim iapersnn or viatelephone; KRAFT - - $459:- KRAFT , - - OCEAN PERCH si 79 MAYONNAISE at I - - - RICH'S- LB . MIRACLE FRENCHor FILLET I Chucago Spring Spectacular KEEBLER. - C ITALIAN DRESSING çc COFFEE I The SaumActivities Center, Ldacota & Galite, Skohie plans a .- .uo,. NEWSPAPER PRETZELS Bsg REGIB' TURKEY RICH - 69c 00e day trip to Qaaker Oats, Watertswer Place, Lincoln Park - - HILL'S BROS. Vol. 24, Ns. 41, March 16, 198t Conservatory and the Sears Tawer on Wednesday, April 29, 29 PRINCE SPAGHEÚI SAUCE INSTANT COFFEE.... 150,. FASTPREPARATION, Ifrom9:35a.m. to 4:30p.m. JENO S 8746 N. Shermer Rd. Lmch will be at the Csmolsn. Reservatioss are limited and - BUY ONE QUART SAUCE EASY CLEAN-UP KLEENEX PIZZA -B. - Nibs, ILL. 88648 are taken ona first come4irstserved basis. - GET 1# PRINCE SPAGHETTI 8'l Phonr 966-1900-l-l-4 PAPER TOWELS.. CHICKEN s I Please call 073-0500, ext. 330. , - t. O L SNACKS. . . .70,Os *129 98 - - Truy 006 Published Weekly an Tharsday FREE PATTIES in Nifes, litiasis L L - LARGECHEESE Second Class postage for COKE -TAB __ EA, The Bagle paid alChicago, ill. PIZZA -- MONNACEP'S hotline FRESCA IMPORTEDITALIAN w. r.,.rn. 8h. rIght tuInuIt qa.ntltl.. and Onermt printIng ,eou. Sabscription rate (In advance) Persons having questions about ThehotSne number ix 907-5921. nr.,.in.,,r,.aseun MONNACEP'o spring tyrm, MONNACEP, the, adult Per single copy Ill - 8 7780 MILWAUKEE AVE. &haul's Poultry &'Meat Co One year $736 which begins April 20, can get an- educatiou element of Oakton 16 OZ BTLS. 7221 N. Harlem Avenue, Nues Two years $14.90 omerofastbycallingthe Community College, in PLUS DEP. Three years $18.00 program's hstliste. cooperation with Maine, Nitos, Open Mon. - Sat. 9-6 647-9264 1 year Senior Citizen $6.00 The holline will be open from S and Gleubroob high schools, will IN ELLI - ROS. iiSnieDam We Reserve.The RtghtTo Limit Quantitle 1 year (nat-of-county) $18.98 am. tu S p.m., Monday through he offering 055 courues during the 3.26504.1 AndCorrectPrinting Errors 5 year (foreign) $21.90 Thursday, beginning March 30, spring semester, iscluding 42 - .965-1315 All APO addresses 929 whenregiutratian fdr the spring oew courses In romd out a varied as for Servicemen - $19.90 term begins, through April 23. classurhedule. - - - TheBagIe,Thmday,M.reli Il hUll

ThèBàIe,Thanday,Mreh, 1981 NFS 'sponsòrs. ' educational .NiIsYouthProgram

- Tax exemption forms - . program for- parente provides opportunit - Morton -Grove-

Many paràtk rec that ' ' The Village of Nies, depor- etc.Jr. High Essay Contest, ' t.. - cercareIs Into the teaching nf nome of the must important these skills, and publishedtmerit ai Youth Services in oc-'Yooth Appreciation Week, Teen Senior Citizen News - _tuls in life aren't learned by several books and articles about ttvely InvOlVed in securIng jubo Advisory Huard.This group SENIOR'S tbelrcbildren '(of all ages) In life coping skills. and providing programs formeets unce a month to, plan and PHONE DIRECTORY - The roof for The Morton Grove Advisory Commission on Aging and tise bntksoratnclaol, Learnhg how Niles residentais $10 foc all three youths in the cousonunity. - decide programo and activities. to handle life's problems, fear- ussions($20 for non-Nues Somunof the pregrants and oc-There in currently 15 active - Senior Services Staff have completed workon o speciql phone- - sing how to houille nfr. nnd ilvities that are available; year directory of services and-agencies frequently,used by senlérd. - residents). Spouses are insignito members that serve on this The diréclories ore free and available to all residénts. Copies learning howtomake friends are attend at ne additional coot.Ifaround job placement for yuntas board.Jnh training sessions, skills that won't be found ui any the fee Ian obstacle, pirosis roll13-19,thatare registered with UmKids Asrunymons, a group of high can be obtaidod atthe Senior Center intlseVillage Hall. - titheir chlldrtn'stest barks, yet Dr. Cisek at Nilesyamlly Ser-,prngcamto perform a variety ofschool and college stridents wbe THURSDAYSOCIALCLUB -: how weB they are learned and vice, 696-3396 forspecial_jobo for residents and businesses help peers cupe with their eso Enpariding membership in the senior clubs meeting at the practiced will largely determine .arrangements. The cost nf one in the local area. Bicycle Sáfetyvironmeat through mp sessions Prairie View Community Center has necessitated opening how happy their smi or daughter indiniduolsesslon is $5 fisc NUes, Pafrslpriígrom, which includes a asd referrals tu experienced anolher doy lo accomodate Morton Grove-seniors age 55 and willbeinhife. T000ftestheyare residents, $10 for non-Siles peercourttypesystenstlsot hearscounselors when necessary. takenforgrauted-ltke, "you juet residents. Please regioter earlyviolatsrs who hove receivedYouth Interested in participating older wbeworildliketedrop In lo play cards. - - The new 000iorgruop will meet from 11 am. lu 2:30 p.m. naturally know how".Other since enrollment in limited. Yos bicycle sofety tickets. Youths inin any of these services shosild every Thursday. For further ïofsrmutïon contact Leo Provost, timm these skills ace Ignored - 'mayphoaeinyourregislratten to- the commnnity volunteer theirCuntnctCarsl A. Chaconas, Youth Senior Activities Coordinator, at985359. because it's a phase they are the agency. Make checks time feues Jene sasH Labor day-Coordinator, 967-6198, ext. 59 fur going thrnsgls.Smart parents payahletoNileuFmnilyservire. participating in this program aumore information. knuwthatisn'tlriie. Our children judges, clerks of court, cashiers, FREE HEARING TEST' -

- todayneedthesesklllsmure thon Free hearing screenings will be conducted -by the Chicago - Hearing Society on April 20 and 22. The screenings will take ever$ftrw - and they need np- piare at the Morton Grove Senior Center, 6101 Capolino, from IO ptrtsmitiesto learethese skills. -am. to 2 p.m. ucd are ovailahle to all reoidento. Appointments NilesFomilyllervtceisplèased ha. to announced a new educational are required, no caS the Senior Hot-Line at 065-4658, weekdays 9 - pregramfur aUpatessls who wish am. to noon. - to help their children deal with life. The agency will host three 1 WHATISDMSO? -- - - The letters DMSO stand for dimethyl sulfonide-a chemical semions starting April 2. for Villageo Niles Mayor NicholasBiase r) and By returning this form you eau reduce the three consecutive mammys at equalized assessed valuation on your home hy that han hoes widely used as un induatrisl solvent sitice the - Vifiage Qerk, Frank C. Wagner, Jr. (I) want to 1940's. In the 1960's, however, increasing use nf this substanceS' 7r3Opm.atNilesFamilyservtce alert all Nitos homeowners to make uure they $3000 which should eaue your property tan bill for In the Riles Thdeot Center, theyeor 1980. for human conditions --ranging from acutemuscle strains-tn - return their homeowners tax exemption form by chronic arthritis - ted to. confrontation betw005 the Food and Oaktonst Eachsftlsrue sessions April 10, 1981. - - Drug Administration and those-who believed that DM20 was will foessa ou one specific skill and "the snswer" to their problem. Since that time, several gover- how parents can teach it to their Emergency Room children: Arthritis Action gròup meeting ornent reviews and studies have done little to settle-the question- - April 2, Teaching Problem ofwhetherDMßO is "nafeandeffective". - Discussion .- Solving skills to yost children. The next meeting of the Maine be most informaticé. A question -There is no solid evidence of DM505 effectiveness for humaS- andanswerperiod will follow and -- Life is fall of problems - big Townuhip Arthritio Action Cous- Skokie Auxiliary, SkokieValley - conditionu other than bladder problems. Nonetheless, persistent' cil will be from 73O to 93O p.m. refreshments will be served. Community Hospital, announces reparla of its usefulness in the treatment of sprains, spinal in- problems - small problems. etc. Many peuple haven't learned ed- - Wednesday, April 1 in -the Pleaseplantojoinm. that Dr. John Caliendo, medical juries, und strokes-continue, despite the possible dangers of its feclive problem solving skills be The Maine Township Arthritis - cafeleria, - ground floor of the - director ei the emergency depar- - side effects. , deal withthem. -This ornais.. will Nesset Health Center,1775 Action Council is the eleventh totmenl of Skokie Valley, will Until farther studies are concluded it is suggested huitin- - Ballardrd., Parkflidge. form In the Chicago area duringspeak on "Emergncy dividuals avoid the use'of varions DMSO preparations unless discuss how you as a parent can Anne Robinson will present a the past year and a half.The Medicitie/the Emergency such use is being offered in the context of a carefully doistrulied - teach your children to think for Just lib5 jhs wautaro .hesiff-siei.isa,i rosrnl sip a pnsiefjpmtneOim'ih.b movie describing the foundation Council concept is designed to studythst assures the purity st the preparalion -andmonitoritsg themselves and use what in b.m. luthe',uaatwautrd' renarda! Hluhsatlntrreut tp.ld üsdes ih. law) PUIS Room", Monday, April 13, at 23O sometimes referred to au cam- titled On the Attack" which will provide ausiulance to personsp.m. in the South meeting room foranysideeffecis Ibatmight develop. - - tiesaddrdboestj'nitlssno pra.niasnal ------with arthritivand to develop im.at Ihe hospital. : lAi LADIESUMBRELLA - ' - . - -- Dr. Caliendo will conductan in- - RITES OFSPRING FESTIVAL April 9, Tracking your children Muintitiod ofdueabls, srátae.jail.tant selon. Clostn LEGAL NOTICE formol discussion covering the A festival of artsasd fun will he celebrated at Maine North disease. hnw io handle steeds.Many 'compartilseaaftablrfsrlsrgahsnd bag. Red naip Notice is hereby giveo, pur history of emergency medicine, High School, 9511 Harrison st., Des Plainen. Special evening children ore highistoung mrd easy Is- MEtJMBREILA - - - - stiantto "An Act io relation to the Intereoted persons are mutedpre-hospital-- emergency care, programs on Aprit9, 10, and 11 will feature the comhined Maine --'- to call Mrs. Nancy Moslello st to get upset over small things. - Foldbsgnempadslaa,nolteblefurcarn.deigla brief and the personnel at Skokie Concert Bauds at 8 on the 9th. Mime-T. Daniel, organist-Gary- - sue of an Asuimed Nanee in the ' They beven't-teomed howto han- fronidarablé. aritae-realaiantuylee. SlaCk salto conductortransactionof 696-7650. No reservations areValley. A question and answer Hänsos, and the "Singing Honsiecs" risS perform at Ion Friday dIe ail the stress in their lives. - required. period Will fellow. - - lhè 10th. And the honte at 8 on the 11th with the "Apollo Chocks 152 -246 QT.GLASRAKE'OVENWARE DISH - Business w the Stale," as amen- - This session will forruis en what 0r ofChicaga." - - - Mlerowasa.oe'enappeesrd. Glaab.ke'dlahcomauln Ii. awn ded, lhota certdication was filed par-entran do tohblp a child han- - by the undersigned with the Dance, jane music, singing, workshops, ort display, deismo, h.ed.woisrabaibat. Onentotible caneaelaae.wNhha.t. OPEN SOONI Newsupport- die stress and not became so '- 'peetretloa fsrysnrtnblritop. Bäkat ran b. soed alan. Inerme County Clerk of Cook County. - - aed concert music will be performed throughout the days of the anxtous.A very sscceusful - be_. fr5,0. unacbaete. - , - File No. K74806 on March 6, 1981. group festival. The Rites of Spring is being spensorodby Maine North relaxation mellad drill be taught Under the Assumed Nome of Joseph's HighSchool and they cordially welcome-the senior citinenn of HRIVALCROCK-ETrE SQT SCOWCOOKER' to thoporeata and suggestions on - Confection Connection with place Tailors Cleaners A now nsppeet group-foc teens - our cominsuity to attend and enjoy. For more information call 150w to handle clsildren's from Cooko.5 day whtetheeoobaawanl kia.Iloe.s.ìiadl.Iessan nids of bminess locatedat 6958 CarnI,-- sí single pocents is being formed Dean Douglas Harrison at29t-555g. - , ' - - willbeincludim. dIakon. Rernosoabla stooeaom fera.aydàanlng. Slanle hast Niles, (il. the true name asd 7950Waukegan Rd. remoti mohoSO-lS hooeunnwatehadforabomit 3f. Handy alga.l et the Mayer Knplan JCC, 5050 .- --, CREATIVEGIFT-MAKING CLASS April ¡5htandseokr.brorsnLenaocoeenRectpabookladadad. - residence address of owner is Nile, Illinois Church st., Sirokie. The gcosp is lt.Teaching yosr - Sisaren Ellis - 6958 Carol, Niles, Itere is a fient wayto nave money and create gifts withyoar - children how ta avercume - -- 965-2212 ce-spsnnsced by the Siegle Pana. --- -- tll-ORIGINAL-GRAISAMONTFIGURINES Il. ow'n special touch.Beginners as well as experienced croft shyness. This session will dtscsrus - $dl&eaatde,tgnsfromandd-honomGrataàMonlcoahomraA rama Ceulitisn and theJo' - Youth Services Department. makers ore welcome to attend this class at the Marten Grove hnw o parent can encom'age o ponstaoea!kistorndeeamlTh.sebsanifU'l2'flginleá.hemadr Senior Center. There wilt he a charge for materials hut instrsc. J Teenswillmeet weekly to child to 'meet new pesple and fcdmthobout rebelad dsaadlndleida.5yhand-paiìstedln discuss issued of mocal coneoch tien is provided free, so come and enjoyo morning of creativity.' leans social skills. dietluetive, arthUr colom.-aoeetott.rojdecnr. - The nent project begins on Monday March 30, at 10n.m. For with professional lenders, -Jalian - Each semiun will be led by Dr. further information callthe Senior Het-Lioeot9ts-4658, - - - -- VDEMPSTER KOSHER- - Breeten and Susan Forbus. - Jomes Cisek of NUes Family voawospoern' - tBx.aa ------Foc informatise, call 675.2200, Service. Dr. Clunk hou cosducted sao.1.1a.$asHsu.,...en.' Fish Market and Delicatessen POOL TOURNAMENTFLNALS - o, s. est. 217. - The championship match ot the Morton Grove Sénior Center's hundred's of groupe fur striders- ease sm- .n.. The' 4916 W. Dempster first annualS-boll tournament isschcdule for Toesday, March31 ta/portata. conducted enteosive kia.is'a UmbroSoFIIEig FREE PItEE FREE $3.00 - "Isyourhome MWa U,ì.IIn '- , FREFREE PItEE FREE 300 (Nextto Dempter Kosher Meat Market) Other features of the drop-in-Center include, cords, coffee, - hisured for cable (wide screen) TV, bilchen facility, stereo music, special 2:QLosom - ---.------, - - - - Skokie, Illinois Skokie Post 94a.ni: - - $6.00$3.00 FREEFREE'7.00 programs, andis place to bring o friend andrelan. ------whatít The Center io open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday RljIICeasik.tte 11.00 'SAtO $5.00PItEE '1300

-- - - from 9 am. to 4r30 p.m. and, Wednesday und Saturday ------679-7625 worth,or. from 9 seeks boys GìùMFtgadne 13.00 l000' 700 FREE 'lSOO a.m.ten000. - - -.rstu-- - Just for what tImn flJlQtOscPLOrr,500,SuÌc,adaipsfldlillst,na. p For- further informislion about these and 'otherSenior State candidate 'l'Dogi itC0StY0ll.s?" Programs, call the Morton Grove Senior Hot-Line,weehdays, 9 Skokie Post 320, American pramlala. ara ánnitablmfrea, Mardi *1051. 5hs. Aa5t al. cHECK - See me about Slate Farm's Legiun, is accepting application- loll, or usd11 s" pilo era anb.s.t.d. Oats ass pesamism p. am, until noon st 965-4658, or Bud Swanson, Senior Services eranesO I. allo,cnkl.,Moosy d,PO.Imid tom atena rarest ka sas jtodottandcheck - oulomaUc inlIalion Coordinator at the Village Hall, 965-4198. - - u from interested young men for blood promane. It's fast coverage thai con increase the 31M Boys State session to be ry oa7n and convenlnt, Assailable Hours Daily and Sunday - 7 AM to 8 PM with the value 01 YOCI home holdjune t-13 at Eastern Illinoin atbothofflcea. -, Closed Friday Evening and All Day Saturday FRANK University in Charleuton, Illinois. PARKINSON Boys State Chairman, Mark Heritage Club Easter lüncheon fleflroot, advises that apghcanta KOSHODS fl4DMILWAUKEE AVE. ,-'. The. Heritage Club of Polish The event will be at Robert and must Isovecompletedatleast esse Cook County Federal Savings -- - NUla. IL Americans will hold the Easter -semester of their Joder year of Alleno Regency Inn at 5319 W. 2720W Davon Aou .chlc.o. ILSOO5ò.7ß127OO DEtI Swienconka, au Easter luncheon DiverspyAve. - - - - high sthost dud hove at least 00e party un Sunday,- April 26.- 9147N.Ydatita9M Rd. .ModønOioan L00063.9SG-S97O' . Fresh Fish Homemade Pickled Fish Lil a good The donation ts$9.75 perpernun- semestEr nf high school to be FSHC Blessing of the fund will lper- completed to be eligtble. . Gefilte Fish Smoked Fish S - neighbor, for members and $10.75 per per. sLox S ColdCuts State ESrm formed by Rev. Father Robertsun for oun-members. Reuse- if - there are any interested FREE CUS1OMER AItRiGAT BOTHLOCATIONS Darow. An Easter Sunsetvallons mast be msde before poáig men alio would like to at- ALSOFrozen Soups,Stews and is there. Parade will be held with prizes SIATE FARM FIRE April18. Dancing will betothe teud, pinoso call Mr. Deflrost at Other PreparedFoods - - for the must beautiful and mssicofthe T1U'IIINOtés. AND CASUALTY COMPANY original. In addition, there will For more informatIon call 792- - 1100e OSier Olserrringren,ltlirsis hedoorprtzes, 2888or763.ltdt. - The Bagle, Thursday, March 2g, 19U1 Pagel Piges Theflugle,Thursd.y, Marehf, liSt

CompereAnd - 345E Nues North or your - - T POEICOIPTION - r y 0 We Reserve s NEEDS! Vikings The RightTo -Uso Your Motor Credit Limit Qsaarrtitie ESmassacreDons U Old And Correct Printing Errors Well, Pridaythe llthjsat wasn't St. John Brebeuf St. JohnBrebeuf : a goad day foe the Dons. They is Gemini Mustangs win were missing most of these long Womea'aBuwIing - Holy Nàrnè - distance men which led to a Theidaymarithigllrlll..m. .HARLEMI.DEMPSTER9653880 SALE DATES: Isassaree by the Vikingo of Niles ThursdayMárch 26 thruWednesday, April istj. Staté Wrestling meet WeekeiMarehlt ClannIcBowl.MarnIiSì 'n' -'ono ,- -. '0,0_0 Nosth. AOAO - AndyBeierwaltes - KLEENEX The Vikings heat the Dons 70 te TeaIIIIIW.dIRIgI -L u Ten wrestlers from Eastpetitive weight classes. Placing 30. StateFaimlnsssrance --98 u Maine's Gemini School competed 5thlntheStateÌnthetlilh. weight Dedgen 112-84 SuhorbanSlsade&Shutter --55 00I . Thom were some mmpetstoes - 110-St - TOWELS - DISHWASHING against hundreds of wrestlers - -49 - class is jee Brogan, and Tony whohroosght alosgthairgoed Inch 104-92 '° '°-:3's from throughout the State on Restaurant. - - 46 SPALMOLIVELIQUID Cappelletti placed 5th in the 145 chasms - Tom Nassghlon, who Buicks 198-Il JUMBO ROLL March 13 & 14 at the illinoislb. weight class.SIxth place Liquarn 46 CLOROX -. i 6"or1O finished fisOt in the higk jump,. Lincolns 101-95 r ENVELOPES 220Z. Elementary.School Associations KoapYaneralHome - - 45 REG. 1.05 State Champion in the 75 lh and PhilAhatecola, who Snishad Fneds. 96-180 : State Wrestling Meet held Inweight class was Dave Kratz and NorweodFederalSavingn .44 -LIQUID BLEACH I: .fiestss thu 50 yaed dash. Chevrolets 94-102 Blçomington, illinois. They areDavid Kat*enherg Is 6th place KappyaRestaurant 41 There was a ,erfonnaoce thatPontines 87-198 C JoeAmbrosé, Joe Brogan, PeterState Champion in the 185 lb. TerraceFuneralHome 38 49c C toochedthe bosnio ofeveeyone. Itctsryslers 86-lia 'Y4kc.- Arvanitis, Carlos ConcI, Andre weight class. was from a Senior high jumper, NilesSavingn&Loan 33 Otobiles 95-111 GALLON W 7- _-U. ... Dorney, Tony Cappefletti, David Gemini wrestlers who pinned Glena Nickela, who had never lstNat'lBankofNileu - .58- Katzenberg, Gary Llvingnton, their apponhoto wereJoe Am- Wledemann&Soslns. 25 LIQUID REG. 2l9 jarn S'S'.Wall Glena didHigh Series TICKLE Dave Erais, ondJim Wtsite. brase, reeeiving2 gold pins, Tony better than that. He ended ap in - ,- TnpTen HI-DRI VANISH -

529 J. Hoppe - .Of the ten wrestlero whoCappelletti, 2 gold pins, David GeorgeKaderaheh 38g-211-591 ROLL-ON second place clearing a height of580 R. Oehab - BATHROOM AUTOMATIC qoalified for the Stete Meet, six Kotzesherg1 gold pin, Gary . Wooliuir. 0,10". Witheffoet from members Joe Cerek 233-574 DEODORANT - revetved State Medals. Joe Am- Livingston, 1 gold pin, and Jim 83 M. Bocklin COLOWATERWASH 16 OZ. TISSUE BOWL of the teach team libo Glena, BillKemp 208-572 2 OZ brase is Firot Piace State Cham- White, 2gold pins. Noten Dame will win the .1981 Frank Notars -571 CLEANER pion in the 70 1h. weight clam. Gemini Janior High piaced 8th HigbGasne championshipóf the Warren 186 J. Hoppe LarsiSkaja 213-557 Wast Ir Jim White is First Place StateintheState in total teampolots in lavitatiossal ou Satorday, March George Morito 210-554 C Champion io the 135 1h. weight 183 P. Oclsab .99c the 1981 State Toornamest. 28th. 181 C. Beeftink Bill McEnerney - 550 clans. Both boys were recognized Coogratalations go to Coach - AosdyBeierwaltes -- -ii for possessing extraordinarySasan Poozella andher team and Bob Kroeger 547 ability and desire in the corn-Assistant Coach, Mark Gottlieb. Rich Belmonte 538 lOw/40 ASSORTED VEGETABLE . St. John Brebeuf - RITZ Thursday afternoon and FLOWER Women's Bowling VC«- CRACKERS SEEDS Maine East grad in March 19 --- : , ladies howling TharadayEvenlng9:30p.m. i LB. Stassdlnga - Paints FUJI - AmericiasRivetCo. - 158 Big Ten gymnastics Team Standings W-L NortownWindawilhadr 115½ - Cappieilo& Co. 40-24 -COLOR$169 Bowler'sShop 95 The Big Ten Gymnastics Statel°armlm. 44-20 and parallel bars with identicaL AceRental - - . 91 FILM - 6FOR1 Chaispionshipo were held at Ohio - Caodleugbt3ewelero 28-32 9.4scoces. - KrierBrou.Jsts. 98½ - State March 13 and 14.illinois Sob. Shade & Shutter 35-35 Before the meet, Ray had Morton Grove Bank . 80 KITCHEN CLOTHESPINS KENTUCKY nsloeaked hy Minnesota 539.5 to already qssalifled for the NCAA Skajs Terrace 35-35 Shohie Lanes 85 SPEEDY Ft. Dearhorn Lith. 35-35 BLUE GRASS ! 539.4. One of the osifstanding per- Championships to he held at the Dug Realtors 73- KLENZER 50 GRASS fonnances of the meet was toc- University of Nebraska April 2,3, Koops Funeral Home 34-3g SPRING TYPE SEED ned in by Golden Gopher Gym-assdl.Hewillcompeteinall- August & Sons 32-28 The Aristocrats 14 OZ. SEED nastJoey Ray who led the Maize sroundandparallelbaro. - Demputer Plana 2941-46to \\\ Bank of Nues 1841-51% Standings W-L East Demons to a State Cham- Other Chicago area gymnasts Frank TurkHeating 40-38 pissship in 1979 and nearly tor- who did well at the Big Ten moot High Series Barton'sSports Center 41-39 99c \\ nedthetrich again in 1980 despite were Joe Leo of York (for Iowa) RufEsterprism - 44.40 $1.29 aninjaredback. R. Ugel V ., who tied with Ray for, first in WindsorRadio&TV 43½-40% -99 B. momia 497 Bay, a freshman, scored 54.05pommel horse; Kevin McMsr- Fix-AllIS 41½-42% in optionalo and 55.75 in corn-chie of !Çaperville (for illinois) E. Ford 489 ARTHRITIS STRENGTH ShokisLanes ' 40-44 --SUMMERS EVE palsories for 109.6 pointa to take whotookoecosdin rings (9.5) sod M. Kroll TOMBSTONE ALLERESTj - ... Frat. Order Police - second pIaccio all-around behind seventb inall-aroond (104.05); J. Scham 474 38½ -40½ BUFFERIN \w DISPOSABLE CHEESE M. Callisen- Fix-Alit 37½-dMa teammate Brian Meeker (112.8). and Steve Lechoer of Maine Nor- 407 :--- DOUCHE PIZZA tsr addition, he won individoal in (for Illinois) who took third in 40 CT. - .-- 24's championships in pommel lsocse paraulelhars(9.05). High Games UFFEPIN SINGLE PACK 20 DZ. B. Thomas 190 - - R.Ugel 190 Beat*heBeaps . M. Kroll 185 at Four Flaggs 69 E. Ford 183 5 J.Sckoos 178 Aracqaethall challenge contest o' M. Veotrello 177 with proceeds going to the oo_- , ® °@sstOs American Cancer Society will he -- on Satorday, March 28, -1t30 u u - p.m. tu 4h30 p.m. at the Four Girls' Bowling Flaggs Court Club, 8245 Golf rd.

inNiles. - - Club All are welcome to play one game of racquetball, up to eleven _4 doubles invitational was held points, with Chiragò Bears SASHA - Constance M. Fob. 23 formembers of the Matne ployers Vince Evans, Revie 7-UP or SEAGRAM'S . JIM OwnanOriginal HunterOldelyme East Girls' Bowling Club, and Sorey, Dan Jiggeta, Matt Suhey il, GIN Stohieraki trophies were awarded to Sue e!--- DIET 7-UP 7 Ceiling Fanfor as low as orBohFiuher. - . 2 BEAM Marine CpI. Constance M. Mader and Robin SeIzer for There will be a $7 charge per 2LITER CROWN Stohierski, daughter of Raymond having tbe highest two game person. For farther infsrsssatloo, NO RETURN E. and Henrietta Stohieroki ofseries with handicap and to call Four FlaggsCuurt Club, 540- Bol-l-LE $139.95 8147 N. Chester ave., NiIez has Laura Schmidt and Valerie 8787. . CITY HOUSE SHOW SPECIAL Westphal for tise second highest $459 $949. retorted from a deployment to . 3 DAYS ONLY 1.75 LITER Iwaktsni, Japon. - - ND cagers on - - Fe..St.-Sm..M.rshZ7-25 - 750 ML. PARTY SIZE 1.75 LITER - PARTY SIZE Fhi i 1I o; Cibsicihe OrigRml. h(.,(e cOnference team BUDWEISER - -hi ;,pc S i.. I lidi.1..\fiica1,1cl1h cIeliIII1\U (lI1 Dan 000ghon and Jim Les SASHA HARWOOD FRANZIA ((U1II ,!b}1 , ((11)1 i p, :t:Ir(;Ig .( N '((liner gi -TVeIJ repreoested Notre Dasole High BEER - tìIlIa Ills 1((riCC(,!1(aIlti((l1(IC...C au,It:1(((P.i( School on the East Suburban -.- VODKA CANADIAN TABLE WINES !((li( lli,l (((itCil, l- li'((((a I I1l1ie1.Iii( 51 ja. 12PAK 1.5 LITER . Regular '359 Each ; (jata. Ei..1(jilt,tII ,'iila((a8-f((((ICejIjIlg Cathokc Conference -Basketboll 12 OZ. CANS Coaclses' Association light Idap tar and gibeIII 11(11 II. llapaN j(1O1la All- S849 liaperacas um kaailS(durs. Rana irecinìatIy Conference BosketbaliTeom. SUN TRAVEL wiI find the BEST airfare for you... - 3 FOR - $669 cùols mare ecanatì,jcal!y than air c('IldjtiaIljplg Receiving b000rable mention $359 899iE ...Anywhero ùnder theasini- from Notre Dame were Jim 1.75 LITER 1.75 LITER PARTY SIZE PARTY SIZE REBATE 3.00 s.. O'Neill andJim Sherwood. - aHo,.ecp,,.,,, .:*Ft, Mces,.,kkpIt, W.St Chicago to Tucson. Phoenix. . Û- Albuquerque, or Palm Springs - - - MATEIJS - Little-known Tacts BEPL - $549

Round taip285.00per adult - The state of Hawaii Is turning ROSE'or WHITE Ose of ita natural resources-a SCOTCH OSRENACHE ROSE . RHINE FANSN? THINGS Round trip 98.00*per child CHABLIS BLANC- CHENIN BLANC / revotant breers-into a wind fac- -WINE 'AlOareno bloat so ohanuo ond artsIstantOntis. FRENCH COLOMSARD tory, according to the January $4.59 Net Cost To You (Plus Tax) 5(5 Rd Reader's Digest. By 1994 32 win- CALL NOW FOR DETAILS!. - . s 69 when you send in Coupon simiOs are enpected to provide 29$.4466 p2-4675 963-030b 594-92U 750ML.- Nibs . 967-6410 - Pad Riáge- 696-1690 about eight percent et the cloe- MilibroaRs 5h. PS.) 962 N. Nsethwnst Hwy. trinity for the island of Oahu and Plun Stat. and Local Ìax.a 750 ML. the city oflt000lulo. , - ji

