Launch Edition April 2016


Urban The new buzzword

Council of Governors Taking the lead In urban development How to become a SymbioCity Pilot Launch edition

3 sister organisations partnering 6 council of governors – 9 refLectioN: devolution for sustainability taking the lead in urban and sustainable urban development development

the intention of this publication is to make information available on the partners, process and progress of the symbiocity kenya programme. the programme is hosted by council of governors, in partnership with the swedish association of Local authorities and and with funding 12 harnessing kenya´s urban 16 Zeros and ones from embassy of . potential

TEXTS: SymbioCity Kenya Team (Nicodemus Mbwika, Maureen Njoga, Everlyne Otieno, Julius C’Oredo, Anna Backmann) unless otherwise specifi ed. PHOTOS: Isabella Gomes, andobsyourunclephotography, unless otherwise specifi ed. DESIGN: Infestation ( PUBLISHER: The contents of this publication is the 19 symbiocity 101 28 partnerships – what are they sole responsibility of good for the SymbioCity Kenya Programme. Any mistakes or oversights are unintentional and the responsibility of the 4 what is symbiocity kenya 21 what is a pilot? Programme. The contents 5 take the lead! 22 how to: Become a symbio pilot cannot be regarded as county refl ecting the position of the 7 paving the way for habitat iii Embassy of Sweden. You are 23 faQ: pilots welcome to copy, distribute 8 governors front runners for 30 Q&a: ask everlyne and present material, provided urban development that you attribute the work to 32 top tips: for the beginner SymbioCity Kenya. 15 edge: “urban” – the new buzzword 33 contact details

SYMBiOCiTY KENYA Sister organisations partnering for sustainability

By Nicodemus Mbwika, Project Manager for SymbioCity Kenya at Council of Governors

A first Joint Steering Committee Meeting for SALAR and CoG support to CoG at organizational level, took place late February 2016, with Embassy of Sweden present. policy development, advocacy, and networking and information provision. HE Governor Munya, Chairman of Council of Governors concluded at a recent Joint Steering Committee meeting between CoG and SALAR; “This partnership will enable Council of Governors to grow as an institution and perform its role more effectively. We can benefit from the experience of over 150 years of coordination that SALAR has had with Swedish .”

The SymbioCity Kenya Programme The programme is mainly funded by the Embassy of Sweden in Kenya, which is responsible for Swedish development Council of Governors (CoG) The Council of Governors provides cooperation in Kenya. It is a formal agreement between Embassy of Sweden and The Swedish Association a framework for consultation and cooperation between the national and of Local Authorities and county governments, and amongst Regions (SALAR) and its county governments. The Swedish subsidiary SKL International Association of Local Authorities and have partnered to work Regions is the body that represents towards a more sustainable and supports all local governments in development in the Sweden. of Kenya. SALAR is a large organization with a long history of supporting Swedish municipalities to provide better and more efficient service delivery to its citizens. Like the CoG, it is a politically governed organization with

a similar structure as CoG and can Visiting Sweden; Governor Ahmed therefore provide interesting models Abdullahi of Wajir and Governor and experiences for the institutional David Nkedianye of Kajiado.

SymbioCity kenya 1 Launch edition

Jerker Stattin, Director of International Affairs at SALAR

HE Governor Malombe and CoG visiting Hammarby Sjöstad, an example of holistic urban planning in , Sweden.

Focus on learning and sharing – “This partnership will for all 47 counties enable Council of Governors All project activities will primarily be to grow as an institution driven by local actors, with the support HE Governor Munya, Chairman of national and international experts of Council of Governors and perform its role more effectively. We can benefit in order to ensure that all knowledge from the experience of and experience obtained through () and the over 150 years of local the programme is maintained and Ministry of Finance (Government of government coordination institutionalised locally. Kenya). A Joint Steering Committee, that SALAR has had with The SymbioCity Kenya programme will consisting of representatives from Swedish municipalities.” generally leave strong and functioning the two sister organisations has been urban governance platforms in which established as the decision making body for the programme. The Kenya SymbioCity programme is Lamu County Executive in charge of Urban Development, Ms Amina implemented by a dedicated team at the Masood, HE Governor David Nkedianye and Principal Planner of Tyresö in Sweden, Ms Carolina Fintling Rue Urban Development Secretariat of the Council of Governors. It is composed of staff from CoG as well as technical assistance staff provided by SKL International.

The main cooperation areas within the programme are; ÆÆInstitutional development of Council of Governors ÆÆApplication of the SymbioCity Approach in seven pilot counties ÆÆIntergovernmental cooperation on urban development ÆÆSharing of experiences and networking

2 SymbioCity kenya a deLegatioN from couNciL of goVerNors Led By the former chairmaN he goVerNor rutto Visited swedeN duriNg the saLar eLectioN coNgress iN 2015.

The knowledge gained through Civil society organisations will be implementation and experience involved to share best practices sharing will enable counties plan and and lessons deemed relevant to implement strategies and solutions all 47 counties. The program also based on local realities. provides options for collaboration with the private sector and academic county governments and urban Pertinent to this will be the generation institutions will actively engage to citizens as well as other interest of urban visions that will be nested in explore on-going urban development groups demonstrate transparent and to the prevailing planning frameworks processes. participatory decision-making tradition such as the integrated urban for sustainable growth and equitable development plans, county spatial development. plans and sectoral plans.

aBout the writer Nicodemus mbwika has a background in planning and project management. he has over five years’ experience in planning, design and execution of development projects in different counties of Kenya. he has previously worked for DSw Kenya and fintrac inc. besides his background and experience, he has highly developed communication and socio-interaction skills that are adaptable to different settings and key to sustaining positive interpersonal relations, a skill that will be key in putting the Symbiocity Kenya team together as the Project Manager.

SYMBiOCiTY KENYA 3 Launch edition

what is SymbioCity Kenya?

The SymbioCity Approach is a concept for sustainable urban development which has been developed in Sweden. It has been applied in several urban development projects globally and the 50 approach will now be adapted to Kenyan conditions through the Kenya

SymbioCity Kenya 50 Programme.

At the highest level, the program is expected to contribute to a more sustainable development in Kenya. The approach to how to do this, is to strengthen Council of Governors as an organisation to deliver on its constitutional mandate, to apply the SymbioCity Approach in seven pilot counties, to support intergovernmental urban cooperation experiences from the pilots and practice and stories – from the Pilots and to share learnings across a wide stronger intergovernmental but also from scoping studies and net of stakeholders. cooperation. reality checks produced to support a strong intergovernmental urban The seven pilot counties will see SymbioCity Kenya does not have a understanding. primary focus on infrastructure and transformation in terms of changes in investments, but rather on processes practices, relationships and routines, The timeframes having access to facts and evidence and cooperation. SymbioCity Kenya is currently being on which to base critical decisions, established at Council of Governors What to expect? but also tangible change through seed and by July 2016, all components are funds available to implement parts of Council of Governors will have expected to be initiated. a more strategic role in Urban the plans developed. Development in Kenya, through ÆÆPilots will run from July 2016 to Urban stakeholders in general a mix of technical expertise, December 2018, other compon- will have access to learnings, good ents concurrently.

4 SYMBiOCiTY KENYA TaKE THE lead! Mayors, managers, governors, wherever you are … It is time to take the lead!

Positive change does not happen by is necessary, but in order for solutions itself. Creating change means being to be implemented and have an impact, bold. Leadership and development is broader involvement is needed. about taking uncomfortable decisions, that have managed to reverse ‘thinking outside the box’, and proposing negative trends have succeeded in innovative ideas that challenge people making citizens the drivers and owners to move out of their comfort zones. of the change process. This happens In order to realise a bold vision, you through innovative and visionary sometimes need to challenge not only leadership that reaches outside the your opponents but also your followers. municipal offi ces and beyond the Cities can be wonderful places, and drawing boards of the urban planners they should be embraced. However, and engineers. urban challenges are coming at us, and The need for bold and innovative at high spe ed. Evidence shows that By aNders kNape, forMer PreSiDent leadership has never been greater. of the SweDiSh aSSociation of experts sitting around tables do not local authoritieS (2007-2014) solve urban problems. Good planning Get started, move forward, take the lead!

