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The Legion s prescriptionfor an ailing VA. 24


The political correctness police have tossed the Easter bunny and Santa in the brig. By Sarah]. McCarth)' 36


Our children describe better than thefederal government's version ofan education. By Bruno V. Manno 38



A noted reviewer sings the praises ofreel-to-real spirituality. By Michael Medved 20


Just when you thought it was safe to retire: Welcome to '90s grandparenting. By Gumey Williams III 31


Afounder ofthe National Fatherhood Initiative tells why today 'sfamilies need strong male role models. 34


BIG ISSUES Should Congress approve the GOP Medicare reform program.'' 10




COVER Happy holidaysfrom THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE. At thisjubilant time, thefamily takes on unique

importance. The magazine examines America 'sfamilies, and the influences that shape their values, in

our special section beginning on Page 28. "Holiday Magic " illustration by David McCallJohnston/Lavaty.

The American Legion Magazine, a leader among national general-interest publications, is published

monthily by Thie American Legion for its 2.9 million members. Ttiese military-service veterans, working through nearly 15,000 community-level Posts, dedicate themselves to God and country and traditional American values; strong national security; adequate and compassionate care for veterans, their wid- ows and orphans; community service; and the wholesome development of our nation's youths.


TWO for $1495 700 N. Pennsylvariia St. P.O. Box 1055 YOUR CHOICE: USA VETERAN (WWII) Indianapolis, IN 46206 KOREAN VETERAN VIETNAM VETERAN 317-630-1200 Daniel A. Ludwig Dedicated to every Veteran that served in any branch of National our Armed Forces. IVleticulously crafted, these handsome Steve Salerno buckles are engraved w/ith our country's most sacred Publisher/Editor-in-Chief symbols. A true momento to vi/ear or display Measures Simon Smith 2V2"x 3V4". Smooth Bronze finish... each set with Art Director "eye-catching" polished .25 Genuine Diamond. Specially Miles Z. Epstein priced for Veterans at only $7.95. Also available: Genuine Managing Editor embossed bonded leather belt (Pk" width) with tooled Raymond H. Mahon side stitching to enhance your buckle- only $5 additional. Associate Editor MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE Ken Scharnberg Rush Ind., Inc., Dept VB386RD, 75 Albettson Ave., Albertson, NY 11507 Veterans Affairs Editor Please send me the T. Douglas Donaldson following buckle(s): (Qty.) US Vet Buckle(s) Assistant Editor

(Qty.) Korean Vet Buckle(s) (Qty.) US Vietnam Buckle(s) Joan L. Berzins at $7.95 each plus $1.50 S.& H, - Any Two for only $14.95 + $2 S.& H, Editorial Administrator Any Three for only $19.95 + $2.50 Shipping & Handling. Caron M. Morales Publications Designer Please send me Bonded Leather Belt(s) at only $5 each + $1 .95 S.& H per belt. Specify Belt Size Cindy G. Thompson Production Assistant Enclosed payment of $ _or charge to VISA Mastercard Patricia Marschand (Min. charge $15) Administration Card No Exp. date Joseph Campioni Signature Production Manager Name Donald B. Thomson Advertising Director Address ^_ Diane Andretti, Cathy Frakes Advertising Assistants City Tfie American Legion Magazine State -Zip- © Rush Ind.. Inc P.O. Box 7068 Indianapolis, IN 46207 317-630-1200 Publisher's Representatives Fox Associates, Inc. Chicago: 312-644-3888 New York: 212-725-2106 The American Legion Los Angeles: 310-841-0280 Detroit, Ml: 810-543-0068 Atlanta: 404-252-0968 : 415-989-5804 magazine The American Legion Magazine Commission Milford A. Forrester, Ctiairman, Greenville, SC; Russell H. Laird, Vice Chairman, Des Moines, lA; James R. Subscription Keliey, National Commander's Representative, Wayne, PA; George F. Ballard, Belleville, IL; Samuel Barney, Lancaster, OH; J. Leslie Brown Jr., Louisville, KY; Joseph Chase, Hatboro, PA; Donald Conn, South Bend, IN; James W. Conway, Charlestown, MA; Bettylou Evans, Laurel, DE; James H. Hall, Hopewell, NJ; Hoy M. The perfect for Haught, Huntsville, AR; Dennis Henkemeyer, Sauk gift Rapids, MN; Halbert G. Horton, Topeka, KS; Eugene J. Kelley, Savannah, GA; J. Fred Mitchell, Brewton, AL; J.H. Morris, Baton Rouge, LA; Everett G. Shepard, III, a friend or relative. Woodstock, CT; George G. Sinopoli, Fresno, CA; Robert E. Vass Sr., Huntington, WV; Paul T. Woodard, Lacey. WA; Tom C. Smith, Oklahoma City, OK; John W.J. Richter, Consultant, Brenham, TX; James V. Kissner, Consultant, Palatine, IL. Twelve issues for $12 Copyright 1995 by The American Legion The American Legion (ISSN 0886-1234) is published monthly by The American Legion, 5561 W. 74th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Second-class postage paid at Name Indianapolis, IN 46204 and additional mailing offices. Price: Annual subscription, $12 ($18, Foreign); post- sponsored gift subscriptions, $6; Single copy, $2. POST- MASTER; Send address changes to The American Legion, Input Services, P.O. Box 1954, Indianapolis, IN 46206. Address Change of Address: Notify The American Legion, Input Services, P.O. Box 1954, Indianapolis, IN 46206. 317-328- 4640. Attach old address label, provide old and new addresses and current membership card number. City State Zip To request microfilm copies, please write to: University Microfilms, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, Ml 48106

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City State Zip WALKFIT . ALL-NEW WALKFIT MODELS NOW AVAILABLE! Phone (_ .)_ ©1995 NordicTrack Inc., A CML Company • All rights reserved. Postscript To Victory souls. We have before us the greatest tember by Ray Mahon) was very scandal in the history of our country. good, but there were other black units I commend you on the special Sep- For any of us to put this betrayal aside in World War II, too. For example, the tember Victory issue. Although I am a without taking any action would be a 16th Air Service Squadron at Capoda Vietnam veteran, I am still moved by further betrayal of the people whose Chino air base in Naples, . the stories, pictures and memories of memory should be dear to us. Walter J. Love those who fought in World War II. Ray Needham Baker City, Ore. Ken Girt Parkersburg, Iowa Massillon, Ohio ...And the 450th AAA (AW) Bn., a The article, "Never Again" (Sep- 40mm Bofors anti-aircraft battalion. It seems your magazine has been tember by Chandra Czape), left the Robert G. Thompson getting better. Your entire staff is to be impression that the Japanese war Franklin, Pa. congratulated for the September issue. crimes trials were trivial. According to Bertram A. Allison the book, Japanese on Trial, by Philip ...Also, the Eighth Air Force had New Milford, NJ. Piccigallo, there were 1,409 defen- black support troops. dants with convictions and 163 The September issue paid a well- 1,229 Charles P. Boehm death sentences. deserved tribute to the men and Fort Wayne, Ind. Harley P. Bonham women in the armed forces and those Flora, III. ...Don't forget the all-black on the home front. However, no men- about tion was made of those who volun- 320th Barrage Balloon Battalion. The September issue was by far the teered for the Merchant Marine. They, William S. Woods best ever. Keep up the good work. Newton, N.J. too, valiantly served their country. William H. Salley Paul Braverman S.C. Dublin, Ohio Springfield, I just wanted to note that the blacks in the Navy were not solely messmen Not one word was printed about Siiared Honors and stewards. I was trained as a Navy The article on the Tuskegee Air- aviation machinist mate. those who served on . I men ("Color Them Courageous," Sep- think the Silent Service has been silent John H. Green too long. Elizabeth City, N.C. Joseph L. McGrievy WE WANT YOUR If of deserved an LaMesa, Calif. ever a group men OPINIONS apology from our government, these did. Their treatment As I read the articles in the Septem- men makes me ber issue, some made my eyes moist. The American legion sick at heart. However, I could not find anything Magazine welcomes letters to John Conway Harrison about the campaigns in Africa, Sicily the editor concerning articles Justice and Italy or , Burma and . that appear in the publication. Be The Supreme Court of Montana David L. Robinson sure to include hometown and a Helena, Mont. Lancaster, S.C. daytime phone number for verification. Short letters are A Housing Homerun "Keeping the Faith" (September, more likely to be published, and After 17 months of begging and by Chaplain Thomas P. Azar) about all letters are subject to editing borrowing, the American chaplains during World War 11 didn't for clarity and brevity. Legion baseball commission finally mention the four chaplains who died We now offer readers three completed housing at the Yountville on the Army transport ship Dorchester ways to send us letters to the Veterans home. During state tourna- after giving their life jackets to others. editor: ments, this is where our baseball These chaplains of different faiths You can send e-mail to: teams will stay. The construction were: Father John P. Washington, TDDKSaol.com began in March 1994, and after spend- Rev. George L. Fox, Rabbi Alexander You can leave a recorded letter ing $130,000, the buildings were dedi- D. Goode, and Rev. Clark V. Poling. to the editor by calling: cated in August 1995. Construction Let's not forget. (314) 474-7474 required hundreds of hours of volun- Ralph A. Sullivan Callers' opinions are considered teer labor and the talents of many. Bayonne, N.J. for publication and receive a D Our special thanks to Commander symbol when used. Alfred Micallef and the members of

Until 1 read the article, "Our Or you can write to: the Mayhew Vincent White Cane Post Unknown POWs" (September by John THE American Legion magazine 266 of Gardena, Calif. Post 266 gave

M.G. Brown), 1 had never heard that P.O. Box 1055 us a generous donation on behalf of so many American POWs had been Indianapolis, IN 46206 Eleanor C. Smith, for whom one of the abandoned. Thousands of forgotten Please turn page


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Mail today to: BLAIR®, WARREN, PA 16366 QUALITY AND VALUE SINCE 1910 MFSJF3 buildings was named. Eleanor was Congress. Uncle Sam is a good ramifications are enormous. U.S. pres- bom in Hawaii 75 years ago, and was employer, but I never did expect the ence in this area is mandatory. a survivor of Pearl Harbor who lost promises to be kept in the long run. Ken Bozick, Lt. USNR her husband and child because of the The federal government is like any [email protected] attack. She has been a Legion member other employer—looking for ways to for 51 years, raised 18 foster children, continually save money. My point is, Trutii interned adopted two and has dedicated her life never take an employer's promises Those who received the $20,000 to the Legion programs and helping seriously, even Uncle Sam. payments and letters of apology were veterans. Her credo has always been, Donald Fritz not Japanese-Americans "interned on "Stand tall and be proud of the cap Loganville, Ga. U.S. soil," as Cliff Kincaid states in you wear." the September Washington Watch. Bob Escarcega I was assigned to a recruiting sta- These were American citizens of China, Calif. tion in from 1947-52. Japanese descent. Without any trial or We presented programs in high investigation, these Americans were New Recruit schools and colleges, and we had all rounded up, taken forcibly from their kinds of promises: technical training, homes, forced to sell their businesses I recently reported to Japan for a travel, advancement, and medical and for pennies on the dollar. Then they three-year assignment as a Department dental care. were transported by rail to isolated of Defense employee. My AMERICAN Hey, don't blame the recruiters, areas where they were forced to live LEGION MAGAZINfE has Started com- though. We spoke the "big lie" behind bars. ing in, and I just wanted to let you because we believed the promises Remarkably, it was the brothers, know that I read every page and appre- would be fulfilled. I believed it and sons and young husbands of these ciate the magazine greatly. As a for- made the military a career. Now, after families who enlisted in the U.S. mer U.S. Army soldier who served for 20 years in the military, I am unable to Army's famed Nesei outfit. nearly 26 years, I applaud your posi- get medical and dental care. The U.S. citizens of German and Italian tion on veterans' issues. prospect of the exchanges and com- descent were allowed to live out the Norm Curran missaries being eliminated is frighten- war as any other American did and CURRANN.ZAMA@zamaemh2 .army.mil ing, too. were not rounded up and arrested. By John E. Boren III all means, let's keep up the pressure Big Trutlis, Too Alexandria, La. on the Japanese government for apolo- I am glad that THE AMERICAN gies and reparations. But when we LEGION MAGAZINE finally had the Spratiy—Tiie Sequel confuse these two issues, we become I was reading the October issue of nerve to print "The Big Lie" (October no better than the Smithsonian offi- THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE by C.R. Roberts). Congress has been cials. and noticed the letter from Rear Adm. telling us lies for a long time now. Walter T. Schoen Jr. When I was sleeping in the jungles Corwin Mendenhall ("Spratiy No Hot Lakeville, Pa. of Burma, little did I realize that some- Spot," Vetvoice). It appears that the day I would be forced to pay my own does not understand why the Read It Slowly medical bills in a hospital. Spratiy Islands are such a hot spot VA I sure enjoy our good magazine, Remember the days when they told us these days. and I always read the last page. How- issue is plain simple: OIL! how we would be taken care of? The and ever, the joke, "Legal Brief," (Parting Manuel H. Houghton The Spratiy Islands sit right on top of Shots, October) credited lawyers as one of the world's largest oil fields. Manhattan, Kan. the first profession mentioned in the retains the rights to that Whoever Bible. region stands to make more money We as military retirees must be Actually, the first profession men- realistic "cradle than most humans can imagine. Grant- about our to grave" tioned in the Bible is a baseball player. benefits. big lie? No. Look at your ed, those islands are virtually uninhab- A Genesis 1, Verse 1, which reads, "In ited, it's what's under that contract and try to find where it says but them the beginning..." you will be provided with medical counts. Alfred A. Leadbeater care the rest of your life. We have just Also, I beg to differ with the admi- Ennis, Mont. taken it for granted. ral: The Spratiy Islands are close to James A. Ball international shipping lanes. Nose For News Huntsville, Ala. I just came off active duty in the Cliff Kincaid's Washington Watch Navy in January, and my last tour was piece, "New World Odor?" (August), I have served in the military and on the USS Kitty Hawk. The Kitty is the kind of investigative reporting civil service for more than 37 years. Hawk occasionally operated in this insight that makes the new AMERICAN One thing \ learned very early in my region during her last deployment. The LEGION Magazine important to me. career is that promises made to mili- Spratiy Islands are an area of the Frank Anthony tary or civil service employees are world that must be watched closely. Windsor, Vt. only good until the next session of International economic and political Please turn to page 26


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ANTA, SNOWFLAKES gious" activity in our schools, even vis- and church bells were its from Santa Claus or Frosty the painted on prison camp Snowman, or the singing of Christmas windows with Nip tooth carols. What motivates people to toss powder mixed with water. the brightness of the season into the Old tin cans were cut up gray abyss of political correctness? In and decorated to look like this issue of the magazine, author Sara chandeliers or silver stars. J. McCarthy exposes some of this non- At a WWII Japanese sense in "Will Jelly Beans Be Illegal?" prison camp in the , Ameri- on Page 36. cans who were 22 inches across were Wartime experience has the unique held in compartments that were only ability to cut through the garbled values 30 inches across. Christmas was thus that permeate our institutions today. an exercise in ingenuity, courage and War forever changes the meaning of faith. So much so that even the cruel Christmas. For those who come back to Japanese guards couldn't keep Santa America after "putting it all on the Claus from coming to town. line," the holidays become a time of "Never do I expect to find the special, triumphant joy. And for those Christmas spirit, anywhere, that was whose loved ones didn't come back, displayed at Zentsuji," remembers the joy of Christmas will always be retired Army Col. E. B. Miller, a Past tempered by a certain sadness. Minnesota Department in this year, Commander, Nat' I. Cmdr. Daniel A. Ludwig At time of our thoughts his book, Bataan Uncensored. "It was a need to be with the families of the men

spirit fashioned by men who had so lit- from home or on the frontlines, from who never made it home, men who are tle with which to work." World War I to the Gulf War, GIs still missing in action from World War Miller, a commanding officer of the always find a way to celebrate. II, and Vietnam. Imagine what 194th Tank Battalion, a National Guard Marine Reserve Capt. Bill Miller the holiday season is like for the family unit from my home state, was stationed spent a Christmas in the Middle East of an MIA whose remains have never in the Philippines when Japanese troops during the Gulf War; still vivid in his been recovered, or a POW who has attacked. He and many other brave GIs mind is the image of a lone bugler never been accounted for. became POWs of the dreaded forces of playing Silent Night on a rooftop over- Pat Dunton doesn't have to imagine. Imperial Japan, whose gift to them was looking the Saudi desert. "We had a lit- She is president of the Korean/Cold the Bataan Death March, starvation, tle Christmas tree attached to a tent War Family Association of the Miss-

torture and the hell ships that trans- pole but it meant a lot to be able to see ing. At this time of year, her thoughts

ferred prisoners from camp to camp. it there," he says. Miller also remem- run to her father, James S. Wilson Jr., Aboard the hell ship Nagato Maru, bers bringing a taste of the Big Apple shot down over Korea in 1951. She "men, tottering from sickness and dis- to Saudi Arabia by tying a flashlight to says softly, "My family keeps candles ease, were beaten and kicked by the Jap the top of a pole and lowering it—the in the window to light the way home." troops," recalls Miller. Death and suf- equivalent of the dropping People like Pat Dunton show us that fering were their neighbors. Still, noth- ball in New York's Times Square on the holiday spirit must not be lost. As ing could kill the Christmas spirit New Year's Eve. we celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah and swelling deep in the hearts of Miller The determination of our troops to the New Year, those of us who are and his fellow POWs. celebrate the holiday season in hostile lucky enough to have our families An indomitable spirit in the face of areas, with their lives at risk, should be intact should be grateful for the oppor-

daunting circumstances is a constant an inspiration to all. However, there are tunity to share our happiness with those that unites those who have served some Americans who don't seem to we love. America throughout history. The men appreciate this time of year. They have Perhaps, if some of the politically and women of our armed forces have a lost sight of the significance of Christ- correct thinkers could walk in Pat Dun- proud tradition of discovering ways to mas. Worse, they are trying to take this ton's shoes for just one Christmas, they

have a happy holiday season, even tradition away from our children. would take more joy in it themselves, under the most adverse of conditions. We hear more and more cases of instead of trying to ruin its great joy for Whether they are stationed at bases far parents complaining about any "reli- others.

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quality full-color print, 24"xl8", the exact size of the first original painting, which was donated to the Diplomatic Reception Rooms of the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. in 1991 by Gerald E. Czulewicz, author of "The Foremost Guide to Uncle Sam."

Along with this most famous image, you will receive a

printed history of how and why this painting was produced GERALD E. CZULEWICZ, AUTHOR AMERICAN LEGION in 1876 and a biography of its artist, Archibald M. Willard. AND MEMBER, WITH THE ORIGINAL OIL Personally signed by copyright- PAINTING OF THE "SPIRIT OF 76," publisher Gerald Czulewicz. HIS GIFT TO THE NATIONAL COLLECTION 9S AND TO ALL AMERICANS A rare opportunity to acquire this

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Rep. Frank Riggs (R-California) Rep. Jack Reed (D-Rhode Island)

By now, everyone has For more than 50 years. heard that Medicare, the Medicare has exempli- program that provides YES NO fied our national com- health care for 37 million seniors and dis- mitment to care for seniors and disabled abled, is going broke. That's not a veterans. In essence, it is the tangible Republican judgment nor a Democrat evidence that, in the most affluent and judgment, it's the conclusion of the productive country in the world, we bipartisan Medicare Trustees—including would not let millions of Americans suf- three members of the President's cabinet. fer because they are too old, or too ill to Even President Clinton said, "We cannot leave the system provide for themselves. Because of our investment in the way it is." For the last five months, Congress has been Medicare, we have also created the most sophisticated and working to craft a plan that will prevent Medicare's bank- highest-quality health-care system in the world. ruptcy. We listened to seniors, doctors and insurance compa- But now, congressional Republicans are mounting an all- nies, and everywhere I went this summer I asked for people's out assault on both Medicare and Medicaid. And let us be input. clear: Their plans are not about reforming the Medicare and I'm proud to report progress on our plan to save Medicaid systems. Their plans are about a tax cut for Medicare. We have introduced a bill that increases Medicare wealthy Americans and an arbitrary march to a balanced spending per beneficiary by $1,900 over the next seven budget in seven short years. years, yet it also preserves Medicare from bankruptcy, mak- The Republican proposal to cut $270 billion from ing the system solvent until the baby boomers begin to retire Medicare is not about "saving" the Medicare program. in 2014. Rather, the cuts are necessary to fulfill their self-imposed

Here's how it will work: Every year, you'll get a form goals of providing a $245 billion tax cut and achieving a from the government that lists your options—traditional balanced budget by 2002. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, Medicare, or any one of the types of private plans available the managing trustee of the Medicare Trust Fund, recently in your area, such as managed care, preferred provider orga- stated that, "No member of Congress should vote for the nizations and medi-save accounts. If you do nothing, you're $270 billion in Medicare cuts believing that reductions of automatically enrolled in traditional Medicare. If you want this size have been recommended by the Medicare Trustees another plan, that's up to you. or that such reductions are needed now to prevent an immi- Why will this save money and prevent Medicare from nent funding crisis. That would be factually incorrect." going bankrupt? Because private health care is far more effi- The Medicare Part A Trust Fund is not facing an cient and cost-effective than a government health-care pro- unprecedented and immediate crisis. The trustees are gram. Medicare costs grew at about 10.5 percent last year required by law to report each year on the status of the Part while in the private sector, large employers actually saw their A trust. The trustees on eight previous occasions have cost decrease by 1 . 1 percent. warned that the trust fund would be insolvent within seven Our plan also combats fraud and abuse. As Medicare is years. On each of these occasions. Congress and the Presi- designed right now, doctors are paid for procedures whether dent took appropriate action to protect the fund. or not the patient needs it. That means the taxpayer gets With Medicaid, the Republicans are not even indulging ripped off, and the Medicare patient doesn't get the best care. in the pretense of reforming the system. Their Medicaid pro- We've got tough anti-fraud provisions in the bill, and seniors posal is a blatant attempt to free up resources by shipping who stay in traditional Medicare will get a reward for report- the responsibility to the states. ing fraud. We'll also require all private Medicare plans to Despite political finger pointing, it is important to keep in maintain a toll-free number mind that if the Republican to receive complaints. YOUR OPINIONS COUNT, TOO Medicare and Medicaid Most important, you proposals are adopted, the Senators and congressmen are interested in constituent view- will keep your current doc- points. You may express your views by writing Tlie Honorable consequences—especially tors; the government won't (name), U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510, or The Honorable for seniors, the disabled force you into any plan and (name), U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515. and children from low- Or, you may call the U.S. Senate at: (202) 224-3121; and the the system is sound for income families—will be House at (202) 225-3121. more than 1 9 years. devastating.