Synagogue NSJC singles The Bugle, Thursday, March 96, 1861

, - Çburch & TempleNotes CounCil plans program - :1 On Wednesday eveaing, March I- Obituaries Nues Lions - Yom Hashoah _25, at 8 p.m. The Northwesl Project N.E.W.to aid Suburban Jewish Congregation - Scòuts receive Congregation celebration StOgIes wilt preuentwprograrn at Eleanor Braun present raincoatsin Maine transition the Coogregatlon,- 7808W.Líyoou, Eleanor Brami, 78, forsuerly ol Morton Grove5 'Everythiag You Rilen, died Wedoesday, March18 religious awards Adas Shalom 00 Thursday evening, April 30,Wanted -To-Know Absul in Lutheran General Hospital. of students at 8 p.m. the syoagogse CouncilSecurities Investments Bot Mrs. Braun )nee RocH) was horn Maine Township High School ta will culminate in three corn- The Bar Milovah of Douglas Didu't KnowWhoTaAsk," District 207 announces the first in - hined concerts FREE to the Baum, 0000f Lioda aod Richard of the Northwest Sobarbo will July 15,1954. She was - the hold a community-wide Yam.Mr. Floyd Siegel, ioeekhroher devoted wife of William. Funeral a series of efforts on the pal't of public:Band Concert - mar- Baum, will highlight Saturday with Wayne, Hummerand Corn. the Board of Education, ad- sday, April 9, 7:30 p.m. in the morothg (March 28) services at Huuhoah celebrotiso at Mass was celebrated no Satur- Congregation Beth Hillel, 3220punywillpresent a uhort day, March 21 at St. Catherine ministration and -faculties of- auditorium at Maine North (Dee Coogregation Adas Shalom, 8945 program nad then anuwer District 207 to assist is the trac- aod Harrison tt., Des Plaines). Dempoter, Morbo Grove. Rabbi Big Tree Lace, Wilasette. Gerda Lahosre Church, Gleoview from Weissmao Kleiñ, well-knownqueutionu. Refreshmentu will he Skuja Terrace Funeral Heme, sitios of MaineNorth stsdeots to Orchestra Concert - Monday, Israel Porosh will deliver the author and surVivor of theserved.Cost for the eveiiïog in Riles. .Interment was in SI. East and West. April13,7:30 p.m. inthe charge withservices begioniog at $1.58. Project N.)North) E.(East) fieldboose at Maine East (Dem- Holocaust will he the guest Boñiface cemetery. - - 9a.m. For additional information W.tWest)-Music -isun pstec and Potter rd., Park Fridayeveoiog family services speaker, ucd built around her will he a progmanuindluding Cantonal please contact Ron Sumner at outgrowth of the district's School Ridge). Choral Concert - mur- start at8 p.m. and everyooe is io- 965.0980. Closiog-Student Transition oday, April 23, 7:30 p.m. in the sited to atteod and partake io the rcoditioos, a cuodlelighting St. John - Ceremsoy, appSpnlule readings Committee's work to develop co-- ouditoriumutMaine West OnegShabhat. Brébeuf Schoól periences for the music students (Oakton and Wolf rd., Des The Sisterhood soiS hold its as- .aod a program for the youth of the commuoity. Community in order for them to become oc- Plaines). . cual new merchandise auction io registration . clamated to faculty, students and Gerald F, Hug, project door- the oyaugogoe 00 Satarday night, Everyone bi the conunsnity iu . lirograms. Mr. AKtS. Cochrane, dinalor, stated that the talented- April 4 at 8 p.m. There will he invited to atteod.Aoyooe wan- Seder 'amlliesthatptan to have Iheir ting more information cao coo- principal at Maine North serves students of- the three Maine bargainsgalore utaoctioo prices. The Third Annual Community children attend St. Jobo Brebeuf as chairman of the district corn- schools include a 250 piece baud, tact Alvin G. Bloom, Council . Everyone is welcome to atteod Seden ut the Mayer Kaplan JCC, School for the First Time (luring mittee, and, Gerald F. Hug, a 150 voice choir, and a 130 piece ucd refreshments will be served. Presideot, through Temple Beth 5050 Church ut, Skokie will he the 1981-52 school year must Israel-JU 8-8915; Rahhi Bernard music chairman at Maine East is symphony orchestra.All solee- Adas Shalom wcicomeo your S!inday, April 19, atep.m. - register those childceo at the coordinator of the three school lions will he conducted by the participation and interest in Il an- Msssman, Cosocil Sec.-Treas. Mah Niobtanuh...Why Is thin school by March 25.Parents project. Activitim have included music fadultiesand music Troop 175 is proud to announce that 10 of itsocoutu were the through Coognegational Kolnight different from all other should call 968-32gO foc an appoin- The Riles Lions presented the SL Jobo Brehesf Safety Patrol- tivities. If yos wioh lo be placed with new raincoats this past mooth in beeping with the Lioos music department visitations, booster groups will assist with grotefol recipieot.o qf the coveted Ad Altari Deioward, bestOwed 00 oar mailiog list or Wast more Emeth-875-3370 or llheldoo Mom, nights??? On this night, we in. tment lo complete the socialmixers, dinoers and spoo scostO who fulfill their doties cot only to their community aod - tradilios ofcsmmnnity service. ushering and sponsoring a recep- ioformation, pleede call Homey Committee Chairman throsghvite you lojoin asfor a registration procésu. rehearoats. The end results of the troop, bot also to their church. The awesomeceremooy wao receo- Cssgnegatiooal Beth Hillel-AL 8- Acceptiog the coats for St. John's, Sister Rita Green thanked Ihe tien, open to everyooe, after each Witteobergat 440-3100 or 965-1880. Traditional Cunslnuoity Seder - Children currently attesdiog mmm faculty and studenta effor- perfornsance. tty hetd ut Holy Name Cathedral, aodesce agab, Troop 175 scot a 1213. with Rabbi Neil Bniefof-the Riles SJB will receive registration Lisos and said,"lt is most gratifying to know Ike Lions care so proodty repreoeoted oumher el its scosto to the alter to represeot . Towoship Jewish Congregation- materials for the tOOFSl school much about the safety of the children of Riles." Liso Presideot st. Jobo BrebeufHoly Name Society opoosored troop. Edison Park Five Course Dinoer- Catered and yeor doming this week. The corn- RssCMcAodrew stated the slogan, "We Serve" will always mean In additioo to those who received Ad AttOriDei religioas awards, served by the Mayer Stiebel pleted forino should he returned community service as well as helpiog the blind andvisually hao- Steve Weiss received the special Pope Piso Xl!award, the oext Lenten-Luncheon Organizatioo - Afikomen Prizes to the school ass000 as possible.-. dicappedand deafaod hearing impaired." _1aft level oirecogoitiao whichísgiveo tohighschoolstodeols. - Wearing the brighl yellow coats are students Eva Wrohlewski utLítr1 - Lutheran Reservations limited to Ilse first Shows, above are (lop row) Hifi Majewoki, Steve - Concerts and Joe Magnelli. Shown above 1. to r. are: Lion Presidest Russ Weiss, Mike Ztepersons.- - - Sergot, aod Jim Stroad, all members of the McAodrew, Lion Frank Troiani, Eva and Joe, Sister Rita Grecs. scout leadership corps. The Bjorosoo Male Chorm will For information on costs, RTA monthly (Middle row) scouts Joe Gabel, Dan O'Neill, CraigCzerlaois aod Duo-Pianists Lysso Brunt and and Lion Tony Hobich. Mark Sergot, (Bottom row) scoots FrankCiemsiwa, heheard -atEdisonPark please contact Minna Davis, Tooy Gloriaoa Lotherao Charch, Avoodale and Pot Gibbons will he the featured Adult Services Department, 675- tickets go on sale aodScottSergot. - Oliphant Avenses, Chicago, on artists Wodoesday, April- 1, for 2206, cnt. 227. District 63 in state math contest Wedoesday, Aprilt at 73O p.m.- the fourth of this year's Lenten- Regiooal Transportation ,Doring the Midweek Lesten Ser- Luncheon Concerts at the Park Authority moothly pre-poid bus +op math classesat District Martin Lee, DavId Simone, Liset- -vice, they will sing several nelec- Ridge Community Church. Each JCC to feature tickets went on sale at 45-03's Apollo llchool recently pm' te Jamora, Kirsten Clos, and tionu nader the direction of Mr. weekly pcogram hegiso at 12-10 locatioos throoghout the RTA tidipated in a state-wide contest Mary Wiltjem. Wayne E. Spies. p.m. and consists of -a Iweoty- -Irene Hughes Regioo on Wednesday, March22 sponsored -bytheIllinois The five eighth graders whose- Now's ! The Leoten meditatioo will be mioute Concert followed by a Irene Hughes will he a feature the RTA announced today. Area Mathematics League. The test. lest scoreowere sohmitted are: locations given on February 1f, consisted based oo the song "Paso It00", Lenlen meal. . at a Singles "30 and older party" include: Second Steven Davis, Joey Scafami; fifth io the Midweek Lenten . The cooperi is free, and a utthe Mayer Kaplan JCC, 5651 Federal Saviegs 8- Loan, f065 of 40 multiple-choice questions to Lauren Veil, David Ruth, and Series on themes from songs aod donation of $1.10 io ssggested for Church st., Skskie en Monday Dempster, Morton Grove; First he completedwithin 30 minutes. MitcheltRoth. lime! theloucheon. Phone 823-3164. March 3Sat7:3Sp.m. Each garni Federal Savings & Loao, 8400 W. The top five scoren earsed by hyrnoo. There will be a special .Childreo'o Sermeo eoplaioing the will get o 5 notaste reading frdin Dempoter, Niles; First Federal the seventh and eighth gradef SENIOR CITIZENS thefamedustrologist Savingo& Loan, 122 N.:Northwest teams were submitted to thei ShampooaSet '2.50 - stained glass windows nl the and ItooryDaysocepsoundoyl i Chsrch. - - refreshments will heuerved. The Highway, Park Ridge; Shokie Illinois Mathematics League for REPLACE YOUR OLD - -Visitors are cordially invited to ND offers coed feeo for the evening are $12 and Federal Savings & Loan, 7952 school ranking and individual FREDERICKS COIFFURES GAS WATER HEATER he present at Ibis aod the should he paid in advance at the Liscoln ave., llkoloie; aod Shokie award comideratioo. . 5391 N.Milwaukee Ave Chiouso, III. fCIaud Mnsdavf . remaioiog Midweek Serviceto be junior high Coot er. Federal Savings & Lean at 4747 - The five seveoth graders whose f WITH A NEW held os April f,'Til the Eod of summer school For information, call 875-2296, W. Dempotec, llkohie. test scores were submitted are: Time", Maioe 5051k High School ext. 217. Choir, goests. Immediately following the Ser- Notre Dame High School fer FREE GIFTS* ...PLUS DISCOUNT PRICES ON GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCTS vice, a Coffee Hour will be held io Boys, 7055 Dempster, Riles, will Community the Chsrch-.Parlors hosted bybe offering a co-edscational juuior highssnunerochoel. - Seder SCO"T members of the Chorch's Luther 8870 Leagse. The first oeusioo will run from The Third Annual Comniunity N. Milwauk.. Avenuo June 17 lo July 15, with the secood Seden will he held at the Mayer (ACROSS FROM McDADE) 5005ion.schedsled from July 1310 -- ..Nues Sä-vings 11h Kaplan JCC io kirn Sunday, Mon. toFri.9:30 to 7:30 - Sat 9 to 5:30 - Sun. 9:30 to 4PM . NSJC August 4. April 19 al 6p.m. Reservatiom SALE ENDSWEDNESDAY. APRIL 1,1981 Courses offered include typing, are limited to the first two han. - 7th grade remedial math, -8fb , dredpeopte. - On March 27, Friday Evesiog grade remedial math,corn- YouMustPresentThisEn&eAd Fer information, call the Adult - Services at tOl5 p.m. at North- pouition, 5th grade basic math, - c0NsERvAI1ON--- Services Departsuent ext202 and West Snbsrban For This Iternl - Jewish11h grade reading, remedial 217. - An Association Coogregatioo, Rabbi Lawrence grami)sar, 7fb grade basicmath, KLEENEXJUMBO H. Charney opon bio return from 5th grade grammar, 7thgrade Israel whO speak ahont his lorael reading, remedial reading, 8th Aviva Hadassah Trip. Cantor Joel J. Rcnnick will grade math, 71k gradegransooiar, . Devoted to PAPERTOWELS ROLL chant the liturgy of the evcoiog. and 7th grade math.- Country-Western Wilh noery s3.00 or more poruhase euclodingC)garettes Sisterhood will host the receplios Brochures and registration LIMITi follewioglhe nomines. forms are available inthe Dance Satnrday moroieg, David,sos Academic Office at Ike school. - of Richard aod Paola limoso, Aviva Haijasuah cordially in- ' - .- . . - Security 13°OFFLABEL loformation on theprogram can-viles all singles 25-45 lo their PALMOLIVE will he Bar Miluvah. also he obtained by calling 065- -country-western dthce oo Sun- . HIGH INTEREST...ANDGIFTS TOO.. Sunday morsing Services will 2906 between Iam. and 4 p.m. jay, April 5 from 5-9 LIQUID 220Z. 79 he at 9 am. followed by p.m. at the . LIMIT2 a Men's Mosdsythrough Friday. - Rookery, 12 E. Division.Cash Ask abóut our 6 Month and 30 Month I-Ugh Yields Club Breakfasl.There will be har, complementary refresh- AquaNetHaIrSpoey,eo0s.,,,,su,,:,, '1.99 79 local political speakers following AUTO LOANS...HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS...INTEREST AND CHECKING the breakfast. Snnday, March 29, mestO and pnizeste all who came ' Nursery School Father Pioneer Women Io Western dress; dance contests. BayarAeplrInws..no, '275 and Donation is $3.Soatthe door. 7077 DempsterNilès, III. 60648967-8000 '1 chitdreo opon house. Sunday, April 5, the Sisterhood/Meo'o Reenah Chapter Altprnceeds frops this dance LovelandDi.hwe.hlngLkwo,. 995 will go to benefit the Hadausah 5741 Dempster M9rton Grove, III. 60053965-4113 211' Club Auction will take place. OoSaturday,- Marth Freeadmiosion. 28, MedicalOrgunlzntisn hoopitalu m . 2855 W. Touhy Chicagot III. 6ó645973-4950 0-TIPSei. '1,79 79$ Preview Reenab Pioneer WomenwillIsrael. showing al 65Op.m. and Andino -- - - 24hour depository all locations at 7 p.m. There will he preseot"ANighlinVegas, Helknann. Real - Mayonnaisesio '219 - new mer- held at the V.FW. Post, 7401Lin- I FEITZ ANDERSONCOMPANY, INC. chandise,giftcertificai05, coIn ave., Shokie. 59$ linnotian is -JJ Bnd-Aldsw, '1,49 weekend vacâtiono, dinoerfor $2.50. - 4825 MAINSTREET SKOKIE,ILLINOIS 60077 FSUC Iwo and many more itemsfor the Games ofChance, Bingo, Vic'sNyquM s,.a,,e, loo filled evening. ' e sis" '3,26 Refreshments, and Door ).(e , Prizes. ufree giftoffervel d March 21 Ohm April 11.1981 We Reserve The RlghtTo Limit Quantities .- AndCorrect PrintingErrors - for qualifying depoaita of 300.00or more - Coupon Redemption ForBarclay Cigarette. i; Pagelo TheBugIe,ThuThdy, March26, 1981 - The Bugle, Thursday, March 2$, 1991 - -P.gell Resurrectionmothers plan FashionShow Your-Old. Gas -

Nues Library & . -hosts preschool .-

programs - Mode!n Maid s - Registration for the Riles Reid-Argiris Public Uhraiy DistriCl'o opriog oessiosofpreschodistóry programs will bègis Mosday, A MATtER--OF tAStE....

March30. - Toddler Time, a story and oc- tivity program for two-year.oldo nod os accompaoyiog adulI, will MàdernMaid and Yoù! be offered ut both the Main and Branch Libraries. Toddler Time BuIlt-In Z3 Double Oven bothwith will be offered ht the Main energy savIng Elctro-Pllot® pIlot- - Library, 6960 Oakton, os Toesday, lO-lO3O and 1l-ll3l, less electrònlc Ignition ànd Perma- em ai beginning April 14. The Branch - Shownabovel. lo r. Helen brISk, Anne Marie Creagh, and Marion Clean® continuous cleanIng Other - - - Library, 8321 Ballard, will hold . Vargo. - -- Toddlm Time on Tharsdays, 10. features Include: Eyelevel control panel Automatic Delay Samsonite card table and 4 10:30 beginning April 16. - A Spring Time Dinner ànd - Cook-N-Hold digital clock. Rotiserle 19" bake lower oven Slorytime for children ages 0.5, Fashion Show will be presented chairn'30 lbs. of hack ribs, a $100 will be offered - atthe Maine by theMother'sClubof Marshall Field gift certificate, a 19"bake/broil upper oven Infra-Raye broiling. Choice of Library on Wednesdays, 10:30.11, Resarrection High School on week-old for two, and a 9 is. - colors or black glass. hegioning April 8, and Thor-Friday, April 3, at the Starlight black and white Zenith TV. Yoar sdayn, 10:30-11 or 2.230 begin- Inn, 9950 W. Lawrence Ave. hostesses for this enjoyable Built-In 36" Cooktop with Combo-Grliie® with ceramic coals niog April 9. The Branch LibraryCnchtailo at f p.m. will be evening of entertainment will be bring you outdoor flavor anytime and real cooking versatility all will hold Storytime for three- followed by dinner at 7, then the Aos Creagh and Helen Borlak. ye-'r-olds on Taesdayn, 10:30-11, newest in fashios will he shown The donation is $15 anti tickets the time. Other features include:Interchangeable grille/griddle beginning Aprd 7; for childrenfor bnth Mothers and Danghters. must he purclsasedahead of tinsé. 4 Hl-lo simmèr burners Child safe push-turn controls ageo 4-5 on Tuesdays, 2-3:30, also Among the many prizes will he a Mariac A. Reid to Dean S. Argiris of Nues is The engagenent of beginning April7;and far Porcelain burner boxCooktops available In choice of coiors a0000nced by her pareot, Mr. & Mrs. Thmos W. Reid of Nues. A children ages 3-5 os Tharndays, - - Septemberwedding isplooned. - - SkokieValley - and chrome. The 11-11:30, beginning Apui! 9. bride-to-he is a 197f Maioe East Highschool graduate. She is For more information or to employedby Botera FooIsaccoustiogdepartmest. seminars HURRY IN..-.AND'SAVE! register, stop in or call the - health promotion The prospaetivegroom isthe son of Mr. & Mrs. Sam G. Argiris of library where yonr child will at- -A series -of heallh promotion Nifes, a 1977 Morne East gradsote, also Worsham College graduate tend. Call the Çhildren'o Depar- by Joel Spitzer, health educator asdisemployedby AdinamisFuoeral Home. -seminars will be gives for thein smoking-control in the Good tmeot of the Main Library. public- at Shohie Valley Com- Rummage sale Health Program. - - -: I munity Hospital from 7:30 to 0:30 "Weight control" wilt be of- - The Womeo'sAsxiliury of OakFraternity initiate pm. on fiveconseestivelered no Tuesday, April 21, by !iìvi:::6500 N. MILWAUKEE Pork Hospital-sviti sponsor a Fourteen students Tuesdays is the hospital's f itOh- J and a Carote Loucher and Jacqoeline coT FLOWEIbSFLORAL DESIONS rummage sale os Friday,April 3, focally member at the Univer- floor lomge. - CaRsAGE! HOUSC PLANeS Marcus; and '-'strens" will be - iothe Hospital's Resideoce sily oflllinois have been ¡oitiated "Exercise" will be discussed-discsooed on Toesday, April 20, NI P-0040 Auditoriwo, 500 S. Maple ave., intoEeramon,profensinnal Tuesday, March 31, by Caroleby Muriel S. Adler, M.S.W., and fromR3Ua.m to5p.m. ceramic engineeriogfralernity. Loescher, MS., exerciseIrene Eullick, M.S.W., - stress Among them was Joseph physiologist in the Good Healthmanagement -consultants in the Kaplan, 8034 N. Moody st., Mor- Program of Shohie Velley Com- hospital's Good Health Program. - tonGrovè. - monity Hospital; "nutrition"on Cost of each session in $2, with - WINDJAMMER Toesday, April 7, by Jacqueline the whule series beingalfered for - NTRAVEL .Marcns, MS:, RD.,- notritibsint$5. For forther information and io the Good Health Program; andlo pee-register, people shnsld call Wdding "smoking" on Tuesday, April 14, the Good Health Prograis st the - Package ORT auction hospital, 077-9600, est. Stil. - - Shoreline Chabler of Women's - American ORT, Oigonization far * - EP.L.C. Women's - i 79°° Rehabilitation through Training, - ComploSo will hold its Goods and Services - Guild luncheon- :i Auction on Salurday, March 30, - L - 9Lte1Lb - - Mip igkL¿st ai(S CallFor Degails at Kendall College Auditorium, TheWomen's Gaild-ef Edison 2409 Orringlon, Eyaoston,Park Lulberad Church will bold 966-0600 - Illinois. Preview io al 730p.m.their monthly Inneheon and THOMSON'S EUROPE VACATION Consolation by Apprsintm005 and -the- auction utarto at 0-30meeting on Thsroday, April 2, al AS LOW AS795.00TO MUNICH Green p.m.Tickets are $2.50.Coffee 1 p.mat the Chorch, located at iÑÑ1 G PRICES ARE GUARANTEED AND Forever and dessert will he served along Avosdale and 011phaot Avennes, -- liowers - with a cash bar. Proceeds fromChicago. At dasignerldtscount kitchens,an exciting personal Visit our showroom and choola from our huge selections INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING Ike evenl will help to provide kichen is an affordable,richty rewarding investment for 8115N. Milwaukee Theluncheon will he served-by of fine wood cabinetry in Anserican,Traditional, - educational, vocationalandIke MarthaCircle. Ateh the your home. You'll discover new ideas talking to our- Contemporary, or popular new European Styles,Couter- - Ni1e, Illinois - technical training lo people professional designer,with over 30 years experience. - 7 NIGHTS/B DAYS - . business meeting, a program on tops,Bathroom Vanities,Wallcoverings, and new energy throaghaulthe world. - WaterlessCookingwillbe Whether your remodeling plans are simple or extensive, - saving Gas Ranges,all at our exciting low prices. CONTINENTAL BREAKFASt' DAILY , , , , w_ - presented by Sheila Brooetti. - we will sailor your kitchen to fit your personal needs. THOMPSON REPRESENTATIVE ON HAND She will demonslraté huis to prepare fond wilbonl losing Im- 1/2DAYCITYTOUR - - portantvitamlns andontrientu. - - - A SAVE UP TO 42% ONFINE-WOOD CABINETRY! TRANSFERS, BAGGAGE,TIPS- ROUND-TRIP AIR ON BRITISH AIR - \t_It!- Cancer SEE OUR EUROPEAN LOOK AT PRICES YOU WON'T BELIEVE! . - awareness - bRAWING FOR A 5 FOOT EASTER BUNNY Ø , UNISEX-

WILLBEAPRIL1E,1981 AT4:OOP.M. dayat St. Franèis -- - - HOURS: LOWER THAN MAÑY WOOD PRODUÓTS. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT FOR DRAWING! - ' 696.flA --- TU.S.-Wed.-BAM.5PM - . . - Hospital - - - . - Thatri. - - - . - ONE ENTRY PER PERSON 10 AM -MIDNIGHT 8040 Milwaukee A CancerAwareness Day wilt LIMITED TIME ONLY. Fn.-1OAM-7PM . Nibs, III. be held at SI. Francis Hospital nf NAME Sat1OAM-3PM 0 Evanston, 355 Ridge ave., Ryan- sIso no Thursday, April 2-9-am. ADDRESS: - e e s DISCOUNT -: 0lo4i.m. - - . ,- J CITY STATE ZIP . 00 -- Free exlsihils in thti'Hospital's - - Now Clients Only main lobby will- include bitor- PHONE - 0 malion usicäncer. .11 ,-' -e Offsr Good With Ad Until Aprii 18th - - Brnchnres on a variety of cas- s certopics will beovailoble.- - all EN4MILWAUKEE 1711 E. OAKTON. E77WAUKEßAN By Lowering Our Prices, We SincerelyWent To Introduce You To Our Work-: The day is co-sponuared by St. - NILES DES PLAINES - MORTON GROVE We Style - Natural LooksWith Your Hair In Francis Hospital ofi,aonton and 823-3333 298-3970 965-3700 Mind, the North Shnrè (luit of -the - L--- w American CancerSdelety - Page 12 TheBàgIe,Thsr.day,Mareb 00,1001

- TheBagle,Thiiraday, March18, 1861

. Policelßeat... . H- ChkIrencompetetowuidinner with BugsBunny . NIös Fire, Dept.. càlls I 110 area childrenwillwin test in which they. will miar a Wiles Morton GrOve dinner with Bago Bimny from Asaciatioo Office, 309 Profess- drawingaf Bags Bunny. Crayons ¡osai Bldg.,Nibs,B.gOOdS. Thursday, March 19 Marriott'sGreatAsoenicaea and mine pencil may ho oued and Eotrieu must he raceivini ne later ShpIifter Burglary Auto.parts theft Burglary Bribery a heme na the 7400 block -ofApril t3, 4 pm. st the Internals antejeuwilljdgadon creativi- than April 7 and the 100 winners 3:18 p,m. - A resIdent nf the 8280 MutInS Ave. ioodlHosaeofPaamhes, cnuetaay t7. - Bsrglsn brohe into a local hair The two youtbo- will be notified bymail beginning appreheúded The hood änd drive shaft were A home Un the tlOO block of A 29 year uld Skohie-mun wa block nf Merrill St. was reportedwere broughttoLutheranof Golf Mill Shopping Conter. Entrioa may be piched up ut salon on Friday, Mnrcb 20. Ac- Parkside Ave. was burglarized April 8. Additi000l prizes will ho A 22 year old Skokie mao was stolen from a car parked in Niles árrested after trying is hribe a to have suffered s possible heartGeseral Hoopital by- Nies Fire The children, ages 5-10, will.he any GOIfMiII store and ahould he owocded atthe dinner. cordisg to police, anhnows per- On Friday, March 20. According onSatsrday, March 21. Unhoowo Morton Gravo policeman on nelectedtlizosgh a coloring don- sont to the Golf Mili Merchants. arrestedos -Thursday, March 19 Sons kicked in a door window at attack. The resident was taken toDepartment ambolance. The after being ohoerved taking food to police, the car was- parked is persono gained access to the Friday, March 20.According to Lutheran General Honpitol byhesse was reported undamaged Classic; DM12, 8852 Milwaskee front of its Saner's home os the home hy forcing opes a hack pnlice, the Skohie man wan stop- from a local grocery Store. The Nibs-Fire Department ambulan- fromtheaccldent. - man was shopping at Jewel Ave. Takes from the shop were B 5300 block of Odell St. Some time door.The hurglars apparently pod for a traffic vinlstinn an ce, lose am, - A 79 year old bottles of hair conditioner,one between 2 am. and 7 am.searched only the bedroomsDempster St.After being told grocery store, 7900 Milwaskeebottle of shampoo and a hair 5t82.p-m. - A reddest nf the 9000 Prospect Nia. man was raported Ave. whena store employee ob- . Istknswn pernom stole the items lahiog jewelry and cash.The that he would réceive a traffic block of Cumborland St. wasto have Injured his head after Downto earth dryer. Store officials estimated from the car. The car's ownerburglary occurred between 7 citation,theSkokie . mon described asnuffongfrosnaeheatfaillngatthe Jewel grocery store, served bimplace a $7.23 steakthelma at$140. - under bis coat. NUes Police were estbmatedtheloss at$400, ,p.m.andfr3flp.m. allegedly offered the policeman a palsia. The reddest wan brought0730 Demputer St. The anuo was- . alerted before. the Skokie man Stolen T-tops $5 bribe to disregardthe inèident. to Lutheran General ilnupital bybrought to Lutheran. General Brought to the Murtos Grove ambalasce. - Hospital by ambaluoce. gifts forsavers. had left the store and apprehen- Vandalism , dod the man outside the store. . À man was observed stealing Salvfttion Army Police. Department, the Skohie IrIS pas. - A 27 year old Chicagn 12t17 pan. - A 63 year old Nies After belog brosgbt to the NUes accessories froma car in NUes os .A lessI discount s(ore was van- box theft -- man was charged with bribery woman wan reported Injured uf-man came Into the Nies Fire Police Department the SkokieFriday, March 20. AccordIng to dolized nnWednesday, March18. : and isssed the traffic citation. ter her hand became ranghI in a Department,,t300 Dempnter St., man was processed and 151er police, an anhnows man stole the Police report that vandals threw A 29 year old Chicago man was After being processed the man machine at the Coca Cola Com- complalinlag of chest pains. The A relensedos$1,009 bnnd. The man T-tops from a 1Ml Corvette a glass bottle throsgh a 3 foot hy arrested after being observed was later released nu $3MO bond posy, 7400 Oak Park Ave. Theasan was brought to Lutheran wssassigned an April coart dale. parhed on the 0600 hlockof Nor- 15 foot window at McDade's- steslisgclothingfrom 'a und ussignedan April court dote. woman wau.brought to.Lutheran Generallifnnpltalbyamhnlance, mal Ave. Thmas was ohservedCatalogHosse, 8901 N. Satvation Acnny drop off bon in General Hospital byflre depar- a:10 p,m. - A resident nf the 8110 by a neighbor whowas alerted to Milwaskee Ave.According to Morton Grove. Police report that tmeutambulaace. - black of Otenam Ave. lus roper- Canine heist the theft when be heard a carstore officiais the replacement while on patrol at 10p.m. -on Possession of 0t14p,m, - A 53 year nId Niested . Ill-andInneeduf windaw shaRer. Though the thief costofthewlndow is $400. Satsrday, March 21, two vehicles resident was injured- during ail houpltaltaatloo. TIne rentdant was A $200 dog was stolen from a was gone when police aedoS, were observed parked next to the - Marijuana - auto accident at Milwaukee Ave. taken to Lutheran General local pet shop os Tsesday, March the man was described as amate- Salvation Army's drop off bonis and Waukegais Rd.The NiesHoapltalbyambulaace. - B-African Violet 17. According to police, nnknownahnat 5 fast 7 inches driving a Noisycustomers tine parbing lot at 8821 Dempster A 19 year old Skokie molt was resident was braoghtta Lutheran 0:44 pm, - A resident of the 0966 A -Jade pemans entered Animal World, St. AdditionaSy, police witnenoed arrested after marijuana -was wine colored Cansare. The stolen evicted from - Geaeralffeapltalbyambulaace. black of Niles Terrace -wan 7522 Harlem Ave., and stole aT-tops and the damage done to the occspant of ose car stealing fnsndis hisposseusion on Friday, described as- having difficulty male beagle between fr45 and restaurant' merchandise from the drop off March 20. Police first noticed the breathing,The realdent wan the Corvette was estimated at Sknkie man because of a toad Friday,Márch 20 5:55p.m. box.Au police approached the -brought ta Lutheran General Fear Chicago menaS ltand 19 noise coming from his car duets yeats old, were arrested os Sss- cart, thedriver of the second car Hospital by fire deparunent am- fledonfoot. Leftiuthecarwasa a defectivo msffler. Stopping the balance. Retail thief day, March ili after cansing a man on Church St., police noticed Sill-LW,A resident uf the 7600 37 year old Chicago woman who block of OdeS St. was reported to Thin Week's Special disturbance at a (mal rentamant. .p plbstic bog fall from the man's With This Ad Only According to police, the yosths said the driver who had fled was be Indistress due to food Sunday, March 22 arrested after being observedentered her boyfriend.After being coat an he was producing his poisoning.The resident was E - Dieffenbachia 205.15 (GR 18-15) shsplifting at a local discosnt Willosghby's drivers license.Tests tater 8151 5 - A 60 year old Nies on(y'68.90 Restoarant, liMo W. Toshy Ave., brought tu the Morton Grove taken to Lutheran General Exotica store on Satsrday, March21. The Pulice Department, the man seen showed thebag contained woman was described as feeling PIosFI. EnTas '3.00 . Chimas was shopping at K-shortly alter midnight. Became marijuana. A passenger is the Hospital by flre-.departuiesnt am- faint at St. John Brebeuf, 8307 the four were yelling profasities, by police placing clothes into bis .balance. --- - , D -RubberBurgundy Mart, 8610 Dempoter St. when athe restaurant manager ordered carneas charged withtheft. After car fled the scene on foot after fl:SOsjs-Arestdeutofthe928o Hurlent Ave.The woman was C-Spider-' store employee saw him con-the yosths to leave. When the being processed the Chicago más giving up his driver's license. block of Maryland St. wan roper- brought to Lutheran Gesieral coaling clothing and jewelry mi- youths wosld not leave, the was released on $1,000 bond and The passenger, a 28 year old ted to have suffered a pounible Hoapital by- fice department alo- der his c(othes. AUtor leaving themanager notified the police. ausignedan April coortdate. Skokie mus, was toter fnund to stroke, TIne renident wan taken to batanee. Store withost paying far the con- bave bud u warrant hosed for his 9:anp,m.-A22yearoldlierwyn - Arriving at the restosrant Nies . Lutheran General Hospital by cealed merchandise, the man arrest by the Shohie Police. Ad- man was rapurtedly thrawa - - police fornid the yostlu ostoide - ambulance, wasdetained andheldsntil policethe rmtosrnnt after patrono hd Mirròr thieves ditinsally, police fasnd an opon lG:l2p.m, - A resident of the 7308 through a gldan door dsring a -FREE! Any of these -beautiful, live arsived. Alter being broUght to bottle of liquor in thecar. After fightat SearS Roebuck and Co., escortedthemost. Searching the A local service station reported - blnck of Breen St. wan deudribed 400 Golf Mill. Ziiw the Niles Police Department, theyouths' car police found cans òf being brought to the Morton as In dlsfres,5 due to chest pains. The Berwyn houseplants.Justdeposita . man was procesned and later that thieves stole track s'e- Grove Police Departuent, the 19 resident wan taken to Latheran hoer inside and arrested the fom ressortes frum.itspremisés is the The resident was taken to released onl,OOO bond andfor possession uf alcoholic yearnldSkohiemua was charged Lutheran General Hospital byContraI Hospital by fire depar- assignhdanAprilcosrt date. The evening of Ssnday, March. 22. with pnosensien of marijuana,- tmentannbalunce. minimum of $250 to$500ina new beverages. After haag sssigned - amü1anre. vaIne s) the merchandise ¡n the According to police, officiais of possession of open liquor inside 537 p.15. ' AntS year old Chicago a court date the foss were toter the Union 76 station, 9201 Harlem Batnurday, March 21 Chicago man's possession was reihasedonhond. an antomubile and driving a man was reported to have been orexistingregular savingsor $57.75. Ave., said that oshuown porions vehicle with a defective mailler. 243 Lm, An 18 year old Parkinjured alter falling at the Mill stole 4 nide view mirrurs from 2 The Skokie man nias assigned B,tdge,yooth and a 19 year old Run Playhouse, 000 Golf Mill. a - trucho.Service station officials court-date and later released on Nies ynuth were injured when The man was taken to Lutheran -NOW checking account. estimated the wnrth uf the stolen . AFFORDABLE HIGH DUALITY boit. .- tliecarthey were riding in utruck GeneralHospitathyamhalance. MICHELIN DENTISTRY mirrorsat$llO. - Free Estimate ft Coniillation By Appointment . PLANT GIFT GUIDE Fall Dentistry . Dentures, Crowns, Bridges, Etc., including Oakton donates furniture Minimum Minimum PETIERSON State Police provideS - Plant or . Periodontal Gum Surgery. . savings NOW checking Safety Service to rehab center- - - depooit deposit PROFESSIONAL DENTAL ASSOCIATES safetyprograms 824-3733 Oakton Community Collage bus Lee Jacubo, head uf the Ar- A--Jade $250 $500 L ALLEGRETTI. DD5 AND DENTAL ASSOCIATES justdnnatedalargegruupnf sued $500 644Pearson Street chitecture Depertssseat at DaMon B --Africun Violet - $250 OAKBROOK MILES The lilisoisSthte Police is a full Self-Protection, Trooper an drafting tablas and furniture tosaid that the furniture had Des Plaines .NORTHBROOK C --Spider . - - $250 $500 Ssn,wis b Rohsnsnit Waskogne O Onkisn Sssndnrn S Donden service orgasizatiost One of it's Career, Bicycle Safety, Drunk theChicagoArchitecturaloriginally beon set anide tor sate

