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• > MONDAY, APRIL 9, 19M AYtfBfft Daily Net Prate Ran The Weather SIXTEEN For tiM WtNk B M te PerMuat ot U. B. WMtkar Bureau i l 9nrt;?ator lEttrnitts l|nraib Apy« 7. 1888 PAIr, ctoot agaUn toulttit. Low March 1887, Foundation ofRcisla 86-88. Wedaeaday lucrmaiai Mancheetcr todt*. No. 78, A.F.J 1 1 ,9 5 8 rJoodlnaaa, not M mild, dwnee and A.M.. will hold a auted com-! Hospital Receives^, ■ I M« bW *f tea Audit nalh lata In day or alght. High la About To>vn munlcatlon at Masonic Temple' Miniter-Lee Wedding Tha chMki mailed yesterday are tomorrow night k ^^7:S0. Followring Portion of Grant the fiiat payments on the apectacu- YERR ROUND RIR CONDIl lON'NG Burqua «f CRrcultelou the huatnen* meetlhg, the Fellow- j lar contribution made Dec. 13.by Manche$ier^A City of Village Charm Twnple. No. ST, Pylh- the Foundat'ioh's trustees. At that ' craft degree will be conferred on a A check for $40,450, about half ILIUM p. Un SUUni. will m««t tomorrow time, the truateea allocated $200 .JVOTED t o SERVING nl^t *t 8 o'clock m Odd Fellowi class of candidates wRh Senior of a grant earmarked . for .Man- Warden Malcolm Robdr^^h In million to hospitals, $210 million' fHE COMMUNITY WELL' VOL. LXXV, NO. 163 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHEST^ CONNn TUESDAY, APRIU10, 1956 «R(ueUlad Admttaiag aa Pago 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS Mail FoUowlns the meetlnK. an chesUr Memorial Hoapital aa Its. to private colleges and unIveralUcs : Mtertaliunent will b» jiven and ra- charge of the degree workAAt the . . featuring the finest in modem aervioa conclusion of the- degree, work share of. tha $500 Aiillion Ford to help raise teacherr’ salariira. fraahmenti tervod. and $00 million to medical schools ' and facllltlee. A complete price eeleettoB. there will be a social hour andxe- Foundatlpn gift to piirate and to a'trengthen Aiatructlon. / , freshments. non-profit Institutlona, nas beeh I Tlia Queen of Peace Mother* Or* Other institutlona In Oonnectl-"' ele *111 meet tomorrow night at 8 The Glesners group of the rtceived at the local hospilhl, of­ cut to which checks have been d is -; o’clock at the home of Mr*. Bar­ WUliam P. Quieh South Methodist W8CS will open ficials reported today. it patched include; Milford Hoapital. Ike for Gains bara Tomaaei. 122 , Bret ton Rd. C. Elmore Watkibs, president $15,000; New niitaln Memoriel Fur\«rdl 'Raymond T. Quleh its annual spring rummage sale Paul R. LaBree XtacUon of officers wHU be held. Thursday at 9 a.m. in Cooper Hall of the Hospital Boat'd of Tnitteei, Hospital, $39,200: Norwalk Hospl- ress Lea of the church. Articles may be left aaid it la almost a foregone con­ Ul. $69,200; William W. Backus clusion that the money will be Hoepltal. $35,50'>;'Sharon Hospital, " o i d € Hugh 8. Greer, basketball coach at the church April 11. or if pick­ M l 3 * 5 9 4 0 at the University'of Connecticut, up is desired. Mrs. James Wilson, used for a new hospital addition $15,400; St. Joseph Hospital, $27.- Will be the gueit speaker at the .which ia already ih the prellir.in' 000: Gaylord ‘ Farm Sanatorium, \ 80 Alton St., or'M rs. Humphries, sports night, sponsored by the l i tilley St., may be called. ary planning stages. $32,300; and'Bt. Mary's Hospital of i X Methodist Men of the North Meth­ However, Watkins said the WaterUrry, $97,700. ' | Augusta, Ga„ April 10 (/P)*,0batacla to tha atrengUienliig of odist Church, tonight at 7:30 at Members of the Women's Home board has not yet offlrlally voted MAIN ST. 1-1 the church. All men in town are to consign the grsnt to thd expan­ our armed.forces today... League are reminded that anawcra — Prasident Eiaenhuwer "Thla continuous ' replacement invited to attend and bring their to Bible queitlona Roa. 1 and 2 sion project. . . . ^ called today for sptedy con­ < Bona Refreshments will be served. AccorMng to Hi Rowan Gaither WINDOW SHADES training process is not only ex' are due at the meetlhg tomorrow gressional approval of a 6- tremely expensive, but It retarda at 2 p.m. at the Citadel. Mrs. Jr„ president of the Ford Founda­ tion, more than 1.030 checks, total­ / point program to.bolster “ our the combat effectiveneaa of our — Temple Chapter, No. 53, Order Eleanor Long will have a display GrMR, Whit*, Ecru operational units.'* of the Eastern Star, will meet and demonstrate house clesning ing $37,748,000 have been mailed power for peace" through at- to over 1.000 of the 3,500 hoapitaia WoshoM* / Wilton aald raising leadership Wednesday at 8, p.m. in the Ma­ aids. A social time with refresh­ Beautiful Fine trgeting more*U.S. youth to and experience levels in the armed sonic Temple. The business ses- ments wilt follow sAd interested eligible in the 48 states, the Dis­ HOLLAND FINISH / trict of Colur.ibla and the terri­ military careers. . forcea would reiult in "augmant' Eisenhower No D anger Bion Will be followed by a social friends will be welcome. ing further our power for peace hour, with Mrs. Willard Horton tories of Alaska, and Hawaii and C l Q A Made to U rd ^ “Only when we have created a Puerto Rico. j 9 I 0 7 w ith Year filers military career eervice which can over the long haul.” and her committee in' charge. Msiu.'iiester Assembly, No. 15. Eiaenhower gave Wilson’a views O rder'of Rainbow for Girls, will On the basis of this information, CHENILLE competa with .the attractive op- Exists Now, the local hospital is one of the portunltlea avallabla In, civilian hearty endorsement and added: H ie Joy Orou.i of the North m ^ tonight at 7:30 In .the "We cannot move too loon in HAsonlr Temple. The members will first to be paid. By the end of July, E. A. JOHNSON purauits wrill 'we be aUe to atop Methodist Church will meet at a'l of the hoapitals will havp re« the waateful loaaea from our armed our efforts to increaae the number the church Wednesday, April 11. .Wear , their white gowns, and all and quality of vblunteers'for long' girls who had a part In the min- celved payment of the first half FAINT forcea and attract IndiVtduaU to On Mideast A id e s Say alt 2 p.m. Hostesses will be M ry o f their grants. The remaining one- COVERLETS thoac Bervicea.” Blacnhower aald term military service in both en­ Herbert Alley, Mr*. Arthur Sey­ atfel show last year are urged to 699 M ain S t „ T t y m 9-4501 listed and officer ranks.' be present. half-of the amount will be paid In in Identical lettera to 'Vice Preal- AuffusU, Ga., April 10 (/P) mour and Mrs. James Sloan. dent Nixon and Houae Speaker Wilson noted that in response to V Washinrton, April 10 (/P)— Raybum: earlier apppala by Eisenhower — iPresident Eisenhower left S«cratary of State Duitos Th^ Past Mistress Club of Daughters of Liberty, No, 125, Congtesa already haa taken some Prom hU vacation headquartera virtually no doubt today he Daughters of Liberty. No. 17. will will hold their monthly meeting. steps to attract more career per­ alerted Cpngrtesional leaders In Orange Hall tomorrow at 7:80. Special Each here, the Preeldent alap sent along would ask Congress 'for bold their monthly meeting Wed- Ex.tra> *5.98 sonnel. But the defenae secretary today to a possible admin* naaday at i~p.m. at the home of Mrs. Rachel HoNeill and hef com­ to Congresa a let^ to-him from said there atill la'urgent need for authority to use U.S. troops Secretary of Defenae. Wilson which stratlon request for. use of Mra. Martha Leemon, L 12 Newman mittee will serve refreshments at fast action by Congress to:.. in the turbulent Middle East the social hour\ CHINTZ DUST RUFFLES...... $5,98 aald: .j. American forcea in the Middle Bt. Ask* Better Survivor Beneflta if the United Nations voted to Personnel Leeeea Expensive East if acute danger develops 1. Remove what he called "In- quell any aggression there. Tha ChritUan -Educatfon com- Wales who arbXgoing to put on , REGULAR C O nO N DUST RUFFLES...... $4,29 “The. losa of trained personnel equltiea and Inconsiatencles” by there. • mittee of the Burkinghuh-Con­ a show for the varans at New­ A statenient of U.S. policy deal- Hoeaa Republican Loader Martin ' ■■dpi ■ M, ^ Twin and Full Bed Sizes. eontjnuea to.bd the moat extrava­ ing with Arab-Israell strife set gregational Church wil* - meet in ington Hospital this tvenlng are gantly expensive and diaruptive (ContinuM ep Page Bight) (Masa) said no such requast Iqr the junior high room tomorrow requested to meet for rehearsal at forth the President** view of the Preaident Elsenhower is contam- 5:45 p.m. at the hom ^of, the presi­ situation as his vacation headquar­ at 8 pjn. You w'jll love these fine qualit.v chenille du.st ruffle.s in ^tated “ at this time,” but that it dent,‘ Mrs. Barbara Titompion. 466 ters here announced he will make he danger developa thcro would .solid colors. Blue, green, yellow, pink and'white. Light Woodland St^ The weekly meeting <1. Fo* rhnlD Christian Science a major foreign policy address in “ of courae” be a request." of the W ales will take! placeOla to- weight for ea.sy wa.shing. Washington April 21. Martin aald Dullaa* alart waa in morrow at 8 p.m. iri Tlnlter Hall. MRS. BARTHOLOMEW JOHN MINITER E ntitled State Cities Targets Will Address Edlton the natura of “ talk ot what might and the guest speaker wilE be Dr. James C. Hagerty,. White HoOie com e." Vernon E, Thomas of RockVlIIe. An arrangement of Easter lillesi W'ilson B. Kistler of Canton "Th« AvaUabiH^ of Dhriiw Pew«r os Rtvtoted ALSO SIMTEX HOBNAIL COVERLETS .... $.6,95 press secretary, said Elsenhower Ha made Uiat comment whan and palms formed a background In Center was best man and David 1 will speak that night at a banquet queattoned about a poaalbla admin­ „ „ ______, r-u Howland of W'lndsor and Richard by C^ris^km 5ciM CO ' Bolton Congregational Church g^^on? of West Hartford served as concluding the annual .m ating of istration raqueat for Oongraas to adopt a rasoluUon approvuig U.8. Cornerstone CluK Saturday afternoon for the mar- uahers. In Atom War Alert the American Society yof News­ Lteturor: Jornos Horry McRoynolds, C.5.R. paper Editors. H ager^ went into military intarvanUon in the Middl* Plans Card Party rlage of Miss Allison L«e. daugh- ^ reception for 1.50 in the of Dallas, Texas Green Silamp.s Given With Ca.<*h Sales no detail on the tmeign policy Eaat.\ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Myron M. Lee church parlors, Mrs. Lee, mother Member of the Board Of I.ectufeshlp of The Mother fourth. theme, but it appaiued likely the 14 at Brlefiag Beeat of Bolton, and Bartholomew John , of the bride, received'her guests. The First Church of Christ, Meirntiat, In Boston, .Massachuaetta. Washington, April 10 (/P)--Six Connecticut cities will be Mideast will com t in fob pres­ Dullaa briafad 14 Houae and Sen­ St. Bridget's Cornerstone Club Mlniter, ?on of Mrs. Bartholomew attired in grey and coral pink targets in a nationwide war drill callied "Operation Alert idential attentloir in that address. ate chlcfa at a meeting in the State is planning to cpAduct another of J. Miniter of East Haven and the print bemberg with floral hat in 1956” which will be held July 20-26. The drill will be a re­ Dopartmdnt’a map room. OjKlciata its popular military whists Mon­ Pioco: Contor CengroooHonol Church A little less than four.hour* after aald ha heavily atreaaed concern late Mr. Miniter. 'The double ring the same colors, pink rose corsage, Comer' of Center nnd Main Streets, day, April 16, at 8:l5.'p.m. in the hearsal of what might happen in a nuclear assault on 76 cities Eisenhower arrived here 'from over the fact that current flghUng ceremony was performed by the white gloves, patent leather shoes Mawbeater, Connecticut ' Waahington^yeaterday for a week creek, dry at low tide. It wan reported that the men were Church hall. Rev. Arthur A. Wallace of -T or- and ’ bag. Lilies and fbrsythia across the country. 'Searchers continue to hunt fot d sixth Marine missing between Egyptian and laraaUeu units Mrs. J. Edward McKeever. The eix ConhecUcut cities are of golf combined with work, the after a forced march near Parris Island, S.C., Marine separated from 76 others taken on the march in the in the Gasa \area had not been rlngton. former minister of the predominated In the decorations, Timo: Tutsdoy oviNiinq. April 10,1956 ot 8:15 p.m. TiaJlKIIALCcm. vacation White Houae herq put out chairman, la being assisted by the. Bridgeport. Hartford, New Brit­ brought quickly under control. church, assliited by the Rev. Theo- When the bride left for her wed- , M A N C H i s m C o h n * a statement saying the President Corps Recruit Depot (April 8 ). Five bodies were reco\*- tidal area, A sergeant said today he drdered the night following roiflmlttee: Mys. Stanley' dore W. Chandler Jr,, present jlng trip, she was wearing a navy! ain. Bristol, New Haven and Wa- O K N o ! ! ered at this site. Bodies of the men were.found in this march to "teach them discipline." (AP Wirephoto). One conterea aaid the group waa Lucas. Mra. Joseph FalkowskI, First'Church of Christ,‘Hclentlst, Manchester, terbury. and Secretary of State Dullee re­ informed the Middle Eawem situa-* minister. ! gabardine suit, red and white ac-; , Welcomea You. CORNER OF MAIN AND OAK STREETS gard "with the utmost serious­ Mrs. Harry Stnifh, Mrs. W'illiam The bride, given in marriage by i g^d gardenia corsage, Proaident Elsenhower, the tion la under constant ravtew and Schworer, Mrs. Kenneth . Monroe, armed forces, and the Canadian Hartford, April 10 (tPi—Do ness” the "repeated incidents of American poUcy ia being kept fluid. her father, wore a gown of white |on their return and after.April 16. hostility in the Middle East.'* Mrs. Eklward Goss. Mrs. Joseph Imported lace over slipper satin, i the couple will be at home to their government avIII participate, the not put sway the snow shovel. Need Victory, P&W Working \ If tha present attempt-to gain Harrington, Mrs. Frank Young, cut on princess lines, with- tight- friends on Hebron Rd.. South Office of Deferae Mobilization Something's oii the way The statement, issued with full peace through tha United MaUans # W e'll deliver sny item Mrs, William Lakiotte. Mrs. Primo fitting bodice and sleeves and full : B5iton. (ODM) announced toda.v. here from Memphis, that does­ appr.oval of Eisenhower and Young Marines A ir falla, other altemaUvea will be [ Amadeo, Mrs. Paul .Adams. Mrs. It will be a combined Civil De­ n't look good to local weather­ Dulles, said further; tried, Iw aald. T h an were hints in eat smpit stocks to skirt. The sweetheart neckline w as; -phe bride was graduated from Adlai Informs On Project for David Donovan. Mra. Joseph outlined with a design In Irides- Manchester High School, after fense and government-evacuation men. "The United States., in accord­ this might be nomw. Joint UJi.- year hoine or oficc—at Uynch, Mrs. ' Joseph Schauster, cents. Her veil of Illusion was of|t^hich she attended Soldano- exerciae aimilar to but larger than Pine skies today aren't ance with Its responsibilities luider British notion. no extra charge. And re­ Mrs. Ernest Fitsgerald, Mrs. Jo­ clbow length and caught to a | gchuleen Music Studio, New York last year’s evacuation of skeleton­ making much Impression on the charter of the United Na­ Illinois Voters Horrors in Swamp Nuclear Plane Thin conferee salll the. ritumtion seph McCooe. Mrs. Henr.v Cormier, ized federal agencle* to secret re­ forecasters at the Travelers tions, will obaerve it s ' commit­ is regarded ns grnvn bnenunn member, too, we pick op crown of pearls and irldescents. | city, and the Hartford School of Mrs. Robert Savoy and Mrs. Joseph .She carried a prayer bpok with Miisic. She is employed by the location aitea. Weather Station who observe ments within consUtutional means Israeli leaden nre reported to By THE ASSOCIATED PRE1I8 | W aahikgtw, April 18 prcecffpiiens and deliver Simard. gardenias and \satin streamers. Warren E. Howland Real Estate , Among the 76 areas, affected j that the disturbance centered to- oppose any aggreeaion in the bnve iiaued n 4g-hour ultlnUtam will be 63 population centers In Parris laland, 8. C „ April 10 UPi The Air Feree MBMoaoed to­ the compounded mfedi- Refreahments will he served. Miss Elisabeth C. Chase of Man- Agenev. in ..TennessMi today may briqg Adlal Btavanaon underwent a' pres­ ■-r-Yohng Marine .recruit*, most now nbout to expire. He deoHnte The general public Is cordially In­ Chester, who wa* maid of honor. The bridegroom, graduate of New the' ITnIted States, Alaska, Ha­ rain or snow by Isle tomor­ "The United States is likewise day If Hill build a nuclear re­ to eleborete on the utUmetn% does. You pay m lytbtrrg- tige test in today's Illinois primary atm in their teens, recounted today vited to attend. Ticket* may be wore a gown styled like that of Haven High Srhool, attended St. waii, Puerto Rico and the Canal row, determined to eupport and- assist actor tacinty at the Wright However, one report wee thet purchased from any rilember of Zone, aa wflll as nine air bases "The higher winds nbw while Sen. Estes Kefauver, hia ac­ tales of swirling cold water, Inky Air Develottoeat Center mUrpr$icriptu nfrict. Call the bride, of pale .yellow taffeta,'Thoma.s Seminary, Bloomfield. He any nation w’hlch might be sub­ blackness and panic in which flve Israeli Premier Ben-Gurion hed the commltlea or at the door. and four installations of the seem likely to. curve that tive rival for- the Democratic presl. Dayton, ^Ohlo. It was the. told the UJI. truce aupervinlon ae for pr»>fpt service. and yellow Alencoh^^ lace. Her is presently manager of the Wil- jected to luch aggression. The of their buddie, drowned and a Atomic Energy ComUsion. storm right up here, but to­ United States is confldent that dential nomination, bounced back nMve In 26 hour* In a teddea- chief, Gen. Ed son Burns, thet he matching half hat was trimmed son Personnel Agency. Hartford, -klxth disappeared. Fifty-two areas will be assumed morrow is still a big question to New Jersey loir another round of Bpeed-iqi el aotllitVxdWMid at would walt.until noon today for an with veiling and rhinestones. She He served 2''a years in World W5rr ' Marille officers opened an In­ to have been hit by single bombs. mark.” it 1* stated. "The (Continued on Page Eight) campaigning there. flying oa nnole^r^ponrer. effective -cease fire to be agreed carried an old-fashioned bouquet' II in India, with the rank of ataff j quiry to fix blame, if any, for the of .yellow rosea and violets. 1 sergeant In the Army Air Force. 24 by from two to flve bombs In storm might even stay south Appealing for a big vote in hIS/ to by the Egyptians. a single attack, the' Ban Fran- of here but the odds are flve home state's presidential preferV traged.v which occurred Sunday Waahlngtom'^April 10 (AT—The • • • 8 Sense o f Emergency cisco-Oakland area Will be assum­ oul/of 10 that there’ll be pre­ ence primary, Stevenson aaid yes­ night , on a unscheduled hike of 75 Air Force^Kas awarded two new One great source qf concern EMERGENCY ed to be hit with a sixth weapon cipitation here tomorrow." Dag Launches terday: "This one means a gregt men Into a swampy marshland bor­ contraefa'^o further development here, e ceuse for e sense of emer­ in a second attack two hours What nvay happen tomor-. deal to me;” / , dering this Marine recruit training o f a9"atomtc-powered ajrplane. gency, Is thet it Is not known now O IL lURNER later. row isn’t the only bewildering Stevenson, battling to make / a base. announced yesterday it haa whether Egyptian Premier Gemal A —-tX Five Hour 'Attack* romebflck after a serious defeat' at The drill sergeant who directed 5ERYICE 4 « Peace Misidon Igned Lockheed Aircraft Co., Abdel Neaaer could make e ceaae- DR. PAUL W. O'NEIL The Canal Zone, Puerto Rico (CogMnued on .age.Eight) Kefauver’a hands in Minnesota last the men on the night march was; Burbank, Calif., to build a muUi- and Hawaii will get no warning month, told fellow Democrats / the held in detention pending the out­ mUlion dollar laboratory at Daw- (OoetteiMd to.Pnge Bight) NORTH END CALL ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR time; the continental United In-Middle East "whole nation” will be watening come of the investigation; sonville, for development df dent will evacuate Washington at ® e > States areas will have an advance the results of the Illinois primary Five bodies of yoting recruits .the frame of an atomic plane. . WILLIAM5 m J 1' n s s ji the warning signal, along with voting.' ; drowned in the training' maneuver THE GENERAL PRACTICE OF CHIROPRACTIC warning ranging from one hour choaen "key” government worker* •The facility, expected to -be the 40 mlnutea to three hours 50 Tel Aviv, Israel, Adril 10 (Ah - Although Stevenson is thf only were recovered yesterday. OIL 5ERVICE ranging from agency heads down largest of Its kind In thla Country, PHARMAOV AT minutes. U.N. Secretary General Dag Ham- Democrat erttere'd In the popularity Push Hunt for Sixth - wHI be owned by the government 4!o stenographers. mandtjold today launched his on- 4 Dt pof $8|. M l 9 * 4 5 8 5 The maneuvers will aaaume that poll, political observers aroUhd the • An air, ground and water search but will be opiated by Lockheed. Bulletins M l 9 - 4 5 4 8 bomba .will be dropped ranging It' will be left up to officials in the-spot Palestine / peace mission country will be watching how he .for the missing sixth man con­ 124 EAST CENTER STREET b ' l l ' The firhi haa bought a 10,000-acre \ In deatrtlcUve power equivalent each area to decide If there will be against a ba'ckgrmnd of continu-. fares in comparison'With Ih-esldent tinued. site and deeded It to ’ thq govern­ from the AP Wiraa wSm to from 20.000 tons fo flve mil­ .an. actual evacuation, even on a ing Arab-Israelt /riolenoe. Elsenhower, the major entry in the The 75 men followed S.Sgt. 11 ment for $1. / MANCHESTER. CONN. i SGT. MATTHEW C. JBcKEON lion tone TNT. The •'attack" small scale, or whether the whol* HammarakjoWlanded at larael’s GOP primary there! Matthew C. McKeon. 31, of Wor­ At the same time, the Air Force will last flve hours. . program will be a simulated exer. Lydda airport /southeaa) of Tel Also to be scrutinized will be cester, Mas*., • into the *wift, icy gave the Convalr divlaioh of Gen- BRITAIN HAILS IKE STAND * _ ^ OFFICE HOURS; 1 City and c>unty a v il Defenat else. Aviv to ;neet Maj. Gen. E.\ L. M. Stevenson's showing an compared' • walei's of the Btresm. Capt. Flalph weapon* and were not dressed In JLMidqpi. April 18 (ff) — A forr Telephona . 