Lawrence Creek Watershed Plan Technical Report
Lawrence Creek Watershed Plan Technical Report September 2008 Lawrence Creek Watershed Plan September 2008 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report was prepared using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency funds under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act distributed through the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Water. The findings and recommendations contained herein are not necessarily those of the funding agencies. Additionally, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) provided a cash-match contribution as did the Kishwaukee River Ecosystem Partnership (KREP) through a grant from the Grand Victoria Foundation that was administered by the Natural Land Institute. An in-kind match has also been generously provided by the Natural Land Institute. The planning process was coordinated by CMAP and KREP. Contributions to the plan include Jesse Elam, Kristin Heery, Lori Heringa, and Tim Loftus of CMAP, and Lisa Haderlein of KREP. Nathan Hill of KREP provided GIS consultation and map analysis. Hey and Associates, Inc. provided assistance with urban best management practices and ecosystem restoration recommendations. The authors gratefully acknowledge the many contributors to this planning process and especially thank the staff of the City of Harvard, McHenry County Conservation District, McHenry County Soil and Water Conservation District, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and McHenry County Health Department. Finally, the authors wish to acknowledge the work and stewardship role of the Kishwaukee River Ecosystem Partnership. Prior to this planning process, KREP developed initial watershed plans for each of the 42 subwatersheds of the Kishwaukee River Basin. The KREP-developed watershed plan for Lawrence Creek was a valuable component to the award-winning Section 319 grant application.
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