. D -- - 8204370 9$7.574 554.21$)( specialized functions is the Driving and lt's Consequences, Assistance Center (CAAC) whichut an auction. When he proponed Rubber Burgundy $500 $500 presentation nf law enforcement Safe Motoring, Police Tools- provides.. rehub plans - lo theta the Board of Trsntèes ea Jan. E --Dieffenbachia Exotica $500 $500 and safety topics to interested Hadar, and What to do When needy. 20 thaI the malarial would be put groups. - You're Involved in an Accident. Oakton found It did not seedto excellent use by the non-profit Euch State Police District bus Interestd?Your group. may these items when it moved lust CAAC,themntinn panned - These fresh, lovely plants will add a bright touch to your home, C UP ti. a Public Information Officer. obtain the services provided by year from old quarters in Mortes unanisanusly. a This Trooper's primaryreopen- Public Information Officer by Grove to new ones in Dea The gift includes 7 drafting apartment or office, And your money will. growright along with s- sibility is to present programs to Plaineul the CAAC discovered a tables, lifile cabineta, 0 sIlice them, as you card the highest bank interest available on your . s contacting the neareht State -crilical shortage whm it moved schools, civic- clubs, yosth and PoliceHeadquarters. - - chairs, 3 work opaca topo and t savings account or 5% % on your NOW checking account, fraternalorganizations and recmtly to recycled loft space at msdstartables.r The Puhlic Informatinn Of- 502N.Wellu. Offer good only while supplies last, and limited to one plant gift per FREE others who are interested in lear- ficers covering thenurthern Cook ,- fling more about traffic safety County area include:District 3, account. Money muot remain on deposit a minimum of six months. ROAD TEST and crime prevention. Trooper K. M. Sauter 283-2410 Orchard Village Come in, openor add to a savingo or checking account and take home Some popular topics chosen by and District 15, Trooper W. Ich- Goldman one of these pretty plants today, various groups include:Senior fundraiser mittlst-22t0. - - s-.. .QrcboS Village is having a fundraiser -"Thpporware Fundrulser Party" on Friday, March 27, al 7:30 p.m. WATCH FORARVEY' In the OrchardVitiate chairman - S ',GRAND OPENING OFNEW BAR; - - Recreation Room, 7609 Mormora Harold tlreisman, 5501 Lincoln COCKTAILLOUNGE fr NEWLY: r Manor, Skolde.Proceeds from ave., Morton Grove, chairman of the sale of these producta will a fuadralning event, "Armchair REMODELED ELEGANTRESTAURANT benefit the mentally retarded Horse Races,"o benefit the GALA 'GRAND llvtagatorchardVillage. - Goldman Home's fire sprinkler MadisOn National Bank OPINING SOON - The public Is invited to attend system announces that post time : .,. tInts partyand neo the new ideas is neheduledforSanday, April 5,0 ADTL"J and sew Thpperware products. ttn y ii Restaurant - p.m. at the Home, 0601 W. Tnohy 1f you can't malte lt to nur party - Oakton and Waúkegart,NUes ave. A $1 dunatton includes the ofNiles - - and are interested in purchasing During Remodeling OpenFoe nome hippezware, call 907-loot evening's exciting entertain- Golf & Dee Rds, Des Ptoines/299-2900 Business As Usual !u7-979O . and ask for the aew Tupperware ment, an actina-packed serles of- Member FDICaccounts insured to Catalog, Order must be placad color borne racing filma. Snack $100,000 - beforeAprtl2,l98l. hoe will be avajlable, For Sor- matlnncallft7-9875. , Pagell- The BugIe,Thrnady, March LS, 19S1 TheBugIe,Th.riday,March, tisi the Tri-M Chapter plans recital readers Your Nues tax $$$ Maine GOP town clerk sets 'record straight' Does Niles have any issues?. ,, at work DearEditor: He demanded that recoras_fanr years ago when it was filed Dear Editor: I woald like to oet the recordfrom fourteen years age be just weeha before thé election fur It appears now that we haveretirement homes, and mmmcc- The. following monthly reports were presented to the Nilun straightregardingpoliticalprovided immediately.When u headline; finally come faIl circle in Nileacisl type buildings tall in thi,s Village Board at their meeting nf March 10 by NUes Village ', charges made by the opposingadvised that these would have to As the Democrats were aware Pnlitics. . categnry. ManagerKeo Scheel. The reports are a complete listing nf oc- caedidates for Matee Township be retreived from storage, he left sinqe 1977 that they would he in- If we think bach ssme years, Very'few peapte, with an nùnée tivitles' of -all NUes village departments 'durtog the month of offices. the office stating that his attor- volvedin this electinn, why didn't those that were here ut the time,nf common neme, wauld 'bay a - February, 1981. 1. Tawasblp Recerds -ilisg ney woald be in contact. they attend meetings or seem is- tticformerMilesPoliticalpig ta a puke; Iowuser, apparen. - Systems similar te other gover- I was then told by a newspaper terested in records previnusly? Machine won finally oststed aftertty the Nitos Village inanes Building Department . omento anti businesses ore main-reporter that a lawsuit fiad been Become these tactics are all many years is effice when theybedding permits ta undlamlosed - lllingleFamily Additions &Alteratium, 2 Commercial Additiom tamed by the Maine Township filed because of denial of access politically motivated. The encouraged the cnsstractien of.Owners. & Alterations, 2 taiduntrlal. Additions '& Alterations, 24 Administration.After the aoditlotherecords. - lawssit io u malicious ahuse of apartments and multiple I believe every pIles Citizen Miscellanenos, 340 Indpectienu Conducted, 19 Vinlatiem Noted, Il is completed, records are stored. Mr. Lipis has reviewed and the legal process. dwellings in the Village of Nifes.has the right to knnw the hauses Violations Corrected and 1,081 Income 1mm PermitFeeu. Thecurrent year records aremade copies of 140 Township The leaderhhip that Maine We now bave reached a similar'Cf all persons (owners) who ex- CononioinerFraud kept in the office file cabinets alrecords in the Township office Townshiphanelectedhas huilding parallel again is Niles,pent to make a profit from a 2510 Dempster st., Suite 103, and whictihe provided tothe providcdlhe fifth lowest tax rute only the Mslti-family stractaresbusiness speratinnis Nilen. lt Complaints received ht Fehraary, 23 Cases Active and Under available for inspection. oewpapers. He thee stales denial in the thirty Cook Cassity Tows- sow being bailt are called "CCI,- We are all overly burdened tnvestigatian, lt Cases disposed of in February and 182 Telephune InqsiriehforFebruañt 1981. Mr. Lipis was is the Townshiplo the records.This is strictly shipo. Also, according to a Doily dos". - with the ever increasing effects offices reviewing records on o politically motivaled. nf inflatins and the. abrinking . Herald - Paddock publications t went os record noveraI years Family $ervice - daily basis...at timen two or three 2. Transportation Allowance - salary survey, Maine Township ugo as being against the con-purchasing naine of the dollar. times a day,..for oppronimatelyThin payment was made by a 177 ongoing Canes, 115 lodividsal, 21 Marital, 41 Family, 16 rushs the lowest. This is Ike plat- stroctios of all but a bareA current example of buse this is Clònedand 161 Carried Onerto NentMnsth. five weeks. Darisg Ibis period fie moodily Board apfScoval. It was term nf the Itepablices cas. minimum somheç of these molti-effecting each of as imd the , - reviewed all records that he was-not based os twenty-five cents didates andthe campaign issoe. family units and I still feetSenior Cilines os a fined income Fire Department led. He thee made nome charges. per mile as the opposing cas- strongly that they tend to destroyto a greater degree in the selfish MS Alarms, 53 Fire & Miocellaneous, 16 RED. Grid Macsun, 114 When the reaclibo wan not what didates incorrectly stated: Siucerety. . the amenities of what sobarbasattitude and business practices oÇ Persons transported by Fire Dept. ambolances, 21 Residential, 61 be bad hoped for, the nest lactic All the Democratic candidates PaultÇ.Halversos living conditiooa sbootd provideour Public Utilities. Commercial & Industrial, 8 Target Haroard Pre Plans, and 2 was lo follow that used Loar years ace displaying is their lack cf Maine Township Clerk and for the Homeowner's family; ad- Mast of un are forced Icraccept Pruhatiaoary/Ficefightersenrulledin Paramedic Cnurse. ago by the Democratic can- knowledge of local governmsnt, Maine Towsship.Sopercisor ditiosally,thesemulti-anitathe rising coat for tise nenices, didates. The sume lawsuit tactic was aed generally do sot costribateprovided by these companies or Tri-M Chapter presidents asd sponsors are th; Dr. John Besha, Ass'Superintendent; and Housing Department equally tax-wise when compareddo without; a condition insut nf us working tugether ta urganize a recital hod disner Mr. Dssald Lord, Maine West. 253 .Hnusing' Isupectinss, 48 Hnusing Violati055 Noted, 143 to the ton bill of as individaalcan,,ot accept and still continue fermusichunar sucietymembersin Districtzß7 an Not pictured: Dr. Bichard R. Short, Superinten- Housing Violations Corrected, 32 Certdicate nl Orcupancy Inspec- Marcb2fat Maine Snath Highllcheol are:' dent asdMr. GeraldF. Hag, Maine East. homeowner. to esist-we have na option. 'I tinos, and3t Carhen Monoxide Tests. - While on this sabjeel of proper-believe that our Village sfficiats Ist ruw)l. tu r.): Andrew McCarthy, Maine The 7:30 p.m. Recital in the Maine 855th Dr-. Police Department ty, ose of the leost mentioned andshould demand an accounting West; Linda Holzer, Maine East; Tim Gemmel, chestra rmm is apes to the poChe at no admissiun discussed items is the con-frum these ittitities that service Maine Ssuth; Mr. Irwin Bell, Maine Snath. fee. Each scheut will perform 15 minutes of music 1,326 Citizens Complaints,' 1111 Arresta made, 646 Traffic ceatmest of most of the' trocNitos to establish justification fac ad rnw(l. to r.) 1 Mr. O.' D. Premu, Maine Nor- on theprogram. Violatiam, 492 Parking Vinlatioso, 22 Ordinance Violaliens, 28 identity of the real owner(s) ofthese everiocreasing rates. Criminal Violations, 185 Motor Vehicle Accidents, 40 Injuries, and most of the business slcactores If our elected officiais, would ll,9lONet CellectiomtntheVillageTreaoury Radar in operation. . built in PIlles. These secretbut lead Ihe way. I'm Oure we Creative writing : 'Dr. Seuss' at Nues libraries - Publie Service Department owoerahip urraugemests arewould not huye In fight (his battle i The Niles Public Library69tt Oakton, onWednesday, April 9 Plumbiog tospections, 10 Occopancy Inspectinos, 15 ksowp as "Land Tcost's". I afose, bal soald be joined by . course District will celebrate NatiunalI, from 4-li.For mure infor- Engineering, 35 PlsmbingFintures, ltSewerlmpectinss, 35 Water wosld be specoloting, bnl tmany olker comasunitien eagdr David Wham, authar, whsse believe that ut least 55% of theto participate is holding the line . Library Week with Dr. ilesas eamatins, call-the Branch Librar Inspectinss, and 50 Residential Meter Reptucemesin - LCsmmer- . recent navel The Bicentennial - buildings, other than individualos increased Utility Cost. the Loose, a program of stsries. at 297-OStO or the Mois Library at dat. Turkey will he released sbortly, 967-8554. - 'homes, constrarted is Niles is the . and games inspired hy Dr. Senior Citizen Services will teach six sessions of creativeSenss'shankcharacters. .- past 1f years and this includes , J.Miller 2,874 Tnlal Senior Registration to Date, 8 New Applications, t shopping centers, condos, hushs, writing at the Mayer Kaplan JCC Niles, IL. uf Skshie, 8010 Church st., begin- Renewal, 2,965 Total To Date - Jun. 31, 1981. New Programs; sing Tuesday, April7 at 8 p.m. ho held at the Brunch Ubrary, . Defensive Driving Workshop spansared hy DIluais Department Where have all these civicminded' 'Secretary ofState Valentine's Party und Lilochenn. , For fsrther infarnsatios, cult fg20hallord, frumd-li 55 Monday, eañdidates beii?; t75-2200, est. 202. April f, and at the Main Library, CANDIDATES! Dear Editor: care about the real and true is- Tins year in Ihe Village of Nibs lerests of the community and, there are a nomber of indepes- mnt important, ita people? dent candidates running foc ' Frank C. Wagner, Jr. public office. Two candidates are Village Clerk opposing Mayor Nicholas Blase , 57ff Oketo, Niles for Mayor, namely Thomas Flynn and Eloise Heiseo. 'There. Seeks support for Who aCunsersatiseistvualer heiles is ysur assi bay. are also five independent cas- .- cstro-thick ivsulatiov sigv:frcan::y outs heal loss. didatea sppnsing the present io- Skokie park . Heevy-gause steel I ankw::vco,,as:en.,ssrs levI slass living cambenl trastees (Abe llelmon, avsures long, depevdableservins. Coral Paseh, and Peter Peoole( referendum ' aamely Frank Troiani, Michael . Al t,ecl:vo baked enamel mie h o:pen clean o:th damp 010th . Petrillo,MikeProvenaano, Dear Editor: O-bes: I:mitc 000,ton y - Patricia Ateoander and Ronald Skshie's parhs, playgrounds, . sig choiae st models.. .30 to 120 00110v eopae:ties. Ove just Loris. recreation centers, tennis csurta, ,:ght tat yoo, lowily All of these independent can-and activity programs are an J.D. . o celuelve The,mogetd' oip Tube gas medelsl helpsp,eveel didates 500mb profess their in-nulntanding community asset 510011:55 p,ov: desviornuse able bol wets,. tereat 5 their community andand a vital attraction ta ysung . ph aevis' immersI onslomevts(ele Ott:0 modolsl lrensfe,suc, that they wink ta ho publicser-families. 50% of hei, healevo, gy d:,eo:ly into the oaten vasin and bring absot chungos in Residents must make a choice the Village of Nitos. Being civicon Tuesday, April 7, either to minded means you are isterestedmaintain un outstanding park a Cassersatlenists nasuater hea teresa l'y pays att! , lu village board decisions, whichprogram, nr allow it ta erode for , . 's, CIAL' ' most nf tIle time directly effect u.os lt peys fon :lselt by usino less enenoy bout atter holst to prov:de luck of adequate funds.' Is con- vole hot oats:, nfticiOvtly and dependably. To be spocitio, a the living style sf1a community,- trust to other governmental ALL FOR ONLY C avserv alrov:st gas wete: heater s 33% mote offio:enl ll,an nometimen even more directlyanita, this io the first time the HERE'S WHAT WE DO' stacderd g asocie: heaters, And beso amecingseuings thus actisos and lawn sel dawn inShokieParkDistricthas oovtivue to groayea, otter year, as the nest o tenet gy voteoses Ihe state sed natiasal lenel. requested' voters thruagh a See o, ph oneuonoo tot details en how a C onsy,v ationitt madnl It io most interesting tu neto refereodam tuincrease tax raten. Power Rake Entire Lawn 0cv POY you that all of these aspiring in- The , increaaeissuminal, , dependent candidates seem tuamounting to leus than $20 per Rake Debris From All Beds //55t I forget that there are villageyear fer the average Skskie board meetings and that Ibeyare hsmeawner, andtaxmnsieu frum and Shrub Area i/N::----. upes lu the public.Is the pastthis Referendum wilt net be years there have been up-meceineduotilAugast,l982. proximately 72 village buard A tiny investment is Skokie's Cultivate AU Soil meetings and yet set use of thefuture is bused' tu gènerate sub- u, u, sn-called civic minded hidepen- stantiat retacos to residents In IflDOOR COMFORT dent candidates has bothered toprsperty values as well as the ,Cut Entire Lawn - Lotsmore than 5,000 sq, sq. ft. attend more thanthree sfthem) quality nflife enjoyed In the slightly higher We read their press releaueaan Village, Edge Lawn - Cooling 8 Heating SpeciaIits hsw they wast tu hecome.part of -- We urge everynim 'te vete local village governmentasdyet"Yes" is support uf the ShaMe WI OFFIR A COMPUTIjUNI OP FERTILIZER °15 EXTRA 640'Pearson,, Des Plaines 635-8050 their absence from these decision Park District Referesdsm 55 LANDSCAPI s.nvicis 653 S. Vermont, Palatine making village board meetings Taeoday, April 7. 359-5100 makeu une wonder and pnnder . . Sincerely a- the quentlus - Are they really - ' Howard Sigmood civic mInded and du they really Caotlnnedoirpage I

fr_ P.ge1

-iett?Qthe editor - Tells candidates tò read Take a ride around Niles, To wbom'it' TheBuglefor seniorprogram info ,. Ms. Hemen may concerñ-

DearEdjtor Men'sand Warnen'sClub DearEditor: Straight. . if'anyon&' rneetings, onewould find square Ms. Heisen is also dragging out Publie Law 94-142 dimÍ tnday, It is meredible that a candiäate dancing for recreation. bearing . I ha:ve been reading the press theold"snowremoval" six years nf.age, after'naccwn. fortheoffine of Mayor of the screening for rnonitoring releases that bave been loosed by arguaient which worked w well bingte the allegedkiller, Village ofNues is sofar out of physical functions, a mailing Nüm Maporalcasdidate Elaine for another. mayoral candidate President Ronatd.Reagan. The touchwithwlmt isreally going og project rar community service, fleteen.lt seems io ail of her andis complaining abootthepnor viclim died of asphyxiation by jn the areaof seniorservices. and a Senior Forum for corn releases she dwells onthe some job the village did this.wintgr. In sfrangutation ' ' ' ' On page 39. of munication with niaff.M.d all case she didn't get oottbis winter ' .GreatAmeriòan'. the March 19 subjecls. linceI amChairmav of ThiÍlaw, signed by President lastanofThe Bugle, Mr. Flynn is this is inst a small part of tle tite village Street an,d Alley Im- I am hereto informhnr that there Fnrd,was hailed by both liberals qnoted- assaying. "Haviga weeyp. provement Commiltee, I feel I was so snow this winter - andas and conservatives in Congrèss as bingo game eveay three mostho Speaking individually as the must respond and correct the 'the Saying goeS, "it's very teogh anecessary measure to provide is notreallya senior nitleens Chairnsanandcollectivelyfarmy erroneotis Statemenid made by plowing when there is no snow!" Federal Savings program". all children with a free' and ap- Mr.Flynn's colleagues on the Commiasiots. I thismayoral candidate. We only had one major snowpropriate education-tn ensure statement is Correct, bst it reseotMr. Flynn'squotation, and Ms. fleteen trants to Stow why storm this winter and the streets their civil lihertim would not he were cleaned by the very next doesn't apply to Nues. The woald like to invite him to learnthe alley improvement program denied. Vtllage of Nibs has many more -aboutthe senior day. We have had two mild win- presentsa new excellent Itas been going no slowly-well, lo The la)e reqsired stoles by programa than bingo every three citigens program in Niles fremaanswer ber qaeotios, CercanoS 1ers io this area the past two months. given financial incentives to In fact, the senior dedicated and highly qoalifiedshe bao anbei a reduction of oc- years and before that time, comply with fe4erdl goidelinen -citizens program in NUes doesn't staff-who work hanl making thetivityinthis project is hecaann all dariog the two years of very had considered to emane due process selection of have bingoatall! Trident Crater a model for Nor-ofthe alleysbave beenpaved -an bliooards, the Villäge ofNites had tand other important aspects. Iwoaldssggestthatcaodjdates Ibero illinois. a ¡staffer of fact they were corn- the cleaoest and boot kept streets P.L. 94-142 neyer received the read The Bugle in additiop to pletedlastFall;a fallfivemonthn in the eStire area. promioedamonntoffandingfrom writing to it and bolding press Sincerely,ago! Maybe Ms. Heinco is not in Take a ride aroand Nitro, Mt. Gifts for Saving the federal govenunent and was conferences. On page 2 aro some ltobertGoldberg, Chaieman. the habit of Spcndiog her opere Heines, we appreciale yoor con- rather istereoting program sotes Senior CitioemConsmission somewhatnrippledio growth. . time driving down alleys its Nitro cero foronrotreets und at)eyo. Ssrvivoro include America's for senior dUzcan. Is addition to Nles, illinois which may be the reaSon she has exceptional children destined to notnotedthe improverneot. I am I;, Sincertey, have programs not oh changed. sore the residente whose proper-, Peter A. Pcsole oI4EY They will he future wards nf the tics are adjacent to these im- . Village Trostee Chairman State or receive federal fonds provedaFean .willOct her Streets aod Alleys conomitlee becanse their education estiBes A Student them to mesial jobs.Also sor- Living Park candidate criticizes Viving, are families of these including vhildreo destined tn tranma ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS Adventure executive, meetings 'throogh ino.titntionalization of a member or inadequate teaching. and LITHOGRAPHS, DearEditor. AtThe Sorvivors also include local . onMarch 15 I participated in'esecotivc meetiogs, witbootschool diotricto attempting to with University the Leagak of Women Voters hoowtedge cube citiness olNiles. makcochoicebetwees educating lithographs by Formaforcandidates. A I am aware 01 the fact that per- the majority of so-called "nor- f lÍlinois .-° .jr qoeotion was asked to Daoiel.sodal, aod satary discaosiono are mal" children or minority of Kosiba coecerñieg secret to be made in enecotive commit- children withopecial needs. ': eccentivc board meetings of the tee, hot all other decinions and In lieu of flowers, send fnnds to RcI'i Located on atte Usisotsity of lOisois ca,ms. Bmev Hals a floufnIy-o.esnd .ssdnm, thfrms-floo,, fslfy.uie-sondidsond uuidneso Park Board wldcil is m 'direct detiherationo for those decisions yosr local democratic and mauling cossue. violation óf the Open Meetiog are to be mode in publie.The organization.Services may he Ant. Mr. Kooiha answered that very sopopolar derision Io add a attended only by well-wishers of , , . . Besn,Ioo Hsfl lu cosauoinvde seated wiShis ohms w.&Ì,g ,nsfu.csof they(theBoard) DEPOSIT REQUIREMENTS hadan health clobtoGrenoan tfeightsor children. ' ' 0.0.5 u.njsr cun.puo iucilofm. isck.dh.g acudeu* bofIgu, flue mia 1311 u1.tII.11,550-15,111.sf1,110-tzt,ots- enecative board meetings. lo parchase Tam were decided at The law has not yet died hot ac- GIFTSELECTION ' IRSt2,4tt14,515$9,ttt115.195atdttet Union. IMPE Bc.Idios, Ausotoble H.Il,u,slthoMnnosiol Ssudian. Ao a freqnetst observer of the esecutive board' meetings tino is to be takeo April 15. 1f yoo 7,, o o' Frcvrd Lithotreph S 5W S 4.tt I 21f10ff FRff FRff Park Board meelings I bave withost the koowledge or consent have children or grandchildren, Living Accàn.modatioms If,, x2t' Nosvur Roololill LilhOlrdph$15.00 $14.tt 112.55 t 9.tt S 5.55 FRff .. .- Oromley Hall offo,s many aoiqos adoantagos. If is ono of the oory tow heardMr. Kosiba octsp of the citizess of Nues. Lam in- 39gifts to write a letter ta ynur 24" o 35' Norvrrltoskotll LilholrephS2t.tt Sss.tt lll.5t f15.tt lit.05 10ff folly sit-conditioned boildiogs so campas. If is completely equipped cnedutiye meetings os namer000 cemed that Mr. Emiba had the congressman . . , stating your 8" o 10' OrdiraI Oil Peiyliyt , 520.50 527.50 526.00 923.50 518.501 9.00 with sooty facility available for'the optimal Ibm s000ir oomeot. lt has occasions.'I have alto bren nerve to desy the existence ofdispleasure with a probable choose from!. eorollent f acilities for both stody parposes aodrelaca tion. to fact. present when reports on different 24' 0 30' Froerd Lilhotrrph $30.00 $29.00 $27.50 125.00 $20.00$50.00' these secret esecolive board reocisding. This is set only a 12' o f5 Oritiyfl Oil Pdsliyt '' 144.00 543.00 140.50 130.00 f34,00 Choose from Susbeom, Geveral Oromley has boen pltooed fo combino effipieocr aod flesibifisy fa, issues are made from esecotive meetings. $24.00 work. stody. and reltotfi onuode, 00e modn,o rost. Its facilities i- Tliio it oso of manyfight of parents wbohavr han- 20's 24 OrdireI Oil PsivSyg 059.00 $50.00 155.50 052.00 149.00 $39.00 Electric, Chalhum, PaperMole, or meetings. Alithese meetings are clodo a lotse indoor. heated swimmiogeoof.sondecks. billiards usd reasoos I decided to roo for Park dicappedcblltken. olhor nome brand prsducts, whey documented -intheirown Board Commisoisner. pio5 pong rooms. a coach baraod colony ososos nonos ry Boor. Name withheld you make a qoalifying deposit- by request Orotnlvy Halls 350 spacioao tooms provide eocelloosaccomn.adatioot. Unfortunately most óf the Milton Port 'free or at greatly reduced cost Etch room has latge closots end pIcare of draw acopare .pias decisions of the l'ark Board Candidatefor Niles YOUR COMPLETE SAVINGS SELECTION...' booksheloos and desks. Farther. Btomloy Hail has a staff st Comitiissian are made in secret Park Board Commissioner Thanks ¡'thes housok eopers who prooide daily maid se,nice and help imelemons the linon programs acoilable fo tesidn paramedics

DearIir ' Rat. Ht.etl!. 3/t/tt tit,a 4/f/it Bath accoaa,tod arose every to ro borins ' luto £On,Oeo 3/2t/ut thn, 4/f/ti ' tfLvith Please accept thajiko to the an adjoining SAVE MONEY! 'SAVE ENERGY! .12.00% t5 i 2.524% Each float 000loAtZEW,de. Niles Paramedics for their 13.103% Replace your Old Gas prompt and coorteomcare' given i 2.94% Single. do Furnace to Dave F. Noble of 6822 MadisOn st, Nitro on March 12, his last a New Efficient Gefleral ridetethehmpitsl. . Orotnlsy HtlI off Orson oatstanding mono 000rie iV nf foods toue be with sniectod. setred to satisfy the most hoarty appetite. All masis are se,. cod cafeteria stylo in a beaotilal gr000d floor dining room. Btewloy Hell Electric Gas.Furnace and Sincerely, .. Mrs.DaveF. Noble t ttvns three ,notls dtily Monday throash Satatday aia Orench 0v . . sor, Onu ' 5.os'/, Sunday. Special arraogemeots for portios aod honqaots cao also ho Save Consumption &Family 51.00 Charngn-U.bana ,Saves upto17% is c 00000mo fly locatod in the East.cooiral por000 of fitinois and is ser. Diabetes seminar dcccl b yamodern aitport with commotcial air soroice from Chicogo on fuel consumption onus 51.50 5,55% annual average when coupled Afeatured speakerat and St. bOlo and abo by AMTRAK Oail Seroice from Chicago. Ressrrection Hospital's-free .with an interinittent ignitios community health education Champoisn.Urbana also is located at the i otn,soc tino ot iotorste deeice. Local climate and Hishways hl and 74 which makos thcorea nasily accessible by r or seminartitlett 'Diabetes Update-, installation practices will casse 1981," Dr. Samuel Borushek.witl Seneicws . . this soeings te carp. speak ohnut treatment and Bromley Hall provides arecept ion desk with a totephonemessase sor. maoagement of diabetes, the im- Vice and a spocious, sHractico lobby ideal tot relaoing. lt has four high Call Us and find out how partance of fm care for ' the s poednlectronico Ily confrollnd eleuot orothatsercice the entire much you can diabetic and wilt address the build,g.Btomloy Holl has meefirg f aciones that are perfect fo, Today! nage. special prnbtems of 'teenage a ARLINGTON HE1GHTS,..AtIIyyIov Knights Rd. al Sigmalt, 30 S, Esergrann Ave. 00005 PH. 250- workshops, seminats. or stoup discuss ion. Them is ac astractio n diabetics and diabetes and 0205 n BELLWOOD, 405 Manyhnw Rd. 00504 PH. 5440000CHICAGO, 230 N. Mishigay Ave. OStOS PH. srack bar open to the residents thaI con procide a delicioassnac k fo 230-0510 CHICAGO, 300 S. Wacker Dr.oc000PH, 341-1303 CHICAGO, 3050 W. 20th St. 00623 PH. 277- satisfy an ottack of fhc muychies. pregoancy. . 5300 a DEERFIELD, lv L'sko-Cook Plaza, 499 Lskn.Cook Rd. 60015 PH. 504-0020 DOWNERS GROVE, iv You , Diabetes Update-lgl'is slated :GeaI6nierican Dowrors Pad SbplyPlaca, 7351 Lntvovf ed: 000is PH. 900-5590 n ELMHURST, 524 N. York Rd. 00128 PH. Are Invited To Call 217-384-6100 jriiru for April 9 at I p.m. in the lower 033-11520 n ELMWOOÓ PARK, 7220 W. Groyd Avn,e0035 PH. 450-4200 n FRANKLIN PARK, 060f Fraykiy Or Write To InDOOR COmrORT levelconferencerooms at Ave. 00f31, PH. '40f-0760 n NAPERVILLE, lv GroalAnnrioan Pinza, 700t. Ogden Aso. 65540 PH. 360- Resurrection Hospital, 7435 W. FèderalSavui f452 n NILEB, In -Gos MIII Ohopplrg Cavlor, 525 Golf Mill Professionol BIdO. osoao pi-t. 2go-5343 n OAK Saolrig'n vow Insured fo sinon ". BROOK, 22rrd 01. of Suvrvitltild005l Rd. 0002f PH. 62S-ssoo n OAK PARK, lotI Luke St. 60351 PH.303- BROMLE,Y }{ALL Cooling b Heating Specialists. Talcott ave., Chicago.Free 50go e PARK RIDGE, lOSS. Norih005t HIghway 60560 PH. 025-0530.' ' parking is available in the doc- 910 South Third Street 640 Pearson Des Plaines635-8050 tor's former parhiog lot located Champaign, Illinois 61820 653 S. Vermont Palatine in front of the employee garage 359-5100 facility. Page 18. hie Bugle, Tharday, M.rchS8,881

SJBith.gra,, de - Page 18 iMaine East skiers , Maine North honors The Bugle, Thursday, March If , Sf81

girl cagers - winter athletes go toVail take first place . Oncé again some daring Maine Saturday, March 28 'and return Maine North high ucuool Stein, Scott Teschky, Jizi Wi&in East skiers will head for the Apr54. honored its winter athletes at the nonand Tom Zimmerman. The 7th grade gina inisketball slopes of Vail, Caiorads over schonl'a annual awards night on Baya' varsity basketball asear- team of St, John BreIeuts'òn fir. Vail ran offer excellent skiing earnedbyJohn utplace inthe Northwest Catholic spring vacation. The trip is spon- to thé advanced andnovire skier Thorsday, March12. dowere sored - by Mr. James Farrell hsdividaal award presentatiom Dreynehner, Mike Hajaut, Bob Conference,they. wereoù.- alike. Within the post mw weekn Harris, Kart Lindqsint, Curtis defeated in that metereùce with througbthe Moine East Ski Club. many Colorado ski areas have were made to athletes whn par- Lucas, SteveMihihen, Jack Ross, 10 wins and O loases.The eón- The thirty-eight skièrs par- had uuhstuntialsnowfalls, licipated in bays', basketball, Schwegel, Denniu fereuce includes St. Juliana, Oùr - ticipating on the Vail trip are resulting in 481072 inch bases. wrestling, swunus'ing and girls' Pete Diane Amend, Scott Andersobn, bauhetball and gymnastics. Schulthesu, Tim' Strha, Tom Lady at Perpetual Help,Qoeenuf A highlight of the trip will be Tambauralai, Toñy Thom, and All Saints, St. Ferdinaoda, and Janet Anderaaa, Howard Baker, the NASTAR races that are ron Varsity wrestling honors were DaveBernsteis, Mitch Brick, juni about every day. Inpresented to Robbie Arnold, Phil Ziesemer. Manger, Juba St. Monica Denis Burba, Sally Chapman, Marc Eisenherg, Mike Goldberg. Schulz and statistician, Dan Roth Ken Kane, restar for the team, NASTAR racing ose ski pro races wuu the leading scorer and Laurie Clement, Dale Davenport, through Use slalom to set base Marc Goldman, Randy Green' werculsobonored. Wendy DsBoe, Joe Dyja, Laurie hêrg, Marc Hamilton, Scoli Sophomores Rick Amondson, rebausder. Iii the gaineagahiut. time". From this "base time" St. Musica Kerl cursed pointa Feldman, John Gibbons, Debbie different times are figuredout for Kaghan, Mike Mayster, Marc Brian Byrne, Dino Chirbas, Joe Goldman, Larry Goldwater, Phil Robins, George Weymer, John Gales, JimHetgren, Lee and grabbed lt rebounds.- Kathy different age groups. Depending Russell, right side gsard, was the Gordon, Tim Grant, Steve Grin- opon a skier's individual time Wilkinson, and Broek Wittkamp. Klawanu, John Kvantas, Eric dei, Gabor Herokovite, Peter Darryl Descosrouez wan honored Laken Jerry Lang, Joel Lasoff, neq'óòd leading tesiac uóurer romparedtothe figored time, o specializing is lay-upu no the fut Herskovilz, Lynn Jacobs, Jphn skier may he eligible for a bros- as the team's trainer. Mihe 'Pionna, Dave -Rancich, Kamyz, Dean Karakosta, Maria Mike Davenport, John Robert Ringer, Bob Kornfield, break Chris Wolmlmn,forward, ne, silver, orgoldmedal. assisted mas; thies os rebòusdu Kan, Sue Kilroy,--Bitl Kremer, The VälIskiers will mainly ski DeGuide, Brian Pairh, and Mark and Dan Neloon comed basket- and often was able to score au nf- - Marty Lietz, Marc Morgoties, at Vail Mountain and The Bowls, Tragar received junior varsity ball awards. Vivian Marks, Ann Meyers, Mike For some this is their first trip Freshmen Juba Bizeau, Joson fensive rebaundu. Sue McMshnn, Moore, Linda Neville, Dave with Maine East; but for many, Freshmen wrestling awards Butt, Steve Davison, Art Dospil, point guard weó reaponuihie for Schmid, Mike Sherman, Rusty due to the populorily of this trip, were piseoted to Jobs Dhillon, Mike Dusinski, Fred Goldman, hringingtbe ball dnws,when thé' Silber, Rich unknit and Rick it is their second or perhaps third Craig Fstterman, Jeff Kessler, Ira Goldstein, Larry Goldstein, team could'nat fast break and for Torssn. George Long, Phil Levin, Shlomo Pat Hammers, Mike Hatfield, getting off the first pass-to setup time around. . - They will leave lrom O'Hare on Khadara, Michael Spatz, Cary Andy Kleiner, Dave Kuehn, a fast break. Diasie Mimp rom- Brian Macdc, Steve Matnhis, pleted the starting five.Diane Tim Panfil, Tina FloUze, Chris worked hard under the hoards nu' Rink, NeilStraeusle, Gary Horns, rebounds asd played the left and Tim Prusaitin also earned guard punition os the offense. basketball awards. Sixth "man" os the-team, Barb Girlsvaristygymnastics Sullivan, -could be, pot abauot NILES SAVINGS awards were presented to Mary- anywhere no the floor - and was Ann Muss, Jessie Schulto, Diana ulwaya able to play each position Shelton; Valerie Shale, Jackie weil.to-the gama against St. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Vuglein, and Chris Weijtmer. Monicas, Barb aróred 12 pointu Jsuiar-Varsity awards were asdaithoogh she ptayedonlypart DECEMBER 31 1980 - presented to Kim Hocull, Carpo of the garne. - Karyn Wirkua.who - Mauro,Viehi Porth, Gail Silver- came very cloue tastärting bsthe - uttis; Denise Tecktiel. Karin garnes, played the right - side tftutrap, and Maureen Wilson. guurdpoaitivai. KaryiaundBarh were -bath recognised-byother I$ .- coacbesfortheireffoóta. - - - $67.8342S.$ - Rounding out the topas were F H A Loans Fu'stMortgaga Loans b Contracts 0cc gymnast Carol Hoppe,leftaide gonird-Soe Other Loans 1.7 - Boscapomi, -. farwardRenne