10 THE AMERICAN LEGION A FREE PAm OF BOOTS. To Anyone Who Can Wear These Out In The Next Five Years!

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DEER CREEK PRODUCTS INC., Dept M640 3038 NW 25th Avenue, Pompano Beach, PL., 33069 Comes with a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee Indicate Desired Mens Size(s) 7-12 One pair of Tuff Guy Boots only $24.95 plus $3.00 shipping and handling Two pair of Tuff Guy Boots only $45.95 plus $5.00 Name Address

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Covering Its Bets -_~ Bragdon's accuser, while a group called Patients Sparked by grassroots opposition to ^ "The of Randon Bragdon the spread of legalized gambling on Association" has rallied to the dentist's Indian reservations and elsewhere, Con- defense.

gress is ready to pass a bill creating a federal commission to study such mat- Flier Says: Liar! ters as organized crime's involvement It looked like Newsweek had shot in the industry burgeoning and other down "B-1" Bob Doman, the outspo- social ills often associated with gam- ken California congressman. In a short bling. but caustic item, the magazine charged the results the However, of study that despite billing himself as a "hot won't be ready until after the 1996 elec- fighter pilot," Dornan had actually tions a convenient delay that — may spent 18 months of his hitch flying heli- stem in part from the fact that at least copters, and that he crashed three Air five tribes political now have action Force jets and a chopper. committees pouring money into con- The nine-sentence blurb brought a gressional races. seven-page, single-spaced complaint One tribe alone, the Mashantucket letter from the irate congressman, who Pequot Tribe of Connecticut, demon- WASHINGTON charged that he'd been sandbagged by strated a true spirit of bipartisanship, "cub" reporter Greg Vistica and distributing a total of $465,000 between demanded a retraction. Dornan en- the Democratic and Republican parties closed military records showing no before the November 1994 elections. helicopter training or flying. "As I told The gaming industry is "bigger than ^ATCH Vistica," Doman said in his letter to the picture industries motion and record editor-in-chief Richard Smith, "I was combined," says Bemie Horn, a consul- By CliffKincaid trained as a single-engine jet pilot, a tant to the Coalition National Against fighter pilot, a personnel officer and a Legalized In fact, Gambling. Horn says seaplane pilot later in 1965." As for the gambling has replaced baseball as the raises taxes on most American workers "crashes," he said, they consisted of national pastime, with Americans mak- and worsens the middle-class squeeze?" two forced ejections and a difficult but ing more trips to casinos than to Major The team's party credentials are safe landing, with no evidence of pilot League baseball parks. By 2003, the solid. Lehrman ran for governor of New error in any instance. Vistica stood by group says, nearly everybody will be York and Bell ran for Senator from his story. within a three- to four-hour drive of a New Jersey, both as Republicans. They casino. want the congressionally appointed The Party's Over Republican Commission on Economic The commemoration of the United In Growth and Tax Reform to rework the Armey Retreat Nations' 50th birthday didn't leave Sen. Well, it sounded like a good idea Armey plan before the party makes "a Conrad Bums smiling. In particular, the taking care of your IRS obligations on a political mistake" by either committing Montana Republican denounced a U.N. form the size of a postcard and paying to the flat tax or scrapping the subject. delegation's "whirlwind tour" of Yel- just a "flat tax." But it may be back to lowstone Park in order to promote a the drawing board now that a group of Dental Dilemma "buffer zone" that would prohibit conservative Republican economists A Maine dentist's refusal to treat an development of a nearby gold mine. has charged that House Majority Leader AIDS-infected patient in his private It's bad enough, said Bums, that we Dick Armey's original idea would office has earned him the support of his put our military forces under U.N. com- result in "significantly higher taxes" for uninfected patients—and a landmark mand, but "we should be just as out- the middle class. federal lawsuit. raged whenever we let an intemational Echoing Democratic complaints Dr. Randy Bragdon tells THE organization delve into and set domes- about the scheme, the economic con- AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE that if tic policy." sulting firm of Lehrman, Bell, Mueller a jury convicts him of violating the Meanwhile, another world body, the and Cannon argues that by eliminating Americans with Disabilities Act International Monetary Fund (IMF), many popular deductions, the plan will (ADA), he'll fight the case all the way angered American officials by end up increasing federal taxes for most to the Supreme Court. announcing $293 million in economic workers. The ADA, designed to combat dis- aid to the government of Belarus on the In a letter to key Republicans, they crimination against the handicapped, same day Belarussian military forces pose the semi-rhetorical question, lists AIDS as a disability. Bragdon killed American sport balloonists Alan "Does the Republican Party want to counters that AIDS also is an infectious B. Fraenckel and John Stuart-Jervis. take into 1996 a flat tax proposal that disease requiring special care, and he'd The United States funds about 18 per- be willing to treat an infected patient cent of the IMF's programs. Washington-based Cliff Kincaid only in a hospital setting. IMF critics say the shootdown writes for Human Events and other The battle lines thus drawn, gay- proves that old-line communists still publications. rights activists have lined up behind dominate the former Soviet republic.




* NOTE: This program is not available in Maryland. The Department of Maryland has their own program. Please contact the Department directly, to inquire about that program.

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T THIS time of nationwide cele- EAVING the service? Need a job? bration, it's worth mentioning A Military Assistance Council

the festive, camaraderie-build- (MAC) can help you if you live in ing activities that go on at many Legion Posts California, Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, year-round. For example, Post 6 of Cheyenne, Texas or . Wyo., conducts a Military Appreciation Day at MACs coordinate the job-hunting process for least once a year. The Post invites active-duty GIs by contacting appropriate state agencies, personnel from nearby F.E. Warren AFB to have schools and employers on behalf of service men a free meal and listen to guest speakers. Post 6 and women.

Adjutant Bob Nab says about 1 50 from the base GIs usually learn about MACs through the have joined at the Post's invitation. Defense Department's Transitional Assistance Pro- "Reaching out to active-duty men and women gram (TAP), where representatives from partici- is a great way to serve our fellow veterans and to pating states make presentations and pass out boost Legion membership," says National Com- questionnaires that ask about education and career mander Daniel A. Ludwig. goals. This information is used to match veterans

Also, for two years. Post 1 3 of Provo, Utah, with civilian schools and jobs. The questionnaire has hosted the region's largest Armed Forces also asks about VA claims so the veterans can be

Day Parade. This past year, the Department of assisted if needed. Defense designated Provo as a regional site "MACs are effective vehicles for getting GIs for the day's activities, which included jobs," says Legionnaire Jim Allen, administra- many area Legion Posts and military tor of the South Carolina MAC and Com- units. mander of Post 128, Columbia, S.C. If your Post does something Over the past three years, his state's special for active-duty folks, write program has found jobs for more us about it at: ON DUTY, The than 30,000 veterans. American Legion Magazine, GIs who don't get an opportu- P.O. Box 1055, Indianapolis, nity to enroll in TAP can find out IN 46206. about MACs by contacting their state's job placement office.

States in the early stages of orga- nizing MACs include Alabama, , Georgia, Kentucky, Mis- sissippi, North O U N G , Carolina and Ten- married and nessee. with a new Legion Posts in South Carolina baby. That description fits tens have boosted membership by of thousands of military people steering GIs into the MAC pro- starting out. — gram, says Allen. The trouble is, an E-3 with under two years of military service takes home less than $ 1 ,300 a month, including Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ). F A provision of the 1996 Worse, in some locations where the higher defense authorization bill

Variable Housing Allowance is not authorized, becomes law, the service will the $345 an E-3 receives for BAQ is insufficient have to discharge HIV-positive service men and WAKE UP CALL to cover the cost of suitable housing. Such is the women within six months. About 1 ,200 people in case in Fort Campbell, Ky., where the base com- Did you know that... the service have tested positive.... The Navy lags mander declared some of the most affordable ...A lot of career mili- behind the other branches of the armed forces in local housing off limits because it failed to meet tary men and women providing child-care centers and family-care pro- minimal safety standards. are advising their chil- grams.... Changes in the Manual for Court-Martial The end result of marginal military compensa- dren not to join the ser- make it tougher for service members charged with tion is damage to personal credit, stress on the vice. crimes to get lighter sentences, appeal unfavorable family, marital discord, and too often, the need ...Army Times reported discharges and limit challenges to evidence gained to apply for federal or state assistance, such as this and other findings through illegal searches.... The House National food stamps. of the 1994 Youth Atti- Security Committee has paved the way for DoD to Unfortunately, Congress remains lukewarm tude Tracking Study, contract out overseas schooling to private compa- to a realistic pay raise for GIs, even though con- which said only 26 per- nies. There are 1 9 1 DoD schools overseas with gressional analysts have determined that overall, cent of youths age 16- 90,000 students.... For 1997 and beyond. Pentagon occupation by occupation, U.S. military pay is 21 desire military ser- planners are proposing to cap the number of 0-4s, vice, a 3 percent drop running about 1 2 percent behind its civilian coun- 0-5s and 0-6s; possibly provide low-cost govern- terparts. from 1993. ment insurance for military spouses and children; For military families who have exhausted all ...This situation could and offer free health care for officer candidates on means of financial help. The American Legion impact the quality and delayed-entry status.... The Pentagon is also may be able to assist through its Temporary viability of the all-vol- reviewing the pay chart and method for determin- Family Assistance Program. For more informa- unteer force. ing raises. A revised chart will likely make promo- tion, contact your state Legion Department. tions pay more, but time in service pay less.

16 THE AMERICAN LEGION HeawhMax" trimrider beats healthrideri COSTS $300 LESS!

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"Boys State teaches these young men how to make a difference without just complaining," says Baptist Minis- SOUTH CAROLINA'S ter Seth Buckley, another member of the Palmetto Boys State staff. "I tell them that they are not just the leaders of the future, they can be the leaders RECIPE FOR LEADERSHIP now, in their communities." It was in 1963 that Legionnaire

Gene Morehead of Post 1 Florence, S.C., heard similar advice. Morehead went on to become a state judge in South Carolina's Family Court sys- tem. He has remained active in the program ever since. "My involvement in Boys State made me realize I wanted to be a lawyer," says Morehead. "This pro-

gram is so important that I take a week of my vacation time each year to be here with these young people." Just like Morehead three decades ago, Craig Hardee of Aynor, S.C., a participant in this year's program, found in Boys State a blueprint for what he wants to do with his life. "I learned a lot about government, and that has influenced my career deci- sion," he says. "Politics is now in my blood." Political lessons were certainly learned by this year's Palmetto Boys The Department of South Carolina's State governor. Will Emerson of This Americon Palmetto Boys State, which has a solid Easley, S.C.: "My biggest lesson on Legion Boys record of producing eminent alumni. the road to being elected was if you do Sfofe program They include U.S. Secretary of Educa- what people want done, then they will tion Richard Riley; Joseph P. Riley Jr., support you." produces future mayor of Charleston, S.C.; Tom Hart- Mark Peper of Charleston, S.C., ieaders for fine nett, former congressman for South was typical of the fair number of boys Carolina; and Virgil Duffy, deputy who approach the Boys State program sfofe for and director of labor for South Carolina. with certain reservations. "At first, I ffie nofion. The American Legion Boys State was pessimistic about how much the program celebrated its 60th Anniver- program could do for me," says Peper. sary in 1995. Each year, thousands of "But I learned quickly that being young men from high schools are involved in Boys State turns you into a N A SCORCHING hot selected for this one week of leader- leader." The proof: Peper ended up summer day in Columbia, ship training that culminates in the being elected Palmetto Boys State's S.C., more than 700 young mock election of state officials. lieutenant governor. men crowded the steps of Two students from each state, As Secretary of Education Richard the State House, where except Hawaii, are selected for a Riley told THE AMERICAN LEGION they were issued a chal- national version of the program called MAGAZINE: "South Carolina Boys lenge by South Carolina Boys Nation held in Washington, D.C. State taught me a lot about politics. I Governor David M. Beas- (Hawaii is the only state that does not used those lessons to become Sherriff ley. participate in either Boys State or at Boys State and later, in my adult life, "I'm asking you to use the experi- Boys Nation.) to become governor of rriy state." ence you've gained to go home and "Through Boys State, we can influ- make a difference," Beasley urged ence the lives of young people, and them. "You're the ones who will be they are the future," says the Rev. Sin- To find out more about Boys State, expected to come up with creative clair E. Lewis of Post 6, Columbia, contact your local high-school guid- ideas, and plan and take charge. It's a S.C., who has spent 39 years working ance counselor or write to: Boys State, big responsibility, but I know you're with the Palmetto program. Lewis Americanism Division, The American up to it." credits Palmetto's unique leadership Legion, P.O. Box 1055, Indianapolis, This was no political puffery on training and the closeness of the staff IN 46206. Beasley's part. The boys belonged to and counselors. —By Miles Z. Epstein


InJ o LiU LnJ



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ADVERTISEMENT "How A Desperate 53 Year Old Pennsylvania Housewife Finally Discovers The Secret to Safe, Gentle Arthritis Pain Relief"

Marcella Hardinger sufferedfrom name is Marcella have a brainwave. I think, "It terrible arthritis pain for years. Hardinger. I'm 53 years must be the mattress!" So what Recently, she stumbled onto a "re- My liefsecret " that has given her a new old. 5 foot 3 inches tall. My hair do I do? I promptly buy a new lease on life. Read her amazing is silver-white. Naturally curly. I one at L. Bernstein Furniture story and discover itfor yourself. have blue-green eyes. Dark Company. don't know where to tum. complexion. I'm also 47 pounds And the outcome? No help. My pain is brutal. I try many too heavy. Out of desperation I finally see strong "chemical" medications in I live on a rural route a quarter a doctor. He takes an X-ray and search of relief. Sometimes 15 of a mile north of the Mason diagnoses me with osteoarthritis.

pills a day. But over a long period I Dixon Line — 25 miles south of He asks if arthritis runs in my they can produce many un- Bedford, Pennsylvania. family. I tell him my father, desirable side-effects. Ulcers, I went to Fort Hill High in Marshall Adams, and his sister, chest pain, internal bleeding and Cumberland, Maryland. I married Lorena Thompson, are both stomach disorders. So I stop. my husband, Wilbur, in February crippled by it. Dressing in the morning 1961 and have lived in this house Things go downhill fast. In requires Herculean strength. I for 28 years. 1985 I'm diagnosed with rheuma- cannot even walk the length of I have four boys: Marty (my toid arthritis in both knees, both the mall. Standing in one spot eldest), Scott, Ed and Steve. hips and my lower back! washing the dishes is unbearable. / only wish I had known years To make matters worse, the I have 3 flights of stairs in my ago what I am about to share with middle finger in my right hand home. I cannot walk up a single you now. To think of the pain — and the one next to it lock in a one — all because ofthe pain! the endless torture — I could downward curve. The doctor calls Anyway, recently I decide to have avoided. it "trigger finger." They won 't try an all natural homeopathic straighten. I can 't write. Can you remedy called Arthritis-Ease™. Arthritis Clobbers Me imagine not writing?!? The I'm extremely skeptical, but At Age 30 mental anguish is almost too because I'm so desperate I figure, much for me. Let's go back in time. I'm 30 "What can I lose?" And . . . just as I think that years old. Arthritis attacks my The conclusion? Within nothing else can possibly go right foot. Then it spreads to my several weeks, I notice a real wrong . . upper back. At first I don 't difference. Something is realize it's arthritis. Why? My Arthritis Actually definitely working. My pain is Because a creek runs through the easing. Feet. Knees. Hips. back of my property. The water Rips the Cartilage Upper and lower back. Neck. is cold as ice. I swim in it. I think In My Right Knee! Everywhere. Blessed relief. the cold water causes my pain, so I have less inflammation. Less My doctor drains the fluid with I immediately stop swimming. bloating. Less swelling. More a needle and gives me a shot of The result? mobility. More agility. Do you cortisone. It doesn 't help, though. know what this spells? Continuing Ache. He says he can operate, but the arthritis may tear my cartilage L E S S P-A-I-N! In fact, the pain in my upper again. back becomes almost unbear- I decline. My body seems to dance with able. I cannot even turn over in Now I'm alarmed. Really scared. joy. And for good reason. I bed. Peaceful sleep? Out of the I picture myself crippled — like my couldn 't bend or scrub the floors — (over, please) question. Completely. Then I father and aunt. I'm desperate . . . — . —

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Since I started using Arthritis- I am 76 years old and I could

Ease'", it's been helping me with my have surgery which is very risky at After taking one and a pains in my legs and shoulders, I do my age or live with pain pills and a half bottles (about 150 have arthritis, but now the pain isn't Velcro support. In 1993 I sent for capsules), I am feeling as bad as before I started using it. I a bottle of "Arthritis-Ease'"" and less stiffness and less feel a lot better now, and I will be ordering again. within a week my pain was pain without side effects. tremendously helped without tak- You can use my name but I don't want you to I'll keep taking it with ing pain pills. use my home address, I don't want people writing to me. confidence and hope.

Ida Malwitz, CA Mike H. Tsai, CA Ruth Williams, CA

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Hoping to put the veterans' heolth-care system on the road to fiscal recovery. National Commander Dan Ludwig presents the Legion's VA overhaul package to Congress.

F U.S. Senators and Representatives expect- ed the usual lobbyists' VA MUST CHANGE— rhetoric when they gath- Ludwig tells the ered in joint session on joint Senate and Capitol Hill to hear tes- House Veterans Affairs committees, timony from the newly "Business as usual elected American Le- will not get the vice-connected ill- veterans receiving free VA care. gion National Comman- job done." nesses and disabili- Ludwig added that veterans who der, they were in for a surprise. ties would, at the are not service-connected would pay Flanked by a platoon of American very least, have access to free VA premiums based on income. He also Legion and Auxiliary officers, Daniel medical care for their disabilities. described the VA Secretary's role in

A. Ludwig laid it on the line: • Assure all veterans with a ser- establishing premiums, copayments, "The current veterans' hospital sys- vice-connected disability rated at 50- deductibles and other charges. tem has failed to live up to the expec- percent or greater access to unrestrict- "If the entire federal budget had tations of America's veterans, partly ed VA health-care services at no cost. been handled as the VA budget has because the budget for VA medical • Assure all special-category veter- been over the last 10 years, especially care has shrunk in real dollars while ans, indigent veterans and service-con- Medicare and Medicaid programs, the overall health-care costs have risen," nected veterans rated below 50 percent federal government would not be said Ludwig. "Clearly, business as access to VA health-care services at operating with such a large deficit," usual will no longer get the job done." no charge or reduced charge. said Ludwig. To remedy the situation, Ludwig • Assure the long-term viability of He told the lawmakers that The presented the lawmakers with The the veterans' health-care system by American Legion Veterans' Health American Legion's proposal to reform encouraging veterans and their depen- Care Security Plan would correct "the VA's health-care delivery system so dents to enroll in the plan. accumulated damage done by years of that all veterans and their dependents • Improve the long-term financial funding shortages and administrative could use VA as their primary health- stability of the veterans' health-care laxity." Ludwig used the opportunity care provider. The American Legion system by increasing sources of rev- to point out that the current VA budget Veterans' Health Care Security Plan enue, including other federal pro- fell far short of what was necessary to would: grams, third-party payers and employ- keep it operational and efficient. • Reorganize the Veterans Health er health-benefit plans. He reminded the lawmakers that Administration (VHA) to improve the • Permit VA to retain all payments the Legion adamantly opposed con- quality and efficiency of the medical made to it for services rendered. gressional plans to cut off compensa- care provided to veterans. • Eliminate duplicative, unneces- tion for incompetent veterans and • Base the veterans' health-care sary or contradictory regulations that strongly urged Congress to restore system on the principles of "managed hamper VHA's ability to operate effi- funding taken from the FY 1996 bud- care," a preventive-medicine approach ciently and effectively. get to complete new VA medical facil- in which most or all health costs are • Direct Congress to allocate annu- ities in Florida and California. pre-paid. al appropriations based on total cost of "Underfunding VA," said Ludwig, • Assure that all veterans with ser- care to service-connected and other Please turn page


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Bill benefits today pay only about 40 percent of the cost, even though the veterans must contribute some of their own money to the program. Ludwig blamed congressional cost-cutting for the decline of veterans' education ben- efits and pointed out that benefit levels can easily be raised with minimal effects on the federal budget.

Ludwig 's comments on the GI Bill brought a response from Indiana Rep.

Steve Buyer, who said it was time to look at the overriding issue of getting colleges and universities to restructure. "The larger picture is that tuition cost has far outstripped inflation and the ability of families to pay," he said. Buyer, however, promised to hold hearings on the GI Bill. Another promise came from House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Bob Stump, who assured Ludwig that COMMAND PERFORMANCE—Naf/ona/ Commander Daniel A. Ludwig, right, in spite of all the wild proposals to warned lawmakers, including Rep. Sanford Bishop of Georgia, that cutting VA's reform entitlements, "We're not budget means the loss of benefits and programs for veterans. means-testing disability compensation, we're not taxing veterans benefits, "does not make the problems go away. lege costs. He reminded lawmakers we're not kicking the 10 or 20 percent It makes benefits go away!" that GI Bill benefits for Vietnam veter- disabled off the compensation rolls." Ludwig criticized the Montgomery ans paid almost all of the cost of going That was the good news. The bad GI Bill's inadequate coverage of col- to college. In comparison, he said, GI news, perhaps, is yet to come.

Americans understand how they are "Thank you, America." That made up being manipulated by businessmen in for all the miserable days I spent there. government. William Stengle Continuedfrom page 6 Carroll B. Stoianojf Lancaster, Pa.

Briarclijf Manor , N.Y. A Little Help Looking Bacic The article, "911—A System Call- Good Question I enjoyed Steve Salerno's article, ing For Help" (October by Jay "The Long, Silent March" (October), Stuller), is really a change for THE In the article, "What Did We Win about the dedication of the Korean AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE. Yet, in the Gulf?" (August), Brian Crozier War Memorial. Salerno mentions it is the most worthwhile article I've and Miles Epstein fail to address the something about the last soldier look- read in some time. Congratulations for issues raised by their own question. ing back, possibly for reinforcements. conveying this information to the Their article loses itself in rhetoric and That triggered me to remember a say- membership. military rationalizations. First, why ing: "My country, you can take back George O. Tilton did we go to the Gulf? To preserve all you've gave me and you'll never Baltimore democracy? indeed. Hus- No Was hear a yelp, for we've let too many sein's military strength and ICBM heroes die a-lookin' back for help." I agree with Jay Stuller' s article, threat enough to threaten the United Help." If C.R. Roberts' article, "The Big "911—A System Calling For States and its political and military a firefighter and paramedic with Lie," a few pages later, is any indica- As interests? No. III., Department, I tion of modem bureaucratic thinking, the Waukegan, Fire went there to bail out Kuwait in communication with our dis- We then this saying is a painfully correct am and its rich oil fields. Was Kuwait's today. patcher daily. Our dispatch communi- oil vital to Americans? No. According cation center is one of the best in the We veterans are still "a-lookin' to Daniel Vergin, author and oil indus- back for help." nation. But far too many calls come try consultant, America's oil imports Granvyl G. Hulse Jr. through the system that could be taken come predominately from Venezuela Colebrook, N.H. care of simply by a patient visiting his and other and South Ameri- doctor. Many times 1 arrive to a scene can fields. Little, if any, Kuwaiti oil is My best memory of the July 29 only to find that a patient who really destined for U.S. markets. dedication of the Memor- doesn't need emergency care. What we won in the Gulf was zilch. ial was when one of the South Korean David Paff Articles like this do nothing to help veterans shook my hand and said, Waukegan, III.


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ROMINENT figures in today's Holly- wood have explored a multitude of exotic spiritual paths in their ongoing quest for personal fulfill- ment. Most recently, however, more and more members of the entertainment elite have followed that quest to the most startling and unexpected explo- ration of them all—the rediscovery of traditional Christianity and Judaism.

Michael Medved is a noted film critic. Reprinted by permission from the March/April 1995 issue o/ The American Enterprise magazine. For a free copy and trial subscription, call 1-800-562-1973.


