Vision of Šilutė District Local Authority – to become emerging star in the map of Europe tourism – was reached. Local Authority is known in Europe: for the active spread of Europe ideas, for the contribution to the important acts of Europe, for the acts of education institutions, cooperation with different Europe , their communities, participation in various international events, saving of historical heritage in Local Authority , exchanges of private organizations and institutions, for the implementation of Europe structural funds our Local Authority has been awarded the Diploma of the Council of Europe (2006), Flag of Honour (2009), and Plaque of Honour (2011). It is a big honour that our Local Authority has been awarded the “Auksinė krivūlė” by Association of Local Authorities in and Ministries of republic of Lithuania: for the active creation of knowledge society (2005) and right changes in the heating sector (2012). Our Local Authority Regional Park has been approved like the most attractive tourism place in Europe in 2009; for the care of environment – Cleaning of the Šyša watercourse and oxbow in Šilutė (2010) Šilutė Local Authority has been awarded the “Europe sail”. The members of local authorities have signed the ambitious Covenant of – official commitment to reduce CO2 emission by at least 20 percent by 2020, to enlarge energy using efficiency. In order to achieve this aim, Council of Silute Local Authority has prepared and implements Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP). Active expanding of rural tourism, it’s infrastructure, active cultural and educational institutions participation in different projects, positive possibilities to create and implement business, to attract investment funds. In the Šilute Local Authority territory were financed 45 projects, which common value was up to 260 mln. Lt. There was 16 tourism projects, which value was 42 mln. Lt and 3 projects related with environment. Life in Šilutė , in the land of flood is dashing. Society of Šilutė region, institutions of culture and education, implement their activity programmes, join together congenial people in Lithuania and in foreign : agreements and letters of intent of cooperation with Republic of Lithuania Academy of Science, different Universities of Lithuania, long term experience with associations, people from Šilutė, who work and live in Lithuania and foreign countries, international partners. Implementation of different projects leads to cooperation, communication, and friendship in , , Denmark, , , Turkey, Italy, and Lithuania. To organizing meetings with people from Šilute, come people from Lithuania, different Europe countries, Canada, USA, Australia and other overseas countries. There were more than 30 different international events, meetings, conferences during 2013, in which participated about thirty thousands citizens of Šilutė and it’s guests from Lithuania and other countries. We are glad for working and creating here in Šilutė region, where water and people create dashing life. People of Šilutė region meaningful and prominently reveal achievements and ideas of their region creative’s, promoters of culture and international partners also open secrets of ethnographic Minor Lithuania history; different projects are supported by Local Authority politics, businessman, society of Elderships, NGO’s, media. It helps to improve Local Authority infrastructure, to promote amateur arts, to implement projects of knowledge-based society, to increase availability of libraries and museums for the members of society, to inform ES and world about us.



Šilutė is an active member of Lithuanian Municipalities Association (LSA) (since 1995.), which is a member of the Council of European Municipalities and (CEMR since 2001.), the United Towns Organization (UTO), the International Union of Local Authorities (IULA) and is constantly collaborating with associations of neighboring countries, local authorities, non-governmental organizations. The Municipality is also a member of Euroregion Baltic (ERB) since 1998 and a signatory of the Covenant of Mayors (from 2009).

Foreign partners of Šilutė district municipality

 26 May 1991, a cooperation agreement between Šilutė District Municipality of the Republic of Lithuania and Emmerich town of the German was signed. By that agreement it was aimed to ensure the wellbeing of the inhabitants of the , encourage fellowship between the people of the two towns and cooperate in the fields of culture, sports and agriculture as much as it is possible, as well as exchange of versatile information about operation of political and administrational bodies and other significant events.

 28 September 1992, an agreement of friendship and cooperation was signed between Šilutė District Municipality of the Republic of Lithuania and Municipality of Sweden. The aims of this agreement were to develop cooperation and exchange of experience in the fields of environmental protection, culture and sports, share experience and information about work and importance of municipalities in the society.

 10 October 1992, a cooperation agreement between Šilutė District Municipality of the Republic of Lithuania and Nakskov of Denmark was signed. The aims of that agreement were to cooperate in solving the problems of economies of the towns, environmental protection, planning and construction works, education and culture, sports and entertainment as well as health protection and charity.

22 February 1998 in Malbork (Poland) Šilutė District Municipality (as a constituent of Klaipėda Head Administration) signed a founding contract of Euroregion „Baltic“

Euroregion "Baltic" is a forum for regional and local politicians and officials, where they can exchange experiences and ideas, find common interests and join forces to work for society and sustainable socio-economic development benefit. Objectives: to raise welfare of Euroregion‘s population, develop mutual relations, strengthen the links between local communities, remove historical stereotypes, plan activities aimed at sustainable economic-social development of the parties, support actions that aim to initiate cooperation between regional and local authorities institutions. 3

 2 April 1998, a Letter of Intent was signed between Šilutė District Municipality of the Republic of Lithuania and Warsaw-Bielany Municipality of Poland. The aims of the protocol were exchange of experience, representation of achievements in the fields of education, social care, health protection, culture and arts, sports and recreation, agriculture and environmental protection.

 29 April 1998, a Letter of Intent was signed between Šilutė District Municipality of the Republic of Lithuania and Duma of Kaliningrad of the Russian Federation. The aims of the protocol were to stimulate cooperation in solving the issues in the fields of borderline and communication, environmental protection, culture and education, sports and recreation, social care and health protection as well as economic cooperation.

 12 November 1998, an agreement concerning the principles of cooperation and fields of common activities was signed between Šilutė District Municipality of the Republic of Lithuania and the Slavsk City Administration of the Russian Federation. The following general fields of activities were foreseen: preparation and implementation of general projects of environmental protection, creation of favorable economic climate for common projects between economical subjects of industry, trades, provision of services for economical subjects in Šilutė and Slavsk , continual exchange in the fields of culture, art, education, sports and youth politics, mutual support for the Russian Community in Šilutė district and Lithuanian Community in Slavsk district as well as other fields.

 27 September 2001, an agreement of friendship and cooperation was signed between Šilutė District Municipality of the Republic of Lithuania and Ostruda Municipality of Poland. These were the aims of the agreement: to cooperate in solving issues of agriculture, environmental protection, planning and construction works, education and culture, sports, leisure and health protection.

 29 May 2004, an agreement of friendship and cooperation was signed between Šilutė District Municipality of the Republic of Lithuania and Gdansk Pruszcz Municipality of Poland. The aims of this agreement were to develop economic and cultural activities of both municipalities following practice of international cooperation and to actively participate in various structures of the European Union.

 28 May 2007, a Letter of Intent was signed between Šilutė District Municipality of the Republic of Lithuania and Gdansk (County) of Poland. Taking into account the strong, balanced and harmonious development of the two regions, the competitiveness and attractiveness of investing in the local and international markets and to create a positive image of the two districts, the parties agreed to pursue the following objectives: mutual consultation in the preparation and implementation of EU-funded projects, development and implementation of tourism products related to both regional cultural and natural heritage, design, of social, 4 professional, cultural, scientific, youth groups, cooperation and exchange, the exchange of experience and mutual support in international initiatives, cultural diversity, the development of tourism infrastructure and economic development support, integrated information systems development and support of the two regions through the promotion of innovation and new technologies.

 23 July 2007, an agreement of cooperation was signed between Šilutė District Municipality of the Republic of Lithuania and Gdansk Powiat (County) of Poland. The aims of the agreement were to develop economical, tourist and cultural activities of both regions following practice of international cooperation.

 10 October 2007, a Letter of Intent was signed between Šilutė District Municipality of the Republic of Lithuania and Konakli City of Alania Region (Turkey). The aims of the letter are to develop friendship between the towns as well as cultural and economic exchanges.

 29 May 2009, a Letter of Intent was signed between the Republic of Lithuania Šilutė District Municipality and the Republic of and Saldus town administrations. Taking into account the strong, balanced and harmonious development of the two regions, the competitiveness and attractiveness of investing in the local and international markets for growth and to create a positive image of the two districts, the parties agreed to pursue the following objectives: mutual consultation, preparation and implementation of EU-funded projects, tourism products related to two regions cultural and natural heritage, design, development and implementation of integrated information systems development and support of both regions through innovation and new technologies, tourism and economic development of infrastructure support, the development of cultural diversity, exchange of experience and mutual support in international initiatives, social and occupational, cultural, scientific, youth groups, cooperation and exchanges.

 26 September 2009, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Republic of Lithuania Šilutė District Municipality and the Turkish Alanya Konakli region of the city. In order to ensure a long-term regional, balanced and sustainable development of both regions cooperation in improving the investment attractiveness and competitiveness of the local and international markets, creating the image of two regions as favorable for investment and tourism areas, the parties undertook to promote both regional economy, development and implementation of tourism projects related to both regional cultural and natural heritage, to create an integrated information system through innovation and new technologies to support development of tourism and economic infrastructure, to carry out joint marketing in domestic and foreign markets by participating in international tourism and agricultural shows, promoting cultural diversity and exchange of experiences and support of international initiatives.

 10 February 2009, in Brussels (Belgium) Šilutė District Municipality signed an agreement called the Covenant of Mayors. The pact is an official commitment of the towns having joined it to exceed the EU's CO2 emissions reduction targets while improving energy consumption efficiency. In this pact, popularly known as the "3 times 20“, or „20-20-20“, and 5 regions are officially committed to cut CO2 emissions by the year 2020 to more than 20 percent, developing and implementing the sustainable energy action plan.

 24 November 2011, Šilutė District Municipality Council approved the cooperation agreement with the Italian Cittaducale Municipality. The aim was ensure a long-term, balanced and sustainable cooperation development of both regions by improving the investment attractiveness and competitiveness in the local and international markets, creating the image of two regions as favorable investment and tourism areas. The municipalities will cooperate in the implementation of projects financed from the European Union funds of both municipalities. Treaty priorities: development of tourism and economic infrastructure, development of cultural diversity, support of international initiatives, practice and information exchange of both municipalities, participation in exhibitions and events, the European Union programs promoting citizenship, tolerance and mutual understanding among citizens.

 5 December 2011, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Republic of Lithuania Šilutė District Municipality and Italian Cittaducale Municipality. By this agreement it is intended to ensure both long-term regional, balanced and sustainable cooperation development in improving the investment attractiveness and competitiveness of the local and international markets, creating image of the two regions as favorable for investment and tourism areas, participation in exhibitions and events, the European Union programs in order to promote citizenship, tolerance and citizens' mutual understanding.

 Protocol of Intention between Šilutė District Municipality (Lithuania) and Municipality (Sweden) was signed on 25th of May, 2013. According to the strong, balanced and harmonious development of both regions, possibility to create fields for more attractive investment, possibility to increase competitiveness in the local and international market and seeking to create positive view of both regions, sides decided to seek these aims: mutual consultations in preparing and implementing of EU-funded project; creation, development and implementation of tourism products, which related with cultural and natural heritage; outsourcing innovations and new technologies for the system of integrated information and for the creation of regional development; the support for the tourism and infrastructure development; the development of cultural diversity; the support of the exchange of experience and mutual international initiatives; cooperation and exchange in social, professional, cultural, scientific and youth groups.



There were more than 30 different international events, meetings, conferences during 2013, in which participated about thirty thousands citizens of Šilutė and it’s guests from Lithuania and other countries. Especially active were societies of culture and education institutions, children and youth, Šilutė Fridrichas Bajoraitis Public Library. There were more than 25 hundred thousands people visited international events such as “Craft fair”, “Fish Soup Championship”, Song and Dance Festival “Play Grasshopper of Bikava”, Professional Art Laboratory of Enamel “Signs of Pamarys”, and different events of library. Some of memorable event we will describe in this chapter.

In April 2013, the Public Library of Fridrich Bajoraitis was visited by a journalist, fellow-countrywoman Lilija Valatkienė and Juška, who have been interrelated with Australia for 50 years of their life, and 2 latest years- with Lithuania. V. Juška first visited the littoral in 2009. At that time a book and literature lover was attracted by cognition of the biggest library of the littoral. The public library, its educational, informative and cultural activities made a huge impression on him. L.Valatkienė, who guided the guest, admitted that this influenced his decision to make a surprise- present for the library and its visitors, i.e. to give a serial publication “Sheets of Poetry and Prose”, which was published in Sydney, Australia in 1970-1973. The publications were edited and published by of Australia famous public figures - a writer, a translator, and an artist Jurgis Janavičius and a poet, journalist Juozas Almis Jūragis, on their own finances. Juška managed to purchase 5 out of 6 sheets published at that time, and he presented them to Šilutė and its people. At the time of publishing these publications had their own mission as the first newspaper in Australia in “Mūsų pastogė” was followed by ideological quarrels; therefore the literature gap arisen in emigration was filled with the “Sheets of Poetry and Prose”. At that time it was an exceptional way and form of spreading and expression of Lithuanian word. The presented publications illustrate their unique and cultural environment of the exodus literature of the beginning of the 7th decade. In November 8th everyone was again invited to Šilutė Public Library of Fridrich Bajoraitis to participate in a literature afternoon-meeting with a culture figure - Vytautas Juška. During the event the historiography and actualities of cultural life of Lithuanians of Australia was presented, as well as the publication published by fellow-countrymen “Sheet of Poetry and Prose”, also it was discussed about the importance of restoring of emigrants’ cultural inheritance to Lithuanian nation and other actualities of preservation of nationality.