- Guhun, cester;-Msrgie.'-iee, Real Estate Acquired for Liquidaban of Loans loO-9X '- places 10th Office and Parking Lot. Land Bu Idungand Othar Equupmantat Dapraciatad Value 1.34I.19è: in NationaIs' team inuflagei Katie Argelaingér 78429ó who compaledtats kept score Laurie Birk, of Glenview,farallgamtonntlhelpidoatàtall - Imeastments in and Due from Service Corp...... 2.135m. Oakton Community College's top'pi-actinea,Coacbeuwere-Jhin 669.600 woman gymnast, hastarovez sise- JekiitindMr.Wolmhata.------Stock in FHLB of Chtcago The giflsfisál-gaisíe--at -thy 1.036.431 is alus oste of the heut in the - Cach on Hand and In Banks nation. season, -the annual.- fathér- 6.181.722 Investments and Securities At tlseTatisnal Juziior College 5atip.rnatïhet3otsi''nb TOTAL ASSETS $I0727 Athletic Association gysenaslicu championshIpsisSpsksñe, wearing honing glovesttsey are Washington, ou March 6 and 7, eoperted ta pravldp saine toagh UABILITIESAND NET WORTH Birkplsced fourth f5themientas competition for the girls. bars, with a score of 16.64) anal $fl8,7.613 scared 30 95 ta place tenth ail.' 0ccrunners at around, among nearly 60 corn' 2S0,O00 petitorsfromaroundthe italian. national meet :-413.700: "Laurie has to he meuf the top Linda Kaufman ted the Oolitos carnmsnity cullege gymnasts in :'-- 166,215 Community Callege Rusting the sutton," Oakton gymnasticsRaiders, fisiahing fifth in the coach Jan lhhotusn said of the recent Notlossi Junior College 970,016 1978 graduate ofGlenhroak South Indoor Track & Field Champion- High Schml. I '" 316,326 aMps at thu University nf illinois, Ibbatoon said lurk did not do au Cbumpaign-ttrbasa. -' Why give away so much of what you've worked for. You don't have to. That's why Glenview welt as she planned in her strung Kaufman placed fifth in the $tate Bank offers a full range oftrust services that aie designed to help you maximizethe value of. - 1,819,735 areathe balance beam but didlang lump, asdGwen Kasper was

"real well in the uoevnn barn, - - - - - '' , ataBa m the high Jump. Kasper yóur estatti and afeguard it inthe interest ofyour family. *80.87Zß07 - getting a togher scure after ad was siso ninth os the three mile ding sume new difficoltieu uberoo and Bill Jueru wan tenth in ' hadn't used In the regularthe pole vault. Our Trust Department is staffedwith competent professionals who haveproven expertise in co on." The Raiders outdoor track and management of securities, rçal estate, and otherproperty. They know money. And they know - Earlier tino year, lurk placedfield season begins Saturday, first in the all-around competition March 28, at the Illinois Valley trust and estate administration. ' and was named Most Valuable Invitational Gymnast in the Skyway Con- erence fmulo and won the all- On dean's list As a major bank in the state we're big enóugh to deliver the trust and estate planning services aroundcompetitioniothe The ollowing ntudestu were - you need. As your local bank, we'resmall enough-to provide youwith the personal attention you regionals al Harry S. Truman named tu the Dean's List at St. - College m Chicago. Norbert CoUege like and desérve. Most important, w&reable to help you assure the security of your family's Cathy Florcnak, daughter at future. Call or visit our Trust Department. Do it today. - Jaime D. Deal Mr. and Mrs. Marion t°loi'czak, Air Force Airman tat Claus 7129 Cleveloud;Nuca and Chriu)opher T. Jacoba, sos of Mr. mii W. D.om sic a. z.zt.s - - 218tW.T5y Jaime D. Deal, son of Bernice L. s State MathG,ms,II,- tsogs, ISna fs Deal of 6710- Forentview Lane, and Mrs. Charles T. Jacoba, 8420 Hites, has participated in GlobalN. Olcott ave. Elizabeth Johnson, dasghter nl ,,,O, Shield Il, the Strategic Air Corn- Füc mand's, (SAC) response to uMr. and Mrs. Edward Johann, 7133 W. Cleveland; Suzette War Cilenview Banli simulated attack on the United du, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Slates. - .Ts'ustDepartment.800 Waukegan Road, Glènview, Illinoti 60025 312/729-1900 ThumauWorda, 6840 Dobaon. Member FDIÇ - -=-a _=

TheBugIe,Thuiidiy,MrchS;1%1 -,Pageti . A T _- NÓW Thé PerfeØAnSwei For SmallKitchens, CondosandApartments. THET PP s I MICR E SPCESA E ,,. ..NoW.YouCBflCOOkII?A COLOR TV Cool Kitchen How long has it-been since you pur- THE BEST IS STILL To COME -- DiacoNar chased a new TV set? 5 years? 10 years? Thisexceptionalvaluehas a A LOW;. And you no doubt paid enough to t4iakeprogramable scan remote-- 6ontrol. it a major purchaseColor TV has im I rnagine.1 chairside convenience where proved more and more over the last fewyoucan select up to 91 channels-including '-=za"'T0nQ0R'. UI900C .378 . . TRI-FOCUSPICTURE TUBE - Famous Zenith years and Townhouse TV has built amidband cable TV channels.- A scan Euh Zenith The,horpet Zenith pic tcreecer f Performance! Quality. TRIPLE-PLUS CHASSIS reputation of bringing the best values andmemory . prográmed at the set lets you - Oeegned o be the moOt relieb!e Zecith ecer! price .on name -brand appliances like thisscan through your local chánnels to pick 19" Color TV-to their many thé program -you want to 0oTE customers watck When theset is tu!- l!r If your present TV set is ned on again the remote just a solid state model you system automatically recalls

are: missing improvements the last channel. -

I Módi 56O26 that make cabler just local . SPACE COMMAND800 A SET LIKE THIS ' . Cuts cooking time as muchas 75% viewinö so lifelike you Th. SHELBY SS1923W - Sp.. Crn,,nnnnde Rennol. ConI,oI -rigdiegenal Zenith.Coler TV Vf e- . s Laos clean-up required- you cook mostfoods In the would believe you were SHOULD HAVEA. ciel Deeoreter Cee-peen Table Model. TV-Pecco Pio- same dishes used for serving , . - tore Tube. Triple-mes ChaNClO. Eieetronid Power The ocen stays cool - foods dont burn on thereiike this GE Color-TV CADILLAC PRICE sonno,. Eloetrônie Video Guard Toning. Roe-cte or Monaci Soleenion of op to 14 VHF-end UHF Charroie. See thru window with Interior oven light that features. asophisticated system of . . . VHF/UHF Spotlite Bar DiOplay. s It's compect and portableforuse in kitchen. dinin ircuits TAG..IT DOESN'T. room. patio. cottage or boat - - - locked in that automatically ad-

- NOWLOQK ATTHIS SUPER o Oven"on"tndicatorlight just the picture before yoi.i -see it- now FACE VA LUE you have color that brings more en-TV VALUE AND YOU WONT Joyment to your viewing BELIEVE THE PRICE. IT'S GOT u.s. Most of the olderéts have a sound system likea smàll portable radio--theTOBE.THE BEST VALUE IN $45400 . - SAYINGS aùdio is flat. With-this setyou--can haveTOWN AT

. BOND exciting- sound and- rich audioìidelity forIT'S A - -BLOCK BUSTER - - concert quality soùnd. -- - wUhthy There is no guess work with the quartzOFAVALUEAT Model VR975OJ O! the r electronic tuning. A featuré on the top of IS CLEAR PROGRAMMABLE - ThE CHOICE the lineTV rnódels, in fact there is no fine WHY SETtLEFORLESS . . . -s- VIDEO DIRECTOR MicrowaveOven tuning--EVER and no moving parts to o-o Cooking School: wear Out. Now how doès yourpresent set - New! The Beta Video Recorder With Clear Offer good Frame-by-Frame AdVánce Clear Variable Mori- stand up to théseimprovemeflts? Slow MotionClear Stop Action THURSDAY 8L FRIDAY Through . Speed Search . Triple Speôd 14-day April 261981 Programmable TImer 5 Hours RecOrdin9 ime APRIL2&3 With the GE 25OO rebate . TOUCANCOUNTON. 7to9PM

. - - . . DuggAgnalcuin c=:wt1- w r-' i----. STORE HOURS T:, D.r:E- STOREHOÚRS :i Monday-Thursdoy.Frldoy -ut-cc :.. Monday-ThursdayFriday - - L) - 10e caeD - I . 9 AM. .9 P.M. 9 AM -9 P.M. TV & APPLIANCES Tuesday.Wednesday Tuesday.Wedn.eday ' - TV; & APPLIANCES 7243 W,1 TOUHY 9 A.M. 6 P.M. VI5A 9 AM. .6-P.M. - Saturday - 7243 w: TOUHY Soturday - reno, e . . 9 AM .-5. P.M. 9 AM. .5 P.M. PHONE 792 3100 CLOSED SUNDAYI PHONE 192.3100 1 -CLOSED SUNDAY.- -- TheBugle, Thursday,March 26, 1981 - 'rbeBiig1e0flwid.y0Mirb,80 liii Pi$e98 -

- LEGALNOTICE LEGALNOTICE: accusés Heinen of making . IFlynn . -lCOnddfrOmPag.fl) - - : New OFFICIAL NOTICEOF CONSOLIDATEDELECTION untrue statements' .-Piac.o a,. ovbj.ct f. thong.au n.c.00hy r.quk.nz tha9 the CONSOLIDATEDGENERAL ELECTION Thansaa Flynn, Nibs Mayoral Patti Alexander and fondly, live OFFICIAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Disdidate. today accoasod ElaIne woo NOrdicaStoORt. I hope rho ceo will be hold in COOK COUNTY an Mius Town.Hw Township officiaLs prone thatoceoasatioesatsur .Heben al ossiog waco tactics, conducting a negative campaign SIebaIro on March 20. and of making sslots'ue atutensessta F1yem added, "She bon premi- and iaopeeslble p0000sisan.Flynn ted to build a resalercitiamo TUESDAY, APRIL - 1, 1981.; r-6935 TsaI,yAoe., Sshuul, NItro 72-stOOChu,ot, SL, Fialdhcaoe, Monos Crave building with FraIerai and elate a-6930 W. ToahyAno., Hoot torAnnd, Nitro 73-1 Orlar Rd., Fieldhouse, CotS asid oho was hooting imsoc005t of Ench Township, - - WILL BE HELD IN Preeinels s-1 Orlar Od, vi5.n Hou. Gulf . - 74-6000 Oskron st, LIbraS, Nites people. He raided he did ni4 sowoney. The fact in there in The CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION CICERO ondee the jurisdiction of tOR-C Ihn Cilien of EVANSTON o BERWYN and. the Town of 4-3925 Lust Cok.. Schmt, tinonlswond 75-Goat Oaktoe, school, Siles intend os replacing nay sillage absolutely na FOdOOOI er aRate s-690e r. Liwoin, Lngnn thlt,.Linealvwood 76-90m Kenton Aun., Schml, OkOkmn village grant is aid peeam for this tipe the Election Depoetment ei, the Cook CaantyCleek. . 6.-4950 Pros, Chuneh. Strokir 77-07w Crawford, Schoot, skukin empIsyeeo. 050ejelthe of mnotessction.Nono!She is c!àned at 7:00 o'clock P,M 7-4707 W. Pratt, Church, Lincolowood ' - 78-aleo Mormona Ace., Finldh000e, Macron Croen attorney. The pollo fee noid ELECTION will be apeeat 6:00 AM. and o-ano, N. Haden, Sshoot, Slier 78-Noah Lacier k Old Ovhand Rd., School, 550kb Mr. Flynn said,"Mrs. Hei000ss deooinisog oeeoioe citizens." 9-7000 NeWonk, Hone, SileS 00.-4040 Main SI., Carg.. Skokmn has called berneS the "Jane Flyosos concluded, "She loso triad Attise GENERAL ELECTION thevotemwill vote on: ro-esto s. Keelensce., Village Hail, tlncolrwood ti-aeon E. Pnainbn Rd., School, Sknkr 11-9325 Monoe, rleldhouse, Monos Grace ta-6834 Lrempster, Commeviln Corlan, Skokln Byrne" of Nitos and said, "I will iotalse mediE foe the handicapped t2--47n7 Pral! see., Church, tieculewood 00-8025 E. Prairie Rd., Synagogue, Skobie clean house at city hail".lt is poroono progress und park at the City, Villoge o, Town Eteetiona (SaoSchedale below) 13-3925 Lent, 550501, Linsoinwood 0u.-n0004 Oid Onehard Ct.. Apis., Skokie ropugsoant to threaten wonkoec Ports District.The fact io that Township Election (Seo Schedalo below) 14-0521 Ocktov, school, Nilo, 05-Hato Siles Cenlen Rd., Tampboledea , 550510 sosA the aecoseity of their wives foncer Diotsiet Preoidnnt, Millie is-own w. Multord St., cove. C,Iiez, skeklo 05.-ator PS. Harlem. School, Siles I know of sa Jones, developed-the handicap- - (See Schedule below) - and ehildeon. Park -District Election n 1S-0t33 Lincoln 5cc., Police 515110v, skukle 07-0030 L.mov,SkokiO - Lib;ay Diotrict Elections )See Suhedalebelow) 17.-0237 Kenton 00e., Methodist Bldg., 5kokie- Oa-393n Howard, Tavtple, Skckie 'mcompetent or dishonest eoqplo- ped progeom und meoceined the Refe,endo )See Schedale below) ns.-ION c. Prairie Rd., school, tkokie -' so-scsi Sher(oir fico., Ree Center, Skokbn yea." I pools concept.She woo otresdy 15-5014 OrneO, Residence. Skokle Os-0300 SI. Louis fice., school, Skokie Flynn wont on, "Meo. Heinees coining mosey before Mro. Hoin- 20-7055 Llrcele Ove., school, eSokIe 9t-40Th Nitra Canlér Rd., Fe,d, 550kb I look NILES TOWNSHIP CI-Foresiciew 5 Osvis si., School, Skokle 92-3Mo Church St., School, 550km called children os Nordica'" little en ever lcamw javolved. 22-SuN Gross P01cc Rd., Fine Stauen, Skokie N. Livcclr 55e., Hall, Lincobnwood thieves" sassI "anwrgasoized forward to debating Mro. Noises 23-4555 Charoh Si., Chench, tkokln 54-4432 W. Oakloe SL, Cotncii. Skokie lt sosa no toosiet, March20, at 7:30 p.m. in Colindo, cr501500,OeneieOda gang ofentoetionsuta'" . Circuit Court Judge Leonard R. Grazin officiated at swring ja TOWNSHIP Sapnrclsc? dorS 0055.00, 0oOrbeebooOt 24-41St Osktov st., Center, tinkle 55-gust Gross Poirl Rd., School, 5500e the Roc Center on Milwaokee 25-7401 UncOin Ace., 'FW Posi, skckle 96-3935 Howard, Tample, Skokie accident that my eSmosing 0055e, who have O 0141 cetemonieS March 10 for three Maine Township officials SILES ' O -- O - O 26.-7040 Lacamle, schOOt, skckie' 97-0n44 festin fice., Church, Manen Cr0,0 Ave." been appointed to new positiono on the town board an theresult of 27-oo4n Main SL, Chunèh. skokle 95-0055 N. Oak Park fice., Residence, Motten Croon . 26-9245 N. Lawvdste Ace., School, Skokie - the recent resignation ofSupenisorJames J. Dowd. - 59-0740 Shermet flor., Cl cancro , Nibto Pullell charges RTA irresponsible -- Lmb;am 25-5540 Otovo, Rnideoco, Skeklc 10H-8200 Cnosa Point Rd., School. M000n Cmoe Halver- - '. LiMerO UbraC Left to right: Judge Gracias of Morton Grove, Pajil K. Calece - . 4 nr Tore,a Yr yore, Retocando 35-02t2 Lircole Ace.;Leoicn Coil, tkoklé cooditionby caseeliog the Park olLLasE ,PrasbdOnl clou T,e5105i 5 Vr vert lot-4500 Main St., Schocl. Skokie State Rep. Peony Pulen (R- sonand Mark Thompson, Des Plaises, andStephes J. Stotton, 3t-3S3n Hcwa,d, Schuot, skokln 102-4H00 Main St., 5550cl, Skokin acheoluled fare hike. That'n not - . filai XIII ' O 4tls-Park Ridge) -today said the - 01Cl - sLENOlEW o ' . e ' 32-0140 hi. Tnlpp Ace.,Se000t, Skekie Ridge. - raS-seto r. Pta1,10 Od., School, LmncolnwOad a good way ta encourage s sym- Halversoo, Township Clerk sisee November, 1979, has bees 35.-0300 Si. Louis 0cc,, School,Skokle 0o4-47a3 Weal Touhy fico,, Church, Lircolnwood action by the Regional Transpor- 34-5201 Howard st., School, Skokie tos-anas Nitet certo, Rd., 005irats , Skokie tatienAuthority. bosrdin pathetictrealaneotinSpringfield. - namedSupervisor to succeed Dowd, asd is the Republicas cas- April .Tows- 35-0340 l'lantlin see., Fine Station, Skekir rot-9410 N. Lord fice., Residence, 550510 deferring the scheduled April 1 "It leeks as thaosgh the RTA didate for eleclioo to this top spot os the board is the tiswoiheoos O - O clam 36-Osto si. Louis flee,, School. Skokie tOi-5255 Male St., 0dm' ristra lion OrdR., 550km - farehike "snderocaresthe ETA's isn't willing to be at ali reupeo- 37-9251 i.ockwuOd, School, Skokia ship eleetios. - - - non-5045 Kosino, fice.. Scheel. Sknkle O O 0131 0(31 '-- dasthosiols." albIo mod is relng enhmly on a MORION 5000E - Stoltos, a Trastee since 1978, was appointed to fill Ilalverson's 38-jatO Siles Cl. Rd., Tentpla, Skokle non-Win Siles Conter ad., Tempro, Skukie ----. ' _.. - - .. ukia - bailout fromthe oRate to keep the - 59-Mrs Lincstr Ace., Legion Hall, Rep. Puilen who is a member Towosbip Clerk, and is slated for Clerk os the ballot by reILES ,-o o' - 0mal . - , tm-adioS. Cbcerofice., TV, Shop, Llncclnwcod - vacancy as 40-7040 Lìrsnnie floe.. School, Skokie tsl-aaas o. Prairie Rd.,SynannRen. Skokme aftheHosseSeleetComnsitteeoo- doors open.' The tanpayera o . n cIel slab .01m1 tbeGO1party. - . - scucle ' 41.-4755 Osklcn Ava., Ceelet,Skokie lis-93w atan, flea., Park O loro cl, Skakin the Financial Condition of the should not have to carry all the Thompsos, an Assistant State's Attorney, CriismalDivisios, 42-3907 Osboon, School, Skokie 110-8036 Marnera fico,. Fioidhoesn, Monon Gwen . 43.-4701 Oskian SL, Rearaslion Centnn, Skakie 114_4950 Pratt, Chcrch, Skukle ETA,oaidthe board'o action last freight for the RTA, and the Chicago, i ooeofthefour candidates tor Trustee on Ike Repobticao , 44-525tGalloo St., School, Skukie 115-alar A. K-cOcote, Charoh, acCho -., December in raising fares to board's action today io vacast C cmmiss mono, e cn,mltr lcnor c omas bOro, - , . - slate. He pas appoostedto filIthe Trustee's position left 4$-4040 Male St., Drank. ShaMe . ms-caos Lockwood, Sehool. Skukle - - PARK 5iSTObOT - 5 Vr netm a nr Tale a Sr nonn headeffflnsnclal crisis had been- outrageous." when Stottoowas etevatedtoTownobiP Clerk. IH-52t5 O.kOonSL, LibrSS. Skotrie 197-0601 Mnnaod, SaSsai. MoSan Cresa . -Rup. PuBes charged that if the 47-9500 Knarrer Anr.Sekaal.Sknkie I tR-352 Lan tenOt woad;ShoppbegCenren, 5105 "probably the oniy renp000uible 40-'814t Kccfesln, Chuosh, Skokln 119_Star Q.kruo Sr., Hail, 5505mo action the- RTA has tabeo in ETA does shut dawn for lack of - MomoS 5005E 012m ' . - 49_tHat chuinta St:, lainAi, jackIe t25-'r01Orard 50.5 Siin.Co,roe,Od.. LIbrary. Skqkio - s-ceRisE yearn. -certainly it paved -fosada; "the blame can be laid 50-S315Matiun, Park; Monos Orson - 1z1-nssu N. supe floe. OSe Ornai, Okuke - . Slam . - talles . -thit way for a change is attitude'.uquaroty at the feet of theRTA Golf Maine Park cändidate 51-atOO ChurshSl., Fioldhsuse.Munan Croce 022-370e Dois St., SOt,auI,880510. - Z . OO is.the General Asnembly that the beard, for 109835g the CEA get SCORIE , 0121 52-leal Mmmd, sohnol, Montos Croce - - - 023-gaon.rson.00ieos Rd., Courge, Skukie 53-6350 N;unsóiv, Firrloaolon,MsrOon Cr050 . 124-4855 Raso Prslrla Od., Setraul, Liticolnosoud. ETAmight by exercising ailEtte away with woeoouclunable waste - Numerals le pa,eethnsou led cateflU mbor st candidate to bu etod Sd-unto CoungiansAce..Chetck,Munun Goce .: 029-06es Cauto 0*0 Od., Sindth Ca,nat.Skokle - . resdonslbllityforachange, - - .- at taxplydro' eupmare fur upen- f stresses service - - - - . uI*dk.s.. .ffi. ,b. a.d 4 7- '' '' t ses 55.ir9000 urlletun.SthkoljaunsnC000 tas-1039 LInudo. Satrnur.Strukie - - . t'Now,juut gotha ETA hìucas . .tltoÉtoo much on administration 86-snos W. Datnp,terut.,Contpany,Mot000 Cròoe. 027-924K N. Smodato, lofionS, 5505mo.., . , . Larry Gomherg, 1880 candidate S7__094a N. Acodo Ace., Church; Monnn,Crooe - en.. Saloni. 55551e . oliscad ou shutdown could be . of the ETA Itaeli and new far - -020-ItOu N. SOpp Larry Gomberg recestly as- REFERENDA - - 88'r'HlOOCtnsO Paint ad,; Soi,aoi,Mu050,Ctsca glo-dueWrifht n000aoe. Rnemdnnsn, 55510m imminent, the beard Insista on .' - refusing to help Itself eut of its forStateRepresentative from the - --aoaoced bis casdidacy for Golf- '-' 59-935005k Pulk. Schu/tl,MOñOn Csonè - .. 190_7040 LSoaorie. Snhout,Skokbn - . . T - 4th Legislative District, baa been ELECTORS OF VILLAGE OFGLEN VIEW - worng their own filiandal owniam' TO THE . Maine ParkBoardCorn- .Ko-5000 Church liii CnnnienilyCentet Skokit PoliceStition, Skalde - - missioner. The Golf-Maine Park as activist is the mmcorporated - , -61.--0333 Uneoln Ace,, .1t29t3H Clrerstr SO,, Fletd Hosco, Manan Crst' - area of Maise Township for some - es--Stat Oasis. tonuS. Strobe-- - ,- ' - -. 133-Is23Gemrtbana Ac0 ChOOb, 00H00 Grocn. District serven the ostscor- 63.iv.3637 CuSRd.,Chajoh, Oc000Nn . 114-Mas W. Lbrtooin Ave., Teorple, 0505mo.'.... :)Oratdarea ofMatse Township.- time sow. His public service el- ' . . .64-4400 Crave St.. Cantnr, Skokia 135--94885kOkb0 tOd.. OMor000ird nhearoo,SkoSla . Mr. Gomberg emphasized theforts include researching the 65-7401 Linsaln, V.F.W. P0505054. Strokin .- -- 1S6-H91ON. Reeler, 881.00 Hall, Sicraoi,oauud ' "Shall the office of the Village Clerk of , .mporta5Ce uf Park Districtfeasibility and pashiog for more .*l...211 YES .-:Nai-?t17Crowffltd Ancka,çh. kinsoleteond . 117-8814 nmhe Ann,T Sradia. Liosotowutid . . 67-3815W, noAhy, eiunst,Linsulnwuod .- tU-9300N.KnoirnO Aoe,Satrnst, ShakO : cmera receiviog the best service-- police protection, distributing the Village of Glenview, Cook County, Il. ,. and compiliog the results of an . Kun-dH3N.Hunstd, vanpte.-a,saia - - . . 039-ow 0 .M0050d,$draal-Mnnun Cnsckl -. ,-.' :wautble for their money. He Iinois,.becorne an uppointive rather than . 6w.44uOCos5eti,.CeaOot. 98dkkl . 140'-5O9O'Cherstr gr.. Olnlduiouse..Martnfl Croon' -

extensive questionnaire, and - . - 70-4015 R,PaaialeRd., S8nn.guusa,skubie . I4lO?4OitretirreermOeaaerH, Nilo wmmented that public money - /t-wOH . ibould be spent wisely and in ac- orgániuisg a cilizeñs' action an elective office?" Ct.uforot Sdtusl,Slakkl . , .145-I2$00055 Point t.d.,tluuibo«Conrée. touSle .. tdir-I1O1W.aksgae Od., Ion, Maroon Gosr ordance with taxpayers' wishes. grasp -ta correct the problems - _"I will- prespote ever. ssrfaced as a result of the :flcreasingcommunitypar- questisnnàlre . 4-275 NO ,- bATED at..Cfllcagó, l))lnolIthiS 24thdoy f March.A.D. 1981 :icipatianinParkDistrict "My euteunive joersunal con- - wograms and willwork toward tact withthe public has made me - PARK DISTRICT: ontisued commonity/Park aware of the feelisgs people have TO THE ELECTORS OF THE SKOKIE :)jatrjct cooperation bi reviewisg regardisgtheir Park District. As STANLEY T. KUSPER, JR.

- md spdatiog Park District a1 Park Board Commissioner, . .: - - - -. ,. - -,,. ..,, COOKCOUNCLERK . wogramslO ensure thet meet the my service. ta the public - will eedu of the commusity," Gom- contorne ta jacludesoch personal Shall Skokie Park Dislriol be authorized to - - contact," Mr. Gomberg ens- YES ergauserted. --- 4-271 - levy andCnIIeclae addilioval tao 01 .10% for all eluded. , - corporale purposes as prooided iv Section 5.3 Scholarship:Nués Elementary etThe Párk Dislrict Code? winner North.honorstudeuit - Kustra proposestougher - Cajidace ZeuschnRrr 8eS O8ktOtI Deoring, GaliBo Erokay, Marc Community Cullege otodent from Students of Riles Elementary NO School-North namedto the Honor Galdatels, Nadine Hasses, JIB cholarshipständards- 4-- 275 MocEan Grove, has bees awarded Hedrich, profeaulonal Roll for the third markIng period Bedrich,Michaal a Certified - Timothy HoeS, Marc Johnson, Secretary ocholurahip by the In- were DonasChmiellnskl, Nancy WE HAVE 0CKDa SOME OF OUR ChmIeliflski, ChristianeYoung $oo Kong, Kimberly that a student pass 50% of bin TO THE ELECTORS OF THE SKOKIE PARKDISTRICT: ternattonalProfessional , Todd Kassel David MERCHANDISE. WE ARE a.CCKlNGoa State Rep. Bob Kustra in- Secretarial Association. DrAsceozo, Jolie DiMudica, Lisa nduced legislation to require coarseload. Fallerani, Robert Ginacchiom Klawea, James Kobltleski, John DOWN ON aaOVERpKEDeS MERCHANDISE Commentisg on the need for The scholarship.wlU go toward Kolnkl, Tracy KreIser, Ingrid adeslo receivisg Illisois Stale the tuition for the two-day Cor- Claadla Grnettnor, Matthew eholarsblp Commission tougher standards, Kontra seid, HOSIrICh, MarkKalita,Barbara.Lamphis, Nick Langla. Como In and "ajI Out" a vañety of "The requirement of a C average tifled Public..Secrotory enam Alun, Donna Lasgstos, Michael lonetary Awards to majatais a Shall Skekie Park District be aolhòrized to ocheduledforthe fient weekend Io Igasuet, Richard Pursy, Steven C,' average for scholarship for state financial assistance -P4 211 YES Roggemas, Becta Scham,KelcH Lallosa, Smog Sao Lion, Doran p,oductsatjustafmc6on of thai "Costs." lacy and collect av additional loo of .05% tor May. - - termed 'scholarship' can hardly Sedeluky, î,sgwal. Under the correst law, Ihe purpose st recreutioval programs as prooid- Zeuuchner, a 1979 of Nba Nor- Schwess,Wendy Lubie, Holly Maysard, Victoria loe only academic reqairement he called unreasonable. Where Sheryl ShimanovskY, Susan Meier, Shelly Misale, Robert ALLMERCHANDISENEW. BOTONE OPAKIND'CLOSEOSSTs edivSection 5-30nf The Park Dislricl 98IilghSchoal, Is too first Oakton ;r obtaining amonetary award colleges and asiveroities fail to Tengosdal, Cindy White and Murray, Sheila Murray, March set proper utandards fur the ex- Codo? ' - Community College student to :Om the ScholarshipCorn- She lo Sharon Settler, Nichas,Craig Niedermaler, penditsre of state fonds, then it lu win tIse scholarship. the Mark Paullo, Todd Payuk, Savings In All Departments sission is ''satisfactory cuiwenfly s part-Ihm neeretary Studentn namedto cogreso." up to the state legislature to Honorable Mention list -were Thomas Pfeifer, Leslie Power, AtJ.EALESRNAL'UMITED ounoomies reqaire more stringeot otandar-. NO In the maintenance office' st 1 Kontraexplainedthata . 4 281 Timothy Alcalde, Michele Asday LysAs Rabey, Leo 1010e, Larry Lutheran General Hospital lo ScottSertis, sajority al ioutitstioss reqoire a ParkRldge. Lisa ArgYraklsr David Bac' Schoeoieman, LAKE-CCOK FA & GARDEN STORES , The C average reqairement Deborah SIioz, 'Scott Steiner, . average, but nome are too AccordingtoDr.Jadlth chlore, lrenè Banilia, Steve' 9S7LuuSt. Resulta Road atad Rs000.d 00. niest.Two niste universities would col apply to the freshman The GEÑERAL ELECTIONor thot port of Cook County in the )utisdiction of the County Black, Michael Bosrdeau, Angelo Vasuilt005, Karos Wile- Lee nsOakwood a, ar.mnaror Od. sshosnrbsrg Od. Ros. 22 und 63 year so it would sol pesahze the Gerbant,- coordinator for Office On. Pt.iees, Itt. ls' 500rsanobar , IlLLuk. Zsolsh, IlL sqaire only that a otadent rom- Clerk will be held in ouch election precinct in the County of Cook nod the voting will be MarillOth'Bracar, Angela zewoki,ElloabethWilfosg, ' 8044406 629.3601' 430.2061 disadvaotagedstadentwho Syatents Technology at Osktan Robert Wolak, Lina Waadsll, -fete a miobsurn of 24 credit at the following palling pincen for each of fheobove said dentine precincts officially n.- Zeuschner was drusen on the Boacato, PaulBufgerr CYI5thIO 406 Cne000 St OkseSd.00a, raso s, ws,,kegsc 0e 6730 SnoUt OC might have problems of adjust-. Michelle Yactor, Un-Young Yo, Big Rod garn a aseefl.osraos,a, Nenttu Dopas awn each year. Osecomzhssity looted by the County Clerk, - Bychowoki, David Bychswnki,

academic - meat bIke first year. boula of 'her GeWfltKpiO ZioIlL mv- Tints Pack, itt. ullege is the state requires osly - Kurt CaIllons. Ji Chung, Cisdy StovesYuenar.dDeasse Zych, I 7 6324723 IContinuod on Pago 23) - achievement and professional Crass, Shereen Deal, Laara guais, . TheBgIe,Thurnday, Mar,h26, 1981 . fl1IûYeT !B1- LEGAL NOTICE Mayoral candidate - LEGAL NOTICE I . (Ccntlnu.d from Page 24) Niles Park' candidates OFFICIALNOTICE OF CONSOLIDATEDELECTION GENERAL ELECTION Elaine Hèinen lists OFFICIAL NOTICEISHEREBY GIVEN, thzB the' CONSOLIDATED TOTHE ELECTORS OF NIGH 5C1400t DISTrnCE NO. 207: , will be held in COOK COUNTY en - join.forces her qualificatiofls TUESDAY, APRIL7, 1981 - "Shall Ihe annual loo rate taredtznaljanal pin- "Sincemycampaign for mayorsharpened during my two years Eoeh Township, pones DI Township High Reboot DisIriel - No. YES on the Nitos Park Beard," she The CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTIONWILL BE HELD IN Preeincto of began,' condidate Elaino Heben Town of CICERO onde, the orisdiclion of 207, Cook inunly, Illinois, ho ienreosodteam stated,I have been oatliaing mycommented, "and my years. of Ihn Cities of EVANSTON ond BERWYN ond the I .63% Io 2,03% opon lIne value al the the Election Deporinsent of the Cook Coonty Clock. taoable involvement in other activities - goals for the Village o NUes.I property In lIte dinlAct as OtIaofizdne 'as-. commend my opponents forand parish work havé'reiaforced The polls foe 5oidELECTION will be open dt6OO ArM. ond closed of 7OO o'clock P.M. sensed by lIne Detoadment at Resecan?" doio likewise m the past coopletheseskills." : -

