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16 Biblio 537 27/7/04, 11:48 AM 538 Durga’S Mosque Bibliography 537 BIBLIOGRAPHY ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS BIBLIOGRAPHY LUB, MS Lor. Leiden Universiteit Bibliothek, Leiden Oriental MS BL/IO British Library/India Office library LUB/LOr Leiden Universiteit Bibliothek: Leiden Oriental manuscript KITLV Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde PNRI: KBG Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (Indonesian National Library): Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap NBS Netherlands Bible Society, loan collection, Leiden RAS Royal Asiatic Society (London) SMP/KS Surakarta MS Project: Karaton Surakarta SMP/MN Surakarta MS Project: Mangkunagaran (Palace library) SMP/RPM Surakarta MS Project: Radyapustaka Museum, Surakarta MANUSCRIPTS Babad Mangkunagaran, LUB, MS LOr. 6781. “Bundel Slametan dan Labuhan serta Kebo Maésa Lawung”, Mangkunagaran Palace Archives. Ms. 102 Ra. Fatwa-fatwané para Pinituwa (“Councils to the Elders”). Radèn Tanoyo. 1971. Gambar2 kanthi keterangan plabuhan dalem dhumateng redi2 saha dhateng seganten kidul nuju tingalan dalem jumengan mawi 11 lembar (verjaardag van troonsbestigang) from Ir. Moens Platen Album, no. 9 Museum Pusat, Yogyakarta, ms. 934 Dj. Kraemer, H. Autograph note on prayers (donga) important slametan and the Maésa Lawung with donga’s (LUB, MS LOr. 10.846 §4). Mangkunagaran Archives M.N.VI: (box 31) In 1915 the population of Krendawahana: 127 bau of cultivated fields and only 26 bau of rice fields. Mangkunagaran Archives: (box 5.256) As a sort of terminas ad quem for deforestration by 1947 the village of Krendawahana had 139 ha. under cultivation (all classes combined) and was paying an annual tax to the Mangkunagaran of 300 guilders. Pangruwatan. Leiden Oriental Ms. 6525 (1). Pradata (Ngabèhi Arya), Klathèn 1890. Information on 67 palabuhan offerings, with Dutch notes by Rouffaer. KITLV Or. 240.1 (22 pp.). Pranatan ing bab laku-lakuné amajegaké bumi désa, of 1837. Leiden Univ. Bibl. Cod. Or. 10,735 (12 pp.). 537 16 Biblio 537 27/7/04, 11:48 AM 538 Durga’s Mosque Rinkes collection LUB, MS LOr 8652j, no. 15: Penyayang (“Amateur”, a pseudonym). “Dibinasakan”. Djawi Hisworo 15 March 1915 (X.29) from LUB, MS LOr 8652 F: D. Rinkes, “Notes”. Rouffaer, G. P. Dutch translation made in 1889–90 by (1860–1928) figures in KITLV (Leiden) under H699 (cf. H. J. de Graaf, Catalogue van de Westerse Hansdschirften, p. 23. The Hague, 1963.) Sejarah Negari Dalem Surakarta. Surakarta: Museum Radya Pustaka no. 341. Serat Memulé Sadhèrèk Sakawan Wasiyat Saking Sultan Mangkubumi, SMP/KS Ms. 587, 7pp. [there exists a transcription by Miftah Alim Harphanta, 1985]. Soekro Djagosakaro. “Kisah ringkas perjuangan R.A. Sumirah, R.A. Khadiyah, R.A. Marwiyah and Kyai Suhodo Som membantu Pengeran Diponegoro perang melawan penjajahan Belanda (1825–1830)”. Mimeographed, Karanganyar, 23 July 1976. Suluk Nalakirdha, LUB, MS LOr. 6385. Tanaya, Radèn. Serat Raja Weddha. 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