SVETI PAVAO SHIPWRECK a 16Th Century Venetian Merchantman from Mljet, Croatia

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SVETI PAVAO SHIPWRECK a 16Th Century Venetian Merchantman from Mljet, Croatia SVETI PAVAO SHIPWRECK A 16th Century Venetian Merchantman from Mljet, Croatia WITH ITALIAN AND CROATIAN ABSTRACTS by Carlo Beltrame, Sauro Gelichi and Igor Miholjek with contributions by Cristiano Alfonso, Jurica Bezak, Elisa Costa, !"#$%&"'()#*+,%-.'!"#/01#%$"'21##%.'3&%$"'415%-.'Antonija Jozi-.' 6"#+'78#*9"&.':/+#'!%0";5+,%-.'<+=1#$'!+>*+,%-.'!5"?1&'!)>$"@1*.' A+9"/+;'B1#*%-.'C";"&"'C#=+;1,%-'Vuki@1,%-'"&?'D1>&"'E9"%-'7#"5; Oxbow Books Oxford & Philadelphia PuBlisheD in the UniteD KingDom in 2014 By OXBOW BOOKS 10 Hythe BriDge Street, OxforD OX1 2EW anD in the UniteD States By OXBOW BOOKS 908 DarBy RoaD, Havertown, PA 19083 © OxBow Books anD the inDiviDual authors 2014 PaperBack EDition: ISBN 978­1­78297­706­3 Digital EDition: ISBN 978­1­78297­707­0 A CIP recorD for this Book is availaBle from the British LiBrary All rights reserveD. No part of this Book may Be reproDuceD or transmitteD in any form or By any means, electronic or mechanical incluDing photocopying, recorDing or By any information storage anD retrieval system, without permission from the puBlisher in writing. PrinteD in the UniteD KingDom By Berforts Information Press LtD, Eynsham, OxforDshire For a complete list of OxBow titles, please contact: UNITED KINGDOM OxBow Books Telephone (01865) 241249, Fax (01865) 794449 Email: [email protected] UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OxBow Books Telephone (800) 791­9354, Fax (610) 853­9146 Email: [email protected] OxBow Books is part of the Casemate Group 2#+&$'F+,1#G' Galleon on the Contarini monument in the Saint Anthony’s church in PaDua (miDDle of the XVI century AD). Chart “Golfo Di Venezia, olim ADriaticum” (1688) By Vincenzo Coronelli; courtesy of the Yale University Map Department, Sterling Memorial LiBrary Croatian Conservation Institute Dipartimento Di StuDi Umanistici !"#"$%&'()'*%+,-"%'&%.'/%"%0-' Department for UnDerwater Archaeology Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia through L.R. n. 15/1994 ZagreB Venice Contents List of contributors v Preface (Mario Braun anD Paolo Eleuteri) vi 2+#1H+#? (C. Beltrame, S. Gelichi anD I. Miholjek) vii Chapter 1. Introduction 1 C. Beltrame and I. Miholjek Chapter 2. Methodological and technical aspects 7 2.1 Discovery, research methoDs anD techniques 7 ' :I'!%0+5;1*'"&?'AI'B1#*%-' 2.2. The photogrammetric Documentation of the hull 17 C. Alfonso 2.3. The photographical Documentation 20 ' <I'!+>*+,%- 2.4. 3­D reconstruction of the hull 22 E. Costa Chapter 3. The historical and archaeological maritime context 25 3.1. The ADriatic Sea, pottery anD shipwrecks in late anD post­MeDieval perioD: an archaeological perspective 25 S. Gelichi 3.2. Archaeological traces of Venetian navigation in the MeDiterranean anD Atlantic from the 16th anD the 18th centuries 36 C. Beltrame Chapter 4. The shipwreck of Mljet 45 4.1. The ship, its equipment anD the crew’s personal possessions 45 C. Beltrame 4.2. The orDnance 53 ' :I'!%0";5+,%- 4.3. A transport of Iznik pottery 64 ' DI'E9"%-'7#"5; 1212'' 304%5'6-00%5)'!"&7' 89: S. Gelichi 12:2'' ;.#77'!"&7' 889 ' !I'21##% 12<2'' =%0#.'!"&7' 881 J. Bezak 4.7. The Ottoman Akches 137 G. Kürkman iv Contents 4.8. Two Saxony talers 144 ' DI'E9"%-'7#"5; 4.9. Animal Bones 147 ' CI'C#=+;1,%-'D)*%@1,%- 4.10. ConsiDerations of Dating anD the historical context of the Mljet shipwreck 150 C. Beltrame Chapter 5. Conclusions 152 JI'K15$#"91.'LI'615%F0%.':I'!