Goodhue Bedrock Layout

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Goodhue Bedrock Layout Prepared and Published with the Support of COUNTY ATLAS SERIES THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, GOODHUE COUNTY, MINNESOTA, AND ATLAS C-12, PART A MINNESOTA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF WATERS Plate 2—Bedrock Geology D.L. Southwick, Director M STRATIGRAPHIC COLUMN ISSISSIPPI RIVER EXPLANATION FOR STRATIGRAPHIC COLUMN Hydrostratigraphic Group, Character Natural – LITHOLOGY Formation, Lithology DAKOTA CO DAKOTA Csf Gamma Log Miller, R.T., and Delin, G.N., 1993, Field observations, preliminary Compo- Perme- REFERENCES CITED Member in feet Oolites Series nent ability Increasing count Thickness model analysis, and aquifer thermal efficiency: U.S. Geological Survey LIMESTONE System or Alexander, C.E., 1990, Anion analysis of selected wells and springs: Map Symbol Low High G Glauconite Oronoco dye trace study: Report to Olmsted County, 101 p. Site Professional Paper 1530-A, 55 p. Prosser Ogp 70 report on file at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Mossler, J.H., 1987, Paleozoic lithostratigraphic nomenclature for DOLOSTONE Ph Phosphate pellets Limestone Alexander, E.C., Jr., Huberty, B.J., and Anderson, K.J., 1991, Final Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations Cummings- SANDY Algal domes; stromatolites Ogc 70- 36, 36 p., 1 pl. (folded insert). Group ville report for Olmsted County dye trace investigations of the Oronoco Galena 75 Runkel, A.C., 1996a, Geologic investigations applicable to ground-water T. 114 N. T. 114 N. Burrows Formation sanitary landfill: Prepared by Donohue and Associates for Olmsted SANDSTONE County. Site report on file at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. management, Rochester metropolitan area, Minnesota: Minnesota –Cig North BEDROCK GEOLOGY 60- Lake Pebbles Decorah Shale Od Barr Engineering Co., 1996, Dakota County groundwater model summary Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-1, 33 p.; 4 oversize pls. on 7 SHALY 65 sheets, scale 1:24,000. Flat-pebble conglomerate report: 90 p. + figs., tbls., and appendices. Site report on file at the Platteville Fm Opl 10-15 –Ce SILTSTONE Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Runkel., A.C., 1996b, Bedrock geology of Houston County: Minnesota –Cmt Cross-bedded (festoon) Glenwood Fm Ogw 5-15 Ph Crain, W.E., 1957, The areal geology of the Red Wing quadrangle: Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-4, technical report, 11 p.; 3 Vermillion By Cross-bedded (planar to St. Peter Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, M.S. thesis, 105 p. oversize pls., scale 1:100,000. Clear SHALE Os Prairie–Cig tangential) MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN Sandstone Sansome , C.J., 1986, Origin and configuration of the present-day land Lake Delin G.N., and Woodward, D.G., 1985, Hydrogeologic setting and the A' Vugs (commonly filled with 100-115 surface, Goodhue County, Minnesota: Corvallis, Oregon State Anthony C. Runkel Hummocky cross-strata potentiometric surfaces of regional aquifers in the Hollandale coarse calcite) – Sturgeon Embayment, southeastern Minnesota, 1970–80: U.S. Geological Survey University, Ph.D. dissertation, 144 p. + appendices. Cj Lake Dolomitic Breccia; breciated Setterholm, D.R., Runkel, A.C., Cleland, J.M., Tipping, R., Mossler, Willow Water-Supply Paper 2219, 56 p. D Contact marks a major erosional Os 36 31 1998 River Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc., 1992, Annual ground water J.M., Kanivetsky, R., Hobbs, H.C., 1991, Geologic factors affecting U K-bentonite bed (altered volcanic surface 92°45' Member Ops monitoring report to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for Ray's the sensitivity of the Prairie du Chien-Jordan aquifer: Minnesota R. 16 W. ash bed North Star Truck Stop, Lakeland, Minnesota: Delta Report no. 11- Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-5,18 p. Os River 160-180 Sloan, R.E., 1964, The Cretaceous System in Minnesota: Minnesota –Cj Island HYDROSTRATIGRAPHIC CHARACTER 92-002, sec. 3.1.3 on p. 3. Site report on file at the Minnesota 316 1 6 New T C R O P E X P O S D I N U Geological Survey Report of Investigations 5, 64 p. 6 Formation Shakopee Richmond Pollution Control Agency. –Csf COMPONENTS Mixed carbonate and clastic Stone, D.J., 1980, The geology of the Upper Dunleith Formation (Prosser Opd Freeze, R.A., and Cherry, J.A., 1979, Groundwater: Englewood Cliffs, Goose R. 15 W. Fine clastic (very fine sand- rocks N.J., Prentice Hall, 604 p. Member, Galena Formation) of Middle Ordovician age in southeastern Lake Hagar stone, siltstone, or shale) Frey, M.G., 1937, Geology of the Red Wing District: Minneapolis, Minnesota: Duluth, University of Minnesota, M.S. thesis, 84 p. 18 –Cj Fracture or solution feature City Visocky, A.P., Sherrill, M.G., and Cartwright, K., 