18 April 2013 The municipality’s Daiva Žebelienė was visited by the President of Germany Beverstedt German-Lithuanian Society Mrs. Trautė Moiser. According to the guest, the society has communicated with analogous society “Heidė” from Šilutė for 13 years and it is the 8th year that the neediest families from all Šilutė regions are supported with things, clothes, food, house-ware equipment, furniture and money. The Mayor thanked for the support and kindness of those people and expressed her hope, that the support will reach the people who really need it. The guest assured that the 6 members of their organization participated in distributing the charity in Rusnė, Saugai and Šilutė. At valediction the Mayor handed a valuable publication about Šilutė and reminded that all are welcome to the City Festival and International “Crafts Fair”.


24 April 2013 The municipality’s Major Daiva Žebelienė and the Deputy of Administration Director Alvidas Šimelionis hosted long-term friends of Šilutė town – the delegation of Ljungby Gymnasium students from Sweden. The guests visiting Lithuania were girls, who had already chosen specialty of social worker and are planning to work in that field. The delegation was accommodated in Saugai Children Care Home, prepared classes with indigenous children and teachers, wondered about our social politics, work and life of institutions. Representatives of the municipality thanked for the support to various companies and organizations in Šilutė for constant support to children from needy families by organizing summer holidays in “Vėtrungė” camp, which is probably provided by the parents of those girls. The Mayor, while giving small commemorative gifts, wished the students to have great impressions, beautiful experience, fulfillment of their dreams and smooth travel back home. The Deputy Director agreed with the Mayor and reminded that the way to Rusnė, which was on the guests’ plans to visit, now is flooded, therefore he suggested admiring the local views, and to not get afraid of floods and come once more.

21 May 2013 An international conference “Kristijonas Donelaitis and the time” was held at Šilutė Public Library of Fridrich Bajoraitis, and it was coordinated by a famous fellow-countrywoman – Prof. Hb. Dr. Dainora Pociūtė and D. Hum. Alma Lapinskienė. At the conference, organized according to implementation of the project “Kristijonas Donelaitis: seasons of the book” and financed by Šilutė District Municipality and Culture Support Fund, there was a deeper insight into K. Donelaitis as a creator, environmental and cultural space of the time, which formed him as a 8 personality, also value and echoes of classic’s creation, which may be found in modern literature, as well as matters of commemoration, etc.

At the conference the guests were greeted by the Mayor of Šilutė District Municipality Daiva Žebelienė; the presentations of the conference were presented by: Attaché of Lithuanian Culture in Kaliningrad (the Russian Federation) Romanas Senapėdis, Head of the Department of Lithuanian Literature at University, Faculty of Philology, Prof. Hb. Dr. Dainora Pociūtė, Šilutė Evangelical Lutherans priest Remigijus Šemeklis, senior research worker of New Literature Department at the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, D. Hum. Alma Lapinskienė, the President of Kaliningrad Region Writers’ Society, writer Boris Bartfeld, the President of the Association of Kaliningrad Region Lithuanian Language teachers Aleksas Bartnikas, senior research worker of Textualism Department at the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, D. Hum. Ilona Čiužauskaitė, member of Kaliningrad Society of Regional Studies Boris Adamov, docent of Klaipėda University, Faculty of Humanities, Dr. Žavinta Sidabraitė. Conference participants also got acquainted with activities that were planned and carried out by the Lithuanian Consulate General in Kaliningrad, together with the authorities of Lithuania and Kaliningrad, for approaching 300-year anniversary of K. Donelaitis. Culture and education are productive areas most suitable for international cooperation. In his statement A. Bartnik said that in the new times quite a favorable situation has formed to create a multicultural society in Kaliningrad region. A number of tourists willing to come to Kaliningrad grow and creativity competitions, conferences receive much of youth’s attention. The idea was that, not only Lithuanians knew about K. Donelaitis, L. Rėza, or other prominent personalities. After the conference, the library literature funds were enriched with the gift of great value from R. Senapėdis - in 2010 readers were reached with faximile edition of L. Rėza version of K. Donelaitis “The Seasons". K. Donelaitis wrote the poem in about 8th decade of XVIII century, and in 1818, after longer than three decades from the death of K. Donelaitis, L.Rėza was the first who prepared the poem for publishing and gave it name “The Seasons”, also translated the poem into German language.

24 May 2013 In the eve of City Festival the Mayor was visited by delegation from Beverstedt city (Germany). At the meeting the matter of chapel reconstruction was discussed, and best regards were sent to all the benefactors, who made a monetary support for reconstruction of derelict chapel building, which is of a huge importance and meaningfulness for our town. The most fascinating thing, by the fact, is that the work was carried out by young people, what, according to the guests, is of crucial importance in developing a young person, and transmitting him the love for his land. They pointed out that this land is very dear for them, and a pretty big part of community members of Lithuanian origin, who stayed at home, are looking forward in excitement to impressions from Šilutė. Among other things, visitors donated a couple of bicycles hoping that eventually there were tourists who wanted to go round the land by bike, and tourist routes due to that purpose would occur. The Mayor thanked the guests and wished them a good festival and great excitement, and reminded that once guests donated a Beverstedt symbol – a beaver, which finally saw the light and was built in the park. Guests toured it and feeling satisfied about the selected location for this sculpture, posed for pictures to remember.


May - time of the town’s birthday and foreign guests. The executives of municipality hosted guest delegations from various countries: Denmark, Latvia, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Germany.

23-26 May 2013 Šilutė district municipality cooperates with municipalities of Sweden and Poland for more than several years. This cooperation was further enhanced when the implementation of an international cultural project for the region's cultural heritage, folk craft traditions, promotion and conservation of customs began. In this period of three years-long project (2012-2014 m.) cultural events were scheduled - traditional craft days, cities’ tournaments, folk music festivals (the project is currently in progress of implementation).


In 2012, a beautiful friendship and partnership project between Gdansk Pruszcz district (Poland), administration of Šilutė District Municipality (Lithuania), Foteviken Marine Centre (, Sweden), gave some beautiful events for residents and visitors of “twin”-cities. In 2012, during Šilutė town festival, a cheerful folk festival took place and left an indelible impression to residents and guests. At the “Cities’ tournament” in Pruszcz district of Gdansk (Poland), Šilutė athletes’ team won first place and brought home the winners prize, especially designed for the winner of the “Cities’ tournament”. The group of project implementation, which was gathered by the Administration of Šilutė District Municipality, responsibly prepared and attended the Crafts Fair organized at Foteviken Museum (Sweden), from which Šilutė brought not only great impressions and ideas, but the homework, which they prepared in Šilutė, at the organized International “Crafts Fair 2013”, when commemorating the 502-th anniversary of Šilutė town naming on May 23 - 26th. Lively “Craft Fair” in Šilutė Old Market Square called smiths, wood carver, florists (they work using only natural resources for their articles) and producers of culinary heritage from Poland, Sweden and Lithuania. At the meeting of smiths it was pursued to implement an idea having lasting value - to restore the entrance gates to Hugo Šojus Mansion and decorate it with original decorative elements carved by smiths from Poland, Sweden and Lithuania. This is a great accent, which will have the lasting value and will remind the idea of this project for all visitors of the Mansion. Fiesta of floristry masters decorated Šilutė Old Market Square with a variety of floral carpets, produced of natural materials. These carpets depicted a fish -the symbol of Šilutė region. At that time, songs and instrumental music of ancient folklore ensembles and folk musicians were performed, using old music and singing traditions. The aim of little conference of wood carvers was to foster the development of wood- decorative folk art in wood articles. Folk art is closely related to folk's worldview, everyday life, customs and rituals. These are the articles of applicable manner, which convey traditions of local art from generation to generation. At this conference, it was possible to see forms, composition, functional relevance, décor, masters’ work subtleties, the technique and tools typical to the articles of folk masters from three countries. At the time of the culinary heritage manufacturers' contests “Culinary Heritage at Periphery” made it possible to learn more about features of culinary heritage of the ethnographic region of Lithuania Minor. During the contest dishes were made by hand or with tools that have been used in ancient and modern times, and traditional techniques specific for a particular ethnographic region. It was possible to see the gastronomy tradition, carried from generation to generation. Šilutė “Crafts Fair” attracted a large part of those willing to get acquainted with the specifics of Polish and Swedish craftsmen’ works and get to know the specifics of Lithuanian cultural heritage. Crafts and cultural heritage, which was demonstrated at the fair, covered the period from ancient times to the twentieth century, therefore it was a great opportunity to travel through historical periods of different countries, highlight the specificities of the cultural heritage and take pleasure in similarities.

The moments from the international “Crafts Fair” in Šilutė:






26 May 2013 The Mayor of the municipality Daiva Žebelienė participated and greeted the participants of a great fellow-countrymen meeting in an annual spring festival-meeting organized by the community “Heidė”. Šilutė was visited by a number of guests from Germany, representatives of the communities of Lithuanians- of Lithuania, who shared warm feelings of communion, the memories of the past, planned the prospects of common future activity.

Welcoming the attendees, Mayor Daiva Žebelienė thanked constant sponsors for supporting poor families, permanently cooperating in various projects and cultural exchanges.

7 June 2013 At the Big Hall of Šilutė District Municipality, Mayor Daiva Žebelienė welcomed the participants of circuit international seminar “Water Regulation and Environment Protection in 16 Agriculture” from Lithuania, Latvia, , Finland and the Russian Federation. Participants of the conference visited Rusnė’s winter polder reconstructed by the program of Support 2007-2013 activity area "Water Regulation in Agriculture", and according to the technique of polder dikes and ditches slopes mowing, measures of reconstructed summer polder pumping of Uostadvaris and construction of quays in village. Representatives from each country were given small gifts by the Mayor, who wished constructive discussions and smooth travel.

25 June 2013 The Deputy Director of Municipality’s Administration Alvidas Šimelionis and chief specialist of Education Department Rimantė Vitkauskaitė welcomed participants of a project "Prevention of youth drop outs in sports (PYDOS) from youth organizations of Klaipeda City Municipality (Lithuania), Gdynia (Poland) and Karlskrona (Sweden). The participants of the project presented the project activities and shared experiences in Šilutė stadium. After the presentation of activities football was played and table tennis competitions took place.

5 July 2013, in the summer yard of the public library, in the eve of Lithuanian King Mindaugas Coronation Day, an event took place, which connected art of painting, photography, dramatic word, folk music and it was named common title “To Feel and Hear Lithuania…” Professional painters Silva Meškonė from Latvia, Antanas Obcarskas from , Saulius Rudzikas from Druskininkai, fellow-countryman professor of Klaipėda University Linas Julijonas Jankus and young art creators of Šilutė region presented joint exhibition of their creations. With their drawings on canvas and photoflashes they expressed and eternalized their experiences during the educational plein air, which was held in Rusnė - a unique location of Šilutė region. In July 1-5, the association “Rusnė’s Fund for Nature” held a conference-camp “Fishermen’s bread in the eyes of children", which took place along with the plein air.

The project was funded by the European Fisheries’ Fund. Children and young people were thought to convey images of fishing, fishing traditions, culture and the subtleties of the profession through painting and photography. At the conference-camp participants got acquainted with representatives of fisherman’s profession and fishing tools. During the photography and painting lessons, with the help of professional photographers and artists, young artists created works of the above mentioned genres. The project participants had an opportunity not only to spend their time productively, but 17 they were picnicking, sailing by “kurėnas”, communicated with a master of “kurėnas” and “Vytinės” Simas Knapkis. During an event at the library, the project executive Rasa Stankutė presented the project and its participants – professional artists and young participants of the conference-camp – children and youth. Not only plein air paintings were presented, but the virtual exhibition of photos as well. The captures shot by children and young people were printed and exhibited at a joint photography and paintings exhibition at Šilutė Public Library.

