Tairu-L-82-001 C. 3

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Tairu-L-82-001 C. 3 TAiRU-L-82-001 C. 3 +s CArfI 't4 Bibliography of Maritime and NavaI History Peri odi ca 1 Artie 1 es Publ i shed 978-1979 with Cumul ati ve Indexes for 1970-1979 Compiled by Charles R. Schuitz University Archivist Texas ARM University September 1982 TAMU-SG-83-602 Partialiy supported through Institutional Grant NA81AA-D00092 to Texas A8M University by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Office of Sea Grant Department of Commerce TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PUBLISHING HISTORY V'1 I . GENE RAL 1 I I. EXPLORATION,NAVIGATION, CARTOGRAPHY. 7 III. MERCHANT SAIL & GENERAL SHIPPING NORTH AMERICA. 15 IV. MERCHANT SAIL & GENERAL SHIPPING - OTHER REGIONS. 25 V. MERCHANT STEAM OCEAN & TIDEWATER. 43 VI. INLAND NAVIGATION 51 V I I . SEAPORTS. 61 VIII. SHIPBUILDING & ALLIED TOPICS. 69 I X. MARITIME LAW. 78 X. SMALL CRAFT 86 XI. ASSOCIATIONS & UNIONS 91 XI I. FISHERIES 94 XIII. NAVAL TO 1939 NORTH AMERICA 107 XIV. NAVAL TO 1939 - OTHER REGIONS 116 XV. WORLD WAR II & POSTWAR NAVAL. 132 XVI. MARINE ART, SHIP MODELS, COLLECTIONS & EXHIBITS 146 XVII. PLEASURE BOATING & YACHT RACING 148 CUMULATIVE AUTHOR INDEX. CUMULATIVE VESSEL INDEX. 193 CUMULATIVE SUBJECT INDEX 208 INTRODUCT I ON The current volume brings to a close the first decade of this bibliography. Compilationof the several volumeshas beenan interest- ing and enjoyable task even though it required manyhours on countless eveningsand weekendsover the past twelve years. As this volume goes to press, work is already underwayon the next one to cover the years 1980 and 1981. As befits the final volume of a decade, this one is larger than are any of the previous ones. There are two principal reasons for this. The most obvious one is that the current volume has cumulative author, vessel, and subject indexes for 1970-1979. The cumulative indexes should be a convenience for users, especially those who have all of the volumes. Since the first two volumes did not have vessel i ndexes, the cumulative vessel index is especially important. Entries have been included for all vessel names in the 1971 and 1972 volumes. A second reason for the size of this volume is that the coverage is broader, While the basic source for entries has been over 150 journals in the holdings of the TexasA&M University Library, additional ones have come from "America: History and Life" and "Historical Ab- stracts." Computersearches of the two data basesprovided a numberof citations from 1978. The searches were funded by the Texas A&MUni- versityy Library ResearchCommittee with moniesmade available by the University ResearchCouncil from the Organized ResearchFund. Manual searches of the printed abstract provi ded additional citations from 1979. Information for the l979 journals had not yet been loaded into the data bases when the information was needed. Charle- R. Schultz August 1982 PUBLISHING HISTORY Because there have been two publishers of this title and there have been a number of requests about availability of back volumes, it seems appropriate to provide a bibliographic history at the end of the decade. Schultz, Charles R. Biblio ra h of Maritime and Naval Hi t P i cal Arti cl es Dur in 1970, Mystic, Connecti cut: Mari ne H~storical Association, Inc., 1971. Out of print. Available in xerox copy from the compiler at 104 per page, 82 pages, $8.20 plus $1.00 for postage. Total $9.20. and Pamela A. McNulty. Biblio ra h of Periodical Articles on Maritime and Naval Histor Published in 197l, Mystic, Connecticut: Marine Historical Association, Inc., 1972. Out of print. Available in xerox copy from compiler Schultz at 104 per page, 92 pages, $9.20 plus $1.00 for postage. Total $10,20. Schultz, Charles R. Biblio ra h of Maritime and Naval Histor P d ical Articles Published 1972-1973, College Station, Texas: Center for Marine Resources, Sea Grant College Program, Texas A&MUniversity, 1974, Report TAMU-SG-75-601. Out of pri nt. Available on microfiche from National Technical Infor- mation Service NTIS!, Report NumberCOM-74-11775/5 cost not known! or xerox copy from the compiler at 104 per page, 59 pages, $5.90 plus $I.OO for postage. Total $6.90. and Pamela A. McNulty. Biblio ra h of Maritime and Naval Histor : Periodical Articles Published 1974-1975, College Station, Texas: Center for Marine Resources, Sea Grant College Program, Texas A&MUniversity, I976, Report TAMU-SG-77-601. Out of print. Available on microfiche from NTIS, Report Number PB-262-462/5 cost not known! or xerox copy from compiler Schultz at 10$ per page, 164 pages, $16.40 plus $1.00 f' or postage. Total $17. 