2 P.M. to 5 P. M. . . # organlzatioi^ will participate, to The alert will come at 10 a.m. ■Burns, chief m the U.N. r'alestl..) with Kefauver’s in 1952 when' the Wood, the Parris. Island public in­ full field equipment when they en­ (C'onUaued on Page Tw o) eigB otfiM apekesmM sold to* 8 P M. to 8 P.M Mitchell 9-7S23 the exteny determined by each (EST) on July 20. ODM said. Truce Corai.tlstion. After a brief Tennessee Senator's name was the formation officer, said at first the tered the wafer* of the 65-foot day Britala “ warmly welcomed*? SAT. 9 A.M. to 2 P.M eommunlw, and more than .30 fed- A total of 125 nuclear bombs conference with Burns, Hammar- only one'printed on the Democratic night maneuver may have been a wide stream. Preeldeat Eiaeahower’a pledga NOW IS THE TIME TO 24 Fi(ki$«i si $s«s akjold decided to delay hia depar­ primary. ballot in . Illinois. Re- X- , eral agmcies will test their ability will be assumed to have dropped. disciplinary action. But the nurvi- to oppoae aggieaslela la too Mid­ ture for Cairo im’d came to Tel Gen. Randolph Pate, Marine to opiate at determined emer­ 39 of them In the "megaton'* or voril dierlaimed this and cited Sgt. Ike’s Pefense dle East. TIm epokesmaa aaid 'i.r ------Aviv for a luncheon meeting with (Continued oi Page Fifteen) Corps commandant, qame here gency hideaways. McKeon for his heroic, action in from iVashIngton immediately to the W)Ute Heose statomeat de- ■ - I- / , Israeli Forei,»rn Office' offlclah ablnet officer* and the Presl- (Continued on Page Fifteen) helping to get the men out of the supen’iM the. Investigation.' Maj. flaed toe Ualted States attitude LIME AND FERTILIZE l6-si*(* 'XANNOf^'' Tswsl $*t The Secretary General'ldecllned totvard Mideaet developments r. ft” water. Ocn Joseph C. Burger, command- Hike May Kill 'Thii ii s bish.quility Caonon,iM< to answer news-nen’a questions at “more clearly thsa has beea X Marine officials . said that si- : ing general o'f the babe', said "Thla L: inriudinf 4 bsth toweli, 4 hand the airpbrt. though the hike was tinscheduled, 'is a most serious tragedy and one stated jjMtotfi" I.'’ . loweli; 4 pngwip lowcit, and A Premier's Dilemma: Hammarskjold and Bprns were Sgt. McKeon.'as a drill instructor, iwhich I am Inveatigating to " the Tax Cut Hopes YOUR LAWN - \ 4 wash cloths, ^ ft, absorbaoi, t.0 fly to Cairo later today for News Tidbfts ; ■* has the authority to order such FRENCH BACK JKE > luXuriaqt, colorful. w I --- :— talks with- E ^ p tlan Premier Culled’ front AP Wires hikes. The men were not carrying' (Continued on Page Twe) . . P aris,. April' 10 (fPt — The r Gamal; Abdel Nas'Cr. The two Washington, April 10 , (iP)— \ Preaident Icisenhower - may have Freach today ladoraed Presi­ , > U.N. officials will confer in the dent Etaeaboweria pledge to.op- SCOTTS TURFBUILDER Nasser’s Egypt Dreams other Arab capitals and again in killed any chance for. an election-, Vwo-yekr contract gr*ntlng * maa called, the PieeUeafe atate- Look ''In one of the capitals he will FBI Hits Unwise Parole rnent “extremely favorable^ mad. Conflict with Ambitions visit, Dama:;Cus, S.vrla, visiting nadian communities is s^ned in' Sen.-George (D-Gal. one o f the .50 l.ba. Montreal... President of Prince­ ■aM It waa ia line with the 100 L he. $7.85 $3.95 King Huiiaein of Jordan called for chief congressional advocates ton University says this admin­ .reducing income taxes, said today' French poaiUon la the Middle (EDITOR’S NOTE: The drenms.we will lose this'terrible inferiority I the Arab nations to. ".unite our­ Ea*t. What You •r Prime Minister Gnmal Abdel feeling of ours. Then, being iin- selves to check'.the vigorous Is- istration ' deems it "unwise’; to - To Hardened Crimintds that if tha request is met by Con­ DOUBLE WALL Nnsser for the betterment of afraid, we can ignore the menace i raeirth 'eal" and to"restore Pal* ; overrule ■ student organization gress'"it iQo'ks dubious and doubt­ GOLDEN VIGORO j which has Invited Alger III** to TRY TO AVOm COURT CLASH Rxype* penannts conflicts with his of^Israel, knowing We are safe, and ; ratine to its legitimate Arab owh- ful we can cut taxes unless econo- For non-burning high analysis plant food this one SPEED QUEEN WASHER i speak.. Washington, April 10 Ufi — F B Il«ner ia not an act of coddling.** 'mies are made in some other ap­ Washtagten, April 16 ItLmkttjr. G et In nbihlttons to lend .Arab ferment turn to. bettering ourselves." i. ers. . '■* ' ' ' Director J. Edgar Hoover sjmke ' He called It limply an extension Gen. Brownell aaW today eb- excelia. for the rrushlng of lamri. This Is *Dvo great social revolutions are 'The young. Jordanian Roman’ Catholic News Agency propriations.'* out today against 'Tll-adviaed; of the state's effort to assist .the Asks B52 Increaae. Jective o f the administraflan’o one of the findings AP foreign getting under«'ay in the Arab and SS'rian President Shukri in' Vatfican saya two (Chinese parole and probation” -for hard-' wrongdoer to reestablish himself new oIvU righte program la t o '” M-' ‘■WAlh DAY MAID" Clotbas Catholic priests and nun were put .Eisenhower asked the additional 100 Lbs. .50 Lbs, ■iiktl.. Setvd at a bamper, netvs nnslTst William L. B.van world one In Iraq. where oil Kuwatly, whose countries border ened criminals. 7' in society. avoid "ivifortimate collMoos In $7.45 $3.75 to death by Chinese Communist funds yesterday to Increase and This Deal clothtt basket and carrier. Light made on n'survey swing through money is being plowed into de- Israel on''the ea.st. pledged their In a speech prepared for a n'a- Brownell asserted yesterday that the criminal rakrts between fed­ and durable. Table height. Saves the seething Middle East. In ‘ h**, forces to joint action to defend authorities at Hanyang.... Seven : tional conferehre'on piarole. Hoover the great majority of parolees sue speed up" production of B52 long \ eral and atalp officials.” The' Swedish atomic experts leave range jet bombers, for construe-! stooping when hanging up clothes. following atorv, second of n series' Brought to flower this movement Arab terrltprie.*. said 11 o f ^ e W FBI'agents killed cessfull.v complete their paroles parole; Attorney ' General emjfluUltod ' REGULAR VIGOtO Folds flat. Of f l v e . V (rils ..about Nasser*. S"'** -In Cairo, Communist-supplied Stockholm by air for Moscow and In line o f“aul'ir'W$i''ef“3ul'y''Were. slain by ex- but that "onlv the narole violatoi tion of additional Strategic - Air! 'that the recommendattona for but that "only the parole violator Command-bases and for accelfril ______The original balanced formulae for shrubs, lawns or dllemmk and It. Import to the I®';?'"**” '’ * *"* MIG jet flghters flew overftffad as tour of Soviet atomic research in-, convicts who had been granted hits the headlines.'’ legUlatldn a ll' deal with . eaten-' ■ ■‘^*‘1 “ y fhe shadow of w ar,' stitutions. ... - - ating work on the Distam .Early j Him. of '^wer to taka actloa h| flowers. * Middle East.) , - are turned to- parole, probation, or some other Submit* List of Crimes. (Continued >on Page Fifteen) Dozen sticks of tlynaqiite ex­ form of clemency. Warning Radar Line (Pewline) in . the civil rliurt*. ' When A Bargain Hoover submitted a long list of _ .....i,.* ,, nvav ward Eg.vpt-even the s.ves of the plode In hand* of quarry employe the Far North. Sec^-etary of De-1. ' ------By. WILLIAM I.. Qn the wave of indigna- Hoover Condemns Coddling major crimes In which he said too Lbs. 50 Lbs. In Indiana and he is. still alive to fense Wilson said $248>^' million HINTS U.S. AIDES BRIBED $ 5 7 5 $2.90 Beirut, Lebanon, April 10 tion against the United States. Hoover condemned what he de- parolees flgured. *The Hat Included _ tulk about it .-.Heart sjiedallsl j scribed as attempts to '.'coddle" ua- of the tolal^wnuld, be devoted to Washington, April 10 m —■ 5 F Is Not A Bargain In the countries surrounding i Arab world has pushed Prime French, Rebel Toll the $1 >4-million Brink's holdup in ' B52 protfuctlon. N'athan'"Berger, an Irainlgnuit Israel, bitteme.sa. frustrstlpn. and Minister Nasser to a place of im- Dr. Paul Dudley While arrive* in repentant criminals, asserting: Peoul I y special plane from Japan "Parole upon parole and proba- Boston six years ago. l request me.t a ..cnerally ap- garment maker from Minsk, FARMANURE This is a gtnuiqg double-wall Speed Queea Take advantage of this money- a Vast mass Inferiority complex paging leadership. But he ia at At J40 in Algeria Hoover also said his latest report proving racen>llon on Capitol Hill If you let your fuel oil tank stand empty.waiting for have created a new hero of pan- , once the leader and the captive to treat -Vrmy Ger.eral John W. tion upon probation for those who RuMia. toatifled today bn haav A non-burning humits type bulky plant food for with. yht famous Speed Queen bowlrshajiedbowlrs' saving opjSorcuniiy — come in Harmon who suffered heart at- ' tb Cungreas; on, coitununiat tactics but some legislators questioned "the Impreaaion** his -.tonber low “.Summer Fill Up Prices” . . , you’ll get a bargain or phone just as lOon as pos­ Arablsm. Millions are turning t o 'o f Arab ambitions. To remain have not reformed are unreason, sand poor grade soils, all organic, for lawns and flowers. tub that washes up to 7 loads pet hour. .‘Fht ■ ■AUlcrs, Algeria, April 10 lA’t— lack. , able- and unjustified. Was based.on-actual happenings in whethe.- It would be enough. Sen. partner i^ve' bonds to Araty em- on oil. bill you may also get a big burner repair bill. .wringer it equipped with-large roll*, bai in- sible, today or tomorrow. We Egi'pt's Ga:itar Abdel Nasser as me leader, he must ride with the recent 'secret Communist party their leader. .tide of frustration. A battle torched off b.v xn- Arab Prime Minister' Eden defend*. ■ j appreciate the fact that for Stennis (D-Miss), a member ot the ' ployea, then “ blackmailed** toosa staiyt safety release, tod awiii|s in 8 wringing L | 0D E L ire reserving iKe right to »ith- meetings. Fenate Armed Service* Commit- i who'accepted. He told the atoty 100 Lbs7 .50 Lbs. drsw this ipecisl offer when our Why ha.* EgypW* yo.ung and Im- som e call him the lucky dicta- rebel ambuirh of two truckloads Frenrh Premier Guy Mollet** right every flagrant mistake In parole $4.75 $2.50 .\h empty fuel ftil tank collectw moisture on its inner positions. It's a beautiful machina thaj you'll of young French conscripts cost On criprt, Hoover said on!?- of tee, said output of B53'a and m is-; a* the leadoff wltneea befot* allotment of outfiu is told oqt. . patient dictator had so tremen- tor, one for whom circumstances I.to criticize Western policy any and probation, there are score* of walls. Rust, forms and flak'e.s off. Small pieties find their oe proud to own. Carries maximum guatantee. the lives of at least'* 140 men, the most serious law enforcement silea has been "far too alow." He I the Senate laveeUgatloas anb- 50*P 'dous ah impact’ An infjubntlal. worked miracles in a country time he wishes. . . Bristol police cases reflecting dynamic reformat problems Involves the criminal re­ way to the burner, clogging strainers and burner nozzles. pro-American Arab leader pointed which calls Itself the land loved Frenrh authorities reported todpy. ' aa.v* 28-veai'rold Farmington man tion and rehabilitation. What 1 am advocated a billion dollar increase ronunlttee. . LAND^LIME Delayed reports from east-cen­ peater. He reported that out of all In fund* for these puiT>oae*. Sena. to thS 'tin.v spot on the map that b.v'God. In a part of the world I is in Bristol hospital with broken saying Is-not that parole and prijsoners received at federal Inatl- Soil sweetner which should be used at least every 2 Avoid an expen.sive "bargaih.’' Phone MI 9-4595 or is Israel, jet > known for his flckleness he ap- tral Algbri* said the rebels caught ! jaw anti Other. Injuries ; received probation are wrong,—- but that KeTauver (DT'renni and Hill (D- STOCK AlARKET SUPS tutlons in 1954 for se.ntencea of A la) also indicated doubts t)ie new New York, April 10 (J>—The Xears in fairly heavy applications. TjR 5-.3271 and ask to have your tank fill^ . . ' *'Do you want the truth? Do you j Pe*r* »« » potential conqueror,' the constripts 2')i miles from their j when he was beaten by two men.. iil-advfaied parole and probation^ . ______. post at DJuerf Thursday morririg. reflect adversely upon , '(hese'r^^* request is big enough. stork market flipped tato lower want to knovt( why out world tnay western eyes .he reten\bles -Late President Kie.ment. Gott- were previous offenders, drag youra Into War? The truth Is," ; » bicycle who cannot The initial outburst of .gunfire methods of protecting society. It The' President’* request ap­ ground today.' with numereoa 100 Lbs. 50 Lbs., in the arid mountainous region ! wa1d of Czechoslovakia. has been Hoover asked the conference to. peared likely to take much of the 'blue chip Issues o ff f t to gS a $1.40 75e “.fhir. Reputattos XP££D V queen he said ".we are afraid,,” ■ '’ fop J*'b«t he has put in motion ; accused of practicing “ cult pf Indl- is the old case of a rotten apple D ELCO HEAT The speaker has been a long-time ' "'Ithout danger of falling. -' sounded the alarm and the DJuerf consider this Proposal: steam out of a forthcoming inves­ share In the late aftoraooa. i viduar and weakening hia coup- tainting the whole barrel.” I, ^ Is TourMir Assur^i Assurharr'' headquartera urhed reinforce­ ' Some 600 state ' and federal "When a person has been cori- tigation by a Senate Armed Serv­ friend of the United States; But the Nasser is asaerUng hU own and I try much aa Stalin haa in.ljlusala. .' W9 dhtributt mfaers and missiles. the. Cyprus latonwUoBal .Air­ Th.JMtH4Ucott "'You ask''about t4ie;pr'omiss of nacle. Other Arab leaden are soldiers killed and 30 wounded. columnist VlctqrvRieacl, when It Is clear tha due to mental • The' request apparently came as port to protect tmvolera agatagt BAN TLtlflt CO. clemency field. 331 MAIN STREET "MANCHESTER. CONN : ^ MANCNitnii C o n n *. the Egyptian revoltltlip. Do you ! Jealous wait the chance to They said, French troops found the Cordova Airlines plane with pi-' Chief “Justice Earl Warren .told .quirks the likelihood oi violence no aurprise to ■ Rep. Mahon rebel-oabetage. Teehniriaao ta- BUSH HARDWARE CO. I6t and. flve passengers aboard, la ■talled X-ray eqnlpnleat to ocaa want to'aave |hat revolution for the , challenge him. To keep hia lead- (D -Tex), cjialrmah o f a House, Ap- BASEMENT GARDEN SHOP Oak St0 Entrance v bodies o f 60 re'^Is and estimated the gathering . yesterday there exists, thbh there should be some TELEPHONE Ml 9-4995—ItOtpKVnXE, PHONE TK 8-827^ CORNER OF MAIN AND OAK STREETS future of the Egyptlaoa? ?7ien,l ------repoiled imtsaing on flight from should be "a public awarenaas of luggage ..aafl aaill tor Bata make ua ao wa are not afrAid, so (Coattaued m Page Seven) (Oonttaued na Pago Three) Anchorflga to'Seward in Alaska.. the fact that the ’^role of a ' (CofltoHMfl 6R Page Bight) ,(OoBtorao4 aa Pago Two) bembe. .. , ■■ = ' ■ .'. ' / ^ b ' - ■*■ ' ■ ■ v : .'.X.'.', - . . ■,, ■ '• ■ ♦ t ’ ‘ ^ , ... I-,. .y:*" 'f ,' . jii' ■! >i.i> 1 (.'f ‘ in r .. ,v . '!■ ' I'. '■', . ■' ■ J '.' - '■ ■ ■, : I' 'fKf'*, iV.| W'Ri . ifNi/y [f'H r, ■ I- i l H u - f \ U * ' ■ "'i;' ■■' -n * ■W15 cffTv-.

- V


oonfuaipn tumod Into near panic, tanberg, .Cantor Gsorga Wald, Ike ated with yellow daffodils, sur- Hope Chapter,^ Order of the East­ and many of Uio men struggled Insurance Co. Accuses Union Dce^8 Defense V a U R N S I P E ^ Aiidover French, Rebel Toll Snyder, M ra.. Ray Belrutcln and ounded byb; a \yplte picket -fence, ern. Star of Rockville, and a past Combined Circles / I f WMC wildly in the water, (hair water Marvin Felr. . Vashti Shrinei^ Sankfd by two illuminated white royal matron of .Chapman Court, 'inesAir soak^ oloUiaa and haavy ahoes KA8Y FBEE rABKIEO Others assisting are: Mi's. Irv­ crosses. Order of Amaranth of Manchester Sponsor R etr^t hindering them In the soft mtiddy' At 140 in Algeria ^ 6 0 t A Of Unfair Labor Practices Hike May KiU Air deeamSeep# • Calsil ing Hochberg and Mrs. George For her installation, Mra. Man-^ Refreshments of dainty tea sahd- bottom of the Icy stream. Regional Board Seeks Vo-Ag Slosaberg, tickets; Howard Gold, Installs Slate kin chose a gown of while chiffon wiches, assorted cookies, tea and L O A N lluman'<.Chatai savea Many CUftos Wabb Caraal, WIMa (OoRtlaocd from Paga One) The. annual bay of Racollactton, OlaBa. Orabaais Jaaa Baaaall' publicity; Jerome Nathan - and and lace studded with rhinestones, coffee were served at the recep-- sponsored by the Combined Oatll* Many of the men shed their The Prudential Insurance Co. of^fected. The union claims to Sapfe* ■■t e e m a n Jack Bursack, stags settings; Mrs. Adam R. Mankin, 15 Sum­ she w(ve an orchid edraage, a gift tlon, which, was held In the ban­ • f * S M Horrors in Swamp clothing 'and swam to shore. Oth­ Tax Cut H(^>es •EOT BUMJD" that , the Moslems cabled o ff an­ olic Mothfrs' Circles of Manchiae ' t sent 10,000 of the agents. America has accused Its agents' WEO NKVEB Center Approval from State Bsymour Beliak, lighting; Mrs. mit St., waa installed as worthy from ner family. 8 h » carried an quet hall. Refreshments were in T8 ers formed a human chain to the union of unfair labor practices in Steven Kubica, president o f the WA«" other 60 dead when they broke off ter, will be held at the Convent of ias«ina»s,»sus(iasiwnrsii>»«<8»uis.t V——:------t; (Oeatiaaed frem Page Oae) At S;ie a;(eA:n Irving Goddard and Mra. James arm bouquet ,o( white lilies and charge of Mrs. Elia Oallant of this Our Lady of the Cenacle in Mid* (Continued D 0« rnga One) em it training center/The men had shore by clasping hands. charges filed with the National- union's Greater Hartford area lo^ h fighting imd faded into the deaert Siegal, costumes; Mrs. Oscar Rott- high priestess of Vashti Shrine, town as cha'if-man. Past worthy dhMMit lAiwbawfi MswDihfP •ywoniifet. Andover, April 10. (Special)—' Opposed were Board members yellow, daffodils, which she dletqwn Thursday, April It, froih IS MO. 30 MO been here since Feb. 22 and re* Quick action in forming tha Labor Relations Board. cal, could not be reached for com­ WaA„ "Tka Baaa TaMaa" hills. ner and M rs.. Leo Juran. ward­ No. 2, Order of the White Shrine gathered from the officers, who high priesteasa of Vashti Shrine centiy were moved to barracks chalk was attributed to Pvt. Don­ ment thU morning on the com­ Ilropriations eubcommlttee con- The .Regional District 8 ^ s r d of 'Stephen Degnan, Marlborough: ' Five helicopters were reported 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., M tk $ M i t a n The action, disclosed yesterday, Mrs. Clifford Wright, Hebron: and robe; Mrs, Ray Bernstein and of Jerusalem, at a cpiorful aeml- were seated in the form of a cross acted as hostesses and presided at 473 near a rifle range about a mile ald Porter of Brooklyn, N.Y.. by pany's charges. alderiiig the S34H MUlon defense Bklucation, in a tie-breaking ballot damaged. A sixth overtumeH on luncheon being: served at noon. I N 1 ISM t s u dent more than V' I comes -as the company and the Mrs. Bernsrti Cole, makeup;. Ber­ public installation held at the East during the Installation, tea tables tastefully decorated SM 1 M jr 34.U 19.3S bu4$et for flacal 1957, etartliig last night, voted to apply to the Mrs. Raymond ,P. Houle, Andover. landing. * The retreat master for the day 90 49 VirtllBS Identilird from thd swamp. Pvt. Thomas Grabowski o f Kear­ Insurance ^Agents International Holden said the district agents, nard Knitt and Raymond Belter, Awarded Jewels with white lace tableclotha and SM 1 47.41 St.M ney, N.J„ who credited. Portcr'a at the direction of the union, have July State Board of Eklucatlon fof Board Chairman John H. Yeomans The French pressed their cam­ Hartford Masonic Templa Satur­ will be the Rev. John P. (>>ek. The n t f K8I4.IM M n f f m M iMiaitt .(( ch.rtM. The Marine Corps identified the. Gen. Burger said in a statement' Union (AFL-C IQ ) are continuing p)x>ps; and members of tha USY Mrs. Robb and Mr. Leggett were gold decorations, which were in action-with aavlng lives. "W e kave been expecting .it for fiinda to establish and operate a broke the tie in favor of applica­ paign against rebel bands in wide­ day evening, attended by members women of all three local CathoUe l i m n kM.4 m maWr victims as: ' yesterday: “According to a pre­ their eBorts to negotiate' a con­ been engeging In ek>w-downA. bH- II be. uaherettes. and friends from Bridgeport, New both installed as trustees. They charge of Mrs. Bllaabeth Besg- Most of the men made their way downs, stoppages, mass refusala to idme time and our hearings have vocational-agriculture center wtth-^ tion. spread sections of ths North A f­ parishes are cordially Invited t(S Donald Frartcis O’Shea, Brook­ liminary investigaifion. the drill tract to replace one that expired Proceeds will go toward the London. Rockville, .Manchester, were presented with past ofllcers strom, past worthy high priestess nurtfONi • wurri • er vnit back to their barracks in o n e write new insurance, mesa refuaale In or near District 8.. It was announc^ed that Board rican territory. ' ' \ attend thi's Day of Recollootlon . lyn. N. y. Instructor took his platoon on a Harsh 18. Tha agents have been been conduced on the premise that Temple Building Fund. . Hartford and surrounding towns. ^wels by Miss Trotter and John of Hartford. Past watchmen of grou'p and,a roll call showed seven to report to work on time and the request Would be forthcoming," I f the ReglonAl Boar(t’i request members have been invited to at­ TTiey reported, 28 rebels killed in whether they are members of th4 I nwuicccf..mc. Charles Francis Reilly, Clyde, hike about 9 p.m., last night (Sun­ w ooin g without a contract during la approved, the district will be tend a vo-ag meeting tomorrow Marshall D. Holden, prominent, in­ Bergstrom, past watchman of Shepards, of .Vashti Shrine acted day). He marched them about a men missing. However, one. Pvt. mass refusals to leave company Mahon said. the (^nstantine snd Bone regions Mothers' Circles or not. N . r . the negotiations. reimbursed by the State for the evening at L^anon High School at surance man of West - Hartford, shepherds of Hartford. P u r i^ the as hosts. - MANCHiSTER mile to a'n uninhabited, marchy Clarence Edward Cox Jr., b f Le­ premises when directed. " It the ilUniroum that is and f i rebels killed in the Oran presentation of the past olAcers' Mrs. Mankin and Mr, Holden Transportation will be fumiahad Jerry-Iiamont Thomas, Al^an- Marshal D. ' Holden. Prudential entire cost of building and equlp- 8 o’clock. • was Installed as watchman of I Main tm n Plaag and swamp area. Not completely noir, N.C., wak found on a small He also said they have been de­ needed, 1 hope the amount will be area of western Algeria. The mop- Janies^ Ladies jewels,. Albert Heavisides of ,this were remembered with many gifts where necesaary. For reseiwatlons, dria‘ Va. district manager, said the com­ ment, in addition to a portion of The Board also compared per shepherds. Mrs. Mankin and „ Hmv lm t. WW. M. t JO *• 5 JO Leroy 'Thompson, l^rooklyn, N. familiar with the terrain, the drill island. pany is accusing'the union and nying the public and employes enough.’’ - up around Oran was carried out town sang an appropriate number. from the host of members and call Mra. Raymond Hagedom, 110 I nwnOari f JO »• • • C>ut4 iatard*,! access to company premises, dis­ the per-pupti coat. centages o4 its budget alloted to after the murders Of a Catholic Holden succeed Mrs. Anna W. M m O* M miOwiH •! «H iwarkvMw"* instructor led his men into the Bodies of four of the men Were its officers of harassment and re­ Mahon said the belated money Pick First Slate Mrs. Mankin is a past matron of friends present. Glenwoofl SL , A survey shows 734 farms in various ItA u with percentages priest and a French prospector. Robb and Herbert J. l ^ g t U of Korman Alfred Wood, Bay swamp and Into a stream found early yesterday and the fusal to bargain In good faith. The playing placards and -distributing request would not alter the com­ the area which a Hebron-located spent in area towns and with the Two hundred rebel suspects were this town as presiding oflVeers. Shore, N. Y, “ With no lights and In ths ensu­ fifth body was found later In the charge was -filed with tha NLRB leaflets “ containing falae, deroga­ mittee's plans to have the big de- The receni^ organised society, day, tory and injurious allegations center would serve. Following is national average. Such itema in- arrested at Khemia in ths Oran . Mrs. Herbert J. Leggett was the Still missing was Thomas Curtis ing confusion, the missing men office In New Ydtk! Holden said. fenae appropriation measure'ready an enumeration .of farms in. each the Ladies of SL. James', met last inviting herald for ths opening %f ipiiiiiiiiiiiilliiP MANCHESTER KNiniNC MILLS l i i i i i i i i i ■ Hardeman. Vidalia, Ga. were lost in the darkness." - 8g;t. McKeon is a vetei-an of against the company." cluda irutrUctlon, . teachers’ sala­ area. Holden also stated that the com­ for House consideration late this town: • ’ • evening in St. James' School hall the installation. The installing o(- Parris Island primarily) Is a re- Surviving-.,, members of the both Navy and Marlne-Mrvice. He Holden said these acts were part month. ries, administration,, maintenance In Paria. premier GuV MoUet pany’ s agents In Hartford and Lebanon, 243: Columbia. 101; for the flection, of officers. fleers were headed by Mrs. Edwin •iiiip platoon praised Sgl. McKeon's enilated' In the Navy ik 1942 and of the union's program to "re­ "The extra money w illlje a and operational costs. announced Ms support cif Algeria The Rrv. ^leoirge P. Hughes, as­ Manchester have engaged in the strain and coerce employes in the Colchestsr, 183; Hebron. 115; An­ It also voted unanimously to Resident Minister Robert Lstcoste's D. Foster, past worthy high pries­ resciie actions. Rvt. Edwin Leon­ joined the Marines In 1948. He also to the regular bill,*’ he said, sistant pastor of St. Janies’ tess of this town as installing activities about which the cork- exercise of the rights" guaran­ dover, S3;, and Martbor(higli, 35. purchase' workmen's compensation V ard. 17, of 709 Walnut St., Roselle Is a veteran of the Korean War. see no opposition to it at this time call (br 20(),000 mors French Church, chanlain of the group, worthy high priestess, and Dr, La- i>i"! pany is complaining. In Manches­ Lebanoa Interested Park, N. J., bbW. “ The sergeant Pvt. Richard L./her4iel, 17, Re­ teed under the ijibor Relations insurance for employed through troops. opened the meeting. The follow­ ter, agents have picketed the com­ -Management Act and, therefore, The White Holue said actual Reporting on an area conference the Regional Insurance Agents' Rue Dodson, past watchman of didn't order anyone into the deep public, Ohio, who said he waa In In Tunis, meanwhile, Habib ing slate of officers, recommended shepherds of Hartford. Miss Mabel pany's Main St. office on several constitute unfair labor practices. military expenditures would be held at Willlmantic laat week, Clif­ Assn. This policy will cover Supt. Bourgulba, a moderate Nationalist LIFE water. He waa the first one in and the lead rohimn, said, "W e were occasions. by the organising committee, waa G. Trotter, past worthy high LECLERC the last one out. He did all he marching and he (McKeon) gave Holden said the company felt boosted $400 million in the coming ton B. Horne, Board member, said Heisler and will bb extended to who led his'country out of its' unanimously elected for a term of prliistess of this town, was. install­ 1 I FUNERAL HOME could.” us a column left. We t.’ent to the Contract negotiations have been that, as a reaiilt of union activities, fiscal year, thus wiping out an Lebanon has also exrpessed inter­ Other employes that are hired. protectorate status, today ^.-was ■VM going on In Washington, D. C.. estimated budget surplus of that est in becoming the'vo-ag center ing herald and Edwin D .' Foster, INFANTS’ Another member of the platoon legal action waa necessary if the The policy was proposed by tha mmed- tlis first- (sremier M Indo*- - . 'i water's edge, then he stopped Os. amoiint—but not upsetting an an­ Mrs. John Hutchinson, president; psiit watchman of shepherds of Pvt. David H. McPherson, 20. of Then, as I recall, he said, ‘come since Jan. 10. In all, some U.OOO best interests of the company and CHILDPEN FPtE for the region. ' association in addition to the fol­ pendent .Turiisia. ticipated budget balance. The ad­ Mrs.. Walter Murphy, vice presi­ this town was Installing soloist. He 1 t FUNERAL , Chatham, N. J., said Sgt. McKeon Into the water,' or words to that district agents In 33 states and its policyholders were to be pro­ -'ll An i Home said if Hebron and Leb­ lowing recommendations: A com­ The Bey of-.Tunis, ^Sldi Moham­ ditions) $147 million would go Into dent; Mrs. John LaBelle, secre­ was ticc6mpanled by Miss Gert­ waa the "last man to leave the effect. We started upstream. The the District of Columbia are af tected. anon both submitted applications, prehensive general liability policy med Al Amin; fmxhally named a reserve fund for spending in tary; Mrs. Joseph Schelbenpflug, rude Bayers, past worthy high T SERVICE water after he had done every-, water waa up to our shoulders. the State Department of Educa­ on school property; consultstfon Bour^iba to Uia post in a brief treasurer. priestess of Bridgeport, installing future years. tion would decide in which town with the as8(Kiation on slse of the Walter N. thing he could to get the men out.' Then we sort of circled back, and Diana, 56 Clinton St.; Mra. Anna paMce cerempiv. The official in­ organist.' P )— Ehaenhower and Secretary of the the center would be located. bond; that bids on contracts to Elected to serve on ;ht executive Wfurmomi-Mutuum Some of the men apparently it seemed to get deeper all of- a Ostergren, 689 Main Bt.; Mra. vestiture is-^cheduled for tomor- lioard were the follo'A’ing: klrs. The East was tastefully decor­ ulles r n m m u i- H u Leclere Treasury Humphrey have coun­ According TO SHpr.‘ Walter G. builders omit estimate of contract row. stepped into mud holes after enter. sudden. Some of the boys, but not P&W Working Helen Ltcowski, RFD 3.'.Stafford Ermsno Garaventa,’ M:s. Edward Director Ing the water, others slipped or seled against any tax cuts that ■jKfiflCTiTnn Heialer, application forms must be bond; and that the architects plan Approval by the constituent Na­ ders all of us, were In the deep water. I Springs; Alfred Beauregaird. W il­ would unbalance the budget. O'Brien, Miss Catherine McGuire, 23 Main Street, Manchester fell and were dragged by. the WlRB«'r of Taar AcRd^mjr Awards submitted to the State before be shown to the Insurance Board tional Asiiembly is certidn. Its min- turned and began swimming to li mantle; Reo Rouleau, Windsor Sen. Williams (R-Del), a mem­ Miss Mary Fraher, ktiss Gladys strong current or the stream. where I could touch bottom. Sev­ On Project for Beat idctard af the year! April 15 in'order to be acted upon BO it might recommend changes Steering Committee endorsed e o f Cali Ml 9*5869 Locks; Mra. Mary Hitrley, 176 ber of the Senate Finance Com­ Rraeot Barfaiae - la Glidie, Mrs. Wesley Gryk, Mrs According to the survivors, the eral others were screaming for by the Slate Board before May 1. which would give a lower tax (ate. Bourgulba for the post earlier to­ Green Rd.; Ernest Friend. B02 mittee, said the President’s new when its budget is prepared. John Melesko and Mrs. John Tiv- ^ ^ElizaidlT tritw iddle Sensational help. Others began stripping their Summit 8t.; Alanna Muldoon, 23fr The Board voted tapprova^f day. 111 -request would make a tax cut even "MARTY" In addition to paying entire two motions made by Stepnbn nan. Low Mill Prices! slops clothes to swim out and help them. Nuclear Plane Highland 8L ’ ’ ' less likely than it appears now. aiiawB l:ie - C:M - f:4( cost of building and equipment, Degnan, treasurer. One asked to After the business meeting, a I Cosmaties I believe the instructor was trying ADMITTED TODAY: Harry An­ Plaa - Eait M*caatar aa< ^ (Contiaued frem Page One) the State would provide some borrow an additional $lg,000 on a film enUtl*15, the cast will move over Uddlo ARMS COMPANY BIRTHS TODAY: A daughter to said, y per-pupil rost of $390 based on an to the Veterans Hospital in New­ IM OENTEB ST. la the yeUow pogeo o^ your Another blast at the Board of Fi turbine division plant in Lockland, Goverhlng the entire program NEW Ifaheawter-TM. MI f-im Ohio. Mr. and Mra. Wilbur V, Lawrence; average of 660 students attending ington to stage a benefit show. (..’56 i::i:i tielephoM book. lots MAIN ST,—MI P-IMT nance stand regarding the town's Glaatonbury; a daughter to Mr. would be'' a citirena' committee. the new school during the first The players are being coached Over Three Tears S. HUROK The committee wouW be made up five years. , 1 Son* education budget waa leveled last . Lockheed disclosed for the first and Mra. Ralph Rdoke, 40 Hart- ■ I by William Cooper, 75 Green Man­ Ffomialatta Suto land Rd.; a daughter to Mr. and prtsents of one member .for each 50 farms The actual enrollment estimate is Rated FIRST SNAPXROTCH ;tb| night by the newly-foraoed Cltl- time yesterday that the Mrframe or Rd., with Mrs. Cooper as musi­ o r P I l u a Hcteta Mrs. Walter Zlnker, 4 Alice Dr. In towns involved, based on the ^st submitted for the first ; Edhool cal director. ^n'ft Cbmmlttee for Education. design contract on which it haa year, 1957-58, is 512 pupils. A t the OPINING mcorn been worklnjg for more than three DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: completed census, ■ Benjamin Shankman, producer, f o r Performance!’ Prints and Solid The CX7B scored the Finance Town^Tylth fewer than 50 ^rm s $390 rate the enrollment would years involves an engine project Clinton Reid, 650 Lydall S t; W il­ announces the following cast: Mr. a FSS Board for falli>.g to consider the would have one member on the place the first year's operating ex­ SEE MANY NEW IM EENITH MODELS AT C o l o r f of the Pratt A Whitney division of liam Fager, East Hartford; Mi­ and Mra. Bernard Cole, Mr. and / .1 bt*n 1956 NASH RAMBLER wishes of the majority of towns­ chael Glnolfi Jr., RFD 1, Rock­ committee. This, committee would penses under $200,000. Mrs. George Slosaberg,' Mr.\ and 1. the United Aircraft Corp., East COMING TUESDAY, APRIL 17 DOUILE-THICK people In submitting a budget for ■Hartford, Conn. ville; Mrs, Leona peters, 21 High­ work with the Regional Board. Mrs. Heniy Angel, Henry Rbsen- WATERPROOF RECEIVING ip w u current school txj.-'cnses. land Ave., Rockville; Leora Rowe, Voting in favor of applying for Manrhenlrr Evening Herald r.welg, Mrs. Morton Herman, Mrs. i Ratterton's 'Scientists say a nuclear pow­ ■Ituo** Criticism of the Board was pre­ 20 Earl St.; Mra. Mary Harding 2 DAYS ONLY State aid were Horne of Andover; Andover Correspondent, Mrs. Psiil Seymour Beliak, Mrs. Mortqn-1 ISO CENTER ST. MANCHESTER TRAINING w and ered airplane might be able to fly iiiiii BABY PA N T S BLANKETS sented In the form of a resolution, two million miles, or 80 times and son, 28 F,ast St.. Rockville; Mat, 3 P. M.— Eve. 8:15 STATE Mrs. Peter Oavvford and William Pfanstiehl, telephone Pilgrim Rosenthal, Mrs. Bernard Men- j ttluid. unanimously r dopted by the CCE. Caffyn Sr., both of Marlborough. 2-68.56. schell, James Siegal, Arthur Rlt-1 » gain around 'the earth, on a single Mrs. Ruth Tucker and daughter, PANTS CROSS COUNTRY H ie resolution urged the Board Bolton; Mrs. Harriet Hansen. 151 fauona pound of U-235*fuel. Such a plane \ of Mnance to allow townspeople Pearl St.; Jamea Aceto Jr, 10 rlU ba would be very heavy, but some de­ \ to accert the ^Ucation budget as signs contemplate a speed up to Bolton St. hints AS LOW AS \ prepared by the Board of Educa­ 2,500 miles an hour. DISCHARGED TODAY: Pa)ll UJI.* tion. "The Board of Education 4-Door Dan J'. Haiighton, general man­ Hutoheon, 59 Talcott Ave., Rock­ budget has been proven sound and ager of Lockheed’s Georgia Dlvl- ville; Mra. Frances Olschefskle, 51 nation reallstlO'While the Board of F|- ii8' “ i aion, announced that a four mile F low eret.; Ernest Spellman, 184 $ nance budget was never sound and square site at Dawsonvllle waa Id to has how reached the point where Summit St.; Michael W. Staley iim RoBobad or chosen for the re.sec.ich laboratory and William C. Staley Jr. 169 Oak TELEVISION ! liatam It la in the red in at lea.st seven 1 REG. because it wSs only 50 niiles froun St.; Raymond Hoffmasler, 112 StiM 0 to 4 Valvat-Saft RoBobad Pkatle Solid CblorB DOWN Itema,” the resolution states. Lockheed's Marietta, OA., plant, ||b^ C i. INFANTS' LONG SLEEVE n had AS LOW AS actual nuclear aircraft could be Center St.; Mrs. Rose Calkins, 4 ■ 1 a major port in swinging the vote done." rvialon that landed the 81m. kina site on Deepwood Dr. hat ho Haughton said there would be Loveland Hill for the new high no harmful nuclear radiation out­ Video Everyday — . for an ' ^ Here is, without doubt, the TOP value Car buy ip the irhool and fo.- the fourth time re­ Few Insecl-carrifd diseases are side the Dawsonvllle site.. He added injurious to the Insects which car- All Rights Reserved — agrsid whole world. Everyone agrees that Rambler is today’s committed the education budget H. T. Dickinson A Co., Inc. that water used will be aciehtifi- fy them. REST BUY! Take a look a| it today . . . you’lt own it to the Board of Finance for fur­ cally controlled to eliminate any' ther consideration. * P E R M O N T H tomorrow. Radio, heater, hydramatie, etc., optional at fKissibility of radioactivity 1 oncorn Schools Without Budget •mtr- \:| extra (Hist. Lockheed 'said the Dawsoi^ville iid An 8-month feud between the plant would be the largest, in the jiji; n nomr Board of Finance and ttVAmspoopIe Qamal United States for developrhent of 1,! has resulted In an unprccedcnt sit­ an atomic airframe. ceaao* (.(•15 uation where the town la operat­ In Fort Worth. A'.tguat Eaen- i f THIS IS NOT A MISPRINT!,- ing its schools without a budget. ’ eln, Onnvair 'ic e president, said It) Members of the Board of Educa­ illiii But an unbellevaW fac(ory*lo-yau value. First qhalllyt Cohvalr's new contract was the tIo-Blde.or butlon styles. tion. at the annual Town Meeting result of the compan.y's intensive in November, moved the budget be. research and develo-r-ient work New 3000 Series tnirit, Mcxiel !!» recommitted to the Finance Board ELECTRONICS New 84-ton Forward Control M odfl 3803, I-ton, shown with Model 3803, handsome new "Y O U R HOME TOWN NASH DEALER" under a 19.')1 .Air Force contract. 3104, a V6-ton pickup. chassis, M ^ e l 3442« ■' refrigerator body,' 1-too panel. for further consideration. It has He .said’ that hs a part of the LABORATORIES 369 CENTER ST.. AT WEST CENTER ST. TELEPHONE Ml 3f079 been recommitted three times original study, Convair has been ::i ( since that time, with the Board of making many test flights with a NEW k\ Finance giving no indication it Is B36 bomber, carrying a (3onvair- 277 BROAD ready to give in to the wishes of bullt atomic reactor. the townspeople. Geoige Wilson, The reartijr was not used to RADIO Finan.ce Board tfhairnian, could power the B.’’6. but'for-studies on T F L [ V I S I 0 N 4iot be reached today for comment the problem of ahlclding crews, in­ on the revolution. struments and equipment from ClutkMl I S t w Havpa. Caaa. l:N < I) WYATT EAEP Irf its resolution, the (XIE fur­ atomic radiation. The B36 flew on IAaaa«l I t Hartfartf; Coaa. •.^“The War ef the CelnafU** ther contended. “ The Board of OiMaai 32 HpHaffnelt. Blaaf. VciA-55) NAVY MHi dedfo its four jet and six piston engines. raEpael St BHtahi. Caaa. ->“ Tlie FIrit Nli»t" Finance is a representative of all • BUd- ('haaiiel S3 Waterbary. Coaa. (53) ORA3IA the people and the people have Cliaatel 55 Holvake* Ma««. f.OO ( 0 ^ 3 3 ) .WAKE ROOM FOB spoken decisively four times .in D^DDY It do* <13-55> {iV\ LOMHARUO tltndo favor of the Board of Education t:M ( S) JUCKEK MOCSF, CI.VB - DiA.noNP 41'm lp;r Hospital Notes ' (IS) K M PPY THE CLOWN X (30) FIRESIDE THEATER NYLON-STITCKED 3«Pe. PUssa PbRia«Dot mMto budget and have even spoken once O N E D O Z E N through a referendum at the writ­ (U) l>'CLK Kl» —“ ThI* Land I* Mine.” b o o n , SAVERS NOW SAVE AT (M) BAR SaCl.CR HfKSi; GANG 0:M ( R) CAVALOADE THEATER 18700,000 ten requc.st of the Board of Fi­ P atien ts T od ay: 148 (Ml FILM TlIF.ATKR —“ Yonne Andy •fat'kiovi'* GAUZE QUILTED SNOOZER nance in favor of a budget suffi­ APM'ITTED YESTERDAY: (,M> OCT W’LST (In ,i>r»KrrH) (U) RMI SKELTON 6:3C (?t.J0) IIOWUV .IIOOIIV (cnlor). t3%S#\PLAY. LAY WRIGHT’S 66 _ S E T ^ ^ cient for a proper educational pro- Arthur Nelson. 166 High St.'. Rob­ (U ) LltTI.F. RASCALS - “ Vouiif aad Me. and the DIAPERS C R I B P A p I " gratiL for the. children of Vernon." ert Curran. 76 Bigelow St.; Miss (tAten4Y«t“ C;M (8) 8TAGK S !hfi toAN At its meeting last night, the June Tliompaon, 58A . Chestnut —"Realah** (53) DRAMA ii" savings/and associations (^ ) ADVKNTCRC THEATEB <5')) STAR AND THE ATORT •CX.TE also named a nominating St.; Carol Ann Lawrence. 89,Doane “ Gene AatrjrJ committee ta prepare a slate of St,; DeboraB C?lark. 806 Center Yvh Heef Our Mrs. Kran Kilpatrick. Mrs. Mar- St.; Donna Jean Koschwit*. RFD (■65) TWtUOHT TBRATKB Cata LlttU P uap^co^ rating Founding .Savings and Ixtan l:tt (Ti) 8IJPKBMAN / .tin Lehan, Mrs, Charles O'Flynn 1'. Rockville; Mrs. Pearl ^rden, (53) NKWS A M ) WEATHKB ETS AND SrPPLIE S NEW Industry. , , and Mr. Frank Walker were Vernon-Trailer Court: Mrs. Jose­ 6:30 (H) SPORTSenPf': AT THE . . named to the committee. . phine -Larson, 134 Parker St.: Leo BUPDY C-iilfflN! 16 MAN EANO (.53) i*H0XK Y01:R ANSW'EB Open your account at your local «:S5 (32) NPORT8 DIGICST blANUHESTER PET CENTER «:4 S44.W4 qUKSTION B ^H BLANKET benefits and services of this $40 7:00 < H) SUPERMAN (IS) NKW AUV. OF CHINA STARTS Feat. Shown •41R) NKWA S.VIITII itloB’o Billion nationwide industry, l - 433) W-KATHEB^AIC&IO (S8I TOMORROW'S CAREERS BOOTIE SETS It to " . Daily 1«:M V S> WATERPNONT (IS-UI-DO YOU TBL’RT YULE Nu In ' 5:00 WIFE? n fed* TODAY BIO TOWN The 5 Save Any Amount 7:12 MANCHESTER (JS) SHERLOCK HOLMES atUOd ' 11:N ( 8-l»-S*> NEWS ■A ★ -A 9:30 FINAL edition I for. Save Any Time LUMBER, INC. . (SS) NIGHTCAP EDITION eaten*' U:M (111 8POBTS BODNDt'P ion H BUILDING MATERIALS (Ml CONNM'TICI'T- REPORT ^Prom tha m om ant ha hit t o w n . . . a h a k n a w (^ ) p r e v ik Wn AND lt:10 ( H>1B>23) WF.ATHER H w aa Just a m ahar 6f tim at 11:15 ( t ) hf'A PAUL A MARY FORD Bonnrl, swrater and BED MASON SUPPLIES <18> BIG 8HOW —"Sn«r af Naimlrnn" matching booties. Baby y-. uHt: We Finance-Your Jobs rill Ul'AR'TET , oolors. ' •: (Ml WEATHERVANE 253 CENTER ST,—3U 8*5144 11;M < 8> THB HITNTER m . (M) UPE WITH EUZABETH U:sa TOMGIIT ill! W i u j i u i t N o u o b n 7:10 (IK) MI 8ICAL WEATHER.MAN 11:5. I I) M TECAP THEATER GRIS Current Dividend . (30) NEW.S OF THE JIOLB —“Nnrlll«re»l Stnmped. Annual Rate (55) WEATIlERrAMT 1:18 ( I ) NEWS New 10000'Series truck with New 9000 Series L.C.F. cab New tOOOO Series truck .illustrated New 8000 Series model shown 7:15 Ut>55) IMU'GI^S EOWAHDS . with.concrete mixer unit'’- as tractor with semi-trailer. BLANKETS atery AND THE NEWS Triple-Torque tandem. and chassis. ' * (33) MUiHLHtHTS Alw'Rjra A Gbod hetof* aBtsoDQi OPEN EVERT (53) 40UN DALY A>D THE I onb* NEWS . Selection Of— ■UIINItt HOUm: 1:se (U) SPORTS NEW HEiW YW ElOHX CHAMPS I N o v ju c (Ml WFATHKRVANE a Cookien NIGHT Monday, Tu«$d$y ami Fridiy-9)M to5PM -K mm 7;M I r> HULI.VH'OOU J-RRSCNTS UNTIL pB TT v Fie l d -SvitAN SntASbER* ___ —"Siren Sonc*'- a Piea, CRken Wednaday and Satorday-9 AM to 12 Nooa C usp R om w teon (IS-^) NAMK THAT TCNP. a (Cupcakes yiili - - DINAH short: SHOW ,, Thur$day-9 AM to 4 PM — ___ A««o ca-'anuiawwa ' (M> HOVE FILM a Ralls, Bread This is just part of the new Tatk"*Force fleet! 1:48 in-Ml NKWS CARAVAN ' Baby colors. Member Federal Savings and Lonn R o s j u j n d R u s s r u «:M "THE HOME OF QUALiTV” Mnrse and G.wer Clinmpl. A- 50,000 lbs. 6.C.W.! Come on in and look 'em over. •n. Kl.bby Knye. j.linny IBS N. 5UIb St- -r-’>n 9-2660 )BT Sllvcv^, Urnn Marlin ’ ! ( « — xl,... Anything loss is an old-fashioned truck! t o i ^ (^ :nji irol Of dvings 2 NORMAN'S Y O U S A V E , I ..Blr* l : gataiit M O N E Y m » in* 6 U ai IMTIiaSL . ^ H E R E 445 Hartferd R4. CARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inc. T b L M lM M T ■V' 311 MAIN STRECT — MANCHESTER L. ..V - ■ ' ' ' “ v ... '■iiiB*uiii I ii'iiwai ' 111 III! MiiiaiMiiBigii ' "ni — ^ '~~rMniinwT^TTN I) ii' ri~i ^ I II MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN*, TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1966 PAGE fTV B

buffet atyl* luncheon. Th* Ubl* G overnor Says Court Test Set ^ '■i-. v; Surprise Show er West Virginia Governor Told Display Phones E n iic g c d war. centered with a beautifully decorated shower cake, flanked by Ike Civil Rights Plan e K N R lc s s V tH A T — State Law Bars On Supplem ent' - P- ■* '* • F o r M iss B ooth aprtng flowers. WOOO—M M Daily Radio WOTH<-l«l« At Sav^gs Baph I- HefCanH Lure State Industry iW ivAif w * ( Mlaa Booth will become , the Firing of Judge T o Jobless Pay -bride of William H. Sanders of , April 11 m il fom Ahif WDRC—ISM EMteni S U a to r d H i m WTIO—lOSO Miss Cynthia A. Booth, 48 Way- A telephone you can over : East Hertford. In a ceremony Sat­ Volunteers NBeded Doomed in Congress without touching Ik one “^of the i land a t.,-Hartfor.d, formerly of Mtdni;;ht - 2 a.r^. Hartford, April 10

