Study of Mined Storage Caverns
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ORNL/SUB-75/64509 STUDY OF MINED STORAGE CAVERNS James H. Cobbs Enyinecring Tulsa, Oklahoma June, 1975 s SIOIICE V ability. pfjpT ! 7'-is This report was prepared by James H. Cobbs Engineering under Purchase Order Subcontract 78X-64509V with Union Carbide Corporation, Nuclear Division. The subcontract was adminis- tered by Oak Ridge National Laboratory v/ ' ' ."- . ,-r • OFFICE ,OF WASTE ISOLATION . i . '' . : L iui.-un - \P'A I, K RIDGE. TENN'ES.SEE* .!»•». • > v... prepared tor the U.S. ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION under U.S. GOVERNMENT Contract W-7405 ong 26 This informal document contains information which is pre- liminary and may be fragmentary or of limited scope. The assumptions, views, and conclusions expressed in this docu- ment are those of the author and are not to be interpreted as those of Union Carbide Corporation, Nuclear Division, or USERDA f IS UNLIMITED — owl Isoa- os/m sos STUDY OF MINED STORAGE CAVERNS prepared for QH10H CARBIDE MPORftTIOK Uak Ridge, Tennessee fhia icpoft jtxt fif;»!fvl afl aumini l w k ffxinurffd by ifif Umled Slaiei ftmiiuntni. u Ntith1M o Iht Uniled nor the UniffU Mjim I ner^y Rtttiith md Dtvlupmrnt A.limnuiNii,>n nor anf o( thfu e'npki)fe«t, no» an> of ttifir confraitor*k . »ul«t>ntuttu», fvf thcu employ «et, tnake» Jti» wittiMy, e»pr*<» or implied, or juumei any lejul toabilrty <» leipun^fljtj rorlhf JciUfai.),»<,fnplftcnc« or u*rulnc» of my tnfaimatiur. arParam, prudjil »r pmcrn duJuird. or tepteKnti thai U» w>utd not mCnnp pnvjttly t>»ncd JAMES H. GOBBS ENGINEERING Tulsa, Oklahoma j 1 Kl'JU i! 'T 13 UNLIMITED STUDY OF MINED STORAGE CAVERNS H. COBBS ENGINEERING TULSA, OKLAHOMA JUNE 1975 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Summary I Geological Factors 5 Influence of Rock Type on Storage Caverns 5 Crystalline Rocks 5 Carbonate Bocks 5 Shale 6 Mined Storage Caverns as Affected by Geologic Provinces 7 Atlantic Coastal Plain 7 Piedmont Region 11 East Gulf Coastal Plain 13 Allegheny Plateaus 14 Appalachian Basin 14 Cincinnati Arch 14 Ice Plains 14 Kankakee Arch 14 Illinois Basin 15 Forest City Basin 15 Nemaha Ridge 15 Central Nebraska Basin 16 Canadian Shield 16 Ozark Mountain Province 17 Central Oklahoma Platform 17 Park Mounain3 18 Rawlins Uplift 18 Water Plains 18 Bend Arch 18 Investigative Procedures 19 Review of the Geological Literature 19 Remote Sensing Investigation 19 Core Drilling 21 Bore Hole Testing Techniques 22 Geophysical Logs 23 Electrical Logs 24 SP Log 24 Resistivity Logs 25 Electric Logging 26 Induction Electric Logging 27 Guarded Electrode Logging 27 Higher Level Radio Activity Logging 27 Gamma Ray Log 28 Neutron Log 28 Formation Density Log 29 Accoustical Logs 29 Accoustical Velocity Logging 29 Accoustical Amplitude Log 30 Full Wave Train Presentation Logging 30 Hydrologic Testing 30 Injection Testing 30 Piezometric Surface Identification 32 In Situ Stress Measurement 33 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska 130 Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska 3 32 Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska Greenwood, Lancaster County, Nebraska 136 Erskln, Polk County, Minnesota < 139 Jasper, Jasper County, Missouri 141 Mt. Vernon, Lawrence County, Missouri 144 Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma 146 Drumright, Creek County, Oklahoma 147 Ponca City, Kay County, Oklahoma 151 Seminole, Seminole County, Oklahoma 156 Rawlins, Carbon County, Wyoming 157 Breckenridge, Stephens County, Texas 160 •References 161 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1 Area most suited for caverns based on existing I,PG. cavern experience 2 Geomorphic Provinces (after Thornbury. 11 ) with mined LPG storage caverns 11 3 Portions of Piedmont Region and Atlantic Plain with LPG cavern locations 12 4 Portions of East Gulf Coastal Plain, Peidmont Region, and Atlantic Coastal Plain showing existing LPG cavern locations 12 5 Structural elements of the Ice Plains and Allegheny Plateaus showing existing LPG caverns 13 6 Structural elements cf parts of the Ice Plains, Canadian Shield • and Park Mountains with LPG cavern locations 16 7 Structural elements of the Ozark Mountains and Water Plain showing LPw cavern locations 17 8 Electric logging nomenclature 26 9 Rydrologic test assembly 31 10 Packer test procedure to isolate a permeable zone 32 11 Build up and draw down curves 33 12 Capillary pressure curves 39 13 Plan of a 400,000 barrel cavern 44 14 Cavern sections 45 15 Drilled shaft 46 TABLES Table Page 1 Mined storage caverns arranged by geologic provinces 8 SUMMARY This report of mined storag® caverns was performed for Union Carbide Corporation, Nuclear Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratories, under Pur- chase Order Nc. 78X-64509V. The report covers all available information con- cerning 75 mined storage caverns as well as the investigative techniques utilized to determine the feasibility of a cavern site, Potential new stor- age caverns may be for products such as high or low vapor pressure petroleum products, other chemical products and