Design Data on Suspension Systems of Selected Rail Passenger Cars RR 5931R 5021

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Design Data on Suspension Systems of Selected Rail Passenger Cars RR 5931R 5021 Design Data on Suspension U.S. Department Systems of Selected Rail of Transportation Federal Railroad Passenger Cars Administration Office of Research and Development Washington, DC 20590 ~ail Vehicles & lonents NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. NOTICE The United States Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturers' names appear herein solely because they are considered essential to the objective of this report. Form Approved REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE OMS No. 0704-0188 " Public reporting bulden for this collection of infonnation is estimated to average 1 hourper response. including the time for naviewing instructions. sean:hin9 existing data sources. gathering and maintaining the data needed. and completing and naviewing the collection of information. send comments regarding this bulden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information. including suggestions for reducing this bulden. to WashingICn Headquarters services Dinactorata for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway. SUite 1204, Arlington. VA 22202-4302. and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperworlc Reduction Project (07~188). Washington. DC 20503. 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 2. REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND OATES COVE~EO July 1996 Final Report ~ober1993-December1994 4. TITLE AND SUBnTLE S. FUNDING NUMBERS Design Data on Suspension Systems of Selected Rail Passenger Cars RR 5931R 5021 6. AUTHORS Alan J. Bing. Shaun R. Berry and Hal B. Henderson 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZAnON NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANlZAnON Arthur D. UttIe, Inc: Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade and Douglas, Inc.· REPORT NUMBER I Acorn Park and 120 Boylston Street COT·VNTSC·FRA·95-5 Cambridge. MA 02140 Boston. MA 02116 I 9. SPONSORINGIMONlTORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSORINGIMONITORING AGENCY U.S. Department of Transportation REPORT NUMBER Federal Railroad Administration DOTIFRAIORD-96-01 OffICe of Research and Development . Washington, D.C. 20590 11. SUPPLEMENTARYNOTES ·Undercontract to U.S. Department of Transportation Volpe National Transportation Systems Center Kendall Square, Cambridge. MA 02142 128- DlSTRIBunONIAVAILABIUTY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBunON CODE This document is available to the public throuQh the National Technical Infonnation Service, Springfield, VA 22161 (Tel: 703-487-4634) 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 worda) This report presents the-results of an effort to compile data for the U.S. fleet of railroad passenger cars. and to describe the different passenger car truck designs and design features used in the Unite~ States• .. The report provides a detailed discussion of the functions of a rail passenger car truck, and how differem truck designs and truck components are selected to perform the functions. Both the two-axle truck normally applied to rail passenger cars and truck designs with additional or alternative features (such as car body tilt, articulation. and single-axle trucks) are described A full listing of passenger cars and truck designs in service in the United States is provided. Detailed descriptions and engineering data, to the extent available. are provided on eight selected truck designs representative of the majority of trucks in service. The truck data include a general description of the truck, the mass and inertias of principal truck cOlT(lonents (wheelset, truck frame, bolster), spring stiffnesses and damping rates. and the car body mass. inertia. and truck to car body . interface characteristics. Information is also provided on the service environment in which the truck operates, and on maintenance history. 14. SUBJECT TERMS 1~ NUMBER OF PAGES Rail transportation. rail passenger cars, passenger car trucks, rail vehicle dynamics. vehicle- 192 track interaction, bogies 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSIRCAnON 18. SECURITY CLASSIRCAnON 19. SECURITY CLASSIRCAnON 20. U~i"nON OF OF REPORT OF THIS PAGE OFABSTAACT ABSTRACT Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Standud Form 298 (Rev. 2-89) Pre8crlbed by ANSI Std. 239-18 298-102 METRIC/ENGLISH CONVERSION FACTORS ENGLISH TO METRIC METRIC TO ENGLISH LENGTH (APPROXIMATE) LENGTH (APPROXIMATE) 1 inch (in) = 2.5 centimeters (cm) 1 millimeter (mm) = 0.04 inch (in) '0 1 foot (ft) = 30 centimeters (cm) 1 centimeter (em) = 0.4 inch (in) 1 yard (yd) = 0.9 meter (m) 1 meter (m) = 3.3 feet (ft) 1 mile (mi) = 1.6 kilometers (km) 1 meter (m) = 1.1 yards (yd) 1 kilometer (km) = 0.6 mile (mi) AREA (APPROXIMATE) AREA (APPROXIMATE) 1 square inch (sq in, in2) = 6.5 square centimeters (cm2) 1 square centimeter (cm2) = 0.16 square inch (sq in, in2) 1 square foot (sq ft, ft2) .. 