

sisters, one' of noble, lnspira-tiona- l charm and tlie other a frivolous creat- ure without bouL THRILLING CRISIS IS REACHED The story, which Is hy Leona Hut-to- n and Lambert Hilly er, concerns Only IN STORY OF "NEGLECTED WIFE" Helen Dean, who, on the eve of her operatic debut, is crippled. Her sister, V-- v Marion, a vain, selfish girl, is substi- Four HI e tuted to act th part, while Helen a. More Complications Lives Leading Pathe Serial Are t ... in of Characters in sing's the words from behind the scenes. 51 Developed Intoxicated with praise and the ad Initial Screening Is Produced at Pantages. miration of men, Marion ignores all Days dictates of conscience and morality and pursues a course that involves the des- I 'X .. s Starting This Morning tinies of her sister, a young: million- aire and his secretary. "U Charles Gunn is leading- man for the ft. 3 The Irresistible Idol of America star, and Howard Hickman, Aggie Herring, Thomas Guise and J. Barney Sherry form the supporting company. The production was directed by Ray- mond B. West, with art supervision by 1 Ji i Brunton. stiff? ' Robert sfT-- ;',rv-- . r33wr If Film Flickers. iary ncKiori - 1 - " CLARA KIMBALL TOUNG announces t i she has started work under her new company, while Lewis J. In the greatest, most human; - - " Selznick, who says he has a mortgage Y ; " i x on her services until 1917, comes out t in advertisements to warn exhibitors appealing characterization of against contracting for her new plays. Incidentally, Clara says that she will career, make no pictures that will clash with her splendid censor boards, for she has no liking for sex plays and will be happier keep ing away from this. This from, the star of "The Easiest Way." Gertrude Seddon, who has played un der the direction of the Shuberts, Brady. Cort and David Belasco. Is a "AFoorLIttle new Metro player- - Florenz Zlegf eld is to build, a $1,000,- - j - 000 film city at El Paso, Tex. El Paso r 'X v r '4 residents have bought some stock in Rich Girl" the new enterprise and production will - commence in September. delightful acts of -- Seven modern with - I fc- 4 ! v drama a r Rita Jolivet. who appeared in several every Positively i , is to appear under story that grips human heart. Selznick in a picture constructed about the sinking of the Lusitania. Miss only until Wednesday night. olivet, now Countess Cippico, was on the boat and heard the last words from the lips of the late Charles Frohmaru I . one of the principals it In the musical comedy success. Oh Boy," on Broadway, is the latest stage Jr. V recruit to pictures. She will appear in Runaway Romany, a story written by herself. A happifying, Washington at Park Main 3452 11 A. M. Dorothy Phillips, the Bluebird star. to 11 P. M- - Adults 15c; Kiddies a Nickel is so energetic that she requires the wholesome, services of two, according to the Uni appealing versal publicity man. 1 ' production Jack Sherrill, who will be remem accepted bered for his work with Alice Brady. an Positively showing life- i crisis is reacnea in that they can only be friends, as there in "Then I'll Come Back to You," is in hit last here the treat of a the lives of Margaret Warner, is someone else. Mary visits Margaret training for a fighting role in a new Go Mary Kennedy and Horace Ken- and discovers Margaret in Kennedy's picture. time. now A arms. Unseen by them, she leaves. nedy in the seventh episode of the Mary invites Margaret to a reception. Daniel Jarrett, Metro player, has five Pathe serial. "The Neglected Wife The girl does not wish to go, but to sons to give to Tjncle Sam. One is al which is given its initial screening in avoid suspicion, accepts. Gazing at ready in the Navy. ggifj Portland the Pantages Theater. Margaret, wishing to arouse her at and Although mystery enshrouds the In the preceding episode the Kennedy husband's jealousy, Mary remarks that cantonment respect Bouseboat was fired by Doyle, disbarred Norwood and Margaret would make Fairbanks with to fine match. Kennedy returns a short tne successor to "Wild and Woollv. Sawyer, Margaret rescued Kennedy and answer. Angry and jealous at Nor- nformation has seeped out that the Mary and was in turn rescued by Frank wood's attentions to Margaret, Ken- new vehicle of the irrepressible Dousr- - nedy spends a disagreeable eevning. las will be a sort of back-to-natu- re af now discovers that Margaret Going to her boudoir, Mary discovers fair, with the head of the Fairbanks Don't let the kiddies miss this one Is the "other