St-Wesi Relations the New and Wonderful Things in Frosen Foods; Round Steak
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V-^ ' ■" ■» - , * ■ -r ■ ;*: ■■ I ....... :> \ : , • ■}. I V, I - f • ,," «. » THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 198< PAG* TWENTY ^Imrb^Btpr lEttening ^rralb AveniBe Dally Net Prase Run 1 . Far the Week'EMM The Weather AprU l u c Fereceat af D. 0. WaatAar B v a a e 12,020 Cleariagr rontlaiMid rHA $a- LOCATION . Member of the Andlt alght. Low 2S,'- Satunlay JOrt- Bareau e l CIrcalaaSa ly rhwdy md aeekewkat wAnM . High la low 500,, “v , Recently when a new resideiit of St. Paul Drive, learned that he waa talking with WalUr Odrman in Pinehurst, he RE CElEtRATIW C. wanted to know if, ■ "with Raymond Gorman’s insurance sl|tn clock on the side of Pinehurst building, and the Gor. VOL. LXXV, NO. 171 man. Buick Agency across the street, we called this loca H f f l t O M I 1 tion'Gorman’s Comer." ' • V- That’s the flrst time that quest ion. has been put to us. '302 M A IN ST. ^ I Block North of Armory but w* do frequently hear our address referred to as - ^ Chocks Coshod • PINEHtnifiT CORNER.’; Parking Lot Corry Out Sorvieo 'A great many tedder Pinehurst steaks have been eaten- / OPEN FRIDAY ToYour^Sar ’ by Manchester residents, and many changes made in the ' .//■ food business in the .years Pinehurst haq been here at the/ NIGHT TILL 8:30 comer'‘'of Main and Middle ’Turnpike. /; OPEN TONIGHT PerhatM one of the greatest changes has been in frozen THURSDAY TILL B^O foods. When Pinehurst started to handle froren foods.. there was little variety to offer, and we had'to do a sell ing Job to sell what we had. Our flrst frosen food ca^ \ n i t l i t gi-obably coat $500.00 and now we pay Allied Engineering ' Got Fat Free, Waste Free' almost $6,000 to get enough space in which to d(sl)ta.V all st-Wesi Relations the new and wonderful things in frosen foods; Round Steak .. r , Rump The Herald’s IJdnor-Wiiiiiiiig Page On Sirloin Tip PILLSBURY \ British^ Reds Begin Eye Round faiiaariilMPoaaaMMM Four Years Prison Roasts ot. V ■ PIECRUST 2 Pkgs. 2Vci Pinohurst. Fipxen Fqo^ Values Low p«iilfr>' prices msy not PlLl^tBURY \ - I ■ V ' ■ please our Tony Buysse wWo is inihg For Four Convicted Wc proiUiaed you some special frosted food a "chicken farmer" as well as a MISSISSIPPI Pinehurst Most Ciitjer. but A N G EL FO O D M IX Pkg 43d Carefully Selected Beef, Always 'Well-Trimmed At Hale's ranto. “Ts,« •’■f ■ \ .r ' .values this wpek and we also offer you many hew I ; ' By . Wil l ia m L. RYAN' ■-9 ■ . BACON, lb. 49c they dertalnly are pleaain4' to j New HavenV/.pril 20 </P)— Federal Ju^ge Robert P. Ander- foods in our eplargcd department . the customers. ¥ London, April i o — Soviet r-ths grindstone oi> East-West world; ^ SHORT, Premier Bulganin tow the British! problems. He seemed determined !ton today impo.sed prison sentences on five of six defendanto ’Try our new exciting’Muller’s fresh frosen Oriuigs re Soloctod Choice Bread. Date and NuLBread nr Dari-Rich Chocolate Cream j oaaousf SIRLOIN today he expected a gradual, step | to isvoid any propaganda fanfare. | irusTCported convicted in a Smith Act trial here. The sixth defendant Pinohurst R IB ..... Cake. Farm Fresh b.v step improvement in E a s t - - This interpretation ,has been ceived a suspended sentence and probation. t ■ $ HOMCMADC West relations.’ bolstered among obseivers here by Fou*" defendants received four-year prison terms, one year " OVEN ROASTS aChun Kin Cantonese dinner of Chicken, Almonds. Chop Pinehurst HOT ROUS Blit there mere ihdicatioiia the ; the tone of Moscow Radio, which 6uey, Oriental Rice and Egg Rolls ral'ay appeal to you. TDPPfO MW JAM Ofi U0/</fy CHOICE GRADE BEEF British-Soviet talk* were settling i seemed to express general Soviet 'V British in ‘Interest of Peace’ lefls than the maximum provided by law for conspiring to 1st 4 rib s........ lb. S9c K White Rock 'down to tough bargaining on m a-’ annoyance at the rather cool re- teach and advocate the overthrow of the government by forct Lb. Jor world issues. , cepition given the two leaders in r violence. FRYERS Bulgapin spoke at a luncheon at London.. Dulles Tnik They w»ra flld. 