of weeks and finally addressing In addition, her activities in the At the GENERAL ELECTION the voters will vote ont . themselves to Village needs bss-Niles - area have provided her . NO steadofpersonatities." with an expertise io balancing Many of the goals addressedleadership with delegation uf City, ViHag.e os Town Eledinna (See Snhedole belnw) are similar, Mrs. Heinen said,work. "I,deel very strongly ahoot Township Eleclian (Son Sahedale below) Pack Dint,izt Election a(See Sahedole below) lt is nstimztsd.that,thn zppronlmatz amount st tooñ zeteedlble sedeeIhn rosimswrztz( but the approaches are differost. this qoolificotion for mayor," she , at l.nu%tne odnsstinmt rsneanzs sew In forne ib Toenshle Hiah SChOOl r Librocy Dintrial Elections )See 'Sehedolo below) nlst,ct Na. However, she emphasized,Ifemarked, - "- '." -. 207, 'nanputed upon 1hz mt Secar salm, is $t4,545,553 cod that the appcosinatz think itis now time to list "Since I am running os -an In- Refe,endo )See Sahedale below) - ammnt of tanna nztendibts tue ana TownshIp Utah school tonnent na. an, sedar thepta- qoalifications for the office ofdependent sod am independent, I rasad ieoreasnd rafe 5f 2.03%teadecusanat rnreonan. coaputod upon the last knnns salan, la 5t5,490.377.' . mayor," - - believe that t cao be much more MAINE TOWNSHIP Herfirst, anda very important, openminded toward the people nf ta alu iaalsed Eat lIai Rami - - Three hest Ntu. ylliflsaat- ' -. ,. T,c,laaa . qsatification is that of being oNUes and toward tunal husmeos TOWNNOIP Supatofia, , clac 055es, 0e . IO anni,, IO,,, callado, 1h. GENERAL ELECTION the that past of Conic County in Eh. ¡sa.isdkIio.. of Eh. County far Riles ParkDiatyict Cain- ataldlity of tiandiatrict ts tarir full-time mayor: 't have pledgedand indastry for alttheir seeds." Clink willb.hold in .och.eI.ctio.. pended in Eh. County ofCoobund Ihn voting will b. miasboner,JimPieraki.Dan O O O fi 0141 cer MaiNe X ' to resigo my position with the Mrs. Heizen has also 'learned al fha folkawing polling place, foe noch of the aboye said .kctlon pe.cincts officially u.- Kgalba and Mary Maauaek bave Piombi. Kodfla. and Martisek Chicago corporate law tiren forthrough her-involvement with a I.cf.d by the County Cliek, deaided that they alsare nimBar agreed thatthey would not see which I work io order to devotewide-range of diverse greops vIewsanseverallantana Which nf- Board - Macname. aub.ct to change na' n.c.saity esquiNal how the could coonidar In- all my eoergieo to implemeotisg when te change things that cao be feetthefuture cil theNUes Park valvingthe districtin the changed aod when to leave alone order te weak mccc mygools." Res pLaINES O X ' O O O W - District, In propesed parchase of the Tam Secondly, she poioled sot, those things that cannot be effectivelyto reach tisine goals, .- "I Tennis facility at a cost of . , filWVany will have no outside interests to chaaged. - the 3' CandIdatesnui be cain- $350,000,'They pledgedthan- distract me from this. I have no Finally, she stated,"I will SwedeTOWNSHIP bisingthelrelecttanefforts. selvas to continued efforts to his- law practice or i050rance ormoot no crusades against larger Predna The tannen ai ululantImpar- prove the district but praismsed to govermnental hedies or agencies s-8555 Crra,eoaod Ace.,Schml, Miles are programanhag other husisiess that coold stand is 70-soonCall Rd., Co,dn,eiocv,, 0es Plaice, tancefor oil 3 ,keep the Boancial weE being of the way of, or profit from, mythat would result in years of , o-usos DaVidPl.,Cc,itshd Sq. Cocdomiom, Des flalors 79-5267Osreell 5 50Cc,, school flaIl, Os, Plaine, ta meeitheneedaofALL ritman, the district as a prime factor in Llb,srO - RI,ao,/ - T,csl.a Librase 3-lu Nook Est Oicnr Road, Legion Cati, Des Ptaivs . 00-260 No,tlnaass position as mayor." litigation and/erfraitteos efforts. Cia,k Tr5at,ss a nr Oac O sr Te,e n n, InnRararenda Hay, Church Pa,k Ridge attractiveand well maintainedanydeeisloaL VILLaGE P,asldact 4-523 ' Oil, Anavar , Schaal, Dra Ptzinec 01-1401 W. Oakton St., Chu,nh, NuIts Mrs. Hoben àlso highlighted There in enoogh work to he done s-ott S. Walt Rd., rifldhoase, Das OIsive, parks, cammaaaaityinvolvement Alt 3 bave been maactively 5LeNSIRW ', O ' 0 0131 Xlii '0101' '0 os-1566 N. NeOhoe,l Ooy., Chs,oh. Perk Ridge her organizati000l shills. "These in Niles,-and I sincerely believe I 0-and flac. & Thka, St., Schont, 0e, Plume, os-29gonls,fi500 SI., ymeldhoo,e, Cleonigo in decisigasanlanpravemeagta involyedinyguthactivitles. They . 0101 0131 ,' - have keen dmonstraled andamthe bestqoalifiedtodo it." MOtOnON GvÓ0O ' X , fi 7.r1t75S.5th flea., School,Or,Plaine, 04-yamtd. Oriole floe., School, Mo,lnn Croce - and àstrang anseof fisealbave aeammittment to good O-baS t.filnocqic Od , Chu,,h. Onu Plaice, - 05-7640 Msi, SI., School, Nile, - , SuRs - , x_ o ' ciel respoadbffity pregraaaaaahagfor all agegroups, ': 9-254 Lau,e I fice,, rosloe,u . Oes Plaines as-asanealla,d Rd.. School, Nile, Attherecent randidatea- Byswingtheir varied skills, aoseMONe fi X 0101 - .- - 10.-fiSTC,acrlund flot.,Rratly. Des Plaice, 07-2727 Maple, School, Ort Plaines Provenzano is lb-1301 Auhtacd, fitc,ichhcc. Or,Plaice, 05-7555 W. Dec,rsler sr. School. Nilet meeting apaosored by the Leagsae .qualtftcatinns and onperiences, 12-1526 Thacke,. School. 0e,Plfines . 59-0000,E. Poi-tn D,.. Reo. C,ntee, Oto Plsi,eS 5f Warnen Voters,Pierski, they inteodto be mace kifective Sc,, ct-coos Mice, ararat inn Conte,. 0e, Pl,,ne, 90-cootOna,am floe., School.Niles - C om,nla. loe,, O anOis, loca, O an,eisa ia,er ,, . lu-nun; Oca-y A,., ChU,ch, Oat Pla,,nc, ItOsiba and Ma,sisek faussE them- in working for a park dinfrict that .51.-005 N. Nc,lh,orel 007., P.2, Oidg, ' 'A Man of Actiòn' ' . raeR nlNTolcn o o, nere, u y, Tt,n r n, Torn nS-t492 flennT Ace., Cha-ch.Octplaines 92-aol Obc,,tr I N C,ee,000d fice., Cono House. Nile,, selves proposing n'mñlarmeets theneeds of the residagis no_1479 'Nhitcevb fice., Chunch, Dc, Plaints ' li Michael ORN PL5INEN 0121 - , . - SS-C,r,nnood O,klo,, Fin Scalino, Pa,k Ridor solnti000 to questions, Of th aad a dlict that operates tas l°rovesoaoo, an Io- L communication is 'foe peros. 17-nsoh Eae,etI,I ., School. co, Plu,nos 94-gaol N. 0501mflor.. School. Nues candidates,theyalonéadnacated'soundfiscal policies-Each of . , .. dependent tor Hiles Village with the pccple of Nitos who have uceNoten .0121 to-nvonEarec S,., Scheel. Dot Plainas 95-1755 WollOd., Sahool, Ors Oisives in-nsa- nochy Ace., School,Oc,Plaice, S6-Oe,ey,ls, s Ccnbe,land, h,r Dept.. Nitra cautionincansidering the thais is ableto colt opon a tonad Trastee,hasdiotinguished'Village problems and fur better soLF.UuINE TIll ' elli - ' ' '":.:. proposalsforosimmariceatthebackground of community in- himselfasanindividual sapport and cooperation with un-tuno clv,Sc..City Ga,agt, Ps,k Ridge sp,-449tide, Lane, Retidence. Cleneieo MORTONGROVE 0121 . - - .. al-anoS.Licceln flot., School, Pad, Ridge Son-noto Whia- 5' . Call, Des PAiera Sporto CompleLAlt 3 cited a volvesageast,Theyare not stogIe dedicated to the cause of civic af- Homeowners Association, Senior 22-ono 5. Lincoln fice.. School, Pack Ridge 99-622 E. NOr,t,oesl flay., Ca, D -ale, . Ott Pl aines NuES - 0151 , ., . need te enarnine the fact te beisaue candidates, boat rothera 91,0 -. - fairs for over It years in the Citizen and Youth Groups. 23-Cilliok aCullo,,Chc,ch.P0,5Oidor rOO-rzSao.00,i,00 Sc,, Pa,k. rle,oieo gothered by surveying otherwith a unique canbination of ex- - - . - S.Fui,ni,w fice,,Sa-col.Pa,l, ridge Village of Nies sod over 30 yeárs Throaghoot his many Years, 000K flOOR --lela' . '. - - 24-loot lOt-000r,& Cho,ch ed., School, Dea P lai,ea 25-000 5. Pena-nOI fice., Chnl,, Pa,k Oidor r02-tzo, eoe,rlc , CheofiçOc. Pl suces ' districts with year-round ice aaces, By working together, of Government experience io the - Prevenzane has received' many OONEMONT. 0121 . ',' ' 26.1'505 Pa,k Place. City Hall, Pa,l, OidOr lOS-M57 Ha,niteO SI., School, Nile, rinks, Th,yaIlntatcIttheY wooldthey will be able to wnrk eifer- City of Chicago, County of Cook awards 'for his contributions in 27-50505,1,Place. City0,11. P5,1,Ridge noa-s2ne Ma,yiaed. Cha fi ,,oli,gl ce fipla., Nulas reacho deciaioaabased on the foe. tivelyfortheNiles Parkflistrict. and the State of Illinois.. He has a serving many civic aod corn- :' an-toto Oeilsn, Rink,Pa,k ridge Son-90m Capitol O. School, Nile, 5ceOOL , ' 25-260 N. NocheestOrno.,Chccch, Pack Ridge t06-0509 Daoid Place, Cou,llard 5 qua,, , De, Plaie,, progressive outlook for. NiIez' . . - munity organizations. elsnolcr ' ', , crts,óeaa foture.Nothing jost happens- A man of schon - a mua en the 30-410 Cofihy fice., CSc,ch, Pa,k Oidor tO-O9O5 Oaanam fie,.. School, Siles sc000l. . 35-707 Wi,ce,,tchool, Puck Rid0e r,o-n2335h rene, Rd. S trLknilh. Chs,ch, Monos G,00e

lhiogs moot he made listo reality move; he believes io nut making Olor. *507 -.'. .,-- , - . .- nfl-tooS.Wa,hi,glOn. Chc,ch. Pa,k RWne sin-soot eaceisoo, School, Oes plaine, o Steve Chamerski seeks by people concerned and. he is any premises. He is concerned 35-20v N, Peospect her. Ceda,. Chc,ch, P,,k Oidor ten- sew sallard ed. et wenye,n floe., le'sitb Coos. Den Piados vitally concerned and isvolved and involved every day of the ------Nam.,alzie ezrzntstami,, di cztzoamazr uf Ozedidates tu bnzlec tnd 34-laaoMinc,Sc.,Cicic Cent,,. 0es Pinces tri-70mmona. lewish Cong.. Mo,lan Crase .- , - , n 'isti, a.,M&. b b. -S w ay, zw wad 3v-a-M'E. Oakcon Ace., ec,mneo,, 0e, Plai,rn 112_,g, Wiaoe,. School, Pa,k Ridge for over 20 years. As an Indepeo- year.Proveozano has the es- 36-300 N. Hammfice., School. Pad, Ridge sf3-sn®Capitol Dc., School. D,, Plaine, re-electiOn to Park Bóard dent, without Commitments, he perience and qoislificatinn le ser- 37-TOshy s One Od., Cre,nI, w. Pad, Ridge ira-523 -0th floe.. School, 0e, Plaice, speaks for himself and woold like ve yeo as an independent TO THE, ELECTORS OF VILLAGE OF GLENVIEW 30-426S.Waccivet en Rd., Peck Dial.. DasPlflees sis-mat N.clanlio floe.. School, Nile, 3sn-aos4 N. Mil cracker , Clinic, Nile, - Ifs-055f say Colony Dr.. Racas lion anon, Das Plaie,, r to speak and represent you on the -. ' Steve, Chameraki, a Miles Trastee. 40-OstWolfRd., Fieldhouse, Dea Plaines 517-255 5. COeles I Rd., ChonchOaa Plaire, ' Nitos Village Board. Proveozano as-020e east Deco,.Súfivocu, O,,Pl,i,ts rsg__1f11 S. De, Rd., School. Ps,k Ridge resident for V yearn. in seeking 42-Clifton & Cillick st., Church, Pack Ridge 119-.500 tflte,5,, Pa,kway fipla,, Pa,k Ridge re-election for Nilea Park Board 43-707 N. Wiseer 5f., School, Pa,l, Oidae 12g-5200 G,eendale, School, Nubes Cgrnmisslaner. He was 'asyatved YES "Shut) the office of the Village Clerk. of 44-2000 earrieooSc.,school. Cleneleo for-7655W. Denpsler SI., Sohnel, Nile, for the 4.. 271 as-2350 DempalOnSl.. Chn,ch. De, Plsìvau 122-uso,Mann, L,., School, Pa,k Ridge as a Finance Chairman Nordica Street candidate the Village of Glenview, Cook County, I!- 46.-0100 Oaa,k 51, Fieldhecae, Nile, 125-0065Oaklon, Cede,. Nile, pant two years, and hasiaaode 47-leso Toahy, School, De, Plni,es r24.-ozSn N. Okelo flor., Pieldhocae, Nuira stia-o the momeowerewisely in- lioois,.becortie un-uppointive rather than rus-520f Ma,oitnd. The Os,ti,gloe Apte., Nile, . on-tous T hank,, SI., Chonch. 0es Plaines vestod and spent un elective office?" -. 45-2727 Maple fice.Sckoot. 0e, Pleines t25-epSs Wall Rd.. School, 0e, Plaine, "speaks out" 50-2000 Sibley alad., Cho,ch. Pa,k Ridge 52,-3w 5. Nouhoenc Coy., OJ,S.C.A.. oes Pla,ne, Hewill continue to serve the., 51-eSso Slecsan a wsIe,, , Scheol. Pa,k Ridas 120-Scant C Sanae I, Pa,k. Oes Plaire, people of N'dea as be has done io 52-_200 Lïecolr St., Fietdh0000, Cl ,ncmee t29-PotseraChurch Rd., School, Des Plaines has servedas Potti Alesonder, Hilen Trustee ' the past,Ile '4-215 NO . 53-enwa,d a While 5f.P5,1,Ora Plaines 135-0955 G,eenooad. School, Nile, nactotis carnmittees, and was in- candidato, hes stated,"Siseo I 54-1001 5. caircica, flor., School, Park Ridge 131-SOP 5. W,colti. Chc,oh. Pa,k Ridge was oot of lower with my sos from S5-eOO5S N. Okelo floe.. Finldhoute. hiles 132-2000 Sibley Olad., Cha,Oh, Pa,k kidge strumentaI in getting the Tom 'Marsh lOto 11,0 17, I wobsid like to i 56-Hussard S L,r Sc., Fleldhoc,e, De, Oisives 133-.426 S. Wa,tuoglon Rd., Lodge. Das Pl aines Coursethirt,enycarn ago. tolsy this opportonity to eespond NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION 57-Sed & Thacke, 5f., School, De, Piaba, 134-2000 W. Sibley clod., Chc,ch. Park Ridge As\a comanisoiziaer. be will 50.-ruso Creendalr, School, Nilés 135-hflooa,d a Lar Sc.. Paok, Des Plaice, strive ta obtain a tennis dub and. 'lo the attacks that Me. Heissen 59-7877 Milnackee Ace., P,,k 5 ,,ffl oc Nilat 136-vro Gail Rd. Schaal, Cl,ocieo' Nordicostreet HIGH 'SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 207 health dab Without toning the made on the as-sins Mars, In., School. Pa,k eidgr ftp-paso Mai, SI,, School, Nulas rail9E7441Ea to expresayour problema. COUNTY OF.COOK, 61-675 R. Alganqale Od., Chu,ch, 0es Plaines lIn-1605 Tensar five.. Chu,oh, Path sidRa Nileseltlzeos. Aslgngasbe'na . oaisaiononhowyou feet about this ,,- - STATE OF1LLINOIS Paint D,., Oso. C,nter, 0,, PIflees While.it is o tmown fart thot - , 62L.s,3, Shewe, & teckoilh. Chu,ch. Mago, G,oce ils-4085 E. Park Commissioner, there will NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a opeàial elenlise haz been called and will be heldin and au-9400 North DrioÇe AO,., 505001. Morto, G,00, r4l,-SpgeDee Rd.. R cute, lin, Ce,lee, 0,501ai,e, situation, No added taxes were Nordica Street bao had problems, 64-259v. Ceonal Rd.. cl,orch. Dra Plaines 14e-9750 Dar Rd., 5,e,eal io, Cent,,, Des Plaine, .nenerbeaheolthclubatGreiaMl1 - for High School District No. 207, County cl Cook, State nl Illinois,os Tuesday,- the. 7th of Apil plaaaaed on this ocqaiootlaua. Dee Rd., T errtce Sq., Caedo, Des Plaires lleighfa oreo The parking area ofwhinh some ofthem did pertain i 98t,at which thene will he sobroitted to the' legal unters of Oaid School Disirict the following 65-210fSibley School, Park Ridge t42-9743 66-622 5. Narthaeat swy., Ca, Deals,, Des Plaines 143-PsOe, Rd. 6 5,lla,d Rd., Landas Confia CIUS Hoc,,, Den Pl aines arawad Grennbsfl Heights is to be to the vandalism by teenagern , propOs;ttoc , . 144-rsW Sfeoart 6 Wescote , School, Pa,k Ridge, Continued on Pago 25) . , 67-2701Sibley, sohanl, Past Ridge the LittleLeageae and y000g adotto, Jost no other 145-545f N. Hanlin floe., sehaal, Nile, usedlaP himself toattend 'the Nordico sa-5755 s. Wulf Rd.,school,Das Plaine, Baselgaltha the slammor, otroetu in Oro Village have had if the citizen could identi' the 'I, Patti Aleuooder, if elected as 65-250f Maos, Le., snhooi, Park Oidge 146-9511 Fta,,ianr. Srhaot. S,, plainas Nilesite named vandalism occoeaoceoolso,it' TowohoosisAssociationBoardperson driving the car?" Hin trastee, will ore that 'everything 70,-7645Malo SI., Sehóal, Nile, ro-Palles N Chu,cl, Od,., School, De, Pl abers Nitos ParkDistrict mono of the does ost mean that we have 'an meeting, did aol show up, hut 71-5955Okela floe., Fieldhossr, Moflo, G,00e 140-904 suase any.. sapcial Conf,, Pa,k Ridge twenlioth best parks in the State answer was NO. Bot the fact ofpossible is done to correct.the - nay-soon Coil Od.. Co,idonb,isn, Des Plaine, TCU scholar organizedlt0e12yeroold instead oent thn noting watchthe matter io YES. a citizen's 72-0055 N. Okelo floe., Realdero,, Nues ufflhlnais, problems. ou Nordica Street. 73-2701 sibley, School, Pa,k Ridge loo-aMotSteeromd. Coninchuly Heule. Nile, Scott Ala's Jonglais of Biten bas extortion gvoop hanging oat' on. commander Sgt. Reid, who ahos-ocrent CAN be modo, with, the Gall Rd., Sehani, Cl cecino ' tst-8257 Fta,,iene St.. School, Nil,, Financially, the Niles Park As a supporting member of the Aher all, I am a Nues, Nordica' 74-2010 beesrecognizedat Texas sor street. Id have been watching his comm.Biles Police Department wheno Sicari resident with o personal 75-055S,N. Okera floe., n,ldhoc,o, Nile, 152-9501tayColanyoeise,O ec,ea flan R000,SeuPlain,s District in well secured with ad- I' fiord il esnreoaely strange that Nordico Towoheose Auoociatien, and) ' in his place withost anyciliaeo can identify the person 76-soulCentral Rd., Sehool, Clenoieo fS3-Scost 5 Sllns,t, Park Diat., Warning Bolsa,, Dea Plaices ditianal sarpluses, and peoplel,laristian University as a ThU concern for my strait. r , ' , Ms. Heissen wodld now decide te who, fis my opinion, have done an oetification to the beard membeesdriving the speeding car. 77-2595.Ceetral Rd., Chcreh, 0ns Piabas ahosbl net bave additional tasenSdndarinrUailfoilsesnoator. escellesstjob in tryiogto mahe the that he could not- attend. , lt's time the Noedtra Street The award cites those un- ose Nordica Steeet as one of her , 'Even though the Police Dopar addedon. resideoto loud o 'voice'in-'thjs studentswho issues to the commonity whaarea aware of positive changos At this meeting, 5g1- Reid-woo.-trneot boo keen cooperotive,it AslongastheBeardreectedtodergraduate that could and have beennzade, I vtla, and initsodminiotm- achieve a 4,0 (straIght A) grade- these problems ondother probt- msbod a series ofquentions,.ene of000mo that if o correct answer DATED at Chicago, Illinois thin 24th dayof March, AD., i 981 take a survey among the people 0x00 not pertainiog to nay eol000 am dibsappeinted that Mo. Beinen which was in regard to speedingcoold not be given,then no' of NUes, as te whether they won-point average forUtir moie iso grouper vandalism have been did not gal all the facto. - cara On Our street. The qoeotimsanswoe at all, with the'inteat te ted ThmTOIsnISOngtHealth Qub, areond brIbe b yeoroj.hove lived Istill do not onderstand 'whywas, "could aeitiaen Mean arrestRod not the answer, woold bane vc-rE pleasebe free to inotactme at J_ is the stai ti Mr. and on this street. ' Captain Terpinas, who commiled against a driver oía speeding caebeen o better.canmient to give: STANLEY, T. KUSPER, 'JR. my address lObt Seward St. orMes, iertonelllljtunttbsl$ISB, COOK COUNTY CLERK Washington at.inNilee, - Theflegle;-Thsrsday, March 0,1001 - PagellT - Page2S -- TheBe,Th,es,ii

j - An Evening - .Heritage CIúb "Rhythm Express" ÉD IIAÑSON - of Wagner of Polish entertahis seniors WILL RESUME --- Americans . Choral concert "Damn - NEXT WEEK . Tickets are now available for The Heritage Club of Polish Americana will meet April 5 at- the Halevi Choral Society's 8:15 the Yankees '-' the Nurwosof Park Field Hoase, p.m. April 4 concert, at 5801 N. Natoma, Ctucagn. ALL Moyer Kaplan JCC, 5050 Church : The douce group conducted by stSkokie. The Junior Open Stage Playera Soptue Elio wiU start promptly at TCKETS Tickels are $3.50 for members of the Mayèr Kaplan Jewinh 1 p.m. Don named outstañding - Cornmnnity Center, 105E Chufch - - and $4.50 for non-members. For The regalar meeting conducted - NOW 90c ticketinform8tion, cail6tS-2SOO. st., Skokie, has annauflced the by President T. Ronald Herbert east fr ils production of "Damn will start promptly at2p.m. 'jazz soloist - Yankees." - - Linda Biga and Barbaro Kubik s L Wilmette residento Andy- Ber- will demonstrate the art of Kepis Quinn, jmior al Notre Kevin in the son o,f Mr. li Mrs. man, Tracy Gerber, Danny tJhraoiao Easter egg coloring. Dame High School for Boys, 7051 Thomas Quinn, 2730 Covert Road, Starts Fri.. March27 Gato!, Jennifer Rosin and Peter Maria Goryl kas some qooiot Dempnier, Nues, was selected Glenview. Mac Davis Ufiand are in the produclion Easier Baskets she wilt lecture Ike "Most Outstanding Jano The Melodons received a CHEAPER TO scheduled for performance os on and also enhibil. Soloist" nl the Mandelein Jaoo superior rating al the Msudeleio l\,&Ç''' June3, 6, 7, 1f, and 14. - Mr. JOli0 Wierec, music direc- Festival March 14.Revio was Jano Festival. PHONE KEEP HER" The Tween Theater composed for will lead the club- io Polish selected out 01 approximately 300 April 4, the Melodoss sad J000 WEEKDAYS: of 8th through 01h gradeo io under oisging. - Guests are welcome for students, This is the second yearLab Band will be compelieg at the Tpervisiao of Jante Weinen- in a row 1h01 he has received the the Lotse Park High School Jnnz 6:00, 8:00, 10:00 these activities. - awhrd, which is presented by the Festival. SAT.&SUN.: berg, whose previous tween Voice faculty and students at Oakton Community College win On March 9, the residents of the Bethany Terrace Nsrsiog Home production of "Oliver" and "Fid- - were entertained through the Morton Grove Bank's Comnosoity National Asoscialion of Jane Starting Friday 2:00. 4:00. 6:00, 8:00 10:00 dler on the Roof" were highly ac- preoent "AnEvening of Wagnerian Music Drania" on Saturday, Educators. April 4, at f p.m. in the Centreaut Auditorium, 7701 Linculu ave., Service Program bythe "Rhythm Enpross". Spring vacation HELDOVER claimed. - "COMPETITION' JACK NICHOLSON "Dams Yankeec" is under Ike Shakie. The evening program, which io free and open to the public, The groap sang and danced lo the delight oflhe estire audience. ireciion of Nancy Salomon and will consist of popular dramatic eucerpta fromoperancomposed by Shown above are the "Rhythm Enpr055" singers,1.tor.; trip to. France 'POSTMAN ALWAYS the famedGermao romanticist, Richard Wagner. Michelle Lagowohi and TomQsino with pianist David Kost. - . - is being choreographed by Joan- RINGSTWICE' Practicing for the concert are Dan Detloff, asoisant prafesour of The romance 'and tradition 4f- Des Plaines Mali Now Opon ussdsv'w WEEKDAYS: na Hall.Joanna Denis is the Paris cant be overlooked, and Fsolo0cg "Mugis Moe" music director. Fur informatioo music at Oaktnn and Carl Lawren,, lecturer in musicat Oakton. WEEKDAYS: 5:30. 7:4. 10:00 They are accompanied by former 0CC student Richard Kimball. Moine East French teacher Steve Au & Craft Festival ASYour Tohln 6:30, 8:5O SAT. & SUN: on this production, cali 875.2200, Stroud has ocganieed on eight BABY BACK RIBS 1:00. 3:15. 5:30. 7:45, 10:00 eut, 213. - day trip to the French capital ALL YOU CAN EAT! The Play's the -Thing Woodcarver Alojos "Losie" Starts Fri., March27- doringopring vacation. solados Saop, Oulod Os, sed SAT.bSLJN.: ND Melodons take first Five students, toar from Moine Acs will presenl o special wood- Chefeet Potasa Robert DeNim . - - 2OO, 4:20, 6:40, 9:00 Singies pa!t) at Marillac South and Moine East sophomore carving desolonslration daring Mov. aToes:EceeicuOnly "RAGING BULL" On Sunday, April 5, 5.9 p.m. Thu bank, along with five faculty the Annual Des Plaines Molt Art Cumplimuosare Hors d'neuoros in Jazz Festival li Crofi Festival presented by sud Doseurs nerood With - WEEKDAYS ' - New Perspective will hold an and their chaperones, Mrs,.Judymembers will participate in Shakespeare and Shaw arc American Society nl Artists, o Casey Dimo, R - 5:30, 7:45,10:00 open singles party at Sqaeakies, Receiving a first place award The Jazz-Lab Band abo par- alive and hove been seen at Hopp and Mro. Terry Uselinano seeing such nights as Notre Domo national membership SAT.ErSUN. -9225 Golf cd., Des Plaines. There Sister (parents of English Literature Cathedral, the Are de Triomphe, Cocktail Heur - 2 - 6 PM in Claso3A competition at Ibe licipated in the festf val. Morillac Nigh School. organiaation, at Des Plaines AllBarDrinks 1OO 1:00, 3:15, 530, 7:45. 10:00 'will be music, dancing, new Western Illinois University Jano Saturday, Feb. 7 the Notre Leo's Rtlglish Literatare clans oludents Jean Hopp nod Fran sed the LeImQuarter, the Abbey uf peopleto meet, and free parking. Jean Uschnann( enjoyed the Ren Cluny, the Eiffel Tower, and Ihn Mall, 7th Lee st., Des Plaines, Lunch sornadMoo-Fri. Ratéd PG BARGAIN PRICESALL THEATRES Festival were the Melod005 of Dome High SchoorMelodons and studied George -Bernard Shaw's Dinners Mon, - Sun, Perspective is a not-for. Harrison classic. "I thinhit is an Losore. fo addition, there wiU be Saturday, March 25 from 9 am. UNTILTHE New Notre Dame High School, 7055Jaoz-Lah Band participated in 'Pygmalisn" in class before to 5 p.m. and Soodoy, March 25 $50- profit organization for s:ngte tubing off March 18 for a matinee curichiog experience for the girls a full doy escarnios to Fon- FIRST SHOW STARTS - Dempoler, Nifes. - the Northshore Jam Festival at from noon 10 5 p.m. Best Show Buy E,ryWed..AIISOo'1.0O .. all professionals and executives 23- The Melodoss qualified forGlenbrook South High School, presentation of "My Fair'Lady" to seo the same material they've lainebleas, the pleasure retreat 45. Proceeds from their monthly final competition by edgiog Han- Gfeoview al AriE Crown Theatre.The studied presented in a different of French kings. parties benefit several worthy mediom," commented Sister The trip is ollered by the Additional iofurmalion may be In The Area nibal, Missouri High School, and The Jana-Lab Band received a Freshmen in Sister Mary Both's obtained from American Society 8100N,CaIdwall Hiles charities. - and Mrs. Betty McGary'o classes-Leo. The students parliçipated in American Leadership Study finishing just behind Crystal"Good' rating from each of the. of Artists al 751-2555. , 96781RO Lake South High School. judges, while the Melodono have goon nor step farther.In a Christmas Baugnet in Decem-Grasps, svhich is the notion's Infinalcompetition,.thereceived .a "Superior" raftog: addition to stsdying ber is which the theme wasleading sponsor ol edsealion Melod000 received the highest The Melodons qualified for final Shakespeare's "Romeo and Christmas in England. A final travel programs. score io sight-readi5g aswell so competition and were selected as Juliet" and seeing Zefferetli's entra-corricalar event ovili be the thehighest machs fromtwo of the the second place hand in Class A film on March 20, the students seeing of "Camelot" in May. Softbsìlt anyone? ois other judges. competition.The defending will stage a mini-Shakespeare Daring first semester Sister The Meisdons second sut ofchampion Melodons were edged Festival on April 3 when they Mary Beth and Mrs. McGary had The Morton Grove Jaycees are Uu thirty-one bands n the eot,reby Crystal Lake South High lake lo the stage for their own Chartes Dickens come alivehaving soflbat tryouts in April, festival, with only 4A champion School.The Mcladoos finished dramatic preoestatians. throogh the freshmen's stodying with sor games starting in May. Rotting Meadows receiving afourth nul of ithands. This is all part of the plan to nf "Great Enpeclations", seeing Anyone interested is joinioj our higher score. make literature come alivo. The the film, and carrying on project group, between the ages of 18-35 We Proudly Present:[very Wednesday 19 English stadento, Sister Leo should 000fact Dave Pictur, 724- 1190 after 7 p.m. - FREE "Wreck Raisers" GRAND PRIX RESTAURANT - Skokie Federal 110íûch "Wrech Buionru' io the special 6730N,NORTHWEST HWY. 775-O22 :. .rèsümes CinemaClassics foil-length m,vie tobe shown at 2 EXTRA SPECIAL Iviqh! Fedturàg: p.m. on Sat:odny, Macoh 28 ut 495 Ke_ - - , - - -IeM - . - . e-, - Ihn Lineoheocod Lihraoy,4000 SHISH-KE-BAB .WITHOUR It happens eve7 spring - free senior adult spenini uoee paso. w. Peatt ove. WITH RICE. SERVEOWITH soup. movies, new imescn and prizes. This yenes acHes includes ouch AU childrer- opes sm yours nod HOOSESPECIALTY Por the fourth c000euutive your, fossrites as "Gayo and Dolls' oidor uro invited tu see how two (Half Slab) $ 95 Family Night Specials Skokie Federal Sosingu is Sponoz- and "Harry and Tonto". !sPsLLmmn gongs nf children mmpete foc ,jmn,.,are,,sc.g.,aai,ua..uwb. - - Monday, March 30 to Friday, April 3rd ring Cmomu Closoico, n series of Tickets neo $50 at the door or ownership nf on old beat when free monthly filmo ond opookeru ovoilobfefreeatnilShobia they try to ruine il after it hon DAILY SPECIALS st_ON. SoUp o, To:,,,ic M o,Ior cli à, at the Old Orehand Theatre, 9400 Federal offices. Ptenoe, only twO sunk. Plan te join your friendo at Ineisdos: Sosp er sslod see. Choica ut P05555 Or Mnssueuisli,or lpsghciii 4:1, hIesi boye. Tosed 5,ld. Shokie Blvd.Shdsvtimes ore at pee person. For further informaiz thn library foe on uftemmn of npsghsrol; and Gloss of Wien. Gt,d ChOe,. nell s,,d Otie, '3.50

