MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, is;e. M ISC EL LAN tJ FROM GENOA it is reported that a strict HAS DECLINED to join in the Austro- JKJTHB BAI-ON F. TON DiEiiGARDr has given the and the military and poli-e wer; BOapellid to watch is being kept over Garibaldi's movements. Italian League for the restoration of peace, whioh munificent donation of X10.000 to the committee of interfere. HEAVY COMPENSATION FOR A RAII At Caprera a Government Bteamer is continually in had been proposed by Count von Beast. The league the German Hospital at Dalston, for the purposes of At tbe late Manchester Assi| TdE CBINESE MISSION, which is A SPECIAL SITTING OF STIPENDIARY MAG I >T.til l;, sight, and all communication between the two neigh­ was intended to protect both France and Germany the charity. A special general court of the governors was held at Derry on Saturday evening, for the in>. graves, commercial traveller, bp Madrid, 13 causing much curiosity. bouring islands of Caprera and La Madeleine is for from any I033 of territory; but, in oaseof the defeat has been called for Friday next for the purpose of mediate trial of the parties implicated in the .lots of against tbe Lancashire and Yorktl FOOTPRINTS ON THE SANDS OP TIME Crows' bidden without special permit. of Prussia, it would not have prevented the dissolu­ giving the committee power to invest the money. the 12th. Several of the rioters were sent to gaol injuries sustained in a oollition - feet —Fit*. I ON FRIDAY the new act to shorten the time tion of the North Gorman Confederation. AT TUESDAY'S SITTING of the Central Criminal for a month, and others were oommitted to take Deoember between a pawnger tra f QJISTION OF CONTRABAND.—If coulg are con­ for active service in the army, and to amend in A NEW INVENTION.—There is anew invention Court, the Lambeth baby-farmers, Waters and Ellis, their trial in a higher oourt. An attempt was wagens which were beiag •hunteoj tra" wad of war, why not oall the colliers, who are certain respects the law of enlistment was issued. which is advertised in two words " Ozokerit were indicted for the wilful murder of five children. made to renew the riots, and inBide th? walls evidence was to the tffeot that ti guilty of exporting the ooals, over them ?—Punch. There are 22 seotions in the act, and provisions as to (patented)." What is it? What can it be? The As, however, the defenoe had received no notice of the police had the greatest possible difficulty in suffering from spinal diseases, the re| i THE DCKE OF MANCHESTER has lefc England the reserve force and militia. The number is not to speculations with respect to Ozokerit are numerous. certain evidence which was to be brought forward on keeping the factions apart. Large orowds assembled and in all probability le would n for ta 5 seat of war. His grace will be allowed to exceed 60,000. Some consider it a hoax, intended to puzzle and per­ the part of the prosocution, the trial was postponed outside the walls had also to be kept in check. recover. The jury gave a verdict remain at the Prussian head-qaartera., THE PAINTER MEISSONNIER has had an inter­ plex the curious, while others imagine all manner of to the next sessions. THE LADIES OF THE ORLEANS TAMILY are hvi assessing the damage at £1,250. THE PRINCE OF SAKE-WEIMAR has arrived at view with the Emperor at Metz. He is to receive things, ranging from a pin to an anchor. THE EXTRAORDINARY SENTENCE of two months' to have sent, through Messrs. B ithsohild. OU.oouf, ^ THE RBYL EiMBunrou.—This Ab- rdem, on his way to Birkhall, which he is to 100,000 francs (44,000) to illustrate the victories ACCOUNTS FROM ALEXANDRIA state that on imprisonment with hard labour has been passed upon the fund for the relief of the wounded. The Countess held last week, and was considered ojeipy daring the shooting season. achieved by the French during the campaign. At the Viceroy arriving there from Constantinople, he an unhappy carter by the Bromley magistrates, for of Paris and the Duchess de Cbartres eend latfc cessful. A large wooden building Nans HAS BEEN RECEIVED at Cairo of the present he has not had an opportunity of displaying expressed himself highly gratified with his reception playing at pitch and toss on Sunday afternoon. The 10,000f., the