While it would be somewhat prema- ture to declare Hollywood a fortress of spiritual strength or a vibrant new cen- ter for old-time religion, the recent changes in the show business commu- nity are both striking and significant. Consider, for a moment, some of the elements that the most popular movie release of 1994 (The Lion Kin}>) shares with the year's top-rated TV series (Home Improvement). Both these phe- nomenally successful projects appeal to broad family audiences and try to affirm wholesome values of responsi- bility, integrity and respect. Both pro- jects originated appropri- ately enough at divisions WE BELIEVE— of the Walt Disney Com- The 1994 pany. And both happen to remake of be produced by outspoken Miracle on 34th and deeply committed Street is a shining example Christians. of Hollywood's Don Hahn, producer of recent embrace of religion. The Lion King as well as , Islands in the Stream and other the similarly beloved feature films, is a tirelessly ideal- Beauty and the Beast, is a lifelong istic "PK" (preacher's kid) whose sin- churchgoer who addressed the 1992 gle-minded dedication finally paid off convention of the National Religious in his long struggle to dramatize the Broadcasters and spoke movingly cherished Christian novel Christy. The about the impact of Christ and faith on resulting TV series, which debuted in his life and work. 1994 and returned this year, recreates David McFadzean, executive pro- the struggles of a dedicated missionary ducer and co-creator of Home Improve- teacher working in the remote reaches ment, Thunder Alley and other hugely of Appalachia at the turn of the century. profitable TV ventures, is deeply With its emphasis on courage, faith and involved in the life of his neighborhood the power of prayer and decency, church and the larger religious commu- Christy has drawn more supportive nity. Before making his way to the cut- mail than any series in the history of throat world of big-time television, he CBS. and his partners worked together in "The Lamb's Players," a theatrical ARTHA Williamson, executive troupe of bom-again Christians dedi- producer and writer of the return- cated to using their creative gifts for ing CBS show Touched By An spreading God's word. Angel, is a passionate Christian with a Hahn and McFadzean may be the background working for Carol Burnett most visible of the new breed of reli- and Joan Rivers. Her new series drama- gious believers in Tinseltown, but they tizes the adventures of a beautiful angel by no means stand alone. Scores of who comes to earth every week to other writers, producers, directors, comfort or inspire various characters in executives and stars are currently trying moments of crisis. to keep the faith in the traditionally Coleman Luck, co-creator and pro- inhospitable world of Hollywood ducer of Quantum Leap, Gabriel' s Fire including Barry Weiss and David and other television shows, is also one Steinberg, co-producers of The Page- of the leaders of Inter-Mission, an master, the holiday-season family organization of more than 1,700 enter- movie from 20th Century Fox that tainment industry professionals who, combined animation, live action and according to the group's mission state- the acting talents of Macaulay Culkin ment, share "a love of Jesus Christ, a and Christopher Lloyd. passion for excellence, and a desire to There are others: effect moral change on popular cul- Ken Wales, the former Disney stu- ture." dio vice president and producer of Many of these people have worked

29 —


years ago. Despite the continued presence of

many gratuitous religious insults on sit- coms, or highly negative characteriza- tions of clergy in prime-time dramas and TV movies, television offered more countervailing positive portrayals

than it had at any time in recent years. For instance, on the final season of NBC's LA. Law, the show's presti- gious law firm welcomed a bright, ide- alistic and drop-dead gorgeous attorney (Alexandra Powers) who also happened to be prime-time's first born-again Christian character. Over at ABC, even the Roseame show introduced a story line in which one of the main PRIDE LAND—The character's children began phenomenally attending church regularly successful Lion and appeared to be a better per- King affirms son because of it. wholesome values Hollywood's relentless reli- of respect, Integrity and gion-bashing of the last 15 in the industry present spiritual themes responsibility. years has become more under- for years, strug- and personalities on stated and infrequent. While a gling to main- screen. few recent films recycled the old, one- tain the diffi- Nearly everyone who monitors the sided anti-religious stereotypes, many cult balance industry's treatment of organized faith other movies offered surprisingly affec- between career has taken note of the recent change. tionate and respectful treatments of and faith. They universally report that The Media Research Center, a scientifi- organized faith. the most important recent changes in cally grounded television monitoring Rudy, an uplifting true story about the nature of that struggle involve a service in Alexandria, Va., released the an undersized working-class kid deter- new ability to discuss religious com- results of a comprehensive study of all mined to make the Notre Dame football mitment with their non-religious col- prime-time shows broadcast on the four team, featured the most admirable on- leagues without feeling embarrassment major networks during 1993. screen characterization of a Catholic or discomfort. Their report, "Faith in a Box: Reli- priest since the death of Bing Crosby. An acclaimed and undeniably flour- gion on Prime Time," issued in March More recently, Kevin Costner's charac-

ishing professional like David McFad- 1994, concluded: "When it comes to ter quoted the Bible and repeatedly

zean can wield an industry-wide prime time and religion, affirmed his faith in the heartfelt but lit- impact through the force of his TOP OF THE matters are more balanced tle-seen melodrama The War, while the example. For one thing, a few LIST—Producers than they were a few Please turn to page 56 respected role models who man- such as Steven Speilberg, left, age to combine religious faith show the depth and Hollywood success can of their faiths inspire many others with reli- when they make gious inclinations to "come out movies like of the closet"—while leading Schindler's List. still others to consider religious ideas and practices more seriously and sympathetically. If the committed Jews and Christians who are now taking their place among the entertainment establishment achieve nothing else, they have succeeded in helping to destroy some of the tired old industry

stereotypes about what it means to be religious. In fact, by changing the image of religious commitment within the indus- try, Hollywood's more fervent believ- ers arc helping to bring about a quiet revolution in the way movies and TV

30 THE AMERICAN LEGION For many of us. grandporenfing now means faking fhe liffle ones fo school in ftie morning and tucldng fhem baol< in of nigfif—in sfiort

being a parenf aii . over again.

By Gurney Williams III

OURTEEN years ago, when Bob Jerome re- tired from the Navy, he and his wife, Sharon, looked forward to assuming the role of grandparents someday. "My mother-in-law always said that being a grandparent is wonderful because you have all the love and fun without the Michael. lion youngsters living in their grandpar- responsibility," Sharon says. "We debated. We prayed. We even ents' homes. The figure represents 5 But that wasn't possible for the talked with people in our church who percent of all kids under 18 — an Jeromes. Instead, they suddenly faced were looking to adopt," says Sharon. increase of 50 percent since 1980. an agonizing decision about what to do "Finally, we decided we just couldn't "The main reason is that young par- with the infant son of their youngest give him up. It would have been like ents are so often caught up in illicit daughter. When their daughter's rela- giving away your arm." drugs, joblessness, immaturity," says tionship with the boy's father ended, The Jeromes are among millions of Mary Fron of Niles, Mich. Fron heads she was unable to care for young Americans today who are fully or par- ROCKING (Raising Our Children's tially raising their grandchildren, and in Kids: An International Network of A frequent contrihufor to this mag- the process, shaping a new "activist" Grandparenting), which helps grand- azine, Gurney Williams III wrote image of grandparenting. In 1993, the parents locate community resources so "Beyond Boys Town" in the April latest year figures are available, the their families can stay intact. 1995 issue. U.S. Census Bureau reported 3.4 mil- Fron also blames the decline of fos-

DECEMBER 1995 31 —

L ¥

ter care in recent years. "Most states fans when she competes in "mutton won't let you have a foster care license busting," a rodeo event in which kids if you work outside the home," she ride sheep. says. "Today, many peo- Raybourn also insists ple who might have been that Catherine is equipped foster parents are drawing Second with radar, because she incomes instead. So when senses the exact moment he families get in trouble, it's PARENTHOOD is about to take a nap, and often an older family then sneaks up and pounces member who winds up on him. with the children." Raybourn 's own grandfather is a That means Grandma and Grandpa dim memory for him—a kindly, quiet face a major surprise just when they're man he hardly knew except for the thinking of retiring: Two jobs instead occasional gifts of candy com. "Today of none. One job earning money to there's a lot more friendship," he says, raise their grand kids, and the other adding that the fun more than compen- tending to the thousand tasks of parent- sates for the teasing he gets about being ing they thought they'd left behind. a grandpa at his comparatively tender Says Fron, "It's like finding yourself age of 51. "Kids used to be something on a roller coaster ride when you to tolerate," he says. "Today, you play thought you had a ticket for a merry- with them. You get a shot at a kind of go-round." second childhood." The serious side is that he remains at the active hub of the [iTH HIS hair mostly AWOL and family, not a peripheral ex-parent. a graying Lincolnesque beard, People like Raybourn are rewriting Marlin Raybourn of Wichita, America's definition of grandparents. Kan., may look like the traditional As a group, today's members of the granddad, but he is far from retirement. breed are healthier and far more active He works a nine-hour day as a deliv- than their own grandparents were. They ery-truck driver. Whenever his 7-year- don't wait around for their kids to bring old granddaughter, Catherine, comes their grandchildren to visit them. over, he plays Nintendo Instead, according to the latest computer games with her. Roper Starch data, a high per- He's also one of her loudest centage of America's 50 mil- lion grandparents pick up the grandkids and truck them to fast-food places far more so than their coun- terparts in the late 1980s. What's more, today's grandparents are likely to do their parental stand-in

act even if it interferes with And despite their new slate of responsi- the golf and travel plans bilities, adds Heline, "They're probably many of them had always having more fun." associated with retirement. Certainly today's older generation "They're more financial- buys more gifts for grandchildren, ly secure," says Holly spending an average of $320 a year on Heline, senior project direc- toys and other items. More than 40 per- tor with Roper Starch cent of those surveyed said they had Worldwide, a research hosted their grandchildren for a sleep- group in . over of at least one night within the "They're livelier, busier past month; this is up 8 percent since and more educated than the late 1980s. grandparents in the past." Joe Pappaleo, a retired college

he country needs

32 THE AMERICAN LEGION are things the grandkids can use when they visit: Power Rangers figures, art easels, a McDonald's kit to make fake hamburgers, building logs and a baby gorilla doll the size of a baby gorilla.

Nor is '90s grandparent- ing as easy as a hand-in- hand walk to the beach or candy store. Many grandpar- ents are perplexed by changes in modem standards of discipline. Today's ver- sion of parenting sometimes seems a little too quiet and permissive. Says Dr. Linda B. White, author of The Grandparent Book, "There's been a big swing away from spanking toward 'time-outs' when children are told to be by themselves quietly for a few minutes." ROLLING ALONG— In 1993, there As a helpful hint for were 3.4 million befuddled grandpar- youngsters living ents, she adds that in their these little breaks are grandparents' homes—an most effective when increase of 50 they last no more percent since than a minute for 1980. each year of the child's age, up to a maximum of five minutes. White says some grand- parents feel as though they are in a time-out zone them- selves when their grown children diverge from the way mothers and fathers used to act: "It used to be teacher and fiction writer, is another Fla., where the 70-year-old plays tennis that when you became a parent, you modem grandparent with "three kids." three times a week. He says his 3-year- would go to your mother for advice and Raised in the Wakefield and Wilhams- old grandson simply assumes he can do she would tell you how children ate, bridge sections of New York City, Pap- anything: "He'll say, "Come on! Get on exercised and when they could be toi- paleo says, "My grandparents were the bike! Let's go!" And Grandpa goes. let-trained. Today's parents consult immigrants from the 19th-century cul- Not that all of this hup-two doesn't professionals more, and come armed

ture of Europe. So I grew up hearing, require some pacing and planning. Pap- with magazines and books. I think that

respect, respect, respect. I thought paleo's secret? "Have something for can make a grandparent feel dis-

something like that would go on and I the kid to do when he's finished doing placed." would be a little removed from the the last thing," he says. He fills much Still, love and commitment will go a grandchildren. But none of that has of a closet in his home with the last long way. In 1991, Liz Carpenter, for- taken place." things you might normally expect to mer press secretary to President Lyn- Pappaleo now lives in Oldsmar, find in a 70-year-old's closet; but they Please turn to page 64 wtiat gpandparents can provide.

DECEMBER 1995 33 L 3

* When if comes to parenting, men I have never been I I more needed—

I yet less depend-

\ able. So says one

I expert who explains I what

I must happen for

I fhis fo change.

S THE negative prominence this past year. In the book, half of all marriages now ending in social consequen- he argues at length that the most urgent divorce. About 40 percent of American ces of fatherless domestic challenge presently facing the children live apart from their fathers. If homes become United States is to re-establish father- the present trend continues, more than increasingly ap- hood as a vital social role for men. half of all American children will expe- parent, strength- In this intei-view with THE AMERI- rience fatherlessness for a significant ening the com- CAN LEGION MAGAZINE, Blankenhorn portion of their childhoods. mitment of Am- not only explains why he feels this erican men to way, but also offers suggestions that Q. How serious are the conse- their wives and children takes on may help keep fathers in our homes. quences of growing up without a unprecedented importance. dad? Few people nationally have as deep AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE: in A Father absence is the root cause of and demonstrable an interest in this your book, Fatherless America, you many other social ills. Fatherless subject as David Blankenhorn. A say that the United States is the children are much more likely to live in founder of the National Fatherhood Ini- vk'orld's leader in fatherless families. poverty, and to suffer poverty as adults. tiative, Blankenhorn is also president of They more frequently are abused, score the Institute for American Values, a DAUID BLANKENHORN: That's true. lower on reading and math tests; are private, nonpartisan organization Never have so many children grown up more likely to drop out of school,

devoted to bringing together scholars in without knowing what it means to have develop mental illness, engage in pre- interdisciplinary research and education a father. Today, almost a third of marital sex, have children outside of

on family issues. But it was Blanken- American children are born to unmar- marriage, smoke, use drugs and alco- horn's controversial book, Fatherless ried mothers, and our country has the hol, commit crimes, become violent, America, that brought him to national world's highest divorce rate, with about Eind commit suicide as teenagers. Most

34 THE AMERICAN LEGION I than they do when their father chooses not to be a father to them. When a HIGHLIGHTS J

I father dies, his wife typically keeps his fatherhood alive by telling his children DcuAd that he was a good man who loved them. The children do not experience the anxiety and self-blame of those whose fathers have abandoned them. Missing fathers: Sofh bo/s one/ g/r/s /ose ground when remarry. Q. Mothers sometimes they lose their dads. Can stepfathers fill the gap? A Some do, but great numbers of Marriage: Americans don't children with stepparents experi- beiieve in marriage very their divorcing second or ence parents a much any more. Amer- even third time before they reach age 18. And children from stepfamilies are icans believe in personal more likely to say that they often feel happiness and romance. lonely or unhappy than children from either intact or single-parent families. Marriage counselors: They have attitudes toward Q. It has been said that parental marriage that range from love is an extension of romantic love. indifference and studied But people seldom talk about that in neutrality to hostility. our culture. Well, certainly the philosophy that A Stepfathers: Children from true love and parenthood are con- stepfamilies are more likely nected goes back a long way. Rousseau said that the sweetest sentiments known to say that they often feel to men are conjugal love and paternal lonely or unhappy than love—and he linked these together. children from either intact Today's ch There is good work being done in or single-parent families. need the the churches—though more is need- overlapping love o ed in marital preparation in terms of a mother and a — Clergy: It's really pastors choosing a partner and in preparing the father, says David who are in the best position Blankenhorn, with couple for marriage. Since 80 percent to counseling. his son, Raymond. do marriage of all couples marry in a church or syn- It would help tremendously agogue, despite our talk in the media about therapists and marriage coun- selors, it's really pastors who are in the desires. They don't believe in marriage adolescent murderers are children who best position to do marriage counsel- as something that they should conform have grown up without fathers, as are a ing. It would help tremendously if con- to as opposed to something that should majority of rapists. The proportion of gregations would recommit themselves meet their individual needs. fatherless households in a neighbor- to ministries based on marital prepara- Americans also increasingly believe hood—even more than its poverty tion and enrichment. The church must the happiness of their children is not level— is a sure-fire predictor of the become a community that supports really a central part of marriage. When rate of violent crime. married couples. Marriage Savers cre- a marriage ceases to produce happiness Both boys and girls lose ground ated by Mike McMannus in Baltimore for one spouse, the relationship is ter- when they lose their dads. Although is a program that helps clergy lower the minable at will and nobody is to blame. there are single mothers who raise divorce rate in congregations. That is what our laws say, and for that healthy, successful children, fatherless- reason it is not particularly surprising ness has so many negative conse- Q. Maybe one of the problems is that we have the highest divorce rate in quences for the society as a whole. that popular entertainment does lit- the world. We simply do not believe it tle to teach young people what they should be otherwise. The public opin- Q. Yet throughout the centuries, need to know to marry wisely. ion polls show this over and over again. fathers have perished in wars or AMan-iage is the life-support system Marriage is in free fall because we have other circumstances. The death of a for fatherhood, yet Americans changed our minds about it. father has not usually been associat- don't believe in marriage very much ed with all these negative outcomes any more. Americans believe in per- Q. What is your opinion of mar- for his children.... sonal happiness and romance. They riage and family counselors? A When a father dies, it's a terrible don't believe in the institution of mar- Alt never ceases to amaze me how tragedy, but his children can be riage as a set of pennanent expectations hostile the professionals in mar- expected to have a different reaction that exist outside of their day-to-day Please turn to page 62

DECEMBER 1995 35 —

IRATE consumer in Salem, Ore., not long ago phoned the Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Development AN(HUD) to complain of Will an offensive photo in the real-estate section of the local newspaper, the Statesman Journal. HUD agents were mo- bilized to action. An investigation revealed that the photo had indeed run, JELLY and the Journal promised it would not happen again. Did the photo show a half-naked woman? A rock star swallowing a live chicken? Hardly. It depicted the Easter Bunny. The caller, you see, was an BEANS atheist who felt that the egg-toting rodent promoted religion and was therefore discriminatory. ffjr Sarah J. Having refused to make the holiday switch from white chocolate crosses MDCarthy suddenly a form of "religious harass- ment" in some quarters—to chocolate rockets and bowling balls, I am moved to wonder: Will jelly beans be next?

Not as crazy as it sounds. The New York Times reports that a School-Parent

Association in Voorhees, N. J., warned parents to avoid jelly beans and purple and yellow decorations at their spring mil parties (which, of course, used to be

known as Easter parties). Seems it has become unacceptable to expose the MTV generation to an Easter basket. When President Bush signed the 1991 Civil Rights Act, later upheld by

the Supreme Court, he made it possible rations over objections from employ- for punitive damages in the hundreds of ees or customers may be found guilty thousands of dollars to be levied on of promoting—you guessed it, a hos- those guilty of permitting a religiously tile environment. Punitive damages "hostile environment"—and that can be can reach $300,000 per pumpkin. interpreted to mean almost any reli- Amid a legal climate that rewards gious expression at all. This intolerance plaintiffs for coffee spills and has now been extended to include holi- "napalm" apple-pie bums, schools and day celebrations and song, except for employers are twice shy. the most bland and generic. Americans What's more, the Iowa City Com- who once embraced diversity and cele- munity School District has compiled a brated the rich texture of different cul- list of offensive Halloween costumes. tures have allowed themselves to be The district's Equity Affirmative straight-jacketed by legal challenges Action Committee suggests that chil- from the blandness police, who want dren not dress as hobos, old men or everything to be gray and "equal." women, witches, the devil, Indians, Jack-o'-lanterns and flying witches Africans or gypsies. Marian Coleman, are considered by some to be a cele- the committee director, recommends bration of "Satanic rituals." A school that kids trick-or-treat dressed as Abra- or workplace that displays such deco- ham Lincoln or Robin Hood, demon- strating her own insensitivity to those Sarah J. McCarthy has been pub- who think Robin Hood was a Marxist. lished in The Quotable Woman, Atheist Jon Murray argues that an Forbes, and Barron's. employee should be able to sue the


boss if another employee ian Church in Massachusetts, perhaps get this —hums Amaziii}^ to avoid offending any virginally chal- Grace. Murray is not to be lenged persons in the congregation. taken lightly, though. He's This, by the way, is the same church the son of Madalyn Murray that published a hymnal of politically O'Hair, who successfully correct songs, disallowing the word

sued to have prayer re- "Amen" because it contains the word moved from public schools. "men." O'Hair, other atheists and the ACLU are responsible PITTSBURGH, the Christmas for much of the purge of season has been renamed Sparkle religious expression from INSeason so as not to step on any toes. American life. Silent Night is banned from many These activities, of schools, but Jingle Bells is okay. course, reach a fever pitch Snowpersons are safe, as long as around Christmas Season they don't offend "people of gender." uh, make that Holiday Sea- In some classrooms in suburban Pitts- son. A 1989 Supreme Court burgh, teachers and students have been decision known as the "rein- told not to wear Christmas sweaters, deer rule" held that a Nativi- and children's homemade Christmas ty scene on public property calendars were removed from bulletin

is acceptable only if it is boards. Even red and green cookie diluted by more commercial sprinkles have raised eyebrows. Are you one of those people who derives a special smile from Holiday Season commemorative stamps? Then Let's all expect to be smiling less from now on. After more than three decades of issu- join In and ing such stamps, the U.S. Postal Ser- vice also has become wary of permit- ting "a hostile environment." Last year, sing, "The the Post Office announced there will be no more traditional Christmas stamps, Holiday religious or secular. (A public outcry now has that decision under review.) In post offices this year, no signs reading Person Is "Merry Christmas" are to be dis- played—though it's unclear whether Coming to they hope to avoid offending non- Christians, or just people who aren't merry. In any case. Postal Service Town". . spokeswoman Robin Minard says there has been much discussion about whether "the C-word will be allowed to personae, such as Santa and exist on a stamp." Rudolph. But wait—doesn't The fact is, regardless of its inten- the court know that Santa tions, the so-called Civil Rights Act of Claus is itself a derivative of 1991 has unleashed an attack on civil Saint Nicholas, and there- rights and given rise to cultural repres- fore is brimming with reli- sion. Huge windfalls should not be gious overtones? Clearly awarded to people who say they've anyone with a name begin- been offended by a Madonna stamp. ning with Saint should have Term limits seem in order for a no legitimate part in a cul- Supreme Court that lacks the foresight turally sanitized holiday. to see the effect these laws have on a "The Holiday Person Is free people. Coming To Town" may be Writes Richard Harwood, former a preferable, less exclusion- ombudsman at the Washington Post, ary alternative. "This is the nuttiness that passes for You laugh? The word 'political correctness' and finds itself "virgin" was expunged from very often incorporated into laws more Silent Night and replaced appropriate to a police state than a with the less judgmental democracy founded on principles of "caring mother" in a Unitar- freedom."

DECEMBER 1995 37 J


puJjsj^uJJy 'J Off3 'J i

the government is out of touch with what America wants from its schoois.

you are concerned. You want to know The answers are "perhaps," "quite By Bruno V Manno that her schooling will equip her to probably," and "listen to the people." compete. You want to know what she The Clinton administration's ele- HE IS A 10-year-old blank is being told about life and living. mentary and secondary educational slate sitting with hands Above all, you want to know who is policies are packaged in a comprehen- clasped in a classroom in making the decisions that determine sive two-part education overhaul Anytown, USA. Her brown what she thinks about life. known as Goals 2000 (the Educate eyes are large and lumi- Although there have been myriad America Act) and HR 6 (the Improving nous, her long dark hair is debates about the "meaning" of the America's Schools Act). Together, tied behind her in a satin election of November 1994, this much these two pieces of 1994 legislation bow. Perhaps she is your is known: The American people used represent a vigorous and misguided daughter, or granddaughter, the ballot to express discomfort—if not attempt to centralize and standardize or niece. outright disgust— with the govern- what this country does in education. What she learns here ment's paternalistic role in their daily Most of the administration's agenda will determine how she sees lives. At a time when Washington's is a throwback to the mid-60s "Uncle

the world and her place in it. Naturally, role in education has been steadily Sam knows best" policies of the Great growing, this raises a number of serious Society. It imposes nationwide a single Bruno V. Manno, former U.S. questions about U.S. education policy. education game plan, so-called "sys- assistant secretary of education for Can Washington do right by the temic reform." It maximizes Uncle policy and planning, is a senior fellow nation's nearly 50 million school kids? Sam's role in the classroom and mini- at the Washington, D.C., office of the Are the aims of Washington out of mizes the role of communities and par- Hudson Institute. He serves as an tune with the aims of America-at-large? ents by tying federal education funds to associate director of Hudson' s Mod- What should be done to resolve this the states' willingness to embrace ern Red Schoolhouse project. disparity? Goals 2000 and the HR 6 agenda.

