iiè,pub1c Ubr 696Oktn . Wilàa, cu. 6o6 .- .. r- .... ...... T 3. i t..'.RY :. Blase sets service to residents Carbon fliOflOXi(IiP leak as topcampaign goal at Ballard rink A number of ar.a youngsters-youths reqoired' -edicai atten- by BobBsúer nd the candtdatesoftheMayor B1asedurthg a F riday, .. - complstthd, of nauneh and din- -tihn. - - - - - - March 20 Interview with the - --:- Maintaining the high levels ofAchievemeat with Economy Par- diiens after an ice making According,to- Niles--Park service provided to resideato ofty. Bugle. machiné released lethal carbonDistrictDiÑctnrWilliam Haghm Nites aadcreating anat- Theoumherpneisauefornow Inflation, said Blase, will monoxide gas thrsughdutthe Ice -approniinately 15 hockey players mosphere In which young and and the years áhead will be the have an effect" on all aervlèes - - rinkon Snndñy, March 22 at thewère preparing toteave the rink older families can live togelherahility oflhe community to mam- offered to Niles reoidenta.Ser- . Ballard - Sports . Complex, 8435Sia)day night when theyfett itt - are the campaign goalo ex-tain the high level of services..." vices offered by the village in- -- Ballard rd. However, ndne of the --- ContinuedonPagelt pressed tí Mayor Nicholas Blasewhich it currently has, said Continued on Page 36 Board apjoves -dismissäl - nasb Winno,g ta.ie of3Otèachers- ¡strict 63 's salef vw 24, tsi School . uiuUii.uhiInIHIIIJJjuIIUUhIII . - -$25,000 fire byEiI Hirs hi Id FÑñthe at CallerotS . -, Board uisembers nf Schdol -Men'oJewish Council ¿nd Maine- Dis(rict 63 took the first move-Niles. -Townohip- Special . tswardoate.of Oak Schont, 7fMRecreation district (M-NASE). LEFT HA Catino office -Main Street, Nifes, at a regalar - Philip Deckowitz,('qaestinned - - : -- Fire dthtroyed one¿,ffice and hoardmeeting March24 in Apolloabost..the sale, said- he did- sot .byD'id(Bad)Besser caused extensive dnmage early.School, Des Plaines. think a- schooibaildisg wit) sell Sonday morning to Cultero &- Superintendentofschools-qoickly. - Ifsold, howêneiythe - The Committee toElect Elaine ieinen as Mayorsenl out a . letter T The Polish P pIe of NilesIt tat s lt o t m - Catisse Realtorsand Contractoro, Donald Bond was aothorized totenastomayhave to he relocated, fora change..Twenty yeoro-ago. you had aPolish-Mayor, 7800 Milwaukee -ave., Niles. - obtain two appraisnis of the .said -Deckowitn.During- the now.yoo cañlsàve 000therene NOW yes-have the best chan- - White the canne of theÎIrwas school at a cost not t0 -exceedmeeting, Dechowitz said,'I - mtlsewo ldt do sometbuig h nl it stllr undetermined on Monday, $2,000------don't think we should try -to damage was estimated in excess - Oak School closed in June, lOftdispose of more than one knit ding - - - : Elaine H s 100% Pol h d scent he m dsame of$25,ME- - and is the district's -only sch'oolat a time." - - - - reported .at-4 - - woo Wenserski, her hosbànd John is ofGerman descent." - The fire was first sosthofDempster. -The building Richard. Smith, hoard -a.m. on Smsday. Assisting Nileo--is now leüed- by two tenants; apresident, was contacted later - .. Ättheeodoftheletteiitsotes. ifyO.iárenptPolishdon't - firemen atthe scene Were day ca e ter cnn hy 1h Y ong Ct d p g 38 beoffended,thenames were loben from-the PollingSheets firemen and equipment from - by canoas peoplehul give ber a vole ao3'way, you Won't be - Contlrniedoii Page 36- We