Three-Dimensional Geologic Mapping
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source Grove 1 ----~136 ~-!!!!!!!!!\.. t""""-. IL ~L I \TU SCOla ....W ' Quarry Bulletin Ib6-" 2niH--~ I W" George"H:"Ryan, Governor ! I Department lof Natural Brent Manntng, ~um'ecw, r::......-----j ILLINOIS ~TATE GEO William W. ~ hilts, Chief --- - ..-.-~ Three-dimensional Geologic Mapping: A Pilot Program for Resource and Environmental Assessment in the Villa Grove Quadrangle, Douglas County, Illinois Zakaria Lasemi and Richard C. Berg, Editors Bulletin 106 2001 George H. Ryan, Governor Department of Natural Resources Brent Manning, Director ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William W. Shilts, Chief Natural Resources Building 615 East Peabody Drive Champaign, IL 61820-6964 Home page: Contents Acknowledgments Foreword Introduction 1. The Villa Grove Quadrangle Mapping Project . 3 Richard C. Berg Methodology 2. Geologic Database . 9 Alison B. Lecouris 3. Geographic Information System and Computer Modeling: Support, Methodology, and Applications to Geologic Mapping .. .. .. .. ........................................... 12 Curtis C. Abert 4. Remote Sensing Inputs to Geologic Mapping .... .. ......... .. ....... ............. 16 Donald E. Luman Basic Mapping 5. Introduction to Basic Bedrock and Quarternary Mapping . .. ........... ... ... .............. 23 Richard C. Berg and Zakaria Lasemi 6. Bedrock Cross Sections . .. ... ........................................ 24 Michael L. Sargent 7. Geology of the Silurian Rocks .... ........ ............... .. ...... ... ... ... 31 Donald G. Mikulic and Joanne Kluessendorf 8. Devonian and Mississippian Rocks: Stratigraphy and Depositional History ... .... ... ..... ... ...... 35 Zakaria Lasemi 9. Silurian-Devonian Rocks: Biostratigraphy . .. 41 Rodney D. Norby and Curtis R. Klug 10. Pennsylvanian Rocks: Stratigraphy . 44 C. Pius Weibel and Philip J. DeMaris, with contribution by Russel A. Peppers 11. Quaternary Geology. 50 Ardith K. Hansel, Richard C. Berg, and Curtis C. Abert 12. Drift Thickness and Bedrock Topography. ...... ... ..... ...... ........ ... 60 C. Pius Weibel Derivative Mapping 13. Introduction to Derivative Mapping .......... ...... .. ..................... ... 65 Richard C. Berg and Zakaria Lasemi 14. Groundwater Resources. ..... .. ....... ............................ 66 Ross D. Brower 15. Aquifer Sensitivity . .. ................... ...... .. .. .. .............. .. 77 Richard C. Berg and Curtis C. Abert 16. Engineering Geology, Natural Hazards, and Construction Materials .......... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... 86 Christopher J. Stohr 17. Mineral Resources. 91 Zakaria Lasemi, Donald G. Mikulic, C. Pius Weibel, and Dylan P. Canavan, with contributions by Randall E. Hughes, John M. Masters, and Philip J. DeMaris 18. Coal Resources . ..................... 95 Colin G. Treworgy Appendixes 1. Core description Prosser No. VGDH-l. 109 2. Core description A.E. Kleiss No. VGDH-2 113 Figures 1-1 Areas in the central Great Lakes states represented on surficial geologic maps . 3 1-2 Location map of the Villa Grove Quadrangle . 4 2-1 Relational database diagram . 10 3-1 Three-dimensional stratigraphic model of the Villa Grove Quadrangle, as viewed from the southwest 14 3-2 Three-dimensional lithologic model of the Villa Grove Quadrangle, as viewed from the northeast . 14 4-1 Color infrared satellite view of east-central Illinois ... 16 4-2 Portion of the Villa Grove digital orthophoto image map 18 6-1 West-east structural cross section, Villa Grove Quadrangle 27 6-2 North-south structural cross section, Villa Grove Quadrangle. 28 6-3 Location map for cross sections in the Villa Grove Quadrangle and a portion of the Tuscola Quadrangle. 29 7-1 Silurian rocks in the Villa Grove Quadrangle, from the VGDH-2 core (lSGS core 14845) 32 8-1 Stratigraphic column (above the Silurian) of the VGDH-2 core (lSGS core 14845) . 36 8-2 Middle Devonian carbonates in the Villa Grove Quadrangle. 38 9-1 Age of rocks exposed in the Tuscola Stone Company quarry, Tuscola, Illinois, as of November 1996 41 10-1 Generalized geologic map of the bedrock surface of the Villa Grove Quadrangle . 44 10-2 Stratigraphic column of the bedrock portion of the stratigraphic test well (VGDH-l; ISGS core 14944) 45 10-3 Organic carbon and selected metal contents of marine units succeeding coal beds in the Villa Grove Quadrangle 48 11-1 Bedrock surface topography of the Villa Grove Quadrangle. 50 11-2 Generalized surficial geology of the Villa Grove Quadrangle . 51 11-3 Generalized three-dimensional model of the Quaternary deposits and bedrock surface of the Villa Grove Quadrangle as viewed from the southeast . 52 11-4 Relationships among Quaternary lithostratigraphic units and buried soils of the Villa Grove Quadrangle and their association with glacial and postglacial episodes. 