40. Schultz, Charles R. Biblio ra h of Maritime and Naval Histor P d ical Articles Published 1976-1977, College Station, Texas: Center for Marine Resources, Sea Grant College Program, Texas A&MUniver- sity, Report TAMU-SG-79-607. Available from the publisher at $4.00, on microfiche from NTIS Report Number !B-295-299/1 cost not known!, or xerox copy from the Totalcompiler$I0.30. at 104 per page, 93 pages, Charles $9.30 R.plusSchultz $1.00 for postage. University Archivist Texas A8M University College Station, Texas 77843 I. General Affens, W. A. and E. A. Lange,"Ignition of FlammableGasses in Crude- Oil Tankersas a Result of Metal Fracture, Naval En ineers Journal, February, 1979, pp. 76-80. Archer, Clive, "NewDepartures in the North Sea," ~Cooeration and Con- flict, No. 1, 1978, pp. 1-19. Baker, Brent, "Naval and Maritime Events, January 1977-December,1977, United States Naval Institute Proceedin s, Nay, 1978, pp. 49-59, 239-250. "Naval and Maritime Events, 1978," United States Naval Institute Proceedi n s, May, 1979, pp. 49-57, 229-?36. Bakr, M. A., "A Linguistic Approachto MarineComnunication," Journal of . II . 1979.. 171-179. 9« '« I I I or not the objectives of the StandardNarine Navisational Vocabular developedby the MarineSafety Committeeof INCOhave been achieved. Bayne,Richard, "The Deadly Waves of Lituya Bay--A Violent,Unpredictable Phenomenon,"National Fisherman,April, 1979, pp. 194-198. Deals mostlywith the survival of HowardUlrich andhis son in their 40' troller Edrie of a giant wavein the bay on the coast of Glacier Bay National Nonument in 1958. Becker, GordonL., "Rights, Obligations, and Liabilities of Commercial Shipping in the Exclusive EconomicZone, "Marine Technolo Societ Journal, April-May, 1979, pp. 10-14. Bess, David, ' TheMaritime AcademiesAre All Wet," United States Naval 9 . 979.. . ~d too muchtime educa ng students f'or careers at sea and not enough time preparing them for managementjobs ashore. Britton, Peter, "NightmareWaves Are Al t Too Real to DeepwaterSailors," Smithsonian, February, 1978, pp. 60-67. Dangersto large modern ships from huge waves. Carroz, J. E., "The Managementof Living Resourcesin the Baltic Sea and the Belts," OceanDevelo ments and International Law, No. 3, 1977, pp. 213-232. Carter, GeorgeF., "Kilmer's Law: Plant Evidenceof Early Voyages," Oceans, July-August., 1979, pp. 8- 12. Uses evidence of vari ous plants to prove trans-Pacific voyages as early as the 15th century. Cartwright, D. E. "Oceanic Tides," International H dro ra hic Review, July, 1978, pp. 34-84. Discusses previous efforts to study ocean tides and the problems still to be so1ved. Chapin, Seymour L., " La lande and the Longi tude: A Little Know London Voyage of 1763," Notes and Records of the Ro al Societ of London, No. 2, 1978, pp. 165-180. French astronomer Joseph Jerome Le Francais de Lalande's 732-1807! unpublished Vo a e en An leterre sheds new light on John Harrison's 693-1776! chronometer and its use in deter- mining 1ongi tude. Cole, Herbert A., "Marine Pollution--Facts and Fiction, the Situation in 8ritain," Ocean Mana ement, October, 1979, pp. 263-278. Corder, James L. and Melvin A. Schwartz, "The Shipboard Facilities Main- tenance Demonstration Study," Naval En ineers Journal, April,1978, pp. 91-102. Cotter, Char'les H., "EdwardJ. Johnsonand the Early History of Ship Mag- netism," Journal of Navi at~on, September, 1979, pp. 415-421. Crowley, Michael, "God's Many Tugboats," National Fisherman, December, 1979, pp. 80-81, 108. Describes the several missionary vessels named Sunbeamused by the Maine Sea Coast Missionary Society to minister to the ~nhab~tants of the coast's is'lands and headlands since 1912. Crutchfield, James A., "Marine Resources: The Economics of U. S. Ocean Policy," American Economic, Review, No. 2, 1979, pp. 266-271. U. S. Fishery Conservation and ManagementAct of 1976 deals with many issues including more effective use of marine resources, expecially fish. The annual world catch of' fish has more than tripled from 20 million metric tons in 1946, and the future is dim. Curtin, JamesW., "With an Eye for the Future: An Appraisal of the Status of O. S. OceanPolicy in the 1970'a," PianineTechnolo S~ociet Journal, February-March, 1979, pp. 3-8. Davis, Grant M. and L. Joseph Rosenberg, " A Pragmatic Analysis of the U. S. Maritime Policy: Its Impact on Marketing Costs," Pro d' of the Trans ortation ResearchForum, 1977, pp. 341-345. Dicer, Gary tel. and Gerald D. Sentell, "EconomicModeling of Changing Maritime Transport Patterns in the 80's: A NewApproach," Proceed- in s of the Trans ortation ResearchForum, 1979, pp. 151-158. Driscol, William J., "A Convention on International Multimodal Transport: A Status Report," Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce,July, 1978, pp. 441-460. Eastman, Charles W., Jr., "New England and the Sea: A Mass. School looks to the Sea for Alternative Meansof Teaching," National Fisherman, April, 1979, pp. 178-180. Epling, John T. and David Laist, "Perspectives on an OceanManagement System," OceanDevelo ments and International Law, No. 3/4, 1979, pp.
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