industrial or nuclear waste. The art of cavern investigation and construction is new. Only 25 years have passed since the. first cavern vas constructed. The art of investigation for feasibility is still evolving. In many cases the decision to construct or not construct a cavern at a particular site has been a considered judgement based upon all of the information developed without an absolute criteria. This is most usually the case when one factor ie doubtful but other conclusions or factors are positive. The storage of most hydrocarbons is simple and caverns are ideal for the service. Because of this, the feasibility investigations do not normally use all of the investigative techniques available. With other materials, Where water inflow is especially critical, or rock-product reactions are potential hazards, all of the investigative techniques currently available should be used and perhaps new ones developed. Remote sensing and geophysical logs, other than correlation radioactivity and single point resistivity, have not been used and they are valuable tools in critical situations. Physiographic or geomorphic provinces influence the suitability of a potential cavern site by virtue of its history. Those provinces which have experienced a stable history with little tectonic activity are best suited for caverns. Sedimentary basins with thick sections of uniformly deposited shales and carbonates are the most ideal physiographic provinces. Those provinces with crystalline rocks as the potential host -jocks usually exhibit jointing or fracture patterns with rather large water inflows through the jointB or fractures. These provinces, though they may have good locations, are subject to more doubt than the sedimentary basins. Stratigraphic factors are perhaps the most important single criteria for selecting an area for detailed investigation. Areas which show rapid lateral changes In lithology can present problems in site selection (refer to Ponca City, Oklahoma, and Gibbstown, New Jersey, caverns). The lithologic factor which is most important is consistency. Both vertical and lateral consistency are important. Mineralogy, with one exception, seems to have had no bearing on the success of caverns. Clay minerals, which are sensitive to changes in water content, or electrolyte concentration may present structural problems during construction. Some shales are adversely affected by contact with fresh water and some by dehydration. In these cases humidity regulation by ventilation may be necessary Bedding does not appear to influence cavern construction or site selec- tion unless there are changes at the bedding plains which might permit water inflow. Bed thickness is critical. Adequate bed thickness must exist not only for the height of the cavern but also to insure that d-illing bolt holes or excavating sumps will not encounter bad rock. Very thin bedded rockB, even in a massive section, will normally require roof bolting to make the beds function as a laminated beam for structural stability. The geologic age of the host rocks appears to have no bearing on mined caverns. In portions of the Gulf Coa3t the very young rocks are not well con- solidated and are not considered prime prospects for caverns. It is the lack of consolidation, however, and not the age which is the controlling factor. The nature of overlying and underlying beds does not materially affect a storage cavern if the host bed is of sufficient thickness. If the host bed is thin then the overlying and underlying beds must of necessity possess nearly the same properties as the host bed. Regional and local structure may have induced fractures, faults, or joint patterns in potential host rocks. Conditions such as this will quite possibly create structural problems and almost certainly will mean an undesir- able water flow through the joint or fracture system. For LPG caverns it is imperative that sufficient hydrostatic head exist over the cavern to counterbalance the vapor pressure of the stored product. In the geologic sense, ground water is probably always in movement. Both regional and local hydrology must be considered because of the hazard of intro- ducing one or more contaminants into the circulating ground water. Regions of the United States considered most favorable for mined storage caverns are illustrated in Figure 1, The area outlined contains those parts of the United States where the greatest success has been obtained. Areas outside the bounded area are not necessarily eliminated because in most cases there is no experience, either good or bad. Small inflows of water into the storage caverns do not create problems of great magnitude for the storage of petroleum products because the products are immiscible with water. The inflow of any water is undesirable, but within limits, it constitutes only a nuisance insofar as the operation of the storage cavern is concerned. This is not the case with all potential materials which might be considered for storage in mined caverns, and for this reason much of our review effort has been directed toward the conditions which would lead to a cavern in which there was abolutely no water inflow.