38 THE AMERICAN LEGION lions of classmates nationally. about student promotion, graduation This leads us to flaw number two. and employment. This reinforces and The Clinton approach gives far greater accelerates the slide toward no-fault clout to education "experts" at the education which began a few decades ' national level, while slighting civilian ago with the advent of "gradeless

consumers such as parents and elected classes. It also undermines those few officials. For starters. Goals 2000 aspects of Goals 2000 that are worth

establishes a National Education Stan- supporting. For example, it advocates dards and Improvement Council establishing voluntary standards in (NESIC). This new bureaucracy, com- such core academic areas as math, sci- prising powerful interest groups, is ence, English, history and geography. akin to a national school board. We are left with a system of educa- NESIC, could, for example, set nation- tion that neither penalizes failure nor al standards for what kind of technolo- rewards success—this, in the name of gy classrooms should have, what protecting kids' feelings or "safeguard- teaching methods are best for students, ing the civil rights" of low-achievers. what training programs are best for In sum, the new laws are little more teachers, or other controversial issues. than a Washington power-grab in The danger here is amply demon- which Uncle Sam appears on the strated by the firestorm ignited by the doorstep of local communities and debut of the new national history stan- states bearing gifts. But gifts from dards. In a now-famous essay for The Washington seldom come without Wall Street Journal, former National strings, and this is no exception. The Endowment for the Humanities chair- inevitable result will be more federal man Lynne V. Cheney attacked them red tape imposing rules and regulations as "politicized history; [they] tend to on parents, teachers and communities

save their unqualified admiration for that "can't be trusted" to decide what is people, places and events that are polit- best for their own children. ically correct." To a lesser degree, the political correctness of Goals 2000 WHAT MAKES all this more than mildly ironic is that the Ameri- can people apparently feel it's UPHILL CLIMB—We Uncle Sam himself who can't be trust- have to ed. overcome Today, public confidence in Wash- Washington's ington is at the lowest it has been in 36 entrenched bureaucrats years of survey research. That's the for education sober verdict of the most comprehen- in America to sive examination ever undertaken of improve. The the "American dream," done for the admini- stration's Hudson Institute's Project on the New Goals 2000 Promise ofAmerican Life. plan simply The Hudson survey reveals that only throws money 2 percent of Americans trust Washing- at the problem ton to what's right "all the time," of education do instead of and just 14 percent "most of the time." strengthening Incredibly, more than one in five trust standards. our federal government to do the right thing "almost none of the time." Also revealing was the survey's

This Washington-knows-best educa- even seeped into its science curricula. examination of which government tion policy has several serious flaws. Meanwhile, HR 6's "Gender Equity branch or level has, or should have, the First, it downplays—the academic results Act" mandates "gender sensitivity most power. While 55 percent believe students achieve "outputs"—in favor [and] gender-equitable practices." This Congress has the most power, only 29 of such "inputs" as school spending, approach is a supposed remedy for an percent believe that's the way things class size, and other resources or alleged "academic gender gap" that is ought to be. Conversely, while 41 per- money issues. It thus shifts the focus of based on discredited research. It may cent believe that states and localities national education reform from what earn political capital for its authors, but should have the most power, fewer than children learn, to what bureaucrats will do little to promote quality educa- 10 percent think that situation actually spend (once more assuming that the tion. exists. These basic findings hold across way to fix a problem is to throw money Finally, the Clinton plan bans the all demographic lines. at it). This approach, of course, has use of federal money to develop or Put simply, the vast majority of us almost nothing to do with the content administer the sorts of "high stakes" believe that things are precisely ass- of what is taught, or how it is taught, to tests that should be used by states and backwards when it comes to the distrib- that little dark-haired girl and her mil- districts in making major decisions ution of power and influence. Washing-

DECEMBER 1995 39 —

The bottom line? The American nate one-size-fits-all thinking and allow public wants safe, orderly schools states and communities to decide what where discipline is enforced and stu- they want to do. in jj J] dents master "the basics" before pro- Eliminate the Department of Educa- motion. As the Public Agenda poll tion. It sounds drastic—but with so ton is on a collision course with what itself puts it, Americans many programs sent back to most Americans want. "seem to want a new the states, there's no need These facts take on added meaning and improved version of Americans seem for a cabinet-level agency. as we examine more specifically what the little red school- to want a new What remains could be Americans expect of their public house." and improved housed in an independent schools: According to a poll released The stark contrast agency with a White House by the Phi Delta Kappa education pub- between this report, and version of adviser reporting to the lication and the Gallup Organization: the beliefs espoused by tlie little red President. • Americans rank education at or the "experts" who are Washington, however, schoolhouse. near the top among national priorities. shaping national educa- should continue support for Almost 90 percent say that develop- tion policy, shows just some research and statistics ing the world's best education system is how out of sync Washington is. activities, especially state, national and essential to America's future. Indeed, international comparisons of what stu- support for education as a No. 1 priority [HAT DOES all this mean for dents are learning so that information is exceeds support for industrial develop- Congress as it looks anew at edu- available to report on the nation's I ment (60 percent) or the military (40 cation? progress in achieving its education percent). Elected officials should begin with goals. • Americans want meaningful, mea- the premise that local education can't The time has come for an arrogant surable standards. be fixed in Washington. Accordingly, and meddlesome Washington to divest Eighty-one percent think schools the 104th Congress should: itself and send education back to fami- should conform to national achieve- Undo the worst damage. That is, lies, schools, communities and states. ment standards and goals, with 70 per- repeal the most damaging provisions of It's the will of the people. And our chil- cent supporting the standardized "high both the Goals 2000 and HR 6 federal dren will benefit immensely. stakes" national tests eliminated under power grabs. the Clinton plan. Abolishing NESIC is a start. This • Americans want key decisions would remove the "experts" from the about education made locally. driver's seat of a centralized national Some 77 percent of us want federal education policy. In fact. Congress The American agencies to give local authorities more, should bar the federal bureaucracy from Legion magazine not less, say in spending tax money doing almost anything that interferes from Uncle Sam, and 62 percent advo- with local control of standards, curricu- Subscription cate families choosing which public la, testing and teaching. schools their kids attend. Minorities Eliminate, too, all criteria that value The Perfect the people the new Clinton plan is try- money over marks. Don't judge ing to be "sensitive" to—are among the progress by the amount of money a Giftfor staunchest backers of school choice, school district spends on education, but a Friend with respective figures of 70 percent for by the kinds of grades students are get- or Relative blacks, 66 percent for Hispanics. ting. This, of course, means overturning Another poll by the prestigous Pub- the provisions that frown upon the use lic Agenda foundation showed: of tests. In the final analysis, how do Twelve • Americans want no-nonsense you really determine how well students issues for schools where kids must show what are doing without them? $12 they've learned before they can move Congress also should take a clear ($15 after January 1, 1996) on. position that true civil-rights enforce- Fully 81 percent support student ment means protecting the rights of all promotion only when a child has individuals as individuals. Enforcement Name demonstrated mastery of what he's should not be based on contrived gen- already been taught. Indeed—far from der-equity research, so-called "race Address the Clinton notion of making school norming" that "adjusts" test scores for easier—more than three-quarters of characteristics such as race and poverty, City Americans want teachers to toughen or any other form of civil-rights that benefits specific grading and be more willing to fail activism groups. State Zip high-school students. Further, 76 per- Send programs home. About $10 cent say high-school diplomas should billion in federal programs should be order to: never be given to students who can't re-routed to the states, which can use Send checl< or money write and speak English well. (That this the money to purchase needed services. The American Legion should even be a topic for discussion is Congress should consult with the Input Services a sad commentary on the state of edu- nation's governors to fine-tune the P.O. 60x1954 cation and society in general.) details. The final package should elimi- Indianapolis, IN 46206


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irthritis. Bursitis cm' — Veterans Update

Legion Forms Task Force For Gulf Velerans


URNED AWAY. De- tific procedure or a potential conflict ronmental, chemical or biological nied. Abandoned. Words of interest on the part of the re- assault. At present, for example, there that describe the treat- searchers; is still no way to determine whether a r ment of yet another gen- • cast a blind eye to the possibility biological agent has been launched eration of veterans at the of chemical or biological warfare inci- against troops. hands of the federal government and dents even after U.N. investigators "We are still in the building stage," its agencies. discovered chemical and biological says Ludwig. "As our efforts gel and "The choice is clear," says National weapon caches in . our personnel settle into their tasks. Commander Dan Ludwig. "Either we The task force will lobby for full Gulf War veterans will know they stand idly by and watch it happen yet disclosure, unbiased studies and a halt have at least one major ally: The again, or The American Legion stands to any military discipline levied American Legion." up and takes action. We choose against active-duty personnel who Beyond this, the task force will action." come forward for help. It will also encourage Posts to help provide veter- That action is The American demand legitimate treatment for the ans and their families with much- Legion's Persian Gulf War Era Veter- sick veterans, either through VA or at needed jobs, housing and camaraderie. ans Task Force, a weighty title for private medical facilities retained "It's a misconception that the only what is destined to become the chief under government contract. The veterans who need us are those with ally of Gulf War veterans and their Legion will keep Gulf veterans in- service-connected disabilities," says families. Of paramount initial impor- formed through a variety of communi- National Adjutant Robert Spanogle. tance to the task force are the 55,000 cations channels. "Effective outreach to all of America's Gulf War veterans on VA's registry In addition to pushing for identifi- returning war veterans has been the and 28,000 on DoD's registry. Instead cation of all undiagnosed veterans suf- hallmark of The American Legion of helping them, the government has: fering from Gulf War Syndrome, the since its inception. No matter when in • offered no explanation for why Legion task force plans to scrutinize our history of what the specific war, many of the illnesses cannot be diag- VA claims filed by Gulf veterans and, there are certain constants in life that nosed; if necessary, arrange legal counsel. unite us all as veterans—the desire for • dismissed as false alarms thou- Looking ahead, the task force has jobs, education, decent housing and a sands of chemical-weapons detections the added responsibility of seeing that satisfactory standard of living. We are during the war; early-warning systems are developed calling upon the local Posts to act as • endorsed Gulf War Syndrome to ensure that no GI ever again has to our frontline troops in this ongoing research that incorporated poor scien- enter a field of combat at risk of envi- battle."

Smoothing Citizenship foreign nationals on active duty at that The Animals Thanlced Him time are eligible, regardless of where Foreign nationals who served in the A second Board of Veterans they were stationed. U.S. Armed Forces during the Gulf Appeal (BVA) attorney has been fined War will be eligible for U.S. citizen- and sentenced to prison after pleading ship without the usual five-year wait- Case Histories Sought guilty to tampering with veterans' ing period and accompanying red tape. Survivors of veterans who die while claims files. President Clinton has issued an execu- their VA disability claims are being U.S. District Court Judge James tive order waiving normal require- processed currently are eligible for no Robertson has ordered Jill Rygwalski, ments for citizenship for foreign more than one year's benefits owed the 33, to serve 15 months in federal nationals—about 14,700 individuals veteran. The American Legion is try- prison and pay $22,461 in restitution. who served honorably on active duty ing to get the law changed because BVA attorney Lawrence Gottfried was during the period from Aug. 2, 1990, some VA claims take far in excess of convicted late last year of similar to April 11, 1991. three years to be settled. charges. He was sentenced to 15 To avoid court nullification of the If you are a survivor of a veteran months and fined $42,000. order, which befell former President who received only one year of benefits During Rygwalski's sentencing Ronald Reagan in 1987 when he under this law, please contact The hearing, she produced what was offered similar benefits to foreign American Legion Magazine, Veterans described as "a battery of witnesses" nationals involved with the Grenada Affairs Editor, P.O. Box 1055, Indi- who testified that she suffered from a invasion, Clinton did not place geo- anapolis, IN 46206. personality disorder caused by her graphic boundaries on the order— in Selected letters will be used as doc- father's mental abuse: It seems he other words, Gls did not have to phys- umentation to convince Congress that forced her to become an attorney ically serve in the Gulf. Instead, all the law is unfair. instead of a veterinarian.

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Discount Prescription Program Expands

HE American don't have Legion or SAL thousands of dollars by using lower price. But you will Legion Dis- membership cards, they will the program, which was de- always get the lowest price

1^, count Prescrip- need an iden- signed by Sea- in the store for that drug on tion Program tification card ITMI m'vmx\M^MJ'*.-r», bury & Smith. that day. has expanded issued by tjfMuGnCa For example, How do I out what iPm Oellvering innovative Hmtlthcan Solutkxa find to include spouses of de- RXAmerica, the Department pharmacies participate in ceased American Legion the program provider and a of Indiana tested the pro- the program? Most major and Sons of The American leader in prescription benefit gram before the national pharmacy chains participate Legion (SAL) members. management. Posts or De- kickoff, and during the 22- in the program. For more

Launched Oct. 1 , the new partments should already month trial, Indiana Legion- specifics, call RXAmerica's program gives Legionnaires, have the forms necessary to naires and SAL members toll-free number, 1-800-905- SAL members and their request ID cards. saved more than $1.5 mil- 9818. families discounts on pre- "Savings in two prescrip- lion—an average of 32.9 Can I use the discount scription drugs. There's no tions can equal the cost of percent off regular prescrip- prescription program if I'm enrollment; to receive the annual Legion dues," says tion prices. homebound? Yes. For those discount, simply present Paul Dunn, an assistant The program is unavail- who take maintenance med- your Legion or SAL mem- director of the Legion's able in Maryland because ication or are unable to bership card to participating Internal Affairs Division. the Department has its own leave home, there is a con- pharmacies. Legionnaires and SAL prescription program. venient mail-order service. Since surviving spouses members already have saved Here are answers to some Your doctor can call 1-800- of the commonly asked 905-9818 today to begin questions about this newest your prescription mail ser- American Legion member- vice. You can get refills by LEGION MOURNS PAST NATIONAL JUOfiE ship benefit: phone, too. ADVOCATE/MAGAZINE PUBLISHER Is my Legion discount What if my pharmacist good during sales? No, the has questions about the em , Rhineland, Cen- sale price is usually well program? Pharmacists are tral Europe and Ardennes. below the wholesale price, welcome to call the toll-free After his discharge, he and therefore would be the number. became a member of Post 233, Glen Falls, N.Y. He joined The American Le- MIDDLE EAST MEETING gion's Rehabilitation Divi- sion in November 1945 and served as an appeals repre- sentative in the New York regional office and later in the Legion's Washington, D.C., office. BERTRAM G. DAWS Davis received his L.L.B. National Judge Advocate 1960-83 degree with honors from George Washington Univer- ERTRAM G. sity and became National Davis, Past Na- Assistant Judge Advocate in tional Judge 1959. He served as National Advocate and Judge Advocate from 1960- Publisher of 83. He was also publisher of THE AMERICAN LEGION THE American Legion MAGAZINE, died in August. MAGAZINE from 1978-81. Internal Affairs Commission Chairman Herman G. Harrington and his wife, Ann, meet with John H. Bargeran, deputy principal Davis served in the Davis is survived by his Consulate General in Jerusalem, Israel. The Army's 7th Armored Divi- wife, Violet, one son and officer of the U.S. Harringtons made the trip as part of the Jewish War Veterans sion from December 1942 four daughters. Donations Allied Veterans' Mission. The mission increases awareness of until September 1945 and can be made in Davis' mem- the region and helps to counter negative, inaccurate and irre- participated in the cam- ory to the American Legion sponsible press coverage. paigns in Normandy, North- Child Welfare Foundation.


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- Mr. S.J. Hymel - Mr. G. Sawin jphone ( ) Houma, LA Lynwwood, WA I or call 1-800-950-3030 Dept 1164 L J Legion News

THE CRUSADE BROTHERS IN ARMS FOR BENEFITS Edith and North Virginia last July. l i HEN TMMi Vincent Smith On two occasions, more B ft organized a than 400 people packed the ^Pp^^^R^^^^^pp ]S^ilit3.ry Hc3.1th Post to attend the benefits Care Forum at forum, which featured sev- Post 176, Springfield, Va., eral military medical-care the debate became every bit experts. as hot as the weather in One of the major topics of discussion was TRI- CARE, a new program He's FigMng for Retirees being phased in nationwide FRUSTRATED WITH the by the Department of With a collective total of 200 years of Legion membership the snail's progress of health- Defense. This plan offers among them, Anderson brothers of Post 136, Stockholm, care reform, Richard DeYoung, three options for receiving Maine, receive certificates of appreciation from Post Comman- der Gary L. Kelley, far left. The brothers, from left, are Past a retired Air Force chief master health care, but the fee Department Fernald, sergeant, has decided to take structure is not uniform for Commander Elwood and Francis Ander- son. A fourth brother, Warren, was not available for the photo. matters into his own hands. all beneficiaries, and those The 69-year-old older than 65 may be ineli- Legionnaire launched his per- gible to enroll. retirees and others receiving sonal campaign on behalf of The forum included Rep. military benefits with WAR'S END military retirees after being Jim Moran from Virginia's answers to many of their denied an eye exam in 1991 at 8th District and Virginia questions about future CELEBRATION Wurtsmith AFB, Oscoda, Mich. state delegates Gladys Keat- health care. HE celebration The base has since closed, a ing and Toddy Puller. "There's no doubt that of the 50th victim of the drawdown. Moran proposed allowing these are uncertain times for anniversary of Last spring the WWII, Korea military beneficiaries to people counting on their the end of and Vietnam War veteran com- have the option of partici- medical care," says organiz- World War II pleted his fourth trip to Wash- pating in the Federal er Vincent Smith. "If other by Post 13 of Cumberland, ington, D.C., this time testifying Employees Health Benefit grassroots efforts are as suc- Md., included an appear- before the House National Plan. cessful, there's a ance Past National Security Committee. DeYoung, maybe by Com- The forum provided glimmer of hope." mander Clarence Bacon, a a member of Post 274 in Osco- da, returned to Washington in WWII veteran who served October and plans to go back on the USS Potomac. next month. "We were pro- "Because of The Ameri- mised lifetime medical bene- can Legion, particularly Past fits," says DeYoung, "and now National Commander Wil- they are taking them away from liam Detweiler," said Bacon, us. We paid with our service." "the Enola Gay display was

Rep. G.V. "Sonny" Mont- disbanded and now it is dis- gomery, minority leader of the played in a correct and House Veterans' Affairs Com- orderly manner." mittee, applauds DeYoung's During the celebration. hands-on efforts. "You em- Army Brig. Gen. Thomas B. brace the truest sense of the Baker presented the Legion citizenship process, which with a citation to WWH vet- needs more people like you to erans on behalf of Maryland remain a government genuinely Gov. Parris Glendenning. 'of, for and by the people,'" On hand also were five com- Montgomery wrote in a letter to bat veterans representing all DeYoung. FORUM FOR HEALTH—Among those attending the Military 1 Springfield, Va., branches of services who DeYoung urges veterans to Health Care Forum conducted by Post 76, were, from left: Post First Vice Commander Beverly Neff; gave stirring accounts of contact their representatives to Commander Glenn Nicholas; Virginia state delegate Gladys preserve adequate health-care their service days. The cere- Keating; U.S. Rep. Jim Moran; Unit 176 President Judith benefits for retirees. mony ended with Taps and [J Wolfe; and forum organizers Edith and Vince Smith. "God Bless America."


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will even do one better. As amazing as it may sound, if you buy a Address pair of our shoes at this unbelievable low price we guarantee you may purchase as many pairs as you wish anytime within your life- City time at the same low price of just $9.95 per pair. State Zip. Affordable quality is what we are all about. 13th Arm'd Div., 24th Tank Bn. (WWII) 66th Ord. Bn., 3404th Ord. Bn., D Co. THE VETERANS' CONNECTION #15246 (Iceland) #13879 13th FA Observ. Bn. (WWII) #11020 67th AAA Gun Bn., C Btry. (WWII) 15th Constabulary Sq. (US Zone, #14147 VETS® is a service that provides information about mili- W.Ger., WWII) #12924 69th Div. Recon. Trp. (WWII) #16720 15th Major Port Transportation Corps 69th Inf. Div., 880th FA Bn., C Btry. tary reunions, helps veterans find old buddies and arranges #16051 (WWII) #21881 reunions, travel and accommodations. 16th Arm'd Div., 137th Ord. Maint. Bn. 70th Hvy. Tani< Bn. Armor Assn. #12702 #10244 70th lank Bn. Assn. (WWII) #15672 REUNIONS INFORMATION 16th Cav. Grp., 16th/19th Cav. Sqs. 71st CA AA, B Btry. (WWII) #16712 #10863 74th FA Bn. (WWII) #20648 This month there are 955 military reunions listed on these 17th A/B Div., 513th Parachute Inf., A 74th General Hospital (WWII) #16445 Co. #19734 76th Cav. Recon. Trp., 76th Div. Assn. pages. In addition, has information on more than VETS® 17th A/B Div. Assn. #16619 Inc. #15850 12,000 other reunions. Call weekdays, 12 noon to 8 p.m., 17th Air Cav., 7th Arm'd Sq. #22040 78th Sig. Co. #15719 17th FA Assn. #13779 79th Inf Div, 314th Rgt 2nd Bn, H Co CDT. Calls cost $1.95 per minute. The average call takes 17th Sig. Oper. Bn. (WWII) #10395 (WWII) #18790 three minutes. 19th Cav. Recon. Sq. #10797 79th Int Div., 904th FA Bn. #16272 19th Engr. Combat Bn. Assn. (VN) 79th Int Div., Signal Co. (WWII) 1 (900) 737-VETS #19380 #12623 83rd inf. Div. Assn. "Thunderbolt" 1 (900) 737-8387 19th Engr. (C) Rgt. (WWII) #20558 (WWII) #16231 21st Ord. MM Co. #22577 83rd Ord. Co. Tani( If you know the VETS® five-digit number assigned to (HM) #19830 22nd Base Post Office #19510 84th Int, 335th Div., H Co. #19895 your ship or unit, please give it to the operator. The number 22nd Ord. Serv. Bn. #10836 85th Int Div., 337th Rgt (All Compo- 24th Inf. Div., Rgt., (WWII) is printed after each outfit's name listed in the magazine. If 21st G Co. nents, WWil) #13902 #19277 86th Engr. Hvy. Ponton Bn., All Cos. you don't know the number or do not see your ship or unit 24th Inf. Div., 21st Rgt., King Co. (WWII) #10471 listed in the magazine, VETS® operators may still be able to (Korea, '50/52) #20676 86th Int Div., 342nd Rgt., M Co. #19307 24th Inf. Div. Assn. (All Units/Years) 86th Inf. Div. "Biaci(hawl( Assn." provide you reunion information. Units are enrolling in #19813 #11019 VETS® daily. 25th Inf. Div., 14th Rgt. (Korea, '50/53) 86th Ord. Co. Assn. & 3485th Ord.Co. #10601 (Leghorn 45/47) #19577 PLANNING A REUNION 25th Inf. Div., 35th Rgt., L Co. 87th Inf. Div., 549th AAA Bn. (WWII) (Korea/WWII/VN) #12469 #15334 VETS® will help you arrange your outfit's reunion at no 25th Inf. Div. Assn. (Korea) #15338 87th Inf. Div. Assn. "Golden Acorns" cost and save money in the process. Finders/Seekers® ser- 25th Inf. Div. () #19285 #15487 27th AAA Bn. (Ft.Benning) #22718 90th Chem. Mortar Bn. #19002 vices are free for reunions. included VETS® managed VETS® 28th Inf. Div., 109th Rgt. (WWII) #10455 91st Inf Div, 346th FA Bn (WWil) also will maintain reunion coordinators' mailing lists and 28th Inf. Div., 110th Rgt. Assn. (WWII) #19416 #10301 95th Evac. Hospital (WWII) #12376 unit archives, handle all reunion publicity needs. Tell us and 28th Inf. Div., 728th Ord. Maint. Co. 95th Int Div. Assn. #16110 what you want, and we will do the work.. #20824 97th Inf Div, 303rd/365th/389th/922nd 29th Inf. Div. Assn. #16230 FA Bn (WWI, WWII) #16119 REUNION PLANNING & TRAUEL 30th Inf. Div., 119th Rgt, G Co. #15610 97th Int Div., 303rd Rgt, 1st Bn., Hq 30th Ord. HM Co. (Korea, All Years) Co. (WWII) #10285 Call VETST/?AV£L. You'll get the lowest possible #11226 97th int Div., 303rd Rgt, D Co. #11160 32nd Inf. Div., 114th Engr. (C) Bn. 97th Int Div., 387th Rgt, K Co. #10406 hotel, banquet, tour and travel rates. (WWII) #18555 97th Inf. Div. Arty., Hq & Hq Btry. 1 (800) 844-VETS 32nd Inf. Div., 32nd MP Pitn. (S. Pacific, #10725 42/45) #16026 97th Signal Bn. (WWII) #16584 1 844-8387 (800) 32nd Inf. Div. Nat'l Assn. #22197 98th Engr. GS Rgt. (Officers, WWil) 33fd Inf. Rgt. Combat Team (Panama, #13048 FINDING A BUDDY '40/57) #11852 100th Inf. Div., 375th FA Bn. #15646 33rd QM, 33rd/3554th Ord. MAM Co., 100th Inf Div, 399th Rgt, Anti-Tank Co. Looking for a buddy or long lost relative? Finders/Seek- 11th QM, E Co. (WWII) #20535 (IN Chapt.) #12217 ers® service will send you a computer listing of names, 34th Engr. (C) Bn. (Korea, '45/47) 100th Int Div. Assn. #16609 #15571 101st MP Assn. (WWII) #18476 addresses and phone numbers of people in the United States 34th General Hospital (Orleans, FR 102nd CB Bn (WWII) #19388 who have the same name as the person you're seeking. Find- '53/70) #13996 103rd Int Div., 409th Rgt, D Co. (WWII) 34th Inf. Div., 135th Rgt., 3rd Bn., #10269 ers/Seekers® guarantees will get at least one that you name I/K/L/M/Hq Cos. (WWII) #15627 104th Inf. Div., "Timberwoives Nat'l matches, or it will refund your money. Search fees are $15 35th Div., 127/161/216/219th FA Bns. Assn." #14883 (All Eras) #19332 105th Station Hospital (WWII) #22954 per name. Allow six weeks for a reply. 35th Inf. Div., 137th Rgt. #19347 106th AAA AW Bn., D Btry. (WWII) Write Finders/Seekers®, P.O. Box 901, Columbia, MO 35th Inf. Div. Assn., 320th Inf. Rgt. #30039 #15840 106th Inf. Div. "Golden Lions Assn" 65205-0901; or call (800) 449-VETS. Mastercard/VISA 36th Cav. Recon. Sq. (WWII) #10126 (WWII) #15335 accepted. 36th Inf. Div., 142nd Rgt., B Co. #12133 115th/196th FA Bns. #20665 37th Field Hospital (WWII) #13888 117th General Hospital (WWII) #10807 37th Inf. Div., 136th FA Bn. #19701 118th AAA Gun Bn. #19348 37th Inf. Div., 147th Rgt., M Co. #15510 120th Evac. Hospital (ETO, WWII) 37th Sig. Co. (WWII) #16544 #11768 OUTFIT REUNIONS 38th Ord. MM Co. (1941/45) #15545 123rd General Hospital (WWil) #21861 40th Inf. Div., 160th Rgt., 1st Bn., A Co. 126th AAA Gun Bn., C Btry. (MOBILE) #10427 #1 5923 Reunion coordinators can enroll their 5th Arty., 2nd Bn., Serv. Btry. (Ger., '69) 41st Inf. Div. Assn. #15766 128th Ord. MM Co. (WWII) #19711 units in VETS* by sending a self-ad- #19709 44th Engr. Bn. Assn. (WWII) #16518 129th AAA Gun Bn. (WWII) #15654 dressed, stamped envelope to VETS", P.O. 6th/8th Army, 727th Amphib. Trac. Bn. 44th Engr. Combat Bn. Assn (WWII) 131st AAA Gun Bn. (WWil) #16097 Box 901, Columbia, MO 65205-0901. Unit (PTC WWII) #14200 #19350 132nd General Hospital Assn. #10460 names are published one time per year. 6th Arm'd Div. Assn. #15414 44th Engr. Const. Bn. (Brol(en Heart, 134th AAA Gun Bn. (Mobile, WWII) 6th Helicopter/1 50th Trans. Maint. Co., Korea) #11171 #22910 (Korea, Japan, '52/63) #11295 44th Inf. Div., 324th Rgt. (WWII) #11108 142nd General Hospital (WWII) #16684 Army 6th Inf. Div., 6th SIg. Co. #15880 45th Inf. Div., 179th Rgt, B Co. (WWII) 147th FA Rgt. (WWII) #16647 7th Inf. Div., 184th Rgt. Assn. (WWII) #16267 148th (C) Engr. Bn. (WWII) #15511 #20667 45th Inf Div, 180th Inf Rgt, Serv. Co 148th FA Bn. (WWII) #15361 1st Inf. Dfv., 1st MP Co. (1948/51) 7th Inf. Div., 32nd Rgt. "Queens Own" (Korea) #20904 148th General Hospital (Hawaii/) #15457 (WWII/Korea) #15855 45th Int Div., 279th Rgt (1 946/Present) #10079 1st Irif. Div., 1st SIg. Co. (1946/53) 8th Inf. Div., 28th Rgt., 1st/2nd Bns., #16206 149th WAC Hdq. Co. #19361 #15016 "Blacit Lions" (VN) #20646 45th Inf. Div., 700th Ord. Maint. Co. 150th FA Bn. (WWII) #16021 1st Ord. MM Co. (1949/52) #12361 9th Arm'd Div., 27th Arm'd Inf. Bn. (Korea) #19705 151st Med. Bn., B Co. (WWII) #19486 1st Veterinary Co. (separate) #19730 Assn. (Remagen, WWII) #15325 50th AAA AW Bn.(SP) #11902 153rd Engr. Const. Bn. #15496 2nd Arm'd Div., 17tf) Arm'd Engrs., E 9th Arm'd Div., 2nd Tanl< Bn. #11035 50th Engr. Combat Bn., A Co. #19613 159th Engr. (C) Bn. (WWII) #10330 Co. (WWII) #10930 9th Arm'd "Remagen" Div., 73rd Arm'd 55th FA Bn. (WWII) #11024 163rd Engr. Combat Bn. (WWil) #15330 2nd Arm'd Div., 41st AiB, B/Hq/Serv. FABn. (WWII) #16375 60th General Hospital (WWII) #20062 164th Engr. Combat Bn. (WWII) #16517

