the Quarterdeck Log -,-'" ....-._-------,,..,-....... .-___....___......"'-"'--_--_-- .... ---,_..._-___._._.... _-_.._-_ _.. ... _.. _-c.-_.. ASSOCIATION CGCVA Honors Kevin DeGroot AirSt", San Francisco AEI selected as 1996 CG Person of theYear On OCt 28th, sovoral CGCVA olTic"rs, mombors Md guests "",t at COAst Guard Hea<!quaners to hooor AEI K""n DeGroot as the Coasl Guard P",.u~ or lhe Year, Unltke p,evlOlJ' recipienl' ot th.. honor, DeGroot was ,41: oot on dut~ mthe time or U'9 Inddent In whiCh he ..a. cit<>d. He was, ~ facl. 0" • leave "'9h15"";n9 In down town Pensacola, Fla., wilen h<J was nlerted to an OVet turned 1].[oot plea,ure boal _ ,A whi<h had thrown 12 »erwM (c<><: •• _.,. .~.. "..._to .~, """'- ...... __ , __ CGC•• c ...., G--.. _ '" "" .. Coo.. G_ InlO the .iolenty, <u'glng c_,A"..e_~.K,_.""'''",,-"""'- _.-..,,,,, .. ..-ate... 01 Pensacola 8a~ C<l 0<,_ nt,., USCG_". _ ..oJ CGCVA """' ........ Ma~ 27, t 9%. •...... ",'" _ .. ~..., ~ """" r_. or PM ~.." e CGII<» ffOO"l<ldiataty Nnnlng to ,ne ""'0<19. ha joinad llI>C<lI'scious girl to rescuers wa~ing to as,"'t "" ott>a.. on pull;ng ."tons O<JI 01 'ha cl>oppy watar lt1e ...awal C~mbo<.l hand..,.,'e,·hand U~ • Alerted to the possbili'y o1th'.... ch<ldr.." trapped "'''''''00 set ()/ aU'OO101'\lo iurnp<lr c.ble_, he """".fh 1M boat, DeGroot JIIfT1ped into It1<J &f()Ol ,a;5OO the yooo9 9"1 to a point where a hopaIul ,,,elf,, swam to tha o"anumoo bo<lt, .n" 'epe.l.
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