Bibliography 537 BIBLIOGRAPHY ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS BIBLIOGRAPHY LUB, MS Lor. Leiden Universiteit Bibliothek, Leiden Oriental MS BL/IO British Library/India Office library LUB/LOr Leiden Universiteit Bibliothek: Leiden Oriental manuscript KITLV Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde PNRI: KBG Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (Indonesian National Library): Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap NBS Netherlands Bible Society, loan collection, Leiden RAS Royal Asiatic Society (London) SMP/KS Surakarta MS Project: Karaton Surakarta SMP/MN Surakarta MS Project: Mangkunagaran (Palace library) SMP/RPM Surakarta MS Project: Radyapustaka Museum, Surakarta MANUSCRIPTS Babad Mangkunagaran, LUB, MS LOr. 6781. “Bundel Slametan dan Labuhan serta Kebo Maésa Lawung”, Mangkunagaran Palace Archives. Ms. 102 Ra. Fatwa-fatwané para Pinituwa (“Councils to the Elders”). Radèn Tanoyo. 1971. 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