Cos. (1950/52) #21674 10th Inf. Div., 85th Rgt. I Co. (Ft. Riley 62nd AAA, C Btry. (WWII) #10590 173rd/3297th Ord. #14039 2nd Inf. Div., 38th Rgt., B Co. (WWII, '50/51) #19742 62nd Arm'd FA Bn. Assn. #11245 176th FA Bn. (Formerly 2nd Bn., 111th '40/45) #12467 10th Station Hospital (WWil) #15953 63rd Inf. Div. Assn. (WWII) #14930 FA Rgt, WWII) #15593 3rd Arm'd Div. Assn. #20072 11th Arm'd Div., 55th Arm'd Inf. Bn., B 64th General Hospital #16257 191st Tank Bn.Assn. #15337 3rd Arm'd FA Bn. (WWil) #15989 Co. (ETO) #16310 65th Field Hospital #21857 193rd FA Bn. (1st Bn., 108th FA Bn.) 3rd Army, 512th FA Bn. (WWII) #19876 11th Engrs. (WWII) #16436 65th Int Div. Assn. #12207 #11082 3rd Chem. Mortar Bn. (WWII) #15582 12th Arm'd "Hellcat" Div. (WWII) 66th Engr. Topo. Co. (1951/54) #11374 194th FA Bn., 194th Grp. Hq, 3rd Inf. Div., 15th Rgt., B Co. (Korea) #16368 66th Inf Div, 870th FA Bn, HQ/Svc. Btry. 185th/740th FA (WWII) #15359 #18786 13th A/B Div. Assn. Inc. #15383 #13501 Please turn page

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195th FA Bn (WWII) #19414 #26641 Ord.BAVM Co.(Leghorn, Italy 1945- LSM-420 (WWII) #23113 198th AAA AW Bn (PTO, WWII) #22904 594th JASCO #12386 47) #13642 LSM (R) 196 #12978 203rd General Hospital (ETO WWII) 601st AAA Gun Bn., B Btry (WWII) 681 1/681 2/681 3th Sig. Sec. Det. (WWII, LSM's(R) 188-199 #17947 #15705 #13224 ETO) #13072 LST-1 027/569 #21312 203rd QM Gas Supply Bn., A Co. (WWII) 601st FA Bn. (Pack), B Btry. (WWII) 708/71 5/534/773th Amphib. TK/Trac. LST-266 #17389 #22827 #19710 Bns. (WWII) #10473 LST-307 (WWII) #21955 204th FA Bn. "Li'l Joe" (Korea) #22783 eOlstTD Bn. (WWII) #16458 ASA: 13th Field Sta. Assn. (1958/66) LST-308 (WWII) #18340 205th Hosp. Ship Complement (USS 602nd Engr. Camouflage Bn. #16635 #21852 LST-335 #20402 Comfort AH-6) #10164 609th Ord. Base Arm. Maint. Bn. ASA: 60th Sig. Radio Intell. Co. LST-347/72 / LCT-1072 #18691 214th AAA Gun Bn. (WWII) #11107 #12107 (1943/51) #10452 LST-377 (PTO WWII) #18102 226th Ord. Base Grp., Hq & Hq Co. 609th TD Bn. Assn. #10287 ASA: CHITOSE #10240 LST-460 #17593 (WWII) #13375 611th OBAM Bn. (ETO, WWII) #10257 Coast Arty. Corps (CAC, prior to July LST-510 #11498 227th AAA S/L Bn. Assn. (All 612th/613th FA Bn. (pk), "Mars Task '50) #16415 LST-575 (USS Wythe APB-41, WWII) Btrys./WWll) #15992 Force" (WWII) #16006 Combat Infantrymen's Assn., Purple #28346 233rd AAA SLT Bn., A/B/Hq Btrys. 625th Engr, L.E. Co. (WWII) #11060 Heart Vets #21739 LST-606 #18628 (WWII) #11763 626th Engrs. L.E. Co. (1943/Present) Fort Richardson, AK (All Personnel) LST-667 #18020 239th Engr.(C) Bn. #10986 #12542 #13479 LST-669 (WWII) #18400 240th FA Bn. (ETO WWII) #10064 631stTD Bn. #10667 HUSAFPOA, Hq Co. (Ft. Shafter/Ruger LST-687 #17327 244TH FA Bn. (WWII) #20728 644th TD Bn. #16698 HI, WWII) #14221 LST-695 Survivors Assn. #22961 246th CA Assn. (WWII) #10985 692nd TD Bn. #15601 Nat'l Counter Intell. Corps Assn. LST-70 (WWII) #12668 247th Engr. Combat Bn. #10177 702nd Tank Bn., C Co., "Red Devils" (NCICA) #10935 LST-888/LCT-1 41 4 #1 1 063 249th Engr. Combat Bn. (1943/Present) #18884 OCS Class 2/4/6/8 (Ft.Sill, OK '65) LST-937 #20354 #11242 705th AAA Gun Bn., B Btry. (Okinawa #12698 LST-950 #22838 24gth Ord. Bn. (Leghorn, Italy 1945-46) 1950/54) #14795 OCS Class 9 (Ft. Riley) #14251 LST-958 #10446 #13647 707th Tank Bn. Assn. (All Co.'s, WWII) RGB's; 71 4/71 5/71 9/720/721/722/723rd LST-964 #18044 252nd CA, 530th FA #15696 #16702 #11091 LST-979 (WWII) #10135 252nd Engr. Combat Bn. #10639 709th Tank Bn. Assn. (WWII) #15342 RGB's; 725/727/734/750/755/760/71 1th LST-980 #19591 254th FA Bn. #16061 710th Tank Bn. (WWII) #16393 #19494 LST-986 #10523 256th Engr. Combat Bn. (WWII) #16048 711th Tank Bn., C Co. (WWII) #20195 San Francisco Port of Embarkation, Mail Service Veterans Assn. #13960 257th Ord. MM Co. #15970 712th Tank Bn. (WWII) #15590 APO/V-Mail Sta. #15348 Mine Warfare Assn. #10119 272nd FA Bn. (Korea) #1 5827 719th R.O.B. #12289 V Corps, Hq Vets Assn. (WWII) #10115 NAVCOMMSTA Iceland #19373 276th Engr. (C) Bn. (WWII) #10169 720th MP Bn. Assn. (All Eras) #10481 NCB-Bobcat (Bora Bora, WWII) #10220 277th FA Bn. (All Btry's) #15552 722nd R.O.B. (MSRVA) #15837 NTC Bainbridge: Bainbridge Com- 280th FA Bn. (WWII) #16212 723rd R.O.B. Assn. (MSRVA) #16197 modores/Spec. Serv's (1951/53) 281st Engr. (C) Bn. Assn. (WWII,ETO) 726th Rail Ops. Bn. Assn. #20199 Navy #12083 #15218 730th R.O.B. (Incl. 711th/791st) #10171 NTC Great Lakes: Co. 27 (1938) #19310 293rd Engr. Combat Bn., C Co. (WWII) 735th Tank Bn #20202 1st NCB Spec. (WWII) #22524 NTS Great Lakes: Co. 12 (1938) #19740 #10234 736th FA Bn. (WWII) #19716 2nd/4th Beach Bns. #18185 NTS Sampson: Co. 550, G Unit (WWII, 298th General Hospital (WWII) #10860 745th Tank Bn. Assn. (WWII) #10916 3rd NCB Spec. #13790 '44) #17873 303rd Sig. Oper. Bn. (ETO, WWII) 751st Tank Bn. #10304 3rd NCB (WWII) #10711 PC-1261 (D-Day Survivors) #19623 #12462 753rd FA Bn., All Btrys. (WWII) #17998 6th Naval Beach Bn. (Incl. Beach Bns., PC-490 #17861 304th Ord. Rgt.(B), 2nd Bn. (ETO, WWII) 754th FA Bn. #11056 Normandy D-Day) #22323 PT Boats Inc., Tenders & Bases (WWII) #11347 756th FA Bn. Assn. (WWII/Korea) 7th Beach Bn. #22351 #17904 338th Engr.G S Rgt. (WWII) #16054 #16132 9th NCB Spec. (WWII) #10853 Radio Station #66 (USN Sta., Lualualie) 342nd Arm'd FA Bn. (1942/46) #11106 757th Tank Bn. (WWII) #16264 10th NCB Spec. #19083 #19798 348th Engr. Assn. (WWII) #13379 765th Trans. Rlwy. S. Bn. (Korea) 18th NCB Spec. #15944 Rhine River Patrol, (Germany) #11261 376th Harbor Craft Co. (WWII) #15628 #21880 28th NCB Spec. (WWII) #18212 RTC Great Lakes: Co. 813 (1945 WWII) 379th AAA Bn. #10465 772nd FA Bn. (WWII) #15847 28th NCB (WWII) #17563 #12482 382nd AAA AW Bn. #10374 778th Tank Bn. (WWII) #11109 29th NCB #18166 Scouts & Raiders (WWII) #17580 395th AAA AW Bn. #20114 786th Engr. Petroleum Dist. Co. #10424 31st NCB Spec. #16953 SLCU-34 ( Isl., WWII) #11921 397th AAA AW Bn. & 40 M/M (WWII) 787th MP Bn. Assn. (WWII) #15618 34th NCB Spec. #17386 Special Task Air Grp.1 (Stag One) #15536 790th QM Reclamation & Maint. (Korea 35th NCB (1942/45) #17453 #21468 398th Army Service Force Band (WWII) 1952/53) #20651 36th NCB #17676 UDT-14 #23013 #12440 792nd AAA AW Bn. (WWII) #16103 38th NCB (PTO WWII) #10034 USS ABSD-3 #12022 400th AAA AW Bn. (WWII) #10389 793rd MP Bn. Assn. (1943/58) #16118 41st Inf. Div., 186th Rgt., E Co. #12452 USS Adirondack AGC-1 5 (ACG Flagship 406th Engr. Const. Bn., A Co. #14137 801st Avn. Engr. Bn. #16235 43rd NCB #14339 Alliance) #18250 406th FA Grp., Hq Btry. (ETO Camp 802nd Engr. Assn. #15223 45th NCB #17416 USS Alcor AR-10/AD-34 #13487 Maxy, WWII) #15773 805th TD Bn. (WWII) #13892 58th NCB #12373 USS Alderamin AK-116 (WWII) #17705 421st Engr. Dump Truck Co. #10614 808th TD Bn. (WWII) #20264 60th NCB Assn. #18074 USS Alexander J. Luke DE-577 #13637 423rd C.A., AAA Bn., D Btry. (WWII) 814th MP Co. #19318 62nd NCB (WWII) #18462 USS Almaack AKA-10/AK-27 #18258 #14768 815th Avn. Engr. Bn. (WWII) #16282 69th NCB #17557 USS AInitah AK-127 (WWII) #10818 423rd Med. College Co. #19651 816th Engr. Avn. Bn. #12833 70th NCB, 1005th/1006th Det's, USS Amsterdam CL-101 #18480 436th AAA AW Bn. (WWII) #16014 821st TD Bn. (WWII) #13039 578th/579th CBMU's #11130 USS Antietam CV/CVA/CVS-36/CG-54 440th AAA (AW) Bn. (WWII) #17610 826th Engr. Avn. Bn., A Co. #19248 76th NCB (WWII) #10718 (All Personnel) #17568 457th Amphib. Truck Co. #16204 845th Ord. Depot Co. #12897 77th NCB (WWII) #18430 USS Arctic AF-7 #18221 457th Engr. Depot Co. (WWII) #20633 854th Engr. Avn. Bn. "Spearheaders" 84th NCB #10384 USS Arthur Middleton APA-25 (WWII) 464th AAA AW Bn. #20812 (WWII) #16563 85th NCB (WWII) #10665 #17062 471st AAA AW Bn. #10071 860th Engr. Avn Bn. #16425 88th NCB (WWII) #17806 USS Ashtabula AO-51 (Plankowners, 472nd AAA Bn. #11250 864th Ord. HAM Co. (WWII) #10791 96th NCB (Incl. Spec. Det.) #17576 '43/49) #23111 472nd MP Co. #15687 869th AAA AW Bn., Hq & Hq Btry. (HI, 105th NCB (WWII) #18140 USS Aspro SS-309/SSN-648 #21152 474th Sig. Avn. Const. Co. (SCARWAF) WWII) #16360 107th NCB #18651 USS Atlanta CL-104 #10847 #15876 888th Sig. Co. Dep. Avn. (- 111th NCB (1943-45) #11055 USS Attu CVE-102 #17990 478th Amphib. Truck Co. (WWII) Manila, WWII) #15877 112th NCB (WWII) #11674 USS Auburn AGC-10 (ACG Flagship #20714 953rd FA Bn. #22368 121st NCB (Alias, 4th Mar Div, 20th Alliance) #13783 479th Med. Amb. Co. (WWII) #13752 965th FA Bn. #23066 Engr, 3rd Bn) #13818 USS Bagley DD-386 Assn. #17424 482nd AAA AW Bn.(SP) Assn. (WWII) 1056th Engr. PC&R Grp. (WWII) #12656 137th NCB Spec./139th NCB Spec. Trk. USS Baldwin DD-624 (WWII) #12474 #10670 1251st Engr. Combat Bn #19762 Bns. (Okinawa, WWII) #10248 USS Ballard AVD-10 #10385 486th Ord. Evac. Co. #16157 1252nd Engr. Combat Bn. (WWII) 145th NCB Assn. (WWII) #11079 USS Bang SS-385 #22805 489th Port Bn. (WWII) #10133 #15484 302nd NCB #17951 USS Bangust DE-739 #20361 492nd Port Bn., Co.'s 230-233 (Guadal- 1268th Engr. Combat Bn., A Co. (WWII) 478th Amphib. Co. (WWII) #19568 USS Barnes CVE-20 #1 1520 canal, City, PI) WWII #10313 #10434 AAONHC (American Assn. of Navy USS Begor APD-127 (WWII) #10048 501st AAA Gun Bn.,D Btry #19490 1393rd/1 394th Engr. Const. Bn., 1177th Hosp. Corpsmen) #13123 USS Belet APD-109 #17521 503rd MP Bn., A Co. #13813 Engr. Const. Grp. #20857 ACORN-23 (Ebeye-Kwaj) #19428 USS Belleau Wood CVL-24 & Attchd Air 503rd MP Bn., B Co. (WWII) #20856 15/1 7th Cav. Recon. Sqs. #16362 ACORN-52 #11488 Grps #18503 503rd Port Bn., 275th Port Co. #15956 1891st Engr. Avn. Bn. (CBI, WWII) AGC Flagship Alliance AGC-1 to 18 & USS Benner DD-807 #17867 506th AAA Gun Bn. #16299 #20877 WAGC-31 to 37 #13692 USS Blue DD-744 #14498 507th QM Car Co. (WWII) #15456 3119th Sig. Serv. Bn. (WWII) #10581 Armed Guard: Midwest (KS/MO/OK/NE) USS Bluerldge AGC-2 (ACG Flagship 510th Engr. Lt. Ponton Bridge Co. 3143rd Ord., MAM Co. (45/46) #19645 #1 7935 Alliance) #14492 #11074 3187th Signal Serv. Bn. #10716 Avn. Rpr. Overhaul Units (AROU, WWII) USS Blue Ridge LCC-19/USS Mount 519th Ord. HAM Co. (Ft.Lewis WA, '50) 3205th QM, B Co. (WWII) #10837 #11670 Whitney LCC-20 #19719 #22865 3461st Ord. MAM Co. (45-46) #19246 CASU-11 (Guadalcanal) #14902 USS Bogue CVE-9 (Embarked 529th FA Observ. Bn. (1950/58) #15386 3483rd Ord. MAM Co. (WWII) #16057 CASU-42, CASU-13 #22326 Sq.'s/Escorts) #13965 535th QM Co. (New Guinea/Phillpines 56/53rd Ord. Grp., 972/991/881/249/82 CBMU-545 (WWII) #10334 USS Boise CL-47 #17885 1944/46) #15514 Go's (Italy, '45/47) #13641 CBMU-546 (WWII) #28375 USS Bordelon DDR-881 (45/77) #17877 546lh AAA AW Bn. #15767 6817th Spec. Serv. Bn., Hq & Hq CBMU-568/569 #17469 USS Borum DE-790 #17400 5501h AAA AW Bn. (WWII) #22281 (1945/46) #13314 CBMU-599 (WWII) #17871 USS Bosque APA-135 #12525 558th FA Bn. (WWII) #16455 7686 SM Co, Austria;603rd BAM/237th Columbia Univ.: USNR Midshipmen's USS Boxer Assn. CV/CVA/CVS-21, LPH- 565th/574th AAA AW Bn., S.P. (Former- Ord.Bn. (Leghorn, Italy 1945-47) School (1940/45) #10336 4 (Incl. Mar.) #18070 ly 565th.) #16270 #13646 Fighting Sq. One/VF-1 (1944/45) USS Bradford DD-545 #17939 565th AAA AW Bn. (WWII) #10183 523/532nd Engr. Boat & Shore Regi- #20942 USS Bright DE-747 #10817 573rd AAA AW Bn. (WWII) #15731 ment #16401 LCC Boats (All Boats, WWII) #18276 USS Brooklyn CL-40 Assn. #1 1 1 68 574th/565th SAW Bns. #16115 353/1 305th Gn Svc Rgt,369th Bp Svc Lion Four/Navy 3205 #10007 USS Brooks DD-232/APD-1 0 #10678 SBOth AAA AW Bn., A Btry #1 1617 Rgt,353rd Eng Const Bn #16357 LSM-172 #22696 USS Bunker Hill CV-17 #17502 581 St AAA AW Bn., C Btry. (WWII) 3010/232/85th Ord. Base Dpt., 3106 LSM-41 #23034 Please turn page



Shown smaller ^'* figK''^ "fcA.^- i^ ^" ^^fe ^;?f --CTSiiiil ^ lhan actual size ^^riVC HlfHDRfiP SILVER TOIL \RS ^^£y ot6"x2-5/8"

The Washington Mint Announces the flTSTORTC FIRST MEVTDVG of an Extraordinary Eight Ounce ProofStruckfrom Pure Silver Bullion-Advance Price $149

The Washington Mint announces a limited advance minting of BE PROCESSED IMMEDIATELY, AND THE EARLIEST the world's first 1996 Half-Pound "Silver Certificate." ORDERS WILL RECEIVE THE LOWEST REGISTRATION

The 1996 Half-Pound "Silver Certificate" is a massive piece of NUMBERS. pure silver bullion that has a surface area that exceeds 30 square ADDITIONAL DISCOUNTS inches and contains more than EIGHT OUNCES OF PURE Substantial additional discounts are available for serious SILVER BULLION. collectors who wish to acquire more than one of these exquisite silver during a limited advance strike period, the And NOW, VERY proofs. You can order: FIRST 1996 Half-Pound "Silver Certificates" ever struck are THREE Half-Pound "Silver Certificates" for $399. available at a special discount price - only $149! FTVE Half-Pound "Silver Certificates" for $645.

