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THAIMH PHAM LOAI, DIEM BIEIXI TY LE GAY HAI VA OAC Ol£Lvi EAY KHOA HOC C6NG NGHl THAIMH PHAM LOAI, DIEM BIEIXI TY LE GAY HAI VA OAC Ol£lVI EAY HAI CLIA CAC LOAI SAU CUOIM LA CAY CO MLII [CITRUS) O THAIMH PHO CAM THO VA TiMH HAU GbVMG Chau Nguyen Qudc Khanh\ Huynh Dtic Himg^ va lA Van V^^ T6MTAT Thinh ph^ loai, di6n bi^n ^ le gsy hai va dac di^m giiy hai cac loai sau cudn la gay hai tren cay co miii dupc khao sat tai cac vudn cay co miii a thanh phd Can Ilia, tmh Hau Giang va trong dieu ki§n nha luoi a trudng Dai bpc Cdn Tha. K^t qua ghi nh?n cho thay cd 5 loai thuoc bo canh vay (Lepidoptera) gay hai vdi tri^u chiing cudn la trfin cay cd miii gdm Archips sp., Adoxophyes privatana, ffomona tabescens, Psorosticha melanocrepidava Agonopterixs^. vdi ty If vu hda tuong iing la 52,83%, 19,81%, 12,92%, 11,1% va 3,34%. Ba loai d^u thudc ho Tortricidae, cdn hai loai theo sau tbuOc ho Oecophondae. Trong dd, P. melanocrepida vk H. tabescens la hai loai mdi duac ghi nhan. Tren cac vudn khao sat, su gay hai cua sau cudn li trfin ciy cd miii xay ra quanh nam vod ty le gay hai tren chdi dao dong 6,3% - 25,9% va ty le gay hai trfin la 1,4% - 9,2%. Trong di^u kif n nha ludi, tren cay cam sanh, cac loai P. melanocrepida va A privatana giy ra tri^u chiing nbiu dpt d giai doan la tir rat non den non, cac loai Archips sp. va Agonopterix sp, gay ra tri^u chiing x^p Id giai do^ U tmong thanh va loai H. tabescens gay ra trifiu chiing cudn la a giai do^ la gli. TLT khda. Archips sp., Adoxophyes privatana, Homona tabescens, Psorosticha melanocrepida, Agonopterix sp., siu cudn li ciy cd miii. I.MffBAU CO the tan cdng trfin trai non (Jeppson, 1989). Tai DBSCL, trong nhUng cong trinh cdng h6 truoc day, Vi^t Nam n^ trong trung tim phat sinh cay c6 hai loai thudc ho Tortricidae la Adoxophyes raiii, n6n day \k loai cay trong dupc trdng rat lau dcri, privatana Walker va Archips sp. va mpt loai thuOc hp c6 phan bd rOng khap tir Bac d^n Nam va mang lai Oecophoridae la Agonopterix sp., dupc ghi nhan li hi§u qui kinh t^ cao so voi nhi^u loai cay trong khac doi tupng gay hai khong quan h-png tren cay co mui (Hu^h Tri Diic vd etv., 2006). Theo thong tin tir Hpi (Nguyin Thi Thu Cue, 2000; Nguyfin Thi TTiu Ciic vd Ndng dan Vi^t Nam, ddng bang sdng Cmi Long etv., 2006; Nieetie va etv., 2007). Tuy nhifin, do vific (DBSCL) la noi canh tac cay co miii lon nhat nuoc thay doi ky thuat eanh tac de doi phd vdi bfinh ving vdi di^n tich canh tac trong nam 2010 vao khoang la gan xanh (greening) bang hmh thuc tr6ng o mat 76.000 ha. C6 it nhat 13 loai thupc ho Tortricidae do day va ket thiic thu hoach som, gan day su gay hai Oeppson, 1989; New Zealand Ministry for Primary eua nhom sau cuon la tren eay eo miii dang ngay Industries, 2014) va 3 loai thupc hp Oecophoridae eang tra nen pho hien va quan trpng. Mat khac, do (Ohgushi, 1964; Lvovsky and Fallahzadeh, New hinh thai a giai doan iu trimg cua cac loai sau cu6n Zealand Ministry, 2014) da dupc ghi nhan la sau la la gan nhu tuong tir nhau, trong khi chua co mo ta cuon la gay hai quan trpng tren cay co miii, dac biet vfi dac diem trieu chiing gay hai cua timg loai. Di^u trong cac vuon uom, b My, New Zealand, Nhat Ban nay gay nhieu khd khan cho cong tae nghifin ciiu va An Do. Au trimg oia cac loai sau hai nay cuon ciing nhu danh gia hieu qua eiia cac bifin phap phong ho$c k^t ckc la cky co mui 1^ voi nhau roi an pha bfin tri. trong lam anh hirong quan trpng den kha nang quang hgp cua cay. Nguy hi^m hon, mot sd loai Trong bai bao nay trinh bay ket qua khao sdt thupc giong Archips, bfin canh su an pha tren la con thanh phan loai, difin bien ty lfi gay hai eua sau cuon la tai tinh Hau Giang va thanh phd Can Tho eung nhu dae diem gay hai eiia mdi loai tren cay cam sanh trong dieu kien nha ludi. 