—Gov.'»'the governor' of West Virginia." t ' l urday, April 21, in the South Paul Sheehan Hartford, April 10 (/P)--Gov. -Hartford. Afirll 10 IJPI — Th* '1 t ' newest moilets shown In/'a dieplay | 2 a.m. - 4 a.mi ... Abraham A. Ribicoff told the gov-1 He added: Th* foUowing 1lirotram P) — It hla trip to Connecticut V> take'^,,,] ,)K>uld be canceled, court test o f private supplqmental ■Maafomont^ and ata aubjtct to' WTIC—Star Tonight Called the "apeaMr-phone-," or Yrgga Only Net 30 Cenia 8 a.m. -'to a.m. . Conigllo of Weston that Statb law tinemployment 'benefit plana. , W D iir—Amon n Andy at har home, siw, W. Center 8t. 10 aril. - 12 Noon Martin Wojlck . . looks like a good, aolid bet the Physician* of th* Manches­ away our industries" would be a ' “ Connecticut - workera and In- ebaaso a'ithout noitca. { W O TH -K. P. Morgan "handa-free- telephone." the new Lets Waldron , Ihtcnhower admintatration'a pr#-, forbids a Governor' from removing An association announcement get contain* a midget microphone Ralatlvcs and friend* who attend­ New London, April 10 i * —Po­ Noon - 2 p.m. .. ter Medical A*sn. who will re­ a Judge. „ wasle of time. Riblcoff told him to!1* 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. .. Robert Oenovesl poaals for strengthening civil j spond ' to emergency calls to- slay home ' '"ergles to recover from thfc dev- WHAY—Kncora fhaalar mminted In the Jmsc. which pick* ed from RoOkvIlle, Mancheater, lice said two men admitted yester­ Carol Johnson Mairtlvn Case, Conigllo had asked Rtbtcoft for superior eburt contending that it WvXV—KewirO * • » ! • » ' WCCC—Coo>Cal Kelby WDRC—Ring Croaby come* to h i^ through a imatl many beautiful end- useful gift*, SO cienta. Earl W. Howes, TB, of 8 p.m. - 8 p.m...... 9-1816 and I>r. Jacob Segal coming to Hartford April 20 "for *•*: Oxr WOTH—WaxOTH—Wai Works May HawKes, Virglnta Uegl The only thing really new about ter )he latter reversed himself (rom^he State and from their em- WQTH—O. Haatiar Iniidspeske^ about the size of a which «he unvvttpped while seated- New London, and Joseph M. 8 p.m. • 10 p.m...... (adults only), Tel. Ml 3-6125. a private luncheon meeting with C” "- i i « a - May Hawke*. Vlrgtnl.-. Ltegl them la that the administration fi­ April^ 2 and acquitted Charles nectlcut or moving 6 «t of thj^- plOl'ers - • a s.vatem called bysoiqe pack of cigarettea, connected to I beneath. e ,-8;ally decorated um- Starts, 2B, of Mystic, were charged ’ 0 p m. - Midnight ...... '...... industrialists.’' Mualc Meretiaat WHA<—b-ncora rhaalar f Manchester Police SUtto;.. Vol- nally got around to sending them Paulesky of Norwalk of negligent •tale, chose to remain here-and Lho guaranteed annual wage. WCCC—Bacurd Kavltw UCCC—Cood Kvanlnk Coed Muale (!>ne by a short length of j brella. ^ ' with breaking and entering and ' Skywatch Post located on top o homicide in .a fatal accident in .%ska Rlblroff to Attend > WKNa-%aqueal Matlnta WK.NB—Joa Rlrand ensft Headq.iarl'r*. M u n I « 1P • j to Congress where bills already take advantage of (h* skilled help- The aaspciatlon described the iVTIi;—Ona Han > yaiiilly I The hOateas w*a asalsted by the theft. Police said one man told '.mteera may register at Civil Def which Conigllo'a brother-in-law, Marland said he would talk a T lC —Widdrr Broarii Building, Manchester on - Monday , ■ Wednesday or Friday from 1-8 are pending to carry out much of that has been trained over genera­ suit as a "friendly" one to deter­ W P R O - ^ WDRC—rharin* Collingirood ume control permit* the ] bride'*’ motlier, Mr*. DaiMd Mor- them he read about, safe jobs In wrhat Atty, Gen. Brownell pro­ T ell Experiences was killed. about "industrial opportunities in mine the legality of such plans,, WCTU—Wax Works W C TlI-fiav It With Muaic conv^sallon to be heard hy other* the paper "and thought I'd try It.” p.m. or Tuesday evening from 7: 30-9:30 p.m. - tions. the proximity to markets QUINN'S rlidn, 68 Spruce 8t., In serving • Koizim said he reopened the West Virginia for apecIRc indust- artd source of raw materials, and and said it probably will be car­ In the room. If wsnled. Or, for posed yesterday. WBAY—Batty iaimball \V I{A Y«>Polith e*Sallonai H om e Bills Hung L'p In Committees To Bowers PTA case and,reversed his original de­ tries planning to locate branch th* Connecticut way of life. ried to the Supreme Court regard­ WCCC—GoRO—Balman WTIC -The Pabtiloijs Doraevi civil rights problem, investigate for the third time this year b.v Seawolf la being outfitted here. WOTH^^Conn. Bportllabt WDR(>-Xfoodt for Roraanca state law makes a primary manda­ Brownell asked Congress; Second Chass badge and the play-1 ficate winners were the lop scor­ A spokesman for the Electric CHANEL NO. 5 W’GTH- Night Music tory when there Is oprposltlon to F O R R EN T d o if yo u rtG lf e e e Mrs. Glennice Aronson's first 1. To authorize President Eisen­ grade. er’s badge. i era among 60,000 seniors noml- Boat Division of the General available at nomination* made 'oy the party or­ 8 and 18 mm. Movie Projectors Dynamics (jorp. said four work­ BUSH HARDWARE CO. “tWHAY e -Snvr a I.lfr hower to create a 6-man commis- The three acts of the play are nated by their high school prlncl- Good Muelc ganization. •ov# m onGyl ■"WB—Strwjadt WTIC Th- Fsbiilniir Dor«*V« —«ound or allent, also U mm. aion to be appointed by him:—with entitled "How Do Punch and Judy pals to take the first NMSC tests men were burned, none serlousl.v, SHOP WDRU—Bonds Inr Romaac* Th* chief fight In the primaries slide projectors. W ELDOIfS 793 M AIN ST. MANCHISTER nC—Let Geerfe Do It WIJTH—Night Music Senate approval to study the Break up a Weddjng?". "W h a t last October. before the blaze was put out. He 901 M AIN STKEET ll:*a - Is expected In Hartford where a WATER SPREADER Exteiidccl Forecast Makes Babv Doll Cry?" and "Was The NMSC, which conducted the said there was little damage. ______Btem WELDON DRUG CO. Jm » *M ear Clarke realal iaar sivil rights prohlein, investigate W HAY-NIxht Wairh faction headed by. Mayor Joseph CttcMl *ais IttStfMttMs tlwu civil lights abuses, and make the Rat a R at?” W TIU-Nsw* Cronin opposes on* led by Town 901 Main S t Tel. Ml S-S821 saelpaeat le glva yaw tsar* Nk*- WDRO—Nawt: Almanae ONLY it all slewly; prtnati Isos era- rerommendations. The five day (Wednesday Proceeds from,the play will be * 1 | » 5 r £ v f c ; s ‘ Si6«i «uMo WCTH—Night Miiiilr Chairman .iohn Kelly, an ally of am brNNaMsi We pe»vld* eVerytklag SMS: u m l«i*4sti*a wsllx used toward a camp scholarship WWIB-ierenede Democratic State Chairman John Q J Z ^ Sti*lerct4 coacitit. Its UUH This commission's life would be through Sunday) forecast for Con­ wine—Three Bur X $1.95 two years. Brownell asked that it this year and for a future trip. WDR3— ’’■homae W IIA Y-N lghl Wsirh M. Bailey. F.HJt wprevtd. necticut: WTIC—Sport*; WetUitr be given power to subpoena wit­ Temperatures will average three Tickets may be purchased at the W CTB-M eet the Arllit W DRC-^al Kolhv In Enfield, 185 candidate.* bat­ pfcMi* far yovr Clark# ’ Ne. 3S0 SeW kr M * UtH, itnlea asnriet . ^ ^ door or from any member of the WOTH-Night Music IRACKET MSfly Miltfl far citculM mrti StltN nesses. This would mean it could, to six degrreea below normal. * ’tm A T —Encore Theater . „ II :M - tled It out for 75 place* on the 60- ranfal afvfpmanf foUayl go into th* South or anywhere to troop. WCCC—Oood Evening Good Muele meinber Democratic Town Oom- iowitititi Cefs- Hssdea, teas Warmer Friday, cooler Saturday WHAY—Night Nvmphonv Investigate, hold hearings, and and warmer Sunday afternoon. W IOA—ierenado WTIC Startlm^ mittec, largest Democratic com­ WTIC—Anewtr Mon force witnesses to talk under pain The normal for this area is 47. Be a Minuteman! w o n c —Atnoe ’n Andy WDRC—>Dahcs Orchestra mittee in th* state. Paper ballots WGTH—Dsnes Band of going to Jail if they refused. Rain Wednesday night, possibly i WOTH—Pulton Lowlo 11:45— —ere In use because of the num­ W H A Y -N iu Wmirh PAINTER' BUILDER' 2. Give the Justice Department mixed with snow in the extreme ber of candidates. far wider scope and a bigger staff north 4>ortlon. Rain again about ' ■\ TekviBion ProffTainB WTIC-Starlifht Sfrentdd Other towns holding primaries WDRC—Dahc« 'trehaotra for handling civil rights problems Saturday. Total precipitation one- 9 include Greenwich, Danbi’ry Fair- C At lait-ths RIGHT cur* for On P *f e Tw® and investigations. Brownell asked quarter to three-quarters of an j field. East Haven, Prospect and Rihicoff Barks Dodd for a civil tight* division in the inch. aii-eeyiemeNi# Naugatuck. Fine Crib MtttrMf HOUSE PAINT PEELING department, which now has a civil COM4CII Hartford, April 10, (Ah- Gov i w n r T W - rights section In the Criminal D ivi­ GENERAL 1 RihiCofT yesterday threw his "en- P i c k n IT i/ fo fl P o a l m a t l e r POST No. 150 * 5 ” GAL. sion. 1ffinab6Bi Id Sfadon : thiisiastlc support" behind IT.S. I'.T lll 3. A new law to prevent threata Cnffmari'* Porch Posts of gen­ or Intlmidatloiis against an In- | TV SERVICE Rep. Dodd (D-Conn) in Dodd's bid Washington, April 10 Dacher Drill I R4Y0N (over 2,500,000 in vet) with ottochfuenli | Our Own Tnchniciant Open an Accniiiil Rpwiuli* old seiwsnt now with NOW to drill, »ond, «ow, .po8«h, drive taewi, ««rro«ion• proof FibsrRiss* Easy Terms ONLY . NYLON eiijtpeWit,wirebrtfHb. „ PINE LENOX PHARMACY Free-Delivery serwrninp. NOT pinstic, NOT m*t*l. 4u( $tronfffr (Asp sf#*!, b COTTON tberpee ferdea O'** HANDY DANDYl It's tbs litblMt-w*lfKt sctw*fi« took, eny ieb you ^ I Q QC $10 Up 299 EAST CENTER ST. TIEL. Ml 9-0894 14c f WOOL ond 2 F IL E S In 1 Nit W ttll • • • R«,xibl« .. .UMf COnlMiih.oll e fIT a T e # t* pwt and bandWI w ool- SUNOS SAFETY Ideal fe^ Cottage or Second Set One side fer fest stock M A R H O L IN ’S Inc. remevol. Other side PINE PHARMACY ®T. M. lUt Owano-ComliHt I Pm l rm iki'S V Pin'i only S.98 \ F^ortloa Coiv. ' sotln imootkinp. Potfrerfron's 1177 M ain Street ReeutoHy 84c 444 CENTER ST. TELV Ml 9-9814 Now! Cover plywood SoecM fer . 189 CENTF.R ST. HARTFORD CONN edges with real wood POSIT Doxr / S p H k i l S t a f i l e y Hs. 114 MITRI ROX Strang o n ^ Sturdy-uted widi No, Junior, safe drposit box! lt*s s mrlal bock or ponet low le cut / .i weed ot dtiirtd t ^>49 ' box Milh a lock on it in Tbr Savings Bank of englei. ^ Kic-ii/iSEW! HANDY FIIE Mancbrsler, MhereiHc are going. “ Dp|»osit"’' ® •» >9 /JL*£SL-w, W e ld w o o d inrana to “ put in.” That's wbat Mama doirs: No. H1204 lENCH PIANI "LADIES Shr puts valuable papers, jeHela and important / WeN-mode ^^.44 things she And Daddy nant to keep safe, into W ood-Trim 5 AWE” RfgKt itxe lor home owner ,‘1.u FOR RAINTINO the box. ond Kobbyift. T i t ' ledies, hare's o new en« The' lady is right. 'iTie only thing she didn't •wi.'.ie Qle fer your pertenel • ■R8SATIQMAL painting projects. Of tell junior is hnw little thev cost. lop quality pnotarlei. it's PICTURE e dainty, light weight, I'.ii" engwior brush fer What about a Safa Dapoait Box for you? HANGERS >5 NV#*"..*- smeether, eesitr point- CotiB leBB lhan 2c a day Ford ParUaneStotioo WagoR inf ef furniture, woo^- i l i i l i i werk, cabinets, etc. Spe­ cially priced for 1 week: ( •nly$1.1t.» MAIN ST. BANK FAST BRANCH • NO HABIMIB EAST ('ENTER ST. RMtHikU • MO NAIlt OPEN EVEltV THURSDAY Open every Friday l■pntlnllmlsly * NO CSACKIO WgUS flEWi Stanley n*. 4 0 4 EVENING FROSI 8 to 8 from 9 a.in. tb'7 p.nf.. . Co«> on tile, gloit, MITRI md CORNIR aAMFl c*m*nt, ploitar.' ’ Improved deiign lor glueing, Holdi up to 15 lb>- ttopling, noikng pklur* d /.tf Six Ford Parklane V-8 ‘ Haro's Howl Come intef your Ford Dealer's and Jha’lLgiva ir$ fuieePe^g fram*i, *lc. you an entry blank with the full contest rules and details. Popular 28" 8 or 10 point Then, write (in 25 words or leas) what you like best about_ cut patUm. Taper ground blade Ysh just cM't bavt t N n eiy Station Wagons to be awarded th? 1956 Ford. ETrop your entry in the box marked “ Ford Special! ‘ LAW N and for smooth easy cutting. Rich CONVENIENT LOCATION^ I dark maroon DU PONT fPONGifI ..V Minuteman Contest.” Tliere’s nothing to buy! That’s all handle of dur- _ itt-'Ofii ^ There', a D* Post Spoage for every Underground able plastic. cleaning need. Soft when wet, tough,, you-do! Contest closea May 10th, so hurry! GARDEN For a limitod pliable, lOng-wearing. > time only. Makes clean-up a map. ,, Garbage Get wveral today. NEEDS .Come in today— (Jon’t delay; Remember— this contest ends M ay 10th! . Receiver

15 G A L . ■ Main Konkina Offiea 2t5 East Cantor St. , B 923 Main St. . (C#fn#r L#nox St.) ^ 101! I A mdrothon of value...for a minute of your time nSH M D r -nA CMS \ Gonnecticut Medical Service, inc. 336 NORTH MIAN 8TRERT , TEL. MI 9-5253 ■ M l EQUIPMENT Open Daily 7 A. M. to 5'P. M. IncluHinu: W ednesdav AfOllSOHEO lYjHE.COHN. STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY |20S t^MlTNEy AV^„ NEW NAVEN I, CONN. Afternoons and Satur^pys Ui\til Noon DILLON SALES and SERVICE 319 MAIN STREr v MANCH^Tn A , -. f

? , ' « m f MANCHhlSTER EYKNING HEHALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, APRIL 10. 1956 PAGE. SEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, APRH. 10, ,WM PAGE SIX RolekvUlm Starting at 1 p.m. bowlers fropi a promise of things to come, a world concerning' Israel and the ell parts of the state and Rhode To Discuss f^lans A Premier *8 Dilemma: new province was carved in the division of the globe Into East and hUlorlan, balitvad Uwt chUdren IH E NEWEST MODELS O* Island wUI compete. a host of servanta ia to be atrong- good taste in the television cover­ 17 Names Added^ should not 'ba taught rallgion, but Omar Shrine ^ub western desert. Water was chan­ West blocs militate against, the IRmiri|tBtrr Ij deplored. Buddhists should pro- age of his approaching wedding. Droodles ELECtRIC RANGES Many Bands Set Ray Northam will officiate, at For Hobby Slioyv neled from a Nile brench to Lib­ promise. If Nasser Is to push him­ should grow up. and - chooaa for the tournament. Jerr]) Maloney, eration Province, and the desert self or be pushed into war, he ca'n- Sorning J|praU l r.:ote plalii’ living and uonomte We would indeed, expect a dls- By ROGER RRICB To Gallon Club themselves. One day Hume visited Hol(ds Ladies N i^ t IT f.W U P winner of last year's tourney, will Samuel Coleridge. They spent For Armory Fete The Senior CUisene d u b con­ Nasser’s Egypt Dreams bloomed. Here hew villages were not have the dam, nor cah he, af­ .v-elfM for the country oa did the Unguiahed prlnqe of the old world ARB AT • / • — i defend his title. ducted by the Recreation Depart­ built •— clean stone houses, sanl- ford to extend himself too much odme time dlfcuseing this theory. Over 100 Shriners and their ^ Coming Eventn OiC. f-uriun Irifluence in England dur­ —one of the last few princes''with Rad Cross officials announced PeltsrtoR's ’ Rockville, April lO (Bpdclal) _ ment will have Ite w.ecMy meeting tati(>n, .health facilities, filtered oh co|stly reforms. The same fer-' the following additions to the One Upon leaving, Hume said:'"Cole-, ladies attended the annual Ladies The Ladles DIvlalon of the Ual- water, all. the things the peasant ment offered him a chance to capi- Kancli . ing the Sixteenth and seventeenth actual te n ^ r y to rulq over—to ridge'', I forgot to look at your, ISO CENTER ST. At least 10 banda will provide Wedneaday at the Community Y TIIOHA6 r. Gallon Donor Club: • Night program of the Omar Shrine lEn- .Social Club will meet at the Recreation Center beglnnihg at Conflict with Ambitions never knew’, selected families pop­ taljie on Arab unrest in North Af­ cenlurlea.” show dome nice eenBlUvIty ovbr floweii'," ■ Coleridge replied: "I / music Jo r Uie marchers In the'f WALTER R. Sylvestef Batnes, Mlaa Marjon have decided not to plant any Club of Mancheeter Saturday clubhouse on Snlpsic St. Sunday 1:80 p.m. Plena for the April din­ ulated It. ’ rica and dabble In popiilar, anti- rubUabcn AH this is partitulariy interest­ our. goed old American habit of < ' parade to be staged in connection aftem^n at 3:30. ner will be diecuased at this meet­ (CoellBoed from Page Cn*> enemy of my enemy Is my friend. Some day, the Fellaheen were western campaigns In the name of %mm IFDILK9 rouadad OcMmt L im Casey. Mrs. Jamas W. Norris, Mrs. Sowers this spring, but to wait night at the Manchester Country ing, for it Illustrates a trend not seeing commerdsl opportunities Charlas Casa. Robert Uybna, Lud- till October and let the- garden with the dedication of the new The Koiclussko Ladies Bowling ing, wMcn will be under the direc­ Naseer got armi from the Soviet told, all Egypt woiild be like this. "liberation." ICrcntni Exctpl Club. The group gathered at 6:39 tion of Jim Herdic, euperintendent ership Nasser has aeixed utoh the' The revolution was 5nd le tmprei- Gntared at Uia confined to Ceylon. This, . and in the most refined occasions. And 'wlg Hanacn, Mrs. Alice Farrell, decide for iltelf whether it will State^Armonr May 5. banquet will be , held Thursday bloc. The'Arabe hau this with jov Now Egypt's bid for leadership Cenq.. aa other nations newly come to their au it is. The prince has indeed put Arnold Clark, Mrs. Oiarles Case, grow Sowera or weede." for cocktaiU and sat down to din­ The commhtee from the Ameri­ evening at Shaker Park Reataur- of recreation; International situation. He as­ and cqck their e^;*. „to4ard Cairo. alve in its earnestness. Land re­ is taking priority over the aims of GhSSON'S ant. Members will meet at the The club plans' to have a hobby serts the idea of Arab "unity" by Thousands of Arabs clustered form Is well under way. Filthy the revolution. The price of leader­ 8 political indepen^ce, 'are also hie, royal foot down. * Arnold Clark, Mrs. Veronica . Mqre than' two hundred years ner at -7:30. At the head table can Legion .and 'Veterans of fwmdURTwm iw i BVB CRIPTION '^TES Irvine. Leslie Spencer, Thorvald Foreign Wars, who are'in charge club at 6 p.m. show April 35, which will be open assailing the French and aiding about radios in thm homes and mud huts were soon to be. replaced ship was dangerous dalliance with Pajable In Adranca seeking cultural liidependence, w i As a result of his royal defiance ago Alexander Pope iafd: "As the were eeated naembere of the Divan to the public throughout the day, rebels in North Africa. He ex­ by stone houses, and for once the Nielson. Susan Dcnti, Johrt Shor- twig is bent, the tree's inclined.” of Sphinx Temple in Hartford. of parade arrangementa, reported Fayette Lodge No. 69. AF and coffee shops nod their heads eag« r- the Communist bl..< • ••aaaaa^adk**** religious Indej^dence. W ith/the of commercialism. It has now been rock, Paul W. Do.i^an, Henry g a r a g e that the 43rd Regiment Band, the AM will meet in regular stated and plana will be discuased. presses Arab frustration with the' ly at the words df Egypt's new unwashed Fellsh had a stake In the revolution would be lost for a mX MOOtbS a a Tfearly two thousand years ago They were introduced by LMter Refreshments for this meeting West by assalllnl; the British as i the future, ilgypt would build a uinn’s iW ce Months •••^.a.aaaaa departure of the foreij^ rulers, absolutely guaranteed ts> him that Bengaton, Henry Wr Matson and Paul said: "Whatsoever' a man Bolton, -who was serving aa chair­ Foot Guard Band, and the Rock-, communication this evening at leader who "stanjls up to the Im- long time to come, and if the war 4 185 MMn St.— 3-5012 willI beoe eerveoserved byoy methe women oiof colonialists and encouraging anti- I perallsts." For eiyht yeare they new high Aswan dam, and millions OBS MOOth .•■a«**«b*a«** there also ^n ies a drive against non# of the commercials which will Byron Hallenback. aoweth, thkt shall he also reap." man of the affair as v/ell as master ville High School . Band were 7:30 at the Masonic Temple. Second Congregational Church, spread, aa many fear it would, the W#^Uv among the first to volunteer their Mias Margaret McLean will be the " ~ Americanism. . | have smoldered/with liate for the more desert acres would burst Into, Arab world plight find Itself swal­ IMC fibglS Copy aa*...... the' foreign God. Christianity,, in be attached to the wedding as it Albert L, Post anu Florence Nearly three thousand years ago of ceremonies. Bear Wheel AliKti^ent < Anyf perMna wishing to become At the time of the Egyptian flower. Electric power from the Schlldge are additions to th e Two Hoses said of those who turned A very brief speaking program serving other units have also ex­ hoetess to Sabra Trumbull Chap­ tiny country carved from Paleitine lowed by Soviet domination. World MEMBdt OF so far 'as it depended upon the appears on television will be in­ mem'mbera of the Senior Citizens revolution three years ago. Naser with Ita new Population of Euro­ dam Would bring new leffustr>‘. WE JUwJEaATEO^rajc®^ , 'Rear View of Adlai Mtevrason Gallon Club, away from God. "They have Moym- featured .a talk by tehn I. Olson, Motor,Tune-Up\ pressed an Interest in taking part. ter, DAR, •tomom>w afternoon-at Club are welcome. seemed to the world a young Ideal­ War in would be around, the cor- Ths Assoclmltd Press U wclustvsl? sipport of rulers, the sponsorship serted in the middle of the cere­ Playing Upright. Plano* the wind, and they shall reap'ihe At lost night's meeting Col. 3 d’cl(x:k at her'hcnne on Elm St. peans. skllledin war and technical The world applauded Nasser's ne.’. The next visit of the Bloodmq- who urged the members of the Brakes Adjusted \ ist motivated by noble intentions know-how. Dn most issues Arab dreams and wished him well. ^ttitlcf of colonial governments, the sblli- mony. The tppnaars of the wed- If you object to this Droodle be­ bile will be held at the Center Con­ whirtwind.” AH theae are eternally Manchester Shrine group to vol­ Charles B. Beach, Vernon, was The gueat speaker will be Miss toward Egypt's long, aufferihg (Tomorrow I The Communlnt all newt dUpe^ee credited to It. or cause you're.a Democrat and think true. Christ said: "Suffer little named to head a reception com- Wilhelmina Werkhoven of the unity la a'myth, but on Israel But the ferment of the Arab threat to ipideaatern oil) BOi othcrmisv credited In this raper ty to teach the language and cus- utng, in other words, have sur­ gregational Church Friday, April unteer their efforts to make the OPEN to 10 P.M. DAILY \ Aircraft Foundry masses. The revolution still bears there is unity. and also the iccal news published here. It makes fun of Mr. 