Iván Lacasa-Mas Interactions among life, scientific
[email protected] Assistant Professor. Faculty of work and academic structures. The Communication Sciences. Universitat Internacional de case of Gerhard Maletzke Catalunya. Spain. Abstract Michael Meyen From the perspective of the sociology of science, this paper
[email protected] explains why the German communication scholar Gerhard Full Professor. Department of Communication Science and Maletzke (1922-2010) could not fulfill his dream of becoming a Media Research. Ludwig- professor, despite the success of his ideas in relation to the Maximilians-Universität. theories of many of the scholars of his time. We have evaluated Munich. Germany the scientific work of Maletzke, biographical material, contemporary witness accounts and protocols of several Maria Löblich interviews with Maletzke and some of his peers. The analysis of
[email protected] this material has confirmed the interdependence between the Assistant Professor. evolution of theories, discipline and the media and the Department of Communication importance of reviewing a scientific study in the context of the Science and Media Research. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität. biography of its author and the structures of science, which Munich. Germany should be applicable to many—local and global—figures in the history of communication science. Submitted December 17, 2014 Keywords Approved Gerhard Maletzke, sociology of science, communication March 9, 2015 science, history of the discipline, communication theory, communication models. © 2015 Communication & Society ISSN 0214-0039 E ISSN 2386-7876 doi: 10.15581/ www.communication-society.com 1. Introduction When the German Institutes for Communication composed a common 2015 – Vol. 28(2), list of literature in 1967, only two books were included by unanimous pp.