1985, Geology, Member University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, M.S. thesis, 36 p. WELCH –Cig PIERCE CO Shale 61 Prairie du Chien Group Kanivetsky, R., 1988, Bedrock hydrogeology, pl. 5 in Balaban, N.H., hydrology, and water quality of the Cambrian and Ordovician Systems RELATIVE PERMEABILITY Opd LOWER ORDOVICIAN LOWER ed., Geologic atlas of Olmsted County, Minnesota: Minnesota in northern Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey and Illinois Coarse clastic (quartzose 105-200 –Ce sandstone) High (aquifer) Coon Geological Survey County Atlas Series C-3, scale 1:100,000. State Water Survey Cooperative Groundwater Report 10, 136 p. Ops Oneota Dolomite Valley Wall, D.B., and Regan, C.P., 1994, Water quality and sensitivity of the Os Ops Kanivetsky, R., and Walton, M., 1979, Discussion accompanying Carbonate rock Member Prairie du Chien–Jordan aquifer in western Winona County, Minnesota: Os Opd Low (likely confining unit) Kanivetsky, R., Hydrogeologic map of Minnesota, bedrock T. 113 N. T. 113 N. Cj 30- hydrogeology: Minnesota Geological Survey State Map Series S-2, St. Paul, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Water Quality Division, Jordan Sandstone 100 11-page insert. 65 p. + appendices. –Ce St. Lawrence 40- Wenck and Associates, Inc., 1997, Phase II detailed site investigation –Cmt Libra, R.D., and Hallberg, G.R., 1985, Hydrogeologic observations from –Cig – Formation 50 – Cig report and phase III work plan for the hydrogeologic investigation of Opd Ce River multiple core holes and piezometers in the Devonian-Carbonate aquifers D ° G the proposed Red Wing ash disposal facility expansion: Prepared for –Cig U D 92 30' – in Floyd and Mitchell Counties, Iowa: Iowa Geological Survey Open –Cmt Cig Northern States Power Company: p. 1–36. Site report on file at the Os Welch –Csf U G File Report 85-2, p 1-20. Reno –Cj R. 14 W. Member Csf Miller, R.T., 1984, Anisotropy in the Ironton and Galesville Sandstones Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. D WISCONSIN R. 13 W. G Cannon Opd –Cj U near a thermal-energy storage well, St. Paul, Minnesota: Ground Wacouta MINNESOTA B' G Bay –Cmt – Water, v. 22, p. 532–537. Ce 165-175 –Csf –Cj –Ce –Csf –Csf Tomah Mbr –Csf Red Wing 31 Opd Ops 36 Lake Pepin Birkmose 36 –Cig 31 Formation Franconia 36 G 31 Ops 31 Wacouta Wacouta Beach Member Creek Opd WACOUTA Ironton and Gales- 50- DAKOTA CO R. 17 W. Spring Cr D Cig U ville Sandstones 65 Os –Cj Brook –Cj 20 Ops Opd G Cr Pine Cr CANNON FALLS 1 – 1 6 PEPIN CO 1 6 6 1 6 Cig Os Creek G 6 –Cj –Ce –Cj Ops Eau Claire Ops VASA FEATHER STONE Bullard –Csf –Cmt Ce Os Formation Od River –Cj Os Old 120-140 58 61 Frontenac Opd –Ce 93°00' Belle 1 – UPPER CAMBRIAN Cannon 63 Cig Trout Hay D T. 112 N. R. 18 W. Opd Frontenac –Csf Lake –Cig U Byllesby Opd Os 19 FLORENCE Ops Os – –Ce Csf 5 2 Ogw Opd – – Vasa Ops Cj Csf 56 Os Opd 44°30' Mt. Simon Cannon Falls Cmt ° –CigCr Sandstone 44 30' Os HAY CREEK Wells Opl Os – –Cig Ogw Csf –Csf Ops Creek Opl as 250 As much 19 –Csf Hay Creek Ops 8 Od D Opd Ops T I O NS W N A S U B C R O P M D E S H O DAKOTA CO DAKOTA –Cj U Od Proterozoic rocks T. 112 N. Os Opd –Cj Ops Creek STANTON Os Stanton Prairie Ops Sugarloaf Central Ogs Os Creek Point Os Os Ogw Creek Ogp –Csf –Cmt Os 25 Opl 31 36 U Opd –Ce 31 31 31 31 36 D – –Cig Ogw 36 31 1 36 36 Ce 52 36 Ops Ops DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS RICE CO RICE Opl 3 Wells Ops Ogp White Os R. 13 W. 92°15' Prosser Limestone—Very fine grained, thin- and crinkly bedded limestone; dolomitic Ogw WABASHA CO Ops Rock – near top. Fossils form thin coquina layers. Distinguished from Cummingsville For- Butler Creek Ogc Hay Csf Clear Os 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 Ops mation below by near-absence of shale interbeds. As much as 70 feet thick. Ogp Ogc Od Ops Cummingsville Formation—Interbedded limestone and shale. Shale is green-gray, cal- careous, thick bedded in lower part. Limestone is fine grained, fossiliferous, thin and Creek Od River Ogc crinkly bedded. Unit presents a sawtooth profile in exposure owing to the inter- Ogp GOODHUE Opd Creek bedding of weathered, soft, recessive shale and hard limestone. Unit thickness, 70–75 Os Ogc Ops Os –Cj Ogw Od BELLE CREEK feet. Opl Opl Ogw Table 1. Hydrostratigraphic components of Paleozoic strata in Goodhue County. Od Decorah Shale—Green-gray shale with thin interbeds of fossiliferous limestone. Fer- 6 Ops ruginous oolites at top. Unit thickness, 60–65 feet. 14 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION CEMENTATION PERMEABILITY Belle –Cj T. 111 N. Os Opl Platteville Formation—Fine-grained, fossiliferous, thin- to medium-bedded limestone; Od Ogc Fine clastic Very fine grained sandstone, Strong to moderate Low to very low LEON Os T. 111 N. siltstone, and shale sandy at base. Thin shale beds are most common in upper part.
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