Analysis of Phonological Deviation Made by Torajanese English Students in Pronouncing English Words: A Case Study at English Department

A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Hasanuddin University in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements to Obtain Sarjana Degree in English Department


F211 13 330








All praises and honor are delivered to the Almighty God for his blessings and grace that as this thesis can be finished as expected. The thesis is a requirement to obtain higher degree in English Department, Faculty of Cultural

Sciences, Hasanuddin University.

The writer realizes that there are a lot of shortcomings in this thesis because of imperfectness of writer’s knowledge and experience. Therefore, every kind of constructive corrections or criticsm from anyone is welcomed in order to accomplish this thesis.

In this writing process, the writer got much help, support, and advice from other. Therefore, the writer would to express her deep gratitude and high appreciation to:

1) Dr. Abidin Pammu, M. A., Dipl. TESOL. and Drs. Simon Sitoto, M. A. as

the consultant I and the consultant II, who had given their guidance and

advices so that this thesis can be finished:

2) The beloved parents Simon Allo and Lince Sarira who had given support

and prayers, and all of the writer’s siblings and family who are loved.

3) The best friends who were consistently there for help during this thesis

writing as the proof-readers (Syifa, Ilham, Nur, Mutha, Yusliana, Ines,

Selvy, and Adnan).

4) The academic supervisor Karmila Mokoginta who has always helped with

pleasure and given may suggestion to the writer’s.


May all the help that the writer received from everyone be repaid by God in the future. Thus, may this thesis be accepted as the writers’s work to create a better perspective of the nation and give inspiration to young generations.

Makassar, November 2017

The Writer



TITLE ………………………………...... …………… i

APPROVAL ...... ii



ABSTRACT ...... x

ABSTRAK ...... xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION …………………………………....…… 1

A. Background of the Study ………………………………. 1 B. Identification of the Problems ………………………….. 3 C. Scope of the Study …………………………………….. 3 D. Research Questions ……………………………………… 3 E. Objective of the Study ..……………………………….. 3 F. Significance of the Study ..…………………………….. 4


A. Previous Studies ...... … ………………… 5 B. Theoretical Background ……………………………….. 7 1. Vowel English Sounds ...... 7 2. English Consonants ………….…...... 9 3. Place of Articulation ...... 19 4. Manner of Articulation ...... 11 5. The Distribution of English Consonants ...... 12 6. Torajanese Vernacular …………………………….. 20 7. Toraja Sa'dan Alphabets …………………………… 21


CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY ……………………………………….. 27

A. Method of Research ...... 26 1. Library Research ………….……………………….. 26 2. Field Research …………..…………………………. 26 B. Research Instrument ...... 28


A. The Mispronounced Vowels and Consonants of Torajanese Students at English Department in Hasanuddin University ...... 29 B. The Percentage of Mispronounced English Sound Made by Torajanese Students at English Department ……….. 34


A. Conclusions ...... 41 B. Suggestions ...... 42

BIBLIOGRAPHY …...... ……………………………………….. 43


Transcript of Recordings



RESKIYANI. 2017. Analysis of Phonological Deviation Made by Torajanese English Students in Pronouncing English Words: A Case Study at English Department. (supervised by Abidin Pammu and Simon Sitoto).

This research aimed to explain the mispronounciation of vowel and consonant sounds by Torajanese Students. Futhermore, the researcher observed the percentage the mispronounciation of vowel and consonant sounds.

The method used the techniques of collecting and analyzing data. In collecting data, the researcher recorded the vowel and consonant sounds demonstrated by the participants. In order to analyze data, the researcher used the descriptive quantitative method in which the recordings were transcribed in a table, and the percentage results were obtained through the percentage scoring of the mispronounced sounds.

The researcher concluded two results that shows as follows: firstly, the mispronounciation sounds occur because students tend to change the sound into the similar sound of their native language, and secondly, the mispronounciation percentage is considered relatively high that can cause misunderstandings when making a communication. Keywords: percentage, mispronounce, vowel, and consonants.



RESKIYANI. 2017. Analysis of Phonological Deviation Made by Torajanese English Students in Pronouncing English Words: A Case Study at English Department. (dibimbing oleh Abidin Pammu dan Simon Sitoto).

Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan kesalahan dalam penyebutan bunyi vokal dan konsonan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa Toraja. Selain itu, penulis juga melakukan analisis persentasi dari kesalahan penyebutan bunyi vokal dan konsonan.

Adapun metode yang digunakan, yaitu teknik pengumpulan dan teknik dalam menganalisis data. Untuk teknik pengumpulan data, penulis melakukan perekaman bunyi vokal dan konsonan kepada peserta, selain itu dalam metode menganalisis data,peneliti menggunkan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dimana hasil perekaman dimasukkan kedalam tabel kemudian untuk hasil persentasi diperoleh berdasarkan perhitungan rata-rata dari nilai bunyi yang salah.

Di dalam hasil penelitian ini, penulis menemukan dua. Pertama, kesalahan bunyi terjadi karena siswa mengganti bunyi yang sama dengan Bahasa asli mereka. Kedua, persentasi kesalahan dalam pelafalan bunyi masih tinggi dimana bisa mengakibatkan kesalahpahaman dalam komuniksi.

Kata kunci : persentasi, salah pelafalan, vokal, dan konsonan.




A. Background of the Study

People communicate everywhere around the world. When they communicate, they use language most of the time as the main tool. People use language to express their ideas and feelings. Language is one of communication tools but these two could not be separated from each other. Communication is the process where people interact with others in their social life and transfer message or information. One factor that determines the success of communication is the correct pronunciation. Sakul (2011:1) defined pronunciation as, “the way people produce a sound of language in a certain way”. Roach (1983) added that, different people use different accents and the differences could be in geographical places, social classes, ages and educational backgrounds.

Producing correct sound in pronunciation is important to deliver a clear message in communication. However some obstacles that learners face in producing English sound system, they found that mother tongue influenced their pronunciation of English sound. The same manner as sound in communication plays important thing because inaccurateness of pronouncing sound can lead to misunderstanding as Brown (cited in Fatemi, Sobhani&Abohassani, 2012) said that breakdown in communication sometime was the result of incorrect producing of the sound.


That is why producing correct sound is very essential in communication to make the receiver of information understand what the sender means. As a country with so many tribes, Indonesian people speak with different accents. When speaking, one can tell where a person comes from or from what tribe he or she belongs to only by listening to the accent. The same case also occurs when

Indonesian people who learn English as a second language sometimes carried over their accent. Torajanese language is one of local languages in Indonesia that is spoken by most people who live there. The people in Toraja use Torajanese language as their main language in their social communication. Torajanese accent is different from another local language in Indonesia and of course, it is different from English. The difference of accent between Torajanese language and English can affects students to study English. Many factors contributed students’ difficulties to master the English as the target language. One of them is pronunciation problem.

Based on the facts mentioned above, the researcher is interested to study the subsystem of phonology, in this case, the Torajanese students mispronunciation of the production of some English words. Torajanese language and English are different in phonological features and the above fact is supported by Sloat, Taylor, and Hoard (1978) when they argued that every language in the world has its own sound system and is different from the other. There is none of the two languages which have exactly the same system.


B. Identification of the Problems

Based on background above, several problems are identified as follows:

1. Difficulties in pronouncing some vowels and consonants.

2. Problems in determining the percentage of vowels and consonants

mispronunciation made by Torajanese English students.

C. Scope of the Study

The researcher tries to make a limitation as the scope of problem. The purpose of the scope of problem is limit problem and has no wide range. This research only focus on selected English sounds vowels and consonants which are: vowel/ɑ:/, /ɪ/, /ʊ/, /ɛ/, /ə/, /ɔ/and/æ/. Consonant:/ʒ/,/p-b/, /t-d/,/f-v/, /k-g/, /s-z/, /s-ʃ/,

/θ-ð/, and /ʧ-ʤ/.

D. Research Questions

This study intended to answer the following questions:

1. What are the mispronounced vowels and consonants of Torajanese students at

English department?

2. What is the percentage of mispronounced English vowels and consonants made

by Torajanese students at English department?

E. Objective of the Study

Based on the research question, this particular study aimed at finding out:

1. To disclose the mispronounced English vowels and consonants by Torajanese

students at English department.

2. To describe the percentage of mispronounced English vowels and consonants.


F. Significance of the Study

The result of the study expected to enrich the knowledge about vowels and consonants and make it as the reference in order to learn and remember the corrects sound that will be pronounced in words or sentences. From this research there is such a feedback to students to improve their pronounciation, especially in their communication and also as the contribution to other researcher who will conduct futher research on language development.




A. Previous Studies

There are several previous studies that related with the research topic which discuss about the pronounce of English sound, but the researcher took three most closely researched studies.

The first research written by Tria Adriani Tonggi titled “The difficulties in pronouncing English fricative consonant (a case study at SMAN 1 Soppeng)”

(1993). She focus on analyzes the difficulties in pronouncing, especially English fricative consonant which are found by some students in Soppeng. She found that the students substitute the target release, in this case English fricative consonants

/f, v, Ө, ð, s, z, ʃ, ʒ/ with the equivalent sounds.

Another study by Surmiati titled “The tendency of Sinjainese students to labiodentalize the English bilabial voiceless stop (an interlanguage phonology study)” (2005), in this research used two data collection techniques and data analysis methods. In the data collection method, the writter does recording to obtain data relevant to the object of research whereas in the data analysis method, the authors use the method desctriptive analysis where the data will be presented in the table. The results of this study found two things namely; first, there is no relationship between the type or type of reading with the phonemic changes, this happens in an alien way, and secondly, the author finds a relationship between phoneme position and phoneme change itself.


The last study written by Irmayanti “Student’s ability to pronounce English fricative consonants ( a case study at SMU Neg. 1 Pomalaa)” (2008) in which she discuss about the students abilities to say some fricative consonants that are / Ө, ð, v and z / took 16 students as the sample selected by random purposive based on the previous questionnaire to know the student's interest in listening and singing western songs. Eight students were taken as a group that loved listening to western songs and eight more as a group that did not like western songs. Data obtained by recording technique with reading context as research instrument. the results of this study found that the pronunciation of phonemes / Ө, ð, and v / is significantly influenced by sound positions in words, reading contexts and student preferences in listening and singing western songs. Unlike the phoneme / ʒ / is not influenced by the sound position in the word, the reading context and the student's favorite in listening to western songs. From the study it was found that no student was able to properly pronounce the phoneme.

After reading from the previous studies, the researcher concludes that the techniques and method used the same where the research process both use the recording and presented to the table. Therefore, although this research uses techniques and used the same method, this research not only focuses on fricative consonant sounds but also examines the vowels and consonants, and in this study give percentages how much the error rate occurs in vowel sounds and consonants



B. Theoretical Background

When we are talking about sounds in language, it means we are referring to a number of phonemes that we are used in the language and how they are organized.

The phonemes of language and their variations are describes in phonology.

A phoneme is a class of sounds and part of the system of one specific language.

Roach (1987: 34) explain that a phoneme is an abstract unit as the basis of our speech. Moreover, Ladefoged( 1982: 23) expound that the smallest segments of sounds that can be distinguish by their contrast within words can be grouped together into phonemes.

1. Vowel English Sounds

Ladefoged (1982) said that “the transcription of the constracting vowels in

English more difficult then the transcription of consonants”. So we can say that in pronounce English vowels we will produce some mistakes in pronounciation. He also explain the reason why the vowels more difficult than consonant. First, dialect of english differ more in their use of vowels than in their use of consonats.