10 July 2013, Šilutė region and F. Bajoraitis Public Library were visited by librarians’ delegation from : Diana Galashvili, library’s Director in Khashuri city, Irakli Garibashvili, the President of Georgian Library Association, Rita Tsakadze, Director of Kutaisi Library. They were accompanied by Inga Žemaitienė, Director of the Association of Public Internet Access Points and Laura Grinevičiūtė, the Chairman of the Board of the Association of Public Internet Access Points. Šilutė and Georgia librarians cooperate since 1974. Therefore, in 2010, Georgian delegation of the Khashuri library visited F. BajoraitisPpublic Library for the purpose to get acquainted with the innovative activity of the regional library. Under the invitation of Lithuanian Embassy in Georgia and Khashuri Library in 2012, five specialists of F. Bajoraitis Public Library implemented an information-educational training for librarians and local community groups in Khashuri, Gori and Surami libraries. The idea was funded by the Lithuanian Embassy in Georgia and Khashuri Library.

The Association of Public Internet Access Points implemented a project of 2013 “Vision of modern library in Georgia”, out of which one circuit event was an 8-hour program “Library advertising: techniques and variety in F. Bajoraitis Public Library”. The project partner region library of the littoral was selected as capable to communicate innovatively with internal and external partners, interconnect library goals, objectives and activities and having won recognition among regional, national, and international grantors of library services, masterfully using various complexes of advertising media to create and maintain library’s image. The guests visited Šilutė district municipality, where they were welcomed by the Mayor of the municipality Daiva Žebelienė and Administration Deputy Director Alvidas Šimelionis. They also took note of F. Bajoraitis Public Library, where librarians from Šilutė and Georgia interacted in a roundtable discussion “Library advertising: techniques and a variety", visited the newly renovated division of the public library in Švėkšna, got acquainted with reconstructed premises of Kintai Department and Vydūnas Cultural Center-Museum, visited the Lithuanian Venice (Mingė village ), Švėkšna Church. Šilutė librarians always spread for fellow-foreign partners the good news about constructive decisions of heads of the littoral district municipality for the development of library services and in all library development issues, consistent partnership of librarian community with the social partners, NGO organizations, country and foreign libraries, maintaining a functionality of modern, innovative and constantly renewable public library model.

18 July 2013, The Mayor of Šilutė District Municipality Daiva Žebelienė enjoyed meeting with long-time partners and sponsors of Šilutė district municipality- representatives of Emmerich-Šilutė Society. The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the Society of German Emmerich Alfred Bartminn with his wife, the Head of Emmerich-Šilutė Society Šilutė Department Rita Užgalienė, and chief specialist of Child’s Rights Protection Department Vilija Kuznecova. The Society presents summer holidays for socially disadvantaged children for the eighth year now. 18 The Chairman of German Emmerich Society Alfred Bartminnas with his wife thanked for welcoming, took pleasure in great tradition and awarded EUR 1,000 for vacation by the sea for socially disadvantaged children of 8 families. Chief specialist of Child’s Rights Protection Department Vilija Kuznecova thanked on behalf of the children and their parents for the support and opportunity to experience an unforgettable experience, make friends, expand horizons, and to see the sea for some of them for the first time in their lives. It is always purposed to support children from different families and provide the opportunity to relax by the sea to different children every year. The guest expected that in the future the support program would continue that only its form and sources of financing could be changed. She also welcomed the agreement reached on organizing exhibition about Šilutė for its 25th anniversary in 2015 in Emmerich. The Chairman of Emmerich Society A.Bartminn invited the Mayor to come and open the exhibition. The Mayor handed commemorative gifts and thanked the guests for the invitation, support and opportunities for children in our municipality.

19 July 2013, Bikavėnai in Šilutė district municipality was visited by a Ukrainian folk song and dance ensemble Darnychanka (leader Peter Andrijčuk) from Kiev (). The visitors got acquainted with Bikavėnai village; they visited a school, library and the Cultural Center of Old Rural Traditions. Local hostesses not only treated guests with “kugelis” (potato cake), “kąstinis” (curd mix), but also taught how to make “cepelinai”. In the evening, guests held a spectacular concert, during which they presented a national Ukrainian costume. Guests were greeted with bread by the Mayor of Šilutė District Municipality Daiva Žebelienė and with the songs performed by folk ensemble “Vainutis” (leader Loreta Mieliulytė) and Bikavėnai folk music band "Lolytėlė (leader Kazys Budrys). Rusnė’s dance ensemble “Rusietis” (leader Solveiga Mockienė) taught Ukrainians Lithuanian dances.



26 July 2013, in the Great Conference Hall of Šilutė District Municipality, Mayor Daiva Žebelienė greeted guests of Švėkšna dance group "Šalna” from Germany. The Elder of Švėkšna Alfonsas Šeputis introduced the guests. The leader of dance group "Šalna" Asta Sapetkienė welcomed the friendship and expressed the hope that visitors will enjoy our country and they will come back not once. The Mayor introduced our region, briefly outlined the history and the present of the municipality. The guests were interested in our municipal election system, the number and composition of municipality council members, how the citizens reacted to the integration into the European Union, what essential steps were planned to be taken to promote the development of the municipality, which were the largest companies and what products they produced. The Mayor also welcomed beautiful friendship of bands, participation of German band in Švėkšna Town Festival and expressed her belief that the guests would have the most beautiful experience.

21 3-14 August 2013, since 2003 Cultural Center of Vydūnas carries out an international project of professional art "Enamel Art Lab “Pomeranian signs”, supported by Šilutė District Municipality and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania. To the project of 2013, which took place on 3- 14 of August, artist Joseba Zangaladzė from Georgia was invited for the third time. In total there participated 9 artists and an artist Romas Tarvydas, project manager, teacher methodologist from Kintai Art Department.

The main idea of International Art Lab “Pamario ženklai", is to bring together artists and professionals of metal enamel technique for common creative matter. During the Lab it was pursued to study and promote possibilities and a variety of metal enamel technique, to publicly present the creative process and allow different generations of artists to creatively communicate. The name of Art Lab “Pamario ženklai" is a quest of legends, history, nature, signs and symbols reflecting 22 traditions of the littoral land, and their rendering in works of enamel art. Each year the topic of a Lab is dedicated to any other historic event or natural phenomenon of the littoral land. In 2013, the topic of the camp was "Letters to Vydūnas”, dedicated for the 145-th birth anniversary of Vydūnas. Vydūnas left a great heritage of art, wishing recovery in all meanings: personally to human, to the Lithuanian nation and to the entire humanity. During the camp artists used exhibits from Vydūnas Museum, library and other ethnographic information. Meetings were held with members of the Vydūnas Society and conversations about Vydūnas creation took place; the theater of Šakiai district Paluobiai village performed comedy of Vydūnas “Evil Cunning” (director Mindaugas Krikščiūnas). Each of the authors traditionally leaves one of enamel art work to enamel art collection “Pamario ženklai" which collects the art works created during annual symposium by project participants on different topics. These collections have already visited the exhibitions not only a lot of places in Lithuania, but also in .

17 August 2013, in Bikavėnai, Šilutė district municipality, an International Song and Dance Festival “Grajikit, Bikavas žiogeliai” took place for 15th time. Not only local bands arrived to this festival, but also Russian folk ensemble “Slaviankij Krug” (leader Nadezhda Kazirkova) of Tilsit (the Russian Federation). Guests from Tilsit had the opportunity to admire the beauty of Bikavėnai rural settlement cruising by wagonettes. Along with other groups, the Russian ensemble held a wonderful concert-performance. At the same time we were able to enjoy their national costumes. In return for this concert the ensemble was handed in Samogitian wristlets knitted by skillful local gold-handed masters.

23 2 September 2013, an International Children's Book Fair “White Sails of Books Are Calling!" took place. Every three years Šilutė Public Library of F. Bajoraitis calls the book lovers together to traditional international children's book fair, on the Day of Science and Knowledge. The children from Šilutė city and Traksėdžiai kindergartens, children of Saugai Children Care Home gathered to the celebration in the courtyard of the library to see fairy tale characters dragons, that scattered the rain with their yellow flags, arrived on vintage motorcycles, and having failed to overcome the rain, they joined the celebration. At the library a clay education contest "Tea from year to year" took place. Children along with the educators created many beautiful craft works at clay workshop education classes during the town festival.

The event was attended by a large number of guests: Member of Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania Artūras Skardžius, Mayor of Šilutė district municipality Daiva Žebelienė, librarians’ friends from Latvia, Russia, and . Book lovers were greeted by the Member of Parliament A. Skardžius, who wishe children the curiosity of knowledge and the ability to apply knowledge in today's rapidly changing world, and to be active citizens of the Republic. Mayor D. Žebelienė wished beautiful celebration to all. Guest from sunny Armenian Ararat area, a library Director Yuri Petrosian, who visited Šilutė after 25 years, shared the impression that the world's best children, who read books, live here. Festival participants were greeted by fellow librarians from Bauskė (Latvia): Director of Central Library Baiba Tormanė and her colleagues, fellows of Ethnographic and Art Museum Aigars Urtans, librarian of Children Library from Konigsberg, Gaidar area, Irina Bogdanova.

Actors from Klaipėda Youth Theatre "Without Door" invited to the play about Winnie the Pooh, and have fun. Hungry people were treated with admiral buckwheat porridge, with canned meat and vegetables, prepared by volunteer soldiers from Defense Volunteer Force, company 3, team 305. Emilija Šeputytė, a fourth-grader of basic School of Pamarys, was elected the “Books Admiral”, as she reads the most books. In the evening a performance from Bauskė (Latvia) Rundalė Castle was shown – a historical reconstruction of manor household "Secrets of Ladies Boudoir”. Guests from neighboring and distant countries visited Šilutė district municipality were invited to share their thoughts about books for children and promotion of young visitors to read in libraries of various countries in the littoral newspaper stands.

7 September 2013 Overblown International Fish Soup Championship festival with delicious smell attracted unprecedented number of people from Šilutė region and neighborhood municipalities, also guests from all over Lithuania and abroad - Latvia, and Russia. The sky in Šilutė was favorable, it poured sunshine all day and there was no lack of sunlight or summer heat. Maybe it 24 was the reason why there were no losers and absolute winners were joy, kindness and friendship. Šilutė was quite different than usual, it smelled like fish soup, and smells attracted to Šilutė port, where from the morning hardworking hosts and their guests rushed around preparing for the most important battle - the Fifth International Fish Soup Cooking Contest. Again, Šilutė attracted a lot of guests. The main prize was the Champion Ring of the Best Cook (people of the littoral ring not only birds, but also the best cooks) and the ability to be called the best of the year attracted even 45 teams. Almost fifty huge pots, brought from Kaunas, , Elektrėnai, , Juodkrantė, Prienai, Mažeikiai, Šilalė, Neringa, Vištytis, Viešvilė and other areas, bubbled and effervesced. This year chefs from abroad came as well: Slavsk (the Russian Federation), Saldus (Latvia) and Norway. Many of Lithuanian teams were escorted by Municipal Mayors, Deputy Mayors, and Executives of Administrations to fish soup cooking championship. In addition to the above mentioned town teams a number of Šilutė teams also gathered to meet others, present themselves and pledge the fight to be friendly, and main weapons will be only ladle, pot, witty word and, of course, along with a delicious fish soup. And there have been fun! Fish Soup Cooking Championship, according to Daiva Žebelienė, Mayor of Šilutė district municipality, which is the main sponsor of the event, is a representative event of Šilutė, which attracts so many people to participate, stay, enjoy, and, of course, taste. It was a great celebration: cleverness, ingenuity and wit were flowing. It seemed that even Šilutė favorable sky throughout the day blessed with sunshine and warmth. Šilutė once again proved they know how to organize festivals, celebrate, have fun and host a guest: there were no defeated, and the absolute winners were joy and friendship. According to the event organizer and presenter Marijus Budraitis, about 2,200 liters of fish soup was cooked, and there were over 9 thousand visitors – eaters.

Moments from and International Fish Soup Cooking Championship:




9 October 2013, Municipal Mayor Daiva Žebelienė and Administration Director Raimundas Ambrozaitis welcomed guests from the town of Nynburgo (Germany), who visited the littoral for the first time. It was a joint reed orchestra of music school “Das Konzert und Swingorchester der Muzikschule Nienburg / W.e.V”. The Mayor presented the littoral region, told the basic information about Šilutė district municipality and international cooperation. The Director welcomed the delegates, enjoyed the concert at Rusnė School, thanked for the perfect gift to community of Rusnė. The Headmaster of Nynburg town music school presented their school, the city and geographical situation. At this music school, 500 lessons are held in a week, students not only learn to play instruments, but also participate in the activities of ensembles and orchestras. 70 young people belong to this orchestra, 45 students arrived by the invitation of Klaipėda Conservatory of Stasys Šimkus. The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the culture, learn together and hold joint concerts. They enjoyed being here, gained excellent emotions and the ability to see Rusnė Island, and to experience the littoral region closer. The orchestra played music every day, had a joint rehearsal with orchestra of Klaipėda Conservatory of Stasys Šimkus, played in Klaipeda Music Theatre, , Rusnė. The Elder of Rusnė Dalia Drobnienė, the Headmaster of Rusnė Special School Romas Blechertas, Director of Ethnoculture and Information Center of the Island Birutė Servinė showed the island, introduced to the cultural heritage, treated with traditional food. The Mayor and Director of Administration hoped that visitors would leave with the warmest memories about Šilutė land and its people. They wished beautiful time and concert.