Princes de Joinville 20,000f., and the the occasion, aud was tastefully deo €0ti)'lif:on of Sir Samuel Baker. On the 13th of his abilites. . . y the Sultan. His Highness left two days after for man, who denied that he took any part in the game, Duke d'Aumale contributes 50,000f. in memory of his toons and flo*ers, interspersed wit] Welsh mottoes The chief mim of J«i» ha was at Tewfikiyeb, lat. 9.26 N. THE BELFAST CHAMBER OF COMMERCE on Fri­ 'airo, to be present at the opening of the Khalig or and who bore a good character, was convicted upon deceased wife, who would have bt en the first, he says dam of the Nile. The waters this year have attained stated to be " the development of 1 THB ACCOUCHEMENT OF QOELX OLGA of Greece day resolved to draw up a memorial to Government, the evidence of a Bingle policeman. in his brief but affecting letter, to have come to the an unusual height. talent, and the anvaureuientef our 1 i-j daTy expeoted. King George has left Athens for detailing the grievances under whioh the public snffer aid of the wounded soldiers and of the war-stricken A WAR OFFICE CIRCULAR has been issued, im­ that is loyal, good, and virtuous." To OP fa, at whioh latter place the Queen is residing. in regard to telegraphic communication, and praying A PETITION has been presented at the Ru'e families of France. pressing upon every soldier the importance of making were given for the singing »t Welsh 1 Office of the Court of Common Pleas, on II, i. MAJESTY THE QUEEN has subscribed five that measures be a', once adopted to remedy the his will in the regulation form, and of keeping it in THE PORTRAIT OF CHARLES DICKENS, at the age stanzas to t he momon of different 1 behalf of the Liberals, against the return of Mr. of 43, painted by Ary Saheffer, in 1855, has recently bqndred pounds to the Fund for the Belief of the grievances complained of. his pocket ledger. The ample pay that the soldier elegies, essays, pianoforte pl»\ir g, fa wynne Holford. The petition alleges bribery, treat- has will enablo him to lay by a large Bum of money, been purchased for the National Portrait Gallery, the : acd Wounded in the War. A PARTY of about twelve men proceeded on of russet and white boae, \Vel»h novel 11 g, undue influence, and the employment as agents and Mr. Cardwell is very wise in seeing that the price paid for it being less than oi.e-half that which JGKXEKAL BURNSTDE AND HIS WIFE were among Thursday to the house of Captain Houston, near grant," for the chair to be prevented I persons convicted of corrupt practices. The seat is property is, with £ue legaiform and accurate wording, the Maclise picture realised at Christie's on the 9th mm passengers by the Canard steamer Cuba, which Westport, County Mayo, and, searched for arms. bard, for Bardic addreepe*. ei»&-itneos| not claimed. left to the next of kin. of last month. The Seheffer portrait is grandly They found a gun, whioh they took with them. They and female OM'UDIH, perlorniaac«e on f arr.ved at from New York on Saturday. treated. It is half length, of life size, the hands are used violent threats. This is the only agrarian out­ THE REPORTED DEATH of Mr. Elliott, who, it AN EXAMINATION of Marshal M'Mahon's bag­ on Martin Luther, com t.etit ions for oil B..rwtEN ONE AND TWO O'CLOCK on Saturday joined, and the head is looking away to tbe right. rage in reported for three months. was stated, had been shot in Paris as a Prussian spy, gage has afforded the Baden soldiers some amuse­ most important competition was the ! •awards of eighty Prussian sailors left Newcastle appears to be incorrect. It is understood that Mr. THE EXPERIMENTAL PRACTICE with the >Lor> subject for which this year was " The] THE Gazette de'Francfort says-—" The inhabi­ ment ; there was a great abundance of articles of n), ltabell, towards the wounded Germans, their town has been did not form the dressing apparatus of one lady only ; neutral tint.