'Stevenson — 20, from 12:45 to 5:30 p.m. children... to come unto me." He spring Ceremonial to be held .n mUtee. Harold. McLaughlin, Nor­ State Health Department for great'promise and noble deOIgns — All right* of republlcation of sp ^ lal tpms of the rulers, Is the strsteglc rendered tlieir right to the middle or are a Republican, and think it knew that as the twig decides the Except Monday and Saturday man Kittel and Stanley Prachniak Crippled Children. And suddenly Nasser Is making dispatchts herein are also reserved. fuser in many of the Asian coun­ commercial. Before, and after, the Manchester May 38 one of the most • To Locate Here but the threat of war has brought them confident —• perhaps too gives him unnecessary publicity— fate of the tree, ao the child de­ succssaful to date. will aaaiat him. The Young Married Couples a change. VmH service client of N. E. A- Servy tries newly come to independence. wedding will he by courtesy of you may ignore the Official Title cide! the fate of the man. The formal dedication exercises Club pf Trinity Lutheran Church Pratt A Whitney Aircraft Di­ confident. Nasser himself has been and substitute another. For In­ A program of entertainment will take place at the Armory will meet- '*this evening at 8 The change became pronounced mnneiK^ered by circumstances to a Represenutivea:a:: T^e Ita missionarieX are no longer wel­ various products, which hope to Elmer Ellsworth Helms featuring a singer, a dancer-and a vision of United Aircraft Corp. after February 1955, when the Is­ No Home 1$ Safe ^ 0 0 stance. it could also be called (if grounds on West St., following the position from which he cannot. If Matbews Special Agencyy — Ksw become better known and better A Thought for Today o'clock at the churcli will move a email manufacturing raelis launched a heavy attack on Y o ^ Chicago. D «roil diwjow toa. come. you warp your Imagination a bit). Sponsored By The Manchester contortionist was presented. Fol­ arade. In the evening a military A nominating (ximmittee will I operation into the mill epace that he wishes, retreat. In effect he Is o r In the Ceylon .elections, it wss sold-beraiise the bride supposedly 'A Chicken Salad Sandwich with Council of Churches. lowing 'he entertainment program, gail will be held at the Armory. Egyptians In the Gaze* atrip of a prisoner of his ambition, forced Good Advice A be ' appointed to present officers I has been leased from' Cheney Palestine, an attack for which the Without not Communism, but Buddhism, likes them. But when the wed­ Push Button for Ejecting. Small the Skrinere and tbeir ladies en­ Ca'pt. Richard Grant of Co. E. Na­ for the coming year at the meet- ! Bros. by them to dedicate himself to the ' m r / Train up a child in tha way^he A new cookie filling: Thicken joyed an evening of dancing. EMERGENCY tional Guard, says that tickets are United Nations •condemned Israel. proposition that some day the which wa.s the winner. ding march begins, and until the Particles of Bone.” If you'l'e still ing of the Vem-Ell Asan. this eve- ! According to a Pratt * Whitney It was one of many apparently V 1 not satisfied, how about, "A Tomb­ should go: and when he is old, he light snd darks raisins and crush­ now available. ning at 8 o'clock at the Talcott- spokesman, the operation is an ex­ growing weight of Arab atrehgth. To the people of Ceylon, it is ceremony ends, for that time at will not depart from it. (Proverbs ed pineapple with cornstarch to Average annual U.S. wheat pro­ OIL lURNER Ail householders wUI be asked to punitive and wariilng attacks to bided by the Soviet bloc arms, will FIRE CHIEF! SSS^aJS?^______and « « w raattw stone with a Carrying Handle for ville School. . perimental foundry that Is now keep the Egyptians In their place. fa Tha Uanebeatar JSvaianioK Herald. Buddhism which repre.sents the least the royal nuptials will be Un­ Ghost-lo-Ghost Trips"? No? Well, 22:6.) put between pieces of cookie duction in 1900-1609 was 681 mil­ SERVICE display American fiags on May 5, The Youth Fellowship of the Icmated In the company's East sq;ieeze Israel out of existence aa Whenever the danger of David Hume, philosopher and dough. lion bushels. \and a special request will go to the FIgypt sought arms from the Unit­ an'tqdependent state. ' Pkaplav adrertlatnE rloalpc bourt: true way of life, as Cliriatlanity tainted. The prince’s good taste here's another, ."An Egg Being Community Methodist Church Hartford plant. ed States, but didn't get them. fire lurkis, you need FIRE \ i or Konday—1 p.m. Friday, does for us. We may, in our owi\ obvlously,^ li firm snd Impeccable. Hatched Out By an Electric Blan­ tnerchants asking for a' uniform will meet tonight at 7 o'clock at The foundry manufacturers All tjils has changed the com­ CHIEF! in the hoipe, ga­ or TSiaaday—I p.«n. Monwyv,:. ket." Personally I think that last CALL flag display in the city. Lake. / , parts for Pratt A Whitney jet en­ "Time after time," my infor­ plexion 'Of Nasser's rule. Three or f A d a t ^ y - 1 p. m Tuaid^y. belief, believe them wrong. We And he has, at the same time, mant said angrily, "Israel humili­ rage, car and ^the oHice, or T hu^y—1 p . m, l ^ n r a one is a James Dandy, but if you W ILLIAM S FPture meetings of the Dedica­ The Commission oh Education gines and employs about 100 per­ yeare ago "lop priority was given or IYIdar-1 p. m. Hmraday. cannot deny their right to their contrived not to offend the Amer­ tion Committee will be held week­ and the Workers Conference will ated us. Hardly a day goes by that the urgent plhogram for social' re­ Buy 2 or 3 today! disagree you have my permission sons. It Is being relocated to pro­ a punitive expedition of some kind or fcturw— m. . own belief. We may only hope ican creed w'htch says that such to make up your own bi-partisan OIL SERVICE ly on hfonday evenings at 7:30, at study "The Literature of the vide more space at the East Hart­ form. For the fTret time in history, ClaitUlad deaduna; ...... ------the Armpof. Methodist Church School." to­ is not staged. The ‘Palestinian the lowly Fellah, 'accustomed to iday of pubUcatloD axcept Saturday — that, as they move to reestablish an event is too good to be alloWed title. ford plant. Arab sees his own orange orchard i a. m. HospUal Report night at 7:30 at Wesleyan Hall. According to a 4-year lease filed nothing but povert^^. disease and the prestige and power of their to bKome a total loss, Ml 9 -4 5 4 8 tn the town clerk's office yester­ and is forbidden by Israeli guns to dirt, waa to get a breO^, Tuesday, April JO idea has not died.' It was so The numper of patlenla treated •Mrs. Lury Stepaiiow'dkl pick. his Own fruit. Bitterness own belief, they are toleiiant of strongly in the mind of Governor S during th e\slx pvonths phding Mrs. Lucy Stepafiowaki. 46, wife day, the UAC division "will have . Bold projecta got under''way. As Lodge that he several times use of a tdtal of 48,362 square grows on bitterness, rage on fnis- the sincere and serious converts March 31 has Increased ovel: 1,400 of John Stepanowaki of 69 Frank­ tration. Buddha Carries Caylon seemed on the verge of trying to from the compa'rable figure of last lin St., died suddenly at the Rock­ feet in the new finishing niill on Christianity . possesses in their revive the slogan of reorganiza­ Km St. "We suspect, with gocxl reason, The moat IntereaUnf elecOon In midst. For our own Christian part year, according ro a repoH issued ville City Hospital last evening. that as things Stand right now Connecticut tion openly, even though it had by Rockville a ty f^losplfai today. She was born in New Britain Of this space, 36,512 square the world news lately le that In we should now know, more than been a Democratic monster. And feet ia on the west portion of the Israel could throw us back again MILITARY Ceylon, and the moat Intereatlnff WHAT THREATENS Tho number of matlMts treated March 32, 1910, a daughter of Vin­ unless we hrve outside help. HAw ever, that Christianity's future he was always making a quest for THIS WEEK ONLY for the period this yew was 6,49^ cent and Johanna KomarowskI firat floor, and the remainder' Is thing about it U the part played Yankee opportunities to put some phases aa compared wlthl 5,MO^irin)f the In the biuiement. The Manches­ long can we aland this when the strength in the world Vlll depend of reorganization into effect with­ Budnik. She Was soloist at St. ter Engraving Co. occupies the whole existence of a Zionist state, WHIST In it by religion. rJmost exclusively on liow truly B y A. H. 6. YOUR HOME? same period last; yea'r. ^ e num- Joseph's Church for many years created by the United S,.ates and out first tearing everything down. ))ej' of births juniped from 113 in and was employed % the Ameri­ rest of the building. Friday, April 13-<-8:00 On the surface, the sutprUe re­ Christian ChrisUsn individuals This latter kind of quest was FINAL WEEK The Cheney Broa.-UAC lease Britain in our midst, outrages our sult in Ceylon was a defeat for the 1955 to 122 this I year, the report can Dyeing Corp. \ Read Mw FLEISCHM ANN’S and nations succeed In being. It needs to be repeated, as often also In the mind of Governor Ribi- shows. / became effective April 1 and runs sense of Justice?" Sponsored by West. The United. Statei, for In- as headline discussion of the coff as he came into office, and Every house is a little different Besides her husband, she leaves until March 31, 1960. Total rental . Even the moet pro-American of Menchrster Assembly No.’ IS REGULAR $29.50 hTe hospital's monthly repprt one son, John F. Stepanowaki,'pf for the four years is $166,270.33. inatancQ, had just got over ita dis­ State's dull but ever-climbing ex- It has. under his leadership and from other houses, in some respect. also issued todayi shows a total pf Arabs blameji the United States . RAINBOW GIRLS hjghef Wpttf gives vou more pSnsea provides opportunity, that direction, been intensified until Even if houses look alike there can the U.S. Navy; two sisters, Mhl Pratt A Whitney has used other for their humtiiatlon. - ■ i like of Ceylon's neutrality—which For Virtue, Reluctantly X 126 admission^ (luring March this John Burak of New Britain and- .^en ey Bros, buildings for ware­ there is only one re^ effort toward we suspect it is almost a full-time be a vast difference in the contents I . year.'The daily average of patients "I thank God." said one o' them, MASONIC TEMPLE wma pro-weatem if It was slanted The chief regret of the Senate economy that cah be made, preoccupation with his govern­ Mrs. John Janek of Brisfol; four house space, but this experimental "for. Soviet intervention in the enjoyment cost! or in the families who live in them. at the hospital was 44, with the brothers, Stanley. Lucian, Joseph foundry is the first manufacturing .'■-‘ • l i t In any particular way—enough to Select Committee which purport­ Even it has limited returns, and mental efficiency expert, Commis- SCHICK is * largest number treated at 59 and Middle East. It has awakened the REFRESHMENTS the best Way to describe these re ■Hloner of Finance and Control aiitj Edward Budnik, all of New ophatlon the aircraft company has while world to our: ca^ise.” include Oeylon in our foreign aid ed to investigate the $3,500 at­ the smallei^t nurnber at 32. Britain. • DONATION 7So . You’re sure to get extra enjoymeiitwhen you"'' program, despite the fact that turns is to classify them not as Loughlln. And that a major pro­ locaMd here. The Arabs ha.-e a oroverb: The tempted contribution to Senator reductions in state spending, but gram of reorganization, of the ELECTRIC RAZOri The number! of x-rays taken Funeral services will be held buy extra-Proof whiskey. For "Vt6t4", tells * Ceylon has been trading with Francie'csse for an expfcted vote as some prevention and restraint brand that can be accomplished during the mohth wa.s 98, while Thursday'morning at 8:15 from you a whiskey’s "sirenglh." ToMITH dell vs. William Wicykowski. ville TR 5-3136. Buy a bottle—today I ligion. The winneifs of these matches "There appears," says the com­ almost from the ground up. as if / / the slate had been wiped clean of I NCORPORATE D will bowl in tnle eeml-finals on Fri- The trouble was, from our point mittee rc{>ort, "to have been here, day evening. BLENDED WHISKEY of view, that tha religion which everything existing, and a theoret REAL ESTATE — INSURANCE *4.07 *2.56 LOW'S however, a remarkable laxity In leal ideal presented in ita place. (IM io n i Hospital Notes »0 8K00F was victorious waia not Chris- the supenislon and direction of 163 MAIN ST„ GROUND FLOOR — TEL. Ml 0-8M1 Alton Brown, Vernon Trailer 4/5 Quart Pint It presented a picture of the "INSURANSMITHS SINCE 1914” PRESCRIPTION PHAIOIACY $J% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS ^vtrytfciiit - tianity. It was Buddhism. the activities of Mr. Patman and kind of government we might Court, Vernon, and Fred Foster, /' were admitted to the Rockville The background for this politi­ Mr. Neff, through whom the Keck have, if we really wanted to pull 901 MAIN ST., MI S-5821 THE FLEISCHRANN DISTILLING CORPORATION, NEW YORK CITY up roots and traditions. City Hospital yesterday. P Apply for $2S to $S09 now Painting the house? Redecorating the interior? putting cal election was actually a report fund wa.s flowing. Patman was Auction Plans .... pay httri PLUS! CsiA in just published by a commission of This virtue turned into political nAiH'8HAn'M'*yi'eniAiHAin*iH'8H*H*iiFni*W*«AH*a^ on a new roof? Dh$cuss your plans with us and see how g:ven almost appalling latitude by weakness? Too many interests, The auction sponsored by the ■ 1-Vi,it—phone firtt. Bill Con- simple it is to finance your project at the ONE STOP laymep and clergy established at Mr. Keck, who contented himself the political, the sentimental, the Northeast School PTA to establish tolidaiion Service, Nationwide a $250 scholarship fund will be BANK. .the AlbCeylon Buddhist Congress with merely handing the nioney economic, found themselves Credit, at no extra colt. Phont threatened and disturbed in one' held at the Northeast School Audi­ or come in today. , of 1953 to 'Inquire into the present over to Ml. Potman, apparently torium on Friday evenbig. Items BNJOY THE BEST SLEEP OF YOUR LIFE state of Buddhism in Ceylon and way or another by the proposed IFkkYtwOnPiiMotil with a hope that It would reach process. An aggregation of rela­ $K roui SEE youl may lie. inspected frcim 7:30 to 8 to report on the conditions neces­ ai.d serve deserving causes." tively minor grievances and alarms p.m. and tlie audtion will start l(Ms.Pta NASH OEAlEl HUDSON DEAIEI' promptly at 8 o'clock. $ 8.38 1 6.Y2 1 •’ - • I sary to improve and strengthen" And, again; "The activity of succeeded, in the end, In. pinioning- HURRY! ENTER NOW! I t a somewhat drowsy reform giant EDI FREE EDI FREE Arthur G. Lyon Jr„ president, 24.25 19.25 1 Neff and Patman in dispensing says the PTA hopes to raise at 33.05 The report, when it came out, in to the ground. Tw-o circumstances ENTIY IIANKI ENTiy IIANKI lieck’s money , can only be charac­ in the success of the negative op­ least $250 so that the scholarship n i««ii •! piw fo$rf wrm advance of the recent election, was terized as galloping irresponal- position always, surprised ut, and may be awarded to some deserving pramqtly r«M<8 iP 1} c6K»q<«rivq called "The Betrayal of Budd- bility." still do. First, w-e were surprised pupil this year. ■ hism.'* that the Bowles' reorganization AMERICAN Tournament Saturday A . And, again: "In utter disregard plan didn’t develop more dynam­ The annual Rockville open bowl-. U a o i $ 3 3 fe $SIX> The quarrel of. the report is M ax Miller Says., •n Slgnelwra Alena MAIVCUESjFER TRUST nmsoH of his legal knowledge and train­ ism of ita own, didn't sen'Itself MOTORS Ing tournament will be held at the mainly with Christianity.' ing, Mr. Neff acted with consum­ more than it did. Second, it \yas 'TKB bowling alleys on Saturday. It is bitter, this report, over the mate Indiscretion in making his' certainly an irony that the Bowles FRIiND OF THE NEW, EASY m ain OFFICE fact that although two-thirds of administration, with its polished b e n e f i c i a l 89$"Main, Opposite St. Jemep’ Cbiircll promiscuous contacts." techniques for exposition, some­ .the population of Cyprus is Again, Mr. Neff was "inept." FItlONAi tiNANlI lO NORTH'BRANCH Uuddhlst, control and administra­ how fell flat on its biggest public ☆ FAMILY GENERAL "Htf'^xercised incredibly poor relations task. IT’S EASY I 16 No. Slain, Corner Oakland S t. Open Thursday Evenings 6 tb S tion and teaching of much of ,the judgment.” But if the giant plan- of the T V S E R V IC E 106 MAIN STREET Next to YMCA . And Saturday Mornings 9 to 12 education in Ceylon has fallen in­ "Both Mr. Patman and Mr. Neff Bowles 'commission soon seemed Snd Fleer, Over Weeheerth'a to Christian hands. to assume the status of some Yc>, this Rtliablf phar­ Juit give ut a name for the^iggest difference Days • M M A Call Mitchell t-4 M • Msneheeter are severely censured for -their grotesque starfish buried under •25,(KM>Sf‘JS S ± Nights Plus Parts Ask far the YES MANager / ONE STOP BANKING • FREE PARKING AT BOTH OFFICE^ M attress This has happened for two rea- failure to act an respona'ble citi­ tbns of petty grains of sand, the macy is dedicated to the ' In cars, today, American Motors' SINGLE UNIT e ■ ■pns. The Christians were, as al- TKL. 5II S-0194 OPIN THUKDAY EVENINGS (INTIt I / zens in thess clrcumstai.ces.” service of your household. CONSTRUCTION. So strong, so modern, to Iwot mW It ftfitmli tf tli ivrrwntinf t$wm waj's; anxious to efart schools, and i i i H In other words, if they had been Call oa us for anything safe, you get o totpHtf $ 25,000 .. “ "their schools hed the advantage of smarter, they could have done belnfp able tp_ teach the language tlieir work, which w:hs basically ^ T O Y S you may need in drugs or POrsortol Automobile Accident M S U R A N a * of the British rulers, ' 4 that of exchanging money for the L ’ FOR THE KIDDIES ^ sundries. And do be sure ogoinst fatal injury— divided equally between Then the British, back in 1884, Bs.surance’ of votes for the gas- husband and wife— at No Extra Cost I handed.all official^'chools over to * Arthur Drug Stores^ .to bring us your Doctor's bill, in aucli a smooth manner that 'BEFORE LOSSE5 HAPPEN. Never before! Christian denominations, and they U,e Select CoiiihUttee would never * Large A«<|ortfaent ^ prescriptions. You'll value also adopted A rule that no gov­ Such terrific have heard of it.Then the ^Com­ our expert Compounding INSURE WITH LAPPEN' ernment aid should go to new mittee would have been much hap­ accordion door value schools located with a certaih pier. and our fair pric.es. MR GNMTIOIIfD CARS distance of existing govenuhent- 'Yet, after it expends most of its 30 at such a low price! aJded schools. Sine* the Christian enqrgy bewailing the fget that SQUARE DANCE ,e £ d 4 » P u l u d schools were first on the stene, RAIMBLBItSI " CLOPAY these oil money operators 'were SPONStORIJJH BY this rulwiisd tAe effect of putUng not smootlier and more clever, the HUDSON V -«'s I NASH V-«’s E FOR A LIMIlED , potential Buddhist schools under Select Committee does, belatedly VERPI.AXCK P.T.A. «a Ak Coiw/ifjoDqrf CuiFom'4-c4q0r ttotion wogont, M^oni, honitofu-^ fc Mvefe handiesp. _ and in a minor key, face up to the wMt ovory ottouory, httvdlng powor • in/sFi, evFomqfk fTMimiiMqiit, ACCORDION TIM E O N L Y By 1954i this had created a reality. It was investigating. FrMay, April 13, 8 p.m., MILLER PHARMACY situation in which there was ohe- ' "The circumstances liere," says 10 METROPOLITAN CONVERTIBLES Chrtstian school for every 1,240 V«rplanck School Aud. American Meters cert (above) are a the report, "partake of a meaning (p'lf j f \iptwn u//; j/.i lor hordiop, if wmoor Christian children . and one f ingle unit like modern trains and planes. DOORS making almost inexorable the coii: Buddhist school for exery 36,000 AAmlnRlon 54b* Ppr l>rM)n to o KELVINATOR APPLIANCES ^ Big frame bez-girders make a steel enclo­ elusion that the paramount, Buddhist childj-en. So this means Prompt Free Call and Moding fohufoui foodoromot, hooMor$, sure as big as the car, giving true "wrsp- SIE THE DIFFERENCE! \ How Big A Fire instoll tham youm alf in m inutes i.iotivation for this contribution sroiind” protection. I t’s welded, twice as that most Buddhist children now Rofroshmtnh ' Delivery Service Wathort, Oryorg 9 was intere.st m the natural gas strong, twice as safe, twice as'long-lssting. can you afford with'your present insurance? ‘ save 8 sq. ft. sw inging doers w astel ■ have to go to Christian schools. ; 299 C reen Rd.— Tel. .MI .3-1134 bill as ronlra.sled with,, aiding 1000 CASH PRIZES of SfO oath After Its idiarp and bitter con- Better make .surie you liave enough. We will, Ui i.enator Ca.se's campaign. It thus bonuses Other cars (righU still bolt the body to ms STAMMI NNWATS IP Tl 32" MK i N" MM « ‘ cern oyer the lack of Buddhi.'it, Plus $40,000 CASH ' be happy to check .vour needs for you. follow's that the offer of the con- Apprxlul of your preiwnt ear is worth S 1,000 rath liOBUS, if e separate, flat fram e. . . the same basic Built to Give You Over 10 Years schooling for, Buddhist children, Mattroso or Boxopring tnbution was for the purpo.se of you're a new ear winner. Alan, ear winners who buy a ntw eonatrucEion principle used in building If you have any (piestions about t our in- f * CuaiaslHdky "A . this same commission went on to oxcarts. . ' ^ Of SOLID SLEEPING COMFORT mfluencing the Senator's vote." Ramhler, Nash, Hudson or Metropolitan during the eonleet ONLY NseMliMftsf bitter criticism of the growth of period, will get double the retail price of the car won. in place HI surance«t . i if you are not sure you liave the 8.95 And a;yain, . other westerly values in Ceylon; ot the car. * best protection you can possibly buy h , . COMHin WITH MAIOWAII NO OTHER MAHRESS AT THE PRICE HAS THE AMAZING COMFORT FEATURIS "Tlie Select Coinmittee, after |The leaders of bur Aountry,” OF THE CRIMSON SHIELD 44lh ANNIVERSARY MATTRESS; examining the witnesses and evi- j plea.se call us npw. Full information cheer­ tha . report charges, "have em- The new improved Clopay Accordion Doors are dence luider the revealing light of ! T h e W h o le i i n l l y in E h te r l fully given and without obligation.. value packed with more exciting deedrator foa- a rATINTID INNiASraiNC C0N4TIUCTI0N it a SMAinr OlilGNID, extra dureMs ceve^Tlir'( l^aced a shallow and ephemeral from grtmiff lomgorgtf tloml fof .g«fril« strMiinf mw col«ri. r ublic scrutiny, has co'ncluded that ' ture.