An the other one is authorities differ widely in their views of what consititutes an appropriate description of vowels.

“Vowel are produced when the passage of the air from the larynx to the lips is relaively unrestriced” (Deterding & Poedjosoedarmo 1998:15). Vowels quality classified in three-term basic dimensions, and the first is Open/close: vowel produced with the jaw lowered called , as in the sounds of [ɑ] and in contras when we say “eee” or “oooh” our jaw is raised called Close vowels. The

7 second is Front/back: vowel produced with the tongue bunched at the back of mouth called Front vowels as we say “tea” and when pushed a little further tongue forward as we say “two” called back. And the third is

Rounded/unrounded: vowel which produced by purse and protruding ours lips as we say “boo” is called Rounded vowel and vowel which produced with spread our lips into a great big grin as we say “cheese” called unrounded vowel. Table 1 below shows the movement of English vowels according to Roach (1983:6)


English vowel alphabet

The long vowel The short vowel

/i:/ heat /ɪ/ hit

/ɜ:/ heat /e/ bet

/ɔ:/ port /ɒ/ pot

/ɑ:/ part /ə/ about

/u:/ cool /æ/ bat

/ʌ/ but

/ʊ/ cook

2. English Consonants

English has 24 consonant (Roach:1983) classified respectively as follows: place of articulation, manner of articulation, voiced or voiceless. Table 2 below shows the English consonants in terms of phonetics.

8 a. English Consonants in Terms of Phonetics:

Table. 2

chart of English consonant phonemes





Palatal Glottal




Labio Labio dental

Post p Plosives t d k g b Affricatives ʧ ʤ

Fricatives f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ

Nasal M N ŋ h

Lateral L

Approximant W r J

3. Place of Articulation

Based on place of articulation (Roach 1893) consonants are grouped into the followings: a. Lips: Bilabial consonants

Articulated by two lips (upper and lower)

Example: /p, b, m, w/ (using lips but the lips were not touching each other). b. Lips and teeth: Labiodentals consonants:

This consonants articulated by two organs are lower lip and upper front teeth.

By pressing the lower lip touches the upper front teeth.

Example: /f, v/

9 c. Teeth: dental consonants

This consonants articulated by the tongue against the upper front teeth. In this

case, the tongue tip placed below the upper front teeth.

Example: /θ, ð/ d. Alveolar ridge: Alveolar consonants

The tip of the tongue makes contact with the upper alveolar ridge.

Example: /t, d, s, z, n, l/ e. Central plate : (palato) Post alveolar consonants

The consonants of palato alveolar producing by the blade of the tongue

touches part of the teethridge.

Example : /ʃ, ʒ, r, tʃ, dʒ/ f. Central plate : palatal consonant

This consonant articulated by the front of the tongue and hard palate. In

pronouncing palatal the front of the tongue is raised in the direction of the hard


Example : /j, c/ g. Velum (or soft palate): Velar consonants

This consonants articulated by the back of the tongue make contact with the

soft palate.

Example: /k, g, ŋ / h. Glottis: Glottal fricative /h/. the vocal cords moving from wide apart to close

together, when breathe out silently.


4. Manner of Articulation

According to Gimson (1980) the process by which the moving column of air of shaped called the manner of articulation. For English, these are: a. Plosive:

This consonant articulated by closing the glottis. The vocal cords moving from

wide apart to close together when breathe out silently.

Example: /p, t, k, b, d, g/ b. Fricatives:

This sounds are formed by the air passage close together to such an extent that

the air makes a hissing sound.

Example: /f, v, θ, ð, s, z, ʃ, ʒ, h/ c. Affricates:

This consonants is a combination of plosive and fricative in producing this

consonants, we begin as plosives and end as fricatives. It begins with an

articulation the same as the closure then rapid release with plosion and

aspiration, after that the tongue moves to the position for the fricative.

Example: /tʃ, dʒ/ d. Nasals:

The basic characteristic of this consonant is the air free to pass out through to

nose rather than mouth.

Example: /m, n, ŋ/ (sometimes called “nasal stops”)

11 e. Lateral Approximant:

A lateral consonant is articulated by one or both sides of which the air stream is

obstructed in the centre of the tongue and the part of the roof of the mouth.

Example : /l/ f. Approximant:

Approximant are sounds which are considered half consonants and half

vowels. In pronounciation,they are usually produced with the tongue moving,

or ‘gliding’, to or from a position associated with a neighbouring vowel sounds

Exemples : /w, r, j/

5. The Distribution of English Consonants

The followings are some examples of English consonants in initial, medial, and final. a. Consonant /p/

This consonant is defined as a voiceless bilabial plosive.

Initial middle final

Place /pleis/ pipe /paip/ lip /lip/

Plan /plan/ sport /spo:t/ sleep /sli:p/

Pen /pen/ complete /kəm’pli:t/ top /top/

Manser (1991)

12 b. Consonant /b/

This consonant is defined as

Initial middle final

Brace /breis/ above /Ə’bᴧᴠ/ sob /sob/

Bra /bra:/ about /Ə’boʊt/ knob /nob/

Book /bʊk/ able /eibl/ drab /drӕb/

Oxford Dictionary (2013) c. Consonants /t/

This consonant is defined as a voiceless alveolar plosive.

Initial middle final

Tea /ti:/ stray /strei/ flat /flӕt/

Tax /tӕks/ streak /stri:k/ fleet /fli:t/

Teem /ti:m/ strain /strein/ rat /rӕt/

Oxford Dictionary (2013) d. Consonant /d/

This consonant is defined as a voiced alveolar.

Initial middle final

Do /du:/ middle /’midl/ herd /hɜ:d/

Dot /dot/ midge /midʒ/ flood /flᴧd/

Drain /drein/ midwife /’mӀdwaΙf/ kind /kaind/

Oxford Dictionary (2013)

13 e. Consonant /k/

This consonant is defined as .

Initial middle final

Kilt /kilt/ skip /skΙp/ flang /flӕŋk/

Kindle /kindl/ locket /’lɒkΙt/ crack /krӕk/

King /kiŋ/ making /’meΙkΙŋ/ leek /li:k/

Oxford Dictionary (2013) f. Consonant /g/

This consonant is defined as

Initial middle final

Gag /gӕg/ tiger /’taΙgə(r)/ pig /pΙg/

Game /geΙm/ organ /’ɔ:gən/ dog /dɒg/

Gain /geΙn/ neglect /nΙ’glekt/ egg /eg/

Oxford Dictionary (2013) g. Consonant /f/

This consonant is defined as voiceless labiodental fricative

Initial middle final

Foot /fʊt/ effect /Ι’fekt/ elf /elf/

Food /fu:d/ effort /’efət/ leaf /li:f/

Fool /fu:l/ after /’ɑ:ftə(r) roof /ru:f/

Oxford Dictionary (2013)

14 h. Consonant /v/

This consonant is defined as a voiced labiodental fricative.

Initial middle final

Vine /vaΙn/ divide /dΙ’vaΙd/ give /gIv/

Visa /’vi:zə/ divine /dΙ’vaIn/ have /hӕv/

Voice /vɔis/ divert /daI’vɜ:t/ prove /pru:v/

Oxford Dictionary (2013) i. Consonant /Ө/

This consonants is defined as a voiceless dental fricative

Initial middle final

Theme /Өi:m/ athlete /’ӕӨli:t/ path /pɑ:Ө/

Thaw /Өɔ:/ author /’ɔ:Өə(r)/ earth /ɜ:Ө/

Thank /Өӕŋk/ method / /’meӨəd/ breath /breӨ/

Oxford Dictionary (2013) j. Consonant /ð/

This consonant is defined as a voiced dental fricative

Initial middle final

That /ðӕt/ mother /’mᴧðə(r) mouth /maʊӨ/

The /ðə:/ father /’fɑ:ðə(r) with /wIð/

Then /ðen/ although /ɔ:lðəʊ/ clothe /kləʊð/

Oxford Dictionary (2013)

15 k. Consonant /z/

This consonant is defined as a voiced alveolar fricative.

Initial middle final

Zoom /zu:m/ lazy /’leIzi/ does /dᴧz/

Zeal /zi:l/ bazaar /bə’zɑ:(r) size /saIz/

Zest /zest/ Dizzy /’dIzi/ seize /si:z/

Manser (1991) l. Consonant /ʃ/

This consonant is defined as voiceless palate alveolar fricative

Initial middle final

Shack /ʃӕk/ nation /’neIʃn/ push /pʊʃ/

Shabby /’ʃӕbi/ usher /’ᴧʃə(r)/ fish /fIʃ/

Ship /ʃIp/ machine /mə’ʃi:n/ wish /wIʃ/

Manser (1991) m. Consonant /ʒ/

This consonant is defined as a voiced palate alveolar fricative

Initial middle final

- Decision /dI’sIʒn/ mirage /’mIrɑ:ʒ/

- Vision /’vIʒn/ prestige /pre’sti:ʒ/

- Usual /’ju:ʒuəl/ massage /’mӕsɑ:ʒ/

There is no consonant /ʒ/ in initial position

Manser (1991)

16 n. Consonant /tʃ/

This consonant is defined as a voiceless palate alveolar affricative

Initial middle final

Churn /tʃɜ:n/ achieve /ə’tʃi:v/ breach /bri:tʃ/

Chubby /tʃᴧbi/ archbishop /ɑ:tʃ ‘bisəp/ catch /kӕtʃ/

Chum /tʃᴧm/ archer /’ɑ:tʃə(r) approach /ə’prəʊtʃ/

Manser (1991) o. Consonant /dʒ/

This consonant is defined as a voiceless palate alveolar affricative

Initial middle final

Job /dʒɒb/ adjective /’ӕdʒӀktIv/ begrudge /bI’grᴧdʒ/

Jog /dʒɒg/ adjourn /ə’dʒɜ:n/ gudge /grᴧdʒ/

Jug /dʒᴧg/ adjuct /’ӕdʒᴧŋkt/ -

Manser (1991) p. Consonant /m/

This consonant is defined as a

Initial middle final

Moon /mu:n/ comment /’kɒment/ blame /bleIm/

Moo /mu:/ simple /’sImpl/ game /geIm/

Move /mu:v/ summer /’sᴧmə(r)/ bloom /blu:m/

Manser (1991)

17 q. Consonant /ŋ/

This consonant is defined as a

Initial middle final

- Angle /’ӕŋgl/ wrong /rɒŋ/

- Angry /’ӕŋgri/ among /ə’mᴧŋ/

- Single /’sIŋgl/ tongue /tᴧŋ/

Oxford Dictionary (2013) r. Consonant /n/

This consonant is defined as a voiced alveolar nasal

Initial middle final

Night /naIt/ many /’meni/ none /nᴧn/

Nod /nɒd anus /’eInəs/ noon /nu:n/

Nip /nIp/ antler /’ӕntlə(r) coin /kɔIn/

Manser (1991) s. Consonant /l/

This consonant is defined as a voiced alveolar lateral

Initial middle final

Laden /’leIdn/ build /bIld/ bull /bʊl/

Lane /leIn/ bullet /’bʊlIt/ bell /bel/

Lantern /’lӕntən/ bully /’bʊli/ feel /fi:l/

Manser (1991)

18 t. Consonant /w/

This consonant is defined as a voiced bilabial semivowel

Initial middle final

Way /weI/ sweet /swi:t/ -

Wild /waIld/ sweep /swi:p/ -

Wilt /wIlt/ swell /swell/ -

There is no consonant /w/ in final position

Manser (1991) u. Consonant /r/

This consonant is defined as a voiced palate alveolar semivowel

Initial middle final

Repay /rI’pey/ spring /sprIŋ/ -

Report /rI’pɔt/ fresh /freʃ/ -

Replay ri:pleI/ hundred /’hᴧndrəd/ -

There is no consonant /r/ in final position.