53 11-5 Quaternary materials exposed above bedrock at the Tuscola Stone Company quarry . 54 11-6 Thickness in the Villa Grove Quadrangle of Wisconsin Episode deposits, Illinois Episode deposits, and pre-Illinois episode deposits ... .... ..... .. .... ................... 55 11-7 Regional setting of the Villa Grove Quadrangle and relationships of surficial materials and landforms . 57 12-1 Topography of the bedrock surface in the Villa Grove Quadrangle 60 12-2 Drift thickness in the Villa Grove Quadrangle .......... 61 14-1 Cross sections showing glacial deposits and shallow bedrock surface in the Villa Grove Quadrangle. 67 14-2 Generalized geologic map of the bedrock surface of the Villa Grove Quadrangle ......... 69 14-3 Generalized cross section along U.S. Highway 36 showing bedrock, glacial drift, and the boundary between potable and non-potable groundwater. .. ... ....... 70 14-4 Significant sand and gravel layers in pre-Illinois, Illinois, and Wisconsin Episode deposits in the Villa Grove Quadrangle . 71 14-5 Stratigraphic column for glacial deposits and shallow bedrock of the Villa Grove Quadrangle . 72 14-6 Total thickness map of consolidated and unconsolidated materials overlying the Lingle (St. Laurent) Formation in the Villa Grove Quadrangle . 74 14-7 Upper surface of the Grand Tower Formation and Springfield Coal of the "Carbondale" Formation in the Villa Grove Quadrangle ............................................... 75 15-1 General Aquifer Sensitivity Map for the Villa Grove Quadrangle .............. 77 15-2 Aquifer sensitivity to municipal or hazardous waste disposal in the Villa Grove Quadrangle . 80 15-3 Aquifer sensitivity to septic leachate in the Villa Grove Quadrangle. 81 15-4 Soil nitrate leaching classes in the Villa Grove Quadrangle . 82 15-5 Aquifer sensitivity to nitrate leaching in the Villa Grove Quadrangle 83 15-6 Soil pesticide leaching classes in the Villa Grove Quadrangle. 83 15-7 Aquifer sensitivity to pesticide leaching in the Villa Grove Quadrangle. 84 17 -1 Generalized stratigraphic column for the western part of the Villa Grove Quadrangle. 92 17-2 Thickness of consolidated and unconsolidated material overlying the Lingle (St. Laurent) Formation 93 18-1 Thickness of the Herrin Coal and projected areas of medium- and low-sulfur content in east-central Illinois. 96 18-2 Generalized stratigraphy of the VGDH-l core (ISGS core 14944), Douglas County .. .. 97 18-3 Surface features and drill holes used to map coal resources in the Villa Grove Quadrangle. 98 18-4 Thickness of glacial drift and alluvium overlying the Herrin Coal in the Villa Grove Quadrangle. 99 18-5 Thickness of bedrock above the Herrin Coal in the Villa Grove Quadrangle. 99 18-6 Elevation of the Herrin Coal in the Villa Grove Quadrangle. 99 18-7 Depth to the top of the Herrin Coal in the Villa Grove Quadrangle . 99 18-8 Thickness of the main bench of the Herrin Coal in the Villa Grove Quadrangle . 100 18-9 Cross section A-A' in the Villa Grove Quadrangle . .... ......... 101 18-10 Thickness of the clastic wedge in the Herrin Coal in the Villa Grove Quadrangle 101 18-11 Thickness of the upper bench of the Herrin Coal in the Villa Grove Quadrangle . 101 18-12 Thickness of the Springfield Coal in the Villa Grove Quadrangle ....... 102 18-13 Problems encountered in surface and underground mines that have thick glacial and alluvial sediments overlying thin bedrock overburden in the Villa Grove Quadrangle. 102 18-14 Distribution of the Bankston Fork Limestone in the Villa Grove Quadrangle ............. 103 18-15 Ratio of the thickness of bedrock to glacial and alluvial overburden above the Herrin Coal in the Villa Grove Quadrangle. 103 18-16 Resources of Herrin and Springfield Coals available for surface mining in the Villa Grove Quadrangle. 105 18-17 Resources of Herrin Coal available for underground mining in the Villa Grove Quadrangle. 105 Tables 4-1 Status of USGS 7.5-minute quadrangle maps for Illinois 17 6-1 Location of wells used for west-east structural cross section. 25 6-2 Locations of wells used for north-south structural cross section . 26 11-1 Quaternary stratigraphic units of the Villa Grove Quadrangle, from the surface downward . 58 15-1 Aquifer sensitivity to contamination by nitrate leaching in the Villa Grove Quadrangle. 82 15-2 Aquifer sensitivity to contamination by pesticide leaching in the Villa Grove Quadrangle 82 16-1 Material properties of typical soils in the Villa Grove Quadrangle. 88 16-2 Particle size distribution and classification of typical soils in the Villa Grove Quadrangle. 89 18-1 Analyses of coal from VGDH-l (ISGS core 14944) ................... 95 18-2 Conditions that restrict the availability of coal for mining in the Villa Grove Quadrangle . 102 18-3 Available and restricted coal resources in