13-14 November 2013, Šilutė district municipality was visited by participants of a project "Efficient and sustainable use of energy in buildings of the region" from Slavsk (the Russian Federation) and Ronneby (Sweden) municipalities. This was the third meeting of project participants, during which the issues of sustainable energy and renewable energy resources were discussed. Ronneby municipality has a few years of active work experience in this area, where two energy-efficient buildings have already been built, and a center responsible for the development of sustainable energy is established. The representatives of Šilutė district municipality had an opportunity to see energy-efficient house during the visit to Ronneby in spring. Participants of the project were welcomed by the project coordinators in Šilutė District Municipality - Administration Deputy Director Vygantas Kamarauskas and chief specialist of Planning and Development Department Rasa Kmitienė. Visitors were greeted by the Mayor of Šilutė District Municipality Daiva Žebelienė, Administrative Director Raimundas Ambrozaitis and Vice Mayor Algirdas Balčytis.


Coordinator of the project from Ronneby municipality Johan Sandevarn presented issues that were discussed during the last meeting in Slavsk. The aim of the project is to build a passive, the most energy efficient house. Building of these houses is a priority for Ronneby Municipality, which is achieved by the subsidy for land acquisition and possibilities are made to manage necessary documents for the construction by simpler conditions. Project coordinator of Ronneby Municipality Johan Sandevarn welcomed the information from Lithuanian Government about the availability of funding from the Structural Funds for the implementation of such projects, and that in Vilnius at the opening of the forum it was talked a lot about investing in passive houses’ construction. The Director of Lithuanina Wind Power Association Aleksandras Paulauskas introduced changes to the law, that were designed to activate the use of renewable energy sources, the liabilities and the measures to achieve these objectives. According to Lithuania’s liability of 2020 the country must achieve, that 15-23 percent of energy were produced from renewable energy sources. Each year, using a variety of renewable energy sources, it is committed to produce a certain amount of bio-gas, solar and wind energy. According to scientists, Lithuania has large timber resources and these resources will not end in short term, therefore, the timber is classified as renewable energy sources, and is actively used by Lithuanians. Electricity in Lithuania is used for heating, lighting and heating systems. In Lithuania there is a different heating system installed than else in Europe, therefore it is planned that the system will change, and in future it is planned to increase the use of renewable energy sources in producing energy. The target of each is a comfortable life, and to accomplish this in future, new technologies will be used. Perspectives of Lithuanian electricity production, opportunities and development of renewable power generation in Šilutė district municipality and in whole Lithuania were discussed. It was talked about the sustainable and efficient use of energy and its management. Ronneby municipal representatives discussed the proposed construction of passive houses in Slavsk, Šilutė and Ronneby, and introduced a new project of a passive house, which is planned to be implemented in the municipality of Ronneby. Currently, houses in municipality of Ronneby use 55 kWh/m2 on average; the aspiration of this project is 0 - 15kWh/m2 per house. Issues of legislations due to electricity tarrifs in Sweden, Russia and Lithuanian, similarities and differences of situations were discussed. The aim of the project is to ensure that people would like to build passive houses, choose the priority of an eco-house, and municipality should help them in achieving this goal. The aim of the project is that building of a passive house should cost no more than 30 percent extra, in comparison with a construction of an ordinary house. In the long term perspective, this investment will pay off as the electricity price tends to rise. In spite of the fact that people who approve the use of sustainable energy at home make only about 10 percent of world’s population, the use of renewable energy should be encouraged. Change of people’s attitude remains a priority, not economic benefits. The aim of municipality is to help people look at a long-term perspective, change people's attitudes and goals, provide potential and fields of support.


After the discussion, summary of information and providing substantive issues and problems for the next meeting, the participants went to see UAB “Šilutės šilumos tinklai”, their newly installed system, bio-fuel boiler being constructed, as well as wind farms and hydroelectric power station in Ramučiai.



People of Šilutė not only organized international events but also actively visited their international friends and partners, participated in their events, projects. Some of the most important accents we describe in this chapter.

21-01-2013 A contract of support was signed for a project „Cleaning equipment and sewage networks construction and water supply network construction in the border areas between Kaliningrad and Lithuania ". Slavsk Administration acts as a receiver of the support and will implement a project named „Sewage and wastewater treatment plant and water supply network installation in the border territory of Kaliningrad Oblast and Lithuania“. The total budget of the Project is 8 159 805,91 euro. The funded part of ENPI cooperation over the border between Lithuania, Poland and Russia is 81,94 percent and totals to 6 686 470 euro and the rest of the expenses i.e. 18,06 percent from the total budget of the Project will be covered by the beneficiary and its partners – Šilutė and Šilalė District Municipalities Administrations. The goals of the project are to improve the environmental protection of the Baltic Sea territory and the life quality standards of the inhabitants of Nemunas River Delta territory. These goals will be achieved implementing a variety of interrelated activities such as: Nemunas River Delta water pollution reduction, improvement of access to good quality drinking water and better coordination of means of environmental protection implemented on both sides of the border. The importance of activities implemented in the project is based by an evident fact that wastewater of densely populated target of the project as home economies and producing companies are one of the biggest regional sources of sea pollution.

21-03-2013 A conference meant for the start of implementation of the project „Cleaning equipment and sewage networks construction and water supply network construction in the border areas between Kaliningrad and Lithuania " was held in Stavsk town (the Russian Federation). The Mayor Daiva Žebelienė and a chief specialist Rasa Kmitienė from the Planning and Development Department of Šilutė District Municipality took part in the conference.

Participants of the conference were greeted by the hosts: the Head of Slavsk district Sergej Laurikietis and Head of Administration Sergej Artiuchov. The Mayor of Šilutė District Municipality Daiva Žebelienė wished the participants and the guests of the conference luck in implementation of the project and presented commemorative gifts to the hosts. The Deputy Director of Šilalė District Municipality Administration Vera Macienė, representative of Joint Technical Secretariat in Warsaw Nina Štok and Consul of the Republic of Lithuania in Sovietsk Liuda Kleimanova also gave speeches during the conference.


A successful implementation of the project will allow solving a number of problems, encountered with by the inhabitants of the territory, who are the target groups and the final beneficiaries of the project. Having implemented the project, the living conditions and overall quality of life of local inhabitants will be improved: the majority of inhabitants of the towns participating in the project will be able to access continuous centralized water supply and treatment. The project will positively impact the economic development of the participating territories, opening better perspectives of tourism development and improving infrastructure necessary for business.

23-25-05-2013 The delegation from Šilutė district municipality lead by the Deputy Mayor Šarūnas Laužikas visited the 13th International Culture and Art Festival in Alanya (Turkey). Members of the Board Alfonsas Vanagas and Virgilijus Pozingis, a chief specialist of Planning and Development Department Asta Jagelavičienė and a chief specialist of Communications Department Edita Šukytė travelled to Alanya as well. The International Culture and Art Festival in Alanya is organized since 2001 on the last weekend of May. The aim of the festival is to introduce everybody to the old and already forgotten traditions of various countries. During the festival various stands are prepared and various handicrafts exhibited, art workshops take place, exhibitions of artists are opened, local traditions are introduced and shows of various local folklore ensembles held. Representatives of towns-partners of Alanya are welcomed and each of them get an opportunity to demonstrate their traditions to guests from various countries of the world and get an opportunity to develop the cooperation relations. The representatives from Šilutė district municipality were invited to this festival because of long term and close friendship between Šilutė and Konakli towns. Representatives from Šilutė took part in a meeting with members of Alanya Industry and Business Association, where they had an opportunity to introduce Šilutė region, see the nature, operating business enterprises. Possibilities of business development and investments were discussed as well as weather pollution problems in Turkey and Lithuania and ways of solving this issue. The President of Industry and Business Club was presented a book „Photo-flight. Šilutė region“. After the meeting, the delegation of Šilutė district municipality continued their visit and met the Mayor of Konakli Abdullah Sonmez where both parties rejoiced of a nice relationship. 25 May, leaders of all delegations were invited to participate in the ceremony of agreement renewal between Alanya (Turkey) and Gladbek (Germany). The two towns already cooperate for 20 years in various fields of activities, exchange experiences. On this occasion the Mayor of Gladbek town took part in the official part of agreement renewal as he did 20 years ago, the present Mayor, members of Alanya Parliament and leaders of all participating delegations. On the opening night of the event, all the delegations participated in the opening of a new Culture Home building and presentation of works of artist Ferda Pulhan, an exhibition of works of photography was presented in one of the Red Tower Halls.


In September 2013 Šilutė Fridrich Bajoraitis Public Library librarians visited Akajinsk district, Smirnov Central Library‘s (Kazakhstan ) librarians for the first time, although the partnership with the librarians of this Northern Kazakhstan library started in 1972. Later in 1977, librarians from Latvia, Estonia, Kaliningrad (Russia), Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan and other countries participated in the first International Book Festival held in Šilutė „Pages from a friendship chronicle“. Šilutė has already recovered international relationship with them (2010-2013) and successfully cooperates in international projects, hold virtual promotions and exhibitions for their readers, meet at a traditional International Children Books Fair that is held at the littoral every three years. Šilutė was greeted by colleagues: the former (1972) Director of Smirnov Central Library Maira Nazarbajeva and the present Director Marijash Sharipova. Librarians of the littoral were greeted by Deputy Mayor of Akajinsk district Sabit Muchanov. The Head of Culture and Languages Department Olga Plishtshenko told that even though she had never been to Šilutė, she knew from colleague librarians that Lithuania was famous for European culture of libraries and books. A correspondent of a local daily „Kola“ of Smirnov and the founder of Ethnography Museum Tatjana Borisova promised to write on the topic of Lithuanian book and Smirnov-Šilutė partnership. A project activity agreement was signed.

33 Librarians of Šilutė met with colleagues from Astana (Kazakhstan) National Academy Library, and visited a construction of a building of a new modern library. Here our librarians were greeted by colleagues: Deputy Director of the library Zana Shaimuchanbetova, scientific secretary Gulshat Daribajeva and Head of Libraries Development Centre Marzan Valiulina. The National Academic Library is the main center of reading and modern information in Northern Kazakhstan.

Smirnovo bibliotekoje Šilutės miesto filialo vyr. bibliotekininkė Virginija Degutienė exhibited and introduced a virtual book exhibition „Western Lithuania and Šilutė region writers for kids: game books“. Books of exhibition by UAB „Alma littera sprendimai“ were project sponsor‘s gift to the little friends of Smirnov Library. The Head of F. Bajoraitis‘s Public Library Information Department Laima Dumšienė, having represented Šilutė written language and book society in the project arranged a presentation „International partnership: nongovernmental organization – a guide of intercultural dialogue“ to the colleagues. She introduced the experiences of Šilutė Written Language and Book Society and Šilutė Librarians’ Society when initiatives of NGO gatherings were used for spreading of regional and national literature. The public library Director Dalia Užpelkienė prepared and presented a presentation „Lithuanian- Kazakh-Lithuanian authors‘ translations - civilization, knowledge, and cultural development". Traditionally featured books were exhibited and literature’s identities and differences virtually presented, revealing through the famous Kazakh prose classics‘ literary works. The audience was virtually introduced to documentary about Šilutė its librarians and books, a gathering of world‘s Šilutė people „Bring light, do good...“, held by F. Bajoraitis Public Library (2011), presented a CD with anniversaries of Šilutė town meant for the 500-th jubilee of mentioning Šilokarčema in written sources. Librarians of Šilutė brought a present from UAB „Alma littera sprendimai“ - huge shipments of new Lithuanian books for Lithuanians working in Astan National Academic and Smirnov District Libraries. It was a contribution to enhancement of Lithuanian word among our compatriots.

