Typical Products and Local Development: the Case of Parma Area
Typical products and local development: the case of Parma area Filippo Arfini1, Cristina Mora2 1 Department of Agricultural Economics and Forestry, University of Parma, is responsible for § 2 2 Department of Agricultural Economics and Forestry, University of Parma, is responsible for § 1 and 3 Contribution appeared in Arfini, F. and Mora, C. (Eds.) (1997) “Typical and Traditional Products: Rural Effect and Agro-Industrial Problems”, proceedings of the 52nd EAAE Seminar, pp. 11 - 40 June 19-21, 1997 Parma, Italy Copyright 1997 by Filippo Arfini and Cristina Mora. All rights reserved. Readers may make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such copies. Typical and traditional productions: Rural effect and agro-industrial problems 52"d EAAE Seminar - Parma, June 19-21 1997 FILIPPO ARFINI, CRISTINA MORA ZANETTl Typical products and local development: the case of Parma area ABSTRACT The pwpose of this study is to check the presence of reciprocal synergies between typical and traditional products and local development. The area in question is the province of Parma, where the presence and intensification of relations between the primmy and secondmy1 sector were, in the first fifty years of the centwy, the deciding factors of the economic development (Basini and Forestieri, 1989; Giacomini and Mora, 1996). To analyse this case we used the method of the chain-analyses, to study Parmigiana Reggiano Cheese (PR), and the idea of agro-industrial districts to examine Parma Raw Ham case. 1. THELOCALECONOMY 1.1 The development: an outline 2 Parma faced the first fifty years of the century with a renewed agriculture , from a technological point of view, and a large number of firms which undertook the processing of ' F.
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