Catholic Borderlands: Mapping Catholicism Onto American Empire, 1905– 1935 / Anne M
Catholic Borderlands Catholic Borderlands Mapping Catholicism onto American Empire, 1905– 1935 anne m. martínez ✜ University of Nebraska Press Lincoln & London © 2014 by the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska Publication of this volume was assisted by a grant from the Office of the Vice President for Research at the University of Texas at Austin. The illustrations in this volume are courtesy of Loyola University Chicago Archives and Special Collections. All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging- in- Publication Data Martínez, Anne M., 1966– Catholic borderlands: mapping Catholicism onto American empire, 1905– 1935 / Anne M. Martínez. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. isbn 978- 0- 8032- 4877- 9 (cloth: alk. paper) isbn 978- 0- 8032- 7409- 9 (epub) isbn 978- 0- 8032- 7410- 5 (mobi) isbn 978- 0- 8032- 7408- 2 (pdf) 1. Catholic Church Extension Society of the United States of America— History. 2. Catholic Church— United States— History— 20th century. 3. Catholic Church— Missions— United States. 4. Kelley, Francis Clement, 1870– 1948. 5. Catholic Church— Mexico. I. Title. bv2190.m37 2014 282'.709041— dc23 2014019188 Set in Adobe Garamond Pro by L. Auten. For my first teachers, Mom and Pop, and my favorite students, Hadley, James, John, Marianna, Christina, and Michael Contents List of Illustrations ix Preface xi Acknowledgments xiii Introduction: Excavating the Borderlands 1 1. An American Catholic Borderlands: The Spanish Past in the United States 31 2. The Devil Is Having a Great Time: The U.S. Catholic Civilizing Mission in Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Mexico 71 3.
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