34 During their visit, librarians from Šilutė visited cultural institutions of the region: Vlasovsk Cultural Centre with a library and Ukrainian Culture Centre. Librarian Zoja Rozkova and friends of the library and Ukrainian Culture Centre Daulet and Aigul Baltabajev greeted the guests and showed them their collection of Lithuanian books. 2013, Librarians from Šilutė visited Punsk (Poland) where they opened their literary iconographic exhibition "Donelaitis: witness of time and present day" together with their partners from Punsk at Puńsk Lithuanian Culture House. Thematic art works were exhibited and Lithuanian literary classic‘s philosophical and poetical essence of creativity was discussed, which abnormally, but reasonably is compared to Johann Wolfgang Goethe's verse works. Different fragments of the exhibition were illustrated by K. Donelaitis‘s personality and creative analysis of published publications by various international authors and periods, autobiographical iconography in recognition of the Lithuanian literary phenomenon commemoration in Tolminkiemis (now Cyste Prudy, Russian Federation), Lithuania and various foreign countries.

Participants of the event, pupils of Puńsk March 11 General Education Lyceum listened with interest to improvised excerpt readings of „The Year“ by the Head of Punsk Lithuanian Culture House Youth Theatre Jolanta Malinauskaitė-Vektorienė and the young actors Asta Bobinaitė, Tomas Senda, Arnoldas Vaznelis. Šilutė‘s idea to present Kristijonas Donelaitis‘s personality and his creative phenomenon otherwise, or in integrated way, utilizing all the interdisciplinary artistic fields is a new idea.

18-05-2013 Raimundas Ambrozaitis, the Director of Administration participated in a festival by invitation of Indra Rassa the Mayor of Saldus town (Latvia). The festival is becoming traditional and representatives of sixteen administrative units are invited to share their experiences, celebrate while participating in festive march, sports competitions and arts groups shows. The Director presenting a commemorative gift wished the town good times and expressed hope that the friendship between Saldus and Šilutė will become stronger and the cooperation will gain new colors.


06-06-06-2013 An official delegation of Šilutė district municipality participated in an International Folklore Festival in Gdansk Pruszcz town, Poland after the implemented project „Cultural heritage preservation in the South - Craftland ". The official delegation from Šilutė consisted of the Deputy Director of Šilutė District Municipality Administration Alvidas Šimelionis, members of the Board Vladas Kainovaitis, Saulius Vytuvis and Juozas Sauspreškis. The leader of the project „Cultural heritage preservation in the South Baltic Region - Craftland" Rasa Kmitienė and members of work group: Diana Benkunskienė, Romualdas Ambrulaitis. Activities foreseen in the project were implemented by Žemaičių Naumiestis folk music band „Žaliavalnis“ and Samogitian ethnocultural center museologist Nijolė Stanelienė. Events of the project become more interesting every year and new components are added. After the Crafts Fair of 25 May in Šilutė, delegation from Šilutė went to Gdansk Pruscz in Poland. Sincere and hospitable hosts organized a spectacular tour around the Gdańsk city for project participants from Šilutė and Sweden and in the same afternoon guests from Šilutė began preparation for the International Folklore Festival. Members of Project work group members met in a working group meeting and discussed the progress of the project as well as the past Crafts Fair in Šilutė which received many words of praise from the project partners. Current issues of the project were discussed and most importantly - the last points arranged on the future of the International Folklore Festival. The program and contests of Towns Tournament in Sweden was reviewed along with other related questions.

While the project‘s work group had a meeting, music groups from Sweden, Lithuania and Poland organized a rehearsal of the final song. As the musicians already new the song notes and rehearsed at home, rehearsed versions of the song by the guests were heard first of all. Musicians experienced unforgettable moments along with the official delegation of representatives who took part in a rehearsal. After two hours of music everybody heard the final version of the song that will be heard by everybody during the festival 8th June. After the rehearsal leaders of Gdansk Pruscz town invited everybody to an official dinner.


An abundant Šilutė delegation was obliged not only to participate in the International Folklore Festival, but also deliver the littoral region to residents and visitors of Gdansk Pruszcz. Šilutė town historical exhibition was introduced in a stand dedicated to Šilutė district municipality where wonderful works of plaited straw were introduced by Nijolė Stanelienė, the museologist of Samogitian Ethnocultural Center and the project team members treated the city and the festival guests with traditional Lithuanian bread and other snacks. Welcome speeches at the opening ceremony of the International Folklore Festival were given by Pruszcz Gdansk Mayor Janusz Wrubel, Šilutė District Municipality Deputy Director Alvidas Šilmelionis and Vellinge (Sweden), municipal representative Nils Arvid Andersson. All the guests wished good mood and unforgettable experiences.

Participants of the project performed vivacious programs and had a good time listening to the representatives of different countries performing pieces of music. Žemaičių Naumiestis folk music band "Žaliakalnis“ representing Šilutė prepared a special program of music and learned a Polish song, that was performed together with the members of the project at the end of the concert.


When the last chords of the festival sounded, it was a little sad that the event came to the end. However, there remained hope that after a further period of one year, after completion of the project and planned activities, the project working group will continue to develop and plan a new project.

10-06-2013 Deputy Mayor of the municipality Algirdas Balčytis and Deputy Director of the Administration Vygantas Kamarauskas went to Ronneby town in Sweden together with leaders of Slavsk (the Russian Federation) municipality and discussed the possibilities to participate in a common project of the three countries related with constructions of sustainable houses in the above mentioned town in Sweden, as well as towns of Šilutė and Slavsk (the Russian Federation). The Swedish are also making the first steps this way, thus during the planned five meetings it is intended to clarify it all while discussing on the situation analysis, as well as possibilities of building these houses, costs, needs etc. The delegation visited one of the first passive houses built in Sweden, the costs of building which were very high even for the Swedish, who have a better economic situation these days.

03-08-2013 Mediated by the Consulate of the Republic of Lithuania in Sovetsk (the Russian Federation), which maintains strong collaborative relations with Vydūnas Cultural Center, the center‘s staff and Vilkyčiai adult dance ensemble „Veiviržas“ were invited to Slavsk City ( the Russian Federation) Festival, where they enjoyed a concert program, became acquainted with the festival organizers, exchanged souvenirs, visited cultural and historic sites of the city.

08-30/09-01-2013 „Cities Tournament“ took place in Vellinge town in Sweden which was an extension of the fun and adventurous „Crafts Fair“ held during Šilutė Town Festival in Šilutė, which was organized implementing the project „Cultural heritage preservation in the South Baltic Region - Craftland " where the teams of the countries involved in the project from Sweden (Vellinge town), Poland (Gdansk Pruscz town) and Lithuania (Šilutė town) took part.


Participants had to compete in various rather complex contests based on ancient vikings’ lifestyle that need special training, workouts and other attributes. The day of the contest gave a lot of emotions and of course, acquaintance with the other region‘s the cultural past. During the meeting, Craftland’s working group worked on the project, they reviewed reports on past events relevant comments, suggestions. During the second part of the meeting it was discussed on the extension of the project activities while participating in tourism exhibitions of each partner‘s country. This way project activities and results would be more widely publicized, and each partner would have an additional opportunity to present their country's tourism resources for the widest possible range of visitors and also promote not only the project but also his country.

Having summarized the activities the participants of the project pointed out that the aim of the project was to strengthen the intercultural dialog and involve local communities into international activities preserving Southern Baltic region cultural heritage, supporting regional development, strengthening long-term cooperation between the partners, provided by the first and second year of activities and that it was well reached and was considered very good.

05-06-09-2013 Šilutė District Municipality youth and sports coordinator Rimantė Čiutienė participated in an event in Kalmar town (Sweden) due to preparation of an application with the aim to carry out a survey on youth policy research at the local level, to use it as a tool to improve the daily lives of young people, to enable international youth, civil servants, professionals and policy exchanges in the Baltic region. The meeting was attended by representatives of Lithuania, Poland and Kaliningrad, Sweden and Denmark.

Vydūnas Cultural Center‘s friendship with the Kaliningrad region, which started in 2008 was deepened every year.


17-09-2013 Vydūnas Cultural Center‘s Director Rita Tarvydienė and museologist Reda Cirtautienė participated in a conference "Vydūnas in the European cultural context". The international conference was organized by the Consulate of the Republic of Lithuania in Sovetsk on the occasion of Lithuanian presidency for the EU Council. During the conference dr. V. Bagdonavičius and dr. A. Martišiūtė – Linartienė presented a monograph "Vydūnas in the European cultural context“ published in Russian language. Scientists from Lithuania and Kaliningrad Oblast and guests from Sovetsk, Slavsk and Krasnoznamensk (the Russian Federation) Municipality Culture and Education Departments, members Vydūnas Societies‘ from Lithuania, representatives of Lithuanian Community in Sovetsk. It was a nice opportunity for the participants to learn more about the famous Lithuanian cultural activist, writer, philosopher educator and musician Vydūnas having lived and created in Tilsit (the Russian Federation) at the end of the XIX century – beginning of the XX century.

15-10-2013 Lithuanian seaside tourism opportunities were presented at Lithuanian Embassy in Warsaw. Deputy Mayor Šarūnas Laužikas and Administration‘s chief specialist Rasa Kmitienė of Planning and Development Department participated in the event. Ample crowd of Polish tour operators, travel agencies, information and media representatives were welcomed by the Lithuanian Ambassador to Poland Loreta Zakarevičienė. The Ambassador pointed out that this is the first time that Warsaw is extensively introduced with Lithuanian seaside. „ Lithuania is not only Vilnius with the Gates of Dawn or Druskininkai with SPAs, Lithuania is a lot of other nice and interesting places, it is towns and small towns with architecture peculiar for them only its lakes and rivers surrounded by forests and parks it is people speaking various languages and dialects. I am glad that today one of the nicest places –the Lithuanian seaside – Klaipėda region -is presented to a potential Polish tourist“, pointed L. Zakarevičienė. The guests were introduced to a very extensive presentation about the Curronian Spit, Klaipėda and Klaipėda region, Palanga. ,Šilutė regions and their tourist destinations, attractions, medical centers, hotels and entertainment. The participants of the event were highly interested in an educational program for children and youth prepared by Lithuanian Sea Museum. During the contact fair both the tourism sectors had an opportunity to establish direct contacts and discuss further cooperation. Guests from Klaipėda region‘s 7 municipalities having participated in the event also had an opportunity to meet with Lithuanian Culinary Heritage products, taste Lithuanian sausage and „skilandis“ and candy lovers could savor “šakotis” and handmade candies. This event was one of the Lithuanian presidency for the EU Council events in Poland.


18-10-2013 Šilutė librarians visited Punsk (Poland), implementing the common project of the Ministry of Culture and Šilutė Written Language and Book Society funded project "Three traveling book fairs: Lithuanian word outcrops“. In Punsk the librarians were met by petty officer Vytautas Liškauskas. They met in a cozy space of Puńsk Lithuanian Culture House Meetings and talked about a book, man, autumn and poetry. An iconographic exposition „ Book lovers of Lithuania Minor in readings of contemporary literature“ was presented virtually. It told and reminded about an International Bookplate Competition (1991) „Šilutei-480“ which was organized by librarians of the littoral in 1991. A separate exposition was meant for a famous woman from Šilutė, a poet and artist Aldona Gustas now residing in Berlin (Germany) and her graphic art, poetry publications, manuscripts.

An illustrated art album „Library – an office of cultural heritage " arranged and published by librarians from Šilutė was introduced and presented to members of Polish-Lithuanian Community. There one could find over two hundred of ethnic Lithuania Minor and Klaipėda region publications of book heritage, that were published in Sovetsk, Šilutė, Klaipėda, book trademarks, manuscripts, collected, stored, and actualized in the first Lithuanian Book Museum opened in F. Bajoraitis Public Library (1990). Šilutė responded to the received „Aušra“ publishers’ invitation and participated in the eleventh autumn readings, traditionally held every year in Puńsk district. Šilutė‘s poet Marijus Budraitis wowed audiences with his second soon available book "Lithuanian alphabet" and its poetic texts, each dedicated to the Lithuanian alphabet letter when all the words of the poem begins with a single letter. Punsk Lithuanian Culture House theater delighted the young people of Puńsk with a great visualization of Lithuanian literary classic Donelaitis‘s poem "The Seasons" when in midsummer a traveling exhibition of the documentary "Donelaitis in a book, in a word, art“ prepared by Šilutė librarians was delivered and opened.

41 08-09-11-2013 In Kaliningrad (Russia) Šilutė F. Bajoraitis Public Library implemented the project "Three traveling book fairs: Lithuanian word escarpment" funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania.

A literary musical noon "West Bank" was held in Kaliningrad District Municipal Library System Branch Number 4. People of Kaliningrad were shown a virtual presentation „Historical links of Lithuania Minor bibliophils in Kaliningrad and Klaipėda region“, the announcement was delivered Šilutė F. Bajoraitis Public Library Director Dalia Užpelkienė, readings of author Marijaus Budraitis’s first poetry book „Naktigonė” were heard, presentation of the book and iconographic exposition „Donelaitis in modern literature and art" was introduced. The program "Songs of the old Klaipėda region" was performed by Islands Ethno-Cultural and Information Center‘s Rusnė female vocal ensemble „Luotužė“ (leader by Aušra Šlažienė).



