Goodhue Bedrock Layout
Prepared and Published with the Support of COUNTY ATLAS SERIES THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, GOODHUE COUNTY, MINNESOTA, AND ATLAS C-12, PART A MINNESOTA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF WATERS Plate 2—Bedrock Geology D.L. Southwick, Director M STRATIGRAPHIC COLUMN ISSISSIPPI RIVER EXPLANATION FOR STRATIGRAPHIC COLUMN Hydrostratigraphic Group, Character Natural – LITHOLOGY Formation, Lithology DAKOTA CO DAKOTA Csf Gamma Log Miller, R.T., and Delin, G.N., 1993, Field observations, preliminary Compo- Perme- REFERENCES CITED Member in feet Oolites Series nent ability Increasing count Thickness model analysis, and aquifer thermal efficiency: U.S. Geological Survey LIMESTONE System or Alexander, C.E., 1990, Anion analysis of selected wells and springs: Map Symbol Low High G Glauconite Oronoco dye trace study: Report to Olmsted County, 101 p. Site Professional Paper 1530-A, 55 p. Prosser Ogp 70 report on file at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Mossler, J.H., 1987, Paleozoic lithostratigraphic nomenclature for DOLOSTONE Ph Phosphate pellets Limestone Alexander, E.C., Jr., Huberty, B.J., and Anderson, K.J., 1991, Final Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations Cummings- SANDY Algal domes; stromatolites Ogc 70- 36, 36 p., 1 pl. (folded insert). Group ville report for Olmsted County dye trace investigations of the Oronoco Galena 75 Runkel, A.C., 1996a, Geologic investigations applicable to ground-water T. 114 N. T. 114 N. Burrows Formation sanitary landfill: Prepared by Donohue and Associates for Olmsted SANDSTONE County. Site report on file at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. management, Rochester metropolitan area, Minnesota: Minnesota –Cig North BEDROCK GEOLOGY 60- Lake Pebbles Decorah Shale Od Barr Engineering Co., 1996, Dakota County groundwater model summary Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-1, 33 p.; 4 oversize pls.
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