
Package mathfont . 1.6 Symbol List Conrad Kosowsky December 2019 [email protected]

For easy, off-the-shelf use, type the following in your docu-

ment preamble and compile using LE ATEX or LuaLATEX: \usepackage[hfont namei]{mathfont}


The mathfont package provides a flexible interface for changing the of math- mode characters. The package allows the user to specify a default font for each of six basic classes of and Greek characters, and it provides additional sup- port for unicode math and alphanumeric symbols, including punctuation. Crucially,

mathfont is compatible with both X LE ATEX and LuaLATEX, and it provides several font- loading commands that allow the user to change locally or for individual charac- ters within math mode.

The mathfont package acts on some 300 alphanumeric characters and 500 general math symbols, and this document lists all such symbols besides Latin characters and - merals. The characters are organized by keyword, and when the user calls \mathfont on one of the keyword classes below, the package acts on every control sequence listed un- der that keyword. It changes the math-mode font of the -commands that already exist in LATEX, and for the control sequences that do not exist in LATEX, it defines them to be new characters for use in math mode. Unlike most character-providing packages, mathfont does not provide extra symbols by default, and users can access additional con- trol sequences only once they act \mathfont on some keyword-option. Of course, type- setting these symbols depends on having a font that contains them, and most major uni- code fonts lack many or most of the symbols in this document. Choose your font wisely! Finally, as stated in the user guide, the delimiters, bigops, and \bighsymboli (such as \bigvee) characters do not in general change size in different mathematical contexts. hope to address this limitation in future package updates. For documentation of user-level com- mands, see mathfont_user_guide., and for version history and code implementation, see mathfont_code.pdf. Both documentation files are included with the mathfont installa- tion and available on ctan. This document does not contain tables for the keywords upper, lower, and digits. The first of these keywords contains all capital Latin letters, and the second contains alllower- case Latin letters as well as the “mathematical i” ı coded with \imath and “mathematical

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Lyric Bingham for her work checking my unicode hex values. Thanks to Herbert Voss and Andreas Zidak for pointing out bugs in previous versions of mathfont.

1 2 Symbol List ”  coded with \jmath. The digits category contains the digits 0 through 9. Unlike the LATEX kernel, mathfont declares both \imath and \jmath as math characters, so the package’ local font-change commands will adjust the font of these two symbols.

Accent Characters () Rendered in a´ \acute a` \grave ¯a \ a˝ \aacute a˘ \ a˚ \mathring a˙ \ aˆ \hat a˜ \ a¨ \ddot aˇ \check

Upper-Case Greek Characters (greekupper) Rendered in New Α \ Κ \ Τ \ Β \ Λ \ Υ \ Γ \ Μ \ Φ \ Δ \ Ν \Nu Χ \ Ε \ Ξ \ Ψ \ Ζ \ Ο \ Ω \ Η \ Π \ ϴ \varTheta Θ \ Ρ \ Ι \ Σ \

Lower-Case Greek Characters (greeklower) Rendered in α \alpha λ \lambda ϕ \phi β \beta μ \mu χ \chi γ \gamma ν \nu ψ \psi δ \delta ξ \xi ω \omega ϵ \epsilon ο \omicron ϐ \varbeta ζ \zeta π \pi ε \varepsilon η \eta ρ \rho ϑ \vartheta θ \theta σ \sigma ϱ \varrho ι \iota τ \tau ς \varsigma κ \kappa υ \upsilon φ \varphi

Upper-Case Characters (agreekupper) Rendered in Symbola Ͱ \Heta Ϛ \Stigma Ͷ \varDigamma Ϡ \Sampi Ϸ \Sho Ϟ \varKoppa Ϝ \Digamma Ϻ \San Ϙ \Koppa Ͳ \varSampi Symbol List 3

Lower-Case Ancient Greek Characters (agreeklower) Rendered in Bold ͱ \heta ϛ \stigma ͷ \vardigamma ϡ \sampi ϸ \sho ϟ \varkoppa ϝ \digamma ϻ \san ϙ \koppa ͳ \varsampi

Upper-Case Cyrillic Characters (cyrillicupper) Rendered in EB Garamond А \cyrA М \cyrEm Ч \cyrChe Б \cyrBe Н \cyrEn Ш \cyrSha В \cyrVe О \cyrO Щ \cyrShcha Г \cyrGhe П \cyrPe Ъ \cyrHard Д \cyrDe Р \cyrEr Ы \cyrYeru Е \cyrIe С \cyrEs Ь \cyrSoft Ж \cyrZhe Т \cyrTe Э \cyrE З \cyrZe У \cyrU Ю \cyrYu И \cyrI Ф \cyrEf Я \cyrYa К \cyrKa Х \cyrHa Й \cyrvarI Л \cyrEl Ц \cyrTse

