The American Legion [Volume 134, No. 6 (June 1993)]
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. Plymouth Acclaim We established the passenger car Itk our When you make the rules, you can break "FIFTY & OVER REBATE" the rules. We made our Dodge Spirit and Dodge Spirit, Plymouth Acclaim Plymouth Acclaim the lowest priced six Base Sticker Price $11,941 " FIFTY & OVER REBATE " 500t passenger cars in the world* Yet we also Rebate Consumer 1.000 loaded them with over fifty standard Your Price $10,441* features, including a drivers-side air bag, *With optional front bench seat. tMust take delivery on new 1992 or 1993 Acclaim, Spirit and Chrysler Lebaron Sedan models out of dealer stock or ordered for immediate delivery by June 30, 1993. Above coupon not necessary for purchase. This offer cannot be used with any Chrysler Employee/ Dodge Spirit lowest price for a six prerogative tolower it power steering, child protection door locks and dual remote mirrors. We also made them available with ABS brakes and a powerful V-6 engine. So what do we do for an encore? We're lowering the price by offering a special rebate to people fifty or older, in addition to the consumer rebate. From April 1 through June 30, 1993, you'll save an additional $500 on a Spirit or Acclaim. So take advantage of this special offer and visit your dealer today Because CHRYSLER OadgE Tlymoutfi when it comes to saving extra money now that's your prerogative. DIVISIONS OF THE CHRYSLER CORPORATION Retiree/C.D.I, pvurhase or any other certificate program or incentive offer other than the national consumer rebate/APR incentive. One certificate per retail sale or lease. Void where prohibited ^ MSRP (less rebate shown). Title, taxes and destination fee extra. Actual prices vary See dealer for details. The Magazine for a Strong America Vol. 134, No. 6 June 1993 A R T 1 L E s SPACE EXPLORATION: IS IT WORTH THE COST? America 's space program can no longer survive on prestige alone. By Miles Z. Epstein 16 ROAMING THE GALAXIES WITH ARTIST ROBERT McCALi With only a brush, this painter takes us where no one has gone befiyre. By Pat Murphy 19 DOWNSHIFTING TRAVEL STRESS These tips will make getting there more relaxing. By Robert McGarvey 22 THE VILLAGE THAT REMEMBERS 76 One French town commemorates the Normandy Invasion every day. By Dan Carlinsky 24 SHOULD WE LIFT THE MILITARY'S GAY BAN? Two combat colonels — one a homosexual, one a supporter oftlie ban -- debate the issue. 26 GAYS IN THE MILITARY: A QUESTION OF HEALTH Poor health makes gays unfitfirr military service, argues a Marine veteran. By Ron Ray 29 PHONY GIs How they take advantage ofthose willing to believe their bogus credentials. By Susan Katz Keating 32 SKIN CANCER AND YOU The bad news: More Americans are being cycled Thegood news: It can be treated By Paul Martin 34 THE LEGION'S PLAN TO SAVE VETERANS' HEALTH CARE More veterans can be helped, and national health-care costs can be reduced 40 D E P A R T M E NTS BIG ISSUES Should the U. S. Armed Forces lift the ban on gays? 12 VETVOICE 6 VETERANS UPDATE 36 VETS 47 COMMANDER'S MESSAGE 10 YOUR AMERICAN LEGION 38 PARTING SHOTS 68 WASHINGTON WATCH 14 LEGION NEWS 44 COVER NASA is counting on space to be America's ticket to profit, power and prestige. See Page 16. Photograph byMyran J. Dorf/Stock Market. The American Legion magazine, a leader among national general-Interest publications, is publistied monttily by Ttie American Legion for its 3.1 million members. Ttiese military-service veterans, working ttirougti more ttian 1 5,000 community-level posts, dedicate ttiemselves to God and country and tradi- tional American values; strong national security; adequate and compassionate care for veterans, ttieir widows and orptians; community service; and ttie wtiolesome development of our nation's youttis. 2 THE AMERICAN LEGION " ^rld II 50tn Anniversary Commemorative Coins Prom the United States Mint COIN SPECIFICA TIONS: To konor America's extraordinary contritutions to tlie Allied Tkis legal tender _/iijg JoUar gold coin weighs 8.359 grams. victory in World War II, tlie United States Mint is proud to Composition: 90% gold (0.24 troy ounce), 6% silver, 4% copper. II SOtli Anniversary Coins — offer tJie World War Diameter: 0.850 inch. Mint and mint mark (or Proof and - old five dollar, silver dollar, and clad kalf dollar Uncirculated coins: West Point ("W"). Maximum autkorized legal c/o/^ar s/Vucr I availahle at a pre-issue discount price mintage: 300,000 coins. Tkis tender one com weigks 26.73 grams. Composition: 90% silver (0.76 troy ounce), through July 9, 1QQ3. D% copper. Diameter: 1.500 inckes. Mint and mint mark: Proof, Point ("W"); Uncirculated, Denver ("D "). Maximum autkorized Images victory of mintage: 1,000,000 coins. Tkis legal tender Aa^t^o/far c/ot/ com weigks These