%0+5;1*'"&?'DI'E9"%-'7#"5; Appendix. !"#$%&'(#)*+,-&'$+'.$)#(,&)+,-&'$&/$,"#$0'.( 154 !I'!)>$"@1*.'!I'()#*+,%-.'3I'4+M%-'"&?'3I'415%- BiBliography 167 Index 175 List of contriButors CRISTIANO ALFONSO GARO KÜRKMAN Dipartimento Di Beni Culturali, InDepenDent scholar, IstanBul Università Del Salento e­mail: [email protected] e­mail: [email protected] %1+#'!%2"-/+,%( CARLO BELTRAME Croatian Conservation Institute, ZagreB Dipartimento Di StuDi Umanistici, Department for UnDerwater Archaeology Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia e­mail: imihajlovic@h­r­ e­mail: [email protected] IGOR MIHOLJEK JURICA BEZAK Croatian Conservation Institute, ZagreB Croatian Conservation Institute, ZagreB Department for UnDerwater Archaeology Department for UnDerwater Archaeology e­mail: imiholjek@h­r­ e­mail: jBezak@h­r­ #+3.#$'!+4*+,%( ELISA COSTA UnDerwater photographer Dipartimento Di StuDi Umanistici, e­mail: [email protected] Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia e­mail: [email protected] !/"5.&'!)4$"6.* International Centre for UnDerwater Archaeology in !"#$%&"'()#*+,%( ZaDar Conservator restorer Restoration anD conservation Department e­mail: [email protected] e­mail: [email protected] MARGHERITA FERRI 5+!"1+-'7.#*%( Dipartimento Di StuDi Umanistici, DuBrovnik Museums Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia Archaeological Museum e­mail: [email protected] e­mail: [email protected] SAURO GELICHI $"-"&"'$#3+-.,%(',)*%6.,%( Dipartimento Di StuDi Umanistici, Faculty of Veterinary MeDicine, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia University of ZagreB e­mail: [email protected] Department of Anatomy, Histology anD EmBriology e­mail: [email protected] "&%$"'-./%( Conservator restorer ,.4&"'0!"%('*#"/- e­mail: [email protected] Croatian Conservation Institute, ZagreB Department for UnDerwater Archaeology "&$+&%-"'-+0%( e­mail: vzmaic@h­r­ International Centre for UnDerwater Archaeology in ZaDar Restoration anD conservation Department e­mail: [email protected] Preface We present a large joint project which the Croatian C4,7'D-.B>%?'!"#"$%&'()'04%'*%+,-"%'&%.'/%"%0-?'65%7%"07' Conservation Institute starteD in 2007 with the help of 04%'5%7B.07'-@'#'045%%')%#57'7$,%"0,!$'$-..#(-5#0,-"'(%0A%%"' the Ministry of Culture. Although the research is not yet the Croatian Conservation Institute of ZagreB anD the $->6.%0%.)'!",74%&?'04%',>6-50#"$%'-@'04%'7,0%'#"&'!"&7' Dipartimento Di StuDi Umanistici of the Università Ca’ inDuceD a cooperation with the Dipartimento Di StuDi Foscari of Venice for the excavation anD the stuDy of Umanistici of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, as well as a Venetian shipwreck of the 16th century founD near a sponsorship from Regione Del Veneto. This puBlication the islanD of Mljet. The importance of this excavation, is a result of a three­year joint cooperation anD research on sponsoreD in part By the Regione Del Veneto, is mainly uncovering the secrets of the Mljet seaBeD, But also the way in the fact that it is one of the very few shipwrecks of of life, traDe anD events in the 16th century. Such research this perioD in the MeDiterranean anD that it is one of creates new connections anD frienDships, anD the recovered the rare unDerwater sites of the ADriatic which has Been !"&7'#..