
1 PART 1 2 ’s 3 4 5 A GUIDE TO THEIR IDENTIFICATION 6 7 SHORT-LEGGED AND ALLIES 8 9 Large numbers of waders scattered across a wide mudflat can cause even experienced birders to throw up 10 their hands in despair. In this article, Phil Hockey takes some of the angst out of identifying the 11 12 smaller scolopacid waders – probably the group that causes the most people the most trouble. The larger scolopacids 13 (‘shanks’, , and allies) will be covered in a subsequent article. 14 The illustrations of waders by Peter Hayman are reproduced from Shorebirds by Peter Hayman, John Marchant and 15 16 Tony Prater, with kind permission of the publisher, A & C Black. 17 18 What to look for when faced with a confusing 19 20 Many people find waders coverts and tail? This is ON THE GROUND to where)? 21 confusing because they often crucial for certain ◊ How long is the bill relative ◊ Is there a crown effect 22 don’t know what to look identification. to head length? or obvious crown colour? 23 for – the key features they ◊ Do the toes/feet project ◊ Is the bill upcurved, ◊ Are there markings on the 24 should try and record before beyond the tail in flight? straight, slightly decurved breast, upper belly or flanks? 25 returning to the books. If so, by how much? or obviously decurved? If If so, are these uniform, 26 If you have time to record ◊ Are the underwings pale, decurved, where does the streaks, spots, blotches, 27 all the information below, grey, almost black or pat- curvature occur: evenly, or crescents or chevrons, or a 28 you have a very good chance terned? If patterned, how? predominantly at the tip? combination? Describe 29 of identifying any small scol- ◊ Is the bill pointed, blunt, the extent of underpart 30 opacid wader that you heavy or delicate? markings carefully. 31 see in Africa. ◊ Is there any colour on ◊ Are there any markings 32 the bill other than dark grey on the lower belly or vent? 33 or black? ◊ Are the upperparts uni- 34 ◊ Is one or more than one form, spotted or scalloped? 35 eye-stripe present? Is it wide or What are the colours (e.g. 36 narrow, crisp or blurred, and for scalloped upperparts, 37 what is its length (from where what are the feather centre 38 39 GENERAL and edge colours)? ◊ Is there a buff or white 40 ◊ Can you make a size ‘V’ present on the mantle? 41 comparison with one ◊ Are there any obvious marks 42 or more known wader 43 in the vicinity? 44 ◊ Is it dumpy, slender, 45 long-bodied or short-bodied? 46 ◊ How does it stand: 47 upright or horizontal? 48 ◊ How does the feed: 49 rapid pecks, slow pecks, shallow 50 probes, or deep probes? 51 ◊ In what is it feeding? 52 ◊ Is there anything obvious Wood 53 about its behaviour? glareola 54 ◊ Many waders call when around the carpal joint, such as 55 they take off – describe the a dark spot or white crescent? 56 call as accurately as you can. ◊ Are the legs long, medium 57 or short? Try to relate leg 58 IN FLIGHT length to a wader nearby or 59 ◊ Are there any obvious one you know well. 60 wing-bars? If so, how many, ◊ What colour are the legs? 61 where, how long, how ◊ Do the wingtips project 62 wide and what colour? beyond the tail or vice versa? 63 ◊ What patterning is visible If so, by how much? 64 on the back, rump, upper-tail 65 NIGEL J. DENNIS 

1998 – volume 3, number 1 AFRICA’S WADERS 53 

  1 1 2 ~ africa’s WADERS ~ ~ africa’s WADERS ~ 2 3 A guide to their identification A guide to their identification 3 4 4 5 RED AND GREAT KNOTS, TEREK AND SANDPIPERS, RED AND GREAT KNOTS, TEREK AND CURLEW SANDPIPERS, DUNLIN 5 6 6 7 The in this group ture is fairly even in with body and bill held 7 8 are small to medium- Adult non-breeding Adult non-breeding Curlew Sandpiper, horizontal. is fairly 8 Xenus cinereus ferruginea 9 sized waders which, in 22–25 cm 18–23 cm but concentrated widespread in western 9 10 non-breeding , towards the tip in and southern Africa, whereas 10 11 are pale grey or grey- Dunlin. However, in to date has 11 12 brown above and mostly sub-Saharan Africa, been recorded as a vagrant 12 13 white below. are gener- only in Morocco. However, 13 14 ally so rare that a recent discoveries of flocks 14 15 Terek Sandpiper should view of the bird in of Great Knots in the Middle 15 16 never cause identification flight is almost East suggest that this 16 17 problems. The combination of essential to secure species may occasionally 17 18 short, yellow-orange its identity. The visit the Horn of Africa, and 18 19 legs and a long, thin, slightly rump of Curlew could occur farther south 19 20 recurved bill with a dull Sandpiper is white or on the east coast (it has 20 21 orange base is unique among flecked with grey (sometimes been recorded on Mauritius). 