kandsome commemoratives capture tke true 11.34 grams. Composition: 92% copper (0.33 troy ounce), 8% nickel Five (0.03 troy ounce). Diameter; 1.205 inckes. Mint and mint mark for kotk spirit and keroism of tkose wko served. In stirring detail, Dollar Proof and Uncirculated coins; Pkiladelpkia ("P "). Maximum autkorized an American soldier celetrates kard-eamed victory ... Allied mintage: 2,000,000 coins. forces storm tke keackes of Normandy ... troops attack an A two-coin Victory set, wkick includes tke U.S. World War island in tke Pacific ... and Amencans from all kranckes Silver Dollar and a Frenck D-Day/6 Juin 1944 Silver of tke armed services assist m defeating tyranny and Franc, is also for sale ky Tke Battle of Normandy oppression akroad. Foundation (not affillateii with the U.S. Mint). For more information, call 1-800-345-1944, or write: HELPFUND OUR P.O. Box 105426, Atlanta, GA 30348. MEMORIALS Proof CU HalfDolh Tkere is no national memorial dedicated to all our World War II veterans. But you can kelp ckange tkis. Surcharges from tke sale of these 50tk Anniversary commem- oratives will go to fund two World War II memorials — one in Waskington, D.C.; tke otker in UNITED STATES MINT Normandy, France. Witk every com you Pre-Issue Reservation Form you will kelp to konor tke courageous men and women wko Eurckase, WorU War II 50th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Program rougkttkis country to victory during World War II. Opt Regular Pre-Issue No. Qty. Item Price Pnce SuLtotal Coins worth owning anJ giving mi Single Proof CUHali Dollar $10.00 $9.00 W12 Single Proof Silver Dollar 31.00 27.00 Tke United States Mint's reputation for excellence is reflected in tke wia Two-Coin Proof Set: superior craftsmanskip and inspiring design of tkese coins. Silver Dollar and ClaJ Half Dollar 38.00 34.00 Artists nationwide competed for tke opportunity to depict Single Proof Rve Dollar Gold 220.00 185.00 tkis remarhakle ckapter in American kistory. W15 Uree-Coin Proof Set: Rve Dollar Gold, Silver Dollar and Clad Half Dollar 245.00 215.00 Tkese proof coins kave keen struck two ( ) Total Order Price $ more times with polished dies, accentual ing the minute detail of the frosted Tkis space fortor Mint use only: WP2W115 images set against a "mirror-lihe kachground. 1 understand tliat if my order for tlie World War II SOtli Anniversary Commemorative Coin(s) Is postmarked no later tkan july 9, 1993, 1 am eligible (or tke pre-issue purcLase price. Orders are not Now tkey're availakle for you to own ... valid until verified and accepted ty tke United States Mint Tke Mint reserves tke rigkt to limit quan- bties and may discontinue accepting orders at any time. Skipping will kegln In July 1993 and continue and to give to friends and family mem- for several montks. Coins may ke delivered in multiple skipments. kers. Order your World War II 50tk ClaJHalf Anniversary Commemorative coins toda; DO NOT SEND CASH. Make ckecks or money orders payakle to: United States Mint, P.O. Box Dollar 41998, Pkiladelpkia, PA 19101-1998. I understand tkat tke Mint accepts orders only under tke pre- and pay trihute to an American victory wortk pnnted terms descriked on tkis order form. All sales are final and not sukject to refund. rememkering. METHOD OF PAYMENT: Ckeck Money Order VISA MasterCard Credit Card Account No. To inquire akout your order from tke U.S. Mint, call: (301) 436-7400, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Or, write: U.S. Mint, Customer Service Center, 1 000 1 Aerospace Road, Lankam, Maryland 20706. CreJit carJ orJers will he billed anJ checks Month deposited upon receipt Ly tKe Mint. Expiration Date: Coins enlarged to sKow detail. Designs depicted are renderings oi tKe World War 11 50tK Anniversary Coins and are suLject to sligKt modifications. Signature Date NAME Call 1-800-342-6200 ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP . " . 1 EMM. FOR GOD AND COUNTRY 700 N. Pennsylvania St. P.O. Box 1055 Complete guide to over Indianapolis, IN 46206 317-635-8411 40,000 gas stations, National Commander PI. It motels,restaurants, Roger A. Munson hospitals, campgrounds and other services along Publisher/Editor-in-Ctiief Daniel S. Wheeler every major interstate in Editor the continental U.S. Gives John Greenwaid directions and distances Here's a few Managing Editor for nearly 1 0,000 routes. unsolicited comments... Miles Z. Epstein Associate Editor Raymond H. Mahon "ROAD WHIZ IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING." "YOUR ROAD WHIZ IS WONDERFUL." Assistant Editors •' THIS IS THE MOST USEFUL TRAVEL ACCESSORY. T. Douglas Donaldson Ken Scharnberg " WE SAVED MORE MONEY ON GAS THAN THE COST OF THE UNIT! ROAD WHIZ Art Director TOLD WHAT EXIT HAD 3 OR MORE BRAND NAME GAS STATIONS." Simon Smith Art Assistant Caron M.