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For Free Distribution SEE-SAWING PAGE WHO WILL BE PAGE CELEBRATING PAGE AT THE UKRAINE-EU THE LUCKY WINNER CHRISTMAS SUMMIT 6 OF STATE ASSETS IN 2012? 14 COSSACK-STYLE 49 № 1 (24) JANUARY 2012 WWW.UKRAINIANWEEK.COM FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION Featuring selected content from The Economist PACE Draft Resolution on Ukraine: An Opinion Poll*|CONTENTS BRIEFING Oleh Bilorus, ChairmanFOCUS of the VR Committee TarasTaras Chornovil,Chornovil, FirstFirs Deputy Head of the VR Committee for Foreign PACE Resolution for Foreign Affairs and BYuT MP AffairsAffairs andand membermember ofof theth Reform for the Future group of MPs Judges should be eleed,European not appointed. Any appointment of a judge, no ThThe mo importantimportant tthinghHryhoriying in tthe Draft Resolution Nemyria, is contained in its la two provisions, on Ukraine matter by whom, has a political undertone to it. It leads to political Nos. 13 and 14, wwhichhich ate tthath the CoE has the right to demand that Ukraine meets its corruption. Articles 364Hide-and-Seek and 365 of the Criminal Code are a heritage from commitments. WeWe undertooundertookex-Vicek these commitments Premier when we joined the CoE and we The Ukrainian soviet times, totalitarianism and repression. They cause huge damage to mumu complycom with them. We’ve been reminded very specifically Ukraine, especially toNo our integr oneation into but European the syems and ruure. forththata Europeanit’s been 17 years since we joined the CoE, but we have Week asks The Kyiv Summit proved that Ukraine’s further integration into the EU yyet to fulfill our obligations. In my opinion, this is the without these two articlesgovernment being removed is impossible sees. I believe this will Integration,essence of the Resolution. talks about politicians for be done in the fir halfEU of 2012. membership Otherwise, the Association Agre ement won’t PACE’s priorities be signed, let alone ratified. The process could be terminated after the their comments initialing. At theprospects Ukraine-EU Summit in KyKyivforiv, UkrUkra aineineUkraine for Ukraine undertook a commitment to bring itss 4 legislation in order and ensure Viacheslav Kyrylenko,6 leader of thethe For UkraineUkraine 10 democratic eleions. political party, Our Ukraine-National Self-Defensef-Defense factionfaction POLITICS Regarding PACE’s comments on the procedure for aappointingppointing judges Serhiy Sobolev, leader of the Reformsrms by the Verkhovna Rada: changing something is unrrealiic at this Take and Divide: Judicialpoint. Curr Takeover:ently, the judiciary is being adjued to thehe political needs Thomas and Order Party and Deputy Head of the BYuT factionction the Government A Chiefof the go veJusticernment. Any reform will turn into a manipulationnipulation bbyy those Hammarberg I was pleasantly surprised by how well-prepared and comprehensive the who are trying to pass some political decisions. So, it is didifficultfficult to ttalkalk document offered forwants the consider ationto of sell the Council almost of Europe on behalff ooff loyalabout to changes those to the Conitution. in Political problemsms are extremeemelyly talks about the PACE Rapporteurs and the Monitoring Committee is. I think they have urgent today. Although without doubt, these are vaalidlid recommendcommenda-a- accurately captured allthe sou ofrces ofstate-owned evil in Ukraine. These include the powertions, and is Eur electedopean praice will eventually take roootot in judiciary system completely dependent judiciary, the repressive nature of the Supreme Ukraine as well. I think the public should control thee Council of Juice, politicalassets persecution, by and 2014 prosecutorial authorities, process of appointing judges. Right now, there is in Ukraine which have a dominant position in the country. aabsolutelybsolute no public control. 14 17 18 VolodymyrVolodym Horbach, political analyst OleksiyOl Plotnikov, member of the Permanent Delegation ofof UkraineU in PACE and Party of the Regions faction ECONOMICS at the InstituteInst for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation The legal approoach of the Resolution’s authors is totally relevant, OObviouslybv , the Resolution contains some remarks about Ukraine’s judiciary hhooweverwever it diddid not take into account the socio-political context of the and legal aspes. But that’s a usual procedure when PACE Rapporteurs Milking the Cash Cow changes and rreforms we are being offered. Take the recommendationAn Extra Anoofferffer Employee’stheir comments or remarks Nightmare:. I see nothing outanding in this. In fa, to canccancelel somsomee articles of the Criminal Code. It has its purpose, yet tthehe MMonitoring Committee has developed a traditional attitude towards Unemployment does mmississeses thethe initinitialia problem, i.e. the incorre application ofPair these articles of Hands: 75%Ukraiainen . They’ofre Ukraine’salways tough. Therefore, I’m not diurbed by the Resolution. by Ukrainian coucourtsrt . It’s not the articles that are to blame for our problems, I wwillill ggoo to Strasburg in January. I already know how the voting on the not decline