—Fun. Monday. there were, evidently, several of the fair sex attached ing only eight to be aoeounted for. The results at and he was awarded 'h« prize of £| treated in hostile fashion. Twenty of the offenders chair value £5, in which he was irrstaT [HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES AN AMERICAN JUDGE, the Hon. Judge M'Gunn, to the general's Btaff. present show for this mitrailleuse a much larger per­ were shot upon the spot." to the ancient custom of the Isle has sent a donation of £105 towards the building of New York, the parish priest of Coleraine, and a centage of effective shots per number fired, bat the MR. H. POWNALL, late chairman of the Mid­ THE Musical Standard remarks that the much solemnity, and amid the sound 1 fund for the new church for the deaf and dumb. gentleman named M'Kenna, the editor of a news­ destructive effects of course from the field guns are dlesex Sessions, submitted recently to the Committee London mu-ical season being fairly at an end, paper, were attacked and beaten at the railway muoh superior. This weapon is not identical with the A MAN named Henry Warren has been com­ of the Society for Aid to the Sick and Wounded a Londoners are turning their thoughts to the oonntry THE Pari* Journal MM that station at Coleraine on Sunday night, while waiting French mitrailleuse. mitted for trial from Bow-Btreetonacharge of selling sample of very fine picked oakum, which has been and its musical doings. The routine round of peal to the National Guuud* was for a train. Mr. M'Kenna was badly injured. The GENERAL ABEL DOUAT.—The late General ii« >cent prints and books. used in some of the London hospitals a., a substitute " festivals" may be taken for granted; the lower class Mayor of the 18th arroadi^sement of cause of the assault is not stated. Abel Douay was hit by two balls. One passed through TUB CONSERVATIVES of Plymouth have re- for lint in dressing wounds. of oockney audiences probably betake themselves to the following letter from M Carnot, THE REV. MORGAN RICE MORGAN, vicar of Margate and Bamsgate, where Kingsbury and Hatton his shoulder, and the other struok him in the breast. nol-ed not te oppose the re-election of Sir Bobert THE FOLLOWING are the six gentlemen who Minister of 1848 :—" La Forte Alais, Llansamlet, and incumbent of St. John's-Juxta, cater for frequenters of " halls by the sea " and He was the third of four brothers, all in the French Collier. have been sent out by the society established in this Be good enough to inecnbe me on tl Swansea, was fined £5, and David Bees, his sexton, similar places of resort. service. The first fell as a major in the Crimea, and National Guard, and al-o my eon, a mil COUNT ALFRED DE GRAMONT, brother of the country for affording aid to the sick and wounded in the second as a colonel in Italy. He who has now 10s., on Saturday last, by the Swansea bench, for IT IS UNDERSTOOD that the splendid forest of I am nearly 70 year* old aud ehall I Dao da Gramont, the late Foreign minister had the war:—Dr. Mayo, Dr. Duret Aubin, Mr. Henry died at Wiesembnrg was severely wounded in 1S59. having on the 14th of June last assisted in the burial Ardverikie, in the parishes of Laggan and Kingussie, perform much servi<-e; bat a uood exa hisi left arm carried off by a cannon ball at Bundle, F.B.C S, Mr. William Ward, B.C.S., Mr. W. The remaining general, Felix, the hero of Mexioo, of a body in a ground which had been closed by an has just been bought by Sir John Bamsden, M.P., useful. We shall b* at Paris ton Wcrth Pratt, ECS., Mr. Atthill, dresser. aide-de-camp to the Emperor, oommands the 7th Order in Council. from Cluny, at a price exceeding £ 100,000. Sir John devoted felk>»-cirizen CAUBOT, Anoien Pu BLIC-HOUSE PORT.—Certain publicans adver­ A LETTER from Mr. Frelinghuysen to Presi­ oorps d'armee. THE BRIGANTINB William and Mary, now also a few months ago acquired the estate of Hilton, tise ",Wine from the wood." What wosd does Bang dent Grant, dated July 27, has been published, in THE BIUTIMI A.M. C»UJMAL EMIGJ being broken up at Burnham, is said to be the oldest near Inverness, from Colonel Inglis. With previous • PERILOUS POSITION OF CAPTAIN SHAW'S FAMILY. mean by " the wood ? " In the case of port, perhaps which the former declined the British mission on —The committee of rbis fand navel vessel belogning to Great Britain. She was built at purchases, his interest in the county of Inver­ —Mrs. Shaw, wife/of Captain Shaw, chief officer of log wool. —Pu n ch. account of his domestic relations and duties, aud 5,000 persons to emigrate to Canada sil Bridgnorth, Salop, in the year 1748, and has belonged ness probably now exceeds a quarter of a million the Metropolitan Fire Brigade, her six children, and 1, a so his conviction that there are others better of April last. No le— titan eighteen < Ma. ROBERT MiTCHELL,principal writer on the to the port of Bridgewater since October, 1786, her sterling. two servants, had a very narrow escape from being suited for the office. been forwarded b> diffe'etit bteamers, i ci Co istitMonnel, and Paul de Cassagnao, of the Pays, burnt to death on Wednesday last. For some weeks owners then being " Love Derbie, of Bridgewater, GENERAL STONEWALL JACKSON.