-A'#'&%%6%5'#"&'#'>-5%'7)70%>#0,$',"7,+40',"0-'04%' sistematically stuDieD. It is also precious eviDence of the way of life at that perioD of time. Although a majority of 05#@!$7',"'04%'8<04'$%"0B5)'#"&'#'&-$B>%"0?'#.>-70'B",EB%?' organic material from the shipwreck perisheD, we are still aBout the transportation of Iznik pottery from Costantinople left with many items of more DuraBle material which give us to the ADriatic, proBaBly towarD Venice. Although there enough important information. We hope that these amazing ,7'70,..'"-',&%"0,!$#0,-"'-@'04%'74,6F7'"#>%?'04%'70B&)'4#7' results will intensify anD encourage further excellent alloweD to Date it very precisely anD to attriBute it to a cooperation Between our institutions anD countries, not only Venetian merchant. The fruitful collaBoration Between the ,"'04%'!%.&'-@'5%7%#5$4?'(B0'#.7-',"'!%.&7'-@'5%70-5#0,-"'#"&' Croatian Conservation Institut anD the team of Venice has conservation of the cultural, historical anD artistic heritage continueD with the excavation, Begun together in the 2012, of the ADriatic Sea anD coastline, which is also another on the interesting Byzantine shipwreck of Cap Stoba, dated important function of the Croatian Conservation Institute. to the 10–11th century, founD in the same islanD. We kinDly thank all participants on their efforts, energy C4%7%'%"&B5,"+'$->>-"'7$,%"0,!$',"0%5%707'-6%"'04%' anD assests which they investeD into this extraorDinary way to new collaBorations Between the two institutions puBlication, anD we hope that the reaDers will enjoy the which coulD continue also with the Diffusion of the Book anD enrich their knowleDge aBout the topic. 7$,%"0,!$'5%7B.07'&B5,"+'%G4,(,0,-"7'#"&'-04%5'%D%"07?'A4,$4' coulD value the cultural heritage Between the two siDes of Mario Braun the ADriatic, often Belonging to a common cultural origin. Director of Croatian Conservation Institute, ZagreB Paolo Eleuteri Director of Dipartimento Di StuDi Umanistici, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia ForeworD In this Book we puBlish the results of archaeological seconD is DeDicateD to the methoDological anD technical research carrieD out Between 2007 anD 2012 in the context aspects of the unDerwater investigation of the site, such of a collaBoration Between the Department for UnDerwater as the methoD of Documentation By photogrammetry. The Archaeology of the Croatian Conservation Institute from thirD chapter is Devoted to the historical anD archaeological ZagreB anD the Department of Humanistic StuDies of the context of navigation in the late MeDieval perioD in the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. This research concerns a eastern MeDiterranean. The fourth focuses on the stuDy of shipwreck of the 16th century which, in terms of the variety 04%'0)6-.-+)'-@'!"&7?'@5->'04%'$#5+-'0-'04%'6%57-"#.',0%>7' anD quality of the cargo anD of other items, proveD to Be of the crew, from the artillery recovereD from the site to one of the most important unDerwater sites DiscovereD in the remains of the ship anD its equipment that, Because of recent years in the ADriatic Sea. Although the excavation is the Depth anD of the proBlems of conservation, have Been not completed, the aim of this publication is to demonstrate left in situ. In aDDition, some contriButions concerning the the value of what has Been recovereD so far, to offer $-"7%5D#0,-"'#"&'5%70-5#0,-"'-@'04%'!"&7'#5%'#D#,.#(.%',"' scholars anD the puBlic a useful preview anD to proviDe a a special appenDix.
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