“Cities can be wonderful places, and they should be embraced. However, urban challenges are coming at us, and at high spe ed.” he goVerNor maLomBe aNd he goVerNor muNya duriNg a press coNfereNce at uN haBitat.

SYMBiOCiTY KENYA 5 Launch edition

Council of Governors Driving the Urban Agenda Council of Governors (CoG) and The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) and its subsidiary SKL International have partnered to work towards a more HE Governor Malombe, Chairman of sustainable development in the counties of Kenya. the Urban Development Committee at Council of Governors. edited by Nicodemus Mbwika, Project Manager The Fourth Schedule of the Constitution The Urban Development committee SymbioCity Kenya of Kenya clearly designates the roles of has also been instrumental in the transport, planning, survey, mapping, review of current national policy and county public works and services, water legislation with a bid to align these to Mandates of the Urban supply, storm water management, and the constitution and devolved functions Development Committee sanitation among others to counties. for each level of Government. These are roles that County Governments Development of a framework to Through the Committee, counties have guide and assist County Governments continue to undertake. One critical input into the Draft National Urban in the establishment of institutional mandate of the Urban Development Development Policy, the proposed structures for the management of Committee therefore becomes to urban areas, as envisaged in Urban Physical Planning Bill, National Land ensure that County Governments speak Areas and Cities Act. Use Bill, Community Land Bill and the in one voice on all matters of urban Omnibus Land Bill. The Committee Creating forums for sharing of development in Kenya. emerging issues and best practices has further facilitated inputs into including modalities for prioritisation The Committee has already embarked on the proposed revisions of the Urban and promotion of Urban Areas as the journey towards the implementation Areas and cities Act, particularly engines of socio economic growth. of Sustainable Development Goals and in on the matter of classification and Providing a platform for review particular Goal 11, which seeks to enhance management of urban areas. and mainstreaming of ongoing inclusive and sustainable urbanization. urban development programmes The Urban Development Committee has This through the recently concluded within respective county integrated initiated programmes which will go a “Joint Statement” by the Council of development plans. long way in guiding urban development Governors which will guarantee that the Providing a framework for the review in the counties. These include, the multi- Kenyan position that will be presented be and mainstreaming development stakeholder, multi-agency, Urban Sector presented at the Habitat III conference in partners’ engagement and support Reference Group, which meets regularly to county Governments on Urban Ecuador in October 2016 indeed reflect to advise the Committee on pertinent Development and management issues. the position of County Governments. urban issues.

Members of the Urban Development Committee ÆÆChairman: H.E Dr. Julius Malombe, ÆÆH.E Capt. Ali Roba, ÆÆH.E Amason Kingi, Governor of Kilifi Governor of Kitui Governor of Mandera ÆÆH.E Ahmed Abdullahi, Governor of Wajir ÆÆVice Chairman: H.E David Nkedianye, ÆÆH.E Samuel Ragwa, ÆÆH.E Hassan Joho, Governor of Mombasa Governor of Kajiado Governor of Tharaka Nithi

6 SymbioCity kenya We have also established the spatial planning. These, alongside principles of land-use regulation that Intergovernmental Committee of County county sectoral plans, integrated will determine our urban future. Executive Committee Members in charge cities and plans and the By launching the SymbioCity Kenya of Land, Housing, Physical Planning and county integrated development plans programme together with our Urban Development to harmonise county present the necessary ingredients for Swedish sister organisation, Council approaches to urban development. coordination of economic investments, of Governors through the Urban conservation measures, new and The dream of midwifing resilient, Development Committee is taking upgraded areas of settlement, strategic sustainable and safe cities cannot yet another step towards a more infrastructure investments and be realized without effective county sustainable and more inclusive Kenya.

Paving the way for Habitat III As part of its mandate, The devolution wave in Kenya poses both the Urban Development a great potential and a risk to a sustained urban growth and development. The move Committee has spearheaded by the Urban Development Committee county-specific input to the and the County Executives to share and agenda at Habitat III. discuss urban leadership in Kenya is strategic and salient to ensuring counties On three separate occasions late 2015, capitalise on the urban opportunities Governors and County Executive to leverage economic development. Committee members in charge of urban Further, a unified vision among urban development gathered by invitation Professor Alfred Omenya, one of the leaders creates a conducive platform for from the UN Habitat Regional Office keynote speakers at the conference, knowledge and experience sharing. for Africa. The conferences availed and the rapporteur for the Unified an opportune platform for intensified The platform also provided an Statement by Kenyan Counties on dialogue between national and opportunity to provide input to the Habitat III, summarises its purpose county governments and enabled the United Nations Conference on Housing and value: participants to add their voices to the and Sustainable Urban Development “The county governments of Kenya ongoing national and global discussions (Habitat III), which is scheduled to take are key partners of the national on sustainable urban development. place in Quito, Ecuador, in October 2016. government in urban development. This positions counties to play a direct role in Habitat III, as key partners in implementation of the new urban agenda and Sustainable Development Goals. Counties – together with the national government – also play an important role as state parties to Habitat III. The statement produced at this conference, by county governments, towards Habitat III serves both as Kenya´s vision for urban development and

Governors, Urban CECs and UN Habitat preparing as an emphasis of Kenya´s national county specific input to Habitat III. statement to Habitat III.”

SymbioCity kenya 7 Launch edition

From the SymbioCity publication “Get started, move forward! Leadership in Sustainable Urban Development” Sustainable urban development requires leaders who: ÆÆThink and work holistically ÆÆTranscend political and other limited interests ÆÆFacilitate collaboration across boundaries ÆÆBalance immediate and long- term needs ÆÆAct in the interests of current and future citizens ÆÆTake difficult decisions, and responsibility for implementing them ÆÆValue feedback for learning and improvement ÆÆPromote participation and share ownership

These leaders play a critical role in: ÆÆHelping people understand sustainable development and why it is essential. ÆÆFacilitating the development of an inspiring shared vision. ÆÆDeveloping strategic programmes and projects. ÆÆInvolving communities, civil society, business sector and the media. HE Governor Nkedianye, Vice Chairman of the Urban Development ÆÆAssigning financial and other Committee, at an exhibition of the Kenya County Inventory Maps, produced by SymbioCity Kenya. resources.

8 SymbioCity kenya Devolution & sustainable urban Towards a new epistemology development of the “Urban” in Kenya

By Julius C’Oredo, Urban Development Specialist at SymbioCity Kenya

Belief and Opinion on Planning processes that make our understanding ‘Urban is spiky’ You will be forgiven, if at first glance of certain knowledge more concrete. In 2005, Richard Florida wrote an you thought that the plane of this article Rightly so, in a scholastic sense it is ‘... article in the Atlantic Monthly in just taxied from the hangar of day- the theory of knowledge, especially with response to Thomas Friedman’s to-day operational urban governance regard to its methods…’ but and most assertion that through globalization, issues and is about to launch you in importantly, it helps us establish ‘the the World had become flat. Florida to the skies of intellectual realms. You distinction between justified belief and argued instead that, although are partly right. But even with all the opinion.’ globalization had changed the map benevolence I can summon, any effort There is no arena for the conflict of of the world, it had not become flat. to make ‘epistemology’ a word from- ‘belief’ and ‘opinion’ than the landscape His article was entitled, ‘The World is the-street will certainly come a cropper. of ‘urban planning and development’ in Spiky ‘arguing that the most obvious It belongs to the abstract mental Kenya. challenge to the Flat-World hypothesis is the explosive growth of cities. Cities are, in furtherance to the metaphor, the World’s demographic Mountain ranges. In Kenya today, under the devolved system of government, ‘Urban is spiky’.

Understanding the term ‘Urban’ is by no means a pure academic exercise. Even in academic circles its appreciation ranges from the arduous to the hilarious. In India for instance, up to 1971, the dichotomy between rural and urban definitions contained such criterion as

“There is no arena for the conflict of ‘belief’ and ‘opinion’ than the landscape of ‘urban planning and development’ in Kenya.”