21 22 waders worldwide. The flight Both have fairly heavy bills (juvenile). The breast of the bill is heavier, shorter appearing all grey in the Red Knots are found in estu- 22 23 pattern is also diagnostic, relative to other small sand- Great Knot, especially of the (approximately equal to field), whereas Dunlin has a aries and on sheltered, open 23 24 with a grey rump and pipers, but that of Great juvenile, is much more head length) and essentially conspicuous black stripe down coasts where they 24 25 conspicuous white trailing Knot is markedly longer than heavily spotted and streaked, straight (not decurved).  the centre of the rump, bor- often feed in association 25 26 edge to the secondaries. head length and is distinctly providing an obvious dered with white. with Curlew Sandpipers. 26 27 Juveniles and adults in partial thick at the base. The bill of contrast with the white belly. Curlew Sandpiper Because they are specialist 27 28 breeding plumage are Red Knot is approximately In breeding plumage, Adult non-breeding Habits, predators on small bivalves, 28 29 browner above, but the equal to head length (but may the underparts of Red and associations their distribution is patchy, 29 30 same suite of identification be fractionally longer Knot, including the Terek Sandpipers are found mirroring that of their 30 31 features applies. in some females). The breast face and neck, become mainly in estuaries, lagoons food. Great Knots are likely 31 32 Red Knot and Great Knot of Red Knot is fairly lightly a deep chestnut colour Separation of Curlew and embayments, to be encountered in 32 33 can cause problems. In flecked or chevroned with and the back is beautifully Sandpiper and Dunlin is easy especially at sites similar habitats. Curlew 33 34 non-breeding plumage, grey (adult) or greyish brown spangled in russet, black if they show any breeding where small crabs are Sandpipers and Dunlin 34 35 identification rests mostly on and white. Great Knots plumage. Like Red Knot, abundant. They for- are much more catholic in 35 36 the Curlew Sandpiper age solitarily or in their choice of habitat and 36 size, shape, bill length and Great Knot show considerable individual 37 structure, and underpart Adult breeding variation in breeding plum- is suffused chestnut below and loose flocks, but could be found at almost any 37 38 markings. Great Knot is Calidris tenuirostris age, but typically is spangled above. roost communally, coastal or inland wetland.  38 26–28 cm 39 the larger of the two and, the breast is heavily spotted Red Knot The breast of Dunlin is often with Curlew 39 40 if the species are seen side by with black, and black chev- Adult male breeding streaked with black and Sandpipers or sandplo- 40 Calidris canutus 41 side, this difference is obvious. rons extend to the 23–25 cm this species has a very vers. In the tropics they regu- 41 42 There is a tendency for Great flanks and undertail. obvious and diagnostic head length) decurved bills, larly roost on mangrove trees 42 43 Knot to appear heavy- The only chestnut black belly patch. are pale dull grey to grey- and, elsewhere, will use posts 43 44 chested and Red Knot markings are on the scapu- It is the juveniles and brown above and have dark and other structures as Dunlin 44 45 to appear heavy-bel- lars and, to varying degrees, non-breeding adults of Curlew legs. Curlew Sandpipers usual- roost sites. Their foraging Adult non-breeding 45 46 lied, but this is only a sup- the mantle. Red Knots are Sandpiper and Dunlin that are ly show an obvious white behaviour is unusual, 46 47 porting identification occasionally confused with likely to cause confusion, stripe above the eye, extend- involving long, fast dashes 47 48 feature, not an absolute one. Curlew Sandpipers, but are especially south of the Equator ing from the bill to well 48 49 larger, heavier-bodied, have where Dunlins are rare. Both behind the eye. This feature is 49 50 proportionally short greenish have fairly long (longer than absent in Dunlin. Bill curva- 50 51 Great Knot (not dark grey) legs, and 51 52 Adult non-breeding Dunlin 52 53 Adult non-breeding 53 Calidris alpina 54 15–22 cm 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 Red Knot 62 Adult non-breeding 62 63 63 64 64 65 65

