6 February 10, 2002

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6 February 10, 2002 INSIDE:• Ambassadors reflect on 10 years of U.S.-Ukraine relations — page 3. • A look at the sports career of Olympian Zenon Snylyk — pages 8-9. • Lviv acts to salvage its architectural monuments — page 12. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXX HE No.KRAINIAN 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2002 EEKLY$1/$2 in Ukraine Ukraine’sT OlympicU athletes train UndersecretaryW of State Paula Dobriansky in Sun Valley for Winter Games visits Kyiv to size up election preparations by Roman Woronowycz incidents were not a reason to condemn the Kyiv Press Bureau overall process this early on. “When allegations are put on the table, KYIV – Undersecretary of State Paula one part of the election process is that, Dobriansky used a two-day visit to Kyiv on whether founded or not, each one is investi- February 5-6 to glimpse how elections to gated thoroughly,” Dr. Dobriansky Ukraine’s Parliament are shaping up and to explained. emphasize their significance in The undersecretary of state explained Washington’s eyes. During a series of meet- that the allegations of improprieties to ings with government officials, including which she alluded were from a report issued President Leonid Kuchma, as well as law- by the respected civic organization the makers, journalists and representatives of Committee of Ukrainian Voters. civic organizations, she said that an accent The report, which is published monthly, must be placed on keeping the entire elec- is a compilation of alleged election law vio- toral process, which will culminate in a lations as reported by hundreds of monitors national poll on March 31, free and fair. the Committee of Ukrainian Voters has in “The spirit in which I came here is to all the voting districts of Ukraine, a project underscore the importance which we attach financed by the U.S. government. Thus far to the relationship and the importance we the CUV has uncovered alleged abuses by attach to the elections,” explained Dr. village and town officials and factory man- Dobriansky during a meeting with leading agers in forcing residents to sign on with journalists and representatives of Ukrainian particular political parties or support specif- non-governmental organizations. Andrew Nynka ic candidates. It also has documented Dr. Dobriansky, whose father was Lev charges of illegal campaign methods, such Ukraine’s Olena Petrova takes aim during biathlon training in Sun Valley. Dobriansky, the noted Ukrainian American as offering people money or goods as a lure community leader and scholar, said she was to support a particular party or candidate. by Andrew Nynka Lake City, where the thinner air at higher not ready to draw conclusions on how trans- altitudes means less oxygen, which In addition, Dr. Dobriansky was SUN VALLEY, Idaho – After all the parent and fair the parliamentary elections informed of at least one documented smear affects breathing during competitions; would be simply based on the way the cam- snow and ice settles and the 19th Winter thus, acclimating to the thinner air campaign and an unauthorized attempt to Olympiad concludes, Ukraine’s athletes paign season had begun. She acknowledged use the name of a popular candidate in a becomes crucial as athletes prepare for that she is aware of allegations of campaign will no doubt look back on their experi- Olympic competition. political bloc’s title, as well as an effort to ence with a mixture of emotions and, as violations and what she termed “aberra- many of the delegation’s biathletes, fig- Biathlon: Ukraine’s top hope tions,” but explained that several alleged (Continued on page 19) ure skaters and cross-country skiers Less than two weeks before the offi- noted to The Ukrainian Weekly, they will cial opening of Olympic competition the look back on the Games and remember biathlon squad, which carries Ukraine’s Ukraine’s representatives press for foreign investment their unique relationship with Sun Valley, greatest medal hopes and is led by 28- Idaho – their official Winter Olympic year-old two-time Olympic veteran training site since 1999. Olena Zubrylova, experienced a flu out- and WTO membership during World Economic Forum Training in Sun Valley gave the ath- break that has sidelined five of its 11- letes not only world-class Olympic facili- member delegation. by Areta Lloyd mation about Ukraine,” explained Mr. ties and tremendously warm hospitality Kyiv-born Tetiana Vodopianova Special to The Ukrainian Weekly Yushko, speaking at a press briefing at (see sidebar on page 11 about the became so ill on February 3 that team Ukraine’s Mission to the United Nations. Ukrainian team’s relationship with Sun NEW YORK – Ukrainian leaders on Their message these past few days has trainers, fearing not only flu but pneumo- February 4 wrapped up a long weekend of Valley), but the small tourist-driven min- nia, decided it was best to take Ms. focused on the civil, criminal, land, tax, ing town also gave the athletes the ability meetings in