SymbioCity kenya 9 Launch edition

The Key words with reference to urbanization are:

ÆÆtransformative force ÆÆopportunity ÆÆsynergy ÆÆinvestments ÆÆrevenue ÆÆlegislation ÆÆsustainability

socioeconomic conditions and territorial formations across the planet. And Kenya is no exception to this global trend. In Kenya, devolution has thrust the political organization of ‘urban’ and therefore its management in to a whirlpool. There are high intellectual and political stakes in contemporary debates on the urban question in Kenya. To offer an analytical basis for deciphering the rapidly changing geographies of urbanization and urban debate under the devolved system of Government is therefore urgent. “The heart of the urban agenda in Kenya today is the need for sectoral and intergovernmental coordination” The Urban Development Committee I am aware this is a humongous task an urban area is where ‘at least 75% of Urban and Political Struggles and I am under no illusion that this the male working population was non- It will be unfair to delve in to this subject article will achieve that. Let me be clear agricultural.’ In our gender sensitive without paying credit to an article by too, that I do not intend to attack the world, this would be problematic! Neil Brenner and Christian Schmid rubric of ‘urban-ness’ as understood in But primary urban characteristics such titled ‘Towards a new epistemology of our intellectual spaces and as taught as size of population and density of the urban?’ Published in the City journal in our planning schools. My concern settlement have prevailed. in 2015. The authors acknowledge that is with the manner in which we As have the concentration of surplus debates on the urban question continue have conceptualized urban planning and the institutionalized channels to proliferate and intensify within the and development under the new for management of distribution and social sciences, the planning and design constitutional dispensation. disciplines, and in everyday political exchange of goods and services which The Committee for Lands, Physical struggles. In it they vouched for a are nested in the urban core. Planning and Urban Development more radical rethinking of inherited (UDC) at the Council of Governors, is But state organization of urban areas epistemological assumptions regarding tasked with developing, among other has evolved over the years. Earlier, urban and urbanisation. cities were well-structured political things, ‘institutional structures for the organisations with membership based I can agree with them that the term coordination and harmonization of on residence. This replaced political ‘urban’ today confronts us with an policies, legislations and regulations identification based on kinship. understanding of new processes of relating to urban planning, urbanization that is bringing forth diverse management and development.’

10 SymbioCity kenya You all know that the implementation Urban management and Urban of infrastructure, technology, specialty of the Urban Areas and Cities Act development. These need to be looked activities, entrepreneurial culture, (2011) encountered a false start at as thematic areas first, since they also human capital, and quality of life are (But…). However, with the very potent inform urban development policies.’ significant. ‘metropolitanisation’ in our urban As I conclude, it’s worth noting that development, the management of our Implementation of the National devolution has subjected the terrain of urban areas is at the centre of Kenya’s Urban Development Policy the ‘urban-scape’ to a high-intensity, development. In the preparation of the high-impact earthquake. Players in the implementation matrix for National urban space cannot ignore the role of The Urban Buzzword Urban Development Policy, the intergovernmental and inter-sectoral In the just concluded series of participants allocated approximately coordination that the Council of consultations with Governors and 86% of the 523 lead roles to the Governors is playing. county executives in developing a counties and a circa 14% (about 71) to unified statement on the future of our the National Government (principally May be a rendition of Richard Feiock, ’s urbanization for Habitat III to the MoLHUD & MDP). Jae Moon and Hyung-Jun Park’s be held in Quito, later this year, several writing on appropriate governance We truly are far from overcoming the epistemic opportunities arose on the structures in response to Florida and primate challenges of the built form concept of ‘urban’ in Kenya. Friedman, applies to Kenya as well. (buildings, space and infrastructure The ‘urban’ in Kenya is neither flat Once you watch the video you can attest related). But what these leaders and nor spiky; instead, it is rough and to how many times (important as they practitioners are saying is that urban uneven, marked by sectoral and inter- may be to the definition of ‘urban’), development cannot be guided from governmental clamour that require buildings, infrastructure and space are raucous and competitive institutional intergovernmental coordination and mentioned. Sparingly. silos. For prosperity, urban areas regional governance strategies for need sectoral and intergovernmental What I can conclude here is that at the successful economic development. coordination in which combinations heart of the urban agenda in Kenya today is the need for sectoral and intergovernmental coordination. May be that’s too quick. But consider the County validation workshop on National Urban Development Policy, held in Naivasha in June 2015, for instance. One of the CECs had this to say: ‘Urban planning in the old school of thought looked at the physical processes but overlooked Urbanization,

‘Urban planning in the old school of thought looked at the physical processes but overlooked Urbanization, Urban management and Urban development. These need to be looked at as thematic areas first, since they also inform urban development policies.’

SymbioCity kenya 11 Launch edition

HarnESSing KEnya’S By JuLius c’oredo, urBaN deVeLopmeNt speciaList, symBiocity keNya Urban Potential

12 SYMBiOCiTY KENYA Kenya is urbanizing rapidly and a majority of Kenya’s youth aspire to live in urban and not rural areas. The harmony between daily The task of managing the hopes of the majority of the actions and such broad nation’s population and its development aspiration questions by individuals, rests with the county governments. community groups, associations, sub-national and national governments Humanity crossed a significant Urban Development – is the hallmark of the milestone in 2008 when, for the the challenges SymbioCity Approach. first time in history, the global The constitution of Kenya has urban population exceeded the rural placed the mandate of managing population. Since then the pace of urban areas at the doorstep of the plans. Even with glaring infrastructure urbanization has increased to un- county administration. The national and basic services shortage in most precedented levels. Kenya has been no government on the other hand, has urban areas, lack of urban boards exception to this global phenomenon. been tasked to provide policy directions and predominantly rural outlook The rate of Kenya’s urbanization today and general principles for coordination make many county authorities less is 4.3% annually. By 2030, nearly 54% among counties. However, even with incentivised to invest in urban areas. of the population will be living in urban the preponderance of legislations areas. Observers however, portend such as the Urban Areas and Cities Thus counties are beginning the that such a high growth rate occurring Act, the challenge of managing urban journey of managing Kenya’s against a backdrop of low urbanization development still persists. urbanisation with inordinate level (27%), should be celebrated with expectations invoking questions of Nationally, there lacks institutional caution. whether consummate capacity and frameworks and guidelines on to which goodwill exists for this enormous task. Kenya is staring either at potential anchoring of county spatial planning With proposed new Urban Areas and prosperity or a calamitous urban future. activities can be made possible. For Cities legislation set to reduce the instance, there is no national land use threshold for classification of urban Urban areas key plan to support county spatial plans. economic drivers areas, nearly 200 disparate urban Five of Kenya’s leading ; Nairobi, Additionally, the link between sectoral entities will fall within the jurisdiction Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru and policies and spatial anatomy at the of county governments compounding Eldoret account for nearly 70% of the urban area level is impaired by lack further the challenge of services country’s physical, financial, intellectual of integrated urban development provision. and technological capital. Urban development will certainly be a key determinant of Kenya’s regional and global competitiveness as well as its progress towards becoming a middle- income country as envisioned in Vision 2030. With a GDP of USD 1200, Kenya’s urbanization level should be about 40% with the capacity to leverage greater economic growth for the Country. Kenya’s urban development policy is alive to the fact that urban areas in the past have suffered under the burden of poor governance and management making them unable to harness their potential to adequately spur growth across the country.