woman" in the life of her this mysterious writing on the mirror: family installed as the kaiser of a des husband. She resolves to fight for her "Mrs. Kennedy, your husband ruined ert island. happiness and she manages to keep my life, I will not let him ruin yours. usner we aon t allow any hissing. Kennedy and Margaret in ignorance of The "Veiled Woman" Is this another if you don't like the picture go to the the fact that she knows their secret. woman in his life whom he has cast box oitice and get your money back.' the public first knew her as a stage films by that time having become al- ever having had any stage experience. war. He came to America with some Margaret works feverishly on the sto- aside? .fatron I wasn t actress in Los Angeles. most an obsession with him, She was born in Baltimore and divided horses for the St. Louis exposition, and ries for Norwood's magazine. To her Kennedy, unable to stand the strain to America, and immediately joined the years of her childhood between soon became interested in stage work. surprise she receives a box of flowers any longer, asks Norwood to step into my friend that this picture is Julia Sanderson is one of the most the Edison Company as a leading man. Maryland and Virginia. When she was His first theatrical appearance was in from Norwood. She finishes one of her the library, as there Is a matter of im distinguished and graceful melody-comedienn- es Now with Vitagraph. 12 her family moved to New York, and Robert Mantell's company, and he now stories and goes to see Norwood. Tak- portance about which he wishes to of the vocal stage, and Miriam was educated in that city. She holds a high rank in the dramatic pro- ing her in his arms, he asks if Ehe will speak to him. The two men s tat d face S. Rankin Drew is the first of the her loveliness is being recorded right Gladys Brock well was only three began to play in 1912, her first picture fession. tiot marry him. Margaret tells him to face as the film fades out. well-know- n film stars to enter actual now by Mutual cameras. "The Sun- years old when she played the role being "A Blot on the 'Scutcheon." Relia- service abroad. He joined the Ameri- shine Girl," "The Siren," and "The Ar of a newsboy in a benefit performance nce-Majestic. Miss Cooper now plays is no longer a Famous best-know- n can Ambulance Corps as a driver after cadians" are three of her of "The Charity Ball." After this in- for Fox. Player-Lask- y star. Just what happened completing his contract with Metro. stage vehicles. fantile plunge into theatrical life she STORY OF "MYSTERY OF DOUBLE re- P. McGowan, well-know- n has not been divulged, but soon after Mr. Drew is a son of Sidney Drew and retired to learn her A B C's. and James es wajy with Vitagraph for a number of Pearl White, the popular heroine of appeared before the footlights at the actor and director of the Kalem rail- the diminutive star had CROSS" DEVELOPS IN INTEREST years. His biggest job with that com such stirring pictures as "The Ex- age of seven. This was the beginning road series with Helen Holmes as his signed a new two-ye- ar contract some- - pany was "The Oirl Philippa." which ploits of "Elaine" and "Pearl of the of her permanent career. daring lead, was born in Australia, and thing occurred to sever her relations Army," entered the realm of the silent career. was sponsors. Leon- he directed, as well as playing the male years " has had an eventful He with her film Robert Revealed, lead opposite Anita Stewart. His last drama with Pathe about four Miriam Cooper has reached an envia- first a seaman, then in the cattle in- ard. Miss Murray's director, also Identity of Masked Stranger and Also of Girl of Double Cross Is Metro was "The Belle of the season ago. Fortune and world-wid- e fame ble place in the film world without dustry, and later a soldier in the Boer but Episode Is More Mysterious Than Ever. with Emmy Wehlen. have come to her since she was forced to desert the speaking stage because George Larkin, one of the pioneer her voice failed. It was then she en- nu I.I n stunt daredevils of the screen, is to be tered films. seen next in a drama with Marguerite p : Courtot. done by the France Film Com The water bill of the Vitagraph pany. Larkin was last with Kalem in studio for the month of June undoubt- BEGINS TODAY SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION serials. edly will be the largest in the history of that film plant. For six times has Several Keystoners have left the the built-i- n cave in