Like always, very active was Šilutė Fridrichas Bajoraitis Public Library and it’s branches, which organized international exhibitions; implementing international projects were organized exchanges between children and youth educational institutions. Šilutė younger sportsman’s achievements proclaim Šilutė region. We want to present it to you.

Celebration of Europe Day

Šilutė’s Public Library of Fridrich Bajoraitis prepared a project „Feel as a real European even when you are at home“, considering the fact that 2013 is a year of European Citizens. The aim of the project is to increase awareness and knowledge about the rights and responsibilities related to European Union Citizenship that the citizens have an opportunity to fully exercise their right to free movement and residence in the territory of any Member State, and to use other possibilities of EU citizenship, seek that any part of the EU would become home for any EU citizen. The year of European Citizens is another opportunity to highlight the benefits of EU citizenship to citizens, individuals, consumers, residents, students and all members of the community.

8-9 May 2013 Šilutė Public Library of Fridrich Bajoraitis traditionally invited residents of Šilutė to events dedicated to mark the year of European Citizens and Europe Day in Šilutė. The residents of Šilutė had an opportunity to survey various exhibitions. Photo exhibition “Croatia on its way to European Union”, which was held at the public library of F.Bajoraitis, shows moments captured by residents of Šilutė about Croatia willing to become the 28th Member State of European Union in 2013.

43 In the division of Šilutė town, visitors had an opportunity to get familiar with the exhibition of bookmarks created in decoupage technique by the NGO Child Day Center and the children from the families of social risk. In Šilutė Public Library of Fridrich Bajoraitis and in division of Rusnė an exhibition of satirical drawings by Stefan Wiezbicki from Poland was held:

In the Child Care Department of Public Library of F.Bajoraitis, an exhibition “Dolls of European Countries” was opened, where visitors could see dolls dressed in national costumes:

8 May 2013 Young residents of Šilutė gathered at Public Library of Fridrich Bajoraitis to participate in the tournament of” eurobrain” called “Rights and Possibilities for the Citizens Provided by European Union”. That was the initial event of the project „Feel as a real European even when you are at home“. The tournament provided an opportunity not only to test the knowledge of political rights, the rights to live, work and study abroad, the rights to use health care services, consumer rights and legal counseling about them, but also to gain new skills. The teams competed in five rounds, divided according to the topics: “Political Rights and Persons’ Freedom of Movement”, “Education and Youth”, “Consumers’ Rights in the EU” and “Recognize the Europe”. Most of emotions were brought and the mood of the teams was raised in the last musical round. The team “Youth of the littoral” gained leading position in first rounds, but in the fifth round was defeated by “staff” team of such kind of competitions “Eurowin Butterflies”, which also won the tournament. In the last stage they collected the maximum number of points (10). The team "Youth of the littoral” had to abandon leading position and “enjoy” being in the second place. The winners 44 of the third place, the team “You won’t guess”, did not droop, as their mood was raised by the prizes they won. Each first-place winner was awarded USB, second and third place winners - other prizes.

9 May 2013 One sunny afternoon, colorfully dressed children in a festive procession carrying balloons marked with EU signs gathered into the Summer Yard of the library to a playful “Euro 45 tour” “Everywhere is good, but at home it is the best”. A gamesome play “The Journey of a smart wolf through the EU countries” presented by children from kindergarten “Žibutė” (director Lidija Balsienė), involved everyone into a fun swirl. The presenter of the event, librarian Liuda Nausėdienė called a great traveler, who has traveled through all Europe, “Euromakalius” (Gediminas Genevičius) for support, he came by a little train and brought his old suitcase, which lead him in all his journeys. Along with him friends of the library “Galvočiukai” came by a little colorful fairy tale train; they were dressed in fairy tale characters from fairy tale books of the library. Later in celebration the presentations of the EU embassies began, which did not lack imagination in representing a selected Member State and favorite fairy tale characters of the authors of the countries. Participants of the celebration did not remain indifferent to spectacular performances. Everyone was fascinated by sportsmanship and flexibility of the 4th D grade girls from Šilutė Basic School of Pamarys, who performed “Pippi longstocking” and represented the Swedish Embassy (Director Dalia Savickienė). The 4th E grade girls from Šilutė Basic School of Pamarys, who represented the German Embassy, improvised the tricks of little witch Lilly (teacher Violeta Lukočienė). Pupils of 4th A grade from Žibai Primary School, who represented the French Embassy, personated characters from fairy tales of Charles Perrault (teacher Elytė Bardauskienė and librarian of the school Daiva Šarliokienė). The Danish Embassy staged fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen (the group of library friends from Traksėdžiai division of F. Bajoraitis Public Library, along with the librarian Vida Paldauskienė). The Embassy of Italy, represented by 3rd D grade pupils from Šilutė Basic School of Pamarys (teacher Dalia Solovjovienė), surprised with the abundance of inventive Pinocchio along with a woodworker Geppetto in the forefront. It was a fun and joyful tour of the EU fairy tales. After wonderful presentations, children prepared for a funny “duck” dance, which was organized by the representatives of the EU Citizens’ Rights Embassy Ilona Jonikaitė and Šarūnė Gerulytė. After the dance, which made everyone move and filled bodies with energy, there came the time for a serious mental work – listening about the EU. A sudden rain became the culmination of celebration, which troubled to play funny relays “Run the Europe way” till the end. The jury of the EU Citizens’ Embassy rated the playful “Eurotour” “Everywhere is good, but at home it is the best” and awarded the embassies with the prizes, saying that friendship won. Moments of the playful “Eurotour” “Everywhere is good, but at home it is the best” in photography:






9 May 2013 In the evening of May 9th, after the children’s uproar vanished, senior citizens of Šilutė gathered at the Conference Hall of the library, which temporarily became a place of matchmaking party “Try on the EU groom”. They were greeted with vivacious music performed by “European Musicians of Bremen” (Vainora and Valdas Lacko). “Matchmaker” (Sandra Jablonskienė) presented a young Lithuanian girl, the bride to-be, to all participants and asked all the guests to help in choosing the most suitable groom from any of the EU countries. A European “groom” was ceremoniously brought to the hall and his nationality had to remain a secret till the end of the event. The bride had to listen to her heart voice while choosing a husband to-be and the participants of the party had to follow their minds. Therefore, the “matchmaker” started working fiercely: she complimented the best character traits of the grooms from various EU countries, described their appearance, style, and presented national culture and sport branches of their countries. He tempted the bride to live in the EU and strongly suggested to taste culinary dishes of the countries presented. The “matchmaker” was enthusiastically assisted by “European Musicians of Bremen” by dedicating Lithuanian versions of songs from various EU countries to the bride. Merry guests had to remember that they were the advisers of the bride. After presenting all the grooms from EU countries, the results of voting were announced. Several of the votes went to the groom of English nationality, who was characterized to be very gentlemanly. More significant number of votes went to a passionate, stylish and elegant groom of Italian origin. All others remain loyal to Lithuania, saying that own is the best. So, what did the young Lithuanian bride choose? Her heart whispered that the happiest she will be with the Lithuanian guy. She quipped to the guests: “…football is played in all countries, but I love basketball. I listen to the songs of Vytautas Šiškauskas, but they do not have such…”

Moments of the event:


The administration, pupils and guests of Šilutė First Gymnasium, celebrated Europe Day and planted magnolias in the inner yard of the gymnasium. Crowned magnolias were given to gymnasium by a resident of Šilutė Eugenija Murauskienė.

Šilutė Gymnasium of Vydūnas organized a traditional conference “IT in pupils’ works”. Such conferences have been organized since 2003 and the conference of 2013 was jubilee- the 10th. Tatjana Balvočienė was a coordinator of the conference, IT teacher-expert in Šilutė Gymnasium of Vydūnas, and presentations were made by the pupils from Šilutė Basic School of Pamarys, Šilutė Primary School of Žibai, Vainutas Secondary School, Kintai Secondary School, Šilutė Basic School of Martynas Jankus, Šilutė Gymnasium of Vydūnas, Šilutė First Gymnasium, Tauragė Gymnasium of Žalgiriai, Pagėgiai Gymnasium of Algimantas Mackus (22 presentations in total).


The celebrations of Europe Day were also organized by different education institutions.

International exhibitions February 2013 A photo exhibition „Latin American people and their lives“ by photographer and traveler Tomas Griškevičius was exhibited in the shelter of Šilutė Public Library of Fridrich Bajoraitis. T. Griškevičius captured the moments and images from a three-year-long tour in Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru Ecuador and Brazil. The exhibition was organized in collaboration with Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was designated for the 20th anniversary of setting Latin American and Lithuanian diplomatic relations.

April 2013, an exhibition of works of an international painting plein air „Kristijonas Donelaitis. Facing his 300 years anniversary“ was opened in Šilutė Public Library of Fridrich Bajoraitis; 8 professional artists from Lithuania and Konigsberg organized united plein air of painters from Klaipėda and Kaliningrad in Tolminkiemis (the Russian Federation). The exhibition was presented by a project manager, Director of Klaipeda gallery Violeta Jusionienė. The participant of the plein air, artist Simas Žaltauskas shared his impressions about the trails of Donelaitis in Tolminkiemis and the ten-day work at the art camp. Tolminkiemis was chosen for the plein air not without a purpose, as K. Donelaitis spent most of his life there. According to the organizer of the plein air, the place of work and its historical past has a significant impact on the artist’s oeuvre. The painting exhibition, created by Lithuanian and Russian artists, has already been displayed in Kaliningrad, Klaipėda, gallery ‘Red’ in Vilnius, Palace of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, two exhibitions were held in Finland. Students of Šilutė First Gymnasium (under the guidance of a teacher Jolita Ežerskienė) participated in the opening of the exhibition. They delivered their own poetic interpretations of K.Donelaitis’s ’The Seasons’ in hexameter form. Folk group ‘Ramytė’ (Leader Giedrė Pocienė) performed songs reflecting Prussian Lithuanian’s life.

09 July 2013 In the attic of Šilutė Public Library of F. Bajoraitis artist Augustinas Našlėnas (Sheffield, United Kingdom) opened his photomontage exhibition “Requiem to 53 a Post Soviet Dream”. The author and an art critic Danguolė Ruškienė attended the opening of the exhibition. At first the artist of a younger generation Augustinas Našlėnas was interested in shooting of things and landscapes, but shortly started working on the joint ‘synthetic’ fine art idea. He wanted to combine painting, graphics and photography into an unbroken system. This led him to the use of digital technologies, which he is using ever since. Currently the author lives and creates in the United Kingdom, and studies at Sheffield-Hallam University since 2012.

In his compositions the artist embodies the most significant childhood and teenage memories, dreams, visions and expectations related to the post soviet reality. To create professional-looking compositions he had to collect a very large photo archive. Then he became seriously interested in photography, learning how to shoot and collect materials. The exhibition “Requiem for a Post Soviet Dream” was opened in Sheffield (United Kingdom). In 2012, four of his art works were displayed at Woolgather Art Prize finalists’ exhibition in Leeds (United Kingdom) where he won the second place. 10 October 2013 While commemorating the Day of Local Self-Government of Lithuania in Šilutė, an exhibition of the best Lithuanian landscapes in 2012 was opened at Šilutė Culture and Entertainment Centre.

The projects of selected participants for the award „For the Landscape 2012” of the Ministry of Environment, related to landscape protection, management and planning, were presented in the exhibition, which was introduced by a member of Lithuanian Geographic Society Dr. Giedrė Godienė and the leader of International Cultural EKO Ramūnė Barma. The intention of the award is to generate the interest and deepen people’s knowledge in landscaping, detect the best examples of landscaping in Lithuania. It aims to draw attention to 54 actions of state and municipal institutions, non- governmental organizations and communities and even to individual practices of landscape protection, management, planning, restoration – the implementation of European Landscape Convention and Lithuanian Countryside policy.

When introducing the exhibition, Dr G.Godienė mentioned the European Landscaping Convention, which was signed on the 20th of October 2000 in Florence, Italy. It was ratified in Lithuania on the 3rd of October 2002. This international agreement obliges to legitimize landscape as an important part of people’s surrounding, their shared cultural and natural heritage manifestation and identity; to identify and implement landscape policies, develop knowledge of landscape importance, role and changes within society, government and non-governmental organizations and institutions, improve knowledge in landscaping, to accept protection, management and planning regulations. This is the first international convention, which emphasizes the importance of landscape and the need for deeper and more integrated look at the world around us. It has been designed to respond to the public’s desire to enjoy high quality landscape and to actively participate in the development of the countryside in the hope that the landscape is the most important element of personal and social well-being and that everybody has rights and responsibilities due to its protection, management and planning. At the moment, the Convention is ratified by 37 countries. To celebrate and publicize the best international work in the field of landscape in Europe and in other countries related to the agreement, the Convention has anticipated establishing the Landscape Award of the Council of Europe. Competitions were held in 2009 and 2011. In accordance with the Convention and the national landscape policy, the Ministry of Environment set up a national award “For the landscape” in 2007. Šilutė district municipality, whose unique landscape pleasantly surprises visitors, is thinking of participation in this competition in 2014.

