Sub-Regional Network Meeting on The
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ISSN 2092-7959 Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific VOL.7 Sub-regional Network Meeting on the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Pacific ICH, Mirror of Cultural Identity CHA's New Administrator Shares Strategy for Multinational Nominations of ICH in the Pacific Region Choe, Kwang-shik (Administrator of the Cultural Heritage Administration) Pacific Asia Observatory for Cultural Diversity in Human Development). Professor Galla analysed Cultural heritage is a multinational nomination cases of the UNESCO priceless treasure and an asset which holds ICH Lists and provided his insight regarding the the prescience and meaning of nominations among the Pacific States. sprit of mankind. As He also raised the issue of the importance of intangible elements traditional agricultural skills in the Pacific, and how can be considered it is in danger of disappearance. the mirror of cultural In the second session, country reports identity, I must say The 2nd Sub-regional Network Meeting on the that its safeguarding Safeguarding of ICH in the Pacific (Photo by ICHCAP) illustrating the status of current ICH safeguarding efforts were presented by representatives from the ⓒYonhapnews Agency, ROK is one of the most he 2nd Sub-regional Network Meeting on Cook Islands (Ms Justina Nicholas), Fiji (Mr Simione significant tasks the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Tuimalega), PNG (Dr Jacob Simet), and Tonga (Ms needed to be carried out for the development of cultural heritage as a whole. Heritage (ICH) in the Pacific took place Pulupaki Ika). Participants shared information T When I recall my position as Director in Nuku’alofa, Tonga from 29 to 30 March 2011. concerning the safeguarding activities in each of the National Museum of Korea, I placed The meeting was co-organised by ICHCAP and country such as cultural mapping, documentation, much of my efforts in awareness-raising, the UNESCO National Commission for Tonga in and so on. These presentations provided a capacity-building and information-sharing for collaboration with the UNESCO Office for the Pacific better understanding of the current status of ICH safeguarding cultural heritage through various States in Apia and was designed in accordance with safeguarding in the Pacific. activities for the wide spread management the Action Plan which was adopted at the 1st Sub- During the discussion session, participants of museums. As the new Administrator of the regional meeting held in Fiji last year. raised several issues which they are currently Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea, I The meeting kicked off with an opening experiencing; above all, it was declared that will continue to put forth my utmost effort and speech by Hon Dr ‘Ana Maui Taufe ‘ulungaki, awareness raising among decision makers and the conviction towards enhancing the relationship between heritage and the public. To this end, I Minister of the Ministry of Education, Women general public is a priority in this field. However, plan to develop informational systems on ICH Affairs and Culture in Tonga. She welcomed all Pacific Islanders would like to approach the matter for a better understanding and accessibility for the participants to Tonga and highlighted the of safeguarding from the community’s point people all along the societal continuum, and importance of this meeting for the Pacific. of view, not only for the promotion of tourism. supporting effective safeguarding activities at In the first session, Dr Seong-Yong Park Participants also explored possible measures the national and international levels. (Executive Director, ICHCAP) delivered his keynote including the promotion of cultural festivals and The Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre speech where he briefly introduced ICHCAP’s multinational nominations to the UNESCO ICH Lists. for Asia and the Pacific was established by the activities and emphasised the importance of At the final session of the meeting, chaired government of the Republic of Korea for the information sharing and building a cooperative by Dr Park, participants developed and agreed to purpose of safeguarding the living heritage environment for the field of ICH. He also underlined the preparation of an Outcomes Document of the of humanity, based on the spirit of the 2003 UNESCO Convention. I am confident that the that ICHCAP would take a pivotal role in supporting meeting, along with a 5-year Strategy and Action Centre will play a key role in the promotion ICH safeguarding efforts in the Asia-Pacific. Plan for ICH Safeguarding in the Pacific. To briefly of international cooperation for safeguarding Ms Akatsuki Takahashi (Programme summarise, each Member State will promote the ICH which symbolises cultural