PRECIOUS SILVER BULLION TEN Half-Pound "Silver Certificates" for $1,195. A centtiry ago, the Government of the United States issued There is a limit of ten Half-Pound "Silver Certificates" per order, remarkable legal tender notes that the bearer could exchange for and all orders are subject to acceptance by The Washington Mint, actual silver dollars or silver bullion at the federal treasury. LLC.^"^ Total charges for shipping, handling and insurance are

The 1996 Half-Pound "Silver Certificate" is a stunning adaptation limited to $9.50 per order. of the magnificent legal note that the Government issued in 1896 - exactly one hundred years ago. But this exquisite silver proof is ONLY 25,000 AVAILABLE will strike only 25,000 Half-Pound "Silver actitally struck in precious silver bullion! The Washington Mint Certificates" in 1996, so oversubscription is a virtual certainty. UNPRECEDENTED WEIGHT BEGINNING TODAY, TELEPHONE ORDERS ONLY WILL The Half-Pound "Silver Certificate" combines unprecedented BE ACCEPTED ON A STRICT RRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED - weight with extraordinary dimension it is a landmark in proof BASIS ACCORDING TO THE TIME AND DATE OF THE minting. ORDER. The specifications for this colossal medallic proof are CUSTOMERS ARE STRONGLY ADVISED TO SECURE unparalleled. Each one: THEIR RESERVATIONS IMMEDIATELY BY CALLING:

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USS Burleigh APA-95 (WWII) #18508 USS Great Sitkin AE-17 (1951/55) USS New Jersey BB-62 Veterans Inc. USS Tripoli CVE-64/LPH-1 0 Assn. (Incl. USS Burleson APA-67 (1944/46) #11596 #30099 Mar.) #18190 #11259 USS Gridley DD-380 #17734 USS Newman DE-205/APD-59 #13777 USS Tutuila ARG-4 (1944/72) #17390 USS Butternut YN-4/AN-9 #17591 USS CB-2 #18351 USS New Mexico BB-40 Assn. #18662 USS Vallette DD-448 #19589 USS Canopus AS-9 #10383 USS Gustafson DE-182 (WWII) #20374 USS Nicholson DD-442 (WWII) #22519 USS Van Valkenburgh DD-656 (2nd USS Caperton DD-650 #10781 USS Half Moon AVP-26 Assn. (WWII) USS Norfolk DL-1 #13419 Crew, Korea) #12974 USS Capps DD-550 #10696 #14470 USS Norris DD/DDE-859 #21313 USS Vinton AKA-83 (WWII) #14394 USS Carpelotti APD-136 #13846 USS Hambleton DD-455/DMS-20 USS O'Bannon DD/DDE-450 (Shipmates USS Virgo AKA-20/AO-30 (WWII, VN) USS Carter Hall LSD-3 #21839 #17738 Assn.) #11143 #10369 USS Catoctin AGC-5 (ACG Flagship USS Hammann DD-412/ USS Gan- USS Oklahoma City CL-91/CLG-5/CG- USS Wadleigh DD-689 Nat'l Assn. Alliance 1944-46) #22591 sevoort DD-608 #18207 5/SSN-723 (Incl. Mar./Flag Staff) (1943/63) #13882 USS Celeno AK-76 #19650 USS Hamner DD-718 #23093 #14655 USS Walnwrlght DD-62/41 9/CG-28/DLG- USS Charles Carroll APA-28 #17648 USS Hamul AD-20/AK-30 (1941-62) USS Omaha CL-4 #10475 28 (All Years/Cos.) #17578 USS Charles F. Hughes DD-428 #18244 #18527 USS Oracle/Revenge/Skirmish AM- USS Wasatch AGC-9 (AGC Flagship USS Charles Lawrence DE-53/APD-37 USS Haynsworth DD-700 #21467 103/110/303 #12420 Alliance) #19480 #10408 USS Henley DD-391 #18209 USS O'Reilly DE-330 (WWII) #18053 USS Wasp CV-7 "Stinger Club" (WWII) USS Charles P. Cecil DD/DDR-835 USS Higbee DD/DDR-806 #18692 USS Oyster Bay AGP-6 #18370 #20622 #13046 USS Highlands APA-119 #21951 USS Ozark LSV-2 (WWII) #13453 USS Wayne APA-54 #18363 USS Chester CA-27 #17509 USS Hilary P. Jones DD-427 #11162 USS Pakana ATF-108 (WWII) #18049 USS Wedderburn DD-684 USS Chicago CA-1 4/29/1 36,CG-11/SSN- USS Hinsdale APA-120 (WWII) (incl. USS Patterson DD-392 #17704 (WWII/Korea/VN, '43/69) #12201 721 (Incl. Mar.) #11925 Marines) #10596 USS PCE{C) 873 #19323 USS Whipple DD-217 #18145 USS Chickasaw ATF-83 #10324 USS Hollandia CVE-97 #14539 USS Peterson DE-1 52 #18213 USS Whiteside AKA-OO #12787 USS Cimarron AO-22 (1939/69) #18650 USS Hollister DD-788 #17944 USS Pittsburgh CA-72 (WWII, Korea) USS Wichita CA-4 / USS Tuscaloosa USS Cincinnati CL-6 #17887 USS Honolulu CL-48 (1938/46) #1 1067 #10599 CA-37 #17838 USS Clay APA-39 #18172 USS Hope AH-7 / 215th Hospital Ship USS Pocono AGC-16 (Incl. Ship's USS Wilhoite DE-397 #21 190 USS Clemson AV0-4/DD-186/APD-31 Compl. #17810 Co/Staff '45/71) #10795 USS William P. Biddle APA-8 (WWII) #18375 USS Hornet CV-8 & CV/CVA/CVS-12 USS Polaris AF-11 #11564 #18097 USS Clinton APA-144 #1 1758 #17950 USS Pondera APA-191 #17822 USS Williams DE-372 (WWII) #17771 USS Collett DD-730 #17975 USS Houston CA'30/CL-81 Assn. USS Portland CA-33 #17884 USS Willis DE-395 #11066 USS Colonial LSD-18 #14615 #10311 USS President Polk AP-103 (WWII) USS Witek DDE-848 #20137 USS Columbus CA-74/CG-12/SSN-762 USS Hulbert DD-342/AVP-19/AVD-6 #12172 USS Woodford AKA-86 (WWII) #17691 (Incl. IVIar., '44/76) #18362 (WWII) #22382 USS Prichett DD-561 #17324 USS Woolsey DD-437 #17583 USS Concord CL-10 #17515 USS Hyde APA-173 #13272 USS Quick DD-490/DMS-32 #14564 USS Worcester CL-144 Assn. (Incl. Mar. USS Converse DD-509 #17900 USS Intrepid CV/CVA/CVS-1 1 Assn. (OH USS Randolph CV/CVA/CVS-1 5 #17875 Det.) #18578 USS Conway DD/DDE-507 #10987 Chapt., '43/74) #18956 USS Rehoboth AVP/AGS-50 (All Yrs.) USS Wrangell AE-12 Assn. USS CVE-58 #18434 USS Intrepid CV/CVA/CVS-1 1 & Sq #22540 (WWII/Korea/VN/Medit.) #21917 USS Cowie DD-632/DMS-39 #18606 (1943/74) #30083 USS Remey DD-688 #13066 USS Wyandot AKA-92 #17916 USS Craven DD-382 #17866 USS Jack W. Wilke DE-800 #18382 USS Renate AKA-36 #28286 USS Zeilin AP-9/APA-3 #10341 USS Crouter DE-11 (WWII) #18403 USS James C. Owens DD-776 #11094 USS Renshaw DD/DDE-499 #1 1 183 V-5 Pgm., Btry. 56 Athens, GA #19704 USS Cushing DD-55/376/797/985 Assn. USS Jeffers DD-621/DMS-27 #17721 USS Richard P. Leary DD-664 #28287 VB/VP/VPB-106 (WWII) #17759 #17715 USS John Land AP-167 (WWII) #21819 USS Ringgold DD-500 #18328 VC-33 (All Personnel) #20761 USS Custer APO-40 #14433 USS John W. Weeks DD-701 (1944-69) USS Robert A. Owens DD/DDK/DDE- VF-17(USS Hornet), VF-18(USS Bunker USS Daly DD-519 #17829 #17747 827 #18137 Hill) #10125 USS Damon M. Cummings DE-643 USS J. Richard Ward DE-243 #17589 USS Robert Brazier DE-345 #13769 VJ-1 (WWII) #21633 (WWII) #12003 USS Jupiter AKA-43 (WWII) #13626 USS Robert L. Wilson DD/DDE-847 VP-201 #22986 USS Daniel A. Joy DE-585 (WWII) USS Kadashan Bay CVE-76/VC-20 #21270 VP-208/VPMS-8/VP-48/FASRON-1 05, #10073 Assn. #18035 USS Robinson DD-562 #28335 Mar.Det.(NAS Trinidad BWI, '46/49) USS Dauphin APA-97 #10238 USS Kanawha AO-1 (1914/43) #17893 USS Rodman DD-456/DMS-21 #10649 #17790 USS Davis DD-395 #10344 USS Karnes APA-175 #17670 USS Rocky Mount AGC-3 (ACG Flag- VP-731 (Korea, 1950/52) #10591 USS Dawson APA-79 Assn. #10188 USS Kawishiwi AO-146 #12889 ship Alliance, WWII) #18380 VP-83, VB/VPB-107 #10358 USS Deimos AK-78 (WWII) #22794 USS Kearny DD-432 #14620 USS Roy O. Hale DE/DER-336 #10740 VPB-26 (WWII) #10634 USS Density AM-218 #21621 USS Keith DE-241 #19673 USS Ruddy AM-380 (ig51/Decomm.) VP/VPB-1 46 #17362 USS Detroit CL-8 #17462 USS Kenton APA-122 #10684 #12136 VP/VPB-63 "Madcats" (All Hands) USS Dextrous AM-341 (WWII, Korea) USS Key DE-348 #17650 USS Saginaw Bay CVE-82 Assn. (Incl. #19816 #20408 USS Koiner DE/DER-331, WDE-431 VC-78/88 Comp. Sqs., WWII) #10325 VR-22 Squadron Reunion (40s, 50s, USS Dogfish SS-350 #19231 #18033 USS Samuel N. Moore DD-747 #20353 60s) #18291 USS Dorothea L. Dix AP-67 (WWII) USS Lackawanna AO-40 #10704 USS Sands DD-243/APD-13 #18494 VR-24 Assn. #10783 #18000 USS Langley CV-1/AV-3 #10011 USS San Juan CL-54 #17693 VS-892, Korean TBM Sq. #17827 USS Drayton DD-366 (36/45) #18560 USS Laning DE-1 59/APD-55 #22694 USS San Saba APA-232 #18586 VT-3 #19864 USS Duffy DE-27 #22901 USS Lardner DD-487 #17403 USS Sarita AKA-39 Assn. #17679 XAP Teams (WWII, '43/45) #12109 USS Duluth CL-87 (Incl. Mar.) #19107 USS Lauderdale APA-179 #11636 USS Saucy PG-65 #20461 YMS-398 #18105 USS Dunlap DD-384 (WWII) #18002 USS Laurens APA-153 #21207 USS Saufley DD-465 #19618 YMS-407 #17720 USS Dupage APA-41 (WWII) #21950 USS LaVallette DD-448 #17872 USS Savage DE/DER-386 #20982 USS Earl V. Johnson DE-702 (WWII) USS Laws DD-558 #19594 USS Scania AKA-40 (WWII) #10835 #18159 USS Leonard F. Mason DD-852 #17973 USS Schroeder DD-501 #10657 USS Eberle DD-430 #1 1 125 USS Lesuth AK-125 #17358 USS Sepulga AO-20 (WWII) #18183 Air Force USS Eldorado AGC-11 (Flagship USS Lexington CV-16 "Blue Ghost" USS Shamrock Bay CVE-84 (Incl VC- Alliance) #19525 Assn. #18688 42/54/96, '41/46) #18063 1st/2nd/3rd/4th Strategic Support Sq's USS Elizabeth C. Stanton AP-69 #11950 USS Long 399/Wllson/Stack/Sterritt DD- USS Shelby APA-105 #17635 #21840 USS Enoree AO-69 #19125 407 #19696 USS Shelikof AVP-52 (WWII) #21915 1st Radio Relay Sq. (Wiesbaden-Land- USS Everglades AD-24 #14595 USS Long Beach CGN-9 #11534 USS Sibley APA-206 Assn. #10420 stuhl, Ger.) #30009 USS Fanshaw Bay CVE-70 (Air Grps USS Ludlow DD-438 #17614 USS Sirona AKA-43 (WWII) #22570 5th AF, 6147th TCG, "Mosquitos" VC-10/66/68/VOC-2) #10461 USS Manchester CL-83 (Incl.Mar.Det., USS Somers DD-381 (WWII) #18189 (Korea) #10942 USS Fidelity AM-96/USS Fitch DMS- Korea, 1946/56) #17930 USS Soubarissen AO-93 #10497 8th AF, 3rd Strat. Air Depot (Watton 25/Dd-462 #17347 USS Marcus Island CVE-77 & Sq. USS Sphinx ARL-24 (WWII-Decomm.) Eng., WWII) #16803 USS Fitch DMS-25/DD-462 #11810 #13749 #20407 11th A/B Div. Assn. #19491 USS Fletcher DD/DDE-445 #10661 USS Markab AD-21 #18154 USS Spica AK-16 (WWII) #20682 11th Air Force Assn. (Incl. AAF) #15074 USS Flint CL-97 Assn. #18603 USS Martin H. Ray DE-338 #20456 USS Spruance DD-963 #19671 15th AF, 449th Bomb Grp.(H), "Flying

USS Floyd B. Parlts DD-884 (1945/73) USS Massey DD-778 Assn. #18311 USS Steamer Bay CVE-87/VC-90 (Incl. Horsemen " (Italy, WWII) #10650 #10572 USS MattaponI AO-41 #17962 Air Grps.) #30111 30th Supply Sq. Dpt. Spec. #21411 USS Flusser DD-368 Assn. #23095 USS Maury DD-401 (WWII) #14375 USS Steele DE-8 #13252 31st Ftr. Grp., 309th Ftr. Sq. (WWII) USS Fomalhaut AKA-5 Assn. #14993 USS Mayo DD-422 #17862 USS Stephen Potter DD-538 #17310 #19717 USS Foote DD-511 Assn. #17700 USS McGowan DD-678 (1943/60) USS Stockham DD-683 (WWII/Korea) 38th Comm. Sq. (France, '52/58) USS Forrestal CVA/CV/AVT-59 #18458 #17624 #17508 #12522 USS FOSS DE-59 (43/57) #18156 USS McKee DD-575 #18191 USS Stoddard DD-566 #18218 51st Ftr. Intercpt. Wing (Korea,Japan, USS Frank E. Evans DD-754 Assn. USS Mellette APA-156 (WWII/KOREA - USS Straub DE-181 #18295 Okinawa, '48/58) #15027 #22287 Decomm.) #23051 USS Suamico AO-49 #28307 64th Ftr. Wing, 82nd/328th Ftr. Ctrl. USS Freestone APA-167 #10015 USS Memphis #19409 USS Swanson DD-443 #18330 Sq's, 582nd Air. Warn. #20008 USS Fremont APA-44 #18378 USS Memphis CL-13 #30114 USS Taconic AGC-17 #22178 79th Ftr. Bomb Sq. (Eng., '52/55) USS Frybarger DE/DEC-705 #17690 USS Mertz DD-691 #17470 USS Tattnall DD-125/APD-19 #11173 #14004 USS Ft. Snelling LSD-30 #13955 USS Miami CL-89 Assn. #10943 USS Taugot SSN-639 #19503 96th Bomb Grp, 339th Sq, "Wildfire" USS Fuller APA-7 (WWII) #17375 USS Miller DD-535 Assn. #18017 USS Teton AGC-14 / USS Panamint Bomb Crew (B-17) #15145 USS Gandy DE-764 (WWII) #22836 USS ARG-3 (WWII) #17603 AGC-13 (Incl. Mar./Army) #15144 320th Air Refueling Sq. #10147 USS Gayety AM-239 #17556 USS Mission Bay CVE-59 #18408 USS Thomas Jefferson APA-30 (Korea, 345th Bomb Grp., 500th Bomb Sq., B- USS General G.O. Squire AP-130 USS Mitchell DE-43 #17755 '50/55) #20548 25'S (Pac, WWII) #20946 #10752 USS Moctobi ATF-105 #14885 USS Thomas Jefferson APA-30 (WWII) 348th Ftr. Grp., 341st Ftr. Sq #20167 USS General S.D. Sturgis AP-137 (Incl. USS Montague AKA-98 #17694 #10413 371st Ftr. Grp., 405th Ftr. Sq. (WWII) Mar.) #17831 USS Mugford DD-389 #23048 USS Thomaston LSD-28 Plankowners #21546 USS George Clymer APA-27 #12044 USS Mullany DD-528 #14603 Assn. #12148 397th Bomb Grp. Assn. #21528 USS Gherardi DD-637/DMS-30 USS Murphy DD-603 #18499 USS Timmerman EAG-152 (Orlg. EDD- 440th Ftr. Intercpt. Sq. #21997 (1942/55) #17431 USS Nashville CL-43 #18264 828) #19505 465th Bomb Grp., 783rd Bomb Sq. USS Cleaves DD-423 Assn. #17782 USS Nassau CVE-16 #17379 USS TInsman DE-589 #17668 #16979 USS Goldsborough DD-188/APD-32 USS Natrona APA-214 #22035 USS Towner AKA-77 (WWII) #14610 551st AEW&C Wing (ADC) / Support #18626 USS Neches AO-5 (WWII) #21564 USS Trinity AO-13 (1939/46) #18304 Please turn page


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all because doctors told me they were safe. Avenue, Pompano Beach, FL. 33069 The amazing walk-behind brush cutter! 523rd Ftr. Bomb Sq. #15062 529th Ftr. Sq. (CBI, WWII) #12427 583rd Sig. AW Bn. #14297 The DR® FIELD and VETS® 583rd SIg. AW Bn., Hq Det. #11051 Continuedfrom page 52 5g5th SAW Bns. #15411 780th Bomb Sq.(H) (WWII) #12622 BRUSH MOWER 904th Sig. Co. Depot Avn. Assn. #16830 CLEARS & MAINTAINS meadows, pastures, 9/1 5th AF, 323rd Grp., 331st Serv. Sq. (Africa/Italy, woodlots, wooded and rough non-lawn areas WWII) #10666 931st Signal Bn. #16764 with ease. CUTS tall grass, weeds, brambles, 1352nd AAFBU, Search/Rescue (ATC/CBI/WWII) tough brush and saplings up to 1 " thick. Units (Otis AFB, prior 12/73) #19640 #14283 1094th USAF Spec. Report. Sq. (Korea) #19051 CHOPS/MULCHES most everything it cuts. 1886th Avn. Engr. Bn. (WWII) #11110 1875th Engr. Avn. Bn., C Co. (CBI) #19630 Leaves NO TANGLE of brush to pick up like B-17 Crew #11210-209 (Ardmore, OK 2/18-6/1 1945) 7167th Spec. Air Missions Sq. (Incl. Assoc. Pers.) #19684 hand-held brushcutters and sicklebar mowers. #19431 BAD 2 Assn. (Warton Eng., WWII) #18828 Perfect for low-maintenance 7505th Hospital USAF #21612 P-51 Mustang Pilots Assn. #16783 AACS Alumni Assn. #12465 wildflower meadows, European- Pilot Class 44-K (Vernon, TX) #16949 Air Forces Escape & Evasion Society #15143 style woodlots, walking paths, RAAF/WAFB Veterans Assn. (All Pers., '41/67) #11570 B-52 Stratofortress Assn. #19413 or any area you only want to Berlin Airlift Vets Assn. #15089 mow once a month or Nha Trang Air Base (Incl. Army, VN) #12813 once a season Photo Mapping Assn. #20426 Marines •8HP Pilot Class 50-G #15104 Self-propelled Security Police Assn. #15159 1st Arm'd Amphlb. Bn. (WWII) #19378 1st Mar., 1st Bn. (VN 65/68) #19871 • Mows up to 1/2 SRAFN (Society of Ret. AF Nurses, Inc) #19256 acre per hour! 1st Mar. DIv., 1st Amphib.(DUKW) Co. (Korea, '50/53) #12556 ' Optional Electric- Starting 1st Mar DIv, 1st Rgt, 3rd Bn, 81 MM Mrtr Pit (China, Army Air Forces WWII) #19375 1st Mar. DIv., 1st Rgt., 3rd Bn., How Co. (Korea) 5th Al:, 314th Comp. Wing, Hq & Hq Sq., V Bomb #20066 Comm. (VBC, WWII) #16841 1st Mar. DIv., 26th Rgt., 1st Bn., A Co. (WWII) #11651 5th AF, 33rd Ftr. Ctrl. Sq. (SW Pacific, WWII) #10431 1st Mar. DIv., 7th Rgt., 1st Bn. (Korea, 50/51) #21247 5th AF, 3rd Emer. Rescue Sq., (SW Pacific) #16981 1st Rgt., 3rd Bn., G Co. (Korea) #20102 5th AF, 485th Bomb Grp., (Venosa Italy, WWII) #15052 3rd Mar. DIv., 9th Rgt., 3rd Bn., I Co. (WWII) #10439 MADE IN USA 5th AF, 80th Serv. Grp., 66th Serv. Sq. (WWII) #15098 4th Mar. DIv., "The Fighting Fourth" (WWII) #17223 5th AF, 80th Serv. Grp. (Australia) #19608 Please mail this coupon TODAY for complete FREE 5th Amphlb. Corps, MP Co., H&S Bn. #17187 5th Bomb Cmmd., 407th SIg. Bn.(VBC), Hq & Hq Sq. 5th Fleld/Serv. Depots (Guam, WWII) #12419 DETAILS of the DIT FIELD and BRUSH MOWER i #22706 5th Mar. DIv., 26th Rgt., Bn., (WWII) including prices, specifications of Manual & ELECTRIC- 1st A Co. #19635 [ 5th Station Hospital #20038 5th Mar. Div., 28th Rgt., 1st Bn., Co. (, '45) STARHNG Models, and "Off-Season" Savings now in effect C i 6th AF, 20th TC Sq. (Panama) #16875 #22894 Airdrome 7th AF, 87th Sq. (WWII) #10706 7th Def. AAA Bn. Assn. (1940/45) #22926 7th Ferrying Grp. (Great Falls, MT WWII) #20397 9th Def./AAA Bns. (WWII) #17143 8th AF, 385th Bomb Grp. (Sta. 155 Eng., WWII) #16893 Barrage Balloon Grp. (WWII, '41/43) #21386 9th AF, 323rd Bomb Grp., 455th Bomb Sq. (WWII) China Marine Assn. #17183 City state ZIP © #12464 FMF 1st Amphlb. Recon., A Co. (1951/54) #13355 To: COUNTRY HOME PRODUCTS*, Dept. 967F 9th AF, 363rd Tac. Recon. Grp., 161st Tac. Recon. Sq. | Marine 4.5" Rocket #10812 Feiry Road, P.O. Box 89, Charlotte, VT 05445 (Europe, WWII) #21622 Marine Corps Avn. Assn. (Gray Ghost Sq. 531) #19504 _j 12th AF, 421st/1710th Sig. Co. Bns. (WWII) #30012 Marine Corps Combat Correspondents Assn. #17112 12th Tac. Recon. Sq. (1917-Present) #12839 Marine Corps Engr. Assn. #13467 15th/20th Weather Sq. Assn. #20615 Marine Raider Assn. #10671 15th AF, 84th Depot Rep. Sq. (WWII) #13864 MAWS-1 1 (Kume Shirna) #1 71 34 20th AF, 1st AARUF (Aircraft Rep. Unit-Floating) NAS Honolulu, Mar. Det. (Kee Hee Lagoon 43/45) #22662 #23038 20th AF, B-29's (Guam, WWII) #15114 Panama Canal Marines (1941/45) #10342 20th Ftr. Grp., AAF Sta. 367 (All Support Units) #12584 Let us USMC Drill Instr. Assn. #19669 25th Bomb Group Recon. Sp. Assn. (Watton Eng., VMB-413 (WWII) #21041 WWII) #16974 VMF-124 (WWII) #11732 27th TC Sq. #10345 VMF/VMFAW/VMFA-115 Assn. Inc. (1943/95) #14732 38th Air Depot Grp., #21841 amaze you! Rpr. Sq. VMSB-333, 3rd MAW (WWII) #14471 38th Bomb Grp., 71st Bomb Sq. (WWII) #16878 45th Air Depot Grp. (Incl. Attch. Units) #11164 KITSAP PENINSULA VISITOR 8 52nd Ftr. Grp., 5th Ftr. Sq. (WWII) #20989 57th Bomb Wing Assn. (WWII) #16757 Coast Guard CONVENTION BUREAU joins with 58th Bomb Wing (Chlna/Burma/lndia/Tinlan) #16776 Fleet Tug Sailors Nat'l Assn. (Incl. Navy) #20301 SUBASE Bangor, home of the 62nd TC Grp. Assn. (WWII) #16879 64th TC Grp. #10141 LST-69 #20993 LST-762 #17071 Trident Fleet, to provide the finest in 74th Serv. Grp., 390th Serv. Sq., Team A #10416 USCGC General Greene W-140 (1942/45) #21760 75th Troop Carrier Sq. #1 1 044 Mojave catering & conference facilities. 76th TC Sq. (WWII) #16942 USCGC WPG-47 #17012 USCGS Asbury Park, NJ #19128 78th Ftr. Sq. (WWII) #16709 Located on the beautiful Olympic Aquarius AKA-16 (Navy 79th Ftr. Grp. Assn., 85th/86th/87th Ftr. Sqs. (WWII) USS & CG) #17018 USS Belfast PF-35 (WWII) #10495 Peninsula we are less than 1 hour #23099 82nd Repair Sqdn. (AGRA) #19569 USS Callaway APA-35 (Incl. Navy) #17058 from Seattle nestled in pristine 89th TC Grp., 308th AAFBU, 24/26/30/31 /Hq Sq's USS Cavalier APA-37 (WWII) #17054 (WWII) #16882 USS Cor Caroli AK-91 (WWII) #17049 forests near Bremerton, WA on the 92nd Air Drome Sq. #16858 USS General M.C. Meigs AP-1 16 #20797 Liggett 1 1 1th Tac. Recon. Sq. (WWII) #16752 USS Hunter AP-27/APA-14 (WWII) #12796 historic Hood Canal. 306th Bomb Grp. Assn, (1942/45) #20442 USS Joseph T Dickman APA-13 #30000 313rd Ftr. Sq. (WWII) #19308 USS Kanawha AOG-31 #12424 >1 St class accommodations 317th TC Grp., 39th TC Sq. (WWII, SW PAC, USS Knoxville PF-64 (WWII) #13817 USS Machias PF-53, Escort Div. 33 (WWII) #10122 iVTransportation arrangements Europe) #15184 341st Bomb Grp.(M), 22nd Bomb Sq. (CBI, WWII) USS New Bedford PF-71 Patrol Frigate Assn. (WWII) JVFantastic military tours #16756 #10114 USS Orange PF-43 #12803 iVSpecial event memorabilia 344th Serv. Sq. #16915 USS Poole DE-151 (WWII) #17035 366th Ftr. Grp. #16988 iV Award winning cuisine USS Rockford PF-48 #14693 373rd Ftr. Grp., 412th Ftr. Sq. (WWII) #19464 USS Sheliak AKA-62 #10816 fcf Speaker bureau access 382nd Air Serv. Grp., 598th Engr. Sq. #10197 USS Spencer CG-36 #21002 388th Bomb Grp. (H) Assn. #10378 -VRegistration assistance 404th Ftr. Grp., 508th Ftr. Sq. (WWII) #20863 435th TC Grp., 76/77/78th TC Sq. (WWII) #16959 1-800-416-5615 435th TC Grp., 78th TC Sq. (WWII) #20336 l\/iisceilaneous 435th TC Grp., Hq Assn. (WWII) #16996 ONE CALL is all it takes to make 439th TC Grp., 93rd TC Sq. (WWII) #15030 6th Stat. Ctrl. Unit (Maxwell Field, AL) #19849 your conference or reunion a success. 440th TC Grp., 95th/96th/97th/98th Sqs. #16837 American WWII Orphans Network #12098