Other initiatives

17 May 2013 Cultural Center of Vydūnas in Kintai, joining the initiative of European museums, has been organizing Museum Night shows since 2007 (by the way, these events are also organized by Šilutė Museum and Ethnic Culture and Information Center of the Island in Rusnė, etc.). The evening "Kožns paukštis saviška gėd“ has been organized for local residents and visitors to celebrate the year of the dialects in the yard of Vydūnas Culture Center. The most patient participants were given an opportunity to watch a feature movie “A Journey to Heaven”, based on H. Sudermann's novel “A Journey to Tilsit”, as well as try tea of Vydūnas.


In 2010, Vydūnas Culture Center in Kintai established close relationships with a folk group “Svetanok” of Ukrainian Association (Leader Vladimir Lysij) from Sovetsk (the Russian Federation). In 2012, this band made a colorful performance in Ukrainian, Russian and Lithuanian languages for residents and visitors of Kintai at “Lagoon festival” 18/05/2013 the ensemble performed at Kintai festival “Mayday”, which was devoted for the International Museum Day. The group met with amateur art groups of Saugai, discussed the options of collaborative program delivery in Saugai town during the town festival. 13/07/2013 “Svetanok” performed at Saugai municipality festival “Under the windmill wings”.


03 June 2013 Šilutė district Mayor Daiva Žebelienė, Deputy Director of Administration Alvidas Šimelionis, and Director of Office Virginija Vaivadaitė visited mothers, who hug their newly born babies, at Šilutė Hospital Maternity and Delivery Departments, on the World No Tobacco Day and Child Protection Day. Mothers were presented with a box of chocolate and “Child book” by municipal leaders. It is noticeable, that books with a variety of advice for every occasion and capture pages to mark special life events, are provided to all babies born in Šilutė. The Mayor left a wish in every book: "Dear citizen of Šilutė, grow, get mature and become a great human: healthy, loving, and happy! I wish that you are always surrounded only by good and beautiful people; that you always have light house, in which someone will wait for you, that it should always be warm hands willing to embrace you. I sincerely believe that you will grow honest, orderly and fair, never forgetting your Parents, Birthplace and Homeland".

The Director of the Public Health Office Virginia Vaivadaitė presented newborns with a special T- shirt with the words "I was born a non-smoker”. 57 27 September 2013 Šilutė Tourism Information Center together with the management of the Nemunas Delta Regional Park commemorated the World Tourism Day with an event "Searching for an alternative cycle path to Rusnė”. The aim of the event was to draw public’s attention that cycling on Rusnė highway is dangerous for cyclists and that a bike path is a necessity.

The route of about 7 km ran on Rusnė highway to the bridge named after Lithuanian president K. Grinius, and travel point was a polder pump. Here they were met by communities of Šyša village and Rusnė Island. Šyša Rural community offered guests a cup of their delicious fish soup and Rusnė municipality, together with Ethnic Culture and Information Center of the Island and Society of Rusnė Rural Tourism, treated them with their cooked pies, sandwiches, warm tea and “kafija”. Discussing travelling experiences participants hoped that in the future there will be a path corresponding to the needs of cyclists. This would not only improve communication with Rusnė Island, but also would give a chance to enjoy the nature of this region.

The World Tourism Day completed the season of summer tourism. Despite tourists are still coming to our country, but since September flows of tourists decrease substantially. In 2013, during May to September, Tourism and Information Center was visited by 1893 visitors. The Centre is currently visited by fewer people, because most of the information is accessible through new technologies: online social networks.

Šilutė School of Agriculture has been actively involved in an international project work. Every year new contacts with foreign partners are being established and later these connections continue, as new project activities are planned, the results analyzed and spread is pursued. Currently, it has close ties and has submitted bilateral agreements for Leonardo da Vinci project collaboration with the following organizations: 1. KEA - VOKATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE, Papanastasiou 3, Rethymno-Crete - Greece; 58 2. AMFI - Agenzia per la Mobilità e la Formazione Internacionale, Via Vestina, 25 67043 Celano (AQ) - Italy; 3. SICI DOMINUS SL – C/Angel N 16, 18002 Granada, ES61 Andaluzia – Spain; 4. Tourism Training Center – Tuzla Mah. 555 Sk. No: 3-3, 48300, Fethiye, Turkey; 5. Association EUROPEOPLE Sede legale in Viale del Lavoro 25, Verona – Italy; 6. Salo Neue Zeiten AG - Spaldingstrasse 57-59/Rosenallee 6-8, DE-20097, Hamburg – Germany. Partners host school students and specialists of vocational training and education in order to raise their professional qualification, also organize internships and practices, carry out their supervision, and prepare evaluation reports.

In 2013, Šilutė First Gymnasium continued Comenius project "The Changing World". The aim of the project was to develop intercultural cooperation and social competencies, apply in practice strategies provided by the partners and foreseen by themselves and spread ideas of the fact that intercultural competencies can be acquired through school subjects and non-formal education activities. The participating schools were from Poland, Germany, Italy, Spain, , Turkey and Lithuania. Working in an international team (online and during international meetings), students gained intercultural competences, which, at this time period, are reputed by international institutions as “key point, essential qualifications”. Productive student participation was collected in binders and approved by the certificate of “International Driving Certificate". In this project of 7 parties, 25 high school students and 6 teachers were involved, and one meeting was held in Šilutė. About 70 guests were hosted. During the meetings, students worked in groups, improved foreign languages, communication, information technology, skills of article writing ( they contacted and exchanged views on specially created website trait'd unijon). The most interesting cities in different countries were visited; fight with snowballs was played in Rome, where snow falls only once in a decade; freshly picked oranges from the trees in Turkey were eaten; the path of St. Francis of Assisi in Italy was walked; and the most recent history museum of the Year in Poland was visited. Much has been said, discussed, analyzed, on how the world was changing, why and how we were changing, how each participant improved as a person during the exchange program. The detailed information about the project is available at: http://www.pirmojigimnazija.lt/failai/laikrastis/PrintVersion2013.pdf. 59 Since 1989, Šilutė First Gymnasium collaborates with German Gymnasium of Buxtehude Halepaghen. Every year 23 high school students leave for the high school of Buxtehude Halepagheno and the same number of the students from their gymnasium come to Šilutė.

Since 1998 Šilutė Gymnasium of Vydūnas participates in the exchange project of the European Union students with German Westertstede Gymnasium. During the students’ exchange project organized in Lithuania and Germany, students learn about the language, culture, nature, social environment, the economy and history of the countries.

In 15 years time 15 teachers and 356 students of high schools participated in exchanges.


Since 2010, the community of Vydūnas Gymnasium carries out an exchange project with Les Carolines School from Valencia, Spain. The project aims to introduce students to the Spanish culture, history, traditions, to improve their language skills, to raise their interest in diversity of languages, to learn to communicate and collaborate with people of different nationalities, to develop tolerance to those who think otherwise, to promote the joy of knowledge and communication.


Since, 2012 Vainutas Gymnasium participates in a project of Commenius Multilateral School Partnership "Building a Bridge of Communication through ICT and English”. Schools in , Romania, Great Britain, Spain, Poland and Turkey also participate in this project. During partnership projects in collaboration with colleagues from other countries, teachers and students have the opportunity to learn about other cultures, improve their foreign language skills, share experiences and innovative teaching practices. This partnership focuses on active student participation. Cooperation happens in various subject areas: arts, foreign languages, environmental care, new technologies, etc. The project activity is integrated into the daily activities of school and curriculum, as well as into active participation of teachers and other school personnel. It has been delved into pedagogical or management issues, trying and adapting new pedagogical methods and techniques of school organization.

Juknaičiai Basic School continued their long-term cooperation of teachers’ methodological experience and cultural exchange programs with Basic School of Brivziemnieko, the Republic of Latvia, and Kaliningrad High School of Pereslavsk. 27 April 2013, teachers and students of the school attended 5th International Scientific - Practical Conference "The Start to the Science” at Pereslavsk High School and 3-4th graders read presentations "I Live Here”, the 8th grade pupils- “Water Vessels of Plants”. The presentation of primary school pupils was awarded the first degree diploma.

The school received funding (€ 21 000) for implementation of Comenius program partnership project. The project "Of Folk Music and Men" is carried out in 2012-2014 together with Polish, Turkish, Italian, Spanish and Greek students and teachers. The community of Juknaičiai Basic School hosted the partners from above-mentioned countries in Juknaičiai. They showed Šilutė land, visited other educational institutions, had a journey through Klaipėda region and other elements of the project were carried out. 11-15 February 2013, representatives of teachers and students went to Spain, 22-26 April 2013 went to Greece, 07-11 October 2013 - to Poland, where all the countries - project partners met. During the visits the activities of the project, products of the project and 62 planned actions drawn in the project were presented. The school is still waiting for two trips to the project partner countries. In May, the school's senior students took part in the European quiz organized by the European Commission Representation in Lithuania, and the rest of the school’s community joined the events organized by Education Exchanges Support Fund due to international collaboration among schools “Comenius Days 2013: Europe In Your Class". Traditionally, during the celebration of the European Day of Languages (26 September), students were offered a new activity - creating drawings on the topic "Idioms in the World". Students got acquainted with Lithuanian, English and Russian idioms, discovered their similarities and differences, and pictured various idioms in their drawings. The exhibition of the drawings was held and, during the breaks, the songs sounded in different European languages.

63 23 - 29 September 2013, the week of European languages was held at Pašyšiai Basic School, which included the Language Day Celebration; the stands about European countries were prepared, the students had the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills in foreign languages. 5-6 grade students participated in a drawing competition "Netherlands Are the Kingdom of My Dreams", organized by the Dutch Embassy in the Republic of Lithuania. One of the drawings won the top place, so the students were invited to the port of Klaipėda, to the Netherlands’ Navy ship, where they were introduced to the Netherlands culture, history and traditions. Each year the students of Pašyšiai Basic School participate in an International Math Competition “Kangaroo”, in international projects “Languages’ kangaroo” and in international translation and illustration project “Your Look". Since 2005 Rusnė Basic School cooperates with the German-Lithuanian Society of Beverstedt city (Germany). 07-16 August 2013, students from Rusnė were invited to Germany. There they participated in Lithuanian Culture Week, performed 5 concerts, visited the Forest Gymnasium in city of Hagen, participated in open classes.

During the school year 2013/2014 Saugos Basic School of Jurgis Mikša organized an event for the European Day of Languages, exhibited paintings with inscriptions in foreign languages.


The international partners of Šilutė Basic School of Martynas Jankus: Gullbrandstorpsskolan Gullbrandstorp, Sweden; Szkola Podstawowa Nr.9 Olsztyn, Poland; Colegio Belen Ikastetxea Donostia, Spain; IES Maria Rubies Lleida, Spain; Ahlmann Skolen, Sonderborgia, Denmark; Paaskytien Koulu, Porvoo, Finland. You can learn more about the cooperation on the website www.ejournal.fi / moi

The school attended the activity of the program of European Commission (EC) Information Society Directorate “Safer Internet. The Day of Safer Internet 2013 at My School". Also students and teachers were actively involved in the events of European Day of Languages. In the spring, English and Art teachers A. Skarbalienė, A. Paulauskaitė, R. Bernotienė, A. Cibauskienė and R. Petrikienė decided to make a series of integrated lessons "Colorful Language: English idioms”. During English language classes students were taught to understand these vivid expressions, reveal their values, talk about their origins. In Art classes children drew chosen idioms. They were free to choose the means of artistic expression, reflect optionally real or figurative meaning of the phrase. The works were really impressive. So it was decided to take part in the regional students' work exhibition "Painting the Language: English idioms”, dedicated to the Day of Languages. The students visited the exhibition, where admired the drawings of the children from other municipalities. On the European Day of Languages, 26 September, school stairs greeted us with fun colorful notes, where in all languages taught there you could find out what we can do, what we manage to carry out. Teachers N. Pociutė, L. Sadauskienė, A. Martinkienė, A. Skarbalienė and R. Tamošauskaitė took care of the notes. On the radio programs during breaks, presented by the pupils of R.Bemotienė, students learned more about the Day of European Languages, listened to funny songs in different languages. Teachers A. Paulauskaitė and A. Cibauskienė looked to it that all classroom doors invited to come decorated with flags of the European countries. In the reading-room teachers’ and students’ souvenir exhibition "After coming back from journeys..." was held, dedicated to celebrate the experiences and realize that languages open gates to other countries and help us communicate.