Manser (1991) v. Consonant /j/

Initial middle final

Jail /jeil/ biologist /bai’aləjist/ -

Jealous /’jeləs/ biology /bai’aləjie/ -

Jam /jӕm/ biological /’baiə’lajəkəl/ -

There is no consonant /j/ in final position

Echols (1996)

19 w. Consonant /s/

This consonant is defined as a voiceless alveolar fricative

Initial middle final

Set /set/ essay /’eseI/ service /’sɜ:vIs/

Seven /’sevn/ essence /’esns/ sense /sens/

Settle /’setl/ escape /I’skeIp/ semblance /’sembləns/

Oxford Dictionary (2008)

6. Torajanese Vernacular

One of the ethnic groups in Indonesia is Torajanese with its language that is

Torajan language. Torajan language is the dominant language spoken in Tana

Toraja, a region located in the highland of the northern part of South Sulawesi

Province. The Toraja Sa'dan is the main dialect. Toraja Sa'dan dialect is used in some areas such as Makale (Tallulembangna), Rantepao (Kesu'), and the West

Toraja (West Toraja, Mappa-Pana). Toraja Sa'dan language is included in the

“Malayo-Polynesian language of the Austronesian” (Pangala, 2012). Toraja

Sa'dan language is one of the languages spoken in the area surrounding Tana

Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Although Indonesian language is the official language spoken in the community, all elementary schools in Tana Toraja teach students Torajanese vernacular. Indonesian language is overwhelmingly spoken by the whole Tana

Toraja society of all ages. This is because of the effect of the spread of

Christianity that uses Indonesian as the media delivery processing religious messages. Toraja Sa'dan dialect is similar to the Batak dialect, fast and loudly in

20 speaking. They talk like people screaming, probably because the Tana Toraja area is mountainous, so they have to speak loudly so that people who are invited to talk across or down below can hear over.

As Torajanese language has its own phonology, Torajanese language has twenty sounds alphabet of language (phonemes), with five vowels and fifteen consonant (Omniglot; the language encyclopedia). For more details, Table 3 on the next page shows Toraja Sa’dan Alphabet.

7. Toraja Sa'dan Alphabets


TorajaSa’dan Alphabets

Vowels A E I O U

[a] [ɛ] [i] [ɔ] [u]

Consonants B D G K L M N Ng

[b] [d] [g] [k] [l] [m] [n] [ŋ]

P R S T W Y ʔ

[p] [r] [s] [t] [w] [j] [ʔ]

a. Vowels

Vowels sound explanation as in the words both English and Torajanese

language which found in Dasang dkk “PedomanEjaan Bahasa Toraja” (1985):

1) /a/, it has the sound of “a” as in Torajanese language “paniq” (wings), and

“father” in English.


2) /e/, stressed “e” as in Torajanese language “tete” (bridge), and “ten” in


3) /i/, has the sound of “i” as in Torajanese language “iko” (you), and “in,

bee” in English.

4) /o/, has the sound of “o” as in Torajanese language “oto” (mobil), and

“hot” in English.

5) /u/ , has the sound of “u” as inTorajanese language “ulu” (head), and “put”

in English. b. Consonants

1) /b/ – be, has the sound of “b” as in Torajanese language “banua” (house),

and “baby” in English.

2) /d/ – de, has the sound of “d” as in Torajanese language “dodo” (sarong),

and “dance” in English.

3) /g/ – ge. has the sound of “g” as in Torajanese language “gandang” (drum),

and “get” in English.

4) /k/ – ka, but short, like in English, except that in final position it is

“unreleased” (glottal stop). As in Torajanese language “kale” (body), and

“key” in English.

5) /l/ – el, has the sound of “l” as in Torajanese language “lemo” (orange

fruit), and “real” in English.

6) /m/ – em, has the sound of “m” as in Torajanese language “male” (go), and

“made” in English.


7) /n/ – en, has the sound of “n” as in Torajanese language “kande” (food),

and “negative” in English.

8) /p/ – pe, has the sound of “p” as in Torajanese language “pao” (mango”),

and “pay” in English.

9) /r/ – err, this letter is always sounded, no matter where it occurs. It is

lightly rolled “r”, not the American “r” as in Torajanese language “kadera”


10) /s/ – ess, has the sound of “s” as in Torajanese language “sanga” (name),

and “snake” in English.

11) /t/ – te, has the sound of “t” as in Torajanese language “tanta” (aunt), and

“tourist” in English.

12) /w/ – we, has the sound of “w” as in Torajanese language “wai” (water),

and “way” in English.

13) /y/ – ye, has the sound of “y” as in Torajanese language “mentoyang”

(hanging), and “yellow” in English.

To simplify the comparison between English and Torajanese language sounds the Table below show the difference of these two languages in both vowel and consonant sound, as the same manner as has 44 sounds: 12 vowels sound and 32 consonant sounds and Torajanese language just have 25 sounds: 5 vowel sounds and 15 consonant sounds. For more detail, Table 4 on the next page shows the comparison between English and Torajanese language.


Table. 4

Comparisons Between English and Torajanese Language Sounds.

Vowels Consonants Torajanese Torajanese English English language language /i:/ /i/ /p/ /p/ /ɜ:/ /ɜ/ /b/ /b/ /ɔ:/ /ɔ/ /t/ /t/ /ɑ:/ /a/ /d/ /d/ /u:/ /u/ /k/ /k/ /ɪ/ - /g/ /g/ /ɒ/ - /s/ /s/ /e/ - /m/ /m/ /ə/ - /n/ /n/ /æ/ - / ŋ/ / ŋ/ /æ/ - /ʔ/ /ʔ/ /ʌ/ - /l/ /l/ /ʊ/ - /w/ /w/ /r/ /r/ /j/ /j/ /ʧ/ - /ʤ/ - /f/ - /v/ - /θ/ - /ð/ - /z/ - /ʃ/ - /ʒ/ - /h/ -


The Table shows that Torajanese could not pronounce some English sounds because there are some English sounds that do not exist in Torajanese alphabet.

The pronunciation of the Torajanese language is similar to Indonesian language.

However, some of the graphemes do not exist in the Torajanese language like /c, f, v, x, and z/.

The Torajanese language is distinguished with from utilization of the glottal stop, which is indicated in the text by an apostrophe (e.g. Sa’dan, ambe’ (father), tae' (no/nothing) kantoro' (office) etc.). The absence of some voices in the

Torajanese language system causes mispronounced to the Torajanese to pronounce that sounds and replace it with other sounds that considered to the similar or close, for example /c/ become /s/, in Indonesian “baca (read)” become

“basa”. Sound /f/ and /v/ become /p/ in “fanatik (fanatic)” becomes “panatik”,

“fondasi (foundation)” becomes “pondasi”. Sound /v/ in “vitamin” becomes





A. Method of Research

In this research used quantitative descriptive method employed in this study, in which the data are collected, analyzed, and interpreted. According to Travers

(1978) as cited in Rivera (1996:50), “this design described the nature of situation as it existed at the time of the study and explored the course of particular phenomena”. Furthermore, Sevilla and Ochave (2007) argued that descriptive study could only measure what already existed, instead of what was, and what is, just as a historical research. This was considered the most appropriate method for this study because the purpose of this study was to describe the influence of

Torajanese vernacular in English pronunciation.

1. Library Research

In order to collect the information needed, the writer browsed and read some books, papers, and other materials which dealt with the deviation or any relevant materials related to the topic. In addition, she took references from internet and electronic journals.

2. Field Research

The researcher held the observation at English Department where she chose some students as her participants. The writer wanted to know in what position the deviation phenomena could occur by analyzing their pronunciations.


This type of research usually involves the recorder. It may also include the handwriting represent into the table.

a. Method of collecting data

The researcher used some steps as follows to collect the data:

1) Collecting the words that were put in sentences which

contained /ɑ:/, /ɪ/, /ʊ/, /ɛ/, /ə/, /ɔ/, /æ/, /ʒ/, /p-b/, /t- d/,/f-v/, /k-g/,

/s-z/, /s-ʃ/, /θ-ð/, and /ʧ-ʤ/ sounds: vowel and consonant.

2) Listing all the Torajanese students at English department in

Hasanuddin University.

3) Selecting purposively select the students.

4) Asking them to read the list of words loudly which had been

arranged by the researcher (which contained /ɑ:/, /ɪ/, /ʊ/, /ɛ/, /ə/,

/ɔ/, /æ/, /ʒ/, /p-b/,s /t-d/,/f-v/, /k-g/, /s-z/, /s-ʃ/, /θ-ð/, and /ʧ-ʤ/


5) Recording when the students read the sentence using phone.

b. Population and sample

Population is a set (or collection) of all elements processing one or

more attribute of interested (Arikunto 1998:339). The populations of this

research were 10 students from Torajanese whose study at English

department started from 2013-2016.

This sample of this study was the population itself, where the

sample chosen purposively such as the population above.

27 c. Method of Analyzing data

In analyzing data, the researcher applied the quantitative descriptive method. The researcher analyzed data from the results of the task given to the students of English Department at Hasanuddin University. There were several steps in analyzing the data such as:

1) Collecting

The researcher collected all the participant record voices. Each

participant had their own file

2) Transferring

Each of student record voice was transferred into the table containing

all the mistakes of mispronounced sounds.

3) Scoring

Calculating the percentage of mispronouncing sound from all the

students using the following formula

푓 푝 = × 100% 푛

Where, 푝 = percentage

푓 = frequencies

푛 = the total number

(Sugiyono, 2012)


B. Research Instrument

The research instrument of this study was the list of English words put in sentences, which contained vowels and consonant. The other instrument was the mobile phone used for recording the participants’ sounds while reading some sentences. The last instrument was the field note that was later presented in the table.




The finding of this research presents the data analysis, findings, and interpretation of data gathered. The discussion of the data analysis is based on the research questions. The analyses of the data are presented in the form of tables that answers each question of English sound mispronounciation and the percentage.

This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part analyzes the mispronounced English sounds by Torajanese students, and the second one discusses the percentage of mispronounced English sounds.

A. The Mispronounced Vowels and Consonants of Torajanese Students at

English Department in Hasanuddin University

Based on the research instruments there are seven vowels which have been tested, and the finding shows that there are five vowel sounds mispronounced by

Torajanese students; the first one is : /ə/ sound as in the words like ago, aside and about as in the sentences of “It was long ago”, “Put it aside” and “How about a movie Saturday night?”; the second one is /æ/ sound as in the words like bad, pan and man as in the sentences of “I have a bad”, “He has a pan” and “The man came”; the third one is /ɑ:/ sound as in the words like “paw, star and card as in the sentences of “I like his paw”, “I see a star”, and “He has a card”; the fourth one is

/ʊ/ sound as in the words like pull, full and could as in the sentences of “Don’t pull it”, “We said full” and “He said they could”, and the last is the /ɔ/ sound as in

30 the words like ball, tall and dog as in the sentences of “He has a ball”, “The word is tall” and “She has a dog”. In addition, the two vowel sounds /ɛ/ and /ɪ/ are not found in this analysis.