450th Bomb Grp. (H) (WWII) #22308 Atomic Vets Nat l Assn. (All Test Areas, '45/65) #11335 You will be AMAZED htow easy it is! 455th Bomb Grp. (H) Assn. (Italy, WWII) #22791 Burtonwood Assn. (All) #21734 MWK Srtoi (f ^frvtraii". optriillorn fl"' not oppn to Ifw generai publit mepi on an rKraslonol 505th Bomb Grp, 313th Bomb Wing (VH), (WWII) international CPO Assn. #20816 hasln fe«eimlt»«) by mitaliaflon lOimnarid'rr in \Ut splilt of (ommunhv tnhanfenwnl. #20507 Mukden Survivors #17272 i^uitaty uien m atlivs dyt^, tfiltrfi miuiaty, rfiMviili, OvV ilvlllani, and Ocpendpfiw and ewatUKt gj/«t'. u1 th«« tfi?Jf)ie ptimz HetnembM, protMtis um sale^ In MWR operations 507th Ftr. Grp. Assn., 463rd/464th Sqs., Hq Det. (WWII) Stars and Stripes Assn. (WWII, Korea, VN) #10736 go 10 mainlain quality ^vkkis, fwllfitei and pfograms, #13052 Vietnam Veterans, Chapt. 169 (Bremerton) #19606


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gious Jews and Christians manage to inspire one another and find significant TWO HOLLYWOOD areas of agreement in the struggle for Continuedfrom page 30 special \ basic decency and the defense of tradi- offers for tional values in the popular culture. seniors: While most Americans have hardly noticed, key institutions and personali- NordicTrack Pro® model shown wildly popular Forrest Gump contained ties of popular culture have begun I* Try our safe, numerous (and generally affirmative) developing a notably more hospitable effective aerobic references to religion and Divine Provi- attitude toward organized religion. Hol-

worltout for 60 days. dence. The 1994 remake of Miracle on lywood's current status still leaves vast It's simple. NordicTrack simulates cross- 34th Street went even further with its room for improvement, but an exhila- country skiing — long recognized as the best enthusiastic rating spirit aerobic exercise — and no one does it better. endorsement of organized of change—if not outright The natural, walking movements provide a faith. rebirth and revival—is already in the 100% weight-bearing exercise that helps Of course, these pro-faith messages air. prevent osteoporosis! Try it in your home for in major Hollywood films or shows 60 days — if it's not for you, send it back! TV don't necessarily mean that the produc- 2* Senior Discount Models ers suddenly found their way to pro- maices cardiovascular start at $299"* religious passion; LIFE MEMBERSHIPS fitness affordable. found the profit motive is still more important in the The NordicTrack® exerciser easily exercises Life Membership notices are published for all your major muscle groups helping you bum entertainment business than the prophet Legionnaires who have been awarded Life IVIemberships by their posts. more calories and get a better cardiovascular motive. If they throw in a religion's workout. Over 3 million people already know Life membership notices must be submitted on official character in established forms which may be obtained by sending a self- that exercise doesn't get any better than an TV series addressed, stamped envelope to: Life Memberships, The NordicTrack. Call today for details! like Roseanne or LA. Law (or Picket American Legion Magazine, P.O. Box 1055, Indianapolis CALL TODAY! Fences or Northern Exposure, for that IN 46206. matter) you can assume it's a bid for FREE VIDEO & BROCHURE James W. Roberts (1995) Post 31, Salinas, OA ratings rather than a statement of faith. Coleman Curry, Alvin Johnson (1993), David G. 1-800-441 -7891 Reeves (1995) Post 422, Rialto, OA 1^ Savvy television or movie producers or write; NordicTrack, Dept. 127L5 Francis A. Donlon (1972), Calvin McEiwain (1974), 104 Peavey Road, Chaska, MN 55318-2355 can read the same surveys the rest of us Edward R. Goller (1976), James A. Hejduk (1980), Anthony C. Ferro (1982), W.B. Williams do—showing, for example, that 75 per- (1990), Romeo Zumpano (1994), Emily lUI. Doney (1995) ^ordicftack' cent of Americans say they pray "regu- Post 772, Fontana, OA Russell N. Rogers Jeffrey D. Beaver, Elliot larly" while 82 percent believe that the (1990), ©1995 NordicTrack, Inc., A CML Company • All rights reserved. Meccico, John M. Sullivan (1995) Post 12, Norwalk, 'Shipping, handling and applicable tax are extra. Bible is either the "actual" or "the CT Alvin Williams Post Lake Worth, FL inspired word of God." (This according (1995) 258, Lewis Chapman (1994) Post 210, Anita, lA to the National Opinion Research Cen- John L. Scott, Richard B. Seversike (1995) Post 233, Cambridge, lA ter.) The American Edward F. Kilburg, Howard J. Kuhl, John S. Leonard, Nevertheless, the presence of devot- John D. Manderscheid, Alvin J. Michels, Earl N. Mueller, Richard J. Norpel Sr., LeRoy C. Reistroffer, ed Jews and Christians in key positions Legion Magazine Allan F. Schirmer, Clarence J. Sieverding, Lavern L. in the entertainment industry has great- Welnschenk, Norbert J. Weinschenk, Wayne G. Wey-

Subscription hgandt (1995) Post 273, Bellevue, I ly aided the shift to more supportive Arnold Pedersen (1995) Post 533, , IL on-screen treatment of religious themes Steve J. Mack, Erwin A. Neumann, Joseph P. Phelan, Henry A. Piontek, Bernard V. Raj'kowskI, Frank J. The Perfect and characters. This body of believers Sercot, Joseph T. Solinski, Eugene P. Soltes, Henry Giftfor provides an invaluable resource for an P. Tomezyk, Fred J. Wagner (1996) Post 923, Chica- go, IL industry that seems eager to connect a Friend John L. Rice (1995) Post 64, Indianapolis, IN with the religious sentiments of the Edward J. Kunas (1994), James R. Davis, Bernard B. Roganovich, Michael F. Yudt Post Gary, or Relative general public, but often has no idea (1995) 279, IN where to start. Like all other creative Donald J. Yaros (1995) Post 430, Merrillville, IN William L. Benson (1993), Robert J. Bennett Jr., Ray- artists, TV and movie producers work Twelve mond C. Berry, Andy Blaner, W.L. Bond, Crit Bruner, most effectively when reflecting E.C. Buchanan, Jewell M. Coursey, Kenneth M. issues for Eblen, Woodring Fryer, Raymond P. Gish (1996) aspects of life they know firsthand. $12 Post 40, Henderson, KY Even Schindler's List, perhaps the Warren Demers (1995) Post 95, Quincy, MA ($15 after January 1, 1996) Robert P. Anderson (1995) Post 137, Holbrook, MA most universally praised motion picture Albert P. Lougee (1995) Post 194, Hamilton, MA of our time, owes some of its religious Eugene O. Olson (1995) Post 325, Holyoke, MA Earl H. Cooley, Stephen F. Kriesak, Hugh A. Lamb Jr., sensibility to the personal journey of its Name Mathew Placzek (1995) Post 454, Westfleld, MA creator. The film begins with lovingly Harry C. Davis (1984), William C. Groves Jr. (1991), Jack R. Cross (1994) Post 233, Indian Head, MD Address rendered Jewish rituals, marking the George Bartholomew (1965), Willis R. Harrington, first time that Steven Spielberg ever Claude Mann, Albert J. Miller, Raymond Overhuel (1968), Richard E. Penoyar, Donald J. Sloyer, made serious reference to his heritage City Dominick P. Tragna (1995) Post 49, South Haven, Ml in any of his films. Raymond J. Young (1992), Robert E. Howe (1993), R.G. Remus (1995) Post 269, Haslett, Ml State Zip In light of their deep differences in Wlllmond B. Allen (1995) Post 382, St. Clair, Ml theology and style, the burgeoning Milburn Henke (1993), Roger K. Ollson (1995) Post 96, Hutchinson, MN Send check or money order to: Jewish and Christian groups in Holly- Oscar Sizemore (1995) Post 595, New Madrid, MO The American Legion wood have as yet made no formal Stephen J. Szabo (1995) Post 25, Milltown, NJ Russell Arner, Martin V. Lawlor (1995) Post 338, Input Services attempt to together, but their indi- work Leonardo, NJ P.O. Box 1954 vidual members cooperate on worthy James Abbott, Bruce Hess, Donald Lent Sr., Harold Sutliff Post Gloversville, NY endeavors nearly every day. On the (1995) 137, Indianapolis, IN 46206 Joseph MIcell (1995) Post 422, Flushing, NY most profound and personal level, reli- Please turn page

56 THE AMERICAN LEGION The smallest 10 BAND RECEIVER ever gets you to MOSCOW, LONDON, etc.

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7 SHORTWAVE BANDS 1 Long Wave Band • AM Band FM Band • World Time Zone Map BUILT-IN TELESCOPIC ANTENNA Fits In The Palm Of Your Hand Hear broadcasts from around the globe with our highly sensitive worldwide Take It With You Anywhere receiver. The hi-tech electric circuitry actually brings to you the world in crystal-clear reception. This is the same electronic technology used in Puts The Globe At Your Fingertips today's more advanced elaborate receiver systems. Has been proven World Band Short Wave Radio superior to other models tested for audio quality, ease of operation and reception capability. Our sophisticated computer chips allow you to receive Brings the entire world into your home signals from anywhere on the globe as well as other regions of the USA. inc., Dept. M639 Includes a vast array of outstanding features. HjEER creek products, I 3038 NW 25th Ave., Pompano Beach, FL. 33069 Tune into events around the world. Discover what's happening in Europe I with Back Guarantee from their prospective. Enjoy eavesdropping on England's legendary BBC. Comes a 30 Day Money Hear how Baghdad is reacting to current events. Follow fast-breaking sto- I One 10 Band Radio only $29.95 plus $4.50 ries as they unfold in France, Moscow, Japan, China, etc. Or simply be I shipping and handling entertained by the music of various nations. It's all here for your pleasure. I Two 10 Band Radios only $54.95 plus $7.00 Its powerful receiver, built-in speaker and LED fine tuning indicator lights I Name allow you to easily focus on receiving any signal. You can even listen to your favorite TV programs or regional sports events while you are out of Address town. Can also be used as an ordinary AM/FM radio. It's really quite easy City to use. Includes a hand strap. Has a headphone adapter for easy listening. Compact - measures only 6%" wide x 3" high x ^V^" deep. State Zip. Former members of Btry. B, 782nd AAA (AW) Bn. the american legion before the disbandment at Camp Haan, Calif., for LIFE MEMBERSHIPS research. Contact: George Sewak, 706 Lake Sequoy- ah Dr., Fayettevllle, AR 72701. Continued from page 56 Former members of the 525th Military Intelligence

Robert E. Bellando, Frank Bomasuto, Stanley F. Kaws- Group, Fort Bragg, 1950-53, to id personnel in group ki, John Trombetta, Thomas D. White, Richard H. photos, for a book. Contact: Paul N. Kuzmich, 102 Woleben, Samuel Zanghi (1995) Post 434, Brocton, Sarah St., Mckees Rock, PA 15136; (412) 331-8691. NY Former members of the 980th Ordnance Depot, for Fred J. DeFilipps (1993), Gerald S. Mawn (1994), research. Contact: Mel Chapman, SR. 111, Defiance, Americo Gifaidi (1995) Post 529, Holley, NY Robert Bond, Elwyn Mclntyre, George Mclntyre, OH 43512. Topical. Howard Parsons, Gerald Pettit (1995) Post 658, Fair Information on Camp Red Cloud Special Services, Haven, NY Korea, 1965-66. Contact: Larry L. Lietzau, P.O. Box Ronald L. Sabo (1995) Post 854, Valley Stream, NY Thought-provoking. 2195, Cordova, AK 99574; (907) 424-7273. Robert F. Bessey (1994), Gerald E. Osterhoudt (1995) Post 1286, l^kewood, NY Information on K Co., 7th Rgt. Combat Team, 3rd Div. Timely. Charles Angeloni, Edward Capuzzi, Thomas J. Dorsey, in Korea, 1951-52, for research. Contact: Dennis Frank J. Durinzi, John Kupets Jr., Daniel E. lUlariotti, Beall, P.O. Box 53501, Macon, GA 31208. Easy your wallet. Adam Onese, Anthony J. Savini, John Sekulitch, on Members of 10th Troop Carrier Group based at Lawson Joseph W. Shaw Jr., Tony Tassone Jr. (1996) Post 590, Republic, PA Field, Ga., 1942-44, for a book. Contact: O.C. Wilkins, 2329 Maben Ave., Palm Harbor, FL 34683. NEW SUBSCRIPTION? George iVI. Beard, Walter Durham, Floyd Huckaby, Billy G. Ray, Keith Thomasson Post (1995) 261, Winters, Members of Co. D, U.S. Guard, 36th Bn., Fort Sheridan, TX Oct. 23, 1918. Contact: Dewey E. Anderson, 9604 RENEWAL? Daniel E. Manning (1995) Post 228, Milwaukee, Wl 145th Ave., Foreston, MN 56330-9509. Joseph W. Murphy (1995) Post 257, Ridgeway, Wl It's easy. Just send us a Lester G. Brennum, J. Thomas Coon, Darrell J. Krenz Members of the 519th MP Bn., Korea, 1952-53, for arti- (1995) Post 534, McFarland, Wl cle on Freedom City, life at the DMZ and GIs' house- check or use your VISA boys. Contact: K.R. Adams, 1835 Lake Rd., Silver Creek, NY 14136. or MasterCard. Members of the 766th Tank Bn. in WWII, for historical IN SEARCH OF.., research. Contact: Albert Burnham, 1611 Waverly Ave., Duluth, MN 55803. $15 for one year issues) This column is for readers searching for groups of vet- (22 Members of the National Guard during Korean War, for erans for purposes other than forming a reunion (use a study. Contact: William M. Donnelly, Department of VETS* column) or to find witnesses to verify VA health History, Ohio State University, 106 Dulles Hall, 230 The American Legion claims (use COMRADES IN DISTRESS column). No 17th Ave., Columbus, 43210. notices seeking information about relatives or friends will W. OH Dispatch published. Notices be are published free, on a space- Memorabilia of AAF Floating Depot/Maint. Units, Pacific available basis. If a notice does not appear within six Theater. Contact: Edwin Davis, 4713 Bedford Rd., P.O. Box 1055 months of submission, please resubmit. Jacksonville, FL 32207.

Indianapolis IN 46206 Experiences and unpublished letters of American sol- Newspaper articles and photos of the train trip of diers and their families throughout the century, both Lt.Gen. L.K. Truscott Jr. July 1946 from Heidelberg, in peacetime and wartime, for a book. Contact: Call Germany, to Naples, Italy. Contact: Darrell D. McAr- (317) 630-1349 Stephen J. Adier, 2427 Broadway, Box 272, New dle, Rt. 1, Box 118, Oakland, NE 68045-9404. York, NY 10025.. Participants in U.S. raids to free American military and civilian POWs from enemy camps, for research and possible exhibit at POW Museum, Andersonville, Ga. Contact: Research of Sacrifice, c/o Bob Reppa, 315 Lamond Place, Alexandria, VA 22314-4906.

Participants of Boat Landing D-Day Training at Rudyard Lake near Leek, Staffordshire, England in early 1944, for historical research. Contact: Richard W. Schenk, 46 Old King's Highway, Hampton, CT 06247.

Replacements who joined Co. L, 346th Rgt., 87th Inf. Div. Dec. 11, 1994 and D-Day, for historical research. Contact: James H. Ogden Jr., 301 Plum Point Rd., Huntingtown, MD 20639.

Veteran, retired and active duty Army Engineers to par- United States Flags ticipate in recognition programs and the Engineer Museum. Contact Army Engineer Association, P.O. are always a bargain at National Emblem Sales. Box 30260, Alexandria, VA 22310-8260; (703) 355- 2084.

The regular retail for a 3' x 5' nylon outdoor Veterans who served with 392nd Sq., 30th Bomb Grp., 7th AF, in Phoenix, Gilbert, Marshall and Marianas replacement flag with sewed stripes and embroi- islands from 1942-45, for historical research. Con- tact: Carlos C. Smith, 555 N. Water Ave., Apt. 3, Gal- dered stars is $32.90 while our regular price is latin, TN 37066-2307. Wartime experiences, stories and anecdotes of WWII $24.90. Save $8!! And there are always discounts soldiers of Btry. A, 450th AAA (AW) Bn., for a book. Contact: Robert G. Thompson, RR 4, Box 761 C, available for quantity purchases. We will meet or Franklin, PA 16323; (814) 431-3137. WWII history of the 329th Engineers, especially H & S beat any current advertised price for compara- Co. Contact: Barbara A. Byrne-Fox, 2627 Broadway Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15216.

ble size, quality and quantity. Call or write us for WWII veterans of the 32nd or 37th Infs. in the New Guinea/Buna campaign who are suffering with neu- the best prices in high quality Made in the U. S.A. ropathy problems as a result of jungle duty. Contact: George F. Fries, 2011 Mt. Pisgah Place, Pittsburgh, United States Flags. PA 15205. WWII veterans who saw Therese Neumann, sigmata, National Emblem Sales from Konnersreuth, Germany. Contact: Noreen Von The American Legion Zwehl, 1 Fruitledge Rd., Brookville, NY 11545. P. O. Box 1050 u6th Special Seabees, those who were at the Oct. 1, 1943 landing on , crew of the USS Zau- Indianapolis, IN 46206 rak and veterans of other stevedoring battalions from 317-630-1251 all branches of the service, for a book. Contact: Frank Jardim, 705 Linden Place, Cranford, NJ 07016.

58 THE AMERICAN LEGION How do you explain what\ right and wrong?

Yesterday she was chosen to hold the flag while her class said the Pledge of Allegiance. Her teacher told her she had earned that privilege. She was proud to teU her parents.

Today she saw a person burn a flag to attract attention.

She asked her teacher if burning a flag was right or wrong.

The teacher had to tell her

that it used to be a bad thing, but some important people in Washington

said now it's okay.

She went home confused. Her parents decided that

it was time to get involved.

They know that

flag burning is wrong.

s Flag Alhance today! -424-FLAG.

Citizens lag

AUiance, Inc.

This aj Rhan 80 member orgatnizations of Cidzelirftag AUiance, Inc., including:

WA'ETS • African-American Clarion • Air Force Sergeants AssoSation • AUiance of Women Veterans • American Gl Forum of the US, Founding Chapter The American Legic ^^^^^^^^^^^ lerian Merchant Marine Veteran^^j|dBBWat Mothers • Ancient Order of Hibernians • Association of the U.S. Army Baltic Women's Counci^^Hjjj^BI^Krective Order of the Elks * CongKssiaaiU^PBHHjJ^aen' of the USA Croatian American Associarion Croatian CathoUc Union Czech Catholic^^n^Czecho4awk Christian Dcmocrac)- in the U.S.A • Enlisted Association Natttmal Guard U.S. ;J"Jen Reserve Association • Fox Associates, inc.