54 AFRICA’S WADERS africa – birds & birding 1998 – volume 3, number 1 AFRICA’S WADERS 55 

 1 1 2 ~ africa’s waders ~ ~ africa’s waders ~ 2 3 A guide to their identification A guide to their identification 3 4 4 5 GREEN, WOOD, SOLITARY AND COMMON SANDPIPERS 5 6 AND RUDDY 6 7 Habits, habitats Ruddy Turnstone 7 8 Adult non-breeding and associations Adult non-breeding Adult male breeding 8 Arenaria interpres 9 All of these species are predom- 21–24 cm 9 10 inantly freshwater-associated, 10 11 although Common and Wood 11 12 sandpipers do occur on the 12 13 coast. Green and Solitary sand- 13 14 pipers favour open inland 14 15 waterbodies and rivers, whereas 15 16 Common Sandpiper is more 16 17 Tringa hypoleucos often associated with marshes 17 19–21 cm 18 and flooded grasslands. 18 19  These two species 19 20 With the exception of distinctly longer-legged and terning, however, is most share a prefer- 20 21 Wood Sandpiper, which the legs are yellowish rather important. has Wood Sandpiper ence for open Ruddy Turnstone 21 Juvenile 22 often occurs in loose than grey-green. In flight, the a white rump and a banded tail; Tringa glareola rocky shores but 22 19–21 cm 23 flocks, these species are projects well beyond the toes project well beyond the has a dark are very unlikely 23 24 usually encountered singly closed wingtips. It also has tail tip whereas in Green rump and the tail has a dark to be confused 24 25 or in small groups. They rather plain, grey-brown lateral Sandpiper only the toe tips centre with barred edges. with one another 25 26 all have fairly straight, breast patches that demarcate project. Wood Sandpiper is  (or with any 26 27 needle-like bills equal to an obvious white ‘comma’ more heavily spotted and other wader spe- 27 28 or slightly longer than around the forewing. While warmly coloured above and cies in Africa). 28 29 head length. Leg colours foraging, and even at rest, this the pale eyestripe usually Solitary Sandpiper 29 30 range from greenish grey species characteristically bobs extends obviously behind the Tringa solitaria Ruddy Turnstone 30 18–21 cm 31 to dull yellow. its body forwards, imparting a eye; in Green Sandpiper it has a short, sharp Ruddy Turnstone 31 32 wagtail-like jizz. In flight, a extends only from the bill to bill, short orange legs (usually Adult non-breeding otherwise dark upperparts. 32 33 Common Sandpiper differs white wing bar immediately the eye. In flight, separation of bright) and, apart from a dark The Purple Sandpiper 33 34 from the others in several separates it from others of this the two is easy: the uppertail band across the upper breast, is a very rare vagrant to 34 35 ways. Firstly, at rest, the tail group, as does the level, rapid, of Green Sandpiper is white snow white underparts and the extreme north of Africa 35 36 fluttering flight with shallow with two complete and one mostly white underwings. (Morocco) – its normal 36 37 Green Sandpiper wing-beats interspersed with incomplete transverse Breeding adults have strikingly non-breeding range does 37 38 Tringa ochropus short glides. black bars. The tail of piebald heads and extensive not extend south of the 38 21–24 cm 39 Green and Wood sandpipers Wood Sandpiper is more chestnut colouring on the Bay of Biscay. In non-breed- 39 40 do cause confusion, but finely barred with brown. upperparts. Non-breeding ing plumage it 40 41 shouldn’t! Wood Sandpiper is The underwing colour usually birds and juveniles are much is a predominantly 41 42 is distinctive: Wood Sandpiper duller above and the dark slate-grey bird with a 42 43 has pale, greyish underwings upperpart feathers are narrow- faint purple sheen on the man- 43 44 while those of Green ly, but conspicuously, fringed tle and scapulars and a pale 44 45 Sandpiper are almost black. with buff, especially on the lower belly and vent. The legs 45 46 However, beware of the slight- juveniles. The flight pattern is are short and yellowish, and 46 47 ly paler underwings of juvenile absolutely distinctive (in the bill, which is about the 47 48 Green Sandpipers and of the Africa), with a white back, same length as the head, is 48 49 occasional Wood Sandpiper wing-bar, stripe at the base very slightly decurved and 49 50 which has fairly dark (but not of the wing and uppertail is yellowish at the base. 50 51 blackish) underwings. coverts contrasting with 51 52 The