SymbioCity kenya 13 Launch edition

The rise of a system of cities in the counties However, there are tremendous potentials in these circumstances. Numerous legislations that guide the manner in which counties can ensure that urban and rural development is in harmony with national economic and social aspirations already exist. Urban residents too can be allowed to participate in devising solutions through innovative participatory approaches. Academic institutions, civil society The Youth’s obligation to urbanisation, like it does other facets organisations, as well as the private sustainable urbanisation of development. Ethical questions are sector need not be left behind in Progress in urban development will cru cial for sustainability. As noted by shaping Kenya’s urban future. There have to be chiselled by collective recent studies, ours is a nation of young are visible trends of collaboration interpretation of what the visions and people caught in mass ethical fright. between county governments and strategies at the grass root mean for our Are we confi dent the next generation academic institutions as well as private collective future. of citizens is aware of our obligations sector, which augurs well for the to each other as far as urbanisation is Progress will be hollow if isolated country’s urbanisation. concerned? county efforts to establish functional Creation of regional economic blocs will planning departments or an enviable The harmony between daily actions and inspire the rise of a system of cities in gated community is not matched such broad questions by individuals, the counties. This promises to win in by system-wide resolve to eliminate community groups, associations, sub- economies of effi ciency and proximity barriers to cooperation between the national and national governments with the emergence of primate levels of government and among is the hallmark of the SymbioCity locations that can positively shape counties. The locomotive of good Approach. urbanisation trends in the future. governance will drive sustainable

aBout the writer Julius c’oredo has a background in planning and engineering. he has over ten years’ experience in local government support programmes in the east african , having worked for the lake victoria region local authorities corporation, as well as the united nations Development Programme in Sudan. he teaches urban planning related courses at technical university of Kenya, and is happy to join the Kenya Symbiocity programme as an urban Development Specialist.

14 SYMBiOCiTY KENYA “Urban”the new Buzzword Urbanisation is the key Experience from the policies of the last defining trend of our time. decades has shown that urbanisation cannot be stopped. Instead, we have Currently more than half the world’s to find a way to benefit from the population live in cities, and in the opportunities that urbanisation brings. next 35 years the urban population Cities will have to deliver its services of the world is expected to double. to an increasing number of urban Another three billion people will live dwellers. This will put tremendous in cities by 2050. Much of this growth stress on the urban infrastructure, on will happen in Africa, and Kenya is environmental resources and public not an exception. administrations. But it also brings a lot of opportunities. Increasingly, cities around the world are turning urbanisation into a positive thing. They are seeing that cities can be both productive, clean and friendly places to live. The time to look for a new direction for Kenya’s urban areas could not have been better.

SymbioCity kenya 15 Launch edition

zEroS anD onES = better decisions?

In an era of fibre optics But even so, the particular data or analysis they need to inform decisions “As a result counties have and super-fast internet still may not be available, or may be connectivity, county experienced difficulty diffi cult to obtain. Hence the Urban in identifying strategic managers and policy makers Development Committee at Council gaps and setting the right are better placed than to of Governors strives to seal this gap priorities to address them.” acquire information on a through providing requisite information myriad of issues more easily to counties on ways to access this data. than ever before - on their Getting it right The question that has continued to smart phones, tablets Governors, managers, urban linger beyond these efforts is why county and laptops. planners and fi nance managers in governments and policy makers still counties are dependent on accurate, continue to decry lack of data. timely data and correct analysis By eVerLyNe otieNo, urban Statistics versus analysis DeveloPMent SPecialiSt at concerning their counties, communities, SyMbiocity Kenya citizens, environment and economy In my previous assignment as Director to render services effectively and City Planning in Kisumu, I was in a effi ciently. Some leaders have decried position capable of infl uencing policy unavailability of data, others have felt at the county level and make decisions that the information is available but that would have an impact potentially diffi cult to fi nd, whereas another group both positively and negatively on the have felt that the data/information is not county. I can relate with policy makers user friendly. who constantly decry the lack of data. But when policy makers say they cannot As a result counties have experienced get data they need, they actually mean diffi culty in identifying strategic gaps and they cannot obtain data in a form that setting the right priorities to address them. is usable for county purposes. Looking The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics back, sitting in my position, I required have been mandated with national, interpretation or analysis of the data regional and county statistics and rather than to examine the data. sectoral data, and we must appreciate I had to rely on special studies by the effort that has been put by this consultancy fi rms that would happen government agency to produce occasionally or after a long delay due boundless data for the entire country. to cost implications. Yet multi-million

aBout the writer everlyne otieno has extensive experience from both local and county government in the area of urban planning and management. before joining Kenya Symbiocity she was the Director of city Planning in the county government of Kisumu where she was responsible for coordinating and delivering the Kisumu integrated urban Development Plan in 2014. currently she is an urban Development Specialist dedicated to the Kenya Symbiocity programme at council of governors. “i’m truly happy and looking forward to supporting devolved governments in urban planning management”.

16 SYMBiOCiTY KENYA projects were being implemented based on projected or outdated data whilst a small percentage of project funds would be directed to gather and analyse information prior to implementation.

Quality data a pre-requisite to sound decision making The current constitution has overseen the transfer of most national government roles to the counties. And whilst these functions require substantive information and data to deliver effectively; most national data agencies have remained the function of national government. In addition, a quick skim through the County Integrated Development Plans used by counties as budget tools, reveal that no “In Kenya, development resources have been allocated to data- partners and non- related activities - but most are investing governmental agencies are in Information Communication and constantly producing data Technology (ICT) and Geographic that can be useful for counties Information Systems (GIS). What - as baseline and a salient does this mean? The establishment foundation for building on.” of ICT departments is a step towards progress but these systems require data or information to feed into them. In addition, for that data to be useful, analysis of such data is required for sound decision making.

How can counties jump-start data access for ICT? In Kenya, development partners and non-governmental agencies are constantly producing data that can be useful for counties - as baseline and a salient foundation for building on. The Council of Governors in partnership with the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions will support counties through the SymbioCity Kenya programme to improve governance, participation and stakeholder engagement. One of its outputs is to ensure counties have knowledge of where and how to access data. The programme during the pilot implementation phase will improve capacity in counties to start gathering or to improve their data collection methods, analysis and presentation in forms that can be useful to county departments and directorates.

SymbioCity kenya 17 Launch edition

Examples of sources of urban data that can be beneficial to counties

SymbioCity Kenya UN Habitat under the Ministry of Mining. They are The programme has conceived a Kenya County UN Habitat has developed online available in both softcopy and hard copies. Urban Inventory; a series of maps and info- platforms through which global best The maps are being developed by the graphics showing “layers” (literally, maps) practices are shared with partners in Government and therefore will be available of particular urban development issues in and cities around the globe. for use by other Government agencies different counties and also in the whole country. The Urban Gateway (national and County Government) Each layer provides a thematic focus that could ( is a then be overlaid on top of each other to reveal County Government can use the data collaborative platform that allows new insights. Some of the layers are generic, (shapefiles or raster images) shared Habitat Agenda Partners to network and for example ‘Urbanisation’ while others were to carry out additional analysis. Any share data. specific, for example ‘Geographical Spread of GIS software would be able to access, Donor Funds’. The maps are intended to provide The Free and Open access Data Portal manipulate and work with the products easy to use and comparable data on urban ( is an online produced by the DRSRS. development in the country. site through which urban data for 220 countries and 741 cities is accessed. It Regional Centre for Today there are nine different layers of maps has useful information for academia, civil Mapping of Resources for covering the following issues: society, national and county government Development ÆÆUrbanisation: general statistics on the agencies, NGOs/INGOs, development RCMRD is an intergovernmental organisation serving over 20 countries state of urban development in the county partners and the private sector in Kenya. in East and Southern Africa, with its including levels of urban development, headquarters in Nairobi. urban growth, urban populations, etc. Clinton Foundation The Department of Resource Surveys RCMRD works to build and boost the ÆÆUrban infrastructure and services: what and Remote Sensing (DRSRS) has been government’s capacity in survey, GIS, is the status of infrastructure and services producing landcover maps. remote sensing, land administration and in urban areas in the counties; what main In support of the production of these climate change through training and infrastructure and services initiatives are maps, the SLEEK program (supported technical assistance. going on in which counties? by the Clinton Foundation and the Government of Australia) has made a The organisation operates a number ÆÆUrban planning initiatives: what major significant investment in Kenya’s remote of satellite stations that are capable of urban planning initiatives are underway in sensing lab at DRSRS. These landcover delivering image maps and satellite which counties/urban areas? maps are produced using LandSat images not only at the county level but also imagery, robust methodology and QA/ country wide. ÆÆLegislation: what urban legislations QC processes to provide Kenya with a are being passed in various county consistent, credible map that will allow assemblies? tracking of change over the past 20 years. ÆÆUrban economy; revenue and Key highlights of the maps include: expenditure: proportion of exchequer ÆÆWall to wall, consistent, comparable allocation to counties; to counties own and credible land-cover maps – for revenue; to conditional grants and loans. 1990 to 2014 The map shows which counties have high own revenue sources and conditional ÆÆMaps will be provided every two years grants and loans. ÆÆLand cover classification to level ÆÆGeographic Spread of Donor Funds: II which would be easy for Counties to which development partners are involved extend to level III where necessary in which counties/urban areas? ÆÆProvides a basemap for county spatial ÆÆUrban governance and management: planning what systems and approaches do ÆÆProvides change over time to inform counties have in place to govern and the planning processes manage urban areas? The landcover maps can be accessed ÆÆPublic participation: what is the state; through visiting the Department of typology; areas of public participation in Resource Survey and Remote Sensing urban development in the counties?