10:30 am. on the lIest Thursday ion call Janet Willioms ut - - adventure. stoN. Se,,y e T en,,IeJ,,lC.r,i,d if,, h. 074-3000. - MONDAY: FRIED CHICKENOrLIVER WITH ONIONS nf eveey month thesugh Ostuber. For any farther information, 4.95 F,c,,h F,jd rnt,IW,. C,,lr Siso. L,,eos. Cinema Clausius heginu on Aped picone call the llbeaey at 077.5277. VEAL PARMESIAN $4.95 T0,1,,ore, . coil o,,d soll,, - '3.50 2 with Ilse nowak kit, "0h God" TUESDAY: starring George Burns and John The Spares BREADED PORK TENDERLOIN $4.95 TUE. Sep e,T Cn,,:eJo. r,i,d Chik,o, Denver.In addition to the film, F,r,,ol, E,if. Oe,sy. CeE, Sloe. WEDNESDAY: BROILED TURBOT Bissa Maegoliuo, Rzgional Teso- The SpareSunday Evening $4.95 noii od OiO, - '3.50 opartntion Anthority reprooenta. Club is having the Bunny Hopos five, will speak briefly about the April Sf, a La Rays Catering FILET $4.95 ero. SW,p e, T emsio luire. Lu,ugeu Oh Nicol Sou,,, Tosad soif, liTAs new monthly pans und Hall at 7225 N. Caldwrll in Riles. THURSDAY: GRECIAN CHICKEN $4.95 Just like in Mexico CityandGuadalajara!Come and join un. Music will he famished by Tony G,Si,d Chose, noi: ucd Soif, '35O profesnionally performed by ScheU and "The A Chords". Tbk SPAGHmI MOSTACCIOLI $3 75 Enjoy the music and Folk nongs suggested dm50 code is dressy. . $495 TOFO. hespo, T ,,e,oio lolo,.led Chicks:, Lets make it a Reai Fiesta! FRIDAY: BROILED TURBOT scdSpoghcOi euh n,ul 5 u,:,, , Culo Sloe, this unique 7 piece Band. Snacks will he served and there oeil u,,d sulle, '3.50 Nob can do it will he a cash bar. The donation FILEr OF SOLEm PERCH 495 is $3 far members and $5 for rei. Soupe,TeeuleIoioe.F,idPceh, - likeM nald's can- guests.For information call: SATURDAY: BROILED RED SNAPPER t'v,oh i',i,d rosie,,. Col, Sise. Lro,00, Serving 299-4638 nr 5834890. 8:30p.m. 5IrSLOMONOUTBR G,,t,d Oeil ucd Oui,,, '3.50 - Lunch, Dinner & McDoflakls FRIED IBS 7.45 - - Late Dining - I® YOUR A Rsst.u,ants IY\. Lau . . SUNDAY: ¡BD. BA1RIBS . 795 966-5037 MILWAUKEE fr OAKTOÑ - DINING $495 w. of Edens X-Way6319 Dempster or PAN FRIED LIVER aalONIONS E' MIfE, NILES OLa '-' - NILES ---GUIDE NO CARRY OUTS ON 'ALL YOU CAN EAT" ORDERS , .- - . - TheBagle,Tharnday,MarchON,1981 , Pageol PageZ8 Thesugle, Thursday, March 26, 1985 LeadershipseminarRoger Wagner Chorale concert -,Sun Travel grand opening drawing Maine North

(CATCHFOOD. EM BEFdRE Fine Arts festival THE SEASON ENDS( -.- Maine North Htgh School will WGN's Bob Collini ' to egg - welcome the seaoao- el rebirth coloring lo srsha diviogtn Wok with a unique Floe Aria festival, cooking tojewelry casting. o 'The Rites of Spring" on April 9, Evening performances this It, 11. ' - year will feature Mime, T. c The Rites f Spring" will Daniel, The Singing Hoosiers, a- begifi o,, Thursday, April 9, at swingchoirfromIndiana 7:30 p.m. with a cambioett cao- University, and pipe organist ) ceri featuring the bando ofGary Hamon nf Milwaukee on- Maine North, Mame East, asdFriday, April 19. Maioe West.- The seoS day, The Salurdny, April 11 evroing )) Friday, April 10, Maise North The Woman's Cluh ofNilesissending Donau Marie Jordan to the The famous RogerWugner Chorale wiR perform This seamos toar 'n ander the direction of performance will feature Ihe Columbia Artists. The Chorale has toured twenty' Putinatthe stsdento will walch hahaki dan- world renown Apollo Choras of Hsgh O'Brian Youth Foundation Illinois Leadership Seminar the inthe fourth concert ofthe 199081 series under the cer Kimiho Gooji and wilt listen Chicago. weekend of April 24-26. Gooses is an nuiztonding stsdent at Maine auspices of the Consmsnity Concert Associatiossi- sine countries, including China, the Sos'lOt Union, Ground Round this Sunday, April 5, at 7,30 p.m. TIsis one consort will Japan, South America, Australia, New Zealand, tejazo pianist ArtHedes. ' Admission to the evening per-' EaslHighschaoL ------month and youre in . Sladents will then àttend a formancesis $3 for adulta and $2-- The goal of the FREE program is tu develop Iheleadership he held in the auditorism of Maine West High Europe, the United States and Canada. for some incredible Individual tickets are priced at$25 for,the series - voriety of performances and forstudenfoand senior citizens. capabilities of yoang people and also to promote a-heSter under- School, Oalslsnand Wolf, Des Plaines. seatood. With prices Sun Travel held a drawing in hunur of their Grand Opening thenie, "Preserve the Admission is hy season ticket only. of four concerta, and family tibkets areavailable wnrknhopn rangiag,from a -standing of nur free enterprise system. The , that won't sink you! broadcastingseminarwith- celebration nf their new office in the Mlllhruoh Shopping Plaza Great Americen Burgain," will he a cestrat topic of discussiân at The program to he offered will feature wnrhs of for $45, which includes parento, and children through high school age. No tickets are sold for recently. the seminar. Renaissance, Classical and Contemporary rum- Shown above are (L to R) Tern Denohue, sales representative nf posers, spirituals, and music from the Broadwayindividual concerts. FISH FILLETS Devonshire Playhouse sold out Sunflight Holidays, Pat Schultz, CTC, Manager ofSun Travel, Lois stage. Forinformatlon, call 825-2982, 524-2077 Golden tried tillets, Wnrdel, Esroutive Secretory of the Wiles Chamber of Commerce, - steak fries, cole slaw, and RogerSchoaer, awnerofSùnTravel. Messiah Brotherhood entertained $2.95 for Opening hite -, ', The Grand Prize was aSumflightweekfurlinsuzusy Acapulca. by Maine North Choir Auditions for. '-'The Hotel Arvey's. SHRIIJPAND Whew the Dovanahire - L'lay- ' The Playhouse location at 3751 0cc awards high school ' SHRIMP' , The Messiah Lutheran Church program sor over fO memhem house of Skakie Paste District Davis s han a seating capacity of OC , or Scrumptuous ½ opone ita Spring thnaical product- 355. Advance i,,heta aceon sale BrolherhnOd held their annual andgúests. 00 Baltimore" gran.d , , Ib. serving of tried ionnf 'TheEducation of at Devonshi,fraCentec, 440e Grove art students- Sweetheart Dinner en Feb. 17 at - Messiah Lutheran Church io Pentangle Froducttons,- Inc. Mr. Peters in Mt. Prospect. Bob located at 1605 Vérnon ave. in The highly acclaimed "The shrimp pieces . HoyaMaAaN KaAap!LOAON' on st foc $4 for adults and $3 for Three urea high school art wtll hold andtitons for tu JaneHotel Baltimore"hy the Pulitzer opening steak tries, cole Satardoy. March 28, the hoses oenisr adulto and students. scholarships for the artistic' Hoher, Park Ridge, was Master Park Ridge. This year's hoard of presentation of Neil Susan's 'Ilse students have won prizes that ac- achievement of their enteles, the Messiah Brotherhood, the Prior winner Lanford Wilson, is slaw, cocktail sauce, at Timbra Ridge School ooditori- ' The muaicat comedy is about of Ceremonies of the entertain- , [tortur on Tuesday, Apr57 cord them scholarships for one Other students whose works ment following dinner; Bill 'Ans- church men's clsh, includes Ed the nest production at Ensemble omwill he ifoll. . the liSaf an immigrant who andWedaesday Aped I at 7 p.m. S-O-O-N!. $4.89 Ort course of their choice at Bowman, Riles, president; Bill Accórding to Ployhossa Direct- strivestolearntheEnglish ore on display are Asti-Id Kir- - dorsos, Park Ridge, Ieri a sing- at titO Mount Prospect Corn- Theatre Company, opening Aped Oakton Commanity College. stins, Sue Oak Dale, Mary Beyer, Harry Trestrail, Harold 15. SHRIMI SNACK oc,Edlierger, allofthatichnlafor -1aagUUgeaOdfinde romance in a Obst of good old sweetheart munsty Center, 696 See-Gwust os A npaniogoightwero sotdby March citizenship clase held in a Stow The three students are amosg Loughlin, Mary Sawin, Andy lanes; and the Maine North High Nasheim, and Wilson Coleman, smaller portion of 15 high school students whose , Prospect. The unceheautiful Hotel byEdltanson 17. Tickets are ovailabtafor YorkPublic School. Kasprrh, and Laura Kadule, all School Swing Choir, led by Jack all of Parh Ridge; Tom Daniels, Gsed,,Doetar is a series of tried shrimp pieces, ssbseqaantproductiono -For additiOnal ticket informat worhs are on display in the nSMaineSouthHigh School; Amy Olasder, provided a delightf ally ,Glenview; and Richard Reeves, Baltimore has mirrored the steak fries, cocktail toch Knehnline' Gallery, 0cc/Des . NiIm hilarious vignettes ahout lifedecline of the railroads it was ; huge work of remodeling pro scheduled for 815 p.m. on ion,ca11674-1500. O'Brien, Tom Schmid, Richard choreographed; pop musical . ' - hosed on the sturies nf Anton sauce. Plaines, 1650 East Golf rd.The Horn, and,Cindy Kotch, of Maine built to serve. Now in its' tout'ARVEY'S RESTAURANT is Fridnyo and Saturdayo April 3, d, Chehov. The comedy will he $2.59 laand li. display will, continuo through North High Sehoo'and Diane ''1-' .I days, it in home to prostitutes, rapidly nearing completion. In- April 15. ._UyS an directed by Stephen Macn oftransients, and the forgotten side ao4 out, plan the addition of Donatello and Peggy Wecher, of Legion thinking - Arlington' Heights and will he SHRIIP AND Ned Frey, of Maine South Renurrectios High School. ,, elderly. - an elegant' new cocktail bange High School, Frances Swain, of produced by Neal Crosse' of and posh bar, has tramformed SCALLOPS The Koehuliste Gallery Is open Doils Asditiousure open Tisis play is ait adult comedy ND Jugglers present TV- parody Ressrreclins High School, andfrom 9 am. to 9 p.m., Monday summer with "Guys and Dulls", the musical the "Old"ARVEY'Sinto the Plate of crispy which may ho offensiveto "New" ARVEY'S, David Earl, of Maine North High throsgh Friday, and 9am. to 3 .ainut dice, sinners and Shy and -' - fried shrimp pieces, School, The Good Doctor will opon on younger or moro sensitive Yan will appreciate the new, were awarded Ihe p.m., SaturdaysandSandyu. - Sarah, will -he staged hy Riles moufhwaterirìg sca!- The Jugglers of Notre Dame carflival pumns and wll run for three con- audiencememhers. - comedy revue with music and West High School thespiam April Juse modern decsrofthe dhsiog rooms lops, steakiries, cole High School, dama group, will dance. en. Formnroui- Hotel Baltimorewill run 2-4. Dowaheatisß,llip.m.inthe which will enhance your comfort slaw andsauces. hepresentmg'" Qsasimodn '81", a Although many pooptoore just ' u entsng e Friday and Saturday nighto at,and make each dinner dote a Female parts will hF played by Skokie ValleyLearn the - ' - .89 TV parody April 3,4,and 5 al U houving u nigh of relief that our stti :roeltetProduct!a-2O. 8,30 p.m. and Sunday afternoons wmurable experience. p.m. ' in the Notre Dame High students from Marillac, Regista, winter wasn't au basi us sama atz,36p.m. from April 10 through andMaine East. Seating is reserved at $3 or $4. Some new Features, such as a School gym.The scho1 is Symphony value of presiousty,andmothersare tha May23. Ticketprices ure$5.M on buffet and Snnday,,hrunch, will SCALLÒPSAND Tickets are 52 for students and Senior Citizens are invited to a locoiedat 7fl5flempster, Nues. looking forward to Easter and Fridays and Saturdays and $4.50 please you and your fussily, and FISH FILLET $2.50 for 'adulto and can he pur- The theme of prime time was series beginning to plan spring outfits, afternoon of songon Sundays.. Dinner is available addto theirdiniag pleasure. . Tender fried fish -. chasedatthedoor.' - your old coins ' upstairsintherestaurant wriltes by stsdests and will he a the Morton Grove Legion Post - Wetch Bugle Newspapers foc fillet, plus golden ' Famed huss-baoitone Edward The Shohie Valley Symphony #134 hes already set its sights on 35go, eet..l148. operatedhyGaper's Catering. the gala grand operthsg date al fried scallops, steak Oece again, the Morton Grove ETC is located in the Old Or- Orchestra will perSono a osmher Coin CIsh will give people in thin summoe and aro in the planning the new ARVEY'S reataurnnt ' fries, cole 515w and Alcoholism play chard Country Cluh, 750 W. Rand , of, works, Including Ravel's area a chance to loare whal their elagos for their asmual carnival. and cocklalllaunge._ sauces. "Bolera," at 7,30 p.m., Sssday, Post Commundor Mel Daily "Lady on the Rocks", a play focultyfoe un "Afternoonof-rd., Mt. Prospect.For roser-. old coins are worth as well as to designed to increase understan- Soog", at 3 p.m., Stíndoy, Maech You'll lave the NEWAR. $3(95 March 29, st Riles Wool Hig!-- copees it will ho held in mnimsct- valions call 0701.6660. VEY'S. . ,, investigate the potential of coins- ding of alcoholism will he presero 29, at OCC/Shokie, 7701 Liosmln I. I School, Oahtsn and Edens High- as an inflalion-bealing invest- ion once agnin m'tuoI year; with way, Shokie. ted on Monday, April 6, at 8p.m.' Aveoue. ALLYOUCAN EAT - the newly instituted 4th of July - I.. mesI., in the Olson Auditoriumof Pier000 kas had loading roles in', FISH FRY Tickets ore $4, with s special The occasion is the dab's (ree celebration. The 4th is- ta ho h 'Nf price of $2 for slodesls and sesior Lutheras General Hospital, Park Jotasthe BaptistmidFlying colebrotesi on Saturday; theus - Wednesdsy and annual Spring Coin Festival, to DstchOoisO withthe NowYork City - THE VILLAGE TAVERN Friday citizens.Children under 12 ac- foro, the Legion's umisl four doy Ridge. - only, golden he held from 10 um. to 5 p.m. - companied by adslts are adsoit-' The39-ioiitute playis presented Opera and hou appeseed with the PRESENTS MELODRAMA ' I Ssotlay,March29. - thuifwldch wilt begin on Thsrs- fried fillets, steak I ' Players, Cisieugo Symphony. - - hy the LotherasGeneral todfree. There io a new location for this doy still henear culmination with fries, cole slw. Tisis is the Skskie Valley Sym- a groUp ofprofessional and He ' and Gwnndolino' Portano, Opening March 18th at 7:30 P.M. the woehen,luctivities.- - year'sshow--theAmericati mpesao, Glenou Spengue, piani. $2.96 photìy Orchestra's 19Ihseason. It Atoo us was the custom laut amateur actors from the corn- Legion Hall at 8212 N. Lincoln, munily.Ilis presented in' st, and Joseph Borowshi,,'cturinet- incomprisedof competentSkohie, which Is three blocks 700e, the Post held their -yearly "HISS I . NP amatesruand professional nor- cooperation -with the Maine jot, will perform classico, pieituo- th of downtown Skohie. All carnival on their own groando ut, Is, and' worin by- Gershwin mssicisno, many of whom per- 614e Dempoter, Township Council on Alcoholism. oTHEVILLIAN,' visitoro willreceive gifts und he The play is offered freeof' Tichen can be purchased by form with other symphonyor-eligible for gold door prizes. cheslran, such as the Chicago The Loiun carnival has long charge.- For moreinformalioo, calling 635-1961. Generol adrsiu- CHEER YOURS Symphony, Lyric, and Grant Ose of the show's moni popular bean known us one of fun filled phone the LutheranAlcoholism siosowill he$3 and $1 for students

-features io ils "coins Origin and - Park. Direclor is Loo Krakow, rides, games, nerchandsoo boo- Treatment Ceoter01696-59S6. and semee citiseus. ' CHAMPION" evulustios booth," which Is man- ths, oltmctive prizes and deli- formerly conductor of the Grand ned hy 'cluh memhers using the Another Fus Rapido Symphony, the Gary cmos toad with coogeniolity and ARVEY'S - WATCH FOR Experience Jatest coingsides. good timos provailissg in the "old Symphony, and the Mid-America At no chargg, they'll estimate , AT Orchestra. foshio'ued" picnic-type gothoemg GRANDOPENING OF NEW'BAR, RN he value of coins hrought in by - The program is co-sponsored which hmlt 'but disappeared , COCKTAIL LOUNGE & NEWLY visitors and will 'identify the ' hy MONNACEP, theudslt with the to-go theme parks which REMODELED ELEGANT RESTAURANT element of OuIlles Commusity:csantry oforigin of foreign coins. 00mo freqseot' during the worm Titis service io especially for months. Collego,in cooperation with '- GALA GRANDOPINING SOON non-collectors.And to give - Moine, Riles, and Glenbrook high everyone a chance to ase the schools. - , THE VILLAGE TAVERN IFfl!RE5 NO ORStIND ROUND booth, sumare than five coins The next concert by She Skohie per ARVEY'S Restaurant NEAR YOU...MOVEt - . Long Grove famlly,pleasel - '' -Valley Symphony Orchestro will Oaktonand Waukegan, Nues -' - Call 634-3117 for reservations heSsoday,Mkytt. During Remodeling Open For . . - 967-9790 E ENTERTAINMENT Buninesn An Usual , - - , N For farther information, call . 967-salt. Thellagle,TharndaY, March 16, 1901 Page 31 Pige 30 TheBigIe,Thhiid8y,MarCh0S, 1%1

Pierski wantSwhat's best - Kosiba addressesissues regarding:. PLANNING TO UPGRADEY!UR' , for Nues residents' Jim Pleruki, a15 year resident said. The risk In cuntinnally IT .. Board ' operating at a loon, and many KiTàiEì4? W(IC'ANPUT Nibs Park of Rilesand a candidote for the illegally.AU meqllnilo ore on . District, had nemequestione most be answered pRies Pork Board Preekieset'elee, but not at the ezjseOee of Riles Park naunced and the newupaperg are definite statementstoday regar- beforethis decisionismode: Dan Koeiba, remBinE for hie Sed placingtanrevenuesin jeopardy. ALL'I'OGETHER PINC advised of the dotes, locáilaflie, dlogthe "Issues"before the Park At teot Tuesday'o Park Board Maybe if the rente! agreement term Be Perk Dietrict Corn- and the reason for the meethig, reuidentu. meeting, the Tam Racquet Club miseioner oddroseeo the issues can be worked out, theDistrict Board and Nuns withoet the all In accordeoCe with theIllinote At therecent Candidate's issue. wos resnrrected by one SAVE MONEY! regardingthe Park Board. est. stil! get tenete commieulener, oven though the large Investment or commit- Open Meetinge Act.COmIflttteO Forum,spOnsored by the League . I. TheBeardvoted3to2agaio- meettngO ore opes to the public Voters, "t thought I Beard prévionaly voted it downS SAVEENERGY! et pureulog the purchase of the tment. theder-a rental of Worned ) -( j .7- agreement, the fedility coold he. nd haven is many cauen had made tOy positionclear régar- te 2 at the February meeting. tennioferrility beeaueeof the high "If the facifity wan proven once You'll Do Both evaluated on a short term basis oewnpsper represèotativeOisst- ding theproposed Grennan risk of piecing thePark District - to be tee expenelve to operate and then we woald have a bettertendance. Execrative uenuiona Heighta Club,"Norsk! ua!d, "It RANóEWUTHA NEW in financial jeopSrlI3n. If the ten- When Yoú Replaóe regarding perooeae!,-lattai' appears the baneis dead doe to - with inadequate parking and nia facility coeld out generate idea of the tennis potential is' colle-t facde..tete Sor Nileo resideo- - NUes. ocqieisitien or titigatisn ore not the resideOtowishes," he asid. Your Old Gas Watel euffcient. revenue to offset open to the puhtic,however Pierski further stated,"that- to, how could it bevo ouddenly operating côsta ou well es debt The people is the Orennon -MODERN MAIDBUILT-IN newopapers are aiwaynadvtoed- weuldonlybe changed end merit further timo eervice the focility would have Heights orea have epokpe, end! discuosiOn Heater With A New as to the datesnuchmeetinge are resumed W there wos a needfor andmnoey devoted to it? bed to generate $182,000 revenue wW honor their feelingn regar- Pieroki, ective In the Nitos tilog the Grennen Heights Hea!thScheduled ..------such O facilitydemonstrated by GAS ENERGY SAVER to cover all operatlog expenses I em proud of the many accom-- who wonld be Baseball League, the Nibs Days and thon an additional $155,96 to ieveO Heo!th Club is the Niles residents 'RANGE needed ond wanted by meny plishmenta the Park DiOtUict bao williOil to sse endsupport it, and Coneeesttte,e, St. John Brehest HEATER cover debt eervice, The fecility sad over my fnur yeore of nor- dànewithiOthe con- Festival end Athtetic Board, woold have hod to generate residents rn the community, bot IF ïteooldbe . Grennaoldeightslsa bad !ocotloo vice. To mentios justa few,-We fisee of the existingbudget and. promises when elected, "Thot aU SIZESTAILOREDTO ;257,gOO tota! revenge each year operated is the ouch decisione as mentioned for 10 years io ardor te insiere a with the. concern of the im-have edded o much needed proves out to be . YOUR FAMILY CONSUMPTION porking tot at the Tom GoS Cour-X blochotherWlt'5 dead." above, wilibe rendered only otter SALES breakeven operation and to keep mediate neighborhood.t thiede ' wé nboo!d still psrsae the Health 0O, we hoveestabtiehed a Pork The Botturd Ice Rink Facility, curetai study, and a direction WITH . SERVICE from hoviog to ase genera! Ranger Potro! to enance eater propoultion given the Béord by the Riles operatiog foods from the tax ac- C!ab concept, if a euitable 105g o money losing parks and to reduce voudaliom, also drew additionut commeots residents." Pleroki pledges the . INSTALLATION cotant. !acatioeeon be foand. Even the residents epeokigg out against we bave planted hundredsof from Jim."lt's upporent that 2 Riles resideoto come first, and Pilotless Village Plumbing "I woo not williog to take thet trete and otsrubs, we -have caodidOtes are-definitely fer - mast have their soy before the risk." However, Koviba eaid he is the Gremean Helgisa Health Club Ignition 9081 Courdand Avenue, Nilel were not ogaissttbe concept, isst devetoped Ciubatturi Gardens, summerice at thistime." Pierebi Board decides on a heottk club - - infavora!impbovenments coodidate basitenniarlub - or any major copes- C ovn.r Of Miiwuoke and Courtland . installed o new beating syotem said, "is tuct one whether it he geranio or iomethieeg the location.t think when - .966-1750 ViOitOr ShOwOO Tndayl EST. 1968 residents take liesse trom their for the Reereotion Center owim- poblicly promised a 2 year corn- ditore. - : Heavy Blanket basy echedsete is tell os of their ming pool, pat is au improved rnittrseot to "yeOr 'round- ice." Parhs, programs, and facilities Fibreglass Insulation fnelioge, it is positivoforthe Park concesSion area at the Tam Gulf "Tisis positioO is uiifortooate," that have moss appeal to the s' District and goss! for the corn- Course Ctab House, installed rnoislains Pieroki. "Re decision majority of Nitos reeidenls is monity and their wishes.eboa!d asphalt patire in musy parks is cao be or shoidd bemade on wbot,Jim Piereki woeto for the NUes Park District. . Perma-Clean he reepected. ' most canes by our ówn Park saoserser ice programsuntil the A opecia! interest grasp Isar District crews, installed a new current study is complete," he Continuous Cleaning A SAVINGS BANK eound- system ht the tre Nieste, enjiresoed a need and o desire for year irgend ice ehatoeg. I thiab replaced lighto at Jozwiak Park, Lift-Off the anewer tien in financisily baseball Diamond 85, installed Marusek clarifies stand . noond judgemont; whether the additional security lighting at . - ' Super-Cool Door Parkfliotrlct can invest thefosdo various parbn, piad e new onpark issue's FORYOUR HÖME scorehourd at Joewiak Park for required to convert the tee badnbultgamos,additional Aithe recent League ofWoinen othr risks.Although one cao- . Automatic Delay Skating Risk into a 12 month distate spoke rn favor of your- operstiOn. The track record restrooms at Tam Golf Course #5 - Voters csudidateO meeting, Mary Cook-N-Hold Digital spoabs far itself os the Nilee tee, purchased 2 buses with Maruoeh, eoodidate for Riles rund ice by otdicotmg that they facility must operato ut fall Clock - rgyi Shatisg Facility in the winter Village cooperotion-using Parb Consmissioner, answered REPLACE YOUR OLD Revesue Shoring Fundo, Joined qseuti005 concerning the .eupacity to show a profst, the when I! bao loe! sabotontia! figuree the district sow bus an- dollaro euch yeorforthe past tor on agreement -with neighboring proposal fur eseruner ice und. o - - - LIMITID TIM 9 years. Every skoting facility is- PorkDiotrictsusingtheir year round ice rink at the Sporto ducato that the rinkl0000$9?,OfO facilities, instaffuGon of drinkiog Comples, und therejected daring the moothoitdoes GASWATER HEATER the oreo is straggling to make There would be as OFflR their ice ekatisg facilities finan- fountains at varions parka and proposal for a health club at operate. estimated expenue -ofap-- The Pork many, many moreimpruvoûsen- Gre0000llts. - cialty. respoosibte. proximately $296,000 to improve Board io utilizing itrson roBoter- ta. In response, Murusek stressed WITH A NEW the rink ourfoce for sammer ice. seo and han directed the oint! to to sununary, I beve worked her oppoSition to the idea of a hard the lust four yearn doing Before the - rink is expanded 500 heslib club ut Greonun Hts., review the eummor ide figureo the what is rightforthe Park Disttict slating that she opoke ogaissst it to a yeor-roaod ice program, fur other Pork District Rinba sod hoard must be osco the move to eutobilab guidelines before the and comneaeeity.My decisions al Ihe publie meeting on the DISCOUNT Park Board commis itae!f is the are based on sosUd fisancial... propuso! and she also wrote o tot- would not creoto financio! chaos judgement for improvtmenfB ta for the district.Mor!jvek wools on RHE expenditure uf fuode for ari oat- ter lo a teca! newspaperopputeisg diotriet will not nide coneultant to perform a parlen nod facilities, expansion Ihe idea. She has spoken against to be sure the oNGY and improvementa to programs, speed the money Only to iscrease MISER feasibility study.Sumner ice the proposalat euch public the deficit of the facilily even OUR FINEST ENERGY MISER wtfl he detereninod on financially continued intergovernmental meeting she has attended-as s sound isformatloo and the ability cooperation and our fight against candidote. Shostated that now more. vandalism andthe estabushmen- - At a time when decisione are CUSTO!yi CABINETS of a numener program to cover Ihst the ideo has been rejected, the dyerationcosteanddsbtoervice. te of better community the boardmuotbe concerned with being made thatoro cruciolto lomyfouryeunmefeervice. Owareneau. I em proud of the dc- ,,,ru, s,u,.u,,,,u,..,,, financial well being of the pork The money you save when you replace yourold gas "n MuraseIs is determined on the Park Beard, the Board bas compliehmeele. t 1001E forward to vacated when pro-school closses Fo,there oho dvsaed the ear') brui in othir energy an even better four more years. to nocher postpark district en- water heater ; can be used to invest NEVER met is ctosed eeeelon were -removed from Grennon of His. this year. For years Gion- perience, financial huowledge saviig ereas of yOur home. the district and senseof corn- van His. served as o pre-school cannon pecan rite . mumty isvolvomenttOwork fora ex AUTOMATIC STORAGE Notre Dame offers location, but that urea of the _v-jJt__' -_J .-.-,-'...u."' ' -'MLaaaonOnaEnST*inSPOanHE district Gant is fihanclolly stuhle -' - hsildisg isoow retatively unused. - - ' .'- - - u nincurlastinric onanownen. GASWATERHEATER aod 000 that takes theneeds and Funesoave. ucotatesa NOW AVAILdBLEIN Concerning the- Baltord Sports into .- Complex lee Risk, Mary noted winhon of the residents :- :30, 48, 50 GALLON TAU-30 ANØ4OGAUON LOWBOY MODELS coed summer school accotant when consideringmajor CIIiCAGOIN WILMETTE IN ELGIN the need to examine the focts the 3207 W. LohO ' 077 V,lls 4 antuT sanwnoa Built and backed byone olihe industrys loading innovaiors in waler developments. 740 N. Walls heater den gnandres aorvh, ho new Rhreemgias Imperial Energy Notre Dame-High School for History, Psychology, Spanish t, district will gais from o study of Miser oombina saner gy500ing design andoperationwith rugged. Boys, 7655 Dempater, NUca, wilt 50m. 2, SpanIsh G, Scm. 2, and 943-7060 tvaaZ2r'ui l:?l dependable pedorrnonce...to giva you a walerheaterthelCan help - be offering on expanded co- Typisgwfflbeoffered. -- St0Isaac Jogues pay or itself lhraugh I oanrinputs . reducedheat I Orson dgreeterfuel educatione! summer ochoot. Brochures are availablefor the -.. et ici envy than previous models. , ' ,- 7755 MIlwaukee The first neeeiun will run frnm ca-educational numener school is New, ragged G'enmoste b arene. Designed,engineered, and ,3sS (NearOakton) qualitybuilt by Rheanr to prouid eabutoer that is faotory adiustad for June 17 toJuty 15, with the second the academic office atthencheot. to holdregistration of - natural qas Aluminiend steel C vnstruv ion. High input cesSion ochedsded from July 13 to Also isformotiuo can be obtained RegistrationforthefaUterm at dorgarteO mast be five years humer. tevivry ad1ustablo Iront 26,50010 50,000 BTbJH. Odiel, Augaotl. by coiling 965-2960 from 8 am. to St, Issue Jugueslldhoel, 8151 Golf age on or beforeDee. 1, 1581. A 9678500 durable: qualityoonrrolled-by Rhonrn throughoulmonufaututO. -CourSes offered inclade: 4p.m. Monduy-Friday. copy of the birthcertificate mast Rood, Rilen, willbeheld the week titile Of Biology, Chemistry, The Church ufApritt. - -: he presented atthe in the New Teetiement, the Local gfrl. Children in grades K-ll'may be registratloO Or the çhdd cannot Catholic Faith, Eglleh !,!I,l]I, registered from il am. to SrSO beenrolled. All children entering kindorferteO for thu 158112 and Creative Writing. ¡duo con- initiated into p.m.inthesctsootoffice. - HEATING & temporary Literature, Puhtic St. Ieaac'u is o Christian schont year mast huye aphynicot AIR CONDITIONINGe Speaking, Journalistes, Atfebro I, sorority. , educatienai community school euamioatloo and ImsouninatiOn Intermediate A!gehro II, offering a complote academic-for measles, Connaismeasles, 'Co. Geometry; Introdoctien to Atgeb- Nancy Niski, daughter of Mia. und extra-curricular program pollo, diphtheria, tetonas,etc. ro t, Sem 2, and Introduction toand Mie. Stanley'Nlekl, is a new designed to premute caring, coo- Evideàce of such exomlOatiOn SALES& SERVICE- active member of the Bete Eta and immonieati000must he PLANNED SERVICE AVAILABLE Algebrall, Sem. twit! be offered. coro and growth in a otroctured Beelneeu Math, lutrodoction toChapter of Gomma Phi Beta yet fan and exciting way. The broughtuptodateandverlfiod by scheel officiais before Ochdd will Cemputero,ConoumerEd,Sorority at Bradley UniveruttJr in - Air Cirntliriorriflg - Heating schoolwelcomes- net ooly fall. Health, Buelneen Principleu,Peoria, Illineis. Catholicu but all children whose beadnhittOdte school in the - L !Ocrriilric Ctrrorrrrs Hanridifier's American Bueineoe Systems, Mu. Niuki preoeatly buIdo the For furtherlsformOtiOO catI parenta ' want fer them 00 8 um. 24 HOUR SERVICE - TELEPHONE 825-7186 Recordkeepiog, Basics te Inter-efficu 5f Pabitil Relatteno Chair- education based on thio the ocisool office between Mon. C Thur.. 0-g; Tusa., 'WSd., Frl..0-5:30: Sat. 9-5; and2I4OP.m.atMi tIPi. tisi_ta Ol9laT MINISI tciarcs nr tfliJOlTUtilTin&v OO6 mediate Woodcarving, Western moo, andin a freahmanmajsieing philnoophy. - -- O4O Buos Hwy. Pouji dg. Illinois inManaCoanmunicatlonu. ' CivilIzation,UnitedStateo Children registering for kin- ' - - TheAngle,flncoday,March16, 1001 Page 33

Page 32 The Osgle,Thnrsdny, March24, IIR1 MBY J55se - Phone 966-3900 to placea. clossifed ad flEED o JOB ? LOOK AT -

MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE- COMMERCIAL . USED CARS PROPERTY OFFICES FOR RENT LARGEST BUSINESSSERVICES.- 5-foot old beveled hail mirror,Tm55 asTique white wood kead Eli Grove VRØeWOrRhWJSR /IRCULATION good cond. Carved top frame hoard. Excellent 1577 Chrysler Leliaron, condition. 967-Medallion, 4 door, PS/PB, Auto, Small office roemo for rent, WiU INTHIS..Q yellow. $llll.00. 965-84ll8.746/3-26 5293- - Newly coxotrueted warehonse.eedecsrate. Classic Bowl AM-FM stereo, PW, POL, RWD, Approx. 0455 sq. ft. 2 docks, MARKET plush Interior, 4 new tires, new Bnildiog. - MUSICAL Old braos &leathertrtink with io-3-misror solid walnjat vanity, -available for 1 year lease. For VOS-5300 INCOME TAX - SEAL COATING hrahes. 36,000 miles. $3300.06. . side tray, nicecond. $60.00. 965-19346, exc. cand., old hardware. further- information cal INSTRUCTION - 167-5192 SERVICE- 0408. 744/3-26 $358.50, 965-8498. 74253-26 DRkCL 1980 CJ-S Rexegade, fully loaded. Professional Office Space ! PROFESSIONAL TAX SERVICE Piano-Gaitar4ccordion-Organ & MARQUIS PAVING 55-yr. old red Sarouk 9x12 Orlen-Oak kitchen cabinet, 2 glass 6 cyl/4spd. Custom FM caosette 640-0220 To share sr sublet. -3 nfl, selle Voice. Privato instructions, home tel mg, small pattern. $3,000. 965-doors, O It. Ial ox legs. $175.00. Stereo, K-C lights, pm stripping, SealCoating - 165-8408. ideal for therapist, asalyst, sr - Let Accorate Accoûnting -Advicearstudio. Classic & popular Stripping 0468.- 741/3-26 743/3-26 polyglycoatest. Many extras, low WHEELING psychodrama. OD Petersap Ave., professionally mileage. $9,000. 165-8246 757/4-30 prepare your - Snow-Plowing 2.4 acres w/2 buildiog (12,000 sq.Ctlieago. For appt., call BUSINESS SERVICES tases. -- RICHARD L. GIANNONE Commercial & Residential - - Advent 1000 7 ft. televinion, used, Baxquet-size los-stoica table, fold- R. $1 6,000 sq. ft.) on Milwaukee Niles Area. Reasosable Rates. good coud. 5 yio.old. $1100.00.up legs, 72" long w/4 metal '73 Cats-ice Classic. Full pow., - Free Estimates - AC, stereo, loaded. 42,000 miles. Ave. $575,500. 965-3201 $67-8668. 740/3-26 chairs. $126,00. 724-1953. ForAppotrilment - $1500. 046-1914 after G, 823-2591 - 168-2700 749/3-26 -CARR REALTY 595-3m Decorator owag lamp in multi- - STORES FOR RENT Ebony half-moon side table, JEEPS, CARS, TRUCKS 94509M A/C & HEATING CARPET CLEANING VOICE-GUITAR color chunk gloss.39.00. 966- avail. thrx government agexcies; n TELEVISION unusoal design. $71.00. 754-1553 5625. 737/3-26 many sell for under$200. Call 002- KITCHEN CABINETS - PIANO-ORGAN - SERVICE 747/3-25 941-8054 Ext. 272G for your three- STORE FOR LEASE GENERAL COMFORT . TOUCHOFBEAUTY Imported Italiun cryotol 9-light tory ox how to purchase. CONDO FOR RENT CARPET CLEANING chondelier. $55.06. 966-5625. New fnOtOtOOI, aqua vinyl RItOS COMPANY Study withas active pro. «7.7543, '723/4-2: 13,500 sq. ft. for lease at $4.50 per The best lruck mounted steam WOODGRAINING 737/3-26 sq. ft. Fully lousred & Wananled TELEVISION SERVICE - cleaning equipment mude. Free A fractionoflhe costol relioishiog GYMNASTIC- CAMPNr. Lntheran Gen'lt 2 hdeeu., 2 Call frsm S-5 Servicefrlnntullations estimates, carpet dry within 3-S : Cobra 1000 GTL, 40-Chan. CB & Large blue floral sofa, 2yro.old. . bath. 2Rd fI. Heat & waler incl. or laminating. Give your kitchen 824-5893 - Antenna. $196 orbest. 647-0156. FOR GIRLS Avail. 4/1. Pm!, teRnis, p/grnd., hosco. .15 per square foot. folly $2.00 Servire Call Parts entra . Excellextcond. $50.00. 6470381. AlR CONDITIONING cabinets a new richly graised, 689/3-26 ojsored. -- OwnerMr.Saatucct parking. $425.966-045- SHEATING 827-0097 oiled wood finish. Painted or SELLETEOnE metal. No stripping. no mess. Wanted lo boy B&W, color parta- PIckled mahog. dix. ax. set. PhI. GvseNAuTIc CAMs-FOE tOnUs REERIGERAT ION PAINTING hie Wo thatoeed repairs. New Britannico III -En- HELP Many wood-tones. Unbelievable cyclopetba, 1980 Ed. $605. or heat. w/ext. leaf, 6 chrs,, buffet & GYMNASTiC leztcwslw tsr SOENTILATION CATCH BASINS segtnonthcua dsa,, ad. - WANTED results. Samples. Call eves, Ron. KE 9-5229 667-0150. 098/3-26 china cab. Bestoff. 046-7i3laIt. 6. k Pise: Sattel, Tenete, FREE ESTIMATES PAINTING. - CONDO FORSALE- - weste,,, &SEWERS 431-0291 - MOVING! MIJSTSELL! Ml-03W SPECIAL RATES Antique Chicago coin Oseseetaeat,lp, Available os interior services Breakfroxt; butcher block;hi- Ovieueieg,Oie. - TILE professionalkickerpinball PARK RIDGE-BY OWNER JOHNS F1JLLYTNSURED - boy & dresser w/mirror; and COOK LANDSCAPING maghine. Good coed. $375.00more.MA-4R74, 0929 00mB, NUes. Deluxe 2 BR exd unit, coxtract ALUMINUM Collwcfo,Irenestinwte firm. 635-8355. 715/3-26 GREAT SEWER SERVICE (1 bIb. E. ofMtlwaukeeAve.) Sat. EQUIPMENT sale . 4530379OinyO031-6125 eves. . FuN1ime AWNINGS E. WAtSON fr CO. - COssas em YOUR BEST BUY Power jet air hockey, friction9-Sun, 12-S, OskI,,s &Milwaokcc, Nilcs LANDSCAPING SUPERB LAKE VIEWS P.M. 51db - 071-7727 free surface. Good coud. $45.96. Home Improvement Values SODDING On inlaid and SOLARIAN floors, CEMETERY LOT Psnl&Lake,500flc,e - 2 hi-rise condos by owner.- ParkEncelleRt starting xalary and - . - - 711/3-26 Deal DirecI 696-0889 - slate & ceramic Otte. All- in- 635-0355. esSIewWeztswCsthkits Towers t bdrm., $67,500. 12% company paid basel uts. WEEKLY MAINTENANCE 25%-35% OFF NOW a,v,dravCa,vpthgAnawIaOn,,' FOR SALE finaxciog. 5445 N. Sheeidan 2 Apply Is Person ALUMINUM YourNeighbarhiadScwerMan DESIGNING AND PLANTING stallatiens guaranteed. Free est. 2 sets crystal ntemmed water Ar,,edlt,d camp: Slorm Daars-Wiedows-Sidisg Painting,plastering,paper hdrm., $102,100. Year romid pool, ,, FREE ESTIMATE CllRonHays goblets - 9 glasses each set. 4EElmwsod Cemetery graves. Csttoenrite: FOSE 50009-ET jojos Rnstaouant sSolIils&Fascia hanging A wall washing. - tennis, racq. ball, health club. CONCRETE! J. D. ENTERPRISES yrn. old. $30.I0earhset. 167-5445. Choice location. $165.70 each. MRO. C. C. 50505, Pt,. 0449 MRwa.*ne.,NRes 2960068 - 726/6-2 2246006 - On Veoire.AwnmgsSave 25% 023-2591 Professional work with- quality Private party. 714-1442 _t 559-0131, Sont 061400e S ta SIAM-S tolPM only CONSTRUCTION RELEE TERRE-DEPT. 5 OepnHollse Sunday l-4 ' FLAIR material at pleasant off-season 000050 KORTRICIIT, N.Y. 13642 - 55-yr. old red Sarouk Oriental 429 WELLINGTON CEMENT WORK TREES - n CLEAN-UPSprices. Up lo 35% off till Spring., J%LUMINUM PRODUCTS TREES, - rug, small patlern. $3,500. 165- MAINTENANCESesior cilioens special can- CLOTHING CONDOMINIUMS -869-9566 BY PELAGIO CONSTRUCTION SHRUBS 8408. HOUSEWIVES 8637W. Tonlsy, NUes T0 SOIL -. FERTILIZINGnideratias. Ta disenso your NEW & USED VACATION BeAulifRIl-2-3 - hdrm.con- Specializing io Concrete stairs, Free Estimates decorating needs call: Unusual decor pieces for your dominisms. Some duplexed. Good weekly earnings from your porches, garage. floors, drive- Call 51M 32 VARIETIES home-gold-rimmed punch howl &Brows corduroy short coal, size GUIDE Walking distance to parks & en-home. Local part time telephone ALUMINUM ways, sidewalhs, patios, etc. Io- STEVE'S LANDSCAPING 966-1554 - LARGETREES l2caps. $35.16. 724-1553.753/4-16 14, $10.00. 547-7542. 751/4-2 tertainmenl. Priced from $43,106. sured, Bonded, FreéEstbmale. . WIsCONSIN Opes Monday-Friday 3-6 work. Noselliug. SIDING 907-7390 nr 901-1058 15'-25' high; S-5' diameter. F000 VACAnONINOEAETWUL 5304569 or 716-6425 .- Tires (4), E-76x14, reg. tread, osFake fur beige short coat, size 14, LAC OU FLAMBEAU Wteranslu Rew Management lbs. freshly rooted. Will plant and --386.6811 Insured PLUMBING Nova wheeIs.S A78n13 snow Otrelikeuew.125.00. 647-7543.719/4-2 FENCELAXEI.ODGE 264-1546-l- LILJEGREN AND HARVEY guarantee. Also transplant lrees, MODIFIED AMERICAN PI,AN $$SPECIAL SPRING RATES$$ ooDa'tsan wheeL 965-IR9laft 5 Lakthnfll Ieepv,Ondulisea. EIPIU,e t bauch EyaneOan, 1735 Chirago, Unit 105 SAIES 6809030 avdewreaoeolac.Otch'gelnme vto CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. New brown corduroy short coot Open Snnday 1-4 EXCITING PARTY PLAN -ALUMINUM SIDING LAWN CUTTING 0E VILLE Magnavsx console solid atate.w/for lining, size 14. $15.06. 647- punSe May act aToAba,. COSSaS tlwga Lovelynew2lltt, ZBAcondo with 30 Years Same Location stereo, AM-FM with tas-stable, 725/4-2: opavyeur.romdtluLorthgbnPsoetsdvel& OPENINGS SOFFIT FASCIA PLUMBING CORP 7543. bel,, .Opartat genOratu t O 155es view of hOoch and with balconies INS. BONDED 'FREE EST. - also reel to reel tape recorder. n,eticgs,wsves0s's,tEettrsOnt9v0. overloobiog NU Campus. Large Show well priced framed art in TUÇKPOINTING - SEAMLESS GaiTERS MIKE'S INDUSTRIAL-COMMEEIjIAL- $300.166- 5 evening gowns, size 16. Ex- FAr rO,erezttvsl se 15,51,0e tnlse,sltlOu, reno. Owner will assist., $120,000 homes. Complete training, oo ex- WINDOWS DOORS INSTITUTIONAL cellextcandilino. Best offer. seile sr van: see n Nns,y 1,6641,1, nsa 2. perienCe needed, no investment. Patbas Gumoe Floues - LAWN CUllING 45x30, OsalIS,,dRfl611bIAì.W164606,fli/ Regotiable. Call 45-yr. old wall mirror, 5330697 . AWNINGS rai. s lxi. NWaI WsldeI.s.IiWitt - Sidimauis Orioeways -SERVICE 24 Hour Emergency Service FARRELL TUCKPOINTINGIt $50.00. 967-8445. -727/2-19 SEARCH REAL ESTATE 739-30970F 627-9150 FousdoIiors Electric Sewer ttoddiog Eupefl Inotallalions Reassaable Raleo CHIMNEY REPAIR 475-1890 695-5386 627-0419 PETS . MANAGER FaIIy Insured 541-9844 174-2515 nErich Work WateITrto0ing Zesith .426/FM stereo. Wal. cab., (ant,o - Deal with Owner 453-0691 - Hot& Shingle Roofing Das. mod. Gd. and. EC. New i. MOTEL .1 NORWOOD SmING & 3M N. Milwaùkee Free Estimates $600.,oefl$200.256.5859; 756/4-15 Experienced persox to work Riten . MIKES PLUMBING SERVICE - FAMIUm WELCOME REAL ESTATE s INSTALLATION, INC Riles, Iii J050raiíce Certificate on Request NICEPflS FOR nines tamiSes ras attôin. Oste, weoltAsA yt Nites fast food restaurant. Ap- 631-1552 MOVERS Plumbing repairs & remodetiog. sest,dpwI.ptaygrsOed.Fs,Otty reltaurset, plyinperson Dutch boy, - girl, bandcarved ADOPTION - MasterCsargeorVisa HENEGHAN Drain & sewer lises power rad-. 736-1111 Office - wood oval wall hangings, 12x24. flAck,,,rAPey-sOt sed SAs-Ir MarS15 cime 1051West Demjnlee I,,, block. Nr. Maine Attcsetiotts. Color TV. . ded. Low water pressare corree- 754/4-16 TO APPROVED HOMES CALUMET CITY . 774-2479Anll. Serrice $43.00pr. 724-1553. air eonS., ,eeps001. tubI k shesera. 05 066-1455 CONCRETE . ted. Sunup pumps installed & ser. wgf,way ttlolt Itt l'lo, E. at s. seit t hA. GltG GENERAL REMODELING - GOLDEN EAGLE Hrn. 1-SP.M,-7 days a week, viced. beyused ttrot olp stgs. s-sr eeA,fl,Il,O9- 1 BR, Co-op Apt avail. now. $32go. - Seamless Gullers Driveways, patins, walks. garage Odyssey with shooting gallery. Receiving animata 7-5 weekdays, -Tpo-LITE MOTEL. esa usi, 9-ak,, misal, $58.mo.Crptg., drapes, copy. oh- MOViNG OESTORAGE VISA&MASTERCARD SHIPPING! - Siding, SaiSit, Fascia Soars and foundalia0s. . $Sg.00.965-3950. 770/4-2- 7-1 Saturday and Sonday. WIISSOO.POONE:611115540tL ppg/trans. - Fully Insojed FREE ESTIMATE 330-3748 Clesed all legal holidsya.- Mr. Rakestrase, Ownee Fast local moving - RECEIVING CLERK 20% Discount 32 Varieties LARGE TREES. 15'- Days 356-5090 823251B. 24 hour service nun.omopa.sircmÑsvce KAYS ANIMAL SHELTER Evex&wkeadx 591-5012 Free Estimale VILLAGE PLUMBING AND 0AND5I.uuh-tNs 25' high; 5"-8" diameter. 7,000 2755N. Aellngtonliio. Rd. Shipping receiving clerk oeeded -7-days a week SEWER SERVICE rnrnro1NTInGMuooNoEpaIo - 023-0035 lbs. freshly rooted. Will plant and - Must he able to drive van. Varied Licensed & Insured 5U,vp pvvpe. hO eater h,aL,n, etEctc COiMNEvsePAIs-wmDowcaUuolNs Aellqgtasa Heights

- duties with small established sen, ,addtvg. sinks, teSeo. Ieyed, . draina rOOESOTIMATES guarantee. Alsotranaplast trees. -. HANDYMAN. a,clagged,vatarpreesueecoeeartlo.S OEuuOvonLE sATes Gal-9030 3-yr. old female 41CC registered FARMS FOR SALE firm. MuSt he bondable. Good CARPENTRY plies for the oa.II-vsncsetie,. Cowplete 459-06M Keeshond, raised with children. besefits. Skokie. CaS Lerv. 583-8154 pineOsosonirea&spntin. Frog collectors...Saerificing pie-Misst move. $196 or best offer. toresque ceramic grog lite mat- Farm forlale-Opply, st Week HANDYMAN 9651 COURTLAND, NILES 724-5429 or 657-Il74. MISSOURI . IN OZARKS 673-0520 946-1750 citing frog green fisial. $150.00. NORM'S . . Carpentry i Paneling 724-1153 755/4-15 . BUSINESS - 40 acre farm. 12 recreattosal . Eleclrical Plnooablng UPHOLSTERY GARAGE acres in timber, remainder in GENERAL OFFICE CARPH11RY SERV1E MOVING & . Yellow shag carpet, 14' n 10', Floor& WillTile in Ceramic ROOFING .- SALE OPPORTUNITIES grass. Good garden. Chicken Now wmii or Remodeling or What Have Von 'STORAGE $95.00. house. Also bldg. for /hbbito or EsceSeot apportmity in small - - soles office in EthniE Park area. Heorly Rate or Es4nmlos Isaside & Outside Painting PETE'S UPHOLSTERY 005-8123 7606 W. LIB Ct., NUes, 10-0, Fri.,AMBITIOUS COUPLES TO hogs. Barn with corral. 150G sq. & Wallpapermg lot ofRUN conomner service centerk ft. 3 hdrm. ranch home. t bath, Guaranteed 25 hour week. Duties 2974000 CUSTOM MADE IBM Executivetypewriter, Sat. & Sax., 3/27, 20& 29. A include bookkeeping and Organiae CIencia Low COST -ALL WORK GUARANTEED Gothic style type. D truck tape everything. from home, lo $2,500/mo. 254-6041 din. rm., 1g.liv. Fm. Palio . FREE ESTIMATES CALL ROY DUCWS BACK w/redwood hale. 2 car gar. Wood secretarial respuonibiltties. Some FREE ESTIMATES player/recorder. $25, reE NEED YOUR KELP MG., 731G Arcadia, Sat. 3/25, 9-4. & gas bog, oto ft. deep weil w/xew driving necessary; business ex- . - MOVING Vou cun e,ur law ap tI tAId J It SCARPENTRY 565-6415 - 275-4935 NT-5194 pensesreimbursed. Call & STORAGE ROOFING, INCn Pictures, frames, crib 9- matt., stottin gevel OrsI in your hove. We lbs,, pump. Excel, fishiRg, etc. io . olee. mower and much misc, Onu how. FO, dettAto, ssed stamped, Mit- Area. 10 mi.. to Aurora or Monelt. Mury Schubert 15 yrs. exp. Alum. siding, soRTit & TDCKPOINTIND - -1364 W. FOSTER Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner with HOME addeeeoed IsVelupe Is: ROBERTS ADOEw $65,000. Box 47, RIe. 1, Veraoa, lascia, bathrooms, rec. rms., WARNER MO VERS SuIOir.Iue WnSG.ueuelsud CHICAGO,IL. 60625 . attachments. Take over payouen- TISINO, Pees.0, P.O. Dal tOil, mUslo 115-5528 kils., paneling, ceramic tile. Por- MAINTENANCE tu. Pay offhalnsce. 491-6402 Pk,CA94921. '- Mo. 55705. PHONEs 457/450-6917. - liedI.i.,.d ches & Roofing. . - 588-8633 RUMMAGE SALE POSITION,- Free Eslimale Fully moored HOME MAINTENANCE SERVIcE 025-fleo WELDING IUslNr.SSOPFTY.OFTIIE WEEK IMMEDIATE Lawo Sersice, Cutting/Edging, TREOOIDENN000ETTEXAS Available for . 114-0420 WANTED -TO BUY MEChANICAL DULl-DUCKING MACDINE Trimming. Weekly Maintenance .RUMMAGE SALE ROOMS FOR 'RENT DestaI AssistaPt y' AIIV.RIIIDR Your BUSiImRSD FORS.9Lal - Available.Riles Area/Free Immanuel Lutheran School Fpvsss.Prutitablr, Mopet,'wakieg Ouetting FollTime and Permaoeot EXPERIENCED CARPENTER - - Low COST. HARRIS WELDING Estimates - HERE Grandma needs osed, inexpen- 1850 Chestnut in Glenview Machins. F seeslor O, t songes . 5051,50, Attractive starting salary. Ones68Kinds Of Wadi WeDoWindows Stainles -(off Wauhegan Rd.) nmtas,eentcestlrs, Asestes, ate. Single room, full bath, color TV. DosvlstewoDeo Plaines CaIl966-3900ForSpøcmI - Steel sive, baby furniture. - - CALLNOW: maid service, $235.06 & $245.06 ReanniodiIe Riles Fri. March27, t-S p.m. - 9044758 %7-6705 ROOFING Aluneluum 759-4029 - - lAltnz-lstt permoxth, 946-5400. 824-1917 FREE ESTIMATES BuDIRROKSRO*R Dectnry Sat.. March2U,Sa.r5.-sOOn 1150013-MIO CampletcQualily RovIng Service Iron 1144133 Rates WRITTIN Portable REE 202-1663 stIer 5 P.M. -READ THEBUGLE ISTWATI -.517-1140

/ Page 34 The Bugle, Thsrnduy, March 26, 1981 - TheBugle5Thoriday5 brdi9L Sill

Unlicensed ------

ChildCare - - - Morton Grove LOOK RI facilities cào't . . -- - ParkDistrict headvertised -

According to the Child CarA act- - HELP n of 1069 it is u misdemeanor In HELP HELP HELP- - care for another penonS child in Spring Sessiobso Classes WANTED 'WANTED . WANTED -WANTED yonr home unless your home is licensed by theState of Illinois. It Sigo-op far-Marten Grave Park -SALES-MEN OR WOMEN SECRETARY(LEGAL DistriCt'S Spring Session Classed PART TiME 0051T5055 ACCOUNTING CLERICAL is- also Illegal to -advertisefor - Need part time to service FullerOur 12 oltnrneyPark Ridge law SLISpZrhiin such service in an,unhicensed at the Prairie View Center5 6634 firm has an immediate opening tosai torntsdnna&Fall.timeperoasa Must have high school edocatinn DemPster st,, 965-1200. Class Brush customers at their place of ZAllhcionani.5 P.M. home. These licensen are maced- employment or your home. NoforanenperiencedLegal pIns I year of experience in Ac- openings are still available in Does your financiai-institUtiOfl Secretary. Good typing and dic countingerrelatedarea. free to homes meeting minimum experience necessary. Eantup to standards far the safety and well- cnllnral arts, physical fitness, G,ea*flmerucan $6.-$8. per hour. Flexible hours.taphono skills aro essential. If WILLOUGhBY REALTY INC. Boahkeepioand or Acconoting athletic andsoifle ssinsiser camp òffer FREE:checkungwith a you have been thinhieog of mahing Course work or lrainhosg Is alna seing ofthechild deraI Savings - . Call Fm,, between 7AM-11AM nr WE HAVE CALLS! programs.Classes that do not evesings. a change, why not call os for an necessary. Contact 3W-3144 )ntereiew? . WE NEED SALESPEOPLE! Maorees. Bomber 635-1877 Forinforenatmon and licensing, hace the minimum number of stodenta must be cancelled, So if Wórk 11:00 AM lo2OO PM M!, Cipolla CaltH,Flvher OAIflONGOrIWUNRYEOUEGE -contact flIInoIi Deparlment vi you areinterested. in car dannen Mondaytlirn Friday 696-2812 297-Mil 1000E, Golf Raid. Dee Pleuve Chilsiren cod Family Servicie $4.00 per hour SStOMiIoAhlkeeAne., Noes 1028 S. Damen ave., Chicago, Ill. please step in and register from. (OlherHours Available) Eqsoinppaemity EnploynnMIP 60012 (793-3017). Published as a S-lp.m. Monday through Friday. CAFETERIA - Come In For Application RNsfrLPNs publicsereire by Bugle CHEF MANAGER - . McDONALD'S® USE THE BUGLE Newspaìoerv. NEEDED Office cafeteria, breahiast and Mllwm,ke b Oekion, NIes Work with essltionally relarded lunch. No weekends. Musthave r WANT ADS Daytime Recreational 9659874 adolls in a teaching capacity.some fond experience. Goad Volleyball nIvEawonxIranaxuTrrun Differentials for PM5, Kites &working cenditionn. Paid In- recreational NORWERNCALTFORNLu weekends. Part time, 10 hour sLirance asid vacation. Doweetowo We publish every Thursday A strictly MEDICALOPFTY. OFTIJE WEEK ... volleyball program will he held shifts. area. - PHYSTCALTHEIiAPIOIS CALL (OlIO) 942-0853 on Fridays from l-3 pm. at the APPROVED HOME Prairie View Center Gymnasium mmcd. cpport050j,s For2 Physical 275-2422 TOOLMAKER from April 10 to June 12. Cost is TheTheSa. 2cccinu,,OSP. required cc,.All sec depath,,ti,,ccllshli,he 909 W. Wilson, Chuu1tIL 60MO LO80ted soeur Cenfral& $5 per participant.Interested aculecare hospital. Callteais license & Kennedy Espy. persono should regiuter.early sin. nequi,ed sr elititilily. only One hn tnom Opportunity for advancement. skl Clapas. In to pnccneati scarsa .talaniea Now Hiring For4 cethereis a limited chroUment. spec Previnan experience necessary. A Woodcarving class will begin depepding tnccpenicnc500dChicago StandardOilLocations cdacahct.Enel. tings hcnefia. milo or Top Wages, Company Paod On Tuesday, April 7 at Austin call: Pensmel Otnentar, ST. ELIZABETh - MINIMUM BALANCE? Benefits. Near CTA - Benenne, salEr Mary, CEluloSa Onice, Pach. Prolessional Wmdcareer Bed DistI, CA 05050, 5801527-0512. Call for appointment 3Shifts Available 763-6000 Bob McFarland will teach hasic WEN PRODUCTS, INC. andintermediatecarving HOSTESS - sneqsalcnpoonnhieomplcynr&7 techOiques each clam -1mm 7.9 COCKTAIL AND FOOD CASHIERS p.m. Examples nf past projects WAITRESS DRIVEWAY GENERAL are currently on display al -the the same. -. Prairie ViewCenter, 0534 Dem- All NOW accounts are not . FIRESIDE INN A1TENDANTS OFFICE BUGLE PUBLICATIONS pster.Feel$15 for 8 weeku. fill Wosskegan Rd. Morton Geoae. Ill Typing hnd hilling. Small Lnop Register now at the Prairie View

$3.35 perhour tostart - DIFFERENCE! 966-9600 Office. Free Blue Cross/Blog Center. CHECKTHE GreatAmerican Shield. Call 6._/' A Spring OlI Painting classin- -ASSISTANT MANAGER MANAGER 782-8307 slrncted by -Marga Jacobs will begin os Wednesday, April 1 ast Your Financial GreatAmerlcan PART TIME CASHIERS - - - If you have a pet peeve,a word of Otdergeniteman preferred. . the Prairie View Center. Clossm institution- - . lnstitsoslOn Federal - . Does your financial for self-service gas station. Apply Salary Open. - HAVE A run from 1-3 p.m. for I weeks. in person. Call Betwren9:fß am-4rt0 pm thanks or anythhg of news'value, Fe® $10. Mondoy- Friday GO-TANE write a Letter to-the Editor The Adventure Club will be NICE WEEKEND - - - having ses evening trip on Thor- ,._ COMPOUND 51/4% INTEREST DAILY, - 6591 hennIe Ase., Lincolswood :48-7D79 Only signed letters will be pssblislsed, sday, April2totloe King's Manor. FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT TO DATEOF Ash for Tom or JudyBaher Iscladed in this trip will he a 6 bt esanses ssitl br withheld upon request. course mhdieval feast and a 2½ WITHDRAWAL? WAYS TOADVERTISEIN hour show. Bus leaves Prairie Sendalliettersto:THE BUGLE View Center at fl45 pm. Feel le- RETURN CHECKaMONTHLY WITH A THE BUGLE BARGAINBARN . $2tper person. COMPLETE STATEMENT? 2 8746N. Shermér RoOd Become a mini-chef at the NUes, Illinois60648 Creative Caching for Kids Class 0E Wednesdays beginning April ,_ OFFER OVERDRAFT.PROTECTION? ADVERTISE FREE-PAY 15th al the Prairie View Center. PiAN PIlE- PAID Z00 FOR Carol Gail will instruct these ONLY IF,YOU SELL pias ¡._ CHARGE A LOW $3.00 SERVICE FEE IF 2 i WEEK ADVERTISING danses. 3rd and 4th grades meet DROPS at Sl3I p.m. and 5ththrough 8th YOUR MONTHLY BALANCE If lILO 114 iLcIt grades meet at ½3O p.m. Feel BELOW THE REQUIREDMINIMUM? ¡n11 hid I - dcrrui $10. diablE .A( h ccrin t Lcd. 5c I by ph()t,c These who attended the fall ACCOUNT - NOTICE Babynilting Wnrkshop must at- ¡2 OFFER A SPECIAL SENIOR Ads isled under lhese olessifinatioos cast be tend the spring workshop the WITH A$50 MINIMUMFOR THOSE 62 pre-peid st 12.00 per week for 15 woedsne - week of March 23 to he pot noi the ANDOVER? - 15.11 15,% 4.50 less. Add 25 Ends foe addilionol 5 wnrdx. new referral list.Class runs Monday throsoghFridsy 4l5-5ll5 55.01 105.50 s;on HOME FURNISHINGS 180.51 atEOS 7.05 PETS p.m. Workshop will take place at ¡ PROVIDE 15 CONVENIENTLOCATIONS 070.01 500.00 Loo SPORTING GOODS SWAPSfrTRADES the Prairie View Center.Feel TO HANDLE YOURFINANCIAL NEEDS? J- AUTOMOBILES GARAGE SALES g.19;.. $1. Pm-registration is necessary MISCELLANEOUS . to attend. L 'sa,, Subscribe Now! Any Senior Citizen sebo enjoys The Bugle Bargain Barn. 8748 Si crafts should take the spring NOW Accounts do authis. armer Rood,Nibs, III. 60648 - GreatAmeriCafl Federal's Plsa5scnbl,,flnn7a4lnlrp,5!EdflE,Ik,4 L Sealer Citizen Craft Class hegin' - nmg Wednesday, April t at the nl nE,?ee bnnrsthad P D aDO1eera,pe,aalank. MAIL SUBSCRIPTION Prairie View Center. This S week - Ts CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY class will feature soft-sculpture, Another Way to get MORE for yourdollar . ARLINGTON HEIGOT5, AOlinulun HnlshIs Rd. al 5:gnalI,35 5. Evnrxreov use. noons Tel. ITEM crochet, tote, sketching and at GreatAmeriCan Federal. OELLW000l 405 Mannlnnlm ed. Name - - 055.0255 ceramics. Class runs from lO2IF OCIZATEI. 5440050 . CHIEA5O,220N Mich. ltl3O and costs $5. Instructor is Open yourNOW Account today. say Ais. nomi Tel.535-0575 . CHICAGO, Address 300 0. Wacher Or. 60000 Tel. 341-1350 . CHI. Virginia Sterling. CAGO. uosn W 26th 51. 00523 Tel. 277-5300 City - A special one evening class will . OEE0FIELn, In Luko.0000 Pisas, 455LakE- feature Pysunkyl Ukrainian Egg Cnnk Rd. mors Tel, 564-0020 . nowNEvs State - 0000E, lv D oonOls Park shoppIng Plans. ITEM ,Decoraling on Wednesday, Mar- 7351 Lomonl Rd. nosis Tnl, 550-5555 . ELM- - (PLEASE ENCLOSE CHECK) - 000st 724 N York Rd. 00105 Tel RAd-1520 ck 25 at the Prairie View Center. GieaVmencan .. ELUW000 PARK, 7000 W. aravoAse, Thin anciesl art involves coloring nanas TOI. 455-5200 . FWANCLIN PARK, ! ONE YEAR .eggs with wax and dyes.Class ussr FranklIn AVE. 00131 Tel, ahi-0750 7.50 rederal Savings NAPER5ILLE,inanenrPv nrlcorr Pl000,700t ruoufrom? to 10p.m. andfee is $5. Ondee ein. 60540 Tel, Tus-1400 . NILE5, In

L TWOYEARS 14.00 - Materials may he purchased the - 505 MIII ShOpprfls CnvIOr, 25 5011 MlIlPrOIE5- Pro- EnflaI nids 00645 TOI, 255.1353 . OAK night of class for $7 BROOK, 72nd 51aI 5AevlIlMldEsESI Rd . LI THREE YEARS'19.00 registration is- necessary to al- 00521 Tnl. nOO-5500 OAK PARK, iSOI Loke tend. SIronI eSOSI TnI. 3O®5000PARK BISSE. Non-residents pay ½ more Ike ISO S. Norlhonsl VìshoaV 50500Tel 525-orso, . resident raie, Senior Citinoos - AIl NOW Amounts are insured (n $100,000 bpthe FSLIC h4Inn BUGLE PUBLICATIONS age 62 and over recieve ½ cicli ccliii.. 8746 N. SHERMER ROAD discount os most programs. For NILES, ILLINOIS more information consall your 60648 winter/spring hrochnre or call the recreation alfice at 965-1206 . 'Plge3I TheBugle,Thnrnday,Mnreh, 1l1 Tluelluigle,Thnrzday, March 16, 1161 pagefl