'Khoa Ndng nghidp vi Sinh hpc Ung dyng, Trudng D^i hpc Can Tho N6NG NGHllP VA PHAT TRIEN NONG THON - KY 2 - THANG 10/2014 35 KHOA HOC CdNG NGHfi 2. VATIfil VJI PHUDNGPIUP thi nghifim, choi non va la nhifim au trung sau cudn 2.1. Khao sit thinh phan vi tyle hidn dien cua la b mdi dot thu thap dugc dat trong cac hop nhua trong (duong kinh 14 cm, cao 8 cm; khoang 12 - 14 cac loii siu cudn la ciy co miii au trung/hpp), d^ 6- dieu kien nhiet dp, §an. db (26- Su khao sat duprc tien hanh bang each thu mdu 30"C, 68-80% RH) va anh sang tu nhien cua phong. dinh ky tren 5 vuon cam quit tai thanh ph6 Can Tlio HOp dupc ve sinh va cung cap dot cam sjinh tiroi hai va huyfin Chau Thanh tinh Hau Giang tir ngay 19 ngay/lan de 1^ thiic an cho au trtmg cho den khi thang 01 den ngay 19 thang 8 nam 2012. Dac diem co thanh trimg vii hoa. Ghi nhan sd lupng au trimg 6 ban cua cac vucm cay co miii dimg trong khao sat mdi dot thu thap, so loai ngai vu hoa, dac diem nhan dupc trinh bay trong bang 1. Tren mdi vuon khao sat, dang va ty le hien dien cua mdi loai. dung day do danh d^iu 5 diem theo dirdng chfio goc, mdi diem danh dau 3 cay. Toan bp cac choi non va la Mau truong thanh kho cua cac loai ngai sau dang bi au trimg ciia ngai sau cudn la tan cong trfin cuon la dupc giii den Bp mon Dpng vat hpc, Bap tang cac cay CO danh dau diroc thu mdi thang mpt lan roi Tu nhifin va Khoa hpc Qudc gia Nhat Ban (Tsukuba, chuyen ve Truang Dai hpc Can Tho. Trong phong Nhat Ban) de xac dinh tfin khoa hpc. Bang 1. Dac di^m cua cac vii6n cay co miii dupc dimg d^ khao sat th^nh ph^ loai vi ty lfi hifin difin cua ck. loai sau cudn la gay hai trfin cay co miii Dito hch Tuoi cay TT Virto Dia dilm (m^ (nam) 1 Cam sanh 3.500 6-7 Phuong Tan Phu, quan Cai Rang, thanh ph6 C^ Tho 2 Cam sanh 8.500 5-7 Xa Dong Thanh, huyen Chau Thanh, tinh Hau Giang 3 Cam sanh xen nhan 2.500 4-6 Xa Dong Phii, huyen Chau Thanh, tinh Hau Giang 4 Camsanh 5.500 5-7 Xa Dong Thanh, huyen Chau Thanh, tinh Hau Giang Cam sanh xen cam 5 5.000 5 Xa Dong Thanh, huyfen Chau Thanh, tinh Hau Giang nat 2.2. Khdo sit difin bien ty lfi gay hai cua sau cuon pho Can Tho va huyen Chau Thanh tinh H^u Giang la trfin cic vudn cay c6 miii tir 12/9/2012 din 12/9/2013. Mot so dae dilm cua Difin bi^n ty lfi gay hai cua sau cudn la cay co vuon khao sat duoc trinh hay trong bang 2. mui dupc khao sat tren 4 vuon eay eo miii tai thanh Bang 2. Dac di^m ciia cic vucm cay co miii diing dl khao sat difin biln ty lfi gay hai cua sSu cuon Id cSy cd miii Dito tich Tu6i cay Vudn khao sat Dia diem (nam) Cam mat + cam sanh 5.000 5 Xa Dong Phii, huyen Chau Thanh, tinh Hau Giang Cam sanh 2.500 5-7 Xa Dong Thanh, huyen Chau Thanh, tinh Hau Giang Cam sanh 8.500 7-8 Xa Dong Thanh, huyen Chau Thanh, tmh Hau Giang Cam sanh 3.500 6-7 Phudng Tan Phii, quan Cai Rang, thanh phd Can Tho Tren moi vudn khao sat, chpn 5 diem theo Ngoai ra, so hfiu ve nhifit dp va lugng mua trung duong cheo goc, mdi diem chpn 3 eay, mdi eay chpn binh hang thang cua vimg thanh phd Can Tho v^ 5 vi tri, gom 4 vi tri o 4 huong va 1 o vi tri trung tam, tinh Hau Giang dupc cung c^p boi Trung tam Khi mdi VI tri khao sat 3 choi. Ghi nhan ty le la hi hai do tuong Thiiy van Can Tho. sau cuon la mdi thang mpt lan trong suot thoi gian 2.3. Khio sit die diem giy hai ciia cic loil sau thi nghifim. Ty lfi la bi hai CTLLBH) dupc tinh bang cudn li tien ciy cam sinh tiong dieu kidn nhi ludi cdng thuc: Thi nghiem dupc thue hien theo hinh thiie md ta Tong so la hi hai voi 5 lan lap lai. Cay cam sanh con eao khoang 1,2 - TLLBH (%) = X 100 1,3 m duoc mua tir vudn uom cay a xa My Hoa, huyen Bmh Mmh, tmh Vinh Long roi chuyin v^ Tong so la quan sat 36 NONG NGHIEP VA PHAT TRIEN NONG THON - KY 2 - THANG 10/2014 KHOA HOC C6HG NGHl tr6ng hx>ng nhi Iiroi tai BO mon Bao v$ Tliuc vat, Canh vay (Lepidoptera).
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