Fort)' 6c EWit 'Gold Stat Wives ot Ameriu, inc. 'Grand Lodge Fraternal Order of Police* Grand I^ge of"Masons of Oklahoma • Hungarian Association jReformed Fe4eiarion of,^erica • Italian Sons and Daughters of Amcrics • Knights of Columbus • Koiwnrffiherian Association of Greater Washington • Laborers International Union of!

ca • Marine Corps League • Marine Corps Reserve Officers Association * K^^jiiaif^der of the Purple Heart of the U.SA • Moose international • National .Mliance of Families

ational Association for Uniformed Services • National Cosnictologj' AjsoaJtion ' National Center for Public Policy Research • National Fcdcrarion of Hungarian-Americans National Federation of Sutc High School /i«o«iari6lis • Naiona] Flag Foundation • National Grange • National Guard Association of the U.S. National League ofFamilies ofAmerican Prisoncis ai)d)4»nil8 m Southeast Asia • National Offia'ts A>s(Kiation • National Organization of World War Nurses • National Service Scar Legion

National Vietnam Veierjm Coalition • Naitt'Daugbteis ot rfvc Golden West • Native Sons ofthe Golden West • Nav)' League of the U.S. • Navy Seabee Veterans of America Auxiliary Navy Seabee Veterans j)CAi«*tTa • Non-Comittissioned Officers Association • PAC Pennsylvania Eastern Division • Pohsh Amerian Congress • Polish ,^my Veterans Association

Mi-^h Falcons gl^Ameriu • Polith Tjl, lhvoI Amrrica Pi^trict II • Polish Home Army • Pftlish National Alhana • Pohsh National Union • Polish Roman Catholic Union of Nonh America

li .'. • • (tellsfi Scouting Oi, i: • V " iirion Polish Wornens Alliance RR Donnelley & Sons, Company Sconish Rite of Freemasonri'-Southern Jurisdiction

• "^tonnf i Jr . > Ibonicjurisdinion • SomofTheAmrtian Legion* TheOrchard LakesSchools The Retired F-nlistcd Association

1;. 1 . I " \ • : ^. I., f M .) r.'L«/Vvosiation *U.S. Pm Asian American Chamba of Conmierce* U.S. MarineCorps Combat Correspondents Associan t

I • ' • * * < w \ !T;'-'^rmvCor,i! VcKrans Aisociati(in Women's CKcrseas Seriice League Woodmen of the Wotid i COMRADES IN DISTRESS President John F* Kennedy on August 1 , 1 963 said: Any man

who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life Readers who can help these veterans are urged to worthwhile...can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction, write a witness letter, including the CID number. Send the letters to CID, The American Legion Magazine, Box 1055, Indianapolis IN 46206. Notices are published only at the requests of American SERVED IN THE Legion Service Officers representing claimants using Search for Witness Forms available from Legion Depart- UNITED STATES NAVY'' ment Service Officers. Bty. F, 8th Field Arty., 11th Div. William J. Burlchead The Official U.S. Navy Memorial Sailor® Mug. Just released! The back is needs witnesses to verify that while stationed at inscribed with famous Navy quotes by General George Schofield Barraclcs, Hawaii, from Dec 18, 1929 to May 16, 1932, he was exposed to mustard gas. Con- Washington, Qptain James Lawrence, Admiral Chester tact CID 1311. Co. B, 1st Trng. Rgt. W. Nrmitz and President John F. Kennedy Gordon K. Brown needs witness- es to verify that what stationed at Fort Dix, N.J., from Only $1 0. each. A portion of the proceeds IVIarch 10 to Feb. 10, 1962, he fell down a flight of stairs, injured his right knee and went to Walson will be paid to the Navy Memorial - Home of / Army Hospital. Contact CID 1312. the Lone Sailor in Washington, D.C. Made of HEDRON-7373 Supply Gr. Lucien Conrad Gilbert needs witnesses verify that in heavy-duty vitreous china...will last a lifetime. to November 1955, he was admitted to the British Hospital, 49 Rua Saraiva Credit card orders call Toll Free: De Carvalho, Estrela, Lisbon, Portugal. Contact CID 1-800445-6847. Fox onlers; 508 392-0758 Add 1303. Hq. Co., 1st Bn., 383rd Inf. Earl Floyd Morris needs $4.00 for shipping & handling.(MA residents add witnesses to verify that while on Okinawa in Novem- ber 1945, he suffered shrapnel wounds to his back 5% sales tax) Or ml out this form and nwil it to us, and burns on his foot. Contact CID 1308. Mokes 0 great gift! Order now! M Co., 1st Inf. Rgt, 6th Army Coleman George Joseph needs witnesses to verify that while going through

Name Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery basic training at Fort Ord, Calif., between Nov. 4-6, 1952, he was injured during bayonet training. Con- Address_ tact CID 1305. Medic Training School Tyre Clifford Billings needs wit- nesses to verify that while attending a gas detection City_ State Zip class at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, during March- April 1952, he was exposed to mustard gas, choking Enclosed.: Check M.O. VISA Exp.Date_ | WDM gas and others. Contact CID 1307. USS Essex Wade Helton Foy needs witnesses to verify card# rrm mm[ 1 Send FREE 48 page color catalog D that while stationed aboard the USS Essex in Sep- tember 1944, he suffered shrapnel injuries to the Signature of mugs: I I Number head. Contact CID 1310. USS Taconic AGC-17 John D. Trice needs witnesses Military Art China Co., Inc. P. 0. Box 406 Westfoid, MA01886O406 to verify that while aboard the USS Taconic in 1961, he suffered a cervical/neck injury. Contact CID 1309.

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Speaking of these health secrets, she says, cold sores, menopausal problems, sinus trou- $9.95 to: THE LEADER CO., INC. Publishing "A doctor was usually called as a last resort, ble, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, age spots, Division, Dept. AM572, P.O. Box 8347,

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new guy what it means to them to be a father, what they've learned as a man, and what they want to pass on to their kids. Mad Dads was started in Omaha by Dedicated to America's patriotic Eddie Staton. These fathers come armed for0es, this exquisite collec- tion of four ceramic relief steins, together to have more of a presence in featuring the service mascot and the community. They patrol the streets, Budweiser logo, is handcrafted by literally chase out drug dealers, and Ceramente of Brazil. AH are 6 1 /8" reach out to the young people. Security tall, and come gift boxed with a cer- tificate of authenticity. Dads in Indianapolis is a similar group OIMLY of responsible fathers who go to school events and try to give a helping hand to fatherless children. each The National Institute for Responsi- 24 ble Fatherhood, founded by Charles plus applicable sales tax Ballard, does very successful counsel- and ^5.00 shipping ing with young men who are fathers but CALL: have a lot of things going against them. 1-800-445-9618 These young men lack education and often are not married to their children's mothers. The institute, which began in Cleve- land but is now expanding to six new states, has helped many young men form successful families by getting them first to realize how much they want to be good fathers to their kids.

Q. What things can men do as indi- viduals? A We must begin by looking at our- selves. What are my shortcomings as a husband and father? How can I do better? How can I keep myself clear on the point that my success as a husband and father is important? Men can hold other men account- A. MARINE STEIN B. NAVY STEIN C. AIR FORCE STEIN D.ARMY STEIN able in a good, supportive way by ask- Full color Illustration Full color illustration Full color illustration Full color illustration ing questions such as: Are you thinking depicts our marines depicts our naval sea depicts our fighter depicts battle scenes of engaged In intense forces and air opera- planes, pilots, and today's modern hi-tech through what is really important here? tions in dramatic ground support in dra- army. landing operations. bat- Are you getting distracted by things tle scenes. matic battle settings that are not ultimately as important to you as making sure that things are Spencer going well at home? And older men need to tell young Most credit cards accepted.Marina and Navy steins available by phone, or at your local Spencer Gifts store. men not to have children until they are

62 THE AMERICAN LEGION Bertram G. Davis, NY, Assistant National Judge Advo- married, and that after they marry, they kind of trouble because they were not cate (1959-60), National Judge Advocate (1960-83), should work really hard to make their able to learn from their fathers how to Publisher, American Legion Magazine (1978-81). marriages last. prove their masculinity in positive Charles R. Draper, OR Department Vice Commander (1960-61), Department Commander (1961-62). For the past 20 or 30 years, there has ways. James S. Harrison, NE Department Sergeant-at-Arms been a lot of talk that maybe children We men are the ones who are miss- (1958-59), Department Vice Commander (1964-65), don't really need fathers or that it is ing in action. Department Commander (1965-66). Donald E. Livingston, lA Department Vice Commander unrealistic to expect all or even most of (1986-87). our children to grow up with fathers. Libert J. Pakela, HI Department Vice Commander I believe that children need both (1970-71), Department Commander (1971-73), Alter- nate National Executive Committeeman their fathers and their mothers to be so (1975-77), TAPS National Executive Committeeman (1977-83). with that they irrationally in love them Lorretta O. Phillips, CA Department Vice Commander Taps notices are limited to only those Legionnaires would be willing to die for them. The (1958-59), National Historian (1972-73). who have held high national or department offices. We Charles W. Salter, MO Department Commander (1977- child's relationship with both parents regret that we cannot extend the honor to all members 78), Alternate National Executive Committeeman to strong and permanent. And needs be William W. Crossett, NH Department Sergeant-at-Arms (1990-94) National Executive Committeeman (1994- if those parents are also bonded to each (1965-70, 1972-95). 95). other, their alliance maximizes the well-being of the child.

Q. But saying that children need Tim; VViini; Dook Plbi.isiiing Compwy unconditional love from their par- ents is not necessarily the same as saying that they need both fathers and mothers, is it? Bradley J. Parrish A You're right, but they do need both parents because children NORTH POLE EXPRESS receive different things from their fathers and their mothers. In general, parents do four main things: They nurture their children. They teach their children a way of life, transmitting competence, character and an understanding of right and wrong. They provide for them. They protect them. In each of these four areas, fathers bring a distinctive set of competencies and inclinations to the parental task. They do things differently from moth- ers—not opposite, not better or worse. Differently. Fathers hold babies differ- Image Size 13 5 x 29 ' ently. l500 S N Prints S'l75 •A' . ZSOOnCcinvas S395 They teach and discipline, nurture and talk to them differently. The more we study fathers and mothers, the more we learn that there is a quite mysterious and wonderful, almost magical and Db you remember the wonder you felt as a child staring up at the stars in a overlapping way that a father's love Christmas Eve sky ? Do you remember the feeling ofoverwhelming anticipation envisioning and a mother's love reinforce each ; other when things are working right. In your most hoped for present nestled tightly next to Santa; wondering if your letter arrived in time? this sense, neither a father nor a mother can fully parent a child. Bradley J. Parrish has captured it all in his wonderful Christmas classic, "North Pole Express".

this Q. So comes down to retooling Christmas may only come once a year, but it comes every year, generation after generation. our core beliefs. A In a society such as ours, to say We invite you to share the tradition of Christmas with an heirloom of distinction. that every child deserves a father, that out-of-wedlock childbearing is WHITE DOOR PUBLISHING • BOX 425 • NEW LONDON, MN 56273 • 1-800-425-1-800 wrong, and that the divorce rate is much too high, is to talk about a truly fundamental change in our values.

What children are being deprived of is not mothering, but fathering. It is not )OOF disrespectful to mothers to say that a PUBUSHINCCO. mother cannot be a role model for mas- culinity. Most anti-social violence is Fim: Art Limited Edition Piunts committed by young males. And fatherless boys, especially, get into this

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or send Check/Money Order with your Street Address to: trash day.... Lock this door.... Don't r—1 IVIODERIV ELECTROIVICS ELK PRODUCTS, INC. P.O. Box 100 Hildebran, 28637 ^ NC drink out of the new bottle if the old ^ i-8aa-gaE-EEE4^ one isn't empty.... Do not drop clothes Ic^l 2125 S. 156TH CIRCLE • OMAHA, NE 68130 II 3 on the floor.... But Carpenter carefully balances her HERNIA APPUANCES drill-sergeant routine with plenty of lis- 60% MORE JUICE FOR COMFORT! FROM YOUR APPLES to that their tening. "You have realize When you slip into a gen- The Secret is Ihe -APPLE EATER" gf inder which reduces inclination is not to talk with uine BRCK)KS Appliance I anyone Ihe fruit to a line pulp Has you can enjoy heavenly I with gray hair," she says. "If you can stainless steel knives and will comfort night and day at I grind a box ot whole apples in listen, join in their conversation and not work or at play! Thirteen less than five minutes Makes 2 to 3 gallons of cider per tub. million ^Id, since 1880. You buy direct from the Heavy 1 1 ^" acme screw and reprimand them all the time, I think factory - never sold in stores - beware of imitations. casi iron cross beam All hard- you're ahead of the game. And you Only the highest quality materials and workman- wood construction Four mod- els from single tubs io double ship. (Especially for older people who wish to avoid have to be reliable. You have to pick tub Ccmpletelv assembled or unnecessary operations for reducible rupture). Send low cost kits Send $1 00 or them up at school when you said you for our FREE illustrated booklet with no obligation. call 913-849-3103 for catalog would." BROOKS APPLIANCE COMPANY (Medicare 960 State St., Marshall, MI 49068 Pays 80%) HAPPY VALLEY As they answer the bell for this sec- RANCH ond round of parenting, people like 16577 W327 DEPT A25 Carpenter, Raybourn, and Bob and PAOLA, KS 66071 FREE Color Catalog! Over 80 Products Sharon Jerome may be the wave of the 1-800-800-FWM future. Wall hats, t-shirls, pins, The Jeromes say it would be nice to „m\ Buy one at $59.95 and gel 2n prints, & much more! SP**" 50% off and 1000 rounds fre travel. They dream of someday buying Friends of the • Side Lever • Spring Piston Action • 1 77 Cal • 750 FPS • 300 Yard Range • Hardwood Stock - Rifled Barrel • Adjustable Siglits • 7 lbs a Gold Wing motorcycle with a side car Vietnam Veterans for Michael, now 4, and taking a grand Memorial

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DECEMBER 1995 65 0

Legion Shopper

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1. Title of Publication: THE AMERICAN LEGION. 2 Date of filing: September 29. 1995. Classified 3 Frequency of issue: Monthly, A. No. of issues published annually: 12. b. Annual subscription price: $2.50.

-4. Location of known office of publication: 5561 W. 74th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana SEND ADVERTISING COPY 46268-4184 (Marion County). All classified advertising Is payable In advance by 5. Location of the headquarters of general AND REMIHANCE TO: check or money order. Please make remittance business offices of the publisher: 700 North payable to "The American Legion Magazine." RATES: Eileen Hennessy Pennsylvania St.. Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. $19 per word. Count street addresses and box The American Legion Magazine 6. Names and addresses of publisher, editor numbers as two words; all city, state and zip codes as c/o Fox Associates, Inc. and managing editor: three words. GUARANTEED CIRCULATION: Publisher: Daniel S. Wheeler, 700 N. Pennsyl- 116W. Kinzie Street 2,850,000 per month. DEADLINE: Advertising copy vania St., Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Chicago, IL 60610 must be received 60 days before cover date of issue Editor: Steve Salerno, 700 N. Pennsylvania St., 644-3888 desired. All advertisements are accepted at the (312) Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 discretion of the publisher. FAX (312) 644-8718 Managing Editor: Miles Z. Epstein. 700 N. Penn.sylvania St., Indianapolis. Indiana 46204 7. Owner (1/ owned by a corporation, its name AGENT WANTED HEALTH & HEALTH-CARE PRODUCTS and address must be stated and also immedi-

METAL/EMBROIDERED EMBLEMS, made-to-order, 3-4 WANTED 10 PEOPLE to lose weight, feel better and make ately thereunder the names and addresses of weeks delivery. DAISY-AL, P.O. Box 6-65. Taipei, . money. Free information (800) 315-0622 24Hrs. stockholders owning or holding 1 percent or 886-2-3676445. ROC. FAX: more of total amount ofstock. If not owned by a MANICURE CUTTERS with wide jaws for nails. tough $10. corporation, the names and addresses of the ARROWHEADS/INDIAN CRAFTS Leilne Mfg.. 214 N. Highland, Chanute, KS 66720. individual oumers must be given. If owned by a partnership or other unincorporated its ILLUSTRATED WHOLESALE LISTS PLUS NICE SAMPLE HEARING AIDS. Deal direct. Guaranteed lowest discount firm, TRIANGLE POINT. $3. Westco, Box 778-L, Colfax, CA prices. Top quality. Made in the USA. Home trial. Free name and and address, as well as that of each 95713. Information. (800) 641-4327. True Sound. individual must be given. If the publication is published by' a nonprofit organization, its name BOOKS & MAGAZINES HOME IMPROVEMENT and address must be stated.

CHRISTMAS IN BASTOGNE: Life and Love in WWII. $16. REUPHOLSTERING KITS with instructions. Wavarly The American Legion, 700 N. Pennsylvania St., Mike Heyman, 3446 Joan Court, Falls Church, VA 22042. Upholstery (800) 431-7878. P.O. Box 1055. Indianapolis, Indiana 46206. 8. Known bondholders, mortgages, and other

MANUSCRIPTS WANTED. Subsidy Publisher with 75-year HELP WANTED security holders owning or holding 1 percent or tradition. Call (800)-695-9599. EASY WORK! EXCELLENT PAY! Assemble crafts at more of the total amount of bonds, mortgages BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES home. (800) 377-6000. ext. 6820. or other securities: None. 9. For completion by nonprofit organizations $329.84 WEEKLY assembling products at home. Toll-free; BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Earn weekly commissions selling authorized to mail at special rates (Section (800) 460-WABC, ext. 1292. our large selection of calendars, pens and promotional 423.12, DMM only) The purpose, function, and gifts. Receive premier service from AAA-1 company. Our nonprofit status of this organization and the 861h year. Full or part-time potential. Call (800) 500-7227 ICE HOCKEY TOURNAMENT exempt status for Federal income tax purposes Ext. 501. Sharon Maggard. Newton Mfg. Co., Dept. LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, INVITATIONAL LEGION. 32-Team #DAL12. Newton, lA 50208. have not changed during preceding 12 months. Hockey Tournament. AphI 14-18, 1996. Contact; Jim Not- 10. Extent and nature of circulation: man, (613) 543-4363 phone or fax. Actual Number HOME BASED TRAVEL AGENCY, complete start-up and Average No. of Copies of training included. $99. Free info pack: Travel. P.O. Box INSURANCE Copies Eacfi Single Issue 8056. St. Petersburg, FL 33738-8056. Issue During Published CHAMPUS SUPPLEMENT will pay the 25% allowed, plus Preceding Nearest to CAMPING & CAMPING SUPPLIES 100% of all excess charges. For tjrochure, call (800) 627- . , f.^ 12 Months Filing Date 2824, ext. 424. A. Total No. or Copies KNIVES. Gerber. Coldsteel, WHOLESALE PRICES. Printed (Net Press Benchmade, Boker. others. Catalog $3.00. Discount. POB KITS AND PLANS Run) 2,893,486 2,889,253 9946-A, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33310. B. Paid Circulation CONCRETE MONOLITHIC DOMES; 400% -I- stronger. CASINO SUPPLIES/PLAYING CARDS Fire, tornado, earthquake proof. 70% energy savings. 1. Sales through Houses to stadiums. Kits/turnkey. Free info (800) 608- dealers and CATALOG 233-0828. 0001. FREE (800) carriers, street COATS OF ARMS MUSIC & MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS vendors and counter sales 7,185 6,490 486-3322. COATS OF ARMS, 500,000 names, 32 countries. Free cat- ACCORDIONS. $550-$9,000. (800) 2. Mail sub- alog. The Ship's Chandler. Dept. L.. Wilmington, VT scriptions 2,867,284 2,872,090 375-9469. PERSONALS 053G3. (305) C. Total Paid ELECTRONICS NICE SINGLES wish to meet others. FREE magazine. circulation (Sum of Send age, interests. Singles, Box 310-ALM, Allardt. TN lOBl and 10B2) 2,874,468 2,878,580 38504. TEST CHIPS FOR CABLE BOXES all makes and models. D. Free distribution (800)-61 5-9221. by mail, carrier or ASIAN WOMEN! Overseas, marhage-minded. Free photo brochure. Sunshine International Correspondence, Box other means. FOR SALE 5500-HK, Kallua-Kona, HI 96745-5500, (808) 325-7707. Samples, compli-

USA SOLDIERS PLAOUE. $5. Army. Box 706. Novi. Ml mentary, and other 48376. JAPANESE WOMEN! 110 Pacific Avenue, #208-JB, San free copies 3,022 1,958

Francisco, CA 941 1 1 . (81 6) 942-1 868. E. Free distribution FLAGS; WWII Commemorative * Military * USA * Interna- REAL ESTATE outside the mail tional 'Sports *Flag poles, (800) 711 -FLAG. (Carriers or other EASY LIVING. 3BR CONDO with rentals. 1119 Fall Creek means) 2,480 2,480 Drive Branson, 65616. GIFTS #1 , MO F.Total Free distribution (Sum of D and E) 5,502 4,438 BLACKJACK CARD COUNTING SYSTEM $9.95. MIskIni, TRAVEL & RECREATION P.O. Box 2241 , Pompano Beach, FL 33061 G.Total distribution "ATLANTA '96 OLYMPIC HOME RENTALS" (770) 442- (Sum of C and F) 2,879,970 2,883,018 1299. H. Copies not distributed

1 . Office use, left-over, VIDEOS unaccounted, spoiled AWARD CASES VINTAGE FILMS-Free catalog of movies from the 20's after printing 13,516 6,235 ALSO MEDALS AND RIBBONS through the 60's. Discount prices. Ken's Nostalgic Films, 2. Returns from Sow harthvood.gunstDCkwaliiutfinlsh. Full 1 1385 Hwy. 35. Suite 287, Middletown. NJ 07748. (908) news agents None None between glass arxl black, blue, red or wttite 671-4948. G.Total (Sum of E, Fl, and velvety mourtting board. -$18.95, 2 should equal net press 8"x10" -$24.95, ^^•xU^ -$29.95, WANTED — 14*x20' - $39.95, 20'x24 ' -$59.95. Add run shown in A) 2,893,486 2,889,253 $5.00 shipping per case. (No P.O. Boxes) CAMERAS - LEICA, ZEISS, Alpa. Voigtlauder, Rolleiflex, 11.1 certify that the statements made by me Fine Collectables, Sandy Ritz 956-9132. R. ANDREW FULLER COMPANY , (800) above are correa and complete. Box 2071-L, Pawtucket, Rl 02861 (Signed) Steve Salerno, Editor VISA/MCAccepted (Writefor FREE Catalog) WRISTWATCHES, POCKETWATCHES, (also parts). (800) 844-3465.

DECEMBER 1995 67 —

I Parting Shots!

Legal Maneuver In a conference with a prospective attorney, a client tells the details of his

case. The attorney mulls it over for a moment and says, "This is a pretty strong case." "Then I'd better not sue, the client says. "I told you the other guy's side of it."

A Girl's Smallest Friend The young man put an engagement ring on his fiancee's finger. Studying

it, the fiancee said, "I feel sorry for all my near-sighted girlfriends."

Ready, Aim... Two mercenaries were about to be shot. One said, "I think I'll ask for a blindfold." "Immigration. The other said, "Don't make trou- ble." Tongue Tied Wake Up Call A male teenager has problems: It was 4 a.m. when Mr. Dartle's Polly Wants A Chuckle He's too old to say anything cute, and phone rang. The voice at the other end A man bought an expensive parrot. he isn't old enough to say anything was pleasant and sweet: "I'm Mrs. Bringing it home, he spoke to it nicely intelligent. Weber, and I would like to tell you in hopes that the bird would start to that the refrigerator I bought in your talk. Each morning, the man would Little Bit Of Texas store works like a charm." pass the cage and say cheerfully, A Texan was escorting an English- "Thank you. But why call me about "Good morning. How are you?" The man through one part of the Lone Star it at four in the morning?" Dartle bird refused to respond. It even looked state. Pointing off to one of the end- inquired. away when it saw the man coming. less plains, the Texan said, "You "Because they just delivered it," After many weeks, the man became know, your whole country could fit she said. discouraged. Then came a day he into one comer of Texas." walked by the cage and didn't say his The Englishman said, "Yes, and it Boom Baby usually cheerful greeting. The bird would do wonders for the place." looked at him and said, "Well, well! A recent classified ad: Wanted And what's wrong with you this Man to understudy human cannonball. Picked Up Truck morning?" A good ol' boy came running into Must be willing to travel. the tavern and said to his buddy, "Al, they just stole your pickup truck." Brain Trust Al jumped up, saying, "Who?" A particular kindergarten was very The good oV boy said, "I didn't see progressive, giving children comput- his face, but I got the license number." ers to work with. A visiting state offi- cial was horrified to find that young Busted children were being subjected to such The judge said to the prisoner advanced learning. He ordered that the before him, "Have you anything to children be given Erector sets, instead. offer this court before I pass sen- But the first day the children had the tence?" The prisoner answered, "Nope. sets, two of them built a computer. My lawyer took every last penny."

Parting Shots jokes are courtesy of Kissing And Telling Milton Berle's Private Joke File of A kiss is a strange thing: A small 10,000 jokes, $29.95 plus $3 shipping boy gets it for nothing. A young man and handling. For ordering informa- has to steal it. And an old man has to "It seems to be a bill for overnight tion, call 1 (800) MILTIE-B. pay for it. delivery."


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