Table.1 below displays the mispronounced vowel sounds by Torajanese students.


Mispronounced Vowel Sounds by Torajanese Students

Vocal sounds Mispronounced

Front- close mid-unrounded ə Yes

Front-open-unrounded æ Yes

Back-open-unrounded ɑ: Yes

Back-close-rounded ʊ Yes

Back-open mid-rounded ɔ: Yes

Front-open mid-unrounded ɛ Not

Front-close mid-unrounded ɪ Not

In the voiceless consonant sounds, the finding shows that there are four voiceless consonant sounds mispronounced, i.e. /f/ sound in the words like fan, final and fender as in the sentences of “The fan is large”, “That’s final” and “The fender was old”. The /θ/ sound is in the words like thought, theme and trough as in the sentences of “He thought a lot”, “I need a theme” and “Is she trough?”. The


/ʃ/ sound is in the words like ship, show and clashes as in the sentences of “We took a ship”, “Don’t show it” and “They had clashes”. The /ʧ/ sound is in words like chin, chest and choking as in the sentences of “I like his chin”, “It’s a chest,” and “He’s choking”. The other voiceless consonant sounds that have been tasted are /p/, /k/, /t/ and /s/ which are not mispronounced. Table.2 below shows mispronounced voiceless consonants by Torajanese students.


Mispronounced Voiceless Consonants by Torajanese Students

Voiceless Mispronounced consonants

Labiodental Fricative F Not

Inter-Dental Fricative θ Yes

Palato-Alveolar Fricative ʃ Yes

Palate-Alveolar Affricative ʧ Yes

Alveolar Fricative s Not

Stop-plosive bilabial p Not

Plosive- Alveolar t Not

Velar k Not


Regarding to the voiced consonants, it is interesting to notice that all the voiced consonants are mispronounced by Torajanese students. All the mispronounced voiced consonants are /b/ sound as in words like robe, mob and cab as in the sentences of “John has a robe”, “Did you see the mob?” and “She took a cab”. The /d/ sound is in words like ride, seed and card as in the sentences of “Will you ride?”, “Do you want the seed?” and “I gave him my card”. The /g/ sound is in words like log, rag and bag as in the sentences of “Is that a log?”, “A rag is on the wall” and “It’s in the bag”. The /v/ sounds as in words like van, vinyl and vendor as in the sentences of “The van is large”, “That’s vinyl” and

“The vendor was old”.

The others sounds are /ð/ sound as in words like though, they and those as in the sentences of “Can you spell though?”, “Will they come?” and “It’s not fair to those in the class”. The /z/ sound as in words like zeal, zinc and zip as in the sentences of “Say zeal”, “Take the zinc” and “He’ll zip it”. The /ʒ/ sound is in words like provision, treasure and measure as in the sentences of “The ship provisions for a three-month cruise.”, “Some of our national treasures are in the white house,” and “Shakespeare wrote the play measure to measure”. The /ʤ/ sounds as in the word of gin, badge and marge as in the sentences of “I like his gin”, “I saw his badge”, and “Is marge cold?”. Table 3 below displays the mispronounced voiced consonants.



Mispronounced Voiced Consonants by Torajanese Freshmen.

Voiced Consonants Mispronounced

Stop-plosive bilabial B Yes

Plosive- Alveolar d Yes

Velar g Yes

Labiodental Fricative v Yes

Inter-Dental Fricative ð Yes

Alveolar Fricative z Yes

Palato-Alveolar Fricative ʒ Yes

Palate-Alveolar Affricative ʤ Yes

For the overall picture, table 4 on the next page presents picture of voiced and voiceless consonants mispronounced by Torajanese students at English department.



Mispronounced Voiced and Voiceless Consonants

Voiceles Mispronounc Mispronounc Voiced s e ed

Labiodental Fricative F Not V Yes

Inter-Dental Fricative θ yes ð Yes

Palato-Alveolar Fricative ʃ yes ʒ Yes

Palate-Alveolar ʧ yes ʤ Yes Affricative

p not b Yes Stop-plosive bilabial

t not d Yes Plosive- Alveolar

s not g Yes Alveolar Fricative

k not z Yes Velar


B. The Percentage of Mispronounced English Sound Made by Torajanese

Students at English Department

The finding shows that the highest mispronounced vowel sounds by

Torajanese students are /æ/ sound with 93%, followed by /ə/ sound with 63%, /ʊ/ sound with 23%, /ɑ:/ sound with 7%, and the last /ɔ:/ sound with 3%. Table 5 below shows the mispronounced percentage of vowel sounds.


The Percentage Mispronounced Vocal sounds

Vocal Percentage of

sounds mispronounced

Front-open-unrounded ӕ 93%

Front-close mid-unrounded ə 63%

Back-close mid-rounded ʊ 23%

Back-open-unrounded ɑ: 7%

Back-open-unrounded ɔ: 3%

In voiceless consonant sounds, the finding reveals that the highest mispronounced is /θ/ sound with 90%, followed by /ʧ/ sound with 70%, /ʃ/ sound with 60%. Table 6 below displays the percentage mispronounced voiceless consonant by Torajanese students.



Percentage Mispronounced Voiceless Consonants

Voiceless Percentage of

consonants mispronounced

Inter-Dental Fricative Θ 90%

Palate-Alveolar Affricative ʧ 70%

Palato-Alveolar Fricative ʃ 60%

Concerning to the mispronounced voiced consonants, the finding reveals that the Torajanese students mispronounce all of the eight voiced consonants as mentioned in research question 1. Moreover, the first one as the highest mispronounced is the /ð/ sound with 90%; the second one is the /ʤ/ and /v/ sounds with 87%; the third one is the /ʒ/ sound with 83%; the fourth one is the /z/ sound with 77%; the fifth one /b/ and /g/ sounds with 47%, and the last one is the

/d/ sound with 43%. Table 7 below displays the mispronounced percentage voiced consonants.



The Mispronounced Percentage Voiced Consonants

Voiced Percentage of

consonants mispronounced

Inter-Dental Fricative ð 90%

Palate-Alveolar Affricative ʤ 87%

Labiodental Fricative v 87%

Palato-Alveolar Fricative ʒ 83%

Alveolar Fricative z 77%

Stop-plosive bilabial b 47%

Velar g 47%

Plosive- Alveolar d 43%

The overall picture presents the percentages of voiced and voiceless consonants mispronounced by Torajanese students of English department as seen in the following table.



Mispronounced Percentages Voiced and Voiceless Consonants

Voiceles s Percentage of Voiced Percentage of consonan mispronounced consonant mispronounced ts Θ 90% Ð 90%

ʧ 70% ʤ 87%

ʃ 60% v 87%

ʒ 83%

z 77%

b 47%

g 47%

d 43%

Based on the findings, the researcher draws some interpretation related to the mispronunciation of English vowel sounds by Torajanese students. The first interpretation is regarding vowels /ɛ/ and /ə/ that there are no students who mispronounce sound /ɛ/. The problem appears when the Torajanese students try to pronounce the /ə/ sound, as in words like ago, aside and about, and as in the sentences of “It was long ago”, “Put it aside” and “How about a movie Saturday night?” where /ə/ sound in the words is mispronounced with /ɛ/ sound.

Consequently, they become /ɛgo/, /ɛside/, and /ɛbout/. It is obvious that the

Torajanese students simply replace the vowel sound /ə/ with the closest similar

39 sound vowel /ɛ/ because the vowel sound /ə/ does not exist in the Torajanese alphabet.

The next interpretation regarding the mispronounced vowel sound of /æ/, as the percentage shows that the highest mispronounced in the group of vowel is

93%. In pronouncing the English sound /æ/, the same reason as in pronouncing the /ə/ sound, is applied that the Torajanese students utilize the closest realization of the vowel sound /æ/ with the simplest sound of /ɛ/. The reason is because the sound /æ/ cannot be found in Torajan language sound system, so they try to pronounce the sound /æ/ with the sound /ɛ/ that has the similar sound, the example of the mispronounced sound /æ/ is in the words like hat, pan, past, and man. When the Torajanese students pronounce the vowel sound /æ/, the result can be easily predicted; they all become new words: hat: /hɛt/, pen: /pɛn/, past: /pɛst/, and man:

/mɛn/, as in the sentences of “I have a hat”, “He has a pan”, “The past is gone”, and “The man came”.

The interpretation of the other mispronounced English sounds is sound /ʊ/.

The Torajanese students also replace the sound with the closest sound of /u/ as in the words like pull, full, look, and could and stood, as in the sentences of “don’t pull it, we said full, we said look, he said they could, and it stood all day”. The percentage level is 23%, which means that some of the students know how to pronounce the sound correctly. The pronunciation of the /ɑ: / sound of Torajanese students is less mispronounced and the percentage shows that there is only 7%. It means that most of them can produce this sound as in the words like paw, star, part, cart, and card and as in the sentences of “I like his paw, I see a star, that part

40 is good, it’s a cart and he has the card”. The 7% of mispronunciation is only caused by some of the Torajanese students who read the words “paw” as “pew” and “card” as “cɑrd”. Moreover, the same case happens in the /ɔ/ sound with the mispronounced percentage that only shows 3%. It shows that Torajanese students can pronounce the sound correctly as in the word of: all, ball, tall, dog, boss, and store as in the sentences of “He has a ball”, “The word is “tall”, “She has a dog”,

“This is my boss”, and “I see a store”. In addition, the 2% of mispronounciation is done by a student who misreads the word of “ball” as /bɑll/.

Regarding the mispronounced voiceless /p/ and voiced consonant /b/, the

Torajanese students can produce correct consonant sounds /p/ and /b/ if the sound

/b/ is the initial sound or at the beginning of the words; like in the words of pat– bat, pet–bet, pig–big, but it is interesting to notice that they mispronounce the sound of /b/ when it appears in the final position. For example in the words like cab, robe, mob, they mispronounce the sounds as cap /cɛp/, rope /rɔp/ and mop


The fourth interpretation is due to the consonants of /t/ and /d/, and the same case happens as in the consonant sounds /p/ and /b/. Generally, Torajanese students do not mispronounce those sounds, but when the sound /d/ appears in the final position, the Torajanese students meet problems. For example, in the words such as ride, seed, and card they mispronounce the words right: /rait/, sit: /si:t/, and cart: /cart/. The same case also appears in the sounds of /k/ and /g/. When the sound /g/ appears in the final position, they mispronounce the sound /g/ with

41 sound /k/, for example in the words of bag, log, rag, where they pronounce them as back: /bɛk/, lock: /lɔk/, and rack: /rɛk/.

Regarding the sounds of /f/ and /v/, there is no student pronouncing the sound /f/, and most of them mispronounce the voice sound /v/ for voiceless /f/.

For example in the words of van, have, and save they produce them as fan: /fɛn/, have: /hɛf/ and save: /sɛif/. It seems that all Indonesian people not only Torajanese students have a tendency to pronounce /v/ sound in a voiceless sound and they cannot pronounce the voice /v/ sound correctly, and pronounce it as /f/ sound.

Moreover, the same case happens in pronouncing the voice /z/ sound where they pronounce it with the voiceless sound and of course, it becomes voiceless /s/ sound. In Indonesia, it can be understood but in English it can cause misunderstandings. As the /z/ sound in the words of zeal, zinc and zip as in the sentence of “say zeal, take the zinc, he’ll zip it” the /z/ sound may be with the /s/ sound, and the words will be: as zeal: /seal/, zinc: /sink/, and zip: /sip/, the meaning of the words will obviously change.