18 SymbioCity kenya “SymbioCity is more of a process support than a planning methodology. It looks at the whole system; from planning to development and management of SymbioCityaPProaCH 101 urban areas.”

The SymbioCity Approach by anna bacKMann, technical teaM SymbioCity offers an approach for is a concept for sustainable leaDer anD MatS jarnhaMMar, successfully dealing with urban urban development with Senior aDviSor at SyMbiocity Kenya development and a way of working for moving from ideas to action. We work SymbioCity supports cities and urban emphasis on improving living from visions and strategies, through areas in developing in a more sustainable conditions for the citizens, integrated urban planning to urban and inclusive way: To improve the health, through the involvement of improvements and strengthened safety, comfort and quality of life for management of urban areas. various actors and disciplines. the people who live there. To provide The Approach does not urban services like waste management, It is about supporting urban provide ready-made solutions mobility and water more effectively. And stakeholders - be it county governments, to all urban challenges. to capture the economic potential that civil society or the private sector - in Instead it offers committed urbanisation brings while protecting the working together and fi nding new local elected representatives, urban environment. solutions to urban challenges. officials and activists to develop properly planned and managed cities where people work, access services and thrive!

aBout the writer anna Backmann´s background from diverse sectors like media and international relations bring new perspectives to a programme like Symbiocity Kenya. “i believe that the value of the process and communicating and sharing experiences sometimes is bigger than the results themselves in a project”. anna has worked with SKl international for a considerable period of time, in Sweden but also in South africa, namibia, botswana and iraq. her role in Symbiocity Kenya is to coordinate technical assistance.

SYMBiOCiTY KENYA 19 Launch edition

Process versus project thinking the symBiocity workiNg group of paLu, iNdoNesia tryiNg out Urban development is not a result of commuNity Bikes iN stockhoLm, swedeN. urban planning alone. What happens in cities is a consequence of the decisions and actions of a large number of stakeholders. To change urban development in a more sustainable direction, SymbioCity adopts a holistic perspective and promotes collaboration between stakeholders at the local level. It is about seeing how each stakeholder can contribute to urban improvements. Thereby, SymbioCity is more of a process support than a planning methodology. It looks at the whole system; from planning to development and management of urban areas.

Swedish touch with international exposure SymbioCity builds on the approach that Swedish municipalities have to urban development. So in a way, the From 2016, there are upcoming that are adapted to the local context, 290 municipalities of Sweden have SymbioCity applications in Zimbabwe, while drawing on best practices and been our testbed; we know what works Ethiopia, Tunisia and Colombia and experiences worldwide. The solutions and what doesn’t. It is also based trainings in Turkey, Serbia, Macedonia, that emerge will be Kenyan. The on the experiences in implementing Georgia and Myanmar. ownership will be local. It is about numerous urban development projects strengthening existing structures and globally. It has been piloted in cities in SymbioCity in Kenya, processes – not introduce new ones. India, Macedonia, Zambia, China and will it work? However, it is important to remember Indonesia. Based on the experiences of The beauty of the SymbioCity Approach that there are no quick fi xes. testing the concept in these different is that it is not a concept that tells you countries, we have developed it further what to do. It is a concept that shows Achieving more sustainable urban into what it is today. a new way of thinking and a new way areas requires vision, leadership, of working together to fi nd solutions commitment and lot of hard work!

aBout the writer mats Jarnhammar is an urban planner and human geographer with a special interest in the dynamics between cities and people. Previously in charge of two Symbiocity pilots in indonesia and with considerable experience from preparation of urban infrastructure projects, his role in the programme is to contribute with Symbiocity specific methodology and to gather and analyse experiences made in Kenya. Mats is also Managing Director for living cities, a non-profit platform for urban innovation and social sustainability.

20 SYMBiOCiTY KENYA Putting the SymbioCity approach into practice An important part of the SymbioCity Kenya programme involves implementing the SymbioCity approach in seven counties. They are called pilots, not because they are test beds for the approach itself, but because they are to be seen as models for how the approach can be used in a Kenyan urban development context.

By introducing the SymbioCity Approach in seven counties, capacity will be built to plan, manage and So what will happen? develop urban areas in a sustainable The SymbioCity Approach is based on 4. Find a solution. There is more manner - with support provided six steps. These six steps are the same than one! The best solution may through local and international whether you are planning specific often be found where you least expect expertise, practical work, training and improvements to an area or a sector, it. Search for solutions outside the peer learning. or if you are preparing a master plan immediate sphere of the problem, and Political representatives in the seven or for the city as a whole. collaborate with others. Weigh different options against each other. counties will be strengthened in their 1. Get organized. Good planning recognition of participatory practices, of the SymbioCity activity is crucial 5. Maximize the impact. What will and communities will have a better to success, and involving the right the proposal result in? Does this solve understanding of urban planning stakeholders is critical. Make a plan the problem? What could be done process and how to influence it. County and communicate it. to maximize the impact? Test and staff will have knowledge and tools to compare different alternatives. implement inclusive, innovative and 2. Understand the needs and sustainable solutions. resources of the city. To find the 6. Make it happen. Develop a solution you need to know what the plan for implementation. You will The application of SymbioCity will have problem is. And to find the synergies need political support, financing and visible results to the immediate benefit you need to widen your perspective. stakeholders willing to take the issues of the communities in the seven pilot Look at the city as a system, and try to forward. Make a plan for the key counties. Sustainable and participatory understand how issues interlink. Focus steps forward and how you intend to urban plans and urban improvement on the assets as well as the problems. take them. Don’t put all your eggs in projects will be prepared and innovative one basket. Many things can be done 3. Set the goal. Formulate a and participatory approaches to urban quickly and without much money to get vision for the city and objectives for development will be implemented and things moving! showcased. addressing specific challenges. Focus on the root of the problem and not on the symptom.

