Crop Insects of Northeast Africa-Southwest Asia

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Crop Insects of Northeast Africa-Southwest Asia Vil- -^^v^ávi(,'=i^ \ Crop Insects of Northeast Africa-Southwest Asia AGRICULTURE HANDBOOK NO. 273 Agricultural Research Service UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE I r^'^-m^.. m/éMMi A MALTA L IRAN B TUNISIA M AFGHANISTAN GENERAL AREA C LIBYA N ISRAEL COVERED IN D SUDAN 0 CYPRUS rTHIS HANDBOOK. E EGYPT P LEBANON F ETHIOPIA Q SYRIA G SOMALIA R IRAQ H FR.SOMAL, S TURKEY 1 ADENPROT .T SAUDI ARABIA J YEMEN U WEST PAKISTAN K JORDAN V CRETE Crop Insects of Northeast Africa-Southwest Asia By Joseph W. Gentry AGRICULTURE HANDBOOK NO. 273 Agricultural Research Service UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Washington, D.C. Issued January 1965 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C, 20402 - Price $1 Contents Page Polyphagous insects _ 2 Cereal insects 28 Insects affecting forage legumes 50 Cotton insects 5' Insects affecting pome and stone fruits 72 Citrus insects ^^ Olive insects 106 Grape insects HI Date palm insects 117 Insects affecting miscellaneous fruits 121 Nut insects 129 Insects affecting beets and related crops 135 Crucifer insects 140 Cucurbit insects 145 Insects affecting edible legumes 153 Insects affecting solanaceous crops 160 Insects affecting miscellaneous vegetables 168 Insects affecting stored products 174 Insects affecting special crops 184 Insects affecting ornamentals 191 Selected references 195 Index to species 199 Acknowledgments Much assistance and encouragement have been given in the preparation of this handbook. Appreciation is extended especially to R. Q. Gardenhire and B. J. Hambleton of the U.S. Department of Agriculture for their interest and assistance and to the following Department personnel: Entomologists G. T. Brooks, G. E. Gavin, il. Q. Gardenhire, A. Kaatz, W. C. Kurtz, R. L. Linkfield, E. R. Millet, F. M. Philips, W. O. Ridgway, G. B. Riley, D. M. Shallow, and plant quarantine si)ecialist F. P. Hubert for their field collections and observa- tions. Acknowledgment is also made to W. H. Anderson and taxonomic spe- cialists in the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. National Museum for determining many of the species included here and for reviewing the nomen- clature in its final form, and to A. S. Talhouk for his generosity in arranging for the use of facilities at the American University of Beirut library, where most of the literature review was done. Dr. Anderson also made many helpful suggestions in the preparation and presentation of the material. CROP INSECTS OF NORTHEAST AFRICA-SOUTHWEST ASIA By JOSEPH W. GENTRY,^ Plant Pest Control Division, Agricultural Research Service This handbook is intended to serve as a reference for economic ento- mologists, particularly those in plant-protection activities. It has been compiled from personal observations and reports of Eegional Insect Control Project personnel and their counterparts in several countries within the northeast Africa-southwest Asia area and from economic literature. The Regional Insect Control Project, under sponsorship of the U.S. Department of State agencies for foreign technical assistance, has aided countries in this general area in plant-protection operations since the early 1950's. Increased attention is being devoted to the crop-pest problem in the developing countries of northeast Africa-southwest Asia, as pest con- trol is an integral part of their economic effort in agriculture. Al- though broad programs of applied entomology, including survey, plant quarantine, control, research, and extension, have been initiated or revitalized in many places^ the pest situation will be complicated for some time by changing agricultural patterns. Introduction of new crops and crop varieties together with expanding crop practices, in- cluding reclamation, extensive irrigation, and intensive culture, will undoubtedly lead to new insect problems involving native species or introduced species that have become established in these countries. In addition, the great increase in international traffic will multiply the hazard of pest introduction into the various areas. Some interesting examples of new pest conditions in these countries have appeared in recent literature. The risk of error inherent in an attempt to list crop insects of the vast northeast Africa-southwest Asia area has been understood from the outset of this work. The need for a readily available reference source on general economic insects in the area outweighs such con- sideration. Great care has been exercised, nevertheless, to eliminate all erroneous or questionable material. Inasmuch as the subject has been approached from the economic standpoint, the pests have been grouped primarily under crop cate- gories. Further grouping by order, family, and genus and species is intended to make the compilation more meaningful and facilitate its use. In this system of presentation, it is not practical to place general- feeding species under any one crop ; therefore, they have been placed under the heading "Polyphagous Insects" and cross-referenced under the different crops on which they feed. ^Assistant coordinator and survey specialist (1960-62), Regional Insect Con- trol Project, Plant Pest Control Division, at Beirut, Lebanon. This project, including publication of this handbook, is funded by the Agency for International Development, U.S. Dei)artment of State. 