Wednesday, July 19, 1916 Local and Other 11 Like a Pale Martyr in His Shirt Upper Dale Notes
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THE TKBSDALK MEKCUBY-- WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1916 LOCAL AND OTHER 11 LIKE A PALE MARTYR IN HIS SHIRT UPPER DALE NOTES. DEATH AND FUNERAL OF MR WILLIAM Local War News. Teesdale Soldier’s NOTES. OF FIRE.’* [BY OUR OWN CORRKSPONDBNT.) KIPLINC, OF CARROWCROFT. FLAC OAY FOR DURHAM PRISONERS Closing Scenes in the Life of Hugh Latimer. Adventure. Io answer to au appeal made to the Head Lieutenant W. Stobart, nephew of Mias OF WAR IN GERMANY. Teacher of Middleton Council Sohool for relief Stobart, cf Low Btartforth Rail, late of the THE OWNER OF AN UNIQUE LIBRARY. Mr M. J. Dixon, J P,, presidod on Monday <>3 behalf of Beigfan children, Mita Benson night at a lecture delivered in tho Wesleyan IN DISTURBED IRELAND. 10th Durham Light Infantry, and now attached The death took place, on Saturday evening, A CENEROUS RESPONSE. hrs forwarded £3 19a to the houorary secretary, to the Roynl Firing Corps, has had a marvellous it his residence, Carrowcroft, Rumaidkirk, of Church. Barnard Castle, by the Rev. Mark Mr W. A. M. G'xido, which has been collected The War Emergency Committee are most Guy Pearse, entitled, •' A Story io fl” In 1848 I wm a private In tbe —th Laneeia. escape. HU machine broke down from faulty Mr William Kipling. The deceased gentleman We were stationed fa Ireland, that country by Misses A. Andeison, R. Jenks, E. Walton, grateful to tbe Inhabitants of Barnard Castle chapters: Hugh Lstlmer and tho Reformation” C'rr.truotlnn when he was 11600 fe«* up, was tho son of the late Mr William Kipling, being then in a disturbed stria c-ra<.quont A. Morton, J. Thompson, M. Horsbruugh and D. abroad, and bo had to make a forced landing in acd was twice married, hie surviving widow and neighbourhood for the biDdsome response —Tbe Chairman announced that an influential Ward. to the appeal on behalf of the above prisoners. ocmmlttee bad met at Middlesbrough, and had upon tbe disaffection of a oonnlderahl" number a oorn fl''!d. The macbloo pitched over, and being a daughter of Mr Garrett, late master of of tho people, instigated by Smith O'Brien aud V he was thrown out The strap, by wbloh be tho Church of England school at Romaldkitk. The following is an abstract cf tbe total invited the Wesleyan Conference, wbioh wav A letter has been reoelved from Sergt. J. G. sitting this week, to visit Middlesbrough In others. Our regiment wee broken up into was fastened ir, luckily gave way. and be was Ho leaves also a son and two daughters to receipts;—Stroet collection in boxes, £33 Is. Wall m, son of Mr J. Walton, p< s(man, in which DonationsTbe Misses Kipling, Romaldkirk, 1918, He congratulated tbe Lecturer on detachments, whiob moved about the country ktsed clear of the tneohlne, iendieg on bis mourn his loss. The late Mr Kipling was wherever they might be ordered. One dark hr states that tbe Middleton lada have again bead in a ditch, lieutenant Stobart escaped educated at Durham School, and, although £3; Mrs Bell-Irving, £2 2s.; Mr and Mrs J. I. looking so physically and so intellectually bann in the thiok of tbe fight From Sergt. Dawson, 10'.; Mr and Mrs C. B Martin, 10s.; well, as was aeon in bls discourses of tho lowering night the detachment to which I with a torn llgam.-nt in bis shoulder and a following no profession, ho possessed literary belonged, consialing of some thirty or forty Walton's account of the big offensive they have displaced bone in the arm. He says he hnpes abilities of no common order. He wss always Miss Reed, 6s.; Miss Pigg, 2s ; Anonymous,3s.; previous day. had a very rough time. From Juce 30th till The vivacious Lvotnror, fa a comprehensive men, under the command of a young lieutenant, to go hack to bls squadron in a very short time. keenly and deeply interested in tho history, Anonvmous (per Mr Heslop, solicitor), £1; total, Joly 3rd they were ia continuous fighting. £40 14s. The emblematlo pansy was ubiquitous review of bls subject, remarked that Hugh marohed into a village in one of the south-west The ii jced airman was a friend and brother folk-lore and traditions of Teesdaie, and was oounties. The horses were provided for in The brigade in wt:ioh Sergt. Walton, Lanos- officer of the late Llcut.’