SymbioCity kenya 21 Launch edition

How to become one of seven SymbioCity Pilot counties

If your county is “willing and The assessment criteria for the The joint project criteria which will able” to partner with SymbioCity potential SymbioCity Pilot Counties be applied by the Pilot Assessment – meaning having capacity and are to demonstrate/confirm: Committee are: political support to explore the ÆÆFulfilment of intergovernmental ÆÆGeographic contiguity: the SymbioCity approach as a means responsibility (county counties should be clustered towards urban transformation - membership fee to CoG paid) 2+2+2+1 for efficiency, budget this is what you do: and cooperation purposes 01. Study this magazine and in ÆÆPolitical support and will ÆÆCounty issues described in the particular the Frequently ÆÆFunctional urban institutions/ application should be relevant Asked Questions capacity for other counties, making 02. Get the application form (on ÆÆExisting relationship between sharing of experiences useful for the CoG website or through civil society and the County all 47 counties the SymbioCity contacts at the Government ÆÆGeographical balance end of this magazine) ÆÆActive commitment to ÆÆBudget and time boundaries for 03. Complete it in consultation sustainability the programme with the political and ÆÆAllocation of resources to the technical leadership of the pilot activities (human and The SymbioCity Kenya programme county (consult with the financial) will be able to partner with seven SymbioCity Kenya team if counties. necessary) ÆÆEntering into a partnership with another county during the pilots, The Frequently Asked Questions 04. Submit the application by end to share and learn across county provide further details on the of application period borders application and selection process. The selection process will be; ÆÆPrevious experiences of You are also welcome to contact the SymbioCity Kenya team, contact ÆÆYou apply, with supporting sustainability measures details to be found at the end of this documents magazine. ÆÆA technical Pilot Assessment Committee will scrutinise the applications according to predetermined criteria ÆÆThe Pilot Assessment Committee will produce a recommendation to the Joint Steering Committee ÆÆThe Joint Steering Committee will make a decision, which will be presented to the Embassy of Sweden

22 SymbioCity kenya Frequently Asked Questions

Everlyne Otieno, Julius C’Oredo and Maureen Njoga closely will be the node for all pilot activities – from the application to the implementation and monitoring. As a first step, they have gathered the key questions they believe will be raised during the application phase and crafted short responses. For more information, you can contact the pilot team as indicated at the end of the magazine.

01/ What is SymbioCity? County staff will have knowledge and 05/ Who should be involved? SymbioCity is a holistic approach to tools to implement inclusive, innovative The pilots will be highly participatory sustainable urban development that and sustainable solutions. and will target a broad set of local integrates economic, environmental The application of SymbioCity will have stakeholders involved in urban and socio-cultural dimensions and visible results to the immediate benefit development, including: promotes synergistic relations. of the communities in the seven pilot ÆÆPoliticians and decision-makers counties. Sustainable and participatory ÆÆ 02/ What is SymbioCity Kenya? urban plans and urban improvement Citizens, with focus on women and youth SymbioCity Kenya is a partnership projects will be prepared and innovative between Council of Governors and and participatory approaches to urban ÆÆCounty technical staff the Swedish Association of Local development will be implemented and ÆÆNon-Government and Community Authorities and regions, focusing on showcased. Based Organizations Urban Development in Kenya. ÆÆPrivate sector It´s funded by the Embassy of Sweden 04/ What kind of change can a ÆÆAcademia and will be in operation until the end of Pilot County expect? 2018. It has four key focus areas; ÆÆBetter interdisciplinary working ÆÆ 06/ What kind of support can a Development of Council of procedures Governors Pilot County expect? ÆÆMore inclusive and open engagement SymbioCity presents an opportunity for ÆÆImplementation of SymbioCity with urban stakeholders counties to enhance their capacity in Approach in seven pilot counties ÆÆDecision makers using sustainable terms urban governance, focusing on ÆÆ Intergovernmental Urban and participatory approaches to on-the-job training. Cooperation urban development ÆÆ Networking and sharing of ÆÆVibrant public participation Everlyne Otieno, Maureen Njoga experiences and Julius C’Oredo are the core platforms that are well known and team for the SymbioCity Pilots. accepted by the local community 03/ What is a SymbioCity Pilot? and civil society participating in By introducing the SymbioCity urban planning, development and Approach in seven counties, capacity management will be built to plan, manage and develop ÆÆStrategies towards a shared urban urban areas in a sustainable manner - vision and having spatial plans for with support provided through local and urban improvement projects international expertise, practical work, ÆÆStaff have enhanced capacity to training and peer learning. plan, develop and manage urban Political representatives in the seven areas in a more integrated manner counties will be strengthened in their using the a three dimension recognition of participatory practices, lens of economic, social-cultural and communities will have a better environmental aspects understanding of urban planning ÆÆNew and innovative solutions for process and how to influence it. urban improvements implemented

SymbioCity kenya 23 Launch edition

The programme will also support 07/ What will happen in the on synergies between urban systems. integrated urban planning processes pilots? Collaboration between stakeholders, and some of the interventions The development of pilots will be done and an active participation of civil recommended in the plan will be in four key phases, some of which are society, is a prerequisite for identifying implemented within the programme. implemented in parallel: participatory solutions. Implementation of the various phases The process will result in an integrated of the projects and interventions will 7.1. Organizing the county pilots package for urban improvements. This however be done entirely by the local A Steering Committee and a Working will provide improvements through stakeholders in the pilot counties Group will be established in each pilot both governance and management, as for purposes of real ownership and county. The pilot organization should well as physical improvements, and will continuous commitment. represent all key stakeholders in urban be based on input from a wide set of development, including the political Expertise on specific issues, e.g. stakeholders. level and representatives of the public community participation, strategic including the urban poor, and will be planning, urban service delivery, 7.4. Support to Urban Improvements responsible for steering, implementing solid waste etc. can be drawn from (including seed financing) and advising the project. the SymbioCity expert pool, both Seed financing will be made available through international and national through SymbioCity Kenya for small- 7.2. Integrated Urban Planning consultants or staff from Swedish scale demonstration projects, with focus The initial step of the pilots will municipalities. Business opportunities on poverty reduction and environmental strengthen the urban planning will be published through procurement improvements. The seed financing can capacity through a participatory Urban notices. also be used to add a sustainability Sustainability Review (USR). The USR perspective to a larger project. In either will provide rapid systems assessment case, the funding is to be considered as a and assets mapping, identifying the key complement to existing funding and not challenges and the key opportunities as a fundament. in the urban area. Based on this, the stakeholders will jointly agree on Throughout the four phases, the pilots priorities for the future project. will provide support to strengthening urban management, for example in The USR can serve as a basis for terms of operations and maintenance developing a Vision and Strategic Plans of urban infrastructure. Based on for the urban area, and will result in the gaps identified through the USR, concrete input to the County Integrated support will be given to optimizing the Development Plan (CIDP) and the capacity of stakeholders to manage Integrated Urban Development Plan urban systems, and introducing (IUDP). improvements through best practices The development of the USR is also and thereby also contributing to an important tool for mobilizing improved service delivery. and capacitating Citizens Forums Partnerships between Kenyan counties alternatively Local Urban Forums. and municipalities of Sweden and potentially other countries with 7.3. Integrated Project Development relevant experiences and/or previous The SymbioCity approach will be used experience from the SymbioCity to develop integrated proposals for approach will be facilitated through the urban improvements and drawing programme.

24 SymbioCity kenya Urban Preparing Organizing Developing Sustainability Priorities/ the Pilots & Kick off solutions Review Strategies

Implementation & change

Capacity Improved Priorities Assessment management Pilot Steps

Enhancing the capacity of urban 09/ When and how can a development stakeholders is a key county apply? emphasis of the program, and closely The application process will be linked with the county pilots. The launched during the third Devolution program aims to build both human Conference in April 2016. The capacity (e.g. strengthened individual application period will be open for competencies in relation to planning, a period of one month. Application 11/ How will pilot counties be developing and managing urban areas) forms together with other SymbioCity selected? and organizational capacity (e.g. documents will be distributed to county Counties will be selected following a strengthening processes and systems officials and will be available on the predetermined process and criteria for urban development), mainly at Council of Governors website. agreed by the SymbioCity Kenya Joint county level. Steering Committee and approved On-the-job training through projects 10/ What kind of support will by the donor. Eligibility criteria will has proven to be an efficient way of be provided during the include political support, commitment building capacity in earlier SymbioCity application process? to sustainability and willingness to provide co-financing as well as projects. The pilots will be structured Counties will be required to register adequate geographical spread. in a way that exposes working group their official contact address such as members and project stakeholders email and phone number with the The application consists of an to experiences of implementing the project team; personal emails will not application form, submitted together SymbioCity approach, with significant be accepted. During the application with various supporting documentation. capacity development activities. period the SymbioCity team will be The technical assessment of the readily available to offer support to any applications will be made by a pilot applying county upon their request. 08/ Who is eligible to apply? assessment committee, consisting All Kenyan counties can apply to Weekly feedback sessions will be of representatives from SymbioCity become one of the seven pilot counties, conducted to review the frequently secretariat in Sweden, Kenyan academia, as long as they have fulfilled their asked questions from the counties and Kenyan private sector, professional intergovernmental obligation towards in the event of any modification or bodies and Kenyan civil society. CoG and Council of Governors (payment of clarification; all counties will be notified SALAR will not participate in the pilot membership fee). accordingly through the Council of assessment committee, however the Joint Governors website. Steering Committee will make the final approval based on recommendations made by the pilot assessment committee.