Lower-Case Cyrillic Characters (cyrilliclower) Rendered in MS1 а \cyra м \cyrem ч \cyrche б \cyrbe н \cyren ш \cyrsha в \cyrve о \cyro щ \cyrshcha г \cyrghe п \cyrpe ъ \cyrhard д \cyrde р \cyrer ы \cyryeru е \cyrie с \cyres ь \cyrsoft ж \cyrzhe т \cyrte э \cyre з \cyrze у \cyru ю \cyryu и \cyri ф \cyref я \cyrya к \cyrka х \cyrha й \cyrvari л \cyrel ц \cyrtse

Hebrew Characters (hebrew) Rendered in New Peninim MT zayin\ ז daleth\ ד aleph\ א het\ ח he\ ה beth\ ב tet\ ט vav\ ו gimel\ ג

1Yes, you too can now create beautifully spaced in Comic Sans! 4 Symbol List tav\ ת ayin\ ע yod\ י varkaf\ ך pe\ פ kaf\ כ varmem\ ם tsadi\ צ lamed\ ל varnun\ ן qof\ ק mem\ מ varpe\ ף resh\ ר nun\ נ vartsadi\ ץ shin\ ש samekh\ ס

Basic Math Characters (symbols) Rendered in . . ′ ' > > @ @ ″ " ≤ \leq # \#2 , \comma4 ≥ \geq $ \$3 + + ~ \sim % \% − - ≈ \approx & \& * * ≡ \equiv ¶ \P × \times | \mid § \S ∕ / ‖ \parallel £ \pounds ÷ \div : : | | ± \pm ? ? ¬ \neg • \ ! ! ∞ \infty † \dag , , ∂ \partial ‡ \ddag ; ; \ \mathbackslash ∙ \cdot : \ ° \degree \ \setminus … \mathellipsis ∆ \increment = = ħ \hbar < <

Extended Math Characters (extsymbols) Rendered in Symbola ℘ \wp ℓ \ell ∅ \emptyset ℜ \Re ∀ \forall ∇ \nabla ℑ \Im ∃ \exists ∈ \in

2When it acts on \#, \%, and \&, mathfont redefines them as robust commands that expand to their usual \char definition in horizontal mode and a math symbol in math mode. This prevents any changes totheir font outside of math mode and is how other commands such as \$ or \P function in both math mode and horizontal mode. 3Technically, mathfont doesn’ redefine \$, \P, \S, \pounds, \dag, or \ddag. The package recodes the character-command that these macros expand to when in math mode. 4In addition to the and colon punctuation marks, the package defines \comma and \colon. The difference lies in the spacing. T X treats the comma and colon keystrokes as \mathpunct and \mathrel types respectively. The package codes the \comma and \colon control sequences as \mathord and \mathpunct types respectively, so both control sequence result in less than the corresponding keystroke. I rec- ommend using \comma to typeset in large real numbers and \colon to typeset colon punctuation marks, for example following a function or to indicate a specification. Symbol List 5