—The statue ing from 7U2, the Urge -' • u-nHer sent have just applied to the Minister of War to be in­ If HAS BEEN ASSERTED that Count Benedetti they have been sojourning at Havre, residing at single woman; and James Coles, of Staplegrove, of General Stonewall Jaokeon, which a committee down to 9. To mce: arge exp« corporated in a regiment of Zouaves. has been in England, on an important mission, gentleman." Villiers-sur-Mer, near Troaville. Shortly after mid­ with Mr. Here.-ford Hope as treasurer, was formed to this good work, a eu n m i-23 5o0 has because he was among the passengers from Dover to night on Wednesday the house was discovered to be A SPECIAL TELEGRAM from Philadelphia states MR. AUGUSTUS SALA says:—I generally go erect, is in the hands of Mr. Foley. The effigy will of which £9,000 has been contributed | Calais a few nights ago. This rumour is founded on on fire. The residents were awakened with difficulty, that Admiral Farragat, of the United States' Navy, clad in a wonderful flannel shirt, which I bought, a be shortly ready far casting, and it promises to be a eoriptiins, £2.500 by KeleaJl'a Emig the fact that a son of the count's has just returned and it was some time before they could be rescued. is very ill at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and is not great bargain, the other day, at Noviant-aux-Pres. work of art worthy alike of the sculptor and of the and £12,000 from lo-al emigration to to France to take arms in the Garde Mobile. expected to live. It is bright orange in hue, with broad black stripes, subject. The subscriptions already received will be WORK IS SHIL VERT ACTIVE in the Royal the emigrants and th'ir frtouds, Ir is STATED that as soon as the Education AT A MEETING of the Executive Committee of and makes me look like a wasp. I hope it will sufficient to cover all expenses. The statue will be Arsenal, Woolwich. In the beginning of the week £22.0 " has been pail fur passages! Bill comes into operation, the compulsory clauses will the Society for the Belief of the Siok and Wounded be appreciated by the jolies Berlinoises, when I erected in Virginia, United States.—Globe. 80 fitters were taken on in the Boyal Laboratory for on. its. Thin, wi'h .'"her lncidenta in War, held on the 12eh inst., it was announoed that Department, and about 20 additional hands in the at once be enforced in Birmingham, Manchester, and march into the proud Hohenzollern's capital, Unter Nature remarks that the fearful destructive* shows a balance 011 the wrong eide of a large number of subscriptions had been sent from den Linden. other departments. An order to manufacture some perhaps Leeds. ness of so-called "natural" causes of death, as oommi'.tee, BOW that ih>- «iteration isl various quarters. Mr. Cardwell, M.P., Secretary of< millions of cartridges for the Snider breech-loading year, a.ipeal to the ul»iic for subscripti THE STEAMER SEINE has arrived at South­ CONTAGIOUS DISEASES (ANIMALS) ACT.—A re­ compared with even the most sanguinary battles, is State for War, has allowed his name to be added to rifle has been received at the Boyal Laboratory, and them to discharge the liabilities they hal hampton, and reports that a North German barque turn published in the London Gazette shows that the shown by the fact that during the seige of Sebastopol, the committee. the department is engaged executing it About has been taken into Cherbourg by a French man-of- total number of animals brought by sea to ports in the French army lost 20,240 cien by death in the THE LATE LOUD CLARENDJNI IT IS STATED that a pamphlet from the pen of 1,000,000 cartridges can be manufactured weekly in war. Great Britain, whioh, on inspection on landing in the field or as the result of their wounds, 75,000 from BKIOI-::.