Cont'dfromNilen-E,Mnhuep,Ï N(IR TRA N 4ltgiff - Blase. . . - -- - dude police and fire protection, T economy continues chipping - - T, ' _ ministration.Streunisg the ''?' public worte, the IsOUiiI nf liceo-.- awuyatviltagedeartmentn. may not get paychecks village's lowtax rates, extensive oes and permits, family and Blase said he in also concerned services andstability of our rNilesPark-District senior servicen, and the Eilenwith how in 'create a balance neighborhoods", the Blase party- Courtesy Bas System as well as - byBobfler betwees retired and younger bas been ahle to stay clear ofan- varions inspectors. - flimilies..."thronghoutthe uwering charges by mayoral month of March. The coslest is Ball class lo begin April 4.ThO Blase said ij the current in- Adult FlOor Hockey NORTRAÑ bus drivers and Under the agreement the - village. Stating the village moot candidates Elaine Heinen and open lo all Niles Park Dlsiricl Tee Boil program woo designed village flatios continuos snehecked, the League staff may not receive their full takescare ofthe atreet sweeping, find a way 'IO get people selling. ThomasFlysn. - . residents, as well as all cIernen. for yosngsters not yet old enough pay beginning with the April 3 snow p!owing, salting and miner village will havp in rely moreand buying" homes, Blase said Banning on the ticket along Wiles Park -District Sportstory age children attending for the baseball leagse (f-8 yrs.) paychecks, according tn Jimpotholerepairs. upon saies taxes and propertyhe is eurreotly opposd to the- witb Complex, 1435 Bultard rd., Niles schools which service the Niles The basics of baseball will be tases to finance these pregramo. Blase are Village Clerk Mahoney, Nies representative For providing these services, village sponsoring the sales of Frank C. Wagner, Jr.azud 197-0011, iO starting on Adultarea. Eiilrlvo from euch of the tauight during the initial 4 week ontheNORTRMJ board. To moiotuis these programs,revenue bonds to encourage the state will pay the village Trootees Abe Selman, Carol- Floor Hockey League.Hockey schools will be judged and winner instruction period and league Reviewing the NORTRAN 9,21t.I3 for the 1M1-82 fisa1 Blase said it io pnosihle that -people to sell theirhomes. Pànekand Peter Pesole. played os O foil ici rink surface. awarded lot, 2nd and 3rd place ploy will follow.The resident -property tases might osen have sitoation during Thmdaynight's year.This represents a 13per Saying he would rather let the Leogse- stariSMay t.$500 per trophies from each schoot, with raie is $12 per child, (oso- Mies Village - Board, meeting, cent increase over the $llO,960 to be coined inItie future if themarbet determine who will buy learn - $40 forindividuato.20 the first pInce winners being resident fee is doobled). Classes Mahoneysaidunlesefundseanhe paid to Nies for these services and seilhomes in Nileu, Blase did games, 5 practices plusplayoffs.-eligible for the Grand Prise (o 10 will he held on Saturdays from tosed to paythe staff, 'a seriousthisyear. -, mention that if the current in- Jccspring Comici Mr. ¡tate - Aybár, 207- speed bicycle). There willalso bç 9:30 am. lo 10:30 am. or from crisis" will develop -Ballard rink... HAVE IT CHECKED BY OUR AUTOSENSE Money Village Clerk Frank Wagner flation and mortgage ratos per- as opes category with trophies 10:38-11:20 am. Register now at - problems within the NORTRAN 'reported that Niles' Comumer Coot'dfronu Nlleu-E.Moinep.1 doted for another year, he would - Stummer Day Càmp awarded, and o Grand Prize,the Ree. Center, 7177 Milwaukee COMPUTER AND WE- WILL GIVE YOU APRINTED system is just a reflection ofFraud Division has received1,814 hove to comider booing revenne classes - - qualifier for soy Riles Pork ove. Tee Ball in held at the Gres- hscal prohiems throughout the dueto the gas. After being called bends. Regiolrotion for the 1Ml Riles oso Heights Gymnasium, 0255 REPORT SO YOU WILL KNOW WHAT'S complainte since it was founded to the scene EtIco firemen ad- District residmt not atteoding os Regional Transportation Ad-in 1970. Questioned about mayoral Park DuolrictSOmzflerflay Camp Ohetoove. - Wagner oayo this- -visedthatthefsruuace There is still time in register- area school. Enlry forino for the LIKELY TO GO WRONG mesiotration. repmients ahoot 15 complaints be checked-candidateThomasFlynn'sfor spring classes at- the Mayer will begin April 1. The camp rum Contest cas he picked spat the Ironically, NORTRA8 may noteach mouth. for a possible gas leali. however, charge that he has interfered in MosdOy through Friday from t Rock climbing, hiking, Wagner said the - Kaplan JCC, 50M Church st, Park Districl office at 7877- '- It was luter determined tlt the be able to meet its payroll evenmajority of the complaints linee the hiring and promotiom withinSkohie. ans. to 5 p.m., with pick-up being Milwaukee ove. Office hoses are fishing and mre! - thongh it has become one of.Uiebeen regarding door to. door cause of the gas was an ice the police and fire departments, In addition to the wide variety al the pork Nearest the campers - Mon-Fri. 8 0m. to 5 p.m. and os - Inakiogmachine. - This -summer, you cas ex- moot soccesoful Systems withinsalesmen,fraodolent aÙto Blase stated,t've always modeofclauseu offered for aDages and home. Session I begins June 22 Sat. from 9 n.m. to 12noon. perienee the thrills of rock cIbo' the ETA network. According torepairsandsales,home - According to Hughes- the a peint of not getting involvedinterest groupe during the fall ood nods July lO, -Session II bing, biking, fresh water fishing, Mahoney'NORTRMjohowed a 17 machine is powered by an with the Pulire and Fire Corn- begins July 13 and ends July 31 Sabre Room dinner remodeling and improvements aatosibbile and winter sessions, several new canoeing ond ramping! - A per cOtincreasein riders.dsringandmail orderseles. engine which mission. "'t' venevertrfed to in-clames have been added to the and Session III starts Aug.3 and and floor show variety of programs ore offered the past year carrying over 8 prodoces carbon monoxide gas. floence the hiring and firing..." ends Aog. 14.Any- participant opringucheiliile. - On Sunday, April 5, the Nifes each year by the fully seerediled imllioopeople. : Nues streets On the night ofttie incident the svithin the police and fire depar- The Adult Services Depar- registering before May 18, will be Park District will lie 'Dining Adventure Education Center, - FREE With ire maherhad been cml fer about - Mahoney seid restes traveling Imeols. - tmest is offering an entire necios able to register ot tout years fees. Oot" at a mosl entertaining spot: located in Sisan Narrow Ontario TuneUp through Niles carried 4 miMen, 45 minoteoramingthe buildop of Additionally, Blase said, as aof Literary reviews on April 27, After May 16 Doy Camp fees will scheduled for the-gas. Vonally the machine is The Sabre Room. Join os as we Conado. The basic philosophy of or almost half of all who rode on check ta prevent political in-Mayl8andiunelotlp.m.as increose. For more informatioo dise on succulent Prime Rib with the Center is to introduce in- NORTEAN. Additisnlly, only run 10 to 12 mincIes at a volvement, aU candidates for the on the t-10 yr. old campand the improvement well as Singles programs, Yid- - all the trimmings (complets with dividunts to interesting and ex- Mahoney said over one million time, said Hoghes. police and fire departments aredish filins and a wide range of 11.13 yr. old comp, call 867-6633. riling outdoor activities and to ridera were registered on the TwoNileostreetswere The Ballard Sports Complex crisp solad, fresh rolls and bot. INGINE TUNI-UP tested through a professionalenrielunent ('lasses. Easter Parade ter,apotato,vegetables, promote safe and responsible in- Milwaukee Ave. rontealone. deoignated for improvement at was temporarily closed ontll it -- testingagency. The Early Childhood Services beverage und dessert!).After volvement in these activities. It was pointed oat a few yearsthe March 10 Miles Village Board was coutsidered that it could be AlsoBlase respondedtooffers Mother-Toddler sciasses, - -for all ages The three major programs are: age Elles residents were waitingmeeting. Both thoroughfares at safely occupied. the feast, oit bock and retas, as o s Flynn's request that the village-Day Cace as wll as an excellent The Nifes Pork District wilthost of entertainers pst 000dm- Fly-in Fishing, Canoe Trip or Ad- CpI. op to 30 minutes hetween buses ° north end of town wiE heim- insist that the sumes of building - nurserysebuol. present, tooll Nilcs residest_s, thezeliog musical-variety show yooventure Trip.Solo camping, « on Milwaukee Ave.However,proved with funds from motor and property owners hilden in Children, Tween and Teen Anosat Easter Show os April 18 Canoes Sailing, roek climbing, fiseltaneo.- - won't soon forget! Deportare in dae to the success of the NOR- Callero fire... trusts be revealed before con-classes rover such areas au hiking, togli ropes courue, riflery, A repaving and sewer project 01 1 p.m. Peter Cottontail will be from the Ree. Center, 7977 TRAE system, the waiting time Coot'd from Niles'E.Mine P.1 dolniniom çonversiom are iran-Woodshsp, Pianu, Dance, Milwaukee -ave. at 1 p.m. andnavigation,nightcanoeing, sE.nees:. fortheseoame buseshas been cutOil COOsitoOd frsm Milwaukee os hand to award trente and -800165 Morton (j. ove, North Maine, ted noting NUesbas a con-Drama, Ceramics and over 75 goodiesloollpresent! Prizeswillreturs lime is set for 6:30. Theemergency sitsotiom and fresh- e-CPI. d000nt000deroightminsteo. ave. to Chareb st. will he done at domisiurn conversion ordinanceother chaires of activities in- walerfisbing are onlysome ofthe f:T_ît ::CvI. 5(lss'-rnwn'sa Io other husmeos Toeodaya coot of Also approved Glenbrookaod Glenview. he awarded and games played! resident rate of $17 inclodes Iran- The fire appears te have been that states we can ask for theclotting a complete Health and Doo't misa the Easter Egg Hoñt! sportotion, complete dioser,masy activities offered by the night- the Nilm Villane_ Board------was an- the repaving of Maryland identity ofthe owners." PhysicalEducatinnprngram. Center. TheCenter has proved the ose of $208,000 i,ifremllallard to Church at an est- mainly confined lo one office and The party willoccor at the Gres- gratuity, and floor skow. Blase's Achievement With programs geared for the adult - imatedcedtof$11O,000. an adjaceol crawl space. In ad- Classes liegin the week of April nos Heights Gymnasium, 8255Reginler today at the Ree. Ceo- NOW! The ONLY - Federal revenne sharing foods to dilion to desfroyingoffice eqaip- Economy Party bas.ceslered its5. Both Visa and Mastercburge grosp, on well as y000g children. purchase néw -- Advertisment for bids on the 2 Okelo ove. in Riles. Call 967-6633 eqsipment meat nod Ike fire dasnaged campaign around what it con-cards are sow áccepted for for isfornsotion. There will be an informative radial that's never tlirooghnot the village. trImmedprojects will take place after the ceiling; siders the major acromplishmen-Ñgistrants.For further hsfor- Tee Ball regisiraiion meeting on April 22. Call Debbie carpeting and soli- -- porchaseo inclndea f2,Oofreetstate approves the plans for the2 toof the current Elles ad- matiois, call 875-2200. "Keep your parks The Nifes Park Distriel is sow Nelson at 967-it33 for -isfor- out ofseason... Dunlop . oweeper, $7,000 for fire depar-projeeto. flooring throughout the building. Amitlionally, firemen broke ost clean"coneS6 holding registration for it's Tee motion! tment overhead garage door con. $Z ELITE trots, $125,000tor maintenance of many windows while fighting Ike Nues police Iieutenant In an effort to costinoe o ' -FEee blood - blaze. the Elles Coertesy Boo system, heaotificatios program, the Nifes V- ',, SEVENTY and $14,000 for the Fire Depar- pressure tests The linilding was being imper- suffers cerebralhemorrhage Pork District boo declared April ted on Monday to determine if 5 tliroogbl1, "Keep-your parks- tmeot Opticom system. The Oii- Free blood pressnrereadiogsany structural damage was Niles PoliceLieutenant John tirom oystem allows fire engines Christie lias nino been/a mcm- clean" week. The Pork District-- "we won't rest s 95 will he on Thursday, April 2, comed bythefire. Christie, 45, collapsed last Wed- 195/7OR1 S raring Dea fire te control trafficbetween 4 and 8 p.m. at the Nues. lier of the security force at the isyites iotereotrd individuùlsasd Became the majority of the oesday afternoon and was flushed Sears, Golf Mill store since the grasps io become involved and until you're lights by radar. Administration billing, 7601 to Resurrection Hespital after pino Fed.Tea IR7O-13 Also, the Vifiage Board ap- damage was confined te theose center opened 2oyears ago. join io this campaign to cleanup Milwaukee ave. No appointment office, ,Callero and Catino of-slifferinga eerebrathemorrhage. - Get well wishes can be directed yosrtocotporks; - comfortable" proved a one year extension of an innecesary. Take a few minotes Christi e,. veteran of the Nifes agreement to maintain those .ficials reported that business is toLt.Christie incare - of to conjunction with the corn- .na,:,àypl, to make sure that yon are notbeing conducted witboul in-Police Deportment for over 20 - Nitro streets ownedbythe Illinois developing hypertension.It years, is in the Intensive Care Resurrection Hospital, 7435 W. paigo, the Pork District is spec- I,-, ,(OctTfl :,i(hy e,, ',,,, terruption in their Milwaukee Harlem, ave., Chicogo, Ill. 00631. - soringoslogas contest daring the '1 On-, ess,fafl W,, "f,,, Department of Traosportation. could add years to yosrlife. ave.offices. fJnitnftliehospulal. (,,i,,g, fl,,,,g-COOIjs k,-fls,s,,d -.s. erDrape Orchard Centèr Swllm school and ,,sc,,,,e,,ssi,,flod,dic,ti s Of,,, - s. -s d:,,h.,, ,,1:h,,i,,s ,, E aiBli lectures at Oxy It With Confidonco. Drise ItWith Cnnfidsoow. - -- youth vacation - - WE HOVE TO LIVE WITH IT. Tse' NEED . LW Library programs - The Orchard Mental Health ALL ORK Center will sponsor a series of Your Pork Ridge YMCA witt he GUARANTEED NOW! leclures lo lie held in the Carl holding o Swim School for all in- - Roehri Room of the Linrotowood lerested childres in grades 2-6. ,,--/,,.'--- ROADsenvicu Public Library, 4000 W. Pratt Swhnilcboot is opentothe psblic, _'ImNTNaumca* Just Say / there io wily a $1 fee- for 5/40 "ChargeIt On Monday, March 36th Hildet- minute lessons. The chlldrenare - with you i:.) te Ruheoslein and Susan Ar- instructed fundomental water -- Mestaior muiroog, both on staff at Orchard akifi swimotroke os well os water ''!(Ç E! ,,., ,Ó_ Mestal Health Center, will speak- - safety. VisaCavde At- the end of the fifth ç I on the subject "Changing At- lesson, the children ore evolsated

- lituites Toward Adult Sexuality." and given oCertificateof =1 00 Recogoition. - : PRE-SEASON SALE OUR REGULAR PRICES On Monday, April t Olg In conjunction; the YMCA wilt Kreisborg, the Center'sCom- also offer o vocation special Whole HoUse Air Conditioning munity Heallb Edocalor, will youth racquetball instruction discuss the topic "Alpne,or - clans, as sedll on indoor soccer 4jouver Drape und Lonely?" - and floor hockey afternoon n Carrier- n Geee,ul BloOMS classes. n Tappen ROwe '-COMPUIZID The series concludeson Mon- There is u loi Iodofor you at . Losnon From If shiN donnnt tbaiU ymu, Levolor Hiriera Blinds day, April 13 when "Howto Cope AUTO RIPAIR your Park Ridge YMCA.Fer Folly Installed LL_Ij ' - AND OTHER QUALITY BRANDS howaboutpolinhed with Depréssios' will be handled : Phono:679.771 price and- time- information coIl ForFr.. Ehtimole Call by Posi Susomau, a psychologist 825-2171, or stop iii at 1515 W. a CURT lOOmorechoices EXPERT SHOPAT lEE with the Orchard Mentol Health - Touhy. NORTH SHORE 8828500 green,::oo::;::: orone uf the 200 Center. - - 965-8500 ¡n texture & color. INSTALLATION HOME STIMATES 9655 - othorLevokueR.vtora uperDrape Go With Chlnigntsfld'l SS51 N. MIiwaulon. Av. Allprogranis begin at 7:38p.m. si Air Coiid9loolng - NOÑTH AMERICAN5 - at theilirary. For anyfurther us- SeIns taoIst ,.svus,,.-s5,wz Nil.. L InteriOr Services - formation, please-call the lilirary $TMBNT NOTUWAYS P$** Page The BugIe,Thuiiday,Mrcb26, 1%1 TheBugle, Thursday, March 2o 1550 Page 39

MG Boaid.. . cotinueii fromMG P.1 District-63.. . Centissedirom Pagel Conn... Cnnthntedlram MGPJ. Skokie LWV...Cost'd fromOhshle-L'wsod P.O over a period of time some Trastee Gregg butEra ut- - Amove to dismiss 17 tesored and said the board reached a, and other local òffices will be ' working parents within our reply.Citizens are ahle to The League of Women Vaters changes least be made to main- tacked Mrs. Connu statement at consensus over the selling of Oak teachers was passed only after heldApril 7, village experience. - remain anosysnoos when corn- asd the. Village of Shokie are tainquality." the Sunday evening Leagae of School at a committee-of-the- use vote failed and hoard mcm- Martes Grove firemen first ad- From theLEFT HAND The League' encourages pleting this survey. cooperating in this study because Morton Grove village attorney Women Voters debates that the whole meetlog the night before. bers conducted two executive Martin Mhman said he could no dressed Mrs Cons's cs'lUclsm'nf respesse by working parents who The Village Newsletter is they are aware that changing senior tram Is broken down and Smith mid the school duos not sessIons. Continued 1mm Pagel . - are satisfied with their carcenl dislribsted to 26,000 homes and cooditioss in our noe(ety beve ail longer restrain himself fromprobably wauld be fined Just With Richard Smith absent, atheirdepartment'srunning - -,-. have many teuanta and "It is procedures.They.sald' their oar newspaper next week there'o atrustee casdidote named child care arrangements, as well rental asilo throughout the effect on the structore of family clearing up a misuoderstandlng befare the election. Yeastra tald least likely that we waald beve to first vote tied 3-3 wIth Aso volcedataSimdaymeeting at the "tacticalapproachteflreflghtlng A. lleknao. He's ruoning withthe Blase forces, an incombent au parests who are having a Village. Residents, wha far some life.The growing number of 'the senior transportation bas Uèethlsnchuol," Sostrin, Philip Deckowitz and truotee. NowA. Selmau is also knows as Abe Seboso. Md problem findtog adeqante care. reasso dosotreceivethe singleparest families, increasing Northwest Suburban Jewishbeeswarking every day with the has Improved," and they.beve Smith also said,"I fully an-Norman Padnsn votingfor Abe is' Jèwish.'Obviously, by ideotifyisg himself as A., Interested citizens who wish te Newn1001er, but wish ta respond economic pressures, and - Congregation.The allegationexceptionof two daysio tiripate the hoard will sell dismissal and Larry Solamos,Jaatrecelvedahlghgradebythe' wan the resideatu had to hire an Insurance rating service; They' ' rather than Abe, he will be hidiug his religions backgrossd -, comment ou this issue eves to the survey, may obtain a cO'py women's greater role in the work February and on thase -days another building- in the not too Joas Futterman sud Don Weiss from manyvoters who wou't vote for him becasse of it. And though they have no prekeot oecd, by calling Skokie Village Hall force have all cootributed to a attorney to fight the village from station wagem were utilized. explalnedthatthellEDsystemaf dlslaotfuture." - voting against dismissal. Alter a 'chasge. he.will be right. He' will toso many votes by the anti-Abo . for child care are also invited to permitting a large multi-family Also at Munday evening's He said, second executive session, iotergnvernmental emergency ..). "You -don't - keep coverage does sot leave the crowd. Bot who would want them? Ta hide your background development at Lincolaand Mc-village board meeting a neigh- buildings arsund indefinitely far Solomon also voted for disusissal. . vifiage short of equipment at any " for Ihe sake ofgetting elocledto a village post is locredible. Vickers. He said; In reality, the boorhood group of aver 1O.people an' eventtislity that may never The hosorable, dismissal of zoning problem referred to wascame to protest the condition of tizne, hut tothe contrary they happen."Smith said. the first teachers is enacted àcrardtog to Yearn ago Nick Blake ras 'Ed Berkow'sky for trastee. Ed .00e that he, an the village otter-the Wilkins' property, 9019 have at their beckoning the H proceeds from a sale would gs to state law which says they laust was also Jewish and made sure he was never identified as H ney, fought and it was the only Parkside, which was described be notified 60 days befare the end largest amount of Mobile Isles- pay off the hended ladebtedueso sive Core Unit Anibolaeres of being Jewish. Now Nick has Abe Sohnoa, or A. Selmao, contested zoning case Morton .an looking like a junk yard and -of that school. of the school year. In actuality; "After that, It's anyvlllagelnthe world. doing the same thing. Pretty damh political advice from a Grove ever won. The-village at- being ratinfested. - everyone's belief thut it can be.many, If not all, are rehired by toroey was representing the Mrs. Coon bad referred to an gsywho aboald have moresavvy after 20 years in office. s -e Village prosecuter Jordan put ints the Operation, Bailding, September. .A public hearing on residents to prevent the hi-rise Kaplan explained became Mor- the dismissal will be cundartedat incident Februory 2 where Mor- and Maintenance fsnd,".he said. Torn Flyso scot a letter-along this wgek which me dids't construction. - ten Grove has a housekeeping or- Smith said the business ottico Is 7p.m. April 14m Apello Scheel. ton Grove fire equipment could Trustee Hobo further slated the distance after court pracedures not adequately respond lo two print stating we're all Americaus. He takes Ms. Heisea to A' investigating whether a sate Deckowitz, asked after the took foridentifylag herself as being of Polish descent. Ob- current board reduced the nom- are followed, they nill be able to meeting if the dismissal should calls on'Waukeganrd. must be used to pay off hended. Firefighters at the news cas- visost)', Tom is right.Being Greek-Amoricao or Irish- ber of multiple units allowedrectify the oituatioo. He en- indebtedness of any ether schools have hoes routine, said,"It Is A from 38 to 16 units per acre. ference claimed the only incident AmericaO aro not mansos which we should be-osiog to elect cosraged the group to appear in inthe district. - probably so routine,it's. .. caudidates. But in past years Mr. Flyon has bees embroited Trustee beider said the couctas wituesses. frustrating." He was apparentlythey could determine she was criticism io just by a few very referring to took place on is more election bellies in which he costisosusly mestloos referring to the district's need to Ihese religioso matters. 'Wtsile we dou't qoestlos his sin- uuinformed people.' cut beck on teachers because of February 28. verily, his creating looses which surround religioso sod Maine East fire. Centlaaedfrsm'p.l , dedliatugesroltmeot. Os that date 2 engine cam- - Thirteeu non-tenured teachers panico, 1 ladder company, and on ethnie mattorsmakeshim sLoped!. A' Thetotaldomage caused by the paper Is the storage area.Ad- were alsodiomisued. ambulauce were at Monogram ILEGAL NOTICEIditionally, the fire caused the fire han been estimated at Mädels, 9501 Waskegan, when a Eves thoagh we like to ihisk votern are mach too R PUBLIC NOTICE $210,000. --- Board members passed a I I -basemeut heating ductsto resolution to raise the rental fees secoud call came In from Boston oophisticaled for this kind of campaigoing, it is on canosos a collapse which allowed smoke to A fireman woo treated at Seo Party, 9001 Waukegan, but practice we ofteutake littlesotice of it. Public Nolice io hereby given to Lutheran General Hospital forof Ballard, Oak sod Wilson qukkly spread throughout the schools to $3.25 a square footand therespousetimetothe aOy interested partiesthat a tesi Center Court buildiug. smoke Inhalation while fighting Apollo rental will be $3.85 a restoursntwao only two minutes. Nick Blase thinks he bao real political ornaron whoa be oftbe office automatic tabulating Inadditiostotbe damage in tbk t9,e fire.' Another' fireman Bill Mottweller, village bolasces his hoard with a takes woman tcostev, o taboo Jew, reqoiredhospitalizstlsu when he square foot. A lengthy discussion equipment for the ballots to-he basement store room, at least preceded this resolutiön regar-engineer, and Chuch Scheck, oodolher boardmemhers whorepresestmèny other groups. coaited at the April 7, 1551 Cou- $60,000damage was incurred bya Iniured his knee during the fire. disg a more than nórmal ase ofvillage planner, were next ta Thethiokisg mIke Jewisbvolè in Cbeslerfietd will vote for A. solidated Genéral Election will video television studio housed in The Maine Root student was defend theirdepartments' (or Abe( AND Nick Blase. The same thiohisg applies lo his detained by police en Tuesday, Custodial services, lights, and be held at the Cook Countythe building. Accordiog te ether utilities. James Boweo, budgets at the news conference. womoo candidate. Voters will cant one vote for Carol Panek Warehouse, 2323 8. Rockwell district officials the smoke from March 17. Broughttothe Chicago' Mottweiler said his department's ANDooe vote forNick Blase. Avenue, Chicago, Illinois at 10 Asdy Home the lt year old had a búsineoornaoager, sold the beard thefire caused irrepqrable must approveall contracts.. approprlatloa of $259,520 cam- custody hearing on Wednesday, o'clock AM. ou Saturday, March damage tosensitivevideo Board members also approved bined with Scheck's $380,025, At the St. Jobe Breliest festival its ad book included ads 25, 1901. - espiipment. ' March 19. The studeut Witt 59- 'does sat mime clone to the from Mayor candidates Hoisen aud Flyos, both of whom pear in Juvenile court is Niles on retaining auditor Donald E. Bark, C.P.A., to audit the school million dallar mark Eunice Corns madesure readers knewtheywerepariohi000ro.Md nor old April 1. district records for ' the 195Ml referred to and frankly we don't. frieod Mike Proveusaso has made sure voters are familiar While awaitingtrialthe student know wisere that figure comes with his msoy activities surrosodiog the chsreh and the Replace yourold Gas Water continues to he detained at the fiscal year'at a coot sot to exceed $4,250. , from." AudyHorne. . . Heexploined that in order tobe Heater and Relax with able to spend any money, even If The day after the qleclioo all the casdidales have to get op it is 90% or 70% reimbursed in the morning and look at themselves in that proverbial Legion REPLACE YOUR OLD HOT WATER Into guidebook through.federai funding, it laust ' mirror. We would like to think same of oar Niles candidates Big savin--on be registered ou the budget most wiocv upes seeing their reflection. Outhe other baud, HEATER WITh A - fish fries . available to. allocation. 'politicians coo so bord during pre-elevtion timo perhaps they RHEEM GAS WATER HEATER Representatives of the Morton lu neither department is any live by that old W. Hayes-V. Lombardi philosophy, "Winning ON SALE NOWI AO. Smith . GroveAmerican Legion Post #134 money ralOed through tax levy. isu'l everything, it's the only thing". cordially'. Invite sod irelcome residents Schach said be receives $339,800 Are oou hosing trastee wish poor members of the- commusity to in Community Developmeat - hot water heater? Get rid of it sow Morton Grave Mayor Richard Con tionist® join them st the weekly fish fries Black Grast Funds, wbicb.are ...CoatIfrom Skohle-L'wood P.O darieg oar RHEEM GAS WATER held at the Poot, 6140 Demputer, Flickinger annauscod that afederal dollars allocated to Cook Skokie Swift NEATER SALE. Yos cas saco lots every Fridsy.Especially now'guidebook of .frequesllyCoaoty municipalities which mints and that lh000oneso hsuao- sod Old Orchard .itcupping os money whLle yoa 5e! the tirent energy g- during Lent, the officers of the'-requested information is nowmake application for them. He insumasotable physical boosters. Center. qoolity water heater nade. The local Legion, announce that fish avallableattheVillage Hall. said previous admioistrati505 Present sud 1010cv plan develop- Tha now studyrepresents RHEEM ditforenoo io qootity . The booklet, prepared by' the materials, expert craftsmanship is the estree for three quarters uf . bed oever taken advantage of. mentois thevicinity of Old,thirtees mouths of worts by staff which renaltu is'ootutarding gas waterheaters. Morton Grove Advisary. Cam- Orvhsed cd., including the now membresofNORTRAN, theirmenu. Pricesare nominal. these manies available, the focus - the performance and' reliability. The fish fries are held from 6-A misuiou an Aging and the Village SnoondDisteietCievoitCocol ChicogoArsTransitStudy o LoIra thick layer of danble density of which is to assist people with What000r yoar hot waler needn, p.m. and they feature as entrees Seater Citizen Services Stoff, Is alimited incomes mainly through bsildiog, sud office mmplonoe, (CATS(,theChicogoTransit wo hose a RHEEM ON SALE NOW insulation-Provides top energy saviogs either shrimp, perch er, a -corn- guide listing the names, ad-residential rehabilitation ehoald enhance the anticipated Aolherily IOTA), Oho Regiosal - to soso you money. 'dresses sod telephone numbers by osioisoizing standby heat loss. - von, there is a difference ir'water binatlon dinner of the two type programs. - - - sow ridernhip. Transportation Authority (ETA), a Thermogard' Dip Tab.- Esclusive trotare fish. Fer those not electing to go of ageuciqu, beth private and' "The otody which Ixoojoot bees the Illinois Drpartmost of Trans- heaters. So sah for the one with Mottweller also stated thusigts ' - the,big RHEEM CIRCLE .15's meatlessos Fridays, there 1k also governmental, which provide completed should make tise ins- .portotion (HOOT), the Northeast- provides maximum useabie hot water - his anosal salary to $25,520,"ln your assurance of quality. servicesta residents, - - u Entra heavy anode-For outstaoding a chicheo entree. Oslou'rings are. 1950 he earued $23,279;56 beck for plewentatioo of the sltee000iven em fllinois Plausiog Ceosmionion also available as an extraaddod "The guide was preiared withthe village through his imparties aoolyois.eosiee. The next step is )NIPC), tho North Shore Council protection agaiost tank corrosion. senior citizens in mind," Mayor RHEEM Gas Water Heaters bHing you: treat. . ' - fees. Before he was hired in 1977, foe an appropriate agesobte of Msyoro, and the Villages of Flickinger explained, "but the Io YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY! The meals aro served with the village had been - paying apply to the Uchon Moon Troonit Sbokie, Wihssklto, and Higldosd .Gasmastortßarsor_eoeepfiosally baked' potato, botter, roll, cule boekleisvaluablefor anyone who8120,000 for an outside camulting Adusinistratias (!JMTA) for foods Porh. NORThAN acted as thé darable. Reqaires Only half au SERVING TRE NORTH h NORTHWEST has a question abolit where to get .slawand beverage.- - - finn. to rendort noch an ooslysio.Iflead organisation atIbe requostof mach inpol as ordinary pilot GAS HEAT SPECIALISTS Cocktolto are available, also at help." - To answerMrs.Cans's' the :ostension passas theseIDOT. ,.i.E'iherglass Issalatiosenfra think a low cost, from the well stocked Mayar -Flickinger praised thecriticism ofthe cede enforcement hurdles and survives an Envicos- The plomad 'Skokio Swift Eu- to retain heat work of the Advisory Commission mental bepoct'Stody theo UMTA tension maatd follow the right-of- Furnaces . Boilers bar officer, Carl Celestino, who was . Rheemglos Lisisgeoulasioe members who "donate 'theirhired is Aogust, 1050 as a con- muId- decide the project merits muy ofttso former Chicago,North . Conversion Burners -time, energy and experience for fedeeal,hmdiog." lining resists corrasian raed Op.ith.g' sultint to create code enfer- .-; - Shore and Milwaskee Railway -the beoef it of their neighbors," The study estinsated the costos (Noeth,Shore). "Wtsos the North n Asode Radsealralizes she *SALES*REPAIRS - cemeot procedures, said his- Family Pride The booklet maybeobtoined by as alternativa tu estesdiug tho Shore ceased opersti000, its two sarrasine effects st wator * INSTALLATIONS & REPAIRS , salary Is covered by federal fao- chemicals coining lu to the Vifiage Hall ordaand displayed two booklets he- Swift by boildiog s paved bsswsy right-of-way strips north of Dom- LAUNOROMAT by calling and asking that one hé .5 Rsg,slorod Trademark *MOST MAKES & MODELS created for cede eufercemeut. lt in the old North Shore Baliwoy, pater nileke sold tu the Chimps *RESIDENTIAL SPECIALISTS - s Drop Off mailed tuyos. right-of-way ketweos 52.1 and Westernrailways tîrademok Spptiod For Laundry Service was farther slated in order to ob-' sadNorth tais 53.7. 'million. Estiosateafor which shifted freight operations s Alterations of all kinds fundoforresidential EMERGENCY CALLS rehabilitation, these code eufor- 'estondingrailservicesrooge to that lock from o provioasly Call Chicagoland's No. i SalesLeader! . NewWashera- cornent procedures bed to came from$17.8 sadS3O.9 ñsillion. The osel IrmA. vocintioos in estimolos for both 2300 N. Stoi*igten ANY HOUR-ANY DAY New Service New arrival into esisleuce. -i Completely unedited rehrsad- 'kuoway sad rail entessiosn do- Oakton... - Hoffman Esthtes ' Phone: 882-8600 A hoy, Brett William, was borncasts nOOnday evening's League peod os tensioni locations and Conl'd from Skokte-L'wood P.O nAvenu. lo Bob & Ginoy llaveo of Mon-'of Women Vaters Morion Grave 1ko nambor of goode asparatios lowest taxes on sor ton bills," 5915W.Li Take odnunssge of u npeeiol dolein, Illinois os March 12 atDebates cas be seco on Canuses- which wvuld,hove to ho coostoct- Morton Grove ' Phone: 965-8500 ed. The lower estisu0000 assomo Gores usid. low price now 'i Skokie Valley Communitytal Cablevislou, Chanoel 3 at the Ookton has also keptone of the t' FAMILY PRIDE Hospital, He weighed 7 lbs. O ou. sse of "si geade" intoesovtioss. SAVE following timos:March 16,' 10 - - SAVE Possible torssisslo foe the nor- lowest toitlonu among Illinois COOLING LAUNDROMAT The baby's brother Is Kyle, 2½5m.; March 27, T p.m.; March Community Collegon.Is aO- MONEY! yro,The baby's graodparestoIll, 6 p.m.; March'30, 9:30 p.m.; vicewouldbe Old Orchard ENERGY! NORTH AMERICAN5 824-51-98 7250 N. Harlem Ave. shopping Canter or Old ()rehsed ditlos, Oaktoo has no capitol PROFESSIONALS IN 24 HOUR SERVICE are: Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kula ofAprilI,2p.m.; AprilS,9:30a.m,, booded indebtedness and has Chicago ed.Jost went oftheEdeos SERVICE TDAYSAWEEK Niles, sud Mr. & Mrs. Wayne5 p.m., aod 9 pm,; April 6, 5 p.m. paid Ils shore of the consiroctlon 774-9822 Expressway. Eitherofthe Bovee of Glenview,and April 7, 10a.m. - proponed terrvivals woOd nove of the permanent campos from industries, affixes, the now coon operating fondo. - Page40 TIieBugk, Thursday, March 28 ISOÌ

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...... DATES: LÁWRBi1i OODSHOPPIÑG CENTER MARCH 26-27-28-29 .. Mo2OpM OAKtON& WAUKEGAN-NILES SAT.:ÑOAMtÓ5:OPM SUN 110OAMtoOOpM Tesduy: DOUBLECOUPON DAY - We wiN aive you tWe the face value of coupoà;WithpUrchuSe,ofbrn IIÈI Wsdis.sd.ys 10% OFF FORSENIOR WTIZENS 9 30 to 900

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