Democrats Pack Stevenson Still Saying N<I

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Democrats Pack Stevenson Still Saying N<I SATURDAY. JULY W, 19W PA O BTm i Arettge DsUy Nel I idlmtd|[e0t»r Cvntins Ifmilii Vbr th* Week Oa TheWeatlwr 'M y 18, Isas Peraenal a( U. B. ftm U tm I ¥ h at la why wa view with aoma coaeani tha purchase hp tba Man- 1 0 3 4 2 A b o u t T o w n Town Insurance Squabble chaatar M ica dsartmaat of thaUT O A li SERVICES Fair aad wana laalgbt. Heard A long Maid Street aaw alaofnatar. Pbr arlih tha oem- W FOB aad hot toaaerrew. Ko «v«iiiir MnrtcM wlU Im htld liv of that davie* which caa taU lluit Iat«rprH WUid tomocTow •vaniiir a t U» 0»v«n- To Be Aired Monday Night in a twlaknag tha aaumat of alco­ K M l l i O f T h* F s b UIt MmehoBtor— A City of Village Charm . aat-OoocNCaUoMl Church, u a And on Somo of Maneheeter^B Sido Stroot§t Too hol a man has consumad which ROY nuiahar of tha partahimttra wUl at> mada him do whatever it was that INSURANCE land tha opanuic aanrleaa of Uia The Board of Dtracton will moat,.tha. concept of a committaa to lad to hla balag plekad up, we are Oinaral Oeatfaranca at Cromwall Tlw yuated Cbdf Of' Every Deaattottai VOL. LXXL NO. 242 aa 9ega It) MANCHESTER. CONN„ MONDAY, JULY 14, 1962 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CBNtt* with tha town’a Inauranca commit- ! handle the town'a inaurance even ada/a tarraatlal ralna far asm* afraid that the death knrti ef tha ARmUR A . JOHN B. BURKE a t S:S0. Or. WUUam Ward Ayer, In batwaan aaaIgnmanU w* had Um* to com*. twe-baer allbt area aoundad.^ avaagaUat and radio peraonality, tea In tha Municipal Building Mon-! an opportunity to do aoma ra- Heavy ralaa throughont tba KNOFLA AUNCY win ba Uia apaakar. Sarvieaa wUI day night to air chargee of 1 aaarch thU weak. I t eonatatad of day floodad tha oallars la atvarai W* don’t knew wbp—except FUNERAL HOME competanca" that have tean hurled 11?!?!. *!![*?,. that It la oartabily th* traditional Bid. m i ba haM aaeh avanbig during tha checking tha atlaa to «nak* aura Manehaat ar bualaaaa aatabUah- S7f MAIN 8T. MBMtOeMMrBL TM.AMI coaring waak at 7:45 a t tha crom* at the committee by Diractor John i that th* city of New Rochalla, manta. Including Dflion'a' and Th* thing to do—but Juat about avary- H. Lappen.' The meeting will atart on* who la haled Into court on an Dial A44A ar S-4S7A Eisenhower in Search well confarenca ground*, and tha at g o'clock. ! one-man battle, “rva proven N. Y., waa atlU thar*. I t waa. But Herald, aa well aa the callara la a m b Ijl a n c b BBBVMB Wadnaaday . night meeting at w* war* half afraid that it many local hemas. intoxication charge clatma that he Tha Joint meeting waa called at my point and If the mambera (of had Juiit two beers. Not ona bear, Covenant •CbagragatlonaJ Church the board) don’t want to baliav* wouldn't b*. 'That It might ahow RabagUno, hatter known aa of thla town wUI be omitted. the dlracton' laat aaaaion, two “Rad Jaa,” waa working a t DUr net three or four, but two. We waak* ago. when Lappan culmi­ It than it’a up to them. I think up aa a auburb of Middlatown, D*L have seen men atlck hertecally Democrats Pack Ion’s whan watar waa noUead la For Campaign Director Now If that doaan't aouad quit* nated a recitation of hla chargaa (the moating Monday) la a waate and arith dignity to this story, in Ifancheater AnxtUary miica of time." normal you can blama It on a th* cailar. H* valuntaarad hla wiU meet Monday avening at 7 with a motion for tha committee^ nawa iUm that appaarad toward aanrleaa to aaalat In moving atock tha face of all kinds of evidanca to. dlamlaaal, Waato One Agent the contrary. Chicago, July 14—(ff)— | o’clock at Mount Nabo for aoft At a mooting of the.board June tha cloa* of laat month. It atatad out of tb* watar area. “Rad Joa” baU toactlea. Director T. J. Crockett, who waa dbffad Ms aboa*. raUad up hla But are fear that tha alcometer Gen. D i^ h t-D . Eisenhower. ! aarving aa chairman In tha ab- g, Lappan ripped Into the com- that a mlniatar from tb* afore- mltta* with a 10-pag* report that mentioned town In Delaware waa pant lagi and atartad'to work. arlU prove to be toe much for U. S; Power the Republican preaidential | Big Carrier ’ Epwerth Loaguar* of the llouth aenea of Mayor Handd A. Turfcing- After aavkral mliiutaa, tb* them. In