<( than we've ever .seen! I>6ok what you get for materialism. In a society whose ye) Srm •vpeerl at eve,y Min) •> xt'rein. , srfCIAUV DISICNIO MATCHING 80X IMIING the objective of the indlvldiiiili-| HOW TO WIM-Here’s rwhy American The Amt name that pops into your *M1uianci M T ^ —Rosband and wife (if only $8.95! Rich ;ill vinyl pla.xtic, in textured finish motive force is the scquisiUon of for greater durability, smarter appearance. Accor­ a IXTtA lAYigS OT WHITI COTTON TUT low Ififtf $)f.95 . made from Ho# KMvNtl who initialed and caiiied out'this ' Motors offers wonderful prizes for-a sim­ mind—z simple name (one to four words) members of sarhe household at time of pur­ tif« t pfiFiforciFOf po4% givt pog<: "RMf om- jg u f tHol coiU . • . fKt weslth, the Incidence of violence, Christian Science dion fo^s have permanent PRIl-PLKAT PANELS chain of events was to influence ple flame in the easiest'contest ever! ' like VModernweld” or "Double Safe chase) each get insurance providing for pay­ John H. \ - ^ •if''* fggling. ” ' ‘‘■■J- | ■ f•un^6rtf•«l tK«f your mqtfrgsi imrt CAM* ..crime; drunkenness, and gambling for lifetime use, smoother- action. Folds away fay political contribution the vole Leading business magazines report big Single Unit" may-win you $25,000 cash! ment of $12,609 to beneOciary or estate of <• HANDSOMIlV TAIIOBID AND PINiSHlD f ■ la not S'mailer for surprise.'TJie '- Enlllled either,—thus proriding total of $25,000—if Inmrpnrrttm!, silently at a touch. Saves 8 .square feet floor space. __THROUGHOUT wdh • .gfiibwiljt bqrAtr MAHtiSS AM »OX SniNO tO of a member of the .United .Slates automobile companies will soon change either or both should be fatally injurerl while In handsome neutral grey that blends with most 'tKqt wiH>*9g Hi tNARo.. . . c«nnqf -i real and final'remedy is the,di^ FREE I “ FocH To Help You Win" " ■'V yt«pt dofotH, benate. The.. Sdlccl Conmiittee "Tho Availability of Divjno Power os Rovoolod to a new, advanced way to build cam— driving or riding (leparately or together) in color-s . y.or you can paint any color you wish. Two placement of Western maUriaUs- ^ INSURAHCM or more make w/mderful room dividersrUse them V d- .Cohdeuins such activity." by Christian Scicnco*' single unit, welded constructiod. See your Nash dealer or your Hudson their new private passenger American Motors A PRODUCT OF CRIMSON SHIflD, MAKER OE THE EAMOUS CRIMSON SHIEID DR. MATTISON Uc, social, 'and individual values -in living room, kitchen, closets, hurseryv bedroom, Tims reiuclnntly, and a'ftor Every Ranibler, Hudson. Nash, Met,- dealeefor FREE Entry Blank and folder, car anywhere in the world duriiig firat year of and the establiahment of genuine many-a re|;iet that the devil was Locturor: Jomos Horry McRoynolds. C.S.8. ownerahip, if fatality reauita wdtbia 100 d ty i _ utility room . . . for real space' saving luxury. MATTRESS, THE ONLY MATTRESS DESIGNED BY AN ORTHOPEDIC PHYSICIAN values founded on the Buddha of Dallas, Tetas ^ ropolitan has it now—yrprs ahead! "Facta'To Help You '^in”. Please read. lot more tjever,' the Select- Com­ after accident. Applies to privately-owned new MAI AND AHONE riilfO ---- Phanuua?' -h .Member of the Board of lyretureship of The Mother 4'hiiri'h, With compelitors racing to copy our rules carefully, especially Rule #4, whTch cart bought in U. S. and Alaaka, where state mittee comes out on the.aide of 164 East Center Streeti—Ml 9-5261 . 0 * SHOP IH HDSON HANDY ' TAXf MONf PACKAGE - ' - / o . ^ 'Such “genuine" Buddhist values The First Church of Christ, Seientisl, In Boston, Massachusetts. construction, we need a simple, descrip­ explains how contest will be judgetf. In insurance! laws permit. \ the angel... n rlir • lU l/'i'll'i ■u 'ir ti^e—4«Miaew«ei55e ■V ' / No Danger Eisenhower South Church Adds Minister^ Exists Now, Ike for Gains Considers Educational Wing To Wage Primary Highlighting th. .nnuaP mmt-wA^y ^ ship and Evangelism Oommlssion. Ing an(| Fourth Quarterly CJonfer- The church now has •2,082 mem* a u e g hla b«U«r that “It !• im- f mlt th« f o llo ^ c U our aUUment A ^ es Say On-Mideast ence at South Methodist Oiurch bars. Since last Kay, 122 new mem­ dtchless pring Vropor for a Ju«cJaJ oWlcaf to bo ^ V 4 u " S * p Jy th . loader- last night was announcement of bers have been received, and there aagacMl In a partisan political (Continued from Page One) (Coxtinned from Page One) the appointment jof a third minis-1 have been 107 ba.'tlamii, OTt9 "i” * ship to st^ulate active participa­ (CoxIlniieS tAm Paga One) contest," John D. liaEoUt. a lead- tion in M rty affairs for ALL ref- ..r „ ..J. U, : fire effective for the- Fedayoen other naljona will act * aimllarly «r. la tho lasurfont'faction snter- istered mmocrats. providing a syatem of atlrviver Oh, N o ! ! malnder of the yeaiT A date was those elected to serve as " ( 2 1 /Wo will provide and en­ (aulcide) bands even if he psr- bi the cauae of |>cace.” iny tho DamocraUc tca-n primary )>eneflta "that w-lll not only )>ear (CoxUtuMI from Pmio wTbelleve that Judicial of- a bill, but the senate has not ac.ted. undorstt^ -he O o^m or wouM must be separated from partl- porary WhIU House In Augusts 2. Assure medical care for- all Whesf it still remained, cil, "the body on which all the the staff. He will give special pratt, William Rood, John Mrosek aeocpt the resignation, tvlth re- politics and we will not per- said he had taiKCd i>y telephone dependents of military personnel, snow that had been white, members of the United Nations ehiphaais to student and youth and William Stroud, finance com------/ mit any person to he both Town with Dulles this morning. either at military hospitala or un­ showed up a light blotchy have conferred primary reapon- work. miaalon; Robert G. Lbomla, dele­ Judge XisSelle's rasignatim Committee Chairman .and Judge Dulles met for 90 minutes wl‘. der an Insuranca plan at civilian brown as gleanings from the ■IbiUty for the maintenance of in­ It was voted at the meeting to gate to the (3quncll of C2iurchea; ■■ I personnel of upper air came down. Dust A NEW jgMnrsd from the personnel of the of the Town Court. the Senste end House members hospitala. Wilson said about 40 per ternational peace and aecurity." call a special congregational meet­ J*rs. Marian Eddy, John L. Von town Court one of the two/ major "(5 ) We will select qualified he had asked to confer with him. cent of military dependents carinot whirled up from the Western Tha President and Dulles talked ing at the church May 7 to hear Deck and W. T. Moyer, paatoral figures engaged in the /present delegates to all conventions who Seriate Repubtlcsn leader Knowr now be given care through service Plains was scattered over over the Middle East situation reports from the Study Commit­ relations committee; Ralph contest for control c ' tbb Demo­ will be truly repreacntaU.ve of the land (Calif) raid when the session facilities. He called for Senate ap­ Connecticut. again today. The conference tee and to determlnfr whether or der, Wealey L. Miles and Mrs. s cratic Party in M an c^ ter. Democratic Party In Manchester. broke up that Dulles reviewed the proval of this House-passed bill. - The U.S. Weather Buieau was by telephone with Eisenhow­ not an educational building will be Mark Leadbetter. nomtnatlnff SUPER-AUTOMATIC Judge Wesley C. 0ryk. chief Station at Bradley Feld fore­ er at hit office above the pro shop addrid to the present church facili- committee. "16) We will establish a Demo­ Middle East situation but "no leg­ 3. Enact legislation which would casts temperatures through Judge of the court, ie'also Demo­ cratic party organisation which islative action was requested." place about 50 per cent of Army at the Augusta National Golf tjei. Tha addition ' is needed be­ Herbert J. McKiriney and John cratic town chairtnah, and leader will eliminate the reckless and Ir­ Saturday will be three to six Club and Dulles in Washington. cause of over-crowded conditions Godfrey Gourley w ei. re-elected Martin; asked by reporters wbo;it and air Force . total o f JI c e r degrees below normal lor of the sUte endors^ by thf Demo­ responsible seta and statements a possible request for- Congression­ strength In the regular officer The President's headquarters of the present church school. lay leaders, and M. Philip Susa|r cratic Town Comiplttte to compose April. Friday ii expected to be provided no retail, saying only . The conference paid tribute to was named delegate to the annual \ ■ s associated with cerUin members al approval of the use of American category. "Faced with uncertain Warmer, turning- cooler again of the new town coBimittee. of the present Town Committee. forces, replied: prospects." Wilson said, many re­ that the discussion was "piniarily the long and faithful service of conference. Leonard B. Burt was R Judge LaBellrs action today un- Saturday, then back to warm about the Middle East." William E. Keith, who has been a elected church treasurer with Mr. “(7) We will formulate a Demo­ "There was some talk of what serve officers now leave the ser­ Sunday. Bradley Field pre­ K* deriined a sUtemcnt of principles cratic Party Platform dedicated might come,” vice St the first opportunity," thus The impllct emphasis in the lay preacher for 63 years. It ivas and Mrs. Ralph Pierce as financial , adopted by his faction last night, dicts rain possibly mixed with statement, issued- as Arab-Iaraeli C. ii to the principles of good govern­ Martin added that "there ia no creating "marked Instability In the voted to request renewal of Keith's secretaries. FLORENCE Jr which a separation of Judicial snow In northern Connecticut border fighting and killing con­ It ivas voted that the biahop of ment In town affsirs. reason to expect the President to officer corps." He said the situa­ tomorrow night with pre­ license as a local preacher for the 'M akes “top of the range” ceoklag •fftce froqi partisan poliUcs was “ (8) We will stimulate In our tion in the Navy and Marine corps tinued, was on (1) fulfilling U.S. 64 th time. the Boston Area be asked to reap­ make a request for the use of cipitation expected to be one- obey even when you are away. CALORIC RANGE advocated- commitments under U.N. charter point both the Rev. Fred Edgar Party the pside and vigor that will troops at thta time.” Is satisfactory. quarter to three-quarters of Dr. Edgar’s Report / DecUnea Comment win elections. , . No Danger Exists Now 4. Provide career Incentives for terms with respect to quashing and Percy Smith to South CSiurch Thermoatatlrally controlled sur­ Aa Little Afi Eaalcr aad better rooking with a When asked today . If Judge an Inch. aggression, and (2) doing so The Rev. Fred R. Edgar, in hia As Little As "We urge all registered Demo­ If the danger developed to the medical and dental officers and report, paid tribute to all those for another year. This motion was face burner to provide you with Roto-Ra'y Barbecue aad extra Z-aBelle's action would prompt him cratic voters In Manchester to wlthjn coriititutlonal means." in keeping with the tradition of to resign his court poet. Judge Gryk point where It becariie necessary, nurses. The House' h-s pt-ssed a who have made this a good year perfeet resulta—everytlme-^wkeie broiler plua large oven. la-A-Llae Joih In this effort to make a bet­ Martin said that "of course there bill, Wilson said, which would help As for the latter point, Eisen­ assigning Methodist mlniatera to a 82.63 $3.05 said, “of 'course not." He declined hower told a news conference last at tho church and challenged the per week* you do M % ot your cooking. per week* timer and color atyling. ter Democratic Party' by electing would be a request" by the Presi­ attract doctors’ and dentists. He About Town church to do everything possible church on a year-to-year basis. to comment, further, but said he this slate for your Town Commit­ week he never would send Amer­ Superintendent Presidea would have a statement on the sub­ dent for congressional action "but added a separate mersure deatirig to keep abreast of the growth and tee at the primary on May 1, 19.56. with nurses will be sent to Con­ ican forces Into any action which Dr. (Tharles X. Hutchinson, tu- ject soon. no such danger exists now." Chairman Arthur Knofia of the could be Interpreted ai war with­ development of the town. He e.x- The text of LaBelle's letter, ot John D. LaBelle, Mary Aceto, Elsenhower late yesterday said gress soon. committee for the 32nd Klwanla pressed the feeling that the time perintendent of the Norwich Dis­ Irving L. Aronson, Rlleen A. Bar­ the United States "will observe Its Seek Better Housing out prior approval of Congress. trict,'presided at the meeting and yesignatlm, as given to tho Gov­ Anniversary affair to be held at Yesterday's statement clearly had come for the church to ex­ NO MiTOBBS NBBDBD! COMPLBTIIT iOTOXiTIO! . ernor today, was as follows: rett, Philip Bayer, N. Charles commitments within constitutional 5. Provide bstter housing. Msny the Country Club Thursday at 12 pand ita,facilities for educational heard reports of various groupa Boggini, Katherine D. Bourn. young officers cite poor quarters means that If the U.N. Security and commissions of the church. “D eir Governor, means to oppose sny aggression” noon sharp reports that the re­ Council labeled any nation an ag­ purposes. He urged a continued “As you know, the Democratic Steve Csvagnar'o, Norman ;C. In the Middle East. for their wives and children as sponse has been very gratifying. concern of the church, not only Preceding the meeting, the Wil­ Oomollo, Mary E. Conner, Msurice gressor In the Middle East and ling Wo rkers Group of the WSCS party In the town of Manchester Although Martin said there is their chief reason for leaving the Former Kiwanlans and members for the new people of the town, •, P. Correntl. Frederick G. NassUf, service, Wilson said. In some are aaked< to contact the chairman called for use of force to halt ag­ served a ham- suppei . John God­ / la haVihg a primary for the elec­ "no psrtlculBi’, pressing emergency gression. the President would feel but even for the unconcerned, tho.se tion of town committee members. Theodore R. Cummings, Thomas thst we know sbout." he sdded; areas, he added, personnel -is if they can possibly attend. Four frey Goiirle.v acted as master of obligated to put the matter before who have no regard for the; Church, ceremonies arid presented a cor­ 1 am a member of a slate of . can­ H. Elliott, Clarence E. Foley, Wil­ "When nations are shaking their forced to occupy sub-standard out-of-town club presidents and fpr God and the things of, the soul. liam F. Freeman, Harold W. Gar- three lieutenant governors have Congress for a final decialon on sage to Mrs. Hutchinson, didates that will be filed in op­ fists at each other you never can quarters and cometlmea forfeit committing U.S. troops. Ho urged an ever-increasing sup­ position to .the town committee rity, Maurice E. GaudoT., Francis tell when a pressing emergency living quarters kllowancca to boot. signified their Intention to be P. ’Handley, Phillip Harrison. port of the Missionary Program y1 endors^ candidates. I feet that it will ai'lse," \ Wilson urged enactment of legis­ present. A banner crowd la ex­ at home and abroad and that a ' la tmpnHwr for a Judicial officer Harry 8. HoWi-oyd, Chester E. House Speaker Rayburn (D-Tex) lation whiv^h would provide for oc- pected for the affair. ' Hogan, Jules A. Karp, Eugene T. greater effort mu.st be made to Land Taking Case to be engaged in a partisan po­ and Senste Democratic Leader cupancy oif suoli quarters at re­ educate the poeketbooks. as well litical contest white holding such Kelly, Charles Lathrop. George C. Johnson of Texas declined to say duced rental. Frank T. Cartwright of the Di­ Lesaner, Francis J. Mahoney, Jo ­ vision of Foreign Missions of the Obituary as the hearts and.minds, of the Settled for $11,150 a Judicial office. Accordingly, I much more than that they had 6. Approval of la.^lalation. al­ members of the chureh. hereby resign as deputy Judge, of seph J . Mackione, Roger J. Ma- been bflefed by Dulles on the Midv ready Introduced, 'which would au­ Methodist Board of Missions will clone, Pascal Msstrangelo, Roger be the guest speaker at the Nor­ The Rev. Percy F. Smith, asso­ The State of Clonnectlcut and the Town Court of Mancheateb.” die East. thorize continued retirement of ciate minister, reported that there An g-point statement of p^nci M Negro. Jean C. Pasqualini, commiasloned Army and Air Force wich District missions mass meet­ (TIarence J. Jeffers today reached MertdlUi L. Pinto, Pascal Po!e, Rayburn, the first man out of ing at the South Methodist Church were over 900 pupils enrolled In 1e was adopted last night by about the conference room, told report officers at currently held tempor­ Deaths the two sessions of the church an *11,150 settlement in a case In Mary D. Ross, Jay E. Rublnow, ary grades. Existing, legislation Sunday evening at 7 :30. A com­ 89 members of the Committee for ers; sbhool ;nd over 150 teachers and which the State condemned Je f­ a -Better Democratic Party, who Lee M. Sflveratein, Mary Sim­ "I have a one-sentence statement expires Dec. 31. bined choir of 100 Voices, under, mons. Edward J . Tomkiel, Frank the direction of District Superin­ Porter HUIa officers. Teacher training and fers' land for the reconstruction met at Oavey’s Reataun to make; The Secretary brought us "These measures,” Wilson training for church membership Obremsky Jr. wrote the President, "a re vitally tendent Dr. Charles X. -Hutchinson, Porter Hills of 36 Victoria Rd., of the exit from the Wilbiip Cross Besidsa adopting the statement, down here to brief us on the Mid for children and adults will con­ Highway at W. Middlb Tpke. the njembera decided in favor of die East situation." Important to the well-being of our will sing in the service, and Philip Hartford, father of Mrs. Myron A. BENGAL GLENWOOD N. Treggor, minister of music at tinue to be a wital part of the The settlement /'was reliched an all out door-Hnockinr campaign Not Heartening military and to the auatalned se­ Boglisch of 669 W. Middle Tpke., Cooks entire meala automsfioally. M” mage, De Laze broiler, roaitt- Coventry South Church, will be the organ­ died Sunday afternoon at Hartford church program., while the cose was In its third day An UHIe As As UHIe As to gain support among Democratic Johnson told newsmen "It was a curity of the nation. Philip N. Tre.Hgor, minister of of hearing before Referee Thomas saves money niv food bills too. Tai­ er with "Chsr^osl-Ater,” low tena- voters In their bid for . Control of thorough briefing, but not a very "As a group. I believe they will ist. ^ , Hospital. music, tolfl the group of the ac­ J. Molloy in Ha/tford. lored-Tempo top burner control, perature cooking. Large storage No Burning...No S co M g..,N o Boil-over... heartening conference." He added: enable us to achieve the much Bom Feb. H, 1880 in Hartford, the Town Oemocratte Committee, tivities of the (Cancel and Youth The State had offered *7,355 foP $2.13 *2.56 according to John LaBelle, leader Teachers Backed . “The Secretary gave ria a rather needed Improvement In military The Golden Rule Club of the Tal- he had been etnpibyed for 30 years per week* comfort-level barbecue broiler. per week^ capacity. lengthy briefing on the Near East life and bring about Increased cottvllle Congregational Church at the Aetna Life Insurance Co. Choirs of the church during the the two and a half acres It wants Of the iMurgent group. past year. Henry Hilliard made from Jeffery'on the south side of The statement commits the in- In Salary Issue and the Middle East and stated stability In, bur armed forces.” will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at He was a member of the Aetna that the President had asked him the home of Mrs. Marjorie Clinton, Men'a Club, the Aetna Life Club, the report for the Music Commit­ Center St. riear the turnpike. mirgsnts to thsr position that the tee. Jeffers was .represented by with new AUTOMATIC Top’Of'Stove Cooking! Coventry. April 10 (Special)— to explain our policy In that area. Campbell Ave., Vernon. the 161 Square c;3uh and Hospi­ same person should not be judge JoKn Pickens and Miss Gertrude Judge Wesley, C. Gryk. of the Town court and Town Teachers who fail to reach satis­ "He reviewed at some length all — - \ tality Lodge, No. 128, A.F. and JOICP BOOSTS AND PBIPBCT BAIINO IBSOLTS! the recent developriienta. He made Reach SeUlciiienl The Ladies of the Assumption I Denaocratia chairman. factory salary agreements with A.M., Wethecafteld. He was a Imaqiii*! You no lengor hovo to stand ovor your rongo wIm o you Moit bo* * That ia apparently an answer no requests of us." CTmrch have set the date of Mon­ communicant of Christ Oiurch to the charge by Judge WCsley C. the Board of Education were urged In Damage Suit day. April 23, for a Military Whist Cathedral. eon or othor foods Hiot ordinarily nood eonstont wotching. Just soloet tbo Gryk that the Insurgents want to today to withhold. signatures on to be held in the chureh hall, tin­ Besides hla daughter, he leaves n i n control of the Town Court. 1956-57 contracts. A. Mancheater family has set-, der the ro-c'hairmanship of Mrs. a son, David HUls of Brewster, i t B i Driver Arrested Thomas Riddell and Mrs. Elmer . . , hoot you wont. . . and go obout your worry way, hnowbig thof uvurythl f Gryk, judge in town court, is also The stand was urged by Robbins tied out-of-court a personal In­ Mass.; a brother, Edgar Hills of Chick McClure, /. Demoeretio Town Cpairmen. Barstow of the Connecticut Edu­ Following Crash jury suit which they had brought Graham. MassachuscUi; a siatci, Mrs. Jes­ You Con Got Your Meet Again Monday cation Assn., who presented a legal 'against a local policeman after a sie Savjteer of Bloomfield; three is under control . . . AUTOM ATICALLYI Sot Hit oxoet tomporotuw for Tlie Committee for- a Better opinion to back the position. car-cruiser collision two years ago. Alan R. Lyon.s, elder .son of Mr. grandchildren and one great gr4nd Now *56 PONTIAC Police said a West Hartford man boiling, simmering, o r -^ e in«botwoon boots you nood,for cooUnf Aio m n f DamocraUc Party will hold a Barstow met with the Jeachers Mr. and Mrs. John LInnell Jr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lyons. 