The next interpretation regarding to sounds /θ/ and /ð/. Most of the

Torajanese students simply pronounce the sounds of /θ/ and /ð/ for simple /d/ or

/t/. The sounds /θ/ and /ð/ are the highest mispronounced consonant sounds as the percentage shows /θ/ and /ð/ sounds with 90%, so they try to find the closest sound in their sound properties, Torajanese sound. The result is obviously mispronounced as in the words like: though, math, death, theme, they, and those mispronounced as /tɔuk/, /met/, /dɛt/, /dɛm/, /dɛi/, and /dɔus/.


The other interpretation regarding the consonant sounds of /ʃ/and /ʒ/.

Torajanese students mispronounce these sounds simply /s/ or /j/ sounds. The sound /ʃ/ or “sh” is the sound produced as fricative sound, and pronounced as /s/ sound, as in the words like: ship, show, leashed, clashes and clash that become

/sip/, /sɔu/, /list/, /klasɛs/ and /klas/. The same case happens in the consonant /ʒ/ sound, Torajanese students simplify the pronunciation of this and the sound is replaced with the /s/ sound, as in the words like : provision, treasure, measure, occasion, decision mispronounced as /prɔfisiɔn/, /trɛasur/, /mɛasur/, /ɔkɛsiɔn/ and


The last interpretation regarding the consonants sounds of /ʧ/ and /ʤ/.

There is no student who mispronounces the /ʧ/ sound, since the sound corresponds to Torajanese language and Indonesian language as the /c/ sound. Regarding the sound /ʤ/, in Torajanese language and Indonesian language it is pronounced as /j/ sound, but the problem is when the letter “g” appears in the middle or end of word, the mispronunciation that appears in the sound of /ʤ/ sound as in words like badge and merge. The mispronunciation of these sounds can cause misunderstandings in communication because of the sound changes.




A. Conclusions

Based on the findings it showed that mispronounced English sounds of

Torajanese students were divided into three types. The first type was in the sounds of vowel /ə/, /æ/, /ɑ:/, /ʊ/, the sounds of consonant: /ʒ/, /ʃ/, /θ/, /ð/, /ʧ/ and /ʤ/.

Torajanese students mispronounced these sounds by replacing the sounds with the similar sound in their native language like the sounds of /ə/ and/æ/ became /ɛ/, /ɑ:/ became /a/ and /ʊ/ became /u/. The sound of /ʃ/ and /ʒ/ became /s/, /θ/ became /t/,

/ð/ became /d/, /ʧ/ became /c/ and /ʤ/ became /j/, because the sounds were not exist in Torajanese language. The second type was voiced sound like /v/ and /z/.

The Torajanese students pronounced the sounds of /v/ and /z/ with voiceless sound that was the sound /v/ became /f/, and the sound /z/ became /s/. The last third type were in sounds of /b/, /d/ and /g/. Although, those sounds exist in

Torajanese language, but Torajanese students mispronounced the sounds if that sounds were put in final word. Therefore, based on the mispronunciation of problems stated above it could be concluded that Torajanese students mispronounced the English sound vowels: /ə/, /æ/, /ɑ:/and /ʊ/ and consonants: /ʒ/,

/b/, /d/, /v/, /g/, /z/, /ʃ/, /θ/, /ð/, /ʧ/ and /ʤ/ sounds.

Based on the findings the mispronounced percentage of English sounds of

Torajanese students were /æ/ with 93%, /ə/ with 63%, /ʊ/ with 23%, /ɑ:/ with 7% and /ɔ:/ with 3%. In voiceless consonant sounds, the mispronounced were /θ/ with


90%, /ʧ/ with 70%, and /ʃ/ with 60%. Moreover, in voiced consonant sounds the mispronounced were /ð/ with 90%, /ʤ/ and /v/ with 87%, /ʒ/ with 83%, /z/ with

77%, /b/, and /g/ with 47% and /d/ with 43%. It can be concluded that the Highest level mispronounced English sounds of Torajanese students were /æ/ with 93%,

/θ/ with 90%, /ð/ with 90%, /ʤ/, /v/ with 87% and /ʒ/ with 83%. The High level were /ə/ with 63%, /z/ with 77% and /ʧ/ with 70%. The Moderate level were /ʃ/ with 60%, /g/ with 47%, and /d/ with 43%. The Low level was /ʊ/ with 23% and the Lower level were /ɑ:/ with 7% and /ɔ:/ with 3%. In addition, for all the mispronounced English sounds of Torajanese students in /ə/, /æ/, /ɑ:/,/ʊ/,/ʒ/, /b/,

/d/, /v/, /g/, /z/, /ʃ/, /θ/, /ð/, /ʧ/ and /ʤ/ sounds, the results were varied in percentage and they all cold lead misunderstanding in communication.

B. Suggestions

Based on the research findings, several suggestions are recommended:

1. Torajanese students need to know their background problem and to overcome

their mispronunciation by listening carefully to the correct pronunciation from

either the teacher or using Electronic English dictionary and try to practice

correct pronunciation in their daily conversation.

2. English teachers in English department, Hasanuddin University, should pay

more attention on the practice of English pronunciation given to the students in

order for their gradual improvements.

Further studies should be conducted in order to explore more patterns of mispronunciation in other ethnic groups.



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Transcript of Recordings


Name of student : AWE Year : 2015 Age : 21

English sound No Sentences / ə/ Mispronounce as 1 It was long ago Yes /ε/ 2 Put it aside Yes /ε/ 3 How about a movie Saturday night? Yes /ε/

No Sentences / æ/ Mispronounce as 1 I have a hat Yes /ε/ 2 He has a pan Yes /ε/ 3 The man came Yes /ε/

No Sentences / ɑ:/ Mispronounce as 1 I see a star No - 2 He has a card No - 3 I like his paw No -

No Sentences /ʊ/ Mispronounce as 1 Don’t pull it No - 2 We said full No - 3 He said could Yes /u/

No Sentences /ɔ/ Mispronounce as 1 He has a ball No - 2 The pole is tall No - 3 She has a dog No -

no Sentences /f/ Mispronounce as 1 The fan is large No - 2 That’s final test No - 3 The fender was old No -


No Sentences /θ/ Mispronounce as 1 He thought a lot Yes /t/ 2 I need a theme No - 3 Is he through? Yes /t/

No Sentences /ʃ/ Mispronounce as 1 We took a ship No - 2 Don’t show it Yes /s/ 3 They had clashes No -

No Sentences /ʧ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his chin Yes /c/ 2 It’s a chest No - 3 He’s choking Yes /c/

No Sentences /b/ Mispronounce as 1 John has a robe No - 2 Did you see the mob? No - 3 She took a cab Yes /p/

No Sentences /d/ Mispronounce as 1 Will you ride? Yes /t/ 2 Do you want the seed? No - 3 I gave him my card No -

No Sentences /g/ Mispronounce as 1 Is that a log? Yes /k/ 2 A rag is on the wall No - 3 It’s in the bag No -

No Sentences /v/ Mispronounce as 1 The van is small Yes /f/ 2 That’s vinyl was old Yes /f/ 3 The vendor was old No -


No Sentences /ð/ Mispronounce as 1 Can you spell though? Yes /d/ 2 Will they come? Yes /d/ 3 It’s not fair to those in the class No -

No Sentences /z/ Mispronounce as 1 Say zeal Yes /s/ 2 Take the zinc No - 3 He’ll zip it Yes /s/

No Sentences /ʒ/ Mispronounce as 1 The ship provisions for a three month cruise Yes /s/ Some of our national treasure are in the white 2 No - house 3 Shakespeare wrote the play “measure to measure” Yes /s/

No Sentences /ʤ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his gin No - 2 I saw his badge Yes /s/ 3 Is marge cold? Yes /s/

No Sentences /P/ Mispronounce as 1 Ines plays the piano No - 2 I have a pen No - 3 Red lip No -

No Sentences /T/ Mispronounce as 1 A cup of tea No - 2 A stray cat No - 3 A big rat No -

No Sentences /K/ Mispronounce as 1 The king of jungle No - 2 My mom make some cake No - 3 A crass question No -


No Sentences /M/ Mispronounce as 1 Talking to the moon No - 2 I shall not be moved No - 3 I need a comment No -

No Sentences /n/ Mispronounce as 1 I need backup No - 2 Good afternoon dude No - 3 In the night when I was sleep No -

No Sentences /ŋ/ Mispronounce as 1 The angry bird No - 2 I walk on the wrong way No - 3 He has a sharp tongue No -

No Sentences /L/ Mispronounce as 1 Little lamb No - 2 I see the beautiful lily No - 3 Stop bullying No -

No Sentences /W/ Mispronounce as 1 I walk on the wrong way No - 2 The little sweet girl No - 3 It’s a wonderful life No -

No Sentences /r/ Mispronounce as 1 Drinking at the springs of water No - 2 Make a fresh start No - 3 The greedy dog No -

No Sentences /J/ Mispronounce as 1 I am a biologist No - 2 A traffic jam No - 3 I like study biology No -


No Sentences /ԑ/ Mispronounce as 1 The thousand No - 2 It’s hard to tell No - 3 Tell me No -

No Sentences /Ӏ/ Mispronounce as 1 I miss you No - 2 I live in bandung No - 3 Incredible family No -


Name of student : B Year : 2016 Age : 19

English sound

No Sentences / ə/ Mispronounce as 1 It was long ago Yes /ε/ 2 Put it aside Yes /ε/ 3 How about a movie Saturday night? Yes /ε/

No Sentences / æ/ Mispronounce as 1 I have a hat Yes /ε/ 2 He has a pan Yes /ε/ 3 The man came Yes /ε/

No Sentences / ɑ:/ Mispronounce as 1 I see a star No - 2 He has a card Yes /t/ 3 I like his paw No -

No Sentences /ʊ/ Mispronounce as 1 Don’t pull it No - 2 We said full No - 3 He said could No -

No Sentences /ɔ/ Mispronounce as 1 He has a ball No - 2 The pole is tall No - 3 She has a dog No -

No Sentences /f/ Mispronounce as 1 The fan is large No - 2 That’s final test No - 3 The fender was old No -


No Sentences /θ/ Mispronounce as 1 He thought a lot Yes /t/ 2 I need a theme Yes /t/ 3 Is he through? Yes /t/

No Sentences /ʃ/ Mispronounce as 1 We took a ship Yes /s/ 2 Don’t show it No - 3 They had clashes Yes /s/

No Sentences /ʧ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his chin Yes /c/ 2 It’s a chest Yes /c/ 3 He’s choking Yes /c/

No Sentences /b/ Mispronounce as 1 John has a robe Yes /p/ 2 Did you see the mob? No - 3 She took a cab Yes /p/

No Sentences /d/ Mispronounce as 1 Will you ride? Yes /t/ 2 Do you want the seed? No - 3 I gave him my card No -

No Sentences /g/ Mispronounce as 1 Is that a log? Yes /k/ 2 A rag is on the wall Yes /k/ 3 It’s in the bag No -

No Sentences /v/ Mispronounce as 1 The van is small Yes /f/ 2 That’s vinyl was old Yes /f/ 3 The vendor was old Yes /f/


No Sentences /ð/ Mispronounce as 1 Can you spell though? Yes /d/ 2 Will they come? Yes /t/ 3 It’s not fair to those in the class Yes /t/

No Sentences /z/ Mispronounce as 1 Say zeal Yes /s/ 2 Take the zinc Yes /s/ 3 He’ll zip it No -