as good it’s those who apply them. Judiciary reform which would46 be million useful people documdocumentofficee will go. plankton for ssocietyo cannot be implemented by the very people who currency issuance is oopenly mock the law. However, there is no mentionare offar this too many fear a new wave of*R crisisead more on the Draft Resolution channeled into bad iin the PACE Resolution, because such conclusionsfor wtheould Ukrainian in PACE is Concerned. What’s Next? bbe regarded as interference in internal affairs. on page 10 assets 20 economy 23 24 NEIGHBOURS Closing the gap: Do the Russians MILITARIZATION: Women still get Want War? Russian military bases lower pay and far The Russian and facilities are fewer top jobs government building located in virtually all up “the military power CIS countries 26 of the state” 28 30 SOCIETY Yurii Afanasiev, Cities of the Future: The Russian politician The role of Portraits and historian, talks creativity in urban of about the Russian development Ukrainian System and the Cities pressure it exerts on Ukraine 32 36 38 HISTORY CULTURE & ARTS Give it away: Men of the Crowd: Oleh Skrypka talks Ukrainians How Homo about creating strong “prepay” Sovieticus was communities via links coffee created to our past and “liberate” books 40 42 46 NAVIGATOR Mamayeva Sloboda: Spend the holidays with Cossacks 49 The Ukrainian Week № 1 (24) January 2012 Mailing address: PO Box 2, Kyiv, 03067 Founder: ECEM Media Ukraine LLC Publisher: The Ukrainian Week LLC Publisher address: vul. Mashynobudivna 37, Kyiv 03067 Ukraine First published in January 2010 E-mail: [email protected], Tel.: (044) 351-1300 State registration certificate 16412-4884P of March 13, 2010 Bohdan Andriytsev, Director, ECEM Media Ukraine LLC Print: ТОV SKIMP, TOV ART STUDIYA DRUKU; vul. Boryspilska 15, Kyiv Serhiy Lytvynenko, Editor-in-Chief, The Ukrainian Week Ordering number: 1939-11. Print run: 15,000 Natalia Romanec, Shaun Williams, Editors; Sent to print on December 23, 2011 Anna Korbut, Translator Free distribution № 1 (24) JANUARY 2012|THE UKRAINIAN WEEK|3 BRIEFING| 1 December 2 December 11 December A protest called the “Stock- As a result of the Euro 2012 Donetsk Chornobyl liqui- taking of the Government” draw, Ukraine’s competi- dators stop their protest. takes place in several cities tors in its group include the Local authorities promise in Ukraine UK, France and Sweden to pay them UAH 1mn QUOTES JERZY BUZEK is critical * The President of the European PACE Draft Resolution on Ukraine: An Opinion Poll Parliament has seri- ous doubts about Oleh Bilorus, Chairman of the VR Committee TarasTaras Chornovil,Chornovil, FirstFirs Deputy Head of the VR Committee for Foreign the independence of for Foreign Affairs and BYuT MP AffairsAffairs andand membermember ofof theth Reform for the Future group of MPs the judiciary and the multi-party system Judges should be eleed, not appointed. Any appointment of a judge, no ThThe mo importantimportant tthinghing in tthe Draft Resolution is contained in its la two provisions, in Ukraine matter by whom, has a political undertone to it. It leads to political Nos. 13 and 14, wwhichhich ate thatth the CoE has the right to demand that Ukraine meets its corruption. Articles 364 and 365 of the Criminal Code are a heritage from commitments. WeWe undertooundertookk these commitments when we joined the CoE and we soviet times, totalitarianism and repression. They cause huge damage to mmuu complycom with them. We’ve been reminded very specifically Ukraine, especially to our integration into European syems and ruure. ththata it’s been 17 years since we joined the CoE, but we have The Kyiv Summit proved that Ukraine’s further integration into the EU yyet to fulfill our obligations. In my opinion, this is the without these two articles being removed is impossible. I believe this will essence of the Resolution. OLEKSANDR LAVRYNOVYCH be done in the fir half of 2012. Otherwise, the Association Agreement won’t rides a stolen car? be signed, let alone ratified. The process could be terminated after the PoR’s Valeriy Konovaliuk claims that initialing. At the Ukraine-EU Summit in KyKyiviv, UkrUkraaineine the Mercedes used by the Justice Minister was stolen undertook a commitment to bring itss and smuggled into legislation in order and ensure Viacheslav Kyrylenko, leader of thethe For UkraineUkraine Ukraine democratic eleions. political party, Our Ukraine-National Self-Defensef-Defense factionfaction Regarding PACE’s comments on the procedure for aappointingppointing judges Serhiy Sobolev, leader of the Reformsrms by the Verkhovna Rada: changing something is unrrealiic at this and Order Party and Deputy Head of the BYuT factionction point. Currently, the judiciary is being adjued to thehe political needs of the government. Any reform will turn into a manipulationnipulation bbyy those I was pleasantly surprised by how well-prepared and comprehensive the who are trying to pass some political decisions. So, it is didifficultfficult to ttalkalk YEVHEN KORNIYCHUK document offered for the consideration of the Council of Europe on behalff ofof about changes to the Conitution.
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