'Wylor o^, New 5th and 6th ribs lb. 49c PREMIER \ I Lb. Ja r Bib Rust Three More Ousted: Pillibnry MansIM House in the city of ^ n -1 Bulganin, speaking in reply to W i l h .W r u Hbven, chairman of the Connecti- average Regular 10 Inch rib gives you a nice doO’ official residence of the t« r d ; toasts at the luncheon, indicated ciil. Communlat party; Jacob Gold- Israel, Egypt Do Luxe Chopped HOT ROLL NIX HONEY\45 c roast, with a good rib soup dr braising Mayor of ^ndon. He and Commu- j,g expected no spectacular, over- Si'vii Futile New Unrest Looms rink of Trumbull, Mrs. Martha $1.59 and $1.79 each piece. Ask to has’e your mast boned Nikita Khrushchev drove n ight, developments that would Wp . V Ptohs Asher of Newark, N. J., and Sirloin Bopf Patties out If you wish. to the ancient welcoming place end world tension. "Of course," he ^ »r.'M»so I9i4 Robwt C. Ekini of Old Saybrook! Free Lollypops 9ke OsrMfH |(k Ywh* • mraosswi, • « .eGrai* et p awutf j—a. emr e^l Swap Otargj (4 or 5 to a lb.) Grandmother's (ira p ^ after emerging solemn and un- aaw, "not everything is done, at >wy»> - I.e ■*- Ao wnroi ootMosM »«ii» mi»osm iili Nte AnimdMM Joseph DImOw of New Haven smiling from a two-hour con •«*h 1‘vlnw Hnsefst K.etu' asOs nr eOMiOieonoiitiM «o MH emeiimme ftemSSS was sentenced to three years In ' lb. 89c We' will have fresh Chicken once. An appropriate Russian say •««M •sogi«« * — * SW.I ---«■ - IT-"-$ *<0 iOflIoL Our good friend Nick Nobile, special Birds Eye ference with Prim’e'Minister Eden ing is that Moscow was not built AinAmow lUit fr* t t i s s r j k'thMP l|_ prison. Of New Atti Breasts and Chicken Legs . JAM ' j?/ 29c male’s Good HamnurR 3 ijw $1.00 at 10 Downing St. 00' »a)»n . UMor :• rT«r.i>ai* Vewh~ . 41 Nut < i ____ _ representative will be here with free balloons and and Fred Miller of Coventry in a day." •qsMHM • pro* ■ Bm«0| James Tats of 'Hartford was will • bring in piling tender fjiqnfrr od' Slldeast Bulganin added: aentenred to three years, sus Jerusalem,, April 20,^iP)—A rash Chopped Round Io1lypop.s for the children (and for the adults, too) The two Soviet leaders left the ■.vo'ing. Hale’s Leaner Bn I Ground 2 Lbs 31.00 "We believe an improvement of pended, and put on probation for of incidents on th^armaU-Jnrdan Bteak lb. 79c . , . Nick will see that ample stocks of these spe conference,'in which the explosive relations between us. development iow lau P u iIm 4 five years. border anfl Egyptian reports of cial frosted food values are ready . .. If Middle Ekst dominated the agenda, of our ties and contacts, will be Take Arab V Judge Anderson followed the FOW L FOR f r ic a s s e e without making their usual ges violation of the^aw larsctl-Kgyp- you have extra freezer'space', it will be a good idea ij>. achieved gradually, step by step. recomihendatton of U.R. Atty. Lean Ground ^ ^ |Loan Beef Stowing Guts BONEI.ESa SOc tures to attract the attention of "But it is our hope that our visit Simon 8. Cohen In sentencing tian ceaae-flrw^lalmed tha ottstt- Chuck lb; 55e to put away some of your favorites . the crowd. ■ ' , to Britain wilt lay a good foundaA Tale. ‘ - ; tion of truce/teams today. Add celery/shd rice . .make jLoUn Yoal Stewing Cuts BONKLK Lb. 49o The Impression grevy/ that the Hon between 'Britain and the) Cohen asked for maxlmumi five- U.N. S^retary General Dag ■ t wonderful soiip with these fresh 10-day Soviet tour — now in its Soviet Union, based on The great .yesr sentences for the others^ A HamniaralcJold pursued his poaea Plnehyrst Hamburg fowl. ; ‘ third day - - was settling do\yh principle of peaceful coexistence." term -’'o) that length would ba talks ^Ith Israeli officials la Think of it... you save Ipc on every Farmhouse into a duel of' wits, with Eden in "littls enough” for them, he said, Jerusalem. Bibs. $1.00 Pie . not one variety not 2 . but on all 10 ^ ^ Q l R a t h 's Black Hawk Bacon is adver- tent of keeping Soviet noses to (OMtinuSd on Page Two) KUsbiuy . 2 ..4^ ____ -- dM. OIMI New Trial tor BAanlcIt Fmr to the south, thres Isadera Varieties... Pinebtir.';! 0nrmem mraraM M - Judge Anderson ordared a new of >he Arab bloc—Egypt’s Pfomlar .l!^**d in Life M^igoiina.Magoiin*. You can g«r ? S E s S hF.s ' \£a *' otom «raiou»MH •• inrani trial for Sidney S. Reanirk of msl Abdgl Nssser/ Saudi A fa C clety ............... Ig. bch. 29c a s S s S ra a e- G a k e M i x e s • eopowMee ' __ •— .■ - - \ ■ F New Haven, in whoas case tha. s’» King Baud and Taman’s iR o rii m e a t piroolKts at jury dlsagreecT Ha denied R e ^ Imam Ahmed—met at Jidda with FARMHOUSE nick’s motion for acquittal.