the past, the human ele­ ton, ruled tha motion out of order contained wliai ha conaldarad a Uuaatanlng to taka New Rochalla nominee, searched today fof a Mathodlat Church will attend tha full bill of particular*. No action away from ita 60,000 raaldanta un- watar praaaura had pushed tha ment waa alaraya Invotvad; tba ar- new eam pp^ manager after} t a. m. aarvlca at tha church to­ ainca the item waa not on the man-bol* cover up, unknown to rasting offleer-mlght have been Stevenson Still Saying N<i waa takan at that Urn* either. laaa he waa rewarded with a fatted morrow and laava by auto for New agenda. However, aoma of tha di­ RabagUno. "Rad Joa" happanad prajudleed. witneeeee might have F o r K o rea reluctantly letting Sen. Henry: K eel Is Laid rector* fait that, ahould Lappan in­ In plao* of a committaa, one calf. to n ^ , where they will board tha mambar of which la raplacad an­ Rev. Walden Pall 11, aald on* of to walk over th* axpoead hole and been hoe tile, the testa to deter­ Cehot Lodge of MMsechu-l Pamaquld for a aaU to Block clude it on tha agenda of a future dropped In almbat up to hla neck. mine Intoxication formerly might meeting, the comylttaa khould drat nually, Lappan haa raeommanded hla ancaatora had mad* an agraa- setts atep aside. The Mneralj lalaod. that ona agent b* appointed to ment with a group of Huguanota Ha manageid to gat out arlth only not hav* been fairly admlniatored. alao macte ready to leave by^ be given an opportunity to praaant minor Injuriaa to his leg. But arhen a suspact blows Into tho Is AvailaBle In Virginia Ita aid* of the caa* la pubtfci handle all the Inauranca for the who bought th* land from nim on plane tonight for .Dedver end Operation Skywatch**—• Too Few WaliJiing Too Lour Mambara of tha Daughter* of Lilted Chargaa town. At the praaant, each of tha which th* city now ataoda. Tb* Rad Joa" waa nearly “Black baltoeli, all the human ' element tibarty fio. 17, LOU, wilt meat five mambera of th* committaa gat city Waa named Naw Rochalla and Joa" but ba etayad on the Job un­ goee out the window, and Seoul, Kofea, July 14—<4P) a vacation. He and Mrs.; Newport Newg, Va , Juiy- S«PvriV^1ReM*.«e*M r At tha meeting two waaka ago, It's tha suspect against an Imper- tomorrow morning at >:1S at tha Lappen Hated 10 examplaa of wfiat' 5 par. cant of the commlaalona as part of th* aalaa price It waa til It waa complatad. —Gen. J. Lawton (Tolliiu, Eiaenhowea wen slated toi 14—(/P)—The Nsvy today Orange HaU to atund tha Divine from pramlunu aold, with th* re­ duly antared.lq th* racorda that aonal mechanical device. And, with take off after arrival of their; b* conaldared the committae'a 34-Haw bnty science being what It la today, Completed Cottages For Sale U. S. Army (Thief of Staff, to­ laid tho keol of a giant air­ •arvlca a t S t Mary** at 10 o'clock. incompatanfi*” and ‘Mnafficleney.” maining conuniaalon* dutributod any mambar of tb* PaU .family aon, Mai. John D. Eiaeu- Tha regular meeting of iha. lodge among th* raat of th* inauranca could aak for and racalv* “on* Beginning Monday morning that’s no contaet. day hinted that United States craft carrier whoee, range wUl ba Tuaaday night at S o'clock Included among the chargaa waa 100 Manehaatar raaidanU arlU b* hhwer, and hia wife from double coverage on the town'a vot­ aganu In town. Under Lappan'* fatt calf*” each yaar. That was In Wa suppoaa that the :.aro-hear strength in Korea could be in­ and planes can bring'within In tha Orange HaU and it wUI be plan, th* agant for th* town would doing a Job that should b* sharad alibi arlU die hard. A man caUed ASHFORD LAKE ; creased "in a pinch." Ha said Highland Falla,-------aa N. Y. - With Hopefuli ing machinaa and failure to can­ 16SS. PaU aatlmata* it'a been at VmEVUrwil vNn reach the "innermoat bdra” followed by a aoeial hour and ra- gat 40I* par cant, with th* remain- laaat 100 yaara alnc* anyona askad by IM, unlaaa tk* raemltlng team up before tha Judge on an Intoxi­ the U. 8. Eighth Aiimy "aa a fr^ m a a ta . cel a policy on aoma equipment lag •0I par cant diatributad. which la stationad on Main atraat It will be n farearell visit with of any aggreaaor nation. after it waa aold. for bovln* on tho hoof and ha fi­ cation charge WlU atUl maintain ASHFORD—EASTTORD, CONN.
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