—I do no' Vit'V what pi an eminent writer, and expressing more than his the cartridge factory. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the National month of July, 1870, were found to be infeoted with epidemio and other diseases. During the Italian ClaretV. >n's character i« i!iu-*rate1 by f individual opinions, will presently be published in ON MONDAY AFTERNOON Mr. George Bnssey, Artillery Association commenced on Monday, at contagious disease was 75, all ol whioh were slaugh­ campaign of two months the French losses were going la mention, bur. c- r* it ii* a I England, in which, in the event of the final victory of South Market-road, Great Yarmouth, with his wife Shoeburyness and every preparation for the competi­ tered by order of the Customs. These consisted of 3,664 killed or msrtally wounded, 5,000 from disease had e m eived a great regard and affef of the Germans, the cession of Alsace by France to 12 cattle, 11 sheep, and 52 swine. and child, and Mr. Peter Jenson, a commercial Preeiceiit of the If -r - of Trade, and 1 tion has been made in the camp. MESSRS. BUCKLAND AND YOUNG, the special Prussia will be advocated as a basis of a treaty of traveller from London, who had also with him his than 1 « expree.ei to me his admin commissioners appointed to inquire into the effects COLONEL WILSON, B.E., is about to resign peace. THE Army and Navy Gazette understands that wife and child, went out for a sail in a pleasure boat. worth of Mr. Bright'* character. Pel the Lords of the Admiralty have decided upon of reoent legislation on the salmon fisheries in the professorship of fortifioations at the Boyal Mili­ " THE MEXICAN PIRATE STEAMER FORWARD has About two miles and a half from Yarmouth their that ti c-v had been etmng poli'ical advej tary Academy at Woolwioh. Major Stuart, B.E., making some valuable additions to the iron-clad navy, Scotland, are to start this month on their second and been destroyed by the United States man-of-war boat came in collision with a wherry and was cap­ when nerons men meet nnder such will be promoted to the vacancy. and have called upon the leading ship-building firms concluding tour of inspection. They will commence steamer Mohican. She was " cut out" at Chioola by sized. The two gentlemen were carried off by the they a- • apt to take to one another, in the United Kingdom to tender for the construc­ with the^Solway, and afterwards visit the Ayrshire TKE CRUISE OF THE MEDITERRANEAN SQUADRON boats, with sixty men, nnder Lieutenant Wainwright, current and drowned. The women and children were much of each ot* er. Perhaps it was i tion of four vessels of the Soourge class. It is also rivers, those of the West Highlands, and those flow­ in the Atlantic has been given up in consequence of saved by another boat. the sa:'•' warmth, heartiness, and who was killed, as was another officer, besides several intended to build two other ships similar to the ing into the Beauly, Cromarty, Dornoch, Moray, and the war, and it is probable the Prince Consort and GROUSE-SHOOTING ON THE MOORS commenced one that there were in the other. Al men wounded. The survivors of the Forward are Cerberus. Pentland firths. Bellerophon will return home. prisoners. A CASE OF on Friday, on probably the hottest 12th of August chroORlethe fact, although I am not so] THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, the Observer SUNSTROKE recently occurred at give tbe true explanation of it.—A. THE Daily News is glad to learn that, except LORD W. PAULET, Adjutant-General of the since 1843. The supply of birds appears to have been states, has formally aocepted the resignation of the High M 'wthorpepe,, Yorkshire Wolds. The subject Help*) in lfa«mt'Jan'» Mngcuine. a certain degree of nervous depression, no trace army, calls the attention of recruits to the advan. abundant. The young birds were strong on the wing, Eight Bev. Dr. T. N. Staley as Bishop of Honolulu. was a labourer attending to a reaping machine in the remains of the malady whioh for six months has tages of entering her Majesty's service. His lord' and very lively, and after the earlier hours of the AT THE GLAMORGANSHIRE ASSIZES| The diocese is therefore now