NISTADS Tracks in Policy Research: NISTADS/NTPR/STAPP/Skills/2019/1 CSIR–National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies S&T applicaTionS To peopleS’ problemS (STAPP) Skill Development and Employment P. Goswami Praveen Sharma 1 Page CSIR-NISTADS- STAPP/Drinking Water Project Information Project Team: Nodal Officer : Dr. P. Goswami Principal Investigator : Dr. Praveen Sharma Funding Agency: CSIR Publication Type: Interim Report Circulation: Limited Corresponding Author: P Goswami;
[email protected] Acknowledgement: This Policy Advocacy benefitted from comments from a variety of sources, especially from CSIR laboratories. The analyses presented are based on mostly secondary sources (websites); while we have made sincere efforts to refer to all these sources, it is possible we have missed some. Finally, the critical comments on our earlier drafts from several reviewers are gratefully acknowledged. Disclaimer: The report is largely is descriptive in nature. It is based on secondary data and information composed from the related sources like reports, research papers and books. Also documents of various ministries/departments, organizations and information from many web-sites have been used. The internet data and information referenced in this report were correct, to the best of the knowledge, at the time of publication. Due to the dynamic nature of the internet, resources that are free and publicly available may subsequently require a fee or restrict access, and the location of items may change as menus and webpages are reorganized. 2 Page S &T applicaTionS To peopleS’ problemS (stapp): an ouTline The Prime Minister of India had on several occasions emphasized the need for addressing problems faced by the people of India, through S&T applications.