. HI'.;- .,7, : ... ' - 'W ' ' . .. t ' i-. AVEBAOB DAILT dROnLATION WBATUBll for the Month of February, 1968 r Foreci^ of U', 8. Weather B m en^. Hertford > ^ 6.099 : Member.ot the Audit pair Iqnlght ahd Tuesday, not Bureau of OIrenlaUons much ciuuige in temperature. "M anchester - a city of vill age charm VOL. LVtt„ NO. 145 (Ulaaallled Advertising on Page 10) , MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 21,1938 TTWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE .{CENTS - M l Rescuers Sift Debris for Victims BIG PARADE TONIGHT J POLAND FOR H. S. CHAMPIONS AS RUMORS OF WAR Whole Town To Turn Out t o Order of Parade to " • ' Honor New England Platoon of Police. Marshal and Aides Salvatlcm Army Hand IN EUROPE Champion High School Manchester High Bsaketba]] Team In Automobllea Manchester High* Sehool Basketball Squad;' Big Student Body In lithnania Rumblings (H ^ "Spirit of ’76" BRITAIN, FRANCE S EN. KING RAPS Elementary Schobis Bonfire At Old Golf Lot Girl Scout Bajid Discord Heard With Twt Girl and Boy Scouts JOININ PROTEST BUREAUS BILL American Legion Band K towii'Tqronflored parade 'and Athletic Groups: Cabinet Members Threit- bonfire to celebrate Manche.^ter (Baseball, Football. Track. Swimming, Golf, Tennie, OVER BOMBINGS High’s first New England basket AS ADDING COST ening To Quit; Germanl^ Cross (Country) boll title, earned by the Rod and Center Flute Band 'White team In Providence Saturday Alumni Groups: — Tells League that AnstHli^ night, will be held this evening. The (Former M. H. 8. Team units) Spanish Rebels l i g h t e n Declares It Will Mean Gving celebration was taken In hand by a Silk City Band group representing the Board of Local Clubs and Teams: ' ,Is No Longer A Membiri Education, the Board of .Selectmen, (Baseball, Football, Basketball, Front To Drive Loyali^s Up Attempts To Balance Police Commissioners and the tesp- Twk, Volleyball) monlal banquet'eouuhlttee and co- St. John's Polish (IJiuixb Band Bndget And Lessen Kg operating groups when It appeared (!dUzens In automobiles From Torreveiilla; Ad- By .Associated Prefis that. Impromptu celebration num- The world'* wars surgod oiTii bering three or four bad been plan- Start of Parade—6:30 p. ra. gt Tax Barden; More Work. today but Europe’s rumor fif.! vance Is Stiffly Resisted. ned by athletic groups. In order to Main and Schools Streets: ' new wars slackmed. give the celebration something akin Route; North on "Main to Depot Predictions of an early, Brfb* . to orderlineos and organisation, the Square, countermarching to .Hendsye, France, at the Spaniah Washington, March 21.—(A P)— opmmittee was hastlfy formed jres- the CenGer, east oo East Cen- Ish-Itailan aixord becijnB^ • ! Frontier, March 21.—(A P )—Span- Senator King (P „ Utah) told the terday afternoon and a meeting was ter, north side to Old Golf lots. Nineteen alr-ralds to leai than forty-eight hours by "Spantiih" reb eto flying German and Italian splash of cheerful color on tli*’ Senate today that passage of the held last nigh't in the- Hotel Sheri' Big bonfire, about 9 p. m. bombers, snuffed out the lives at approximately’ 1300, wounded approximately 2,000 more and pulver- ish Insurgents driving a wedge European panorama after dan.' , . , ised .a large section of the once-beautiful city of Barcelona In Loyalist Spain. The radiophoto above Mutheost of Alcanir. trapped scat- administration’s reorganization MU' hectic weeks of anxioiu, soiBr.! - Back 'To Normal \ first to reach the United. States, shows rescue-workers at the gruesome task of alftlng - debris for tered units oi government troops to- would mean that "expectations of 'Due to the delirium following the mangled corpses of men. women and children. Hundreds are still In the wreckage. Along with bombs, balancing the budget aad IlfUng the her retouching and repairlnqi early morning parade and celebra- the raiders from the sky dropped leaflets demanding that-Bercelona "aurrender or pertsb” ! day In a triangular sector west of Poland and Lithuania,' nefie^ heavy tax burden must be aban- tion Sunday members of the com- Torreveiilla. The movement to armed conflict last week, plan-f mittee planni.ng the orderly cele- BONDISPOSTQ) straighten their front for a renewed doned." bration of the great victory stressed drive toward the Mediterranean was The broad reorganUatton powers ned to patch up an old ramnjf; } the need of returning the school to started yesterday with aerial and which irauld be granted to the line so they could resume'; Ita scholastic tempo r- aoon as pos- BY G. LEROY KEMP GOPCOlifXNIIlATES artillery attacks which took the gov- PresldeOLunder terms of the^pend• friendly communication, non-• sible, and the parade and bonfire MANY AMERICANS WIN Ing measilre would permit “bu- ernipent advance guard by surprlae. existent' for nearly 18 yean. thi» evening