Permian Basin, West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico

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Permian Basin, West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico Report of Investigations No. 201 Stratigraphic Analysis of the Upper Devonian Woodford Formation, Permian Basin, West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico John B. Comer* *Current address Indiana Geological Survey Bloomington, Indiana 47405 1991 Bureau of Economic Geology • W. L. Fisher, Director The University of Texas at Austin • Austin, Texas 78713-7508 Contents Abstract ..............................................................................................................................1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1 Methods .............................................................................................................................3 Stratigraphy .....................................................................................................................5 Nomenclature ...................................................................................................................5 Age and Correlation ........................................................................................................6 Previous Work .................................................................................................................6 Western Outcrop Belt ......................................................................................................6 Central Texas ...................................................................................................................7 Northeastern Oklahoma and Northern Arkansas .................................................................8 Ouachita Fold Belt .......................................................................................................................8 Central and Southern Oklahoma ........................................................................................8 Permian Basin ..................................................................................................................9 Formation Boundaries ....................................................................................................9 Distribution ...................................................................................................................10 Northwestern Shelf and Matador Uplift ....................................................................10 Eastern Shelf ...................................................................................................................10 Central Basin Platform and Pecos Arch .....................................................................11 Delaware Basin ...............................................................................................................11 Midland Basin ................................................................................................................11 Val Verde Basin ..............................................................................................................11 Diablo Platform and Western Outcrop Belt ...............................................................12 Lithofacies .......................................................................................................................12 Black Shale ......................................................................................................................12 Characteristic Features ....................................................................................................12 Bedding and Sedimentary Structures ...............................................................................12 Texture ..........................................................................................................................13 Composition ...................................................................................................................13 Siltstone ...........................................................................................................................16 Characteristic Features ....................................................................................................16 Bedding and Sedimentary Structures ...............................................................................17 Texture ..........................................................................................................................17 Composition ................................................................................................................... 17 Formation-Boundary Lithologies ................................................................................20 Lower Contact ................................................................................................................20 Upper Contact ................................................................................................................20 Lithofacies Correlation ..................................................................................................22 Lithofacies Distribution ................................................................................................23 Depositional Processes ..................................................................................................25 Siltstone .........................................................................................................................25 Black Shale .....................................................................................................................26 Lithologic Patterns and Origin of Sediments ............................................................26 Depositional Setting ..................................................................................................30 Paleogeography .............................................................................................................30 Paleotectonics .................................................................................................................31 Paleoclimate ....................................................................................................................32 Paleoceanography ..........................................................................................................33 iii Depositional Mechanisms ............................................................................................34 Synopsis of Depositional History ................................................................................35 Petroleum Potential ....................................................................................................36 Summary .........................................................................................................................36 Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................38 References .......................................................................................................................39 Appendices A. Location of cores and measured sections ...........................................................................43 B. Description of cores and measured sections ......................................................................44 C. Point-count data for the Woodford Formation .................................................................60 D. Organic content of the Woodford Formation ....................................................................61 Figures 1. Index maps showing structural provinces in the Permian Basin ......................................................................2 2. Map showing lines of cross sections and locations of cores and measured sections ......................................4 3. Correlation chart for Devonian and Mississippian Systems in West Texas and southeastern New Mexico................................................................................................................................ 7 4. Photos of Woodford black shale ...........................................................................................................................14 5. Photos of Woodford Siltstone................................................................................................................................ 18 6. Photos of Woodford contacts ................................................................................................................................21 7. Log correlation of Woodford lithofacies..............................................................................................................23 8. Fence diagram of Upper Devonian units ............................................................................................................24 9. Regional lithologic variations in Upper Devonian rocks in West Texas and southeastern New Mexico .....................................................................................................................................26 10. Late Devonian paleogeography of West Texas and southeastern New Mexico ...........................................30 11. Late Devonian paleogeography of North America............................................................................................32 12. Model of Late Devonian circulation during eustatic highstand ......................................................................34 Plates (in pocket) 1. Structure map of Woodford Formation, Permian Basin. 2. Isopach map of Woodford Formation, Permian Basin.
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