THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 8, 1317. sisters, one' of noble, lnspira-tiona- l charm and tlie other a frivolous creat- ure without bouL THRILLING CRISIS IS REACHED The story, which Is hy Leona Hut-to- n and Lambert Hilly er, concerns Only IN STORY OF "NEGLECTED WIFE" Helen Dean, who, on the eve of her operatic debut, is crippled. Her sister, V-- v Marion, a vain, selfish girl, is substi- Four HI e tuted to act th part, while Helen a. More Complications Lives Leading Pathe Serial Are t ... in of Characters in sing's the words from behind the scenes. 51 Developed Intoxicated with praise and the ad Initial Screening Is Produced at Pantages. miration of men, Marion ignores all Days dictates of conscience and morality and pursues a course that involves the des- I 'X .. s Starting This Morning tinies of her sister, a young: million- aire and his secretary. "U Charles Gunn is leading- man for the ft. 3 The Irresistible Idol of America star, and Howard Hickman, Aggie Herring, Thomas Guise and J. Barney Sherry form the supporting company. The production was directed by Ray- mond B. West, with art supervision by 1 Ji i Brunton. stiff? ' Robert sfT-- ;',rv-- . r33wr If Film Flickers. iary ncKiori - 1 - " CLARA KIMBALL TOUNG announces t i she has started work under her new company, while Lewis J. In the greatest, most human; - - " Selznick, who says he has a mortgage Y ; " i x on her services until 1917, comes out t in advertisements to warn exhibitors appealing characterization of against contracting for her new plays. Incidentally, Clara says that she will career, make no pictures that will clash with her splendid censor boards, for she has no liking for sex plays and will be happier keep ing away from this. This from, the star of "The Easiest Way." Gertrude Seddon, who has played un der the direction of the Shuberts, Brady. Cort and David Belasco. Is a "AFoorLIttle new Metro player- - Florenz Zlegf eld is to build, a $1,000,- - j - 000 film city at El Paso, Tex. El Paso r 'X v r '4 residents have bought some stock in Rich Girl" the new enterprise and production will - commence in September. delightful acts of -- Seven modern with - I fc- 4 ! v drama a r Rita Jolivet. who appeared in several every Positively i Paramount pictures, is to appear under story that grips human heart. Selznick in a picture constructed about the sinking of the Lusitania. Miss only until Wednesday night. olivet, now Countess Cippico, was on the boat and heard the last words from the lips of the late Charles Frohmaru I Marion Davies. one of the principals it In the musical comedy success. Oh Boy," on Broadway, is the latest stage Jr. V recruit to pictures. She will appear in Runaway Romany, a story written by herself. A happifying, Washington at Park Main 3452 11 A. M. Dorothy Phillips, the Bluebird star. to 11 P. M- - Adults 15c; Kiddies a Nickel is so energetic that she requires the wholesome, services of two, according to the Uni appealing versal publicity man. 1 ' production Jack Sherrill, who will be remem accepted bered for his work with Alice Brady. an Positively showing life- i crisis is reacnea in that they can only be friends, as there in "Then I'll Come Back to You," is in hit last here the treat of a the lives of Margaret Warner, is someone else. Mary visits Margaret training for a fighting role in a new Go Mary Kennedy and Horace Ken- and discovers Margaret in Kennedy's picture. time. now A arms. Unseen by them, she leaves. nedy in the seventh episode of the Mary invites Margaret to a reception. Daniel Jarrett, Metro player, has five Pathe serial. "The Neglected Wife The girl does not wish to go, but to sons to give to Tjncle Sam. One is al which is given its initial screening in avoid suspicion, accepts. Gazing at ready in the Navy. ggifj Portland the Pantages Theater. Margaret, wishing to arouse her at and Although mystery enshrouds the In the preceding episode the Kennedy husband's jealousy, Mary remarks that cantonment respect Bouseboat was fired by Doyle, disbarred Norwood and Margaret would make Fairbanks with to fine match. Kennedy returns a short tne successor to "Wild and Woollv. Sawyer, Margaret rescued Kennedy and answer. Angry and jealous at Nor- nformation has seeped out that the Mary and was in turn rescued by Frank wood's attentions to Margaret, Ken- new vehicle of the irrepressible Dousr- - nedy spends a disagreeable eevning. las will be a sort of back-to-natu- re