0.09 square meter (rn2) 1 square meter (m2) = 1.2 square yards (SQ yd, yd2) , 1 square yard (sq yd, y(2) = 0.8 square meter (rn2) 1 square kilometer (km2) .. 0.4 square mile (sq mi, mi2) 1 square mile (sq mi, mi2) = 2.6 square kilometers (km2) 10,000 square meters (m2) =1 hectare (ha) = 2.5 acres 1 acre .. 0.4 hectare (ha) .. 4.000 square meters (m2) MASS - WEIGHT (APPROXIMATe) MASS - WEIGHT (APPROXIMATE) 1 ounce (Ol) = 28 grams (gm) 1 gram (gm) .. 0.036 ounce (Ol) 1 pound (Ib) .. .45 kilogram (kg) 1 kilogram (kg) .. 2.2 pounds (Ib) 1 tonne (t) .. 1,000 kilograms, (kg) .. 1.1 short tons 1 short ton .. 2,000 pounds (Ib) • 0.9 tonne (t) - VOLUME (APPROXIMATE) VOLUME (APPROXIMATE) 1 teaspoon (tsp) .. 5 milliliters (ml) 1 milliliter (ml) = 0.03 fluid ounce (n Ol) 1 tablespoon (tbsp) .. 15 milliliters (ml) 1 liter (I) .. 2.1 pints (pt) 1 fluid ounce (ft Ol) .. 30 milliliters (ml) 1 liter (I) .. 1.06 quarts (qt) 1 cup (c) .. 0.24 liter (I) 1 liter (I) .. 0.26 gallon (gal) 1 pint (pt) .. 0.47 liter (I) 1 cubic meter (m3)• 36 cubic feet (cu ft, ft3) 1 qUart (qt) .. 0.96 liter (I) 1 cubic meter (m3) .. 1.3 cubic yards (cu yd, y(3) 1 gallon (gal) .. 3.8 liters (I) 1 cubic foot (cu ft, ftJ) .. 0.03 cubic meter (m3) 1 cubic yard (cu yd, y(3) .. 0.76 cubic meter (m3) TEMPERATURE (EXACT) TEMPERATURE (EXACTl [(x - 32)(519noF .. y"C [(9/5)(y + 32))OC .. xOF QUICK INCH-CENTIMETER LENGTH CONVERSION INCHES 0 1 2 3 4 oS -0 I I I I f ," I i i i j j i i i i i i i i CENTIMETERS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 QUICK FAHRENHEIT-CELSIUS TEMPERATURE CONVERSION OF -40° ·22° -40 14° 32° 50° 68° 86° 104° 122° 140· 158° 176° 194° 212° I II I I I , II , I I I I I °C -40° ·30° ·20° -10° 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° For more exact, and or other conversion factors, see NIST Miscellaneous Publication 286, Units of Weights and Measures. Price $2.50. SO Catalog No. C13 10286. Updated 9f.Z9195 PREFACE In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in expanding railroad passenger service in the United States. The interest has encompassed both intercity service and, especially, commuter service around large cities. Several factors have combined to create this interest, including a need to reduce airport and highway congestion, and to reduce air pollution in some regions of the country. The attractiveness of passenger rail is enhanced by the ability to make use ofexisting railroad rights-of-way to initiate service quickly and at relatively modest cost compared with other options for improving local and regional public transportation. A consequence ofthis interest is a substantial and growing investment in new railroad passenger cars (as distinct from heavy rail mass transit and light rail cars) for operation in the United States. About 200 new railroad passenger cars are purchased each year. In an effort to improve car performance and productivity, these purchases are likely to include car and truck designs not previously used in the United States. In the past there have been problems with newly introduced car designs: as an example, the cars may encounter operational or track conditions not considered in the design. It is necessary to perform engineering analysis to resolve such problems, and also to perform proactive evaluations ofnovel.truck and car designs to ensure that safety and performance goals are being mel This report presents engineering descriptions and data on selected railroad passenger cars and trucks to support these analyses and evaluatio~. The report was prepared by Arthur D. Little, Inc., together with Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade and Douglas, Inc. as subcontractor to Arthur D. Little, under Contract Number DTS-57-93-D­ 00036 with the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center). The Federal:Railroad Administration, Office ofResearch and Development was the sponsor of the sbldy. The authors ofthe study wish to express their appreciation to Harvey Lee (the project manager for this effort), David Tyrell and Herbert Weinstock of the Volpe Center and Tom Tsai of the Federal Railroad Administration for their assistance and support throughout the study and for helpful comments on the draft report, and to Ronald Mayville at Arthur D. Little and Mike Sadler at Parsons Brinckerhoff. The authors would also like to thank the numerous representatives ofU.S. intercity and commuter rail authorities and passenger car and truck manufacturers who provided information and assistance throughout the study. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Section EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................... .. ix 1. IN1RODUcrrON 1-1 1.1 BACKGROUND 1-1 1.2 PRIOR WORK .. ..................................... .. 1-2 1.3 OBJECITVES OF TIlE STIJDY 1-3 1.4 CONTENTS OF THE REPORT 1-4 2. OVERVIEW OF RAIL PASSENGER CAR TRUCK DESIGN 2-1 2.1 IN1RODUcrrON ...... .. 2-1 2.1.1 Background 2-1 2.1.2 DefInitions ......
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