No Sentences /ʒ/ Mispronounce as 1 The ship provisions for a three month cruise No - Some of our national treasure are in the white 2 Yes /s/ house 3 Shakespeare wrote the play “measure to measure” Yes /s/

No Sentences /ʤ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his gin Yes /g/ 2 I saw his badge Yes /j/ 3 Is marge cold? Yes /g/

No Sentences /P/ Mispronounce as 1 Ines plays the piano No - 2 I have a pen No - 3 Red lip No -

No Sentences /T/ Mispronounce as 1 A cup of tea No - 2 A stray cat No - 3 A big rat No -

No Sentences /K/ Mispronounce as 1 The king of jungle No - 2 My mom make some cake No - 3 A crass question No -


No Sentences /M/ Mispronounce as 1 Talking to the moon No - 2 I shall not be moved No - 3 I need a comment No -

No Sentences /n/ Mispronounce as 1 I need backup No - 2 Good afternoon dude No - 3 In the night when I was sleep No -

No Sentences /ŋ/ Mispronounce as 1 The angry bird No - 2 I walk on the wrong way No - 3 He has a sharp tongue No -

No Sentences /L/ Mispronounce as 1 Little lamb No - 2 I see the beautiful lily No - 3 Stop bullying No -

No Sentences /W/ Mispronounce as 1 I walk on the wrong way No - 2 The little sweet girl No - 3 It’s a wonderful life No -

No Sentences /r/ Mispronounce as 1 Drinking at the springs of water No - 2 Make a fresh start No - 3 The greedy dog No -

No Sentences /J/ Mispronounce as 1 I am a biologist No - 2 A traffic jam No - 3 I like study biology No -


No Sentences /ԑ/ Mispronounce as 1 The thousand No - 2 It’s hard to tell No - 3 Tell me No -

No Sentences /Ӏ/ Mispronounce as 1 I miss you No - 2 I live in bandung No - 3 Incredible family No -


Name of student : C Year : 2014 Age : 21

English sound

No Sentences / ə/ Mispronounce as 1 It was long ago No - 2 Put it aside Yes /ε/ 3 How about a movie Saturday night? No -

No Sentences / æ/ Mispronounce as 1 I have a hat Yes /ə/ 2 He has a pan Yes /ε/ 3 The man came yes /ԑ/

No Sentences / ɑ:/ Mispronounce as 1 I see a star No - 2 He has a card Yes /a/ 3 I like his paw Yes /a/

No Sentences /ʊ/ Mispronounce as 1 Don’t pull it No - 2 We said full Yes /a/ 3 He said could no -

No Sentences /ɔ/ Mispronounce as 1 He has a ball No - 2 The pole is tall No - 3 She has a dog no -

No Sentences /f/ Mispronounce as 1 The fan is large no - 2 That’s final test No - 3 The fender was old No -


No Sentences /θ/ Mispronounce as 1 He thought a lot Yes /d/ 2 I need a theme Yes /t/ 3 Is he through? no -

No Sentences /ʃ/ Mispronounce as 1 We took a ship No - 2 Don’t show it No - 3 They had clashes no -

No Sentences /ʧ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his chin Yes /c/ 2 It’s a chest No - 3 He’s choking no -

No Sentences /b/ Mispronounce as 1 John has a robe no - 2 Did you see the mob? No - 3 She took a cab No -

No Sentences /d/ Mispronounce as 1 Will you ride? No - 2 Do you want the seed? No - 3 I gave him my card Yes /t/

No Sentences /g/ Mispronounce as 1 Is that a log? No - 2 A rag is on the wall No - 3 It’s in the bag Yes /k/

No Sentences /v/ Mispronounce as 1 The van is small Yes /f/ 2 That’s vinyl was old yes /f/ 3 The vendor was old Yes /k/


No Sentences /ð/ Mispronounce as 1 Can you spell though? Yes /d/ 2 Will they come? Yes /d/ 3 It’s not fair to those in the class Yes /d/

No Sentences /z/ Mispronounce as 1 Say zeal Yes /ʒ/ 2 Take the zinc Yes /s/ 3 He’ll zip it Yes /s/

No Sentences /ʒ/ Mispronounce as 1 The ship provisions for a three month cruise Yes /s/ Some of our national treasure are in the white 2 Yes /s/ house 3 Shakespeare wrote the play “measure to measure” yes /s/

No Sentences /ʤ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his gin Yes /g/ 2 I saw his badge No /s/ 3 Is marge cold? Yes /tʃ/

No Sentences /P/ Mispronounce as 1 Ines plays the piano No - 2 I have a pen No - 3 Red lip no -

No Sentences /T/ Mispronounce as 1 A cup of tea No - 2 A stray cat No - 3 A big rat No -

No Sentences /K/ Mispronounce as 1 The king of jungle No - 2 My mom make some cake No - 3 A crass question No -


No Sentences /M/ Mispronounce as 1 Talking to the moon No - 2 I shall not be moved No - 3 I need a comment No -

No Sentences /n/ Mispronounce as 1 I need backup No - 2 Good afternoon dude No - 3 In the night when I was sleep No -

No Sentences /ŋ/ Mispronounce as 1 The angry bird No - 2 I walk on the wrong way No - 3 He has a sharp tongue No -

No Sentences /L/ Mispronounce as 1 Little lamb No - 2 I see the beautiful lily No - 3 Stop bullying No -

No Sentences /W/ Mispronounce as 1 I walk on the wrong way No - 2 The little sweet girl No - 3 It’s a wonderful life No -

No Sentences /r/ Mispronounce as 1 Drinking at the springs of water No - 2 Make a fresh start No - 3 The greedy dog No -

No Sentences /J/ Mispronounce as 1 I am a biologist No - 2 A traffic jam No - 3 I like study biology No -


No Sentences /ԑ/ Mispronounce as 1 The thousand No - 2 It’s hard to tell No - 3 Tell me No -

No Sentences /Ӏ/ Mispronounce as 1 I miss you No - 2 I live in bandung No - 3 Incredible family No -


Name of student : F Year : 2016 Age : 20

English sound

No Sentences / ə/ Mispronounce as 1 It was long ago No - 2 Put it aside No - 3 How about a movie Saturday night? no -

No Sentences / æ/ Mispronounce as 1 I have a hat Yes /ε/ 2 He has a pan Yes /ε/ 3 The man came yes /ε/

No Sentences / ɑ:/ Mispronounce as 1 I see a star No - 2 He has a card No - 3 I like his paw yes /ԑ/

No Sentences /ʊ/ Mispronounce as 1 Don’t pull it Yes /u/ 2 We said full No - 3 He said could no -

No Sentences /ɔ/ Mispronounce as 1 He has a ball No - 2 The pole is tall Yes /a/ 3 She has a dog no -

No Sentences /f/ Mispronounce as 1 The fan is large No - 2 That’s final test No - 3 The fender was old no -


No Sentences /θ/ Mispronounce as 1 He thought a lot Yes /t/ 2 I need a theme Yes /d/ 3 Is he through? yes /t/

No Sentences /ʃ/ Mispronounce as 1 We took a ship No - 2 Don’t show it No - 3 They had clashes yes /s/

No Sentences /ʧ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his chin No - 2 It’s a chest Yes /c/ 3 He’s choking yes /c/

No Sentences /b/ Mispronounce as 1 John has a robe Yes /p/ 2 Did you see the mob? Yes /p/ 3 She took a cab no -

No Sentences /d/ Mispronounce as 1 Will you ride? No - 2 Do you want the seed? No - 3 I gave him my card yes /t/

No Sentences /g/ Mispronounce as 1 Is that a log? Yes /k/ 2 A rag is on the wall No - 3 It’s in the bag yes /k/

No Sentences /v/ Mispronounce as 1 The van is small Yes /f/ 2 That’s vinyl was old Yes /f/ 3 The vendor was old yes /f/


No Sentences /ð/ Mispronounce as 1 Can you spell though? Yes /t/ 2 Will they come? Yes /d/ 3 It’s not fair to those in the class yes /t/

No Sentences /z/ Mispronounce as 1 Say zeal Yes /s/ 2 Take the zinc Yes /s/ 3 He’ll zip it yes /s/

No Sentences /ʒ/ Mispronounce as 1 The ship provisions for a three month cruise Yes /s/ Some of our national treasure are in the white 2 Yes /s/ house 3 Shakespeare wrote the play “measure to measure” yes /s/

No Sentences /ʤ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his gin Yes /g/ 2 I saw his badge Yes /j/ 3 Is marge cold? yes /j/ no Sentences /P/ Mispronounce as 1 Ines plays the piano No - 2 I have a pen No - 3 Red lip no -

No Sentences /T/ Mispronounce as 1 A cup of tea No - 2 A stray cat No - 3 A big rat no -

No Sentences /K/ Mispronounce as 1 The king of jungle No - 2 My mom make some cake No - 3 A crass question no -


No Sentences /M/ Mispronounce as 1 Talking to the moon No - 2 I shall not be moved No - 3 I need a comment no -

No Sentences /n/ Mispronounce as 1 I need backup No - 2 Good afternoon dude No - 3 In the night when I was sleep no -

No Sentences /ŋ/ Mispronounce as 1 The angry bird No - 2 I walk on the wrong way No - 3 He has a sharp tongue no -

No Sentences /L/ Mispronounce as 1 Little lamb No - 2 I see the beautiful lily No - 3 Stop bullying no -

No Sentences /W/ Mispronounce as 1 I walk on the wrong way No - 2 The little sweet girl No - 3 It’s a wonderful life no -

No Sentences /r/ Mispronounce as 1 Drinking at the springs of water No - 2 Make a fresh start No - 3 The greedy dog no -

No Sentences /J/ Mispronounce as 1 I am a biologist No - 2 A traffic jam No - 3 I like study biology no -


No Sentences /ԑ/ Mispronounce as 1 The thousand No - 2 It’s hard to tell No - 3 Tell me no -

No Sentences /Ӏ/ Mispronounce as 1 I miss you No - 2 I live in bandung No - 3 Incredible family no -


Name of student : H Year : 2015 Age : 21

English sound

No Sentences / ə/ Mispronounce as 1 It was long ago Yes /ε/ 2 Put it aside Yes /ε/ 3 How about a movie Saturday night? No -

No Sentences / æ/ Mispronounce as 1 I have a hat Yes /ε/ 2 He has a pan Yes /ε/ 3 The man came Yes /ε/

No Sentences / ɑ:/ Mispronounce as 1 I see a star No - 2 He has a card No - 3 I like his paw No -

No Sentences /ʊ/ Mispronounce as 1 Don’t pull it No - 2 We said full No - 3 He said could Yes /o/

No Sentences /ɔ/ Mispronounce as 1 He has a ball no - 2 The pole is tall No - 3 She has a dog No -

No Sentences /f/ Mispronounce as 1 The fan is large No - 2 That’s final test No - 3 The fender was old No -


No Sentences /θ/ Mispronounce as 1 He thought a lot Yes /t/ 2 I need a theme Yes /t/ 3 Is he through? Yes /t/

No Sentences /ʃ/ Mispronounce as 1 We took a ship Yes /s/ 2 Don’t show it Yes /s/ 3 They had clashes Yes /s/

No Sentences /ʧ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his chin Yes /c/ 2 It’s a chest Yes /c/ 3 He’s choking Yes /c/

No Sentences /b/ Mispronounce as 1 John has a robe Yes /p/ 2 Did you see the mob? Yes /p/ 3 She took a cab no -