∋ \ni ⊘ \oslash ≅ \simeqq9 ∓ \mp ⊙ \odot ≊ \approxeq ∠ \angle ⊞ \sqplus ≋ \sssim ⊤ \top ⊠ \sqtimes ≌ \seq ⊥ \bot ⊟ \sqminus ≐ \doteq ⊢ \vdash ⊡ \sqdot ≔ \coloneq ⊣ \dashv ∈ \in ≕ \eqcolon ♭ \flat ∋ \ni ≗ \ringeq ♮ \natural ⊂ \subset ≘ \arceq ♯ \sharp ⊃ \supset ≙ \wedgeeq 턫 \fflat ⊆ \subseteq ≚ \veeeq 턪 \ssharp ⊇ \supseteq ≛ \stareq ♣ \bclubsuit5 ⊏ \sqsubset ≜ \triangleeq ♦ \bdiamondsuit ⊐ \sqsupset ≝ \defeq ♥ \bheartsuit ⊑ \sqsubseteq ≟ \qeq ♠ \bspadesuit6 ⊒ \sqsupseteq ≲ \lsim ♧ \wclubsuit ⊲ \triangleleft ≳ \gsim ♢ \wdiamondsuit7 ⊳ \triangleright ≺ \prec ♡ \wheartsuit8 ⊴ \trianglelefteq ≻ \succ ♤ \wspadesuit ⊵ \trianglerighteq ≼ \preceq ∧ \ ∝ \propto ≽ \succeq ∨ \vee ⋈ \bowtie ⪳ \preceqq ∩ \cap ⧖ \hourglass ⪴ \succeqq ∪ \cup ∴ \therefore ≾ \precsim ⊓ \sqcap ∵ \because ≿ \succsim ⊔ \sqcup ∶ \ratio ⪷ \precapprox ⨿ \amalg ∷ \proportion ⪸ \succapprox ≀ \wr ≪ \ ⪻ \precprec ∗ \ast ≫ \gg ⪼ \succsucc ⋆ \star ⋘ \lll ≍ \asymp ⋄ \diamond ⋙ \ggg ∉ \nin ⋅ \varcdot ≦ \leqq ∌ \nni ∖ \varsetminus ≧ \geqq ⊄ \nsubset ⊕ \oplus ⪅ \lapprox ⊅ \nsupset ⊗ \otimes ⪆ \gapprox ⊈ \nsubseteq ⊖ \ominus ≃ \simeq ⊉ \nsupseteq ⨸ \odiv ≂ \eqsim ⊊ \subsetneq

5Also \clubsuit. 6Also \spadesuit. 7Also \diamondsuit. 8Also \heartsuit. 9Also \cong. 6 Symbol List

⊋ \supsetneq ⋪ \ntriangleleft ⪊ \gnapprox ⋢ \nsqsubseteq ⋫ \ntriangleright ⊀ \nprec ⋣ \nsqsupseteq ⋬ \ntrianglelefteq ⊁ \nsucc ⋤ \sqsubsetneq ⋭ \ntrianglerighteq ⋠ \npreceq ⋥ \sqsupsetneq ≁ \nsim ⋡ \nsucceq ≠ \neq ≉ \napprox ⪱ \precneq ≮ \nl ≄ \nsimeq ⪲ \succneq ≯ \ng ≇ \nsimeqq ⪵ \precneqq ≰ \nleq ≆ \simneqq ⪶ \succneqq ≱ \ngeq ≴ \nlsim ⋨ \precnsim ⪇ \lneq ≵ \ngsim ⋩ \succnsim ⪈ \gneq ⋦ \lnsim ⪹ \precnapprox ≨ \lneqq ⋧ \gnsim ⪺ \succnapprox ≩ \gneqq ⪉ \lnapprox ≢ \nequiv

Delimiter Characters (delimiters) Rendered in Times New Roman ( ( [ [ { \leftbrace ) ) ] ] } \rightbrace

Arrow Characters (arrows) Rendered in STIXGeneral → \rightarrow10 ⟴ \rightoplusarrow ↛ \nrightarrow ↝ \rightwavearrow ⇒ \Rightarrow ⇝ \rightsquigarrow ⇏ \nRightarrow ⟿ \longrightsquigarrow ⇛ \Rrightarrow ↬ \looparrowright ⟶ \longrightarrow ⤻ \curvearrowright ⟹ \Longrightarrow ↻ \circlearrowright ↦ \rightbararrow11 ↠ \twoheadrightarrow ⤇ \Rightbararrow ⇥ \rightarrowtobar ⟼ \longrightbararrow12 ⇨ \rightwhitearrow ⟾ \Longrightbararrow ⇉ \rightrightarrows ↪ \hookrightarrow ⇶ \rightrightrightarrows ⇢ \rightdasharrow ← \leftarrow13 ⇀ \rightharpoonup ↚ \nleftarrow ⇁ \rightharpoondown ⇐ \Leftarrow ↣ \rightarrowtail ⇍ \nLeftarrow