88 Good child. ' ond tho SERVICE that meeting at 8:80 p.m. Monday to this afternoon at the Robertson was arrested yesterday following and their 16-ycar-old daughter, win St., whose 16th birthday fell on Fun'bral services were held to­ x J which all registered Denmerats School.' He said, “I au;|TeS( you an accident at E. Center and Ham-- Beverly, all of 6.5 Bunre Dr., re­ April 7, was honored with a sur­ day in Hartford. Burial waa in gooi with it ot foods. Thort'i nothing to eOmporo with this now top»df*rongn cg$Mnf frao* who are interested in being asso- follow the advice of our Rtldfney lin Sts. and charged with reckless ceived *3.847 on withdrawal of prise party at his home Saturday Cedar Hill Cemetery. eUted with the CBDP are invited, and seek further negotiations with driving and passing a atop aign. their Superior Court suit against evening by a group ot boys from dom . . . and only GAS givos you tho wido vorfoty of Hmptf iotum w ine X-aBelle ai^id today. the Board of Education In order io Investigating Patrolman Allan Alfred M. Ritter Jr. - the Salvation. Army, several of Mrs. Hilda UeNIra MeCLURE PONTIAC I t baa not bean decided where arrive at a . mutually satisfacto^ Smith said a car driven by John Mrs. LInnell and her daughter whom play with him In the band. Relatives in Manchester of Mrs 378 MAIN BT. MANCHESTER tion. Only GAS is so tpoody . . . w offlclont. . . so th ri^ the meeting will be held. salary agreement for 1956-57.’’ J. O'Brien, 20. headed north on claimed they were Injured wlicn -They presented him with personal Hilda DeNiea, widow of Josqph De- Ml 9-4545 The, insurgent leader said If his The CEA representative dis­ Hamlin St., skidded past a atop the c4r in which they were riding gifts. Games, music and refresh­ Nles, received news of her death group wins it intends to enlarge tributed copies of a legal opinion sign snd collided with an east- collided with a cruiser opciatcd by ments loiindcd out a pleasant eve Sunday, which occurred' at the TA99AN the Democratic Town Committee prepared by J. Reed Mutyhy. le- Dpurid atito operated by Mrs. Wtl- Ritter. The apcldenl occurred Janf ning. home of her daughter, Mrs. Helen to meet the demand for positions rai counsel for CEA. ■{ lll^ atuek, 40. of 43 Stephen St. 28, 1954, at the intersection of Foraell of Hanover, Pa. Mrs, De- HARDWICK “Oreenbrisr” completely sutomst- on it.. The present limit is 40. 'Damage was minor to both Atty, Murphy rendered his opin­ Hartford Rd. and Main St. Members of Anderson-Sbe. Aux' Nics, who was 63, formerly lived SO" range with big' stove features Ic! Four la line burners, vlsiialite Nothing Cooks As Fa^ As Flam e! The signatures of 500 Demo­ ion on questions posed by the Cov­ vehicles, Smith reported. No one Mrs. LInnell said she suffered iliary. No. 20(8, VFW, are rc was tpjured. at 294 Tolland St., East Hartford. oven, chrome interior, Adjust-te- crats have been obtained on petl entry Teachers Assn, and the CEA multiple- Injuries to her chest, neck quested to meet at the Holhiea She leaves a brother, Louis Krauae, Aa UHIe As deaigned eapeclally for atieam As UHIe As tiona the CBDP Is prepared t o ! involving legality of two contract Pstrplmsn John Turner investi­ and back, Her daughter said she Funeral Homo At 7 o-’clock tonight lined kitchens, Econotrol center height brMler. Every .de luxe fea­ gated a\mlnor collision this morn­ several grandchildren and two ■•<4 submit to the tow^n clerk for the 1 proviaions.. had'been severel.v shaken up. LIn­ to pay respects to'Wllllam Lappen, ^reat grandchildren. simmer burners. I.Jirge oven and l3.i ture In .this ultra-modern., gas Democratic primary election May The counsel ruled that a writ- ing which occurred on W. Middle husband of Mrs. Jennie I>appen, a *1.56 .63 Tpke. Just east of Hilliard St. nell sought recovery of property Funeral services will be held per week* broiler. • Iier week*.. range. M- ten appendix to the new contract damage only., member o f the auxiliary. Thursday from the Robert Funeral ^ J ’oUosvlng la the atatement of Is legal, w’hile an oral understand­ He said a car-driven by Harriet Gambardella; 57, New Haven, The town was not involved as a Home, 701 Ritner St.. Philadelphia. Liberal Trade-Ins g ^ ^ l a iasued by LaBelle fbr th'e' ing between the superintendent of defendant In the suit. However, The next paper collection spon Pa., with inteimcnl In Mt. Marla schools and the teachers Is not brushed against a aervice truck soi-cd by the Methodist Youth Fel­ operated by Lawrence R. Meach- Manchester carries insurance that Cemeterj', Philadelphia. ^tem eat of Priariple legal. covers employes who become In­ lowship and the Methodist Men of PLAHE-KISSBD PLATOI-SMOKELBSS BBOIUNII ,'Tha ttuiobratjc Party, lei^er- .The appendix provides that a am, 29, of 246 W, Center St., the. North Methodist Oiurch will be when the woman pulled alongside volved In accidents while on the conducted Saturday, April 21. Any­ •hip In ICkncheater for many contract , must Be. re,turned w’ithin job. / Got up to $50 os o trado>fn oHowoneo for your oM stovo yihon you years has hc«a. poIiUcslIv irre- OT days from date Issued or be the truck to ask directions. one having old newspapers and Turner said the accident oc­ The Hartford law firm of Levine magazines whl^i they wish to have ^ n s ib la and fh^icicriV. This is deemed rejected. •and Katz represented the Linnells. buy ono of thow modorn, suftoTHMilfdii^^ G A$ rungw fiO W l demonstrated by Om fact that the The, oral understanding between curred about 10:4.5 and there were picked up should call the church Party has never wo#^/local elec­ no injurlea. . Police brought no Ritter was represented by Atty. office, or Joseph Tripp or Quentin ^superintendent and teachers, ac- Leo V. Gaffney of New Britain.' tion. The Party r c c ^ reached cordiri^ to Barstow', was to the charges. ' \ Mangun, not later than April IS. Mrs. John SIrnda LOWEST PRICE! ^ Its l^ e s t ebb in 1954 W^sn it effect that if the contract was Funeral scrvice.s for Mrs. John Members of Memorial Lodge,, Sienda, 419 N. Main St., were held We're ,the biggeet • prpducer of falle<| to carry Manchester for not returned, w'lthln 30 days It not pre-engineered garages. Our Governor Ribicoff. Democratic only w’ould be considered, rejected, No. 38, Knights of HythiaS.'will at 8:30 this nsorning from, the voters have becomt apathetic ^ but 'the teacher's position would Capture State Prison Parolees meet at Liberty Hall, Golway 81.. Holmes Funeral l^ome, 28 Wood volunie purchases give the to this sorry performance, which tjhen be considered, vacant. at 7:15 p.m tomorrow to go to bridge St., nnd at 9 o'clock in St loweat price. COAST'S Gustoin- Low, Low Prices Is diractly chargeable to the pres ' ----- Murphy said. "The provl-, Rockville on a visitation to John's Polish. National Catholic Quolity Garages start os low- 7 ^ ant Town Committee. siditan the contracts la proper and Damon Lodge. No. 17, where Church. The Rev. Stephen Stry After Chasing Stolen Velude the second rank will be ox- jcwskl officiated and W/ilter Grzyb os $4^ 1 complete, f9. He notified the crul.sei-s and ish -their sentences at Wethers- e Top quality lumber • Alumi­ aalsbbori and relallTri for a)l Dioir The attorney conclmted, "Teai-h'- of the Sunday School staff at num-asphalt insulation • As­ kma' ezprruinn* of ayihpailiy durint ers who have not reached a .satls- Gutzinei- .-potted the car near .Hjl-'' field, police said, but this could legally recognized machinery eur recent loie. , phalt shingle roofing e Woter MATSBIESS OrERAnON-PEBrBBMANEE-ECONOHT! factorj'" agreement with the Board liard's pond on W. Middle Tpke. . not definitely be learned at press Miss Barbara J. Hills. 29 Phelps whereby such individuals can be Mri. 'Paul K. Robidnux and as lo_ salary should' withhold Giit'zmer was going east. While tinie. Rd.; and Misn,*1zanne Dobkln. 151 isolated from society to receive and rat proofed eiUs e Over- daugfiter Beverly. signature on the-contracts and he turned around, the stolen car East Hartford interrogafed the Hartfbi'd Rd.. have returned aft^r a preventive treatment heod doors — rubber weather- atand upon the existing contracts turned south on Adams St.,, ran pair and C?lccalone quoted both Caribbean cruiSe on the Ocean . "If the case Is sufficiently acute, proofed bottoms • 10 yeor Only (las appliances a i-e.d-light at Adams and Center saying they were on parole from then there should be a means, with , . , I cannot see how failure to Liner Mauretania. They are most written guarantee- give yoti .such trouble- sign can be considei-ed insiibordi- St.s., turned right on Olcott and Wethersfield. '» enthusiastic,over their experiences all. the nropei safeguards, for con­ free; coat-free service ; natiori. A contract proffered upder right on Spencer St. Chapman said he was put on and places visited, and the beauti­ stitutional Tights, whereby treat­ j such, conditions is' not a contract, Tlie patrolnjaq said the stolen, parole yesterday, according to Clc- ful photographs they were able to ment could be enforced, even be- NO MONEY DOWN over the yehrs . . . and /it l8_ .an ultimatum and has no .t ar, nearly overturned at Bunce calone,*‘ and has been' In prison bring back with Ih’em. Miss-Hills' yl)nd the period of actual sentence, 1 • dependable Gas Com­ r aspect of volition on the part ,of t/orner, where Olcott and Spencer ■slfice April 6, .1954, on a car theft hirthdrfy occurred on Friday. April if necessary.” 5 YEARS TO PAY 'OOP » • • • _ pany Hcrvice ii;) avail­ I the teacher." Sts. Join. He said he hit 70 m.p.h. charge. 6. The news was circulated Federal prison Director James 1st PAYMENT NOV. able on all (.as apr at times and still couldn't seem to Barrett told Blast Iiartford po­ .throughout the steamer, and she V', Bennett told the session: gain on the. car. . lice l>e began sen-ing time at was'showered with birthday gifts. ' Sees System In Bad Shape — ^ ' plianc^ regardles-s of The cha'se continued - west on Wetherafleld in 1954 on a charge She is a clerk at Pratt and Whit­ "I hope I may be fyrgiven Jor j where you buy fhem. Silver Lane into Ea.sl Hartford of robbery with violence and has not reciting figures in thisJ Dm asrttwt. ' - f ANT SIZE ney Aircraft, and Miss Dobkln is where the eSr - ran anothei* red been on parole attice September employed at the E; Center St., presence to show how far short of light at Forbes St. Kinslly, the 195,5. branch of the Bavings Bank of transforming prisoners into citL, ILLUSTRATED FOLDEA Look'for this Seal ca r. swerved into Gold Sl.i near Gutzmer said Ross was startled zens we have so far fallen. Ours FREE ; ■ 4, Picture Tube Manchester. that pictures difierent stages oi goroge constriidion anil t ' 'i- - William J. Shorlel, 21, of Elling- Pratt and Whitney, and stalled. - when av’Skened at such an early Is a tryipg eriough job as it'. Is shows you how Jo plan- your garage. ! ton- was arrested yesterday and Chapman and Barrett Jumped hbur. ^e stood'fuard by the inside The son born Saturday, April 7. v-llhoift focusing continuously on i ebSTgad with operating a. motor out of the car and Gutzmer pur­ door to the cellar stairs With a in St. Francis Hospital to Mr. and ;the daek statistical picture' Uidi-, ChOow from 11 Famous Mokos I vehicle* while his license was under sued them on foot behind jahoiu six large butcher knife'; whil. the po­ Mrs. Edward D. Gado, 128 Bum- eating how many men 'return to WRITE TODAY TOR TOUR COPT .NO 0ILI6ATI0N * 2 a « : auspension. Police said he<»vaa be- houses. Jie said the pair dove into licemen-went down-cellar through' side Avte.. East Hartford, has been prison foY h post-graduate course Orntirtnrn: Armbid Hardwick , injf held lit lieu of "a *7.5 bond. , the cellar of the home of Edmond. an qi'iteide bulkhead. named Edward Donienlc Jr. They . . . let us'take credit fdr the num­ RCA-ESTAJE, V ROPER ' Otheri arrested yesterday were •Ro-ss at 31 Gold St. Schendel said, he wished to com­ ber of men who leave our adult IMcasc sj-nd nm .vour FREE illustriiti-d .folder on Coast.(iaragea Grills,'bakes, barbecues. . .eeekt Here's completely automatic have a small daughter, Alloe; and '.! . with no obligation whatsoever to me. . ■ As UHIe As Aa U ttle As Fred Shea. Qakland St., charged GUtznier, 'awakened Ross ' arid mend' Cx.utzmer'i'/vork iri" appre­ a son. Janies. Gado^ji employed at correctional .InstlUitiona never ■ to aiitomatlrqlly tqp! ‘ Timed appli­ kitchen heating plua (modern bek- l aclaUsn iBsUliattoa. plus taxt with Intoxication; knd Herbert F, told him to lock the door leading hending'‘the pair ai)d the coopera- "Miller'a Restaurant.' return." ' Name:. , ance outicia; oven light and win­ lttg( broiling and.top-of-ovea cook­ L'Hcureux, 17, of 13 Rearl St., to the cellsir and calLEast Hart­ t'on''givent‘on''gi by the Bast' Hartford ' Bennett- said in his prepared re­ ...... / f *2,63 R * ™ « . GoaraataaS far-1 yaar. $2.77 • per week* - ing . . . all at the aeW tow rale.. charged with operating .a. motor ford ]>o|ice. police. T h e Msmeheater Fire Depart­ marks that better built and bet­ Addresa peF week* dow-’ "V-; - GlonWood RCA-Estoto GALL “FETE” WILSON vehicle with defective equipment Aided by East Hartford Patrol­ Three cruisers Wfere pressed into ment waa,called qut at 12:24 this ter run prisons, vjlth adequate and making unnecessary ' noise men Otto Miller and Herbert the pursuit -y the Blast Hartford afternoon - to extinguish a fraas work and rehabilitation programs,' City; .. State: Toppon -. M t-MM ' With a motor vehicle. Frazer, tpe Manchester'policeman department.'In addition to'Miller fire at the Darria farm off New ara.e8sentlal to a auceessful pi|role Bond of *25 .was required in each flushed the pair from the cellar, and Frazer, Sgt. Flank Novello S t^ e Rd. near W. Xliddle Tpke. ayafiem. He said a parole sypteni 1 Dmsell Avp . H.imden. Conn of the latter cates. 8het..ia bein]f. where they hed hidden beneath a and Patrolman Cheater Terry aid­ Firemen fought the. blaze for ha^ “cannot rise abpve the level of the EBB TBBM &T, ALL UBBINI PBilBIS NOV! held, while L'Haureux was re- table. The COAST LUMBER Corp UNivtr.dy b lIBI $2.95 Itaaod. - . ■ ed In bringing Chapman and Bar­ an hour before succeeding; in put­ institutions from which parolees East H a^ord police' took eua- rett to ba^ ting 4t out ar0| TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1956 PAGE TEN treasurer;- Mrs. Andrew BUckley AntWor trf’ Pravloua Puiils ElUngton Coventry tha counter, ahoppinf fo f liver Second Shark — Dunno, but I’ll Bolton Jr., recording secretary: and Mra, P&W Tool Branch WroH«ht Iron RoNhigt BUGS BUNNY tnat E- Frallx, St Geor^ 8. C. bite. Donald Peterson, corresponding ScrMii Star Booklet on Towns tecretary, Buys New Plant Porch Cehimm Soloist Resigns \ Ponce Arrest FIrat Shark—What’a that funny A fellow never realisea how Students to Canvass Sunday Sense and Nonsense DOWN ' Mailed to Homes ■ VItete a t Police ‘ arrested John E. West -Hartford. April 10 -ian td aaaiat are W il­ The Ladies Assn, wm have a mer-whctl to Take time to read: it la the founda­ .(prefix) 10 P S2 Italian city The Town Planning Com- was married Saturday In the Con­ Ford Morgan, Stephen Loyaim and Last December It bought the between people, aa the greatneaa of 21 ^ ru ie ■ 32 Presently liam Wilkie, Edward Paggloll, C. gregational Church to Fred Ford. doughnut and country aH(re tale ftoat-wheel tion of knowledge. It Eat away sS Platform misston’a adviaory committee on John Hillman. Sterling Die Co. of (Cleveland. - Abraham tlacoln and the*, unim­ Take time for frlena.reclated if they. will be in the Towif Hall to collect Memorial Library, Albert A. Rossi, of Mrs. Hans Hansen; St, M a r ^ wIvM who take It easy while do­ soul to the stars. 24 Falsehood ./ 24 Ireland 4S Join cent date o f the cominlttec’a laat n’t mean lack of,ability; moatly It Take time for God: It la life’s only are ready for pickup on Sunday. taxes Saturday from 2 to 5 p.m. present chairman, will be in <5Y0, 7:30 p.m., church hall; Boy ing their - spring housecleaning so Bird's hon The parenta grb'-ip report ‘ hey are teaaion. . and from 7 to 9 p.m. Ena. Mary Ann Klee charge of the meeting. Scout Troop 67, 7:30 p.m., Amer­ iren't being lasy. Just smart The WaWrwHd Over TelUl CisamA. meana a man doean’t uae more lasting investment. OOP to Elect Heads Fits over average toilet than half the toola In hla cheat. • 34 River aura that with a little help from Nnw Arrival PTA t* Elect Officers ican Legion Home; 4-H Wood­ Health Depar|.meqt aaid so 15 Indonesii townapeople, the auction can put The Republican Town Commit­ Mr. and Mrs; Leonard Luginbuhl, Ensign Mary/Vnn Rice, Nurse The Robertson School PTA will working. Cniib, 7:30 p.m.. South bowL Sturdily con- What Is now proved W’aa once tee will meet tonight to elect of- ly- itrurtnl. Esiily cUsnetl. of Mind th . claaa trip fund over iU goal. RFD 8, are the parenta of a daugh­ Corps, U, 8. Niival Reserve, who la elect officers for the coming year Street Sl^hdol; Lions Club. 6:30 I t s is the department’s advice The Bchool auperinlendent waa imagined. St Masculine Several hundred dollara are al­ flcera for the ensuing two year ter bom recently at the Johnson spending' th)l( week with her at its meeting tomorrow evening p.m.. First Congregational Church to liiqusacleaners: vlalting the achoola to aee how the term. No petition having been vestry; Nathan Hale Square (?lub, $51.00 Gene Autry; "How could any­ ’ appellj ready on deposit in the fund. The Memorial HoapUat, Stafford parents, Mr/ and Mrs, John D. In the Robertson School. The ses­ m the work in advance, and atudehta were doing. In one claaf- 37 Uppey limb r’aas will present a program of filed for a primary on election' of Springs. Rice, 103 pretton Rd„ will leave sion will start at S o’clock. 7:30 p.m., Masonic HaU, Merrow. allow fftcient time for resting. room he poaed thla'queatlon: one be ao stupid. Where were the Town Committee members, you when they wei;* handing out 34 Scat/er, as one-act plays at the Oommunity Friday for' the Naval Hospital at The elate proposed includes Mr. Take ir time and live to enjoy Superintendent—If the earth la those who were nominated by the MnneheaUir Bvenlng Herald WELDON DRUG 00. brains?"' hay/ Hall on the next two Saturday eve­ Manchester Evening Hem(d El­ Camp Pendleton, Calif. and Mra. Dexter . Wheelock, co- anoUu day. Fatigue — mental 26,000 mllea In circumference and party caucus on March 16 are lington correspondent, Mrs. O. F. presldenta; Mrs. Hasmtg Sillano, Ceveatry oorreependeat, Mre. C. Authoriied Dealer Niagara Falla are 126 feet high, Pat; "I don’t know. Mr. Autry. St N nings for the benefit of the fund. Formerly on the staff of Man­ and m :w*r\— often leads to ac­ 40 Vi^getable St. Maurice Anctloa deemed legally elected according Berr, telephone, TRemont 4-93l2(. vice president; Mrs. Joseph Eaton, U U ttle, telepheae. Pilgrim 2-8231 cidents.” SOI MAIN ST.—M l S-6S21 , how old am I ? I gueaa 1 was at the other end of to state etatutc. chester Memorial Hospital, Mink 42 Before Families with ties to the Grade Jlice completed- her Indoctrina- 43 Cotton fabric 1^ a class and the Ladlea of St. New Library Books fton -course a t St. Albans, N. Y. 44 Pronoun Maurice are going to be tom be­ Recent additions at the Bolton Group to Hold with \ MAJOR HOOPLE Public Library Include action OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. m L L IA M 3 OUR BOARDING HOUSE 44 Narrow inlet tween two loyalties on donating to auctions this month. Mrs. Al­ titlea: Buck, Imperial Women; an evOnlng o f entertainment with 44 Embellish Dance Saturday the help qf his committee: Madge SI Requires fred Lewis yesterday reminded Dern, County Nurse; (Sodden, An HE'i HA'giSd'MbRE FUMTHAM A members of the women’s group of Episode of Sparrows; Goodchild, Coleman, Kitty Yungk, Lorraine •SS Pikellke 6sh Elliott, Loretta Randaxzb, Vivian AlOMkeV 114 A 6WlTiH TOvJER/ - its auction to be held In May. The Jury Disagrees; Slaughter, The annual spring dance of the E6AO,TW l»0*/ 1 AtOST flALLOP S6 Small island Hilliard Aasn. will be held Satur­ Bayer and DoroUiy Beckwith. Everybo^ likes the ■*-*SLrr DON'T REAR UP AND 60 Perched Either Mrs. Lewis or Mrs. William The Scarlet Cord. IHTO ACTIOM.' PATHER PuT- THROW A 6HOE,MAJOR.' Non-fiction titlea added Include: day night at the American Legion .Interesting'games have been ar­ 61 Native metal McDonald, both of French Rd., will CMA4BD A FULL DRBS6 <01T HANNIBAL'S BEEN AROUND Horchow, How to Get Along in the Home, with dancing from 9 p.m. to ranged to make the evening more 62 Pester arrange to pick-up items for this AUD AT «TR0TTlHS UP A FEW PLACES S in ce h e T.M. tac V «.>«!. ON Armed Forces; Keith, Bare Feet 1 p.m., music to be provided by enjoyable. tSCrayat affair. Donors are asked to con­ TMB AI4LE WITH A BRIDE TOOK Th e goy Scout oath— • NC« tvmM. I in the Palace; Moody, Arctic Doc­ the Mitch Lucss orchestra. Those wishing to obtain tickets way we db shirts. tact them for arrangements. WAt<-. Anything. Call MI 9-5333, PUMOL MOTHPROPHNC and translation of the scrolla from MI 3-7684 for pickup. the beginning and has written a at HO M ira eliotM book on them which, in the opinion FAIRWAY Maaohester E v e ■ I a g Herald of scholars, critics and reviewers, Bolton cerreapoadeat, Mra. Joaeph is unquestionably the best in the D’ltella, telephone Mitchell y >o held. 3-6646. Interested persons who would like to attend the assembly are cor­ dially invited to contact the Rev. Mr. CThandler. TIRED and RUN DOWN NEW MODEL S jN ^ R you Choir Rehearsals kge.TWkSSS* a-io.—H— Walter Gryrb, organist and Folks who always feel Bred LAUNDRV t DRY CLEANINO V 4 -< e choir director at tho Congrega­ sad run down are eftea lacking tional Church, has annouced that Iron and Vitamin B12. Nine ITOTH p r o o f s t o r a g e BROS OUR DEUVERY AREA INCLUDES Cripples BY V. T. HAMLIN BY RAY GOTTO choir rehearsal will be held to­ BOLTON • COLUMBIA ALLEY OOP COTTON WOODS times out of tea, "Forty Plus” night at 7 p.m. Instead of the usual ANDOVER • COVENTRY Wednesday date. Is just what they need. This Now is when you need to buy SHEAlPAL-LOOK AT FIrn Officials Number Potent product contains vital GREEN STAMPS THI9 NOT(^ OAO LEFT . Residents who do not have, or blood building factors, among protection for ail fall and winter POROURMANABER/. who have lost. Instructions for other Important vltomlns and cldthinffi Place to remember ' calling the Fire Department in an 2FOR emergency were requested today minerals. Try "Forty Pins’* every item on the outside of to,, contact Fire Chief Peter Mas- soon—aee If It doean’t give these large jumbo bags. At this solinl, (?apt. Ellsworth E. Perkins YOU new vigor. 1.89 per bot­ price buy several. or any fireman immediately. Chief tle at WELDQN’B. i^ORMAN^ Massoliol can reached at MItr