No Sentences /d/ Mispronounce as 1 Will you ride? No - 2 Do you want the seed? Yes /t/ 3 I gave him my card yes /t/

No Sentences /g/ Mispronounce as 1 Is that a log? yes /k/ 2 A rag is on the wall Yes /k/ 3 It’s in the bag Yes /d/

No Sentences /v/ Mispronounce as 1 The van is small Yes /f/ 2 That’s vinyl was old Yes /f/ 3 The vendor was old Yes /f/


No Sentences /ð/ Mispronounce as 1 Can you spell though? Yes /t/ 2 Will they come? Yes /t/ 3 It’s not fair to those in the class Yes /d/

No Sentences /z/ Mispronounce as 1 Say zeal Yes /s/ 2 Take the zinc Yes /s/ 3 He’ll zip it Yes /s/

No Sentences /ʒ/ Mispronounce as 1 The ship provisions for a three month cruise Yes /s/ Some of our national treasure are in the white 2 Yes /s/ house 3 Shakespeare wrote the play “measure to measure” Yes /s/

No Sentences /ʤ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his gin Yes /g/ 2 I saw his badge Yes /j/ 3 Is marge cold? Yes /j/

No Sentences /P/ Mispronounce as 1 Ines plays the piano No - 2 I have a pen No - 3 Red lip no -

No Sentences /T/ Mispronounce as 1 A cup of tea No - 2 A stray cat No - 3 A big rat no -

No Sentences /K/ Mispronounce as 1 The king of jungle No - 2 My mom make some cake No - 3 A crass question No -


No Sentences /M/ Mispronounce as 1 Talking to the moon No - 2 I shall not be moved No - 3 I need a comment No -

No Sentences /n/ Mispronounce as 1 I need backup No - 2 Good afternoon dude No - 3 In the night when I was sleep No -

No Sentences /ŋ/ Mispronounce as 1 The angry bird No - 2 I walk on the wrong way No - 3 He has a sharp tongue No -

No Sentences /L/ Mispronounce as 1 Little lamb No - 2 I see the beautiful lily No - 3 Stop bullying No -

No Sentences /W/ Mispronounce as 1 I walk on the wrong way No - 2 The little sweet girl No - 3 It’s a wonderful life No -

No Sentences /r/ Mispronounce as 1 Drinking at the springs of water No - 2 Make a fresh start No - 3 The greedy dog No -

No Sentences /J/ Mispronounce as 1 I am a biologist No - 2 A traffic jam No - 3 I like study biology No -


No Sentences /ԑ/ Mispronounce as 1 The thousand No - 2 It’s hard to tell No - 3 Tell me No -

No Sentences /Ӏ/ Mispronounce as 1 I miss you No - 2 I live in bandung No - 3 Incredible family No -


Name of student : I Year : 2014 Age : 22

English sound

No Sentences / ə/ Mispronounce as 1 It was long ago No - 2 Put it aside Yes /ε/ 3 How about a movie Saturday night? Yes /ε/

No Sentences / æ/ Mispronounce as 1 I have a hat Yes /ε/ 2 He has a pan Yes /ε/ 3 The man came Yes /ε/

No Sentences / ɑ:/ Mispronounce as 1 I see a star No - 2 He has a card Yes /t/ 3 I like his paw No -

No Sentences /ʊ/ Mispronounce as 1 Don’t pull it No - 2 We said full No - 3 He said could Yes /u/

No Sentences /ɔ/ Mispronounce as 1 He has a ball Yes /o/ 2 The pole is tall No - 3 She has a dog No -

No Sentences /f/ Mispronounce as 1 The fan is large No - 2 That’s final test No - 3 The fender was old No -


No Sentences /θ/ Mispronounce as 1 He thought a lot No - 2 I need a theme Yes /t/ 3 Is he through? Yes /t/

No Sentences /ʃ/ Mispronounce as 1 We took a ship No - 2 Don’t show it No - 3 They had clashes Yes /s/

No Sentences /ʧ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his chin Yes /c/ 2 It’s a chest No - 3 He’s choking No -

No Sentences /b/ Mispronounce as 1 John has a robe No - 2 Did you see the mob? No - 3 She took a cab No -

No Sentences /d/ Mispronounce as 1 Will you ride? No - 2 Do you want the seed? No - 3 I gave him my card Yes /t/

No Sentences /g/ Mispronounce as 1 Is that a log? No - 2 A rag is on the wall No - 3 It’s in the bag No -

No Sentences /v/ Mispronounce as 1 The van is small No - 2 That’s vinyl was old No - 3 The vendor was old No -


No Sentences /ð/ Mispronounce as 1 Can you spell though? Yes /d/ 2 Will they come? Yes /d/ 3 It’s not fair to those in the class No -

No Sentences /z/ Mispronounce as 1 Say zeal Yes /s/ 2 Take the zinc Yes /s/ 3 He’ll zip it No -

No Sentences /ʒ/ Mispronounce as 1 The ship provisions for a three month cruise No - Some of our national treasure are in the white 2 Yes /s/ house 3 Shakespeare wrote the play “measure to measure” Yes /s/

No Sentences /ʤ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his gin No - 2 I saw his badge No - 3 Is marge cold? No -

No Sentences /P/ Mispronounce as 1 Ines plays the piano No - 2 I have a pen No - 3 Red lip No -

No Sentences /T/ Mispronounce as 1 A cup of tea No - 2 A stray cat No - 3 A big rat No -

No Sentences /K/ Mispronounce as 1 The king of jungle No - 2 My mom make some cake No - 3 A crass question No -


No Sentences /M/ Mispronounce as 1 Talking to the moon No - 2 I shall not be moved No - 3 I need a comment No -

No Sentences /n/ Mispronounce as 1 I need backup No - 2 Good afternoon dude No - 3 In the night when I was sleep No -

No Sentences /ŋ/ Mispronounce as 1 The angry bird No - 2 I walk on the wrong way No - 3 He has a sharp tongue No -

No Sentences /L/ Mispronounce as 1 Little lamb No - 2 I see the beautiful lily No - 3 Stop bullying No -

No Sentences /W/ Mispronounce as 1 I walk on the wrong way No - 2 The little sweet girl No - 3 It’s a wonderful life No -

No Sentences /r/ Mispronounce as 1 Drinking at the springs of water No - 2 Make a fresh start No - 3 The greedy dog No -

No Sentences /J/ Mispronounce as 1 I am a biologist No - 2 A traffic jam No - 3 I like study biology No -


No Sentences /ԑ/ Mispronounce as 1 The thousand No - 2 It’s hard to tell No - 3 Tell me No -

No Sentences /Ӏ/ Mispronounce as 1 I miss you No - 2 I live in bandung No - 3 Incredible family No -


Name of student : K Year : 2014 Age : 21

English sound

No Sentences / ə/ Mispronounce as 1 It was long ago No - 2 Put it aside Yes /ε/ 3 How about a movie Saturday night? No -

No Sentences / æ/ Mispronounce as 1 I have a hat Yes /ε/ 2 He has a pan Yes /ε/ 3 The man came Yes /ε/

No Sentences / ɑ:/ Mispronounce as 1 I see a star No - 2 He has a card No - 3 I like his paw No -

No Sentences /ʊ/ Mispronounce as 1 Don’t pull it No - 2 We said full No - 3 He said could Yes /u/

No Sentences /ɔ/ Mispronounce as 1 He has a ball No - 2 The pole is tall No - 3 She has a dog No -

No Sentences /f/ Mispronounce as 1 The fan is large No - 2 That’s final test No - 3 The fender was old No -


No Sentences /θ/ Mispronounce as 1 He thought a lot Yes /t/ 2 I need a theme Yes /d/ 3 Is he through? Yes /t/

No Sentences /ʃ/ Mispronounce as 1 We took a ship Yes /s/ 2 Don’t show it Yes /s/ 3 They had clashes Yes /s/

No Sentences /ʧ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his chin No - 2 It’s a chest No - 3 He’s choking Yes /k/

No Sentences /b/ Mispronounce as 1 John has a robe Yes /p/ 2 Did you see the mob? Yes /p/ 3 She took a cab No -

No Sentences /d/ Mispronounce as 1 Will you ride? Yes /t/ 2 Do you want the seed? No - 3 I gave him my card Yes /t/

No Sentences /g/ Mispronounce as 1 Is that a log? No - 2 A rag is on the wall Yes /k/ 3 It’s in the bag No -

No Sentences /v/ Mispronounce as 1 The van is small Yes /f/ 2 That’s vinyl was old Yes /f/ 3 The vendor was old Yes /f/


No Sentences /ð/ Mispronounce as 1 Can you spell though? Yes /t/ 2 Will they come? Yes /d/ 3 It’s not fair to those in the class Yes /d/

No Sentences /z/ Mispronounce as 1 Say zeal No - 2 Take the zinc Yes /s/ 3 He’ll zip it Yes /s/

No Sentences /ʒ/ Mispronounce as 1 The ship provisions for a three month cruise Yes /s/ 2 Some of our national treasure are in the white house Yes /s/ 3 Shakespeare wrote the play “measure to measure” No -

No Sentences /ʤ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his gin Yes /g/ 2 I saw his badge Yes /j/ 3 Is marge cold? Yes /k/

No Sentences /P/ Mispronounce as 1 Ines plays the piano No - 2 I have a pen No - 3 Red lip No -

No Sentences /T/ Mispronounce as 1 A cup of tea No - 2 A stray cat No - 3 A big rat No -

No Sentences /K/ Mispronounce as 1 The king of jungle No - 2 My mom make some cake No - 3 A crass question No -


No Sentences /M/ Mispronounce as 1 Talking to the moon No - 2 I shall not be moved No - 3 I need a comment No -

No Sentences /n/ Mispronounce as 1 I need backup No - 2 Good afternoon dude No - 3 In the night when I was sleep No -

No Sentences /ŋ/ Mispronounce as 1 The angry bird No - 2 I walk on the wrong way No - 3 He has a sharp tongue No -

No Sentences /L/ Mispronounce as 1 Little lamb No - 2 I see the beautiful lily No - 3 Stop bullying No -

No Sentences /W/ Mispronounce as 1 I walk on the wrong way No - 2 The little sweet girl No - 3 It’s a wonderful life No -

No Sentences /r/ Mispronounce as 1 Drinking at the springs of water No - 2 Make a fresh start No - 3 The greedy dog No -

No Sentences /J/ Mispronounce as 1 I am a biologist No - 2 A traffic jam No - 3 I like study biology No -


No Sentences /ԑ/ Mispronounce as 1 The thousand No - 2 It’s hard to tell No - 3 Tell me No -

No Sentences /Ӏ/ Mispronounce as 1 I miss you No - 2 I live in bandung No - 3 Incredible family No -


Name of student : L Year : 2014 Age : 22

English sound

No Sentences / ə/ Mispronounce as 1 It was long ago Yes /ε/ 2 Put it aside Yes /ε/ 3 How about a movie Saturday night? Yes /ε/

No Sentences / æ/ Mispronounce as 1 I have a hat Yes /ε/ 2 He has a pan Yes /ε/ 3 The man came Yes /ε/

No Sentences / ɑ:/ Mispronounce as 1 I see a star No - 2 He has a card No - 3 I like his paw No -

No Sentences /ʊ/ Mispronounce as 1 Don’t pull it No - 2 We said full No - 3 He said could No -

No Sentences /ɔ/ Mispronounce as 1 He has a ball No - 2 The pole is tall No - 3 She has a dog No -