af now discovers that Margaret Going to her boudoir, Mary discovers fair, with the head of the Fairbanks Don't let the kiddies miss this one Is the "other woman" in the life of her this mysterious writing on the mirror: family installed as the kaiser of a des husband. She resolves to fight for her "Mrs. Kennedy, your husband ruined ert island. happiness and she manages to keep my life, I will not let him ruin yours. usner we aon t allow any hissing. Kennedy and Margaret in ignorance of The "Veiled Woman" Is this another if you don't like the picture go to the the fact that she knows their secret. woman in his life whom he has cast box oitice and get your money back.' the public first knew her as a stage films by that time having become al- ever having had any stage experience. war. He came to America with some Margaret works feverishly on the sto- aside? .fatron I wasn t actress in Los Angeles. most an obsession with him, She was born in Baltimore and divided horses for the St. Louis exposition, and ries for Norwood's magazine. To her Kennedy, unable to stand the strain to America, and immediately joined the years of her childhood between soon became interested in stage work. surprise she receives a box of flowers any longer, asks Norwood to step into my friend that this picture is Julia Sanderson is one of the most the Edison Company as a leading man. Maryland and Virginia. When she was His first theatrical appearance was in from Norwood. She finishes one of her the library, as there Is a matter of im distinguished and graceful melody-comedienn- es Now with Vitagraph. 12 her family moved to New York, and Robert Mantell's company, and he now stories and goes to see Norwood. Tak- portance about which he wishes to of the vocal stage, and Miriam was educated in that city. She holds a high rank in the dramatic pro- ing her in his arms, he asks if Ehe will speak to him. The two men s tat d face S. Rankin Drew is the first of the her loveliness is being recorded right Gladys Brock well was only three began to play in 1912, her first picture fession. tiot marry him. Margaret tells him to face as the film fades out. well-know- n film stars to enter actual now by Mutual cameras. "The Sun- years old when she played the role being "A Blot on the 'Scutcheon." Relia- service abroad. He joined the Ameri- shine Girl," "The Siren," and "The Ar of a newsboy in a benefit performance nce-Majestic. Miss Cooper now plays Mae Murray is no longer a Famous best-know- n can Ambulance Corps as a driver after cadians" are three of her of "The Charity Ball." After this in- for Fox. Player-Lask- y star. Just what happened completing his contract with Metro. stage vehicles. fantile plunge into theatrical life she STORY OF "MYSTERY OF DOUBLE re- P. McGowan, well-know- n has not been divulged, but soon after Mr. Drew is a son of Sidney Drew and retired to learn her A B C's. and James es wajy with Vitagraph for a number of Pearl White, the popular heroine of appeared before the footlights at the actor and director of the Kalem rail- the diminutive star had CROSS" DEVELOPS IN INTEREST years. His biggest job with that com such stirring pictures as "The Ex- age of seven. This was the beginning road series with Helen Holmes as his signed a new two-ye- ar contract some- - pany was "The Oirl Philippa." which ploits of "Elaine" and "Pearl of the of her permanent career. daring lead, was born in Australia, and thing occurred to sever her relations Army," entered the realm of the silent career. was sponsors. Leon- he directed, as well as playing the male years " has had an eventful He with her film Robert Revealed, lead opposite Anita Stewart. His last drama with Pathe about four Miriam Cooper has reached an envia- first a seaman, then in the cattle in- ard. Miss Murray's director, also Identity of Masked Stranger and Also of Girl of Double Cross Is Metro was "The Belle of the season ago. Fortune and world-wid- e fame ble place in the film world without dustry, and later a soldier in the Boer but Episode Is More Mysterious Than Ever. with Emmy Wehlen. have come to her since she was forced to desert the speaking stage because George Larkin, one of the pioneer her voice failed. It was then she en- nu I.I n stunt daredevils of the screen, is to be tered films. seen next in a drama with Marguerite p : Courtot. done by the France Film Com The water bill of the Vitagraph pany.
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