SymbioCity kenya 25 Launch edition

12/ What are the 13/ Is it a competition? 15/ What is the timeframe for assessment criteria? The selection process is not a implementation? For the counties that can confirm that competition where counties with more The pilot activities will be divided in they are eligible, the assessment criteria or less financial capability, more staff four main phases and a final stock- to be applied are divided in three parts: or not or best or worst managed urban taking period: areas are selected, but rather it is a Assessment of: process to identify counties that have Organizing the county ÆÆPolitical will and support demonstrated ability and willingness pilots (including 4 months to engage with the program, to share baseline collection) ÆÆHaving functional urban their key lessons and experiences with institutions/capacity other counties and ability to become Integrated Urban 7 months ÆÆExisting relationship between Planning (Urban model counties in promoting and (overlapping) civil society and the County scaling up the SymbioCity approach. Sustainability Review) Government ÆÆActive commitment to Integrated Project 9 months 14/ What is the timeframe for Development (overlapping) sustainability applications? Assessment of commitment in terms of: Urban Improvements 8 months ÆÆWillingness to cost share (human Launch of Call for April 21 2016 Proposals Stock-taking, resources, meeting venues while at 2 months the County, County staff salaries lessons learned and subsistence allowances while Final day for submission of May 5 2016 in Kenya, transport costs while in TOTAL 2,5 years applications Kenya and other related costs)

ÆÆEntering into a partnership with Assessment by Pilot another county during the pilots, Assessment Committee June 2016 and Approval by Joint 16/ What is required from to share and learn across county the county? borders Steering Committee The SymbioCity pilots should be of Joint project criteria to be applied by Signing of Letter of benefit for the citizens of the respective the pilot assessment committee: Engagement between county, but being pilots they must also July 2016 ÆÆGeographic contiguity: the counties seven counties and create a value to other stakeholders in SymbioCity Kenya should be clustered for efficiency, Kenya. It´s therefore vital for the selected budget and cooperation purposes counties to understand and accept that ÆÆCounty challenges, described in the their respective pilots will be shared application, should be relevant for as examples to other counties, as good other counties, making sharing of practice, in recognising challenges, in experiences useful for all counties sharing good (and bad) experiences. Openness to reflection and internal ÆÆRegional balance review is therefore fundamental. ÆÆBudget and time boundaries for the programme The selected counties must be prepared to engage fully in the pilots, as agents of change on behalf of all counties in Kenya. Most of the work in the pilots will take place within the county itself. The project will provide a structure and technical

26 SymbioCity kenya assistance, but without full engagement The county will also appoint a project of the county to drive the work, the pilots focal point referred to as Pilot Coordinator will inevitably fail. who should be a member of staff in the pilot county, with detailed working Political support throughout the pilot knowledge in one or more areas of urban period is fundamental, support that development. The pilot coordinator will be cannot fluctuate depending on political expected to dedicate 25% of his/her time winds. The County should therefore on pilot related activities. demonstrate that both majority and opposition have been involved in the More details in terms of cost sharing can application and continue sharing be found in the model Memorandum information across political affiliations. of Understanding that forms part of the application material. Human resource must be readily available and encouraged to contribute. A “Seed fund” to support change projects identified during the SymbioCity process 17/ What will be expected will be made available. The fund can structures to be set up in under certain circumstances make a the county? contribution to the change project; its release is dependent on co-financing SymbioCity approach uses both local from the pilot county. and external experts to engage the 20/ What will be the contractual stakeholders, in an iterative way, through obligations? Can I appeal the decision on a Working Group modality, guided by a 19/ The seven pilot counties will sign the selection of the seven Steering Committee. a Memorandum of Understanding pilot counties? The Working Group and Steering with CoG and SALAR, for the joint The selection criteria and process Committee will ensure local ownership implementation of SymbioCity Approach. are designed to identify seven pilot and guidance in the implementation of In this MoU the roles and responsibilities counties. These are seven counties the urban interventions. The Steering of each party is described. that can serve as interesting models Committee is composed of nominated or examples for the remaining 40 leaders representing the various pilot counties of Kenya. Knowledge sharing 21/ Are there circumstances county stakeholders concerned, while and identifying interesting models for under which a County should the Working Group is made up of a core urban development is the key objective NOT consider applying? membership of five to six local experts/ for Council of Governors when engaging The main benefit of being a SymbioCity practitioners in the area of urban with SymbioCity. Pilot County is that the county will sustainability, planning and management. receive support to work that is already, By appointing a technical pilot or should be, going on in the county. 18/ Who will pay for what? assessment committee, focus for the selection process be on the replicability But, the support does not come in the The Kenya SymbioCity programme will and model building aspects of the pilots. form of consultants that arrive, draw up provide technical assistance. This means plans and then leave. The application staff and technical expertise to support The assessment of the two partners is of SymbioCity approach comes in the the Pilot County during the application of therefore that the selection process will form of facilitation support, technical SymbioCity Approach. be as objective as possible and have expertise and exposure to innovative therefore agreed not to not include an The Pilot Counties are expected to solutions etc. appeal process. allocate staff, venues, transportation in It is the pilot county itself that is the Kenya and all employee related costs. driver of the transformation, not the project.

SymbioCity kenya 27 Launch edition

Partnerships: What are they good for?

By Maureen Njoga, symbiocity kenya Process controller

People engage in All organizations have standard ways increases, ambitions grow further partnerships for a in which they organise their activities. towards each other into a shared Often there is a shared vision. Then variety of purposes. mission, making the focus of efforts appropriate instruments are chosen, more intense. Partnerships allow assessed for the necessary competences, Partnerships can be seen as living for joining of forces, then selected or if necessary, organisms, with an identity, with task and at their best, they repackaged through additional training division and specialisation, and with of people and resources. Performance might provide access to a life cycle. Just like all living entities, indicators to allow for M&E are knowledge, resources partnerships reproduce themselves determined, and then we hope that the through patterns of interaction, as or decision makers that people involved are going to do what long as all essential components otherwise may not be they are supposed to do… at the disposal of an are connected. Every partner is a Only then can the organisation expect individual. node in a larger network in which it to bring about the desired change. has its function, and every node in a partnership is a network in itself The described process above assumes again. In this perspective, networks that the people involved share the are a way of conceptualising society. ambition from the onset, and that the It is therefore impossible to dissociate process of change can be controlled in a partners from the broader working of planned manner. In reality, partnership human nature. processes pan out quite differently. A shared ambition is not the start but Living organisms can be healthy or sick. the result of a good process, whereas In a healthy partnership the interaction ambitions, opinions and mutual trust is rewarding. This makes people willing can change over time. to make efforts and to align to others, making the interaction more rewarding. Knowing your Partner The reverse can happen as well. The partnership approach starts with When interaction is not rewarding, the people. This approach shows what willingness to make efforts or to align it takes to motivate people to engage in decreases. This is a self-propelling a process of change. When individuals process as well, that leads to either with ambitions make connection, this chaos or stagnation, and eventually the generates energy. Informal networks death of the partnership. Evelyne Otieno, Julius C’Oredo emerge, looking for ways of joining and Maureen Njoga; the Pilot forces, even at times proving more team at SymbioCity Kenya. reliable than formal ones. When trust

28 SymbioCity kenya “In a healthy partnership the interaction is rewarding. This makes people willing to make efforts and to align to others, making the interaction more rewarding.”