te1ephondfier-cainpaign masager, Pete Lencioni, whq Finance Reporting Award - notonly admittedhio groupoent ontthisletter butsaid, "You -j- On thsurtany si d have to y this is ptty dumb - politiekiog. To ask someone to vote for a candidate because - ot-Lseréthnic'bockgrooisdis oomethisg ostatthe iStb century. - -- - Itdegrades the candidate. It patronizes theperson receiving. theletter. Audit should óffendthe entire community. As had as the Heinen galle is,-theris nne from the Blase forces which is eves more reprehensible. Is an ad rooniog io - - - Cenlinad onpage 39 - - - u Mairíe East. studént- charged witharson by-Bob Besser A -16 -year old Maine Eaot- terCourtBuildingátap. - - . studesthas been charged with proximately l2:2fp.m. on Mon- setting the March 16 fire at the. day, March16. An antnmatic fire - Park Ridge highochool alarm was- activated by the fire - of Des and all 2,7t stsdents were safety ., .--- The student, a resident s Plaiiieawns deséribedao having-evacuated from-the schont----- - - -- - - ..-sad serious hebavorial frablems Fire mvestigato slt ge that vinagef Nil s Fm ncc Chairm Trost e A Trastee Bart Murphy, Figosce Assistant Jeff Bell, in -the past and -id currently the blanewasstarted when. the- setnan (second frOm right) proodly shbinsthe Village Manager Kenneth Scheel ond Director-of- -student-noeda hutane lighterto- - - enrolled iii a program at-Maine oveted Certificateof Conformance inFiiianèial_ Finance Charles Kohterman.- Out nf 2510 eligible - -Eastfoúiscb otodents.. - set boxes of paper forms on lire7--Reporting awardgivenbytheMufliclPal-Flnance communities only 19 received-thIs recognitinn cnr- - . Flames spread lo other hones nf Can- - . - The fire began in-a basement Officero AssociatiOn of the United States àiid tificateiid award - _ - - --- -itare ruhm in Maine-East's Ceo- C et d i' g 38 ada to Niles Finance Committeememhe s fleBiigi., Thursday, March 16,1881 Page2 The Bugle, ThursdayMrcb 26, 1981 - -. --,-.. ù.S.D.A.CHOICE - ' U.S.D.A. GRADE A New program for seniörcitizens BUFFET FANCY - L i I $ 69'FRESH A new program designed for l_______. .. -, ROAST.. LB. senior citizens, 'handicapped FRYERS and/or thosé living atone will be Cutizens - - U.S.D.A. CHOICE 9, Initiated this Spriog in Nues. The ISenior programwill be funded and spon- EYEOFROUND 9 RICH'S FRESH sorest by the Wnman's Club of NEWS ANDVIE ROAST LB Io LB. NUes with the cooperation of our lì - AVG. local post office. EXTRA LEAN Interested participants may - - register for the program begin- GROUND - - $1 98 TURKEYS w-LB. nissg next month by listing phone V seniors ag 62and over) OUND LB. News for ailNiles I LEAN TENDER - numbern of persons to contact in . Center case of emergency. Thelistingof fromthe Nues Senior CUBE emergency numbers will be kept 60648967.6100 ext. 76 SIRLOIN' $919 at the Miles Sentar Center.In- 8060 Oakton, Nil, STEAKS LB. dividoals will he given a sticker . -- LB. BOOK REVIEW IN PLANNINGSTAGES-- PAllIES' to place inside their mailbo I Thursday, March 26, at tt3O um., Merlettosenblott trum This sticker will alert the pootL will be - Ike OutreaclServices uf the Nibs Publie Library . I DELI man to contact the Senior Center available lo introduce plans for a newbook review.All with if mail is not collected. If staff at dropping by to chat with Ms. the Senior Cenler are unable to literary interests should plan oe IMPORTED Roseahlatt about