one of the hill- Mack Sennett plant. Alice Davenport, sides of the studio been filled with who played in the first Keystone com water, twice for scenes made by Will- edy ever made, has left that concern iam Duncan, and four times for Di- as have Ed Kennedy and Nick Cook rector William Wolbert. The cave ley, both old-time- rs with this outfit. holds from 40.000 to 50,000 gallons KATHLEEN of water. It is filled with water which While Impersonating a Red Cross runs tnrougn a nre-no- se ior a. com nurse on a Belgian battlefield near plete 24 hours. Thus does the nigh Fort Lee. , Miss Kitty Gor- our don, narrowly price of water figure with mm World star, escaped seri plants. If 4 ous injury by the explosion of a bomb. m m m Quick action by a cameraman saved Stiles Dickenson, official portrait LAWLER Miss Gordon, but Miss Pinna Nesbitt, a painter of Lasky stars, has completed member of her company, was painfully Wallie Reid and Louise Huff paintings, burned. next week begins respective ones The famous Portland-bor- n soprano soloist, mm and arrar Following the completion of her war for Mary Pickford, Geraldine who came from New York to sing at the play, "The Little American," Mary and Julian Eltinge. - ' - Pickford embarked on picturiza- - Music Festival, will appear and sing four r . - ' "?? t her "Patches," the pinto pony which Jack VVt! tlon of "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm." Gardner rides in his Essany-wester- n times daily at 2:55, 4:35, 8 o'clock and 9:40 1 Marshall Nellan is directing it and Eu- productions, is a veteran among equine gene O'Brien, who played opposite Miss having appeared in some and there will be PicKiom in "Poor Little Peppina." is film stars, officiating in like manner In the new 60 pictures. est Artcraft picture. "I'll supply the...material you will if Douglas Vogue make the bandages," said films have passed out of Fairbanks In his recent Red Cross ad- NO RAISE IN PRICE vogue, so to speak. Ben Turpin, the Angeles High School eccentric portrayer of slapstick, hit dress to 4000 Los Keystone Paddy girls. The next morning, all but five the trail and McGuire of the 4000 Western girls made appli- went to the comedy department at the bandage material. "Portland has reason for pride Fox Studio. cation for la Kathleen Lawler, and It will MacDermott first became Inter- be a constantly Increasing pride. Mary Pickford last week donated an Marc playing; Bo many beautiful, unexpected ambulance type ested pictures while jnd exquisitely musical tones Programme of the latest to the on the legitimate stage abroad. For a have seldom been heard from Photoplay masked ster home to marry Philippa !mme local Red Cross at Los Angeles. It was shared disdain of his any singer thut has appeared Identity of the designed by a surgeon connected with long time he the In this city, and she is a native 14 diately. To drama, Ota-go- THE who has both protected Peter his astonishment he finds the American Ambulance Corps. fellow players for the silent Portlander." Editorial ia n her in the arms of Dick Annessley, cub It has one day he was persuaded to visit a Journal. from peril and thwarted him reporter. Annessley twice the capacity for wounded cases was deeply im- identity confides to Pete as present type. cinema theater, and kiwi Mm,-- iWtW'.up 4wsn isfBBHJi'iusii i u j i . kb m In his efforts to discover the that Philippa has Just consented to b the lifelike portrayals of Double Cross, is re- pressed with the of the girl of the his wife. Philippa Indignantly denies Gail Kane, reputed to be one of the screen. A few years later, the vealed to Philippa Brewster in the 13th having promised Peter earlier In the the EARLE most beautiful actresses of the day, epicode of the Pathe serial. "The Mys- day to marry him. was taken, with stage fever when, as a tery of the Double Cross," to be mere girl at boarding school in New-burg- h. screened at the Star Theater on Thurs- - New York, she played in ama- NEW OF PHOTO THEATERS teur performances. She first acted 5K develops rapidly in professionally in "Decorat- WILLIAMS story this Frohman's Thapter. called "The Face or tne Continued From Paire4. ing Clementine." a part in this play with Stranger, and closes with the Identity meets a young lady having been offered her while she was - , i girl of the Double Cross a great- who thrusts an en Summering at Long Beach. Long GLOBE ill' of the velope into er mystery than ever before, aiollie his hand with the order to Island. After a successful stage