Our promise of partnerships within the SymbioCity Pilots A successful partnership is hinged on equity and concern as well as respect for the other party brought about by trust. Engagement in pursuit of mutual benefi t is more likely to sustain and build relationships over time only if the partnership is transparent. Within the Pilot counties, SymbioCity Kenya will create an enabling environment for networks to develop and thrive. Our main goal will be to aid in the identifi cation of county specifi c business sector, civil sector and others that will ensure success of the selected pilots. The programme will also be able to engage the national government and the Council of Governors through the Urban Development Committee in the formulation of policies and setup of technical support on urban development to the pilot counties.

The Counties will be the central node in the network, ensuring that all the partners’ contribution are of benefi t to them.

aBout the writer maureen Njoga brings in over 8 years’ experience in working for different projects dealing in diverse sectors, like education to health. with her knowledge and love for it and processes, she will aid in the success of the Symbiocity Kenya Programme – as its Process controller. her experience includes working with iciPe, aga Khan health Services and university of Manitoba. She believes in the quote that: “if you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you’re doing.”

SYMBiOCiTY KENYA 29 Launch edition

Q&A: “Ask Everlyne” Anna Backmann is the SALAR Technical Team Leader for SymbioCity in Kenya. A novice to the country, she has rare and highly appreciated access to practitioners to provide guidance and direction on complicated issues - as well as the very basic ones...

In this section Anna has initiated a How do you think will this be dialogue with Everlyne Otieno, formerly received and accepted in Kenyan Director City Planning in Kisumu counties? and currently an Urban Development Specialist at SymbioCity Kenya on A: Everlyne the realities of urban planning life in At the moment we are shy of two years Kenya – from a Swedish perspective. to the next general elections. We can Everlyne Otieno, Urban The conversation will continue as the say that most county executives are Development Specialist at SymbioCity Kenya program develops. in the last laps of the marathon race, SymbioCity Kenya where they want to sprint to the finish Q: Anna line to qualify for the next race. This Wherever you come from and wherever means quick results at this moment of the Kenyan leadership´s willingness you live, people tend to focus on would be ideal. to be open and honest about its concrete change – the here and now successes as well as its struggles. The beauty of SymbioCity Approach is and a short term perspective. The that it allows you to have low hanging How would you assess the SymbioCity approach has a focus on fruits as you work toward the bigger readiness of County Governments processes and planning, which means goal. I am positive that this kind of to be up front about the realities somewhat taking a step back and think approach will resonate gradually with related to Urban Development? before acting. Kenyan counties since it improves efficiency in the way we do things. A: Everlyne All over the country we always hear Q: Anna the trendy word “capacity” insufficient When you were recruited to the or lack capacity in counties, yet the programme, one of the things that amusing bit is that things are still impressed the panel the most was happening! Buildings are coming up, your sincerity. I remember asking you urban areas are growing, roads are detailed questions on your experience being constructed, streets are being cleaned, maybe not to the satisfaction of many but yes someone somewhere is carrying out their duties. “Buildings are coming up, urban areas are growing, When we focus so much on the ideal, no roads are being constructed, county will be ready in the near future streets are being cleaned” but in reality, we have local champions in these counties that can promote the

30 SymbioCity kenya Everlyne Otieno and Anna Backmann, deliberating on the realities of urban development in Kenya at the Urban Eatery.

milk will run dry and cow will die”. Good leadership encourages “Good leadership Urban areas have to be managed well to horizontal departmental coordination encourages horizontal ensure sustainability. and consultation - in work planning, departmental coordination budgeting and day-to-day operations. and consultation - in work Q: Anna planning, budgeting and day- In Sweden we use the term “samsyn”, Since 2008, I worked with more than to-day operations.” meaning basically having a joint 4 town clerks and an urban manager, understanding (“same view”) on where each displaying unique or different we are heading. This means (apart style of leadership but one common from many and very long meetings…) aspect is that those that promoted urban development agenda. They act as that sector departments are not just departmental synergies were the gateways to the counties when trying out encouraged but also expected to work most successful in my view. the “3rd way” in improving urban areas. together. Departmental heads, as professional The realisation that urban areas are How does this correspond to your as they may be may not be all the main source of revenue in our experiences in Kenya? rounded specialists or practical counties supports the rational of generalists. Sharing different ideas, putting more resources that will spur A: Everlyne opinions and forging a common urban development, and as one urban My experience is that “when the top vision is key to any successful manager once said “we cannot keep cannot hold, the bottom crumbles”. organization milking the cow without feeding it, the

SymbioCity kenya 31 Launch edition

Top tips for the beginner After working with SymbioCity projects in Macedonia and Indonesia and contributing to several SymbioCity publications, Swedish architect Tor Eriksson knows the approach better than most. Here, he offers his best advice for people heading into a SymbioCity process – what you need to make it work and where you might find yourself stumbling.

What’s unique about the Only then you make a correct diagnosis SymbioCity approach? and prescribe the right “medicine”. And “It’s better to see it as a The SymbioCity approach can be a thirdly, I’d propose they think and act complement to other, more fantastic eye-opener as long as you strategically with an open mind and formal assessment processes, apply an integrated, strategic and towards a vision for the municipality. or a free-standing tool that holistic approach. It’s flexible in its makes development planning nature and can be adapted to many What needs to be in place in easier and more fruitful.” different situations and contexts. It order to make a SymbioCity does, quite often, pick up institutional process successful? issues as main causes of weaknesses in Three things strike me as especially identified issues at once. Try to identify sustainability. important: support from the local the action or actions that create the best political leadership, the engagement leverage, and start there. Why do we need an approach and broad involvement of parties like SymbioCity in striving for outside the municipal sphere, and A common misconception about sustainability? someone who can guide the process in a the SymbioCity approach is … Our societies are quite complex structured and pedagogical way. … That it replaces other established in their structures. Their various mechanisms for planning and systems – social, cultural, economic, What mistakes are easily made assessments, like Strategic Environmental institutional and environmental – are in the beginning of the process? Assessments and Environmental Impact closely interlinked. This fact needs to be Many go into unnecessary depth when Analyses. It doesn’t. It’s better to see it ever-present when we try to understand mapping the current situation. Try as a complement to other, more formal the challenges in sustainable instead to be broad in the beginning assessment processes, or a free-standing development, and in The SymbioCity and go deeper in the analysis later tool that makes development planning approach, it is. on. And don’t think you can act on all easier and more fruitful.

If you could offer three pieces of advice to Kenyan county just about to embark on a SymbioCity journey, what would they be? First, I’d advise them to be clear about what they want to achieve with the sustainability review. Secondly, I’d say they should apply an integrated and holistic approach embracing the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability. Don’t stop when you’ve identified the symptoms you’re experiencing; continue and ask Members of the Working Group in Palu, Indonesia yourself what is causing them. during a SymbioCity visioning workshop.

32 SymbioCity kenya Stay in The SymbioCity team at the Urban Development Secretariat at Council of Governors consists of local and international experts and support staff, with touch! short term consultants providing input to the programme on needs basis.

SymbioCity team:

Nicodemus Mbwika Everlyne Otieno Julius Coredo Project Manager Urban Development Specialist Urban Development Specialist [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] +254 (0)732 247 775 +254 (0)734 266 001 +254 (0)736 690 669 Skype: nick.mbwika Skype: everlyne.otieno6 Skype: julius.coredo

Visiting address: Council of Governors Delta Corner, 7th Floor Chiromo Road (off Wayiaki Way) Westlands, Nairobi

[email protected] Maureen Njoga Anna Backmann Process Controller Technical Team Leader [email protected] [email protected] +254 (0)792 532 423 +254 (0)787 60 99 46 Skype: maureen.njoga +46 (0)8 559 20 200 Skype: anna.backmann

Management team:

Annakarin Lindberg Judy Oduma Meboh Abour Programme Manager Director Programmes Committee Clerk SKL International Council of Governors Council of Governors [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

SymbioCity kenya 33 Launch edition

The intention of this publication is to make information available on the partners, process and progress of the SymbioCity Kenya Programme. The programme is hosted by Council of Governors, in partnership with the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions and with funding from Embassy of Sweden.