identity and the Specialist, UNESCO Apia Office) also presented 2003 UNESCO Convention; increase awareness history of each society in the region through its a paper in which she pointed out key aspects and participation among Pacific Member States main functions of ‘information and networking’ of ICH from the 2003 UNESCO Convention of UNESCO in regards to information sharing and in this field. It is my hope that the readers of and recalled the current status of the Pacific networking of ICHCAP activities; prepare nominations this periodical send their interest and support region in relation to the implementation of the for the ICH Lists and the Register of UNESCO; and to the Centre so that we can further expand Convention. The next presentation was followed continue to update the draft Mid-term Strategy and with more interactive and inclusive activities for safeguarding ICH throughout the region. by Professor Amareswar Galla (Convener, Action Plan for ICH Safeguarding in the Pacific. 아태뉴스레터vol7.indd 1 2011-04-13 오전 9:19:42 ICH Issues Expert Network Meeting on an Integrated Approach to Tangible and Intangible Heritage in the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage n 14 February, experts in the field of undistorted study when integrating tangible and Dr Seong-Yong Park, Executive Director of ICHCAP, cultural heritage discussed issues on an intangible cultural heritage. added that it should be also considered how to O 'Integrated Approach to Tangible and The practices on existing cultural heritage solve the political boundary between tangible Intangible Heritage in the Safeguarding of Cultural safeguarding which were raised at the meeting let and intangible heritage. Moreover, he highlighted Heritage' in Andong, South Korea. the participants know how cultural heritage has that communication and cooperation among This meeting was prepared as a preliminary focused on monuments and sites and provided government organisations, experts, communities, study to seek for a solution on integrated conser- an opportunity to broaden bias perspectives. Mr and local people are indispensable. Also, every vation and management of tangible and intangible Hee Woong Park, Deputy Director of CHA, pointed participant agreed that the integrated approach cultural heritage. The Intangible Cultural Heritage out that public officials and expert’s interest in should be based on each local society and each Centre for Asia and the Pacific (ICHCAP) and the the value of folk villages has been focused on community's respective situation. International Mask Arts and Culture Organization tangible elements, and argued that integrated As Professor Galla stated that the most (IMACO) participated in the meeting as management should be carried out for proper important thing for integration is harmony and coorganisers, while professor Amareswar Galla from transmission and conservation of cultural heritage. balance, it was reconfirmed that the solution of the the University of Queensland and domestic experts This shift in notion has already been promoted integrated approach starts from the fundamental from the Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA) in the museum field. Professor Jongho Choi from truth. Finally, the meeting was closed with Dr Park’s of Korea, National Research Institute of Cultural NUCH stated that museums are moving towards remarks emphasising that the centre of integration Heritage (NRICH), Korean National University of a new type of museum which cover intangible is people of a community and he hopes to continue Cultural Heritage (NUCH), and the Korea Cultural cultural heritage from relic exhibition. It has become this study with various entities of the ICH field. Heritage Foundation debated about an integrated an essential element to develop experience study approach to heritage safeguarding through programmes which are able to lead the visitor’s CONTENTS presentations and discussions. participation and satisfy their senses using tangible ICH Issues 01 Integration, which has become more popular and intangible heritage holistically. Director's Note in the 21st century, has continuously been Tangible and intangible cultural heritage is 02 discussed in the field of cultural heritage from the a complex body, and needless to say tangible Expert Remarks 03 1990s. With this effort, an integrated approach to heritage comes from intangible heritage. In this Windows to ICH 04 tangible and intangible heritage has partly been meeting, the participants gathered their opinions Field Report 08 attempted not only in the activities of cultural on how to connect both and keep the existing Inventory Making Efforts 10 heritage safeguarding, but also in the fields of intangible cultural heritage integrated with other ICHCAP Inside 12 museum and academic research. elements. Ms Kyoung Soon Hwang, researcher from