No Sentences /f/ Mispronounce as 1 The fan is large No - 2 That’s final test No - 3 The fender was old No -


No Sentences /θ/ Mispronounce as 1 He thought a lot Yes /t/ 2 I need a theme Yes /t/ 3 Is he through? Yes /t/

No Sentences /ʃ/ Mispronounce as 1 We took a ship Yes /s/ 2 Don’t show it Yes /s/ 3 They had clashes No -

No Sentences /ʧ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his chin Yes /c/ 2 It’s a chest Yes /c/ 3 He’s choking Yes /c/

No Sentences /b/ Mispronounce as 1 John has a robe No - 2 Did you see the mob? Yes /p/ 3 She took a cab No -

No Sentences /d/ Mispronounce as 1 Will you ride? No - 2 Do you want the seed? Yes /t/ 3 I gave him my card No -

No Sentences /g/ Mispronounce as 1 Is that a log? Yes /k/ 2 A rag is on the wall No - 3 It’s in the bag No -

No Sentences /v/ Mispronounce as 1 The van is small Yes /f/ 2 That’s vinyl was old Yes /f/ 3 The vendor was old Yes /f/


No Sentences /ð/ Mispronounce as 1 Can you spell though? Yes /d/ 2 Will they come? Yes /d/ 3 It’s not fair to those in the class Yes /t/

No Sentences /z/ Mispronounce as 1 Say zeal Yes /s/ 2 Take the zinc No - 3 He’ll zip it Yes /s/

No Sentences /ʒ/ Mispronounce as 1 The ship provisions for a three month cruise Yes /s/ Some of our national treasure are in the white 2 Yes /s/ house 3 Shakespeare wrote the play “measure to measure” Yes /s/

No Sentences /ʤ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his gin Yes /g/ 2 I saw his badge Yes /g/ 3 Is marge cold? Yes /g/

No Sentences /P/ Mispronounce as 1 Ines plays the piano No - 2 I have a pen No - 3 Red lip No -

No Sentences /T/ Mispronounce as 1 A cup of tea No - 2 A stray cat No - 3 A big rat No -

No Sentences /K/ Mispronounce as 1 The king of jungle No - 2 My mom make some cake No - 3 A crass question No -


No Sentences /M/ Mispronounce as 1 Talking to the moon No - 2 I shall not be moved No - 3 I need a comment No -

No Sentences /n/ Mispronounce as 1 I need backup No - 2 Good afternoon dude No - 3 In the night when I was sleep No -

No Sentences /ŋ/ Mispronounce as 1 The angry bird No - 2 I walk on the wrong way No - 3 He has a sharp tongue No -

No Sentences /L/ Mispronounce as 1 Little lamb No - 2 I see the beautiful lily No - 3 Stop bullying No -

No Sentences /W/ Mispronounce as 1 I walk on the wrong way No - 2 The little sweet girl No - 3 It’s a wonderful life No -

No Sentences /r/ Mispronounce as 1 Drinking at the springs of water No - 2 Make a fresh start No - 3 The greedy dog No -

No Sentences /J/ Mispronounce as 1 I am a biologist No - 2 A traffic jam No - 3 I like study biology No -


No Sentences /ԑ/ Mispronounce as 1 The thousand No - 2 It’s hard to tell No - 3 Tell me No -

No Sentences /Ӏ/ Mispronounce as 1 I miss you No - 2 I live in bandung No - 3 Incredible family No -


Name of student : R Year : 2016 Age : 19

English sound

No Sentences / ə/ Mispronounce as 1 It was long ago Yes /ԑ/ 2 Put it aside Yes /ԑ/ 3 How about a movie Saturday night? yes /ԑ/

No Sentences / æ/ Mispronounce as 1 I have a hat Yes /ԑ/ 2 He has a pan Yes /ԑ/ 3 The man came yes /ԑ/

No Sentences / ɑ:/ Mispronounce as 1 I see a star No - 2 He has a card No - 3 I like his paw no -

No Sentences /ʊ/ Mispronounce as 1 Don’t pull it No - 2 We said full No - 3 He said could no -

No Sentences /ɔ/ Mispronounce as 1 He has a ball No - 2 The pole is tall No - 3 She has a dog no -

No Sentences /f/ Mispronounce as 1 The fan is large No - 2 That’s final test No - 3 The fender was old no -


No Sentences /θ/ Mispronounce as 1 He thought a lot Yes /d/ 2 I need a theme Yes /t/ 3 Is he through? yes /t/

No Sentences /ʃ/ Mispronounce as 1 We took a ship Yes /s/ 2 Don’t show it No - 3 They had clashes yes /c/

No Sentences /ʧ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his chin Yes /c/ 2 It’s a chest Yes /c/ 3 He’s choking yes /c/

No Sentences /b/ Mispronounce as 1 John has a robe Yes /p/ 2 Did you see the mob? no - 3 She took a cab yes /p/

No Sentences /d/ Mispronounce as 1 Will you ride? yes /t/ 2 Do you want the seed? No - 3 I gave him my card no -

No Sentences /g/ Mispronounce as 1 Is that a log? Yes /k/ 2 A rag is on the wall No - 3 It’s in the bag no -

No Sentences /v/ Mispronounce as 1 The van is small Yes /f/ 2 That’s vinyl was old Yes /f/ 3 The vendor was old yes /f/


No Sentences /ð/ Mispronounce as 1 Can you spell though? Yes /d/ 2 Will they come? No - 3 It’s not fair to those in the class yes /d/

No Sentences /z/ Mispronounce as 1 Say zeal yes /s/ 2 Take the zinc No - 3 He’ll zip it no -

No Sentences /ʒ/ Mispronounce as 1 The ship provisions for a three month cruise yes /s/ Some of our national treasure are in the white 2 no - house 3 Shakespeare wrote the play “measure to measure” yes /s/

No Sentences /ʤ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his gin Yes /g/ 2 I saw his badge Yes /j/ 3 Is marge cold? yes /g/

No Sentences /P/ Mispronounce as 1 Ines plays the piano No - 2 I have a pen No - 3 Red lip No -

No Sentences /T/ Mispronounce as 1 A cup of tea No - 2 A stray cat No - 3 A big rat No -

No Sentences /K/ Mispronounce as 1 The king of jungle No - 2 My mom make some cake No - 3 A crass question No -


No Sentences /M/ Mispronounce as 1 Talking to the moon No - 2 I shall not be moved No - 3 I need a comment No -

No Sentences /n/ Mispronounce as 1 I need backup No - 2 Good afternoon dude No - 3 In the night when I was sleep No -

No Sentences /ŋ/ Mispronounce as 1 The angry bird No - 2 I walk on the wrong way No - 3 He has a sharp tongue No -

No Sentences /L/ Mispronounce as 1 Little lamb No - 2 I see the beautiful lily No - 3 Stop bullying No -

No Sentences /W/ Mispronounce as 1 I walk on the wrong way No - 2 The little sweet girl No - 3 It’s a wonderful life No -

No Sentences /r/ Mispronounce as 1 Drinking at the springs of water No - 2 Make a fresh start No - 3 The greedy dog No -

No Sentences /J/ Mispronounce as 1 I am a biologist No - 2 A traffic jam No - 3 I like study biology No -


No Sentences /ԑ/ Mispronounce as 1 The thousand No - 2 It’s hard to tell No - 3 Tell me No -

No Sentences /Ӏ/ Mispronounce as 1 I miss you No - 2 I live in bandung No - 3 Incredible family No -


Name of student : W Year : 2013 Age : 22

English sound

No Sentences / ə/ Mispronounce as 1 It was long ago No - 2 Put it aside No - 3 How about a movie Saturday night? yes /ԑ/

No Sentences / æ/ Mispronounce as 1 I have a hat yes /ԑ/ 2 He has a pan No - 3 The man came No -

No Sentences / ɑ:/ Mispronounce as 1 I see a star No - 2 He has a card no - 3 I like his paw No -

No Sentences /ʊ/ Mispronounce as 1 Don’t pull it No - 2 We said full No - 3 He said could yes /u/

No Sentences /ɔ/ Mispronounce as 1 He has a ball No - 2 The pole is tall No - 3 She has a dog No -

No Sentences /f/ Mispronounce as 1 The fan is large No - 2 That’s final test No - 3 The fender was old No -


No Sentences /θ/ Mispronounce as 1 He thought a lot Yes /t/ 2 I need a theme Yes /t/ 3 Is he through? Yes /t/

No Sentences /ʃ/ Mispronounce as 1 We took a ship Yes /s/ 2 Don’t show it Yes /s/ 3 They had clashes Yes /s/

No Sentences /ʧ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his chin Yes /c/ 2 It’s a chest No - 3 He’s choking No -

No Sentences /b/ Mispronounce as 1 John has a robe Yes /p/ 2 Did you see the mob? Yes /p/ 3 She took a cab No -

No Sentences /d/ Mispronounce as 1 Will you ride? No - 2 Do you want the seed? Yes /t/ 3 I gave him my card Yes /t/

No Sentences /g/ Mispronounce as 1 Is that a log? Yes /k/ 2 A rag is on the wall Yes /k/ 3 It’s in the bag No -

No Sentences /v/ Mispronounce as 1 The van is small Yes /f/ 2 That’s vinyl was old Yes /f/ 3 The vendor was old Yes /f/


No Sentences /ð/ Mispronounce as 1 Can you spell though? Yes /t/ 2 Will they come? Yes /t/ 3 It’s not fair to those in the class Yes /t/

No Sentences /z/ Mispronounce as 1 Say zeal Yes /s/ 2 Take the zinc Yes /s/ 3 He’ll zip it Yes /s/

No Sentences /ʒ/ Mispronounce as 1 The ship provisions for a three month cruise Yes /s/ Some of our national treasure are in the white 2 Yes /s/ house 3 Shakespeare wrote the play “measure to measure” Yes /s/

No Sentences /ʤ/ Mispronounce as 1 I like his gin No - 2 I saw his badge No - 3 Is marge cold? No -

No Sentences /P/ Mispronounce as 1 Ines plays the piano No - 2 I have a pen No - 3 Red lip No -

No Sentences /T/ Mispronounce as 1 A cup of tea No - 2 A stray cat No - 3 A big rat No -

No Sentences /K/ Mispronounce as 1 The king of jungle No - 2 My mom make some cake No - 3 A crass question No -


No Sentences /M/ Mispronounce as 1 Talking to the moon No - 2 I shall not be moved No - 3 I need a comment No -

No Sentences /n/ Mispronounce as 1 I need backup No - 2 Good afternoon dude No - 3 In the night when I was sleep No -

No Sentences /ŋ/ Mispronounce as 1 The angry bird No - 2 I walk on the wrong way No - 3 He has a sharp tongue No -

No Sentences /L/ Mispronounce as 1 Little lamb No - 2 I see the beautiful lily No - 3 Stop bullying No -

No Sentences /W/ Mispronounce as 1 I walk on the wrong way No - 2 The little sweet girl No - 3 It’s a wonderful life No -

No Sentences /r/ Mispronounce as 1 Drinking at the springs of water No - 2 Make a fresh start No - 3 The greedy dog No -

No Sentences /J/ Mispronounce as 1 I am a biologist No - 2 A traffic jam No - 3 I like study biology No -


No Sentences /ԑ/ Mispronounce as 1 The thousand No - 2 It’s hard to tell No - 3 Tell me No -

No Sentences /Ӏ/ Mispronounce as 1 I miss you No - 2 I live in bandung No - 3 Incredible family No -