Translation *BY MERRILL BLOSSER WAFFLE SET BY LESLIE TURNER FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS CAPTAIN EASY Thriller? WMkT I SAID WAS — * 1 WANT ALL OF TOO FeUDW students f RKTA ^ TO VDTlf FOK U R P SMITH ROR Coinplete Rntanaa and Accessory-Seliietion SONC IHATTeEASr UWPWlM OF TOO ANSRRM PITR PEFL|)tll?^TK,y’- ^ CCKLEFRAt, OENSIPREY/ AhriONE VHF ANTENNAS aUNF ANTENNAS • STAND OFFS PtSTHIS If you could Handle, taste, try-on for size, VNFWIRE ^ euNF WIRE . - e ANTENNA MASTS. road test or judge it like yJu do most of the» things you buy every day, finding the. insur* BROUND WIRE • UcMain AmRon eollYWIRE ance best suited to your needs would be' much eaiier. Since it isn’t that easy you prob­ 8R0UND GUMPS e fiROUND RODS *CNiMNEV MOUNTS-;^ ably want some help in buying insurance. THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE About Clyde BY WILSON SCRUGGS That's why we are here— to help you buy the MOirrY BIEEKLE How Not To Get Ahead BY DICK CAVALLI LIMIT ONE JUSTTHNkSWK VOUMOW.FEAH i(n’ vowMOT)«e?DU?Me < 'Insurance that will do for*yOu what'you want, -i;' WhATlS7>C ANP NOW -IMAT KE6I6NWMR. ) ALL AT NORMAN’S LOW, LOW PRICES WrHJaCBAIYS ijuarM«f«cr TTUT CWW,7>« CIBTOOIAK GOMMNKnON BOfitBy^feSORETHINfi — O ' uaCTTEANDEVRV- ONTJUiMBEnN- tOULOTMfg pO ff AB fOONi it to do. Asking our help implies no oblige^ " IHAVETOTEaTOU... TwrAfiseT. ABfHTMASmMe. MOAUOft!, MINT ro e MOM. , . J . - , .1- MtprrNOTK lAo/FCEf nVi; imUTWANDA', vwB pi^CE OF MIND IS OL'R^BUStS'ESS” EOT-OFF.' LEONARD 0. RIVARD ADENCY, Irc. 975 MAIN ST.-^ANCHESTER 8O0 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER ACROSS FROM POPULAR MARKET - m . Ml f-0271 , {Manphostar's Mott CenvaRianHy OPEN 7 to 9 P.M. THURSDAYS Locatad Stera'~ ^ 445 HARTFORD. RD. li cSSii \ ■ V * ‘ i*- - . / ■ t j


THE Giant Lilieup Herald Angle Powerful Attack^ De^p Pitching Staff (Jives Dodgers Edge

Pin Malclips Tonight EARL W. YOST Milwaukee Given Best Chance of National League Rivals in Race Ticket Move Roberts Goes, Distance Sports Editor im L m ...I In Tonn Tfsiirnararnl young msn to take tha places of Barring crippling injuriea to be led by, Stan Mualal and Rad know yet who la |going toI open th* SACKED QUARTERS Alao. the ayatem for ahowt By JOE. REICHLER tionable pitching •taff to boot, At Slow Pace Igure higniler than third. the hurt and ailing. That's bsen auch key . men as Rqy Camptmella. Schoendtenst. who appears on the season at second, third uid left Nine matchr* are scheduled Umpires' dressing room qtiar-; ipgt if a better stayed with tbs New York, April 10 (fP)— don't fig tonight In the Town Men'* In eating Red Sox The Rsdlegs, With power ^ the tha secret of the Dodger aucjtesA Duke Snider. Peewee Reea*,- GI1 way to a. rauslhg comeback. A field. tsrs in Nstional League parks , P hiladelphia Phils Islii year for 77 The unbeRtable combination plate exceeded only by the Dodg. in the lest decade—bunding an­ Hodges or CJarl FurlUo th* team year's experience should help If the Phils are to prosper. Gran ManUwr* of the RIke Teetir/ton- Bowling Tournartirnt nt the V. HANT'N' LKAUrK 4tl Oomnittee met lu t Bight and Ki.KH alleys. Opening matches n t. 7 ■.....I I . V I this baseball season will be *>srd-^ , of the most powerful batting •rSv could force their way Into the cient genta with just enough flam­ may duplicate its 18*4-gam* vic­ sophomore* Bill Virdon and Ken Hamner, Jim Greengrasa and Deri's D»lve-I» l»> J, rh.-nirrl IM tory romp of last year. Boyer. southpaw Curt Simmons must were aomewhat diaav'painted >ver Pllrn^r ...»...... I♦'•2 ^ Sk 2% p.m’. offer following pairings: V. rhrni.rka 111 til New York, April 10

—Poor Herb Score. He won private" lmte.***Ac?ori“ng! »2.200.-The minimum profit fdr the order in the poat-war era and first division only If their pitching ing yoPth to keep a winning dy­ tha Mle of tickeu for iha banquet \VofxlP' .., s'...... #1 Adolph games. ball, the punchless Phillies don't M «»i 545 U22 n. 107 M.4 "coiuilna" are the New York oH n t«» ‘ pires' — ’ - dressing------—rooms. The term tween them and straighten out an as Sandy Koufax, Dryadals, Leh­ Ted Kluasewskl. Wally Post. the bat. So far, only the complete taama srall l.e honored at a ten- T'U»is y . til inskl. Boh Molumphy-C'y tllor- Kv iflt Hr...... H* SHOTS HERE .AND THEBE other National League pen­ figure to finish In the ftiaf Brainanl. Matches at H:l.1 In- leARofhf'Ile escape the bullpen, aUowed only i ,„ d television i epreaentatlvea night on C b a n n a 1 SO will sixth. The Chicago Cuba and front an operation) should help. ins w 1% in 1956 with just about as nom named Charley Nsal at acc- 403 run* last year. The team was be answered. It looks like Roberts Oamato, A1 Merrer end Tommy , 104 J(l2 % 2t»2 rlilde Ralph Folhergill vs. .Mo- rhApnmn ... 12.7 ina m uijlnnlngs against a club figured to' e hit and faced the 18-man mini-1 photographers., friends and. rela- be entitled "S e lu te to Baae- Pittsburgh Pirates are obviously The Bravs*' problem* aeem to 1I.5‘^!S8 U4 liimphy-tiiorgetll. Mike Bro- . finish anywhere from third to sixth much^ease as last year. * Improved but appear doomed to ond, a strong pitching proapect ovsrOiadow their blesainga. Catch­ second in run* scored. It appears will win 20 again, the other pitch­ Oonran, reported that few parents j^hsinr. ToU«l« 4W — for hta six Inninge ea De- i uvei. No one save the umpires, ball." Host will be Art Mnk- hava purchased tickets and that Wo 205 snw'ski ys. tfiiey tamoiireaiix 479 S22 1490 (he National I^eague i-ace. the After first place- well, anything battle it out for seventh piece. named Ken Drysdale and a atylish er Del Crandall, Shortstop Johnny to have solved its third b*M and ers will battle to stay above .500 valloped New Orleans of the j league officera and the clubbouae letter. Special guests willln- left field problems with a re­ and the Phil* will struggle to to data only » ducata have been ...... sV»l .S.S« 4W 1.V52 and Gene Yost \s. McCtirry 22-year-old flre-hallln’ lefthander o,^ can happen. Any one o f five The writer picka the teama to lefthander named Ken Lehman to Logan, tMrd baseman Ed Ma­ 9« --- 209 baa permitted only three runs, 12 - 'rn Assn. 10-0. Reno Brrtoia, Attendant assigned to the \im- elude Commissioner Ford Frick, -replace th* sore-armed Loea, juvenated Ray Jablonaki at the s t ^ out of the second division. sold. Deadline for tect ring tickets Taggart, ttiiarter-nnnl match­ Mfignn ..... headed for the r.’ *-.ora until De- pirea' room shall be permitted in Roy Rogers, Gertrude. Berg and teams can take over the runner-up finish In the follo«'ing order: thews, ri|4*t fielder Henry Aaron i m\ es are scheilide*! tomorrow 8vi nngoii ... •».1 hits and 10 walks while fanning Spooner and th* departed Johany hot comer and a red hot hitting The Cubs did a lot of off-aeaann ta noon Monday and they may be . / A>*» tfi .Mct'irt!i> .. 191 troll's hecond base problem b e -! theae rooms before, during or I Leo DurtJeher. Some of the current spot—Milwaukee, New York. St, I. Brooki.vn and centerfielder Bill Bruton rank lUrlley ...... M'lP li|J» night. 21. Irouis, CinclRhatl and Philadelphia. 3. MIhvaukee Podre*. rookie, PVank Robinson, in the trading but little to add much bot^t at the following places: Kni^Crt ...... 112 m G. «*hA|»|*pll :127 came aciXe. triggered the attack after a ball game. There are no diamond favorites scheduled to aiv among th* best. But Danny outfield. needed potver, especially In the ...... i‘«f* IMrkpv...... hlh He's Imiked so good the Gianta' Last year oiUy 10 games separated 8. New Y'ork ' ■ The odds ate againat th* Dodg­ O'Ooimell must Improve at second. Charlie Lathrop. 100 E. Center St.; ricaut ...... , wlth nd-slam homer. exceptions to this rule. The u m -' pear Include Roy Carapaner Th* trouble with the Giants Is outfield. The tnfleld, spearheaded Tommy Conran: 4 Green Rd.: ElUsE1U» IliUni^ki ...... • 114 141 9? Don Mueller, a pretty fair hit­ second place Milwaukee and fifth 4. 8t. Louis ers approaching their 1055 feat of Bobby Thomson'must begin to hit aii ...... k7 *4- Kvfrrti .fr. . I9A te Comnuind pire-ln-chlef shall be responsible yogi Berra. Robin Roberts. Rnly they have dnlv one Willie -Mays, by the brilliant Ernie Banks, is Homaon Biaaell St.-Ga >t .’ cwel- l.,ow M ter. ranks him No. 1 on the Cleve- piece Cincinnati.'' A. Clacinnatl winning 32 of their firat 34 'gamea in left field and Conley's arm Robin Rol»eiTa was in complete ^ for *l» enforcement, and for r e -: pierce, A1 Kaline. Willi* even If he did cover both center sound and the front line pitching ara. Naaalff Arma and B id' elra-’t^iAis’■'T^lAiit ...... Ml Ml 49.3 ihks MS .Vkl 4M 1594 land staff ahead of Bob Lemon, Despite the uncertain condition «. Philadelphia but, the fact is, they look strong­ must respond and win 15 to 30 vic­ I.aa'a M orkei tl» . .MaiirheAter Anl«i r«rl« (1 Early Wynn and Mike Garcia. In charge a.i the l^iladeiphia rhlls j P'’® "'< Bobby Thomson and B ^ Eeller. er. They didn't rest on their end left field at one time laat year. Is adequate, but the catching la Oand>- and Soda Shop on .Man V D* IIa yrrm ...... kT M of pitching ace Gene Conley and 7. Chicago tories if the Braves art going to niiNrtl ...... till lie 101 niM uu fact, should the.v meet in the beat Boston's R eX sox 2-1. Robin. I ****"'• ’ , Th« »0-minute show Hla brilliance at bat and in the weak and the outfield 'la hap- St, Both men and women are in- -Taniuils famuli, ...... 44 9k Molumphv ...... 17 PW. 904 weaknesses at second base and 8. Pittsburgh laurels after knocking off th* Yan­ challenge the Dodgers. KlmpRfin ^...... I. . *4 104 192 World Series, Mueller figures it'll going nine InnlngaVfor the first ! There is always an escape for gj-gj, feature film clips /hmJ will Like most needy folks, the kee* in the World .Series. Hardly field cannot offset the team’s hasard. eltad 1 4^0...... ml KC IN left field, the Braves may be the The pitching ataff of Warren ZuDluniro...... 93 107 99 299 fVl'i'i ttn ...... 115 u r 112 Giants five games to win. time this spring, tos>^ a six-hit-11*’ * "i* " I" blue who hav-e moth- 7.30 ^ Manebbstef men Dodger-chasers arc grabbing at had |he celebration in Flatbush weaknesses on the mound, behind Th* Pirates, who finished last Mayor Harold TuiKington will \H'rViV(7 ...... *7 iir. IM Kloler ...... I'H ter and didn't 'valk a\man. The ' er-in-laxv troubles the latest were awarded va/aity letters best of tha also-rans. The Cards, Spahn, Bob Buhl. Lew Burdette four o f the past flve years, are NurPlU' ...... 125 229 They awept the Tribe in four called - the beat seventh-place club straws. They've found one ln«4he died down when the new champs the bat and in the infield. aarve at toastmaster and an enter­ and Chet Nichols, without Conley, Only Solid Pitcher starting out under the leaderahtp j T"l*l«...... 494 515 49ft 1475 ---- atraight In 19.%4. but Mueller'a con- Boston run '.vas unearn^. Richie'****'^ ■.-/TuiVi-i » .swimming at the Xtnlvcrait.v of ever to p la y , Ifi the Na.tlonal advanced age o f the key BrooRiyh dealt for Randy Jaok.soh, the Cubs' ia only adequate. taining program, comprising only I'otAU 4*7 41k 570 1,5.55 ceding one victory to Score this Aahbiirn. ".ith three of Connecticut recentl/ were Gordon slugging third baseman. Johnny Antonelli Is the only of a new manager, the Jpiiited "How to Bet on Baseball" is a League, could conceivably climb players and another In their prone­ Cards Need Pllrhlng local ^leakeis. ia presently tn^lng t'Aitilai Kaaiptnriil l|» t Ime. hits allowed by Tom Brew^veud Ecklef and Joe ^aloburdo. John Plenty *f ArtlUery solidI pipitcher on the club. Allan Bobby Bragen. Eighth piece at 111 TED KLUSZEWOHI __ 9S 92 %k 275 Holl>A«of»il Hrpvire 4>nIp^ three notches with Improved pltch- ness to injury, as witness the sore arranged. -A roast beef dinner will R.aur.satd'B<»aur<‘Riirrt .. 9UI .AIIn5VM Three illta Leo Kiely, won it with a tw ^ u n featured stor.' in the current issue Kleperis won a ^ r s it y C. in rifle ROBIN ROBRRTS In 1953, Brooklyn'* power gave Their own poor pitching mur­ Worthington may be the t t r o y ; looms. Their sole strength is In the Top Stagger Hutil'*r ...... in ina 97 112 PAfffiril ...... 17 IS o Esquire. A system for wager- *ng- , . - ■ arms of Billy Loea and Karl dered the Cards, laat yeai. iue ba prepared by the Banq.iet Com- yjJJ',''''Arato ....^ .4 ,! ,...... m 95 U2 BrtFrh ...... 122 115 111 944 Herb was at his usual be.st ye.s- homer. and Moie .Morhardt was awarded No. 1 Pitcher Spooner. rival pitchers and managers night­ righthander they need to box. aalttae made up of Homer Lara- R„m'it ...... l<4t 275 rhA|*p'‘ll ...... 117 Mng on major lest ue basebali iDIffIcuit to Analyse return of Vinegar Bend MlMlI wether th* ataff. Ruben Gomes and Bob Friend, Vernon Law,- Ronnie Riirn^lt ...... I lerday as Cleveland beat the Milwaukee got eight .scattered. his freshman ^numerals in baaket- • The Olanta, a difficult team to Same Old Story mares as the Dodger* bissted 201 bee, Isenny BJorkman. Joe Ragolis...... H i<^ 113 ill [ Gianta 6-4. Muellei- got to him for hits and t5vb nins.from Brookh-nprofitably '’ » » ’j " " ball. Artbuiyohorts was the Ion* home runs. With Jackson to con­ from service and a resurgence by Jim Heam nnd the number 8 and Kline, Dick Hall and Dick LitUe- • ToIa!* ...... 499 r;% W3 12HO ^— 1 and proven succe.s.sful over analyze because of the presence of But they’ve been saying for Harvey Haddtx. Tom Poholsky end Tommy Maaon and Oonran. Vnaartv Nraa. an infield single and Gall Harris rookie Don Drysdale for aix numeral wmner in freshman rifle. years the Dodgers are getting old. tribute his share—he hit 21 last 4 pitchers. Wes Weatrum heads a fleld win make the Pirates moire Veteran Ump m kh 79C TntAl. .V>.5 5*1 5.51 1519 irlod of years by John Daven- Willie Maya, Alvan Dark and Don Larry Jackson could make a all Eleven high'school girls have llurAn...... 97 followed with a home run — hit to frames, then Jumped on Dave Cole Shorta eeXpeted with the varsity Last Night’s Fights ■And even though injuries did set year—the team may ahatter the weaH hittliig ckteblng ataff. Even respectable. Their only hope for , WaIr ...... 1»I4 91 119 .315 lleC'Armler .Mntnr» a man wh > has devoted Mueller to’ counterbalance weak., able difference. a rise to seventh ilea In their youth volunteered to lerve as waitresses , WrHvlteRifl ..., ...... 9f‘ Irt5 ira .lAgVlg ...... Ml 1P2 124 9.99 the opposite geld, off a low outside for four runs in the eighth and shooters/Dut wasn't eligible for an in last year, the Brobka surmount­ Qienta'..club, record of 331 set . in Billy Rigney, who suocseded Lao r : nesses at second, third, left field and in their pitching. for the Teatlmonlal honoring’ three' j D^Pimnn'*, .. . if* in .145 Rurjo ...... 115 315 f"*f ^*1' "" *be fir.9t inning, but '.\on 8-4. Bob Buhl was solved for 'Twebty years of Intensive study varsity/letter. . . Sam Lewin and New York — Herman (Rory) ed them by bringing up fresh 1047. The Cards' attack, as usual, will Duroeher as manager, doesn't In Hospital Wf|it ...... 99 SS Calhoun, 161, White Plains, N. Y „ and behind the plate with a quea- o f the Red and White's finest While ...... S5 1 111 ill fben Score became alnio.it un- only three hits before being chaised to the game.' Gil l^rahman Who toyed with the ; jTMAU ...... '. R9S 417 441 135C DaveriXi"! * system ia explained outpointed Jackie LaBiia 158 3-4, aquads. The volunteers are Pam­ Mrrmiphey ...... Si Ml I2<' 914 touchable. He walked ju.st two and in the eighth. Bob Trowbridge cut idea/ of promoting professional Springfield, IIU April 10 (g>— ela Shorta. Marilyn Fishe. Mary j 5.51 1519 f*bb^'* while giving only one off the Brool- rally at one run, in the maglk^ne. His article proves bo^ng in Manchester have wound Valley Stream, N. Y., 10. 'TnUiK ,.... 55« that if a dally belter put down,* ' Stockton, Calif. — Art Aregon, Hockey at a Glance Detroit Needs Victory Tonight Al- -Barlick, ...... a NaUonalLai Laagtw tan* Moriarty, Nancy Saiindera. Caro- W.ATER SKI MEET more hit In his five innings . a but was evicted himself in the nil in New Britaii\ running showa Calkbun Indicates He^s Ready a nominal am ^ bt in 19.Vi on any 147*4, Los Angeles, stopped R 8ul plr* the last 10 ^ars, may.mlM lyn Johnaon. Jean LeClaire. ,V ir-' La Porte, Ind. iNEAi The Na- ; sma.sh to the mound that went for ninth when Randy Jackson hom- j A the Stanley Arena. . "Play Ten­ Mond::y'a Reaiilta Local Sport of the t.b maJor\Jeagiie teams, he Perez, 148*4, Cuba, 5. opening day April. 17. ginla Fieia. Loretta Carjson. An- j llonal Water Ski Championships ered. Johnny Logan homered off nis Week" will he celebrated from No gamea scheduled. 1 would have neltX ^a substantia)- San Jose, Calif. — Teddy (Red To Keep Playoff Series Alive Barlick, 41, reportedly has bean drea Ci'r, Evertt'n Yatinsky and will be held .».l la Porte. Aug. 24- , R i / z 11 Lii 111 pe: I• Doo r'eller mopped up for the Drysdale, a 19-year-old right­ May 24 through Ma.y 31 it has been Tueada.V'a Schedule To Move into Faster Company profit following hisho'slem. Top) Davis, 1.39, Hartford. Conh., bothered by a heart condlUm i 8uc MeCtomb. I ' ' 26. , « I Tribe tvith four hits - - one a two- hander. announced by the United Stales Nation* elLague Chatter St. John's Hospitu laat "My formula is slinpje and e ^ y outpointed Eddie Chavez, 1.38, San entered, Seek Infield 1 O N I I nin homer by Hank Thompson. Lawn Tennis Assn. Detroit at Montreal (Montreal Montreal, Aiprll 10 (iP)--^^The De-w Johnaon flatly denied tha alle- wtaoiW Cincinnati whipped Washington to follow." Davenport ^ y s, )and Jose. 10. New York. April 10 Unde-^other times and cut him over both ! who was purpo.sely held back until leads best-of seven-series, 3-1). troit Red Wings go. into the fifth gation and talked vaguely of suing umpiring 7-1 behind the fbur-hit pitching of It is easy to follow and dX»o I re Tokyo — Hachlro Tatsiimi, feated Herman (Rory) Calhoun eye*. Barlick had I Dallas. April 10 (J*i The — once----- j Score departed. Giant j ,, , Manager , . Connecticut is still one of a few. .Amprican League COACH RKDHY JARVIS and game of the Stanley Chip final Adams “For .aylng I deliberately exhibition games in Floridada but Tom' Baseler Named Captain crowded fiel.d in the running for ■ BUI Rlgne.v figured Hank might rookie...... Pat S/lantlebury , and Joe , oiilre any extensive knowlMge of Japan, outpointed Teruo Onuki, today served notice on the middle­ The knockdown in th* fourth .slate.* in which the National Base­ Japan, 12 Middlewelghts, No games scheduled. weight contenders that he Is reedy waa of the flaah variety. Jackie, hla Mancheater Auto ParU soft­ againat th* Montreal Canadians tried to injur* Pryatai." • returned last week after becoming, ' the New York Yankees' shortstop, further injure his stiff shoulder ® I baseball, yet it gives t V > ' ^ r a tonight needing a victory to heap scoring bothv„.i. times.. as fT-.j Ted ...... Kliis- tremendous edgeige hvby tellingt^ in g mmnen May 25 Mad­ tory eight count. cordially invited to attend. we're up against. We can atlit puU IM.. ha* been elected captain of ' at the recent State Gallery Cham- j George O owe from Milwaukee , in ! lionalxTournsment winner at ison Square Garden date," said He's tough, real tough," said this aeries out." suing AdaRM." Cincinnati said BarliOk'a eondt* wltli. He finished last season for **'• . , j Her* arc the ffc tors In Daven NO FANCY WORDS Ui* Mancheater High School rifle i plonships In New Haven Casey Stengel looks down relyrn"elyrn for outfielder Bob Hazle. 1 Wichlta\K*b.. will receive a Jltti- Bachman after hla 21-year-old ti­ LaBua, who has fought topnotch- The Canadlena hold a 3-1 lead Ooacii Blake aald' it seemed ob­ Uon is "regrettable" and that Baaeler'a election was an- the Yankees' diigoiit and won­ me and played the World Series. 1 *'*'* ehecked the ex port's formula-~ TOP BOWLkNQ scores last League President Warren OUss team, it waa announced last night He *" ^ tr'be“ i^tte7 no«""hVn i »»‘‘>*‘‘°" «chedule/to flve games _ j vx'bo goes to Wichita, and an as 1. Bet on a4eam only if it won I 000 cash pxn sr, plus mileage. Presi- ger from White Plains. N. Y., at-a. "He hit me herder ^an any- in games in the beat-of-s*ven final vious to. him that the Winga ■were noiuiced 'by retiring Co-Captains ders. The athlete next to 0610 night Included! Elka L e a g u e - would nomaue a statamant ea at th* rifle team awards banquet through the last two springs n o! «"'* pRbhlng dominated each one. I .yrt unnamed player, its previous ^ n ie. ! dent Ra.v Immonl reports that an NO WILD CLAIMS ripped sturdy Jackie LaBua to on* I've ever fought and that In­ and are prohibitive favorites to out to "get" Oeoffrlon. at the Garden Grove. Robert Miller and Jon Harriaon. the manager is Pilcher Don I estimated |.5)kP00 will be appor­ pieces at St. Nicholas Arena last cludes Gil Turner. Billy McNeece W ait Htllhakl 143-387. Tony Sal­ wind it up tonl.ght on their home Barlick until receiving a full re­ aches, no pains. 2. Never tori' the home team if lajaied la Practice Baaeler, one of 10 lettermen I>arsen, who wound up with tioned to teamsHn the J2nd annual night. and Gene Fullmer. All he has to vatore 139-360, Tom Blanchard Icet port from doctors. LETTERMEN I.OST his RUtoniobile wrapped "S till. Liimpe has looked good, i you have.ro give or lake runa. 135-135-359, Nick Ambulo* 353; "Thc.r kngw Ue had been injured Barlick, who was bom te given award! laat night, Is rated 3. M a k / every bet for the same I finals this .vear. \Yogi Berra will JUST FINE USED Bachman jmd Trainer Charley do ia learn to shorten his punches Recriminations have bsen the i a DlsUnguiahed Rifleman, the. Columbus. Ohio (N E A t—-Spring around a telephone pole at He does everything a (hortstop'a' Automotive—B. MartliY 136 and in practice and that there was Spriiurfleld, joined ttw Matteaal Red Top Gains Split Decision amount / of money ' be presented with nis third most Goldman, the'mite who also condi­ and he'll be a champioh.” rule in .his aeries between th* bit­ some doubt for a while about him highest junior claasiflcatlon offered football'practice ia remindful that | ,'5:.10 am . as the American supposed to do. His hitting is as j tions . Heavyweight Champion Referee Mark Conn (7-3.) and Russo 135. ' ( League umpiring ataff te 1940. i.eague champions were about good as expected. And what's 4. Always bet on the same.team. j valuable player awai ONlrophy prior ter hockey rivals. being able to play Sunday.” said by the National Rifle Assn. He was 14 lettermen, headed by two-time • to the Yanks opening game against CARS ALWAYS! Rocky Marciano, have moved Cal­ Judge Harold Barnes (8-3) . had All-America Howard Casiady, -are ! to break ramp in St. Peters­ niore\ he's a very determined Th