.naut 8ewart, of the owner of a library of groat value and in tbe streets of Barnard Castle, on Wednesday, Latimer, Bishop of Worcester, oue of the first reformers in tbe Church cf England, was born some largo sbeds near an Inn, where tho Oo; p >ra) T. Walton, Private W. Bell and Private Brignal. extent. He took much delight In tbe compila men and women, perambulators and ohildren, Rdward Bouafield, all Middleton young fellows, at Tburcaston, in Leicestershire, in 1470. It greater cumber of tho men also blvouaoltod. — —O——— tion of scrap books, and no local literary (Hurt and even hack horses woarlrg the favourite who are serving with the Durhams, led fl >wer, Tho appeal went home to all heart*, Is a remarkable circumstance, though not The rest nf the men, In tbrees and fours, were Sergeant H. J. W. 8c->tt, con of the Curator of any merit escaped 1-.Is attention. In a word, billettad upon the villagers. Tho villagostood tbe edvanoe, and took hundreds of prisoners. cf the Boeva Mu'cnm, is. we regret to learn, his dale and other records are of much and henon the hearMecss of tie people's without parallel, that from being a zealous papist bo became an ardent pro'estant, aotlve In f. Bciuewhvt remote spot, though a good Ssrqeiant wBitOn says they got right amongst lying io the Royal Infirmary, Leicester, haying tnterost and of ojoeidersble Importance. He recognition of tho claims set before them. them, acd gave them aunar’bteg they will not In snppcrtirg the reformed doctrine, and road, leading to tbe coast, passed near it. At been wru"d«d by shrapnel in the thigh when was a kind-hearted man. well-informed, and in forgot He thinks tbls will finish the war. asBlducus to make e< nvorts. Latimer had the tho further end of the lice of cottvgcn that in tbo breeches. His wennda. though severe, many respects s typical North Yorkshire oomposed tbe street there w.vo » deep ravine, Tho general cocgratualatcd them on tbe are not, we are happy to say, considered villager. He was an extrusive laudowner, tod. Local Soldiers in France. c urage to wrlto a letter of remonstrance io Hecrv VIII. cn th« evil uf withholding the.- through which ran a peat-ttalced brook. Ou rpkndld work they bad done, and added especially serious. had the deceasccl gentleman lived until use of the bible iu Ergilah, and, although tbo the other side of fke atrosin tae bank again another honour to tbe Durhams. All the local the day of bis burial, he would bare been 66 The Re v. W. Oallen-ier Wake writes: AUbougb iaita Cline out uninjured with the exception of I am bavlrg a very boar time yet I wr.s never oplstle produced no eflcot, Henry prevented rise abruptly, and the coantry beyond Captain D. D. Herne, of tbo N.irtbumbjrhnd years of age. Nr Kipling took no part iu Bui.tfleld, wbo was wounded lu the hand snd in better health than I am at present. Your tho writer to tbo living cf West Kinton, in etretebed nway over bill and beg to a distant Fusilier*, baa beep killed in action. The public sflairs. leg It is supposed to be tho biggest battle read.'ra will be lntereatod to koow that I am Wiltshire. The Lecturer noted tbo aacsndauoy range of mour.taluo. Four of us, including a deceased gentleman will be recalled locally corporal, were hillettcd at a hut on the other they have been through, although they were The Funeral. living just a mile or so from tho Baruard Castle of Ann Boleyn, and tho rl«o cf tbe Lord m having occupied the old Manor House at The fatarment took place at R>maldkt.k Bide < f the brock, acd hnlf-way np tbo steep at L io*. Private W. Belt, previously mentioned, Startfortb for a short time during the stay of h>oys. and when they onm» out of tho trenches Protect -r.buth of which cireumstans:: proved cemetery, yesterday roan, amidst every token favourable to Latim«r, and ho was, I i ’585, asoent lecdlrg from tbo water. It was nearly has uad sums marvellous escapes iu France. the 19th (Tyneside Scottish) st Deerbolt I shall endeavour to pay ahem a visit. Through of the deepest reaped, all tbe blinds in the the medium of soldiers whom I have talked to appointed Bishop of W -ceHler. But the Ia’i dark when wo reached the door cf our lodgings, In a letter written homa the writer says " the Camp. village being closely drawn. The Rev, R G. 1 understand that I.isut. Dent and Sergeant- of his patrons propped ‘.lie way tor reve-fc», and were S over civilly received by an old Gormans cannot kill * Kelly.’ Once a bullet Beal (Rector of Romvldkirk) was the officiating Major Btembridge, both boys from Barney, are and tbe six articles being carried ia Parlia womau who appeared to be tbe only occupant paeeod through h!s cap. Another time a piece Mrs El win Atkinson, of Btrnlcghsm, has clergyman. The ctffia, which was of polished of the hovel.