Solitary Sandpiper is the Solitary Sandpiper Wood Sandpiper Habits, habitats 52 Adult non-breeding Adult non-breeding 53 Green Sandpiper New World counterpart of Purple Sandpiper and associations 53 54 Adult non-breeding Green Sandpiper and the two Adult non-breeding 54 Calidris maritima Ruddy are mostly 55 are very similar. Solitary 20–22 cm birds of the open coast 55 56 Sandpiper is a very rare and coastal wetlands, but 56 57 vagrant to Africa and con- do occur inland in southern 57 58 crete identification rests on and eastern Africa, especially 58 59 seeing it in flight. Like during migration. They 59 60 Green Sandpiper, it has frequently forage in small 60 61 blackish underwings, but flocks of 5–20 birds, flicking 61 62 the undertail is heavily over stones and algae with 62 63 barred with black and their bills (hence the name). 63 64 white. The upperside pat- Purple Sandpipers are 64 65 true rocky shore specialists. 65

56 AFRICA’S WADERS africa – birds & birding 1998 – volume 3, number 1 

 1 1 2 ~ africa’s waders ~ ~ africa’s waders ~ 2 3 A guide to their identification A guide to their identification 3 4 4 5 PECTORAL, BAIRD’S AND WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPERS LONG-TOED AND TEMMINCK’S 5 6 6 7 in Africa. They are intermediate Habits, habitats Temminck’s Temminck’s Stint 7 8 Juvenile in size between and and associations Adult non-breeding Juvenile 8 Calidris melanotos Calidris temminckii 9 19–23 cm Curlew Sandpiper and both Most records of Pectoral 13–15 cm 9 10 are Sandpiper are from fresh- 10 11 short-legged and very long- water and brackish habitats, 11 12 winged, giving an attenuated including ditches, sewage 12 13 silhouette: wing tips extend works and flooded grasslands. 13 14 well beyond the tail at rest in They usually forage fairly 14 15 both species. Both have short, slowly and deliberately. 15 16 slightly decurved bills (less The other two species have 16 17 than head length) – that been recorded so seldom 17 18 All three of these species of White-rumped Sandpiper is in Africa that it is difficult to 18 19 are vagrants to Africa, usually slightly horn-coloured generalize about habitat 19 20 although Pectoral Sandpiper at the base of the lower man- preference. Most records 20 21 could be considered a the non-breeding adult dible. Baird’s Sandpiper has an are from coastal, saline 21 22 scarce annual visitor. It is and has a narrow, but clear, all-dark bill which habitats including lagoons, 22 23 about the same size as buffy white ‘V’ on the mantle. is slightly finer than that of estuaries and rocky shores.  23 24 Curlew Sandpiper but appears White-rumped Sandpiper White-rumped Sandpiper. Both These species are with pale grey, creating a 24 25 stockier and markedly darker. and Baird’s Sandpiper differ in have grey/brown characterized by being rather ‘untidy’ appearance. 25 26 The short legs shape from any other waders streaking on the breast, face very small, short-billed The white eye-stripe is 26 27 are greenish or yellowish and and crown. Non-breeding and having greenish or less conspicuous than in 27 28 the bill, which is about the Baird’s Sandpiper adults are fairly plain above yellowish legs. other . In flight, 28 29 same length as the head Calidris bairdii with narrow white margins to White-rumped Sandpiper a miniature Common or narrow streaks. The upper- the toes project slightly 29 14–16 cm 30 and slightly decurved, is pale the brownish grey feathers. Calidris fuscicollis Temminck’s Stint is a Pectoral Sandpiper). In flight parts are richly coloured and beyond the tail tip, which 30 15–17 cm 31 towards the base. In some Juveniles are more obviously dull-coloured bird. In it appears broader winged patterned, predominantly they do not in other stints. 31 32 respects, especially upperpart scalloped above, Baird’s non-breeding and juvenile than other stints. The only with black-centred feathers Habits, habitats 32 33 coloration, this bird resembles being more uniform than plumages, upperpart feathers useful plumage feature in broadly edged with chestnut and associations 33 34 a miniature Philomachus White-rumped Sandpiper. are generally grey-brown, flight, however, is that and buff. There is a very 34 35 pugnax. Upperparts are dark, The latter has chestnut mar- narrowly fringed white (adult) the outer tail feathers prominent whitish ‘V’ on Temminck’s Stint is wide- 35 36 with paler feather margins gins to the scapular and or yellow-buff (juvenile). are white: those of all other the mantle and extensive spread in tropical Africa, 36 37 providing a scalloped effect. mantle feathers and has a In breeding plumage the African stints are grey. streaking on the upper breast but Long-toed Stint is a 37 38 One of the key identification white ‘V’ mantle and scapular feathers Structurally, the Long-toed extending to the sides of vagrant to the east coast. 