fraa deemed the best Pursuit planes machine-gunned reaucratic government to become more powerful aad therefore more There were rumblings 6t d i»; possible action to take. , ON HOUSE SEATS Otalan engineering squads attampt- George sH. Waddell was elected Ing to erect barricades and dlspera- autocratic," King aaaerted. cord in Lithuania, hox Former Parkvmy Agent Pats PRIZES IN IRISH SWEEPS He declaired be belleved\ the .pro- Marshal of the parade and' at ten ed them with heavy loiaea. with two Cabinet mfimb posed reorganisation would be fol- o’clock last night telephone orders The insurgents claimed a triangu- tendering resignations and ator vbegra to go out to the various atbr lowed’ by an Increase to government Up $10,000 As He Is Not lar sector pointed by Alcantz, employes and a consequent Increase dents calling a 10-day period o if' leUc, civic, ex-sdrvice, bands and Leaders Plan C^landa and Torreveiilla. The dla- Fiftf-Two Per Cent jOf Rrsl In expenditures. clubs to gather their .members for FEAR SEVEN DEAD patebes added, however, that Gov- mourning over the capitula*’ the gala march and bonfire, the Now A Resident Of State. "Is Congreaa ao timid If la afraid tion to Poland’s army-backsdl Hardest Work h North- ernment militiamen were still bold- to abolish these Feileral bureaus T” latter to be held on the Old Oolf 480 Tickets Drown To- ing out to some of the villages In- King demanded. “Congreea oould demand for normal diplomat^ lots. All local bands have been In- IN RAFT DISASTER cluded,.but that'conaolldation opera- well afford to address itself earnest- vited to march and at l l o’clock last Bridgeport, Mahih' 31.— (AP) — ern And Eastern States. and commercial relatlona. day Hdd h Unh^ States; tions were under way. ' ly and sincerely Jto the task of over- Austria Quits Les«M night the Salvation Army band and O. Leroy Kemp, former agent for Torreveiilla Is about nine miles hauling the machinery of the fed- thf Legion Drum Corps had defl- Genmuay, still digesting Auotriia the state. In Merritt Parirway land aoutheaat of Alcsnla and Galanda eral government. And delegalloh Informed,the League of Natloa6'>, idtely decided to turn out full roem- ^ Washington! March 31.— (AP) — of power to the executive Is not the deals, posted $10,000 bond at tha List Of The Big Winners. Craft Made Up Of Hnge Tree about the same distance aouthweat. that her paw provinca “no Ion barship. Dlractors of I|epubltpaa aOorta to Leyallsto Strangly Kaslst wAy to do It." The committee Voted to tu n over ooun^ Ciourt House today to con la considered” a member of jkooL aatoable Moo of-House ssaU Tha toinirgentk aclmowledged that Tax Laws Btaowfi. Leagw. the details of organUlng Uia.Hlgh Bsetton with a Grand Jury 4ndlct Tranks Strikes Bridge; 4B Dublin, March 4:.—(AP) —Fifty- from Democrats to the November the Governineat' wfis, jntlttog up The Sanato finance committee A myaterious roundup of Bovk and elemratafy school pupils Into trong reslatance. An attack launch separate oeeUons for the parade ment against him ’'ciiarging con- two per cent of the first 480 tickets heard from a spokesman for the allxens was underway In Rusfilib— election said today they ware con- ad from the AIcahlx-Alcorlaa line United States Chamber of Com- and ' o aisemblles were held tn the spiracy. drawn today to the Irish hospitals Passengers Go Overboard centrating^ on 113 CongresslonalNIto- apparently an effort to Insulate th* yesterday gave the Insurgents the merce that the present tax laws suspicious regime from unwantid Kemp, was todictod with Samuai sweepstakes. Including tickets on tricts, principally to northern site (Oonttaueicl on Page IWo) H. flUverman of Stpmford and eastern sVfites. foreign contacts. Recent dissppsWh' two of Ihn first five favorites, were (Uontinoed on Page Two) (OoDtlaiied on Fsjp Pwe) /SDOes end arrests, included a aabli^'' Thomas N. Cox,ke of Greenwich, rtiu held by residents of the. United Williamsport, Pa., March 31 — Lawrence Sullivan, secretary of the Republican Congresatonal Cham- t 'jy of the Moscow o-*tce of tka- astote brokers, last Frldq^, wind up States. .. (AP) T-Old rafting- tradition was New York Hmes and several Rus- day of an eight weeks Jury Investi- The big green drum to DuhUn's paign committee, aald Uiat to 62 of cast' Into the discard today os po- sian employas of the United States HEARS? GIVES OP gation Into land deals by which' Con- Mansion . House had spun out .480 theae districts Republicanii got lice and volunteer sesfichars drag- Within 5 percent of enough votes to- Embassy. ^ n ^ e u t acquired a right of way for t l ^ t s up t o , the. nobn recess and The Spanish Insurgents, straighU' the 125,000,000 super. hlgh'wSy In 350 of p rlM will go to the ged the murky waters of the Su*'' win to 1986.
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