In 2013, Katyčiai Basic School started implementing a project of Comenius Multilateral Partnership “The Seasons - resources for developing key skills to our students". Along with the school, schools from Romania, Czech Republic, Poland, Turkey, Spain and Italy are involved in this project. The linking theme of project activities is the four seasons and display of their alternation in nature and humans’ life. Following the season, the students get to know the country's cultural and natural features, traditions. They improve their English as well. 04-08 November 2013, the first meeting of schools-partners took place. Photos are published at http://seasonscomenius.wordpress.com/


Usėnai Basic School carries out a multilateral Comenius school partnership project "Peace: A Common European Language” for the second year (since 2012). The partners are Poland, Turkey and Italy. In May 2013, the delegations from all countries visited Lithuania, Šilutė district municipality. During their stay, guests were introduced to Usėnai, Šilutė land, Klaipėda region, attended a reception with the Mayor. During the implementation of the project activities it was aimed to design a well-intentioned communication of all partners (students, teachers, parents and the whole municipal community). Students from Usėnai also visited Poland, Turkey and Italy, where they got acquainted with culture of the above-mentioned countries, and gained experience of intercultural communication. Not only new international contacts between schools, families and individuals were started, but also, while hosting guests, the saturation sense of own school and community was felt. They also participated in the event organized by Education Exchanges Support Fund “Comenius Days 2013 – Europe in your class!". In May a quiz show was organized to celebrate the European Day. Every year on 26 September the school organizes the Day of European Languages; stands in all languages taught at school were released: Lithuanian, English, Russian and German. Contacts with Swedish Ahus Leisure Center are only in the initial stage of accessing (the contracts are not signed yet). In June 2013, the representatives of the above-mentioned center visited the school, interacted with students and teachers, and showed interested in how we live. In future prospects the bilateral project is possible. Communication with scouts (Royal Rangers) from Germany keeps continuing. During the summer, the German scouts come to camp in Usėnai, also they involve children of Usėnai into their activity. Each year the students receive Christmas presents.


Since 2011, Žibai Primary School participates in an international iEARN project “Holiday Card Exchange”, which cooperates with Taiwan, Argentina, Ukraine, Russia, Slovenia, Canada, and Belarus. Since 2007, they are involved in an international project "Language Kangaroo”, “Mathematics Kangaroo” and “Science Kangaroo”. Since 2007, they carry out an international project "The Baltic Sea". Other international activities of the school: they took part in the Baltic championship of country and line dance, children and young Lithuanian -Latvian festival "Musical Carousel”, the Baltic Youth song and dance competition -festival “Tulips’ blossoms", International Festival “Volna Idej” (Bulgaria). Since 2008, the school community cooperates with the German Society of Lubeck Lithuanians, paintings and art works of students are sent to Germany, when commemorating the 16th of February. In January 2013, the school participated in a picture contest "Let 's join us!", organized by the Japanese IE- NO- HIKARI Association “The 20th Annual World Children 's Picture Contest". The International Commissions for evaluation of the crimes of Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania held a civil action "Memory is alive, as it evidences”. 30 April 2013, the school participated in an international competition - exhibition "City of Angels", 15 May 2013 – in an international children's picture contest "To hear the most secretive language of nature”, every year they participate in an annual virtual Christmas and New Year greeting card’s contest "Winter Fantasy”, the school also participated in a picture contest “Colorful world of European fauna” by the European Parliament information Office, implemented an international program "Second Step", participated in the international scientific - practical conference "Different approaches to speech and language problems and overcoming them", prepared a poster “Presentation of the project "We work together"". Every year since 2011 the school organizes the annual European Day of Languages . On this day an integrated lesson with students and teachers of the Pamarys Secondary School is held. Each year high school students prepare presentations and introduce them in English. Primary school students play common games, sing songs. Teachers introduce the European Union, its history and traditions of other countries to pupils.


68 Šilutė Kindergarten "Raudonkepuraitė" is participating in an International socialization program “Zippy's Friends" (Partnership for Children), which has been implemented since 2008 in pre-school groups. This program enhances children's abilities to deal with everyday challenges, intensifies cooperation, the ability to control yourself and to sympathize, and reduces behavioral problems. In October 2013, they participated in the European Movement Week, organized by the Youth Olympic Education, organized running competitions, enhanced the movement of children in the institution.

In May 2013, Šilutė Nursery-Kindergarten “Pušelė” implemented the final stage of Commenius multilateral partnership project “Come2gether", which was actively attended by pupils, parents, teachers and social partners: - pupils of nursery- kindergarten “Pušelė” and Žibai Primary School sent their handmade Christmas cards for partners in Portugal, Spain, Turkey, and also received a greeting back. - The European Day was commemorated and a direct video conference with partners of the international project “Come2gether" from Portugal, Spain and Turkey was held; - The meeting between communities of the nursery-kindergarten and Žibai Primary School and the member of European Union Committee of the Regions Stasė Skutulienė was organized; - On14-17 of May, the final meeting and sharing of experiences of project partners’ teachers - Lithuania, Portugal, Spain, Turkey – took place in Šilutė; - The exhibition of project activity products, souvenirs, photos of visits, national and school signs of countries-partners, books, and brochures was organized; - The final product of project activity - the book "Linkage of pre-school and primary education in European schools. Experience of collaboration" was presented.


Commemorating March 20th - the Global Earth Day, the kindergarten traditionally held an event "I greet the Earth". The action aims to promote little kids to decorate the environment of their kindergarten, monitor the changes be able to take care of it.

On 10th October 2013, in the yard of the nursery - kindergarten “Health path”, a running competition of pre-schoolers, dedicated to the European Movement Week was held.

Since August 2011 till July 2013 five pre-school institutions from Turkey, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania and Slovenia gathered for the activities of Comenius Multilateral School Partnership health project "FIRST STEP TOWARDS HEALTHY LIFE”. In this project Lithuania was represented by Šilutė district Švėkšna Nursery - Kindergarten. Teachers of participating institutions, in cooperation with the European Union countries – partners and parents of the pupils, aimed to find new, more suggestive ways and forms, how to improve children's understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle, and communication with peers and adults, to develop sincerity and tolerance. Objectives of the project were implemented through a variety of activities: events, children's 70 exhibitions, trips, games, chats, lively activities, wellness classes. During the project the children together with the project partners, teachers and parents made various handicrafts: prepared a Comenius corner, created a logo design of the project, produced and sent Christmas cards to friends in Europe, prepared presentations about their institution, along with the School of Art produced handicrafts from clay for entertainment of the guests, prepared presentations: "Team-outdoor children's games”, “Lithuanian folk dances and games”. The project united people for a common purpose: to gain new experiences, improve foreign language skills, learn about educational systems, educational programs, training techniques and methods, history and culture, heritage and traditions of other countries.

71 14 January 2013, Saugos Kindergarten signed a cooperation agreement with Liepaja (Latvia) Christian Nursery - Kindergarten. The personnel of this institution visited Saugos Kindergarten on the organized common methodological day 11 October 2013. They shared experience of project work, participation in international multilateral Comenius Partnership. It is planned to develop united projects in the future.

22 July 2013, Children's Art School of Šilutė district municipality, students and teachers of Fine Arts Department participated in the ten-day international plein-air of J. Rosenthal in Saldus city (Latvia). Active participants of the plein-air visited Saldus municipal district, drew and painted churches. Friendship and cooperation between Fine Art School of Latvian Saldus city and Fine Art department of Šilutė Art School began. 7-9 September 2013, teachers of Saldus Art School participated in the International Championship of Fish Soup Cooking in Šilutė, brought students' work of the plein air, which took place in Latvia.


Since 2010, a teacher of the Music Department of Šilutė Art School Liudmila Kašėtienė with her student Kasparas Mikužis were involved in the activities of Michel Sogny Fund “SOS talents”, which was established in 1974. The fund patronizes 5 most talented children from Lithuania, including Kasparas Mikužis from Šilutė. Activities of the fund are concerts, master classes and seminars. Concerts obtain a natural shade of friendship, as well as presentation of Lithuania and Šilutė. In 2013, Kasparas participated in: two-rounds international competition in Estonian city Tallin “Young Musician Tallin 2013”, where K. Mikužis won first laureate and played with the Chamber Orchestra in Concert Hall, played in Switzerland, and at “SOS Talents” Fund concert in Geneva, also in an international classical music festival in Georgia, Batumi; he also performed in Poland, Warsaw, at an organized EMMA WORLD SUMMIT of Nobel Peace Laureates, which was attended by such citizens of the world as Lech Walesa, Michail Gorbachiov, Dalai Lama and other prominent people.


Since 2011, Lithuanian Riflemen's Union Šilutė Riflemen's Team cooperates with a public organization of a similar profile from Bavarian region in Germany Reservistenkameradschaft Aschaffenburg-Schweinheim e.V. The organization Reservistenkameradschaft Aschaffenburg- Schweinheim e.V. contributes to supplying of young Šilutė riflemen with a variety of items, send parcels and gifts. Colleagues from Germany visited Šilutė town during the birthday of the town (24- 26 May 2013), attended a reception with Šilutė District Municipality Mayor Daiva Žebelienė. The guests were also shown the famous places of Šilutė region and they were introduced with Klaipėda region. Šilutė riflemen received a formal invitation for ten people to visit their families in Germany, their organization and the Bavarian region.


5 May 2013, athlete Ovidijus Ringis, from Fitness and Health Center “Oazis” in Šilutė, representing the Lithuanian team, participated in the European Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships in Santa Suzana (Spain) and won the 1st place in youth bodybuilding up to 75 kg category. 22 April 2013, representing the Lithuanian team he also participated in an International Tournament of Bodybuilding and Fitness "Match of Baltic Countries 2013” in Tallinn, and won the 1st place.

20 January 2013, in Carnikavas town, Latvia, TT Judo Tournament took place and was attended by athletes from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Šilutė Sports School was represented by brothers Ernestas and Edvardas Sagalecai. Edvardas defeated all opponents and become the champion in a weight category up to 42 kg.

3 April 2013, young basketball players of Šilutė Sports School (born in 2001, coach Petras Jonikas) visited Germany, the city of Lübeck, where an international basketball tournament “Twin-City Ball 2013” was held. It is gratifying that Šilutė proved that no matter what Lithuania is a basketball country. They brought the champion cup home.


25-26 May 2013, the International Judo Tournament took place in Czech Republic, Novy Bidžov town, with the participation of wrestlers from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Poland, Hungary and Lithuania. This tournament was attended by athletes of Šilutė Sports School (coach Rimvydas Lukošius). In a weight category up to 46 kg Edvardas Sagalec won the champion’s title. His teammate Arnas Šikšnius also participated (weight category up to 73 kg) at his best and came home with a champion’s medal. Other teammates also wore medals. In a weight category up to 55 kg silver medal was won by Marius Rimkus, third place (weight category up to 42 kg) was won by Ernestas Sagalec.

17-24 August 2013, Šilutė judo wrestlers visited international judo training camp and took part in the competition, which was held in Selce Croatian resort town. Athletes from 15 European countries gathered here to prepare for the U-21 European Championships. Camp workouts were led by famous masters of the tatami and coaches of all countries showed their technique. Therefore, athletes’ technical dowry was enriched with a variety of new actions. August 21, a tournament in junior group took place, in which Uosis Knapkis in weight category up to 34 kg won 3rd place, and the brothers Ernestas Sagalec (42 kg.) and Edvardas Sagalec (46 kg.) became champions in their weight categories. Dominykas Šatkus and Rokas Sadževičius (weight category up to 50 kg) were awarded with bronze medals.


In early September 2013, Eglė Vaitkutė from Šilutė won two gold medals in Poland, Gdynia 35th World Arm Wrestling Championship, in which athletes from 54 world countries (a total of 1,200 participants) competed for the best titles. The athlete participated in +80kg category and became the strongest in both the right and the left arm wrestling competitions. E. Vaitkutė became champion for the 10th time. The professional arm wrestling coach Aleksandras Pancerovas helps her in achieving such good results. These are not the first gold medals to Eglė. 27-28 July 2013 in Moscow, she won the 1st place in the left arm wrestling fight and won the 2nd place in the right arm wrestling fight.


In November 2013, a student of Šilutė Sports School Ernestas Sagalec won third places in the International Judo Wrestling Tournaments in Latvia and Slovenia.

77 Romualdas Eglinskas Head of Communication Department 2013 of December