38 39 features is the streaking on on the mantle. are darker greyish brown Stint differs from other the lower breast: the streaks Both are predominantly spe- 39 40 the breast which is always Separation of the to brown with varying African stints in being sometimes appear arrowhead- cies of inland waterbodies, 40 41 heavy and ends abruptly on two is easiest in flight. amounts of darker spotting. longer-necked and longer- shaped. The non- especially marshes, sewage 41 42 the mid-breast, giving a The rump of White- Unlike all other stints in Africa, legged; it is also the smallest breeding adult has mostly works and the like, but Long- 42 43 bibbed effect and contrasting rumped Sandpiper is Temminck’s lacks African stint. Juveniles, dark grey-brown centres toed Stint also uses coastal 43 44 strongly with the white lower crispy white whereas an obvious pale eye-stripe. the most likely age class to to the upperpart feathers, mudflats. Both species 44 45 breast and belly. A pale, rath- that of Baird’s Sandpiper is The breast has a grey-brown be seen in Africa, have a but these are broadly fringed usually are approachable.  45 46 er straight eye-stripe is evi- dark, with white margins. wash, which may form prominent white eye-stripe 46 47 dent and the crown is dark The dark tail of White-rumped lateral patches (resembling demarcating a chestnut 47 48 and streaked, imparting a Sandpiper contrasts strongly crown with long, dark, Long-toed Stint 48 49 capped effect. The juvenile with the white rump – this Juvenile 49 50 is more boldly marked than contrast is much more 50 51 obvious than in Curlew Long-toed Stint 51 52 Baird’s Sandpiper Sandpiper. White-rumped Sandpiper Juvenile 52 Juvenile Juvenile Calidris subminuta 53 13–15 cm 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 65 65

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 1 1 2 ~ africa’s WADERS ~ ~ africa’s WADERS ~ 2 3 A guide to their identification A guide to their identification 3 4 4 5 , BROAD-BILLED SANDPIPER, LITTLE AND RED-NECKED STINTS SANDERLING, BROAD-BILLED SANDPIPER, LITTLE AND RED-NECKED STINTS 5 6 6 7 Sanderling Sanderling 7 8 Adult non-breeding Adult breeding flattened, appearing spatulate Little Stint Stint, especially at the base. communal roosts at high 8 Calidris alba 9 when the bird is seen Adult non-breeding This is a subtle feature and tide, often with Curlew 9 19–21 cm Calidris minuta 10 head-on. The emphasis 13–15 cm direct comparison of the Sandpipers. Their foraging 10 11 placed on the ‘double two species is needed. Very behaviour is -like and 11 12 eyestripe’ can also be rarely can non-breeding distinctive. They usually 12 13 misleading – although always Red-necked Stint in Africa forage in very soft mud and 13 14 present it is not always be identified with complete the bill is held vertically 14 15 easy to see. Red-necked and certainty. while probing, and is driven, 15 16 Little stints can also show hammer-like, into the mud. 16 17 this feature. The upperparts of Habits, habitats They frequently forage 17 18 breeding adults and of juve- and associations together with Little Stints 18 19 niles are blackish, with the favour open and Curlew Sandpipers. 19 20 feathers fringed chestnut, coast, especially sandy Although all three species 20 21 irregularly notched with white white and buff: both show beaches and coastal walk at approximately the 21 22 and buff, giving a spangled a distinct whitish to yellow- Little Stint lagoons, but also occur on same speed while foraging, 22 23 The bills and legs of all effect. In breeding plumage buff ‘V’ on the mantle. In Adult breeding rocky shores and in estuar- Broad-billed Sandpipers 23 24 four of these species appear the head and breast of the non-breeding plumage, ies. They also turn generally probe at one half 24 25 dark grey or black at adult is predominantly the upperparts are greyer up at inland waterbodies to one third of the rate 25 26 all times. All four species pale chestnut, streaked with and a dark carpal patch is where they may cause of the other two. 26 27 do, however, occur in Africa black. The upperparts are usually, but not always, confusion because they Little Stints are uncommon 27 28 in a range of plumages, so spangled with black, chestnut present. The upper breast is are unexpected. They are on the open coast, but 28 29 there is latitude for confusion! and white. streaked to varying degrees frequently in close-knit, are common at almost all 29 30 The status of Broad-billed in all plumages. In flight, active, single-species flocks, other types of wetland. 