10Also \to. 11Also \mapsto. 12Also \longmapsto. 13Also \from. Symbol List 7

⇚ \Lleftarrow ⇡ \updasharrow ⟵ \longleftarrow ↿ \upharpoonleft ⟸ \Longleftarrow ↾ \upharpoonright ↤ \leftbararrow14 ↟ \twoheaduparrow ⤆ \Leftbararrow ⤒ \uparrowtobar ⟻ \longleftbararrow15 ⇧ \upwhitearrow ⟽ \Longleftbararrow ⇪ \upwhitebararrow ↩ \hookleftarrow ⇈ \upuparrows ⇠ \leftdasharrow ↓ \downarrow ⇀ \leftharpoonup ⇓ \Downarrow ⇁ \leftharpoondown ⤋ \Ddownarrow ↢ \leftarrowtail ↧ \downbararrow ⬲ \leftoplusarrow ⇣ \downdasharrow ↜ \leftwavearrow ↯ \zigzagarrow ⇜ \leftsquigarrow ⇃ \downharpoonleft ⬳ \longleftsquigarrow ⇂ \downharpoonright ↫ \looparrowleft ↡ \twoheaddownarrow ⤺ \curvearrowleft ⤓ \downarrowtobar ↺ \circlearrowleft ⇩ \downwhitearrow ↞ \twoheadleftarrow ⇊ \downdownarrows ⇤ \leftarrowtobar ↕ \updownarrow ⇦ \leftwhitearrow ⇕ \Updownarrow ⇇ \leftleftarrows ⇅ \updownarrows ⬱ \leftleftleftarrows ⇵ \downuparrows ↔ \leftrightarrow ⥮ \updownharpoons ⇔ \Leftrightarrow ⥯ \downupharpoons ⇎ \nLeftrightarrow ↗ \nearrow ⟷ \longleftrightarrow ⇗ \Nearrow ⟺ \Longleftrightarrow ↖ \nwarrow ↭ \leftrightwavearrow ⇖ \Nwarrow ⇆ \leftrightarrows ↘ \searrow ⇋ \leftrightharpoons ⇘ \Searrow ↹ \leftrightarrowstobar ↙ \swarrow ⇄ \rightleftarrows ⇙ \Swarrow ⇌ \rightleftharpoons ⤡ \nwsearrow ↑ \uparrow ⤢ \neswarrow ⇑ \Uparrow ⟲ \lcirclearrow ⤊ \Uuparrow ⟳ \rcirclearrow ↥ \upbararrow

14Also \mapsfrom. 15Also \longmapsfrom. 8 Symbol List

Big Operator Characters (bigops) Rendered in Times New Roman ∑ \sum ∏ \prod ∫ \intop

Extended Big Operators Characters (extbigops) Rendered in STIXGeneral ∐ \coprod ∬ \iint ⨁ \bigoplus ⋁ \bigvee ∭ \iiint ⨂ \bigotimes ⋀ \bigwedge ∮ \oint ⨀ \bigodot ⋃ \bigcup ∯ \oiint ⨅ \bigsqcap ⋂ \bigcap ∰ \oiiint ⨆ \bigsqcup

Blackboard Bold Characters (bb) Rendered in Symbola and Accessed with \mathbb 픸픹ℂ픻피픽픾ℍ핀 핁핂핃필ℕ핆ℙℚℝ핊핋핌핍핎핏핐ℤ 핒핓핔핕핖핗하학핚 핛한핝 핞핟할핡핢핣핤핥핦핧함합핪핫 ퟘ ퟙ ퟚ ퟛ ퟜ ퟝ ퟞ ퟟ ퟠ ퟡ

Calligraphic Characters (cal) Rendered in Symbola and Accessed with \mathcal 풜ℬ풞풟ℰℱ풢ℋℐ풥풦ℒℳ풩풪풫풬ℛ풮풯풰풱풲풳풴풵 풶풷풸풹ℯ풻ℊ풽풾풿퓀퓁퓂퓃ℴ퓅퓆퓇퓈퓉퓊퓋퓌퓍퓎퓏

Fraktur Characters (frak) Rendered in Symbola and Accessed with \mathfrak 프픅ℭ픇픈픉픊ℌℑ픍픎픏픐픑픒픓픔ℬ픖픗픘픙픚픛픜ℨ 픞픟픠픡픢픣픤픥픦픧픨픩픪픫픬픭픮픯픰픱픲픳픴픵픶픷

Bold Calligraphic Characters (bcal) Rendered in Symbola and Accessed with \mathbcal 퓐퓑퓒퓓퓔퓕퓖퓗퓘퓙퓚퓛퓜퓝퓞퓟퓠퓡퓢퓣퓤퓥퓦퓧퓨퓩 퓪퓫퓬퓭퓮퓯퓰퓱퓲퓳퓴퓵퓶퓷퓸퓹퓺퓻퓼퓽퓾퓿픀픁픂픃

Bold Characters (bfrak) Rendered in Symbola and Accessed with \mathbfrak 핬항핮핯핰핱핲핳해핵핶핷핸핹핺핻핼핽핾핿햀햁햂햃햄햅 햆햇했행햊햋햌햍햎햏햐햑햒햓햔햕햖햗햘햙햚햛햜햝햞햟