this uew bokreview.Ms. ttosenbtatt ha& CALIFORNIA reach the resident, they will Wsmas's Club of Niles, - Dorothy Rebertsss President of the some tremoudous plansfor this kook review, such as incoe- POLISH s 29 notify those per0055 listed os the Niiez Mayor Nicholas Blase and Mary KayMorrissey, Director of and hooks. NAVEL - C FULL cmergeacyltst. IIOuporatisig movies, slides, poetry readings, HAM Postal Alert has proven to be Senior Citizen Services. ORANGES....00z MARCHBUSTEIP - s succesaful in other comsnsnities far Niiez residents, parttcutarlythe program and registration - WEAVER'S Our March bus trip will take ptace os Friday,March 27 from 9 in saving lives.The Woman's seniors and handicapped personssiteo and dates will be publishedI JONATHON -- until 4 p.m. Featuredare a guidedtourol theMelrose Park 3 LB-QCCHEF'S GOURMET Club feels this program will'who livealose . 'Lxthe paper later this month. Amlingu, a pot roast luucbesn at Nielsen'oRestaurant in Elm- BEEFEATER APPLES BAG provide secority and reassorance Additionat information about Esperlence at Triton $ 99 TURKEY wood Park, and the filen The Chicago $189- - I FaLB. College's Ceroan Space Center. The cost is $9.The trip is -GIN.. CALIFORNIA - Ernployment I BREAST - currently filled, so please call to check it therehave been any BEAMS BLENDED a" Ice Show tootmisilte cancellations. NAVEL 4LB.$1 39PISA GENOA "American IIam. 8STAR - $169 for Nues teens ORANGES...BAG I - I The Nues Park District wifl - Youths 13 through 19 interested SALAMI WHISKEY - present 'ito spectacular ice show is employment can register with The Nitro Senior Center will sponsor poi luckluiseheosi on 175L1ter WESTERNGROWN 'Amerieana" on AprU 3, 4, and b, the Nues Youth Service for full Monday, Murch 30 al 12:30 p.m. The cost is $2.50 for (hosewho C those who are brmg- MARTINI b ROSSI 1981. "Americana" apano this time, part-time or tempOrary are unt bringing a dishtn share, asdfree to SPINACH... .BUNCH country's geofraphic arena ' the work.1f and older youths ore ing a dish to share. Reservations are being handled eu aticket SWEETorDRY j . forstores,otfices, basis, soplesse call 907-5100 ext. 70 to make your arrangements; wild west, the deep south, the eligible IIPOTLUCKLUNCHEON FOR CALIFORNIA MAZOLA urban areas - exploring the hasineoses, restaurants, etc.15 VERMOUTH people andthe mxaic. and under youths cas be hired to CANDLELIGHT TRIP ARTICHOKES.3 FOR-1MARGARINE.. 69c Niteb SALIGNAC The ahow features over 200 of cut grass, bahysit, housework, Ou Wednesday, April 15 from lt am. until 530 p.m. the s 99 the areas fiyestskaters as well-as mother's summer helper, outside Senior Center will spossor u trip to Candlelight T)ieatre for a CALIFORNIA - - - IMPERIAL window luncheon matinee performance of Showboat. The cost is $21.05. COGNAC ThOML 4LB.$ 69ç protessional tighting, music and maintenance work, CARROTS - ' MARGARINE. choreography. washing and most odds and esdu Please eallthe contorto make reservations. GORDON'S BAG The "Americana" productins related work for this age.The $799 ' will be presented at the Niles service also provides job cam- I QUILTING I CALIFORNIA ' PILLSBURY VODKA , . 1.7BUSI, Sports Complex, 8435 Ballard rd., selbig; how tu apply tor a joh, Ourquilting classwill meet nu Wednesday, April 1 at t p.m AVOCADOES FOR CRESCENT Nues.Times are 73O p.m.
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