New York at the World anti-corruption and ownership laws recently to prepare at altitudes comparable to Salt (Continued on page 10) Economic Forum, an annual gathering of passed by the Verhkovna Rada, and the multinationals and industrialized and devel- country’s impressive 9 percent growth last oping countries that Ukraine has attended year. From January 31 to February 1, Vice since independence. This year, riding an Prime Minister Rohovyi and Finance economic high, and flush with recognition Minister Yushko peddled that message to U.S. tightens visa procedures and clout after receiving a positive rating by investment firms, U.S. officials and World by Roman Woronowycz out a separate document in addition to Moody’s and J.P. Morgan, Ukraine pushed Bank representatives. Kyiv Press Bureau the standard application when applying for increased foreign investment and indi- According to Ukraine’s Mission to the for a non-immigrant visa to enter the cated its intention to pursue membership in KYIV – The United States has insti- United Nations, at a working forum with United States. U.S. consular officers will the World Trade Organization (WTO). multinational finance and investment com- tuted changes to visa application proce- also have the right to ask anyone else “We needed a physical presence at the dures in order to better screen foreigners panies, representatives from Merrill Lynch applying for a non-immigrant visa to fill meeting in New York City,” said Ukraine’s requesting entry into the country, said the “underscored the positive ratings accorded out the additional form if they believe it Finance Minister Ihor Yushko. “It’s a stan- to Ukraine by international experts, which U.S. Embassy in Kyiv on January 30. is appropriate. dard business principle that people like to has turned investors’ attention to Eastern The changes represent part of the U.S. The U.S. Embassy spokesman said meet face to face – they feel more like busi- European markets, especially that of response to the events of September 11 the new procedures were introduced to ness partners, and this is very important.” Ukraine.” Moody’s, too, pointed to its own and the war against terrorism. “shore up that part of the visa process There was some feeling on part of the ratings upgrade for Ukraine, indicating a “The ultimate goal is to keep terrorists two-man team of Minister Yushko and Vice that had allowed people to enter the U.S. positive economic climate. The recent debt out of the country,” explained an Prime Minister Vasyl Rohovyi that Ukraine for purposes other than what they had restructuring with the Paris Club was men- Embassy spokesman. has not been given a fair shake, and that tioned several times by Mr. Yushko as one Consular sections of U.S. embassies stated.” their role at the World Economic Forum Those who fall into the category will of the keys to the recent ratings upgrades. across the globe will now require that all was to set the facts straight. “We don’t want “Restructuring the Paris Club last year males between the ages of 16 and 45 fill (Continued on page 17) to be given more credit than we deserve, but we need to provide current, objective infor- (Continued on page 17) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2002 No. 6 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS Leading parties and blocs Rada wants investigation of Kuchma National Rukh of Ukraine led by Vyacheslav Chornovil. The two other report on their priorities KYIV – The Verkhovna Rada on Rukh factions – the National Rukh of February 5 voted to ask Procurator Ukraine (led by Hennadii Udovenko) and by Jan Maksymiuk other hopefuls prefer the current unicam- General Mykhailo Potebenko to open an the Ukrainian National Rukh (headed by RFE/RL Poland, Belarus and Ukraine Report eral body. All of them, except For a investigation against President Leonid Yurii Kostenko) – are part of the Our United Ukraine, would like to replace the Kuchma, lawmaker Yukhym Zviahilskyi, Ukraine bloc. (RFE/RL Poland, Belarus The Kyiv-based Zerkalo existing mixed-vote system in parliamen- and former Cabinet of Ministers member and Ukraine Report) Nedeli/Dzerkalo Tyzhnia weekly on tary elections with a proportional system Anatolii Lobov for “the embezzlement January 26 published the results of its favoring strong parties. This bloc is also and waste of state funds” equal to 12 mil- Officials seeking office urged to take leave poll among Ukraine’s leading blocs and the only one that unconditionally sup- lion German marks ($5.3 million), parties regarding their program goals. ports President Leonid Kuchma. Ms. UNIAN reported. The motion was pro- KYIV – Prime Minister Anatolii The newspaper posed its questions to Tymoshenko, Yabluko, the Communists posed by lawmakers Hryhorii Kinakh on February 1 pledged to see to it presidential administration head and the Socialists identify themselves as Omelchenko, Anatolii Yermak and Viktor that all government officials seeking par- Volodymyr Lytvyn, the leader of the For the opposition.
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