Bary. Ralph and run. He goes to the address and Is career King. Leon Stuart there felled by two burglars, who have she transferred her talents to TODAY - Gladden James are the featured play- only recently murdered Mr. screendom. and is now a leading wom- it ers. Stratton. an for World. in be- After he has regained consciousness he Kelly Bridgey Bentley. who. with Peter, Dorothy again meets the girl in the poltce head- lieves that Philippa Brewster is the quarters. by appearance. William Davidson was blown Into Double Cross, resorts to des- Attracted her Metro pictures by the war. He was an Kirl of the he invites her to lunch and there finds importer, perate measures to remove his rival. that she is the daughter of Stratton in downtown New York, and He called Daddy Heinz, an and that ehe was defending her broth when the submarines came out his GEORGE power. Daddy's son. dis- business went down. So he took a who is in his er, who was wanted by the police as flyer guised as the sttmnfrer. delivered a note the murderer. With the aid of Cincin at pictures, making hts debut Maelstrom gro with in "Emmy The to Peter asking Tlim to to Ratoor'u nati Red, who acts as a stool pigeon, the the little Minter of Philippa, suspecting Stork's Nest." He is a New Yorker, 28 self-sacrifi- ce alley that evening. police find the rooming place of Ling, years WALSH How the of a beautiful girl treachery, warns Peter. He laughs at where he is in hiding with PeggyStrat- - old. her fears and tells her he will go un- ton, whom he has forced into marriage. brought her astounding adventures in the less she marries him immediately. Im- ana ner wno Elmer Clifton, although still In his That evening in Drotner, he accused of the early twenties, has scored success in underworld. patiently she refuses. crime. After a struggle Ling escapes many of the most famous screen Ii ' the alley, strange things happen. True and sets the house on fire him. and r if to word. keeps the appoint after stage productions of the last few years. his Peter Jimmie Hallet rescues Peggy and the Among the of was ment. He is followed by the girl he police force a confession from Ling, first these "The loves. who acknowledges Girl of the Golden West," played in LATEST PATHE NEWS pleas his life Is in Dago Sam as the Los Angeles, and afterward Broadway Despite her that real culprit. Deep Purple" M Special Pictures of British Tanks on West dancer. Peter starts to follow the claimed him in "The and eltmg masked Btranger and it is only by "The Brass Bottle." In pictures, he es- : Front nromising to marry him that night. "THE SXARL" IS AT COLUMBIA says juvenile, romantic parts with es- I that she holds him back. The two slip pecial success as is evidenced in such into a nearby doorway and as the Bessie Barriscale Is In roles in "The Birth of a Nation," "The back, looking for them, Featured Sable Lorcha," and "The Lily and the Millions' stranger rushes thev steo out and Peter captures the Triangle Photoplay. Rose." stranger at the point of a gun. The Also Captain Jinks Comedy scene shifts to a room in a lodging Bessie Barriscale plays twin sisters Virginia Kirtley has returned to the house where Bentley and the gang are in the new Triangle photoplay, "The screen with Selig after an absence of gathered. Daddy Hein, in the doorway, Snarl." to be shown at the Columbia two years. During her retirement she MANY A FOOL is waiting, shotgun in hand. As Peter, Theater today. "Skidding Hearts," a devoted her talents to writing novels, THERE'S Philippa and the stranger approach the new Keystone comedy, featuring Ora short stories, and scenarios. The fair Funny Comedy man dressed in Peter's clothes breaks Carewe and other Keystone favorites, Virginia in "Who Shall Take My Life." free from his captors and starts down is another entertainment number. proves that the seclusion of a literary the street. Daddy empties both barrels For continuous suspense and perfec- life has not dimmed the brilliance of With and the fugitive drops dead. But it is tion of the mystifying dual role, "The her histrionic gifts for which she was rot Peter. It is Daddy's own son. who Snarl" is said to Btand out as a screen famous in comedy work with Imp. Key- was forced by Peter and the stranger gem. stone, Usona, American, Horsley, and to change clothes with him. Miss Barriscale has never created Selig in her earlier career. Missouri 1 Hank Mann That night Peter soea to the Brew finer, character studies than tie twin Is Miss KirUey'a native state, though 1