1 2 AGRICULTURE HANDBOOK 2 7 3, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE To attempt to list all insects collected or reported from crop plants in northeast Africa-southwest Asia is beyond the scope of this work. Likewise, it is not possible to list complete host range and distribution. Generally, distribution has been limited to the area under considera- tion, but in some cases occurrence in nearby areas is also shown. It should be emphasized that within the area, host data and distribution as well as information on biology, habits, and economic importance are often incomplete or unavailable, primarily because of the lack of knowledge on the general economic insect situation. Pest species determined by cooperating taxonomic specialists of the U.S. Department of Aginculture and the U.S. National Museum are indicated in the text by an asterisk Ç^) after the name of the country in which they were collected. A few special identifications were made by the Commonwealth Institute of Entomology (London) and the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris) and are indi- cated by a dagger (f) and double dagger (t), respectively, after the name of the country. The major literature sources used for this compilation were the Review of Applied Entomology (vols. 1-50, 1902-62), the Société Entomologique d'Egypte Bulletin (vols. 1-21, 1908-37), and the Société Fouad Premier d'Entomologie Bulletin (vols. 22-44,1938-60). Other sources consulted are included under Selected References at the end of this handbook. Unpublished data, although reviewed, have not been included in the reference?. The Index to Species at the end of this publication will be helpful in regard to nomenclature. Preferences of American specialists often differ from those of Old World taxonomists. POLYPHAGOUS INSECTS Acariña Tenuipalpidae (=Phytoptipalpidae) (false spider mites) Brevipalpus californicus (Banks). Citrus, guava, plum, grape, other plants. Egypt, Cyprus, Libya, Israel, Italy. Some importance on citrus in Egypt. Brevipalpus obovatus Donn. {=inornafus (Banks)), privet mite. Citrus, grape, cotton, tea, pear, ornamentals. Libya,"^ Cyprus, Egypt,* Aden, Iran,* Ceylon. Damage to tea reported from Iran; apparently some importance on cotton in some areas ; heavy infestations reported from Libya on citrus. Brevipalpus phoenicis (G.). Citrus, grape, deciduous fruit, orna- mentals, palms, tea, coffee, other plants. Tunisia,* Egypt, Aden, widely distributed. CROP INSECTS OF NORTHEAST AFRICA-SOUTHWEST ASIA 3 Tetranychidae (spider mites) Tetranychus atlanticus McG., strawiberry spider mite. Cotton, watermelon, beans, apple, sweetclover, castorbean, many plants. Iran,* Iraq,* Libya,* Egypt, Turkey. Major pest on cotton in Iraq; heavy infestation on watermelon in Libya ; severe on apple in Turkey. Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Bdv.). Cotton, citrus, beans, rose, po- lyphagous. Tunisia,* Libya,* Lebanon,* Egypt,* Ethiopia,* Israel. One of most important mites on cotton in Egypt; caused 10-percent reduction of this crop in Israel. Tetranychus telarius (L.), tAvo-spotted spider mite. Cotton, rose, apple, citrus, beans, watermelon, polyphagous. Egypt, Libya,* Lelbanon, Sudan, Somalia, Turkey, Israel, Syria, Pakistan, Iran, Jordan, Cyprus, many other areas of w^orld. Minor pest on cotton in Pakistan; important m Iran and Jordan; serious on beans and water- melon in Cyprus ; important on fruit in Libya ; most prevalent spider mite in Egypt. Orthoptera Acrididae (=Locustidae) (grasshoppers) Acrotylus insubricus (Scop.). Tomato, cotton, rice. Libya,* Egypt, Pakistan, Iran, Cyprus, U.S.S.R. (Transcaucasia). Aiolopus savignyi (Kr.) {=A. affinis Bol.), Sudan plague locust. Sorghum, millet, clover, other crops. Sudan, Cyprus, Iran, Egypt, Pakistan, Yemen. May cause severe loss of seedlings in Sudan ; minor pest in Iran and Pakistan. Aiolopus strepens (Latr.). Alfalfa, clover, grasses, cotton, other plants. Libya,* Egypt, Iran, Cyprus, Jordan, Israel, Pakistan.* (Specimens collected in West Pakistan determined as Aiolopus sp., probably strepens (Latr.).) One of most important grasshoppers in Egypt; minor pest in Iran and Pakistan. Anacridium aegyptium (L.), Egyptian tree grasshopper. Alfalfa, tobacco, citrus, apple, cotton. Libya,* Turkey,
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