UKRAINIAN CULTURE: Past, Modern Ways of Development
Department of education and science of Ukraine Rivne state humanitarian university UKRAINIAN CULTURE: past, modern ways of development Collection of scientific works Scientific messages Rivne state humanitarian university Producing 20 In 2th т. Tom I It is founded in 2000 Rivne – 2014 BBK 63.3 (4Ukr) -7 U45 UDC 94 (477) Ukrainian Culture: Past, Present and ways of development: Coll. Science. pr., Science. app. Rivnen. state. humanit. Univ. - Vol. 20. T. 1 / compilation. V.G. Vytkalov; redkol .: Bakanurskyy A.G., S.V. Vytkalov, A. Goncharova and others. ; scientific-Ref. Scientific Library RSUH editing. - Rivne : RSUH, 2014. - 381 p. The collection contains articles scholars of higher education institutions dedicated review historical and artistic issues mostly Western lands. Some of material highlights the diverse facets of theoretical and methodological problems of Ukrainian art. A separate section up posts, reviews, and reviews. For researchers, students and all those interested in historical and domestic artistic heritage. Reda ktsiyna colehiya: Editor: V.G. Vytkalov - Ph.D., Professor, Head Department of Cultural Rivne State Humanitarian University Bakanurskyy A.G. - Doctor of Arts, Professor Vytkalov S.V. - Ph.D., Associate Professor, Executive Secretary Goncharov A.M. - Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor S.I. Zhylyuk - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Chugai Zaharchuk -R.V. - Doctor of Arts, Professor Ivanitskii A.I. - Doctor of Arts, Professor Kyyanovska L.A. - Doctor of Arts, Professor Kravchenko O.V. - Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor Ovs.iychuk V.A. - Doctor of Arts, Professor R.M Postolovs'kyy - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor Y.S. Sabodash - Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor Suprun N.A.
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