Analysis of Phonological Deviation Made by Torajanese English Students in Pronouncing English Words: A Case Study at English Department A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Hasanuddin University in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements to Obtain Sarjana Degree in English Department RESKIYANI F211 13 330 MAKASSAR 2016 ii iii iv v ACKNOWLEDGMENT All praises and honor are delivered to the Almighty God for his blessings and grace that as this thesis can be finished as expected. The thesis is a requirement to obtain higher degree in English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Hasanuddin University. The writer realizes that there are a lot of shortcomings in this thesis because of imperfectness of writer’s knowledge and experience. Therefore, every kind of constructive corrections or criticsm from anyone is welcomed in order to accomplish this thesis. In this writing process, the writer got much help, support, and advice from other. Therefore, the writer would to express her deep gratitude and high appreciation to: 1) Dr. Abidin Pammu, M. A., Dipl. TESOL. and Drs. Simon Sitoto, M. A. as the consultant I and the consultant II, who had given their guidance and advices so that this thesis can be finished: 2) The beloved parents Simon Allo and Lince Sarira who had given support and prayers, and all of the writer’s siblings and family who are loved. 3) The best friends who were consistently there for help during this thesis writing as the proof-readers (Syifa, Ilham, Nur, Mutha, Yusliana, Ines, Selvy, and Adnan). 4) The academic supervisor Karmila Mokoginta who has always helped with pleasure and given may suggestion to the writer’s. vi May all the help that the writer received from everyone be repaid by God in the future. Thus, may this thesis be accepted as the writers’s work to create a better perspective of the nation and give inspiration to young generations. Makassar, November 2017 The Writer vii TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE ………………………………............................................…………… i APPROVAL ..................................................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. viii ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... x ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................ xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION …………………………………....…… 1 A. Background of the Study ………………………………. 1 B. Identification of the Problems ………………………….. 3 C. Scope of the Study …………………………………….. 3 D. Research Questions ……………………………………… 3 E. Objective of the Study ..……………………………….. 3 F. Significance of the Study ..…………………………….. 4 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ………………………………… 5 A. Previous Studies ............................… ………………… 5 B. Theoretical Background ……………………………….. 7 1. Vowel English Sounds ........................................... 7 2. English Consonants ………….…........................... 9 3. Place of Articulation ............................................ 19 4. Manner of Articulation .......................................... 11 5. The Distribution of English Consonants ................. 12 6. Torajanese Vernacular …………………………….. 20 7. Toraja Sa'dan Alphabets …………………………… 21 viii CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY ……………………………………….. 27 A. Method of Research .................................................. 26 1. Library Research ………….……………………….. 26 2. Field Research …………..…………………………. 26 B. Research Instrument .................................................... 28 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .................................... 29 A. The Mispronounced Vowels and Consonants of Torajanese Students at English Department in Hasanuddin University ......................................... 29 B. The Percentage of Mispronounced English Sound Made by Torajanese Students at English Department ……….. 34 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS .......................... 41 A. Conclusions ............................................................... 41 B. Suggestions ............................................................... 42 BIBLIOGRAPHY …........................……………………………………….. 43 APPENDICES Transcript of Recordings ix ABSTRACT RESKIYANI. 2017. Analysis of Phonological Deviation Made by Torajanese English Students in Pronouncing English Words: A Case Study at English Department. (supervised by Abidin Pammu and Simon Sitoto). This research aimed to explain the mispronounciation of vowel and consonant sounds by Torajanese Students. Futhermore, the researcher observed the percentage the mispronounciation of vowel and consonant sounds. The method used the techniques of collecting and analyzing data. In collecting data, the researcher recorded the vowel and consonant sounds demonstrated by the participants. In order to analyze data, the researcher used the descriptive quantitative method in which the recordings were transcribed in a table, and the percentage results were obtained through the percentage scoring of the mispronounced sounds. The researcher concluded two results that shows as follows: firstly, the mispronounciation sounds occur because students tend to change the sound into the similar sound of their native language, and secondly, the mispronounciation percentage is considered relatively high that can cause misunderstandings when making a communication. Keywords: percentage, mispronounce, vowel, and consonants. x ABSTRAK RESKIYANI. 2017. Analysis of Phonological Deviation Made by Torajanese English Students in Pronouncing English Words: A Case Study at English Department. (dibimbing oleh Abidin Pammu dan Simon Sitoto). Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan kesalahan dalam penyebutan bunyi vokal dan konsonan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa Toraja. Selain itu, penulis juga melakukan analisis persentasi dari kesalahan penyebutan bunyi vokal dan konsonan. Adapun metode yang digunakan, yaitu teknik pengumpulan dan teknik dalam menganalisis data. Untuk teknik pengumpulan data, penulis melakukan perekaman bunyi vokal dan konsonan kepada peserta, selain itu dalam metode menganalisis data,peneliti menggunkan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dimana hasil perekaman dimasukkan kedalam tabel kemudian untuk hasil persentasi diperoleh berdasarkan perhitungan rata-rata dari nilai bunyi yang salah. Di dalam hasil penelitian ini, penulis menemukan dua. Pertama, kesalahan bunyi terjadi karena siswa mengganti bunyi yang sama dengan Bahasa asli mereka. Kedua, persentasi kesalahan dalam pelafalan bunyi masih tinggi dimana bisa mengakibatkan kesalahpahaman dalam komuniksi. Kata kunci : persentasi, salah pelafalan, vokal, dan konsonan. xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study People communicate everywhere around the world. When they communicate, they use language most of the time as the main tool. People use language to express their ideas and feelings. Language is one of communication tools but these two could not be separated from each other. Communication is the process where people interact with others in their social life and transfer message or information. One factor that determines the success of communication is the correct pronunciation. Sakul (2011:1) defined pronunciation as, “the way people produce a sound of language in a certain way”. Roach (1983) added that, different people use different accents and the differences could be in geographical places, social classes, ages and educational backgrounds. Producing correct sound in pronunciation is important to deliver a clear message in communication. However some obstacles that learners face in producing English sound system, they found that mother tongue influenced their pronunciation of English sound. The same manner as sound in communication plays important thing because inaccurateness of pronouncing sound can lead to misunderstanding as Brown (cited in Fatemi, Sobhani&Abohassani, 2012) said that breakdown in communication sometime was the result of incorrect producing of the sound. 1 That is why producing correct sound is very essential in communication to make the receiver of information understand what the sender means. As a country with so many tribes, Indonesian people speak with different accents. When speaking, one can tell where a person comes from or from what tribe he or she belongs to only by listening to the accent. The same case also occurs when Indonesian people who learn English as a second language sometimes carried over their accent. Torajanese language is one of local languages in Indonesia that is spoken by most people who live there. The people in Toraja use Torajanese language as their main language in their social communication. Torajanese accent is different from another local language in Indonesia and of course, it is different from English. The difference of accent between Torajanese language and English can affects students to study English. Many factors contributed students’ difficulties to master the English as the target language. One of them is pronunciation problem. Based on the facts mentioned above, the researcher is interested to study the subsystem of phonology, in this case, the Torajanese students mispronunciation of the production of some English words. Torajanese language and English are different in phonological features and the above fact is supported by Sloat, Taylor, and Hoard (1978) when they argued that
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