30 31 In non-breeding plumage, Sandpiper in Africa is not well the leading edge of the upper- foraging energetically close to Little is known about 31 32 adult Sanderlings (the largest known (although the Sabaki wing appears dark and a the water’s edge. Broad-billed Red-necked Stints in Africa. 32 33 species in this group) are very River estuary in Kenya is a narrow white wing-bar is Sandpipers are very rarely Most records are from 33 34 pale grey above and entirely good place to see them) and evident – but is much less found on the open coast, South African estuaries, 34 35 white below. They are stocky, flight, the conspicuous white this species probably conspicuous than that of the favouring estuaries, salt pans lagoons and salt pans.  35 36 short-legged birds, and the wing-bar separates Sanderling is frequently overlooked. Sanderling. The rump and Separation of Little Stint (especially for roosting) and 36 37 very black, straight bill is from all others Although comparisons are uppertail are black or grey, and Red-necked Stint a range of inland water- The author is grateful to Tony Tree 37 38 equal to or slightly longer in this group. Juveniles are often made with Curlew bordered with white. in breeding plumage is fairly bodies. They forage singly, in for his constructive (and unstinting!) 38 39 than head length. Usually, but darker above than adults and Sandpiper, these are mislead- Non-breeding birds in flight easy. The cheeks, throat and among other waders, but join criticism of an earlier draft. 39 40 not always, a dark carpal their upperpart feathers are ing. The first impression is of could be confused with Dunlin: fore-neck of Red-necked Stint 40 41 patch is evident. The presence a very short-legged, stint-like in such cases it are brick red and unstreaked. Red-necked Stint 41 42 of this dark carpal patch bird with a longish bill. The is important to check On Little Stint, the cheeks and often hidden by the belly Adult non-breeding 42 Calidris ruficollis 43 eliminates confusion bill, if seen well, clinches head markings and bill fore-neck are yellowish or feathers. Little Stints are more 13–16 cm 43 44 with the smaller Red- the identification. It is slightly morphology.  buffy chestnut, streaked ‘leggy’, but in high winds 44 45 necked Stint, but some longer than head length with black, and the throat is forage in a hunched position 45 46 Broad-billed Sandpipers and is decurved at the tip, always white. In non-breeding when they can also appear 46 47 in non-breeding plum- which is dorso-ventrally plumage, separation of the short-legged. 47 48 age show this feature. In two is possible only on Having assessed the jizz, 48 49 a combination of features – you now need to concentrate 49 50 even then, many individuals on upperpart feather details. 50 51 Broad-billed Sandpiper cannot be safely identified in In both species, the upperpart 51 52 the field and some are diffi- feather shafts are black, but 52 53 Broad-billed Sandpiper cult to identify in the hand! in most (not all) Little Stints, Red-necked Stint 53 54 Adult non-breeding The first clue that you may there is a dark smudge on Adult breeding 54 Limicola falcinellus 55 16–18 cm be on to a Red-necked Stint the feather centre around the 55 56 (very much the rarer of the shaft. In Red-necked Stint, 56 57 two in Africa) is its rather the upperpart feathers are 57 58 dumpy, almost pot-bellied uniformly grey – usually paler 58 59 appearance, vaguely reminis- than Little Stint – and lack this 59 60 cent of a Chestnut-banded smudging. Both species have 60 61 pallidus. short, almost straight, dark 61 62 The legs are shorter than bills, but the bill of 62 63 those of Little Stint and the Red-necked Stint is slightly 63 64 entire leg above the tarsus is thicker than that of Little 64 